Correct the shape of your legs with exercise. X-shaped legs

Slender legs have long been considered one of the components of the standard female beauty. Owners of long, straight legs are happy to demonstrate their advantages, sometimes turning them into serious weapons, striking down representatives of the courageous half of humanity. Many girls dream of wearing short skirts and shorts, catching the admiring glances of fans. Well, what should those who have been deprived of by nature do?

What can determine the shape of the legs?

The shape of any part of the body, including the legs, depends on genetic, ethnic and gender characteristics. In fact, it is as individual as, for example, the shape of the auricle or nose. With age, the body undergoes various transformations - the joint-ligamentous apparatus weakens, subcutaneous fat is deposited, muscles degrade, body weight increases, creating additional stress on the skeleton, etc. For these reasons, the shape of the legs also changes.

What is false curvature and how does it differ from true curvature?

Ideally, the legs should have several points of contact - at the knees, in the area of ​​the convex part of the shins and at the ankles. Orthopedic surgeons distinguish between true and false curvature of the legs. These two states are fundamentally different. True curvature is the result of structural features or deformation of the bones of the lower extremities. False - a consequence of the disproportionate distribution of soft tissues (muscle and fat) with the correct arrangement of skeletal bones.

True curvature, in turn, can be varus, i.e. resemble the letter “O”, in which the knees do not touch, or valgus - when the shape of the legs is similar to the letter “X”. In this case, on the contrary, the knees touch and the ankles are moved away from each other.

With false curvature, in most cases a gap forms between the convex parts of the legs, forming a spindle-shaped defect. However, there are also combined cases where valgus and varus curvature also have a false character due to “looseness” of the joints due to age-related or traumatic damage to the ligaments. The diagram below shows the types of leg curvature with the exception of the combined type: it is a combination false curvature with knees not closing.

a - closure at three points (ideal legs); b - non-closure of the knees (true O-shaped curvature); c - non-closure of the ankles (true X-shaped curvature); d - non-closure of the soft tissues of the upper third of the legs (false curvature)

It is enough to pay attention to the shape of a newborn’s legs to understand that we all come into this world with the following “disadvantage”: the legs resemble the letter “O” and become straight by approximately two years. In some cases, by the age of three, the curvature occurs in the opposite direction, giving the legs the appearance of the letter “X,” but by the age of six or seven, the legs of most children are completely straightened.

In what cases is surgery necessary?

Almost any type of limb curvature today can be effectively eliminated. In some cases, this can be achieved independently, and in more complex cases, through surgery.

Surgery is performed for any true curvature, as it is related to the structure of the skeleton. Straightening bones is impossible with any procedures or exercises. In such cases, they resort to special orthopedic operations with the installation of an Ilizarov corrective apparatus on the bones of the lower leg, the use of which gives the maximum result.

As for the need for surgery for false curvature of the legs, it is performed only when conservative methods of correction (gymnastics, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures) have not had the desired effect. In this case, surgical correction of the shape of the lower leg is performed either by cruroplasty or by lipolifting.

Restoring the shape of the lower leg using cruroplasty (photo)

Back view. Scars are almost invisible

In the first case, the surgeon installs corrective silicone implants on the patient’s inner segments of the lower leg, and in the second, he uses his own for plastic surgery. adipose tissue, removing them from the stomach. With both methods, implants are inserted through small incisions, after which the skin is stitched with a cosmetic suture, which will not be noticeable later. The operations are performed under general anesthesia.

Plastic surgery of the legs using silicone implants has significant disadvantages - the inserts, installed through an incision under the knee between the muscles of the leg, can move over time, again disrupting the shape of the leg. In this case, they will need to be removed. In addition, with installed implants, unfortunately, you cannot play sports.

Special sets of exercises

The proposed universal complex consists of nine simple exercises that can be done at home. The main condition for success is regular exercise. If you practice occasionally, you should not expect a good result. For greater clarity and convenience, you can look at the pictures below.

  1. Rise onto your tiptoes, holding onto the back of the chair. You need to do the exercise 10–15 times in 5 approaches.
  2. Do similar movements while standing on one leg. In this case, the number of lifts can be reduced.
  3. Stand on a small elevation so that your heels hang freely, for example, on a board or block, and then rise on your tiptoes, then touch your heels to the floor at the lowest point. Do the exercise in three sets lasting 25–30 seconds each.
  4. Jump as high as possible, while trying not to bend your knees. It is necessary to do three sets of 5-6 jumps.
  5. Perform the jumps described above, but on one leg.
  6. Sit on a chair and place a heavy object on your knees, and then raise your feet on your toes 40-50 times. Recommended item weight is 5 kg.
  7. Sit on the floor and press your feet against the wall. Hold the position for 5 seconds, then relax for 10–15 seconds and repeat the exercise 3–4 times again at the same interval.
  8. Squat without lifting your heels off the floor, while trying to touch your buttocks to your calves. You need to do 3 sets of 12–15 squats.
  9. Do the same squats as described in the previous exercise, but stand with your toes on a slight elevation (5–7 cm). You are allowed to hold on to the support.

A universal set of exercises for correcting the shape of the legs (tips for instructions)

How to correct depending on the type and degree of curvature

We present to your attention another complex special exercises, which is designed for various curvature options. First you need to do exercises to warm up your muscles:

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and lift your toes, trying to keep your feet on the floor and tensing all the leg muscles as much as possible.
  2. Standing in the same position, tuck your toes, also tensing your leg muscles.
  3. Place your heels together and toes apart. With tension in your leg muscles, smoothly rise onto your toes, spreading and bringing your heels together.
  4. In a sitting position, spread your legs and lift your toes towards you, leaving your heels on the floor. In this position, spread and bring your feet together until you feel slight pain.
  5. In the same position, bring and spread your heels, resting your toes on the floor.
  6. Lie down on the mat and spin your legs like a bicycle for a few minutes.

Once you have warmed up your muscles, you can begin special exercises that match your curvature type.

For O-shaped

  1. Lie on your back and do the “scissors” first in the vertical plane and then in the horizontal. Gradually increase the exercise time.
  2. With your back straight, squat smoothly with your knees together. Try to squat as deeply as possible.
  3. Kneel down, put your hands on your waist, and spread your feet out to the sides. Squat slowly, trying to touch the floor with your buttocks.
  4. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, then, without lifting your feet off the floor, bring your knees in and out.
  5. March on inside feet

For X-shaped

  1. Holding onto the table, try to pull your knee higher, helping yourself with your hands, and then turn it back, as ballerinas usually do. Do the exercise with each leg in turn.
  2. Sit down on the mat in Turkish style, and pressing on your knees, try to bring them as close to the floor as possible.
  3. In a sitting position, bring the soles of your feet together and also press on your knees, trying to touch them to the floor.
  4. Lie on your stomach and in this position, bring your soles together, spreading your knees apart. Try to hold this pose for 3 minutes, and then strive to increase the exercise time to 15 minutes.
  5. Do the previous exercise only in a supine position, trying to touch your knees to the floor.
  6. March on the outside of your feet.

Exercises to correct the shape of your legs (video)

Healing yoga

Yoga is also very useful for improving the shape of your legs. Among the main goals of yoga are the spiritual, mental and physical improvement of a person. This ancient practice can do a lot, including the ability to correct the shape of the legs. You may not know, but there is a whole direction in yoga that deals with such issues - Iyengar Yoga. If you choose this method of correcting the shape of your legs, you must realize that the path will be long and difficult. Several haphazard studies will not bring any benefit - it takes months, or even years hard training with complete dedication, but the result will be impressive.

You need to practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor and repeat the exercises at home. Iyengar yoga strives to help a person achieve the correct body position - the one that nature intended for him. It is believed that under the influence of special asanas, not only muscles, but also bones can change their shape, since the body is constantly renewing tissues, including bones, at the cellular level. In the Iyengar asana complex, there are special exercises in which the legs are stretched with weights and belts, and the arch of the foot is placed in an anatomically correct position, which improves posture and gait.

How to straighten your legs with Iyengar yoga (video)

What else can help?

There are several other options to correct this situation:

  • Regular barefoot jogging in the sand can have a good effect.
  • Massage. As for massage, it can be considered as an independent measure to eliminate curvature of the legs only in childhood - up to three years. For adult patients, massage is recommended to enhance the effect obtained from special exercises.

As we can see, it is quite possible to get rid of crooked legs - just start working on yourself. Moreover, every owner of less than ideal legs should remember that this problem will absolutely not overshadow the impression she makes if the girl’s personality is bright, interesting and meaningful. As they say, our problems are not outside - they are in our heads...

Correction of congenital or acquired curvature of the legs is required condition maintaining health knee joints and ankle. Modern medicine offers a number of methods of surgical intervention and special sets of exercises that allow you to successfully cope with this problem.

Legs that are crooked to one degree or another are a problem not only of an aesthetic, but also a physiological nature, which can be solved with the help of various means of straightening. Depending on the specific case, exercises are used at home, a course of massage is carried out, or surgery is prescribed. Each correction method is discussed in detail in the article.

Curvature of the legs: causes and types

Often congenital factors or bone diseases suffered in childhood or adolescence lead to curvature of the legs. Less commonly, such pathology is observed in adulthood. Most often, curvature of the legs is caused by the following reasons:

  • hereditary predisposition and birth trauma;
  • bone diseases in childhood (rickets, hip subluxation);
  • Blount's disease - progression of osteochondrosis of the tibia, which serves as a support for the leg;
  • Paget's disease is most common in adults.

Deviations in the shape of the lower extremities can have varying degrees, which is reflected in the course of treatment. The most common classification of types of curvature (in comparison with the norm)

  1. The legs are standard (ideal) - all proportions are met, the feet, calves and knees are completely in contact, and along the entire length of the limbs there are only 3 gaps - this is easy to check if you stand up straight and press your legs together as much as possible.
  2. O-shaped curvature - in this case, the knees do not touch together, if the feet are tightly moved, and an elongated oval is visually visible along the entire internal contour of the lower extremities.
  3. False curvature is characterized by an external violation of the shape of the legs, caused by an uneven distribution of tissue substance on the lower leg - excess fat or muscle. The feet and knees touch freely, but the calves do not close. This situation does not require treatment, so it is necessary to carry out cosmetic procedures.
  4. X-shaped curvature 0 in this case the knees are free to touch, but the feet cannot close together.

classification of types of leg curvature in comparison with the normal state

If bone correction treatment is not started in time, it can not only increase visual effect, but also contribute to the development of arthrosis, foot displacement, and premature diseases of the knee joints due to uneven load distribution.

Curvature correction using surgery

All methods for correcting curvature of the legs can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Without surgery – i.e. using a special set of exercises that can be performed both in the clinic and at home.
  2. With the help of surgical intervention it is more complex cases when it is not possible to correct the deviation in any other way. The cost of the operation is always determined by a specific case, but in general it starts from 120,000 rubles (taking into account the full range of services from consultation to rehabilitation).

Note! Choosing a specific treatment method is a responsible decision that should be made only after consultation with a doctor. Self-medication may not produce results or worsen the situation, since the patient cannot take into account all the nuances for choosing a specific type of therapy.

Statistics show that patients with an O-shaped deviation use orthopedic services and resort to surgery much more often (18-20 times) than with an X-shaped curvature. There are several types of surgery, and each of them aims to directly impact the tibia to correct its shape.

Angular correction

Often the operation is aimed at changing the angle - for example, during the angular correction procedure, the tibia is straightened, as shown in the diagram.

As a result of this measure, in practice, satisfactory treatment results are achieved even in advanced cases - examples are shown in the photo.

angular correction in 2 patients: a 19-year-old girl (left) and a 26-year-old young man (right)


This medical term refers to an operation in which not the entire tibia, but only its lower fragment is forcibly shifted towards the perineum, as shown in the diagram.

Often this action is combined with angular correction. The main purpose of such an intervention is to achieve the aesthetic attractiveness of the legs, so it is most often performed on girls. X-rays and photographs of the legs of one of the patients are shown in the figure.

girl (19 years old) before and after tibia medicilization surgery

Bone rotation surgery

Rotation of a bone means its rotation around an axis without displacement to the right or left. This type of intervention is less common, but it is what is used in cases where a simple rotation of the tibia to the inside is sufficient for correction. The essence is also presented in the diagram.
Corresponding photographs of the patients' legs are shown in the figure.

surgery to rotate the tibia in a girl (19 years old)

Ilizarov apparatus

Regardless of the specific type of surgical intervention, its essence is approximately the same:

  1. Small incisions are made on the skin (deep to the tibia)
  2. The bone is brought out in the correct direction - it is shifted along the axis by the required angle.
  3. After this, it is necessary for the bone to get used to the new position - i.e. fixed. The process is shown schematically in the figure.

During the operation, a forced displacement of the axis of the tibia is carried out, due to which the legs acquire the correct shape over time

For this purpose, special straightening devices are used. The most popular is the so-called Ilizarov apparatus, which has been successfully used in domestic medicine for several decades.

This device is a special design made from an alloy of stainless metals. It is implanted directly into the body of the bone using wires that are rigidly fixed into the bone tissue. Thanks to special rings to which the knitting needles are attached, the device is used to stretch or, conversely, tighten the bone, which allows you to customize it for any individual case.

The operation to implant the device is performed under general or regional anesthesia, so the patient will not feel any pain.

Ilizarov apparatus on the patient's leg after surgery

Note! Since the knitting needles penetrate directly into the soft and hard tissues of the lower extremities, it is necessary to carry out constant care of all structural elements: it is necessary to treat them daily with any antiseptic - for example, medical alcohol or ordinary vodka. Specific recommendations for caring for the device and leg during rehabilitation are given by the attending physician.

Due to the fact that with the help of this design it is possible to keep the leg in the same position, it is possible to solve several problems at once:

  • lengthening or shortening the limb if necessary;
  • preventing rotational displacement of the tibia – i.e. changes in its position due to rotational movements;
  • removal of the head of the fibula, which protrudes beyond the normal position and thereby aggravates the curvature of the legs.

The device is worn until complete recovery, which usually occurs after 1.5-2 months. Each case is individual, but in general the deviation from this period is as in b O greater or lesser is observed in no more than 10% of patients. The device allows normal walking - it is worn under clothing, and over time the patient manages to get used to it: the weight of the product does not exceed 1 kg.

Patients often wonder whether it is possible to correct the lower extremities without the Ilizarov apparatus. It should be said here that this method is the most common - it is most often used during rehabilitation after surgery, since without long-term fixation of the bone in a new position, there is a high probability of it returning to its original, incorrect position. Therefore, a device or other means of rehabilitation is always used to consolidate the surgical result.

Questions are also often asked about how much the Ilizarov apparatus costs and where it can be purchased. Such a device can be ordered from specialized medical equipment stores, many of which have their own websites. The cost largely depends on several factors:

  • sizes: children's devices are cheaper than adults;
  • purpose: for the thigh, lower leg (sometimes for the arms);
  • manufacturer (the price of products from different brands may vary greatly).

Approximate prices at which you can purchase an Ilizarov apparatus are presented in the table.

The devices are sold in full configurations and individual parts - knitting needles, half rings, rods and others. In most cases, the design is created on the basis of different elements that are purchased separately.

Correction of curvature of the legs without surgery

Surgery is not always required to correct this defect. There are many cases when surgical intervention not practical because the curvature can be corrected with exercises, special devices, or cosmetic procedures.

Exercises to correct O-curvature

Treatment deviation on early stages It is quite possible with the help of simple exercises, most of which can be performed without special devices. For example, in the case of O-curvature, the following cycle of tasks should be performed on a daily basis:

  1. Walking with support only on the inner sides of the foot.
  2. Walking with support only on your heels (toes pointing outward).
  3. Squats in a position with your heels aligned and your toes pointed out (your feet are almost in line).
  4. Abducting the leg to the side in a free state and using tension on the rubber cord (power abduction).
  5. Raise your legs in different directions and make circular movements while leaning on your side (leaning against the wall).
  6. Raises and circular movements of the leg in a lying position (alternately on each side).
  7. Leg scissor swings (crossing) in a lying position.

Each exercise is performed in several cycles, the number and duration of which are agreed upon with the attending physician. In addition, you should discuss the possibility of engaging in a sport that is optimal for such a deviation: swimming, dancing (ballet), speed skating.

Exercises to correct X-curvature

For this case, the following set of classes is used:

  1. Walking with support only on the outer sides of the foot.
  2. Performing squats while simultaneously holding a ball between your knees.
  3. Yoga classes - long sitting in the lotus position.

Some sports (horseback riding, cycling, and breaststroke swimming) are also well suited for the treatment of this deviation. Special attention should be devoted to yoga classes - it is worth discussing this possibility with your doctor.

Exercises on the simulator

Some exercises on a special leg trainer also effectively help cope with pathology in the early stages of development. The simplest option is to run a loop like this:

  1. Position yourself on the machine so that when you extend your legs, it is at a height of no more than a third of your shin. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Next, you need to press your back to the surface and gradually straighten your knees.
  3. Then also smoothly return your legs to their original position.

In the exercise cycle, you should gradually increase the weight of the load, focusing on your feelings. Correct location on the simulator during classes is shown in the photo.

The purpose of the exercises on the simulator is to correct the relief and shape of the quadriceps femoris muscle.

Application of massage

In some cases special course massage allows you to solve the problem of crooked legs without surgery. Only a specialist can carry it out. Typically, the procedure includes not only a massage of the lower extremities, but also the buttocks and back - this allows you to tone the entire body and achieve a better effect.

The massage course is mainly carried out for children and is carried out several times a year (3-4 cycles) in long sessions. Massage is usually combined with other treatment methods to speed up the patient's recovery.

Application of the bandage

This remedy is often prescribed by orthopedists to correct curvature. It is easy to use at home - however, you will not be able to walk at this time, since the therapeutic effect is achieved by tightening the limbs together.

The device is used daily for several hours, and while wearing it you need to perform several exercises:

There are many more exercises with a bandage - you should learn in detail about the full course and mode of their implementation from an orthopedist and follow his instructions.

Correcting false curvature

False curvature is associated with the characteristics of soft tissues, and not the structure of the legs themselves, therefore correction methods in in this case completely different. Essentially, these are cosmetic procedures that allow you to bring your legs into the correct shape. In some cases, surgery is necessary:

  1. Fat grafting is an operation to implant your own fat (often from the thighs or abdomen) taken from other parts of the body into certain areas of the lower legs. As a result, the legs acquire the correct shape and look much more attractive.
  2. Treatment with implants, which are placed on the back or inside of the legs, depending on the specific case.
  3. Cruroplasty (correction of the shape of the shins) based on silicone overlays is special products, which are filled with gel, due to which they become very similar in properties to muscle tissue. They are implanted into the lower legs like regular implants.

Note! When choosing a specific plastic surgery method, it is important to understand that the success of the operation largely depends on the doctor. Good feedback There have been repeated reports about Dr. Oleg Gennadievich Teterin, who works in one of the clinics in Volgograd.

Curvature of the legs is not a death sentence, and modern medical technologies have made it possible to achieve successful results even in cases where the angle of deviation was too large. It is important to consult with an orthopedist and begin treatment immediately.

is a pathology in which a person standing with his legs straightened and brought together has a distance between his heels of 5 centimeters or more. In most cases, X-shaped legs are not a congenital disease, but develop due to excessive stress on the child’s legs in the first years of life. The diagnosis is made based on external examination, radiography and other studies. IN early age Conservative correction is performed; if conservative treatment fails and the deformity progresses, surgery is indicated.


Most often, hallux valgus deformity of the lower extremities develops due to excessive load on the baby’s fragile legs. The reason may be too early start walking - in such cases, the muscles and ligaments are not yet strong enough to hold the child’s legs in the correct position, and poor coordination aggravates this problem, since when walking the baby spreads his legs too wide so as not to fall.

The formation of X-shaped legs can also be caused by excess weight of the child. However, if excess weight is absent, pathology more often develops in asthenics rather than in hypersthenics, which may be due to congenital weakness of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, more typical for people with an asthenic body type. Girls suffer from hallux valgus more often than boys due to the structural features of the pelvis associated with the sex of the child, while the wider the pelvis and the shorter the femurs, the more pronounced the X-shaped curvature of the legs can be.

Some kidney diseases and other diseases that provoke disturbances in calcium metabolism and, as a result, a decrease in the strength of bone tissue have a negative impact on the formation of the skeleton. In previous times, rickets was considered one of the main reasons for the development of hallux valgus; however, nowadays this problem has lost its relevance. However, rickets does occasionally occur and must be excluded in the differential diagnosis.

In some cases, X-shaped legs are inherited. The disorder is caused by improper ossification of the lateral condyle of the femur. Unlike acquired hallux valgus, a genetically determined pathology is detected immediately after the birth of a child, since normally newborns should exhibit a physiological O-shaped deformity. Congenital X-shaped curvature of the legs is always combined with flat feet and valgus deformity of the femoral neck.

Unilateral valgus curvature of the legs is less common than unilateral one. The cause of such deformation can be intra-articular fractures of the condyles of the tibia and femur, compression fractures of the metaphyses, as well as diaphyseal fractures of the femur and tibia with unresolved angular displacement. Sometimes a unilateral X-shaped deformity develops with congenital anomalies of the lower extremities (hip dysplasia and congenital hip dislocation, tibial hypoplasia, abnormal development of the knee joint, etc.), malignant and benign tumors of cartilage and bone tissue.

Along with true valgus deformity of the legs, caused by changes in the bones and joints of the lower extremities, there is a false curvature associated with the peculiarities of the location of soft tissues. False X-shaped leg deformity is a purely cosmetic defect and does not require special treatment.


Children with X-shaped legs get tired quickly and often complain of pain in the lower extremities. Their gait becomes awkward and uncertain. Sometimes muscle cramps occur. The change in the shape of the legs is visible to the naked eye; to accurately assess the severity of the pathology, the child is asked to stand with his legs brought together, after which the distance between the feet is measured. If in a child under the age of 4 years this distance exceeds 4-5 cm, further examination, conservative treatment and dynamic observation are necessary.

The long-term existence of hallux valgus leads to anatomical changes in the knee joints, feet, and in some cases the spine. The internal collateral ligaments of the knee joints are overstretched, the joint becomes unstable, and lateral hyperextension occurs. The feet of patients with X-shaped legs acquire a planovalgus position, flat feet are formed, which makes walking even more difficult, causes pain and increased fatigue after exercise. If one leg is more bent than the other, the child's torso deviates from the vertical axis, which can lead to poor posture and the formation of scoliosis.


The diagnosis is established by a specialist in the field of orthopedics and traumatology based on the results of an external examination, radiography, plantography and special measurements. X-rays of the knee joints reveal unevenness of the joint space, the internal condyles are better developed than the external condyles, and the external condyles are sloping. With hereditary valgus curvature, the contours of the ossified part of the external condyles may be blurry and indistinct. The arches of the feet are flattened; plantography data and determination of the podometric index according to Friedland confirm the presence of pathological changes.

Treatment of X-shaped legs

Mild deformity in children younger age is a physiological norm and does not require special treatment. In the absence of pathological changes in the joints, observation by a pediatric orthopedist is recommended. In case of severe valgus curvature of the legs, conservative measures are taken. Exercise therapy complexes are prescribed to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the thighs and legs, and it is recommended to wear special shoes that limit the lateral deviation of the legs. The child is referred for massage and physiotherapy. In severe cases, special articulated orthoses and removable splints are used.

The prolonged existence of hallux valgus deformity provokes early development gonarthrosis, therefore, adults and older children in the presence of persistent pathology undergo operations for curvature of the legs. Treatment tactics depend on the type and cause of the deformity. For X-shaped legs caused by hereditary pathology or weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, a femoral osteotomy is performed. IN postoperative period exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

In case of unilateral curvature caused by injuries or pathological processes in the middle part of the leg, an Ilizarov apparatus is applied, while simultaneously performing an osteotomy of the tibia

The problem of crooked legs is widespread among both women and men. This deficiency gives rise to various complexes in a person when in society, and can also lead to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

That is why this pathology must be corrected in the initial stages, since there is a significant chance of not only giving the legs perfect shape, but also to avoid the appearance of concomitant diseases.

Types of deformations


True curvature is a change or deformation of the bones of the thigh and lower leg. Most often, the tibia is deformed, i.e., the lower part of the leg becomes bent.

It occurs as a result of diseases of the musculoskeletal system suffered at an early age or is a consequence of metabolic disorders. Also, this type of curvature can be hereditary.


There are two forms of true curvature - varus and valgus. With varus curvature, the shape of the legs resembles the letter “O”, so it is often called “O” - shaped.

In this case the knees do not touch. People with this pathology are often said to have wheel legs.


Unlike the previous type, in this case the legs are tightly closed at the knees, but the ankles are far apart.

The shape of the limbs with this type of pathology is shaped like the letter “X”. Valgus curvature is much less common than varus, but both of these defects are clearly visible when walking.


With false curvature, the skeleton of the limbs is not changed. The curvature is caused by improper distribution of the soft tissues of the legs.

It is this variety that causes only aesthetic inconvenience and does not threaten the development of any concomitant diseases.


Exercises against varus form

Therapy for this disease can be carried out different ways, physical exercise plays an important role.

With the help of specially designed gymnastics you can normalize blood circulation in soft tissues, strengthen leg muscles. Long-term regular workouts help reduce curvature.

The most effective exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, stretch your legs. Raise them slightly above the floor and do the scissors exercise, then repeat it, raising your legs perpendicular to the floor.
  2. Squat down with your knees together and your back straight. To be more effective, squat exercises should be as deep as possible.
  3. Get on your knees, spread your feet to the sides, put your hands on your waist. Squat down, trying to touch your buttocks to the floor.
  4. Walk on the inside of your feet for a few minutes.
  5. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bring your knees in and out with the greatest possible amplitude. The feet should not leave the floor.
  6. Exercises on a special simulator on which you need to forcefully bring and spread your legs are effective. If you don't have it, you can use the following method. Put on your socks, stand on the floor and bring your legs together and spread them, sliding your feet.
  7. Stand near a support that you can hold onto with your hands, and swing your legs to the sides. This exercise can be repeated lying down.
  8. Sit on a chair, raise your legs straight in front of you, holding the back of the chair with your hands if necessary. To complicate the exercise, you can hold a small weight with your feet.

Important! All exercises must be started with a small number of repetitions; over time, the duration of exercises must be gradually increased.

Exercises against hallux valgus

All exercises necessary for the treatment of the disease must be performed regularly.

Exercises for the “X”-shaped curvature:

  1. Sitting cross-legged, press your knees as close to the floor as possible, helping yourself with your hands.
  2. Sit on the floor with your feet together in front of you. Press on your knees with your hands, trying to press them as close to the floor as possible.
  3. Lie on your back with your feet together. Lie in this position for several minutes. Gradually, the exercise time can be increased to a quarter of an hour.
  4. Do the same as described in the third exercise, lying on your stomach.
  5. Walk on the outside of your feet for a few minutes a day.
  6. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, placing your feet parallel to each other, and squat. Make sure that your knees do not protrude forward over your feet or move apart.
  7. Squat on your knees, sitting on the floor between them.
  8. Walk on your toes without bending your knees. Steps need to be taken small.
  9. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Rotate your feet alternately inward and outward, trying to rotate them as much as possible.

Exercises to correct curvature of the legs are presented in the video.

Correction methods

Orthopedic surgery with the Ilizarov apparatus

In some cases, pathology can be corrected only by surgery. The Ilizarov apparatus is most often used for this.

With the help of the design, not only the correction of deformities is achieved, but also the lengthening of the limbs.

Stages of straightening:

  1. Holes are drilled at the bottom and top of the leg into which the knitting needles are inserted.
  2. All installed knitting needles are fixed using special rings of the device.
  3. Using special surgical instruments, the bone is broken, after which sutures are applied.
  4. A week after the operation, the technology for straightening the leg is determined using a computer, and the position and shape of the bone is changed using the installed apparatus.
  5. The duration of therapy is about four months, during which the device is on the leg all the time. In this case, the patient can walk without outside help, but the installed knitting needles cause discomfort and injure the skin.
  6. After completing the course, an x-ray of the leg is taken, which can be used to determine the sufficient density of the bone scar.
  7. The device is surgically removed and a special fixator is installed in its place.

For the first time after surgery, the patient moves with the help of crutches, as it is necessary to reduce the load on the leg.

During the rehabilitation process, it is necessary to perform exercises that speed up the recovery process.


Cruroplasty is a surgical operation that is less complicated than surgery using the Ilizarov apparatus.

She means correction of the shape of the lower leg by changing the shape of the leg muscles using special endoprostheses, wherein bone not damaged. The operation time is only 40 minutes.

Cruroplasty is divided into many categories:

  1. Type of implant. Both smooth and rough implants can be used. The first option is low cost, but its fusion with muscle tissue is somewhat difficult.

    The second option is much more expensive, but takes root much faster and with a minimum number of complications.

  2. Prosthesis filling material. For this, saline implants are used, the solution inside which can evaporate over time and lead to new deformations, as well as silicone implants.

    The latter retain their original shape for a long time due to the dense shell and silicone structure.

  3. Prosthesis shape. Their shape can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. It depends on what part of the limb needs to be corrected.
  4. Lower leg area. The operation can take place on the inside or outside of the calf; in some cases, both parts of the calf are operated on.

Operation stages:

  1. Marking the place where the endoprosthesis needs to be inserted.
  2. Formation of a pocket into which the implant is implanted. With its help, muscle tissue will be modeled.
  3. Installation of the endoprosthesis directly under the muscle or under its fascia.
  4. Stitching and covering with a bandage.

Already two weeks after the operation, the sutures are removed, but at the same time swelling and pain may be present. Gradually everything unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

During the rehabilitation process, active sports, visiting baths and saunas are prohibited. Healing your doctor may prescribe special compression stockings.

The video describes the correction of curvature of the legs in more detail.


Lipofilling is a surgical operation to remove and transplant a patient’s adipose tissue. With its help, the shape of the limbs is corrected.

This type of operation is considered the most gentle for eliminating curvature. After lipofilling, the rehabilitation process is only a few hours, and the risk of complications is minimal due to the use of the patient’s own body cells.

In addition, no stitches are required. It is enough to seal the wound with a medical plaster.

Fat tissue for transplantation is collected from the buttocks, abdomen or thighs, after which the tissue is thoroughly cleaned.

The tissue, processed and ready for transplantation, is introduced into required space under the mucous membrane or directly into the muscle.


Massage therapy is the most common treatment for curvature in infants. At an early age, it is quite possible to correct the shape of the legs in this way..

For this purpose, massage is carried out in courses about four times a year. Therapy of this kind is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the musculoskeletal system, so the baby’s legs, back and buttocks are massaged.

In addition to the basic procedures, you can add a light massage at home, consisting of stroking and patting the desired area.

Pull-up machine

Straightening machines are usually part of a complex to eliminate true curvature of the legs.

With its help, muscles relax, blood circulation is restored, and the shape of the bone skeleton is corrected.

Traction simulators can be used for patients of any age, but their most effective use is in childhood, since the bone skeleton at this time is not yet strong.

In adults, the duration of the lesson, as well as general course therapy increases significantly.

Restoring the biomechanics of the knee joints

This therapy consists of strengthening muscle tissue and restoring their blood circulation by performing special exercises.

For these purposes, yoga classes are most suitable, which must be carried out with a specialist.

The intensity of the exercise depends on the degree and type of curvature, on individual characteristics patient.

Additionally, the attending physician can adjust the diet and prescribe a course of multivitamins, which will speed up the process of joint restoration.

Correction belts

There are a huge variety of corrective belts that are an integral part of the treatment process and post-operative rehabilitation.

The type of device and duration of its use should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Some types of belts are used for everyday wear, while others are needed only for exercises against curvature of the legs.

Visual solutions

Slight curvature of the legs can be hidden with the right clothes. Women with this pathology It is not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes and tight pants.

This drawback can be well masked using high boots, wide trousers And long skirts. For suitable for men The only way is to wear wide pants.


The cost of any operation depends on many factors:

  1. Difficulty of surgery.
  2. Clinic location. In the central cities and regions of the country, the cost of the operation can be quite high.
  3. Surgeon qualification level. Popular doctors with extensive experience charge high prices for the operation. However, it can be fully justified by the quality of the work performed.
  4. Type of anesthesia. The cost of anesthesia depends on its quantity, as well as its quality. Some of its types have a higher price, but significantly fewer side effects.

Average cost of main operations:

  1. An operation using the Ilizarov apparatus costs from 50 to 100 thousand rubles.
  2. Cruroplasty – from 90 to 200 thousand rubles.
  3. Lipofilling – from 90 to 150 thousand rubles.
  4. Yoga and other physical exercises - from 500 to 5000 rubles per month.
  5. Corrective belts, etc. - from 500 to 3000 rubles.
  6. Massage to correct crooked legs in children - from 500 to 1500 rubles per session.

Important! The cost of surgical interventions includes preoperative tests, consultations with doctors, and the cost of materials for treatment.

Basic prohibitions:

  1. You cannot cross your legs while sitting on a chair or bend them under you. This disrupts blood circulation in the extremities, which may already be impaired due to the existing disease.
  2. You cannot carry heavy things or a bag in only one hand: the load on your legs should be distributed evenly.
  3. You should not sleep on your side or stomach all night.
  4. You should not wear high-heeled shoes - this significantly increases the load on your feet.

Beautiful slender legs are everyone's dream. Hundreds of techniques have been developed and thousands of articles have been written on how to correct crooked legs. Smooth legs are not only a guarantee of attractiveness and self-confidence, but also a guarantee of health and proper operation the entire human musculoskeletal system. However, the reality is that not everyone can boast slender legs and have a strong complex about this. There is no need to despair: the shape of your legs, even in adulthood, can be changed. And it is not at all necessary to resort to surgery for this.

Before figuring out how to correct crooked legs (how to make legs straight, change their shape), you should find out which legs are crooked, which are normal, and what types of curvature of the lower extremities there are. We are not all perfect or symmetrical, and not every curvature is pathological. Along with this, from the point of view modern science The shape of the legs can be considered normal (the legs are straight) if they touch at three points: in the area of ​​the hip, knee and ankle joints.

Based on this, three types of curvature of the lower extremities were identified.

  1. X-shaped legs (X-shaped legs).
  2. Wheel legs (O-shaped legs).
  3. False curvature of the legs.

O-shaped legs (wheel legs) are very easy to identify at home. To do this, you can stand right in front of the mirror and look at your limbs. If the legs are O-shaped, then starting from the top of the thighs, they will diverge and close only at the ankles. This shape of legs can be easily corrected without surgery at home if you use a set of special exercises or a device for correcting crooked legs (for example, legs can be straightened using an Ilizarov apparatus).

To determine the X-shape of your legs, you also need to stand up straight and look in the mirror. If the legs are X-shaped, only the knees will touch each other, but the ankles will diverge to the sides. And this shape of the legs can be corrected without surgery at home, if you do exercises to straighten the limbs or use special devices to straighten the legs.

If there is a false curvature (the limbs, as expected, touch at three points, but look crooked), there is no defect in the joints, and certainly not broken bones. In this case, the muscles are to blame for the unattractiveness of the legs - they are either overdeveloped or muscle mass insufficient. This shape is the easiest to correct at home; straightening your legs will not be difficult.

To correct false curvature, it is enough to systematically do special exercises for the muscles of the lower extremities.

Reasons for changing the shape of the legs

Why are legs subject to curvature, and what could be the consequences of curvature of the lower extremities? The human body, as already noted, is not symmetrical, so everyone has curvature of the legs to one degree or another. If your legs look unattractive (they are X-shaped, O-shaped, wheel-shaped, or have a false curvature), their shape can be corrected without surgery at home, using specially designed exercises.

It is possible to straighten your legs without surgery, first of all, because their curvature does not lie in bone defects (the bones, in the vast majority of cases, are normal), and the curvature of the limbs is also not inherited. Legs with an “X” or “wheel” are an acquired phenomenon: the cause of the curvature is a certain divergence of the joints (sprain of their ligaments), and the joints are plastic, and their displacement can be corrected.

The fact is that during a person’s period of growing up (the time when bones, joints and ligaments become stronger), the legs change shape several times. The baby is born with “wheel” legs (O-shape). During the first two years of life, the limbs straighten slightly, but already at 3 years they bend again, this time taking on the “X” shape. The legs become straight again by the time the baby goes to school, but in adolescence, during a period of intensive growth, the limbs may again bend in one direction or another. And if you do not resort to treatment, a person will have legs like O or X forever, which can significantly damage their health, especially in old age.

Correcting the curvature of the legs by one method or another is necessary for the normal functioning of the human musculoskeletal system. If the legs are not straightened, their shape is not made normal, the person’s weight during physical activity will be distributed unevenly, which can significantly damage the joints (primarily, negatively affect the knees) and the human spine. Subsequently, this can cause diseases such as arthrosis and arthritis. In old age, the limbs will be very painful, and may even lose their ability to work.

Straightening or straightening crooked legs is also necessary because if joint deformation is not stopped, it will get worse every year, especially if a woman gains excess weight or during pregnancy.

Aligning the legs

You can correct the curvature of your legs yourself at home using a set of special exercises. These exercises should work in two directions: correct the axes of the legs and return the knee joints to their place; pump up muscles and shape the contour of your legs and hips.

Target Performance
The following exercises will help you straighten your legs like a wheel. Alternately bringing and spreading the limbs when they are on towels; swing your legs while lying on your side; swing your legs up, supporting yourself with your hands behind you; static and dynamic exercises to strengthen the abs (for example, boat pose from yoga); squats with toes apart.
You can correct your legs with an “X” thanks to these exercises. Butterfly: you need to sit with your knees apart and feet together; walking on the outside of the legs; squats in a position where the knees are located above the feet and the feet are parallel to each other.
For false curvature of the legs, such exercises are relevant. Raises on toes, rolls from toes to heels; running and jumping on straight legs; springy squats without lifting your heels off the floor; swing forward and to the sides.

If all the methods described above turned out to be ineffective (or there is simply no desire to perform special corrective exercises), you can always resort to surgical intervention. This leg straightening operation is quite expensive, but very effective. Its essence lies in the fact that knitting needles are inserted into the bones of the lower leg, to which an orthopedic device is attached. After the operation, two stages follow: correction and fixation, during which the shape of the legs is normalized. The period for correcting crooked legs using surgery is approximately 55 days, plus or minus 5 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient.

As for false curvature of the legs, in addition to performing special exercises, it can easily be eliminated with the help of contour plastic surgery, and specifically with the help of implantation of implants in the calves. Such implants, or silicone pads, have a density equal to the density of the calf muscles, and it is impossible to determine their presence by touch. Silicone pads are inserted under local anesthesia over the middle part calf muscles. The stitch after the operation will not be noticeable, since the incision is made under the knee.

Silicone pads cannot deteriorate - they are guaranteed for life.
