LTE replaced Wi-Fi for me. And it will replace you

Nowadays there is simply a fashion for wireless Internet (simpler WIFI), it is understandable that all modern gadgets from phones to tablets (also some TV models) support a wireless connection, and even for a regular “desktop” (desktop computer), you can also buy a WIFI network card – but is it worth it? Let's think today what is better for a computer - WIFI or a regular wired connection...

Of course in reality modern world, WIFI in an apartment is simply necessary, like an antenna cable. It has already become so “ordinary” that many cannot imagine their life without it. But is this internet better than regular internet? Let's look at it from the point of view of connecting to stationary devices, now there are two of them - a computer or a TV.


Despite its “ease of accessibility” and settings (no need to run wires anywhere), this type of connection is still not as stable as you would like.

Its speed and “stability” can be affected by various electromagnetic interference, of which there is plenty in the apartment - microwave oven, induction cookers, etc. Apartment partitions are also a big hindrance, especially if they are made of brick or concrete. If your router is “weak”, then in the next room you will not receive a strong signal, and this will “cut” the speed by exactly half, or even more.

As a rule, routers are connected to regular wired Internet, which is brought into your apartment. So, even if your line can handle speeds - say up to 1 Gb/s, it is not a fact that WIFI will work at exactly that speed. The thing is that many “budget” models operate at speeds of up to 150 Mb/s, which quite significantly reduces the data transfer speed.

Many people are afraid of WIFI, and they say that it is unsafe for health, there is some truth in this -.

If you take WIFI for the office, then you need to understand that it must be well protected! Passwords and other security methods. If the line is open, then anyone can get into your internal network and use it at their discretion.

Of course, WIFI technology is developing rapidly, and in a couple of years it will have many more advantages. But today this is not the desired stability.

Let's start with the fact that any device now has a connector for connecting wired internet. I'm not talking about mobile devices. And this connection can operate at the current maximum speeds of 1 Gb/s. The main thing is right.

This connection is stable, strong and unaffected external factors apartment or office. It is almost impossible to connect to it (unless you physically get into the network connection).

The only negative is the wires - heaps of wires everywhere! However, if you hide them correctly, they will not interfere! And at the place where it exits the wall.

It’s simply stupid to compare speed and stability - of course, wired Internet will win! It will work better in all respects.

For TVs

Sometimes I get questions about what is better to use for a SMART TV, WIFI or wire?

Guys, it’s all individual, depending on what you use on your SMART. If you just watch movies through YOUTUBE or some other online cinemas, then WIFI will be enough for you. But if you actively watch television via the Internet or often communicate via SKYPE, there is a large load on the network - I personally advise you to connect a regular wired Internet to the TV. It works faster and more stable, the image will not “crumble”, conversations will not freeze. Remember a wire is a wire!

In conclusion, I would like to say that the future definitely belongs to WIFI, because of its ease and accessibility, but for now stability, security and speed belong to wired Internet. I’m telling you this as an IT specialist. And now you can combine wireless and wired Internet, because many routers have several connectors on the back for a regular connection, which makes it a simple “switch” (a device for distributing a wired connection).

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Many mobile device owners are concerned about what type of Internet connection provides the highest speed. IN Lately this issue is becoming increasingly relevant due to the fact that today mobile operators offer users 4G Internet on terms similar to those of providers wired communication, while its cost is also comparable to the prices of the latter.

4G is positioned as high-speed mobile Internet. Even if we talk about speeds at least approaching Wi-Fi speeds, mobile Internet can be called more convenient. Why? This is due to a number of advantages: firstly, it is freedom of movement - the Internet is available outside the home, the user does not depend on the router. Secondly, the modern speed of 4G networks allows you to make video calls, watch movies, etc. The issue of price is also important: mobile Internet does not involve the cost of a fixed access point. In addition, in some apartments there is no possibility of wired Internet - in such cases, 4G is the only available option.

So, the benefits are obvious, but the main issue regarding speed remains unresolved. In order to answer it, let's take a closer look at the features of 4G. This standard was released in 2008; it is capable of working both on gadgets with a SIM card and on those that are not equipped with this function. It includes LTE technology, used in the first type of mobile devices, and WiMAX (Wi-Fi with a wider reception range), intended for devices of the second type.

At that time, the speed requirements for LTE technology were up to 100 Mbit/s, and for WiMAX - up to one gigabit per second. In 2012, the previous standard was replaced by the updated 4G+, also known as 4G Advanced. The technologies of this standard - LTE Advanced and WiMAX 2 - provided faster data transfer.

The main difference between the new generation of mobile Internet and 3G is that it has completely moved away from the use of an analog signal when transmitting data. In 4G networks, information is sent exclusively in digital form, which is mandatory for this standard. However, today there are still mixed networks in which voice data transmission is carried out according to the third generation principle, but at the same time Internet speed is provided at the 4G level.

Of course, today it is the 4G standard that is relevant - the previous generation is yesterday, and a gadget that supports new networks is a big plus, if not a necessity. However, is this type of communication preferable for the home? It should be noted that the speed of 100 Mbit/s is the maximum for the standard in question. This means that in practice it will be lower. Therefore, if you need Internet speeds of 100 Mbps, you should consider the wired option. However, if the speed requirements are not so high, for example, up to 40 Mbit/s, and 4G reception in your home is stable, then this type of connection will be more convenient.

Finally, why mobile operators are so actively promoting 4th generation mobile Internet. This is because this standard helps to significantly reduce the load on base stations, which makes it possible to service large quantity subscribers per unit of time (sometimes it can triple!). Thus, if a tower in 3rd generation networks could serve up to one hundred subscribers simultaneously, then in 4G networks this figure reaches three hundred. As you can see, the new standard offers benefits not only to users, but also to businesses.

Some experts believe that due to inexpensive 4G Internet tariffs and the upcoming 5G, regular mobile communications are gradually losing ground in terms of frequency of use and profitability. But that, as they say, is another story.

A lot of time has passed since the days of Dial-Up and squeaky modems. Now access to the Internet for any device is no longer a novelty. Most known method connections - WiFi, which allows you to connect to the network via a wireless protocol using a router.

But what about other ways? What other ways are there to connect a laptop or PC to the Internet, and where is it better to use one or another type of connection?

The connection method that we all know is, of course, WiFi. It works through a wireless connection to a router with Internet access. Almost all modern devices are equipped with a built-in WiFi module; this type of connection is a smart choice for accessing the network.


WiFi is extremely convenient for networks located at home, in the workplace, in in public places such as an airport. With the ability to connect wirelessly, it is still worth thinking about purchasing a device, especially when using it with wires would be inappropriate. Since the devices are equipped with a wireless communication module, it usually works out of the box. On the other hand, even if you have to buy a PCI or USB adapter, it will serve you for a long time at its low cost.


WiFi, for all its advantages, also has disadvantages. To surf the Internet in public places, you need to be close to the access point. Technically, the connection itself will be established within a coverage radius, but to have adequate download speeds, it is better to be closer. Sometimes even in public places there are passwords, or for example, to access the network you need to enter a code received on the number or even buy tariff plan. These difficulties make the connection more difficult than the same mobile networks.

At home it is not ideal. Being in the radiation zone of devices such as microwaves and refrigerators may cause a weak or unstable signal. A neighbor's router may interfere if both routers share the same channel. So you need to know about WiFi channels, and how to change it on your router if you don't want your router to do it automatically. With all this, sometimes routers and wireless adapters can give an unstable signal or even its absence for no particular reason, which cannot but irritate.


At first glance, it seems that the Internet over a wire is a thing of the past; Ethernet technology occupies its niche of users.


The main argument in the wifi vs Ethernet debate comes down to the fact that this connection makes full use of the capabilities of your router or connection. Compared to WiFi, we do not lose signal strength due to obstacles such as walls and furniture. This does not threaten cables, so you can safely enjoy the full speed provided by your provider. Recommended for online games where response speed is extremely important for adequate gaming.

Plus, you don't occupy wireless channels, thereby avoiding potential conflicts.


It is logical that the main disadvantage of the technology is the inability to work wirelessly. In any case, you will have to pull the cable from the router to the PC. IN big houses this may cause problems. Accordingly, it is more advisable to use an Ethernet connection when you are close to the router and will not cause inconvenience to anyone. If the wires are so unsatisfactory, it’s easier to use WiFi.

Mobile Internet (3G/4G)

While people use mobile internet on smartphones, it can also be used on a laptop or your PC. This can be done in two ways: connect a “USB whistle”, which can be purchased from your operator, or buy a mobile WiFi router, which distributes Wi-Fi, but uses mobile Internet as a source. So, what are the benefits of mobile communication?


One weighty and decisive argument in the wifi vs 4g debate is that mobile communications in general can be used anywhere if there is coverage. It is convenient to use mobile Internet when, for example, it is impossible to connect to a public point WiFi access. For people who don't sit still, this is a great solution. And also if there is a need to have a more productive device for accessing the network than a tablet or smartphone.


Despite its wide coverage and sky-high 4G speeds, it's a controversial choice for a computer. This type of connection is expensive to use, and few providers will provide you with unlimited access. Accordingly, doing things we are used to on the Internet, such as downloading torrents or watching videos, is not best idea. However, if it is impossible to use Ethernet or WiFi, this will do.


In this article, we looked at each method of connecting to a network, where one or another method is most appropriate, for example: wifi or ethernet, and what are their disadvantages. Ethernet gives good speed and low latency, WiFi is good where it is impossible to use cable or in public places, and mobile Internet will do for those who are constantly on the move.

The Internet has become an important part of our Everyday life: Most tasks are solved on the go, rather than at a desk in the office. Modern devices should be mobile and not dependent on wires. This is how laptops with a built-in WWAN module appeared. They make it easy to organize workplace in any environment and everywhere have access to the network.

The Internet has combined all the functions necessary for work: reporting, access to databases, communication, etc. All more people refuse telephone conversations in favor of instant messengers and applications that provide voice communication over the network.

According to HP, office employees spend up to 40% of their working time discussing current tasks on the Internet. How many hours does it take to surf the web and search for information on the Internet? Definitely no less. You always need to connect to: on a business trip or while on vacation, in another city or country. Everywhere you want to be able to contact colleagues, open a web application or check your email.

3G and 4G inside the laptop

Initially, laptops were connected to the Internet via a network cable. However, a wired connection does not provide the mobility that a modern user needs. The next steps on the path to mobility were “pocket” USB modems that you can carry with you. But a small gadget takes up a USB port and does not always guarantee high Internet speeds. Modern laptops must have a built-in 3G/4G modem. What is its advantage?


Compared to external modems, the internal receiver has higher level of signal reception and transmission, which guarantees high speed data exchange in modern networks. This advantage of the built-in receiver is provided by the antenna larger area. Just compare the sizes of the modems - a USB gadget can be equipped with a maximum 5-centimeter antenna, while the built-in WWAN module has an antenna comparable to the length of the laptop lid.

To be fair, in an area with good coverage you won't notice much of a difference between using an internal or external modem. But what about those times when the phone is far from 5 out of 5 bars? In the area of ​​​​uncertain reception, it will begin to slow down, and the slightest interference threatens to cut off the signal altogether. The antenna built into the laptop will allow you to get the highest quality and reliable communication even in the border reception area.


Connecting to the Internet using an internal modem much safer than Wi-Fi. WWAN uses mobile networks that use licensed spectrum, provide data encryption and secure web surfing. Cellular providers can guarantee the reliability of a WWAN connection, unlike public Wi-Fi spots for which no one is responsible.

When working with Wi-Fi, the laptop becomes vulnerable. All kinds of viruses and data loss are much more likely when using Wi-Fi than when connecting via WWAN. In addition, the range mobile networks significantly more than Wi-Fi, and the coverage areas of cellular operators are increasing every year.


LTE connection – most quick way connect your laptop to the Internet wirelessly, if there is no reliable Wi-Fi spot nearby. The 4G LTE standard is optimized for viewing web content and has a minimum signal delay of 30-50 ms. Today, a built-in LTE modem can provide almost instantaneous access to the Internet: with such a connection you can conduct video conferences, open online applications and quickly download heavy files.


To connect to the network you only need a laptop - no phones or USB modems

Ease of use- perhaps the most obvious advantage of the built-in receiver. This feature of the laptop reduces the time it takes to connect to the network and allows you to carry fewer gadgets with you - the modern user does not need a USB modem or smartphone to access the Internet. In addition, the internal modem will definitely not be lost, as can happen with a small USB whistle.

When connecting to the Internet using a smartphone, you must either always be within range wireless network, or use a cable to connect your laptop and phone. Mobility plays a big role - the built-in LTE modem allows you to move devices freely and get rid of unnecessary wires.


Cellular communication is accessible and economical.Mobile Internet has a low cost, and providers offer a variety of tariffs to suit every taste and budget. Whether to buy an additional couple of GB or immediately pay for unlimited access to the network - it’s all up to the user. At the same time, you pay only for the traffic you use, receive operator support and a guarantee of connection quality.

What is better Wi-Fi or 3G/4G? No matter how different and incommensurable these wireless Internet connection standards are, no matter how many advantages and disadvantages each technology has, users nevertheless have to compare them and make a choice.

After all, the price of purchasing a mobile or portable device with and without a built-in 3G modem can vary greatly. Let’s take, for example, one with 32GB memory: its assembly with only a Wi-Fi module will cost about $260, and its assembly with both a Wi-Fi module and a built-in 3G modem will cost approximately $360. As you can see, for a 3G modem you will have to pay about $100 extra – that is, more than a third of the cost of the tablet itself.

In the case of Apple products, the picture is even brighter: for example, with 16 GB of memory only with Wi-Fi it will cost about $580-600, while assembling a gadget with the same amount of memory, but also with Wi-Fi and a modem 3G, you will have to pay about $750.

Does it make sense to initially pay a high price for a built-in 3G modem when purchasing a device? Or can a smartphone, tablet, netbook or laptop be fully used without it, using only Wi-Fi? Which of these Internet access technologies - Wi-Fi or 3G - is better? Let's look into this in more detail.

What is Wi-Fi technology: advantages and disadvantages

Wi-Fi is wireless technology communication, with its help various devices - smartphones, tablets, laptops, Smart TV, TV and game consoles, etc., being united into one network, can exchange data with each other and access the Internet (see photo). Wi-Fi network consists of an access point, which is organized with the participation of special equipment - a router (router). The latter’s task is to broadcast the signal to a certain range. Users can connect their devices to the access point using the built-in Wi-Fi receiver.

The Wi-Fi range can be 30-500 meters from the signal source, i.e., from the location of the router. Specific range indicators will depend on the power characteristics of the router. For example, standard home Wi-Fi The router can provide a range of 45 m indoors and 90 m outdoors.

On this moment Wi-Fi is the easiest way to have fast wireless Internet. The only wired Internet connection in the house can be turned into the ability for all family members to access the Internet wirelessly from their devices. In big cities today, almost all public institutions - universities, cafes, entertainment venues, hotels, gas stations, shopping and office centers - have free points Wi-Fi access. So, having ordered a cup of tea in a cafe, you can drink it and chat for at least an hour. in social networks.

The built-in Wi-Fi module has been a standard feature of laptops and netbooks for several years now, and models of smartphones and tablets without it probably cannot be found on the market at all. You can additionally equip your PC assembly with a Wi-Fi module so that, for example, you don’t have to bother with wires when moving frequently system unit and a monitor around the house.

What is 3G/4G technology: advantages and disadvantages

3G or 4G is a mobile Internet standard, and it is the leading standard among other options mobile connection to the World Wide Web. Major mobile device manufacturers are not so much confident that the future of the Internet is 3G/4G, but rather interested in it. Most likely, such active interest will allow the formation of the “necessary” future. The mobile Internet opens up truly limitless opportunities for both mobile device manufacturers and developers software and owners of online services. However, there are also objective factors for the promising future of 3G/4G. Constant access to Internet television, media services, social platforms, online business projects without being tied to home, place of work or Wi-Fi access zone - all this, of course, cannot but interest end users of Internet products and services.

To connect to the mobile 3G/4G Internet, a device (laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone) must have a 3G/4G modem - built-in or external, connected via USB. The latter is similar to a flash drive and is often offered by mobile operators - 3G/4G Internet providers - at a competitive price, or even for a nominal fee when signing a service contract.

3G/4G Internet can be used without being tied to any point, as is the case with wired or Wi-Fi Internet ohm But 3G/4G is not yet absolute freedom movement with access to the World Wide Web, everything will depend on the coverage area of ​​the 3G/4G networks of the mobile operator. But in any case, you should not count on communication in places remote from operator towers - in remote villages, forests, mountains, deserts, etc.

What is better Wi-Fi or 3G/4G: comparison based on individual criteria

- The 3G/4G Internet will have a strong communication signal only when the subscriber is within the coverage area of ​​the mobile operator. At the same time, the Wi-Fi signal also depends on conventions - the user must be within range of the access point. Naturally, within big cities, where mobile operator towers are located almost every 500 meters, 3G/4G Internet will provide greater freedom than the ability to access the Internet via Wi-Fi only near the house, only within the office, only in public buildings. As a rule, 3G/4G Internet is available anywhere in large cities. Another question is whether there will be quality Internet connection anywhere in the city?

As you can see, it is not possible to objectively choose the best Internet communication standard; both have significant drawbacks.

In terms of speed, Wi-Fi is many times faster than 3G/4G. Thus, Wi-Fi technology can provide a maximum Internet speed of 600 Mbps. Let's repeat, this maximum speed. The disadvantage of Wi-Fi Internet is that its speed depends on the number of active devices connected to the access point. How more users from different devices will connect to the access point, the slower the Internet access speed will be, because the speed will be evenly distributed among all connected devices - be it a laptop, be it a smartphone, be it a tablet. Typically, in normal home conditions, Wi-Fi Internet speed per user averages 20-25 Mbit/s.

But the maximum speed in 3G networks is about 3.5 Mbit/s, but often this figure barely exceeds 2 Mbit/s. And if 3G/4G Internet is used on mobile device in moving vehicles, the speed may even drop to 128 kbit. 3G/4G Internet speed is also affected weather, distance from the mobile operator tower, number of active subscribers.

The successor to 3G - the 4G mobile Internet standard - can provide much higher data transfer speeds - up to 10 Mbit/s. But this is an expensive Internet connection, and its coverage area does not yet allow 4G to be considered as a serious alternative to Wi-Fi or 3G.

Wi-Fi is capable of providing greater bandwidth than 3G. Therefore, Wi-Fi has a more stable Internet speed, while 3G speed constantly fluctuates due to lower bandwidth.

Bottom line: in terms of Internet speed, Wi-Fi beats 3G by a huge margin.

The cost of 3G/4G Internet depends on the tariff plan of the mobile operator. But no matter what tariff plan you choose - with per-megabyte payment or unlimited, you will still have to pay, and pay only for one device. It is unlikely that a mobile operator's tariff plan will be significantly cheaper than wired connection tariffs when, when connecting Wi-Fi router unlimited Internet All family members, and even neighbors from time to time, can use it. In hotels, cafes, gas stations and other public establishments, Wi-Fi is a free service.

Therefore, evaluating 3G and Wi-Fi comprehensively, in terms of cost, Wi-Fi will again win.

The issue of energy consumption by hardware Internet connection modules cannot but worry mobile users. And, unfortunately, 3G/4G, being a mobile standard, is seriously inferior to Wi-Fi in this matter. Thus, 3G/4G modems consume 4-5 times more battery power when surfing the web than Wi-Fi modules do. And since Wi-Fi Internet is used mostly indoors, users, in addition to saving energy by the module, also have the opportunity to recharge the battery.

Overall: in terms of energy consumption, Wi-Fi wins again.

Wi-Fi or 3G/4G: summing up

Which is better - Wi-Fi or 3G/4G? 3G/4G Internet can hardly be used fully, the way a wired or Wi-Fi connection can offer - with downloading movies High Quality, distribution kits of impressive size, other weighty files. With 3G/4G it will be long, tedious, and perhaps also expensive when paying per megabyte. But for easy web surfing – view email or messages on social networks, find necessary information, low speed is enough. But this is the only and only mobile option - the Internet for travel, for active work not tied to the office. It is unlikely that you can do without Wi-Fi at home, especially since buying a router is a decision not for one user, but for the whole family.
