Nick Vujicic. The incredible story of a man without arms and legs who achieved stunning success! Nick Vujicic: biography, personal life, family, interesting facts, quotes

Some people literally accomplish small feats every day. We have collected 5 real stories about five amazing people , which illness and injury do not interfere with full-fledged, active life and only, on the contrary, they stimulate new achievements and victories.

Nick Vujicic

Australian of Serbian descent Nick Vujicic was born with a rare hereditary disease - tetra-amelia syndrome. At birth, he did not have full arms and legs; he had only one foot with two fused toes. However, the boy grew up and began to lead a full life, which is so full of events and achievements that most healthy people can envy him.

Nick learned to walk, swim, skateboard, surf, play on the computer and write. Moreover, Vujicic has turned into a professional motivational speaker - he travels all over the world to tell sick, disfigured and distressed people about his life, and that often insurmountable problems that befall a person are not an obstacle to his further development .

Nick Vujicic stars in feature films and documentaries, appears on the covers of glossy magazines, and also writes books that motivate other people. Each of them becomes a global bestseller.

Vujicic’s physical deformity did not become an obstacle in his personal life. In 2012, at the age of thirty, he got married, and in 2013, Nick had a daughter.

Aron Ralston

Part of the story of Aron Ralston is known to hundreds of millions of people on Earth. After all, it was about him that the famous feature film “127 Hours” was released in 2010. Let us remind you that in the cinema we're talking about about an amateur active image life, who, while walking along a mountain crevice, fell into natural captivity - a stone firmly pressed his hand to the rocky surface. After more than five days of waiting for help, Aron was forced to cut off his own limb with a blunt knife in order to free himself.

But the film does not tell about the further fate of Aron Ralston himself. The injury did not prevent him from continuing his activities in mountaineering and rock climbing; he was even able to conquer all the eight-thousand-meter mountains in the world. In place of the living hand, Aron installs special prosthetics, which are also part of his professional equipment. Ralston no longer needs to hold all kinds of mechanisms and tools in his palm - the hand itself becomes them as needed.

Aron's story became public knowledge. He became a frequent guest on television, and then wrote a book about his tragic incident, published in Russian with the title “127 hours. Between a rock and a hard place." The famous film starring James Franco was made based on it.

Todd Key

American Todd Key attracts attention at literally every cycling competition in which he takes part. And this is not surprising, because he is the only professional cyclist in the world who does not have an arm and... a leg.

At the age of seven, Todd had a bad fall and broke his arm, after which it began to become deformed and stopped growing. He lost his leg at the age of seventeen - doctors were forced to amputate it due to knee cancer.

But Todd Key did not accept his injuries. He started studying different types sports, eventually giving preference to the bicycle. Now he even takes part in professional bicycle racing, being the “face” of the AirparkBikes company, which created a special bicycle for this unusual athlete.

Of course, Todd Key is not a contender for medals in cycling. His participation in such competitions is already a daily victory over himself and public opinion.

Key also gives lectures and meetings with people who have recently become disabled. By his example, he convinces them that life is not over, success awaits them ahead, but for this the main thing is not to get hung up on their own problems, but to regularly discover new horizons for themselves.

The dance duet Hand in Hand is yet another proof that the absence of arms or legs is not an obstacle to achieving worldwide success in areas where it would seem impossible to do anything without these limbs.

The ballet couple Hand in Hand consists of dancers named Ma Li and Zhai Xiaowei. The girl in this duet does not have an arm, and the guy does not have legs. But this did not stop them from creating their own successful dance show, which is applauded by audiences around the world.

Each of this couple tries to compensate and level out the injuries of their own partner with the help of their actions. And they do it very well.

John Bramblitt

American John Bramblitt can be described by a phrase that for any inhabitant of the Earth will seem to be a mutually exclusive concept. He is a blind artist, and at the same time, a fairly good creator, whose paintings are exhibited even in the most famous galleries and museums in the world.

At age thirty, John Bramblitt lost his sight due to complications caused by epilepsy. At first, he practically did not leave the house, was in a state of depression and even thought about suicide. But over time, he took up drawing. To do this, John managed to find relief paints, so he paints by touch.

Bramblitt's work was noticed by art agents and gallery owners. On this moment John has had solo exhibitions in more than twenty countries around the world, and he is one of the most successful contemporary artists in the United States.

Most people complain about their lives, saying that fate is unfair to them. But is this really so? Do you have arms, legs, can you see, hear, smell? If yes, then say thank you and don’t be offended by life, but rather enjoy every moment. Below we have collected interesting material and biography from life Nick Vujicic.

Nick Vujicic: interesting facts from life

Here are the photographs Nicholas Vujicic . This man was born without all four limbs, but at the same time learned to live with his shortcomings and motivate other people to live.

1. Biography: Nick Vujicic was born on December 4, 1982 in Brisbane, Australia. At birth, the child had no arms and legs (only the left foot with two toes was partially present), but he was completely healthy. This is a very rare pathology.

2. In his youth, he was very worried about his physical disabilities. Once, he even tried to commit suicide, but a different fate was in store for him. Over time, he learned things like writing, using the telephone, and using a keyboard with only two toes of his incomplete foot.

3. And when the legal opportunity arose, Nick’s parents sent him to school, where over time the boy became the head of the class.

4. Over time, I realized that by his example he could inspire hope and faith in other disabled people, and in all people. In 1999, he opened the charity organization “Life without limbs”. Nick Vuichi has become a motivational speaker.

5. Its meaningful simple words revive in people love, hope and faith in life.

6. Nick has achieved a lot. He is an excellent speaker, he has starred in a film, traveled all over the world, writes books, and is invited to appear on television. In 2005 he received the Young Australian of the Year award. And it's all deserved.

7. Nick recently married a very beautiful Asian woman, there are a couple of photos below

17. Nicholas always says that you shouldn’t give up. What did his case teach you?

Below there are two videos that we recommend watching, and the rest of the details can be found in Wikipedia and on his page at

It looks like a myth, a beautiful, instructive, but unreal story. Think about it, a boy born without legs and arms is a world famous motivational speaker by the age of 31, happy husband and father. Nick Vujicic has traveled halfway around the world. He performed at the stadium, and 110 thousand people listened to him. Is it possible?

Happens. If you perform a small feat every day. We will tell you about 12 exploits of Nick Vujicic, thanks to which one can read in his sincere smile: “I am happy.”


One of the best ways To get rid of the pain of the past is to replace it with gratitude.

December 4, 1982. Duska Vujicic is giving birth. The first child is about to be born. The husband, Boris Vujicic, is present at the birth.

A shoulder appeared. Boris turned pale and left the family room. After some time, a doctor approached him.

“Doctor, my son doesn’t have an arm?” – asked Boris. "No. Your son has neither arms nor legs,” the doctor answered.

Nicholas's parents (as the newborn was named) knew nothing about Tetra-Amelia syndrome. They didn't know how to handle a baby without arms and legs. The mother did not put her son to her breast for 4 months.

Gradually, Nick’s parents got used to accepting and loving their son for who he is.


Failure is the path to mastery.

Ham. That's what Nick nicknamed the only limb on his body. A resemblance to a foot with two fused toes, subsequently separated surgically.

But Nick thinks that his “ham” is not so bad. He learned to use it to write, type (43 words per minute), drive an electric wheelchair, and push off on a skateboard.

Not everything worked out right away. But when the time came, Nick went to a regular school, along with his healthy peers.


When you feel like giving up on your dream, force yourself to work one more day, one more week, one more month, and one more year. You will be amazed at what will happen if you don't give up.

“You don’t know how to do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You’re nobody!” – Nick heard these words every day at school.

The focus shifted: he was no longer proud of what he had learned; he's fixated on something he can never do. Hug your wife, hold your child...

One day Nick asked his mother to take him to the bathroom. Driven by the thought “Why me?” the boy tried to drown himself.

“They didn’t deserve this” - 10-year-old Nick realized that he could not do this to his parents, who loved him very much. Suicide is dishonest. Unfair towards loved ones.


Other people's words and actions cannot define your personality.

"What happened to you?!" – until Nick became world famous, this was the most frequently asked question to him.

Seeing a man without arms and legs, people cannot hide their shock. Sidelong glances, whispers behind his back, grins - Nick responds to everything with a smile. “It’s all because of cigarettes,” he says to those who are especially impressionable. And he makes fun of the children: “I just didn’t clean my room...”.


Laugh as much as possible. There are days in the life of any person when troubles and hardships pour in as if from a cornucopia. Don't curse trials. Be grateful to life for giving you the opportunity to learn and develop. A sense of humor will help with this.

Nick is a big joker. There are no arms or legs - life has played a trick on him, so why not laugh at it?

One day, Nick dressed up as a pilot and, with the permission of the airline, greeted passengers at the gate with the words: “Today we are experiencing new technology control the plane... and I am your pilot."

People who personally know Nick Vucic say that he has an excellent sense of humor. And this quality, as we know, excludes self-pity.


If you are deeply unhappy, then you are not living your life. Your talents are being misused.

Nick Vujicic has two higher education: accounting and financial planning. He is a successful motivational speaker and businessman. But his main talent is the ability to persuade. Including through art.

Nick’s first book is called “Life Without Limits: Inspiration for an Absurdly Good Life” (translated into 30 languages, published in Russian in 2012). In 2009 he played main role in the short film “Butterfly Circus” (IMDb rating – 8.10). A story about finding the meaning of life.


It is impossible to argue with the fact that madness is genius: anyone who is willing to take risks appears in the eyes of others as either a madman or a genius.

“Crazy” - many people think when they watch Nick looking for a wave while surfing or jumping with a parachute.

“I realized that physical dissimilarity limits me only to the extent that I limit myself,” Vujicic once admitted and did not limit himself in anything.

Nick plays football, tennis, and swims well.


Think of your attitude towards the world as a remote control remote control. If you don't like the program you're watching, you simply grab the remote control and switch the TV to another program. It's the same with your attitude to life: when you're unhappy with the result, change your approach, no matter what problem you're facing.

At the age of 19, Nick was asked to speak to students at the university where he studied (Griffith University). Nicholas agreed: he came out and briefly told about himself. Many people in the audience cried, and one girl got up on stage and hugged him.

The young man understood that oratory was his calling.

Nick Vujicic traveled to 45 countries, met with 7 presidents, and spoke in front of thousands of spectators. Every day he receives dozens of requests for interviews and invitations to give a speech. Why do people want to listen to him?

Because his speeches do not boil down to the banal: “Are you having problems? Look at me – no arms, no legs, that’s who has problems!”

Nick understands that suffering cannot be compared, everyone has their own pain, and does not try to cheer people up, saying, “compared to me, everything is not so bad for you.” He just talks to them.


I don’t have hands, and when you hug, you press right into their hearts. It's amazing!

Nick admits that since he was born without arms, he never missed them. The only thing he lacks is a handshake. He cannot shake hands with anyone.

But he found a way out. Nick hugs people... with his heart. Once Vujicic even organized a marathon of hugs - 1,749 people hugged with their hearts per day.


If you are open to love, love will come. If you surround your heart with a wall, there will be no love.

They met on April 11, 2010. The beautiful Kanae Miyahara has a boyfriend, Nick has no arms or legs. It's not love at first sight. It's just love. Real, deep.

On February 12, 2012, Nick and Kanae got married. Everything is as it should be: White dress, tuxedo and Honeymoon in Hawaii.


It's impossible to live life to the fullest, if your every decision is determined by fear. Fear will keep you from moving forward and prevent you from becoming what you want. But this is just a mood, a feeling. Fear is not real!

Tetra-Amelia syndrome is hereditary. Nick wasn't afraid.


Everything good in life begins with hope.

Nick Vujicic is a man without arms and legs. Nick Vujicic is a man who believes in miracles. There is a pair of boots in his linen closet. So... just in case. After all, in life there is always room for something more.

It was theirs long-awaited firstborn. The father was in labor. He saw the baby's shoulder - what is it? No hand. Boris Vuychich realized that he had to leave the room immediately so that his wife would not have time to notice how his face had changed. He couldn't believe what he saw.

When the doctor came out to him, he began to say:

"My son! Doesn't he have a hand?

The doctor replied:

“No... Your son has neither arms nor legs.”

Doctors refused to show the baby to the mother. The nurses were crying.


Nicholas Vujicic was born in Melbourne, Australia, into a family of Serbian emigrants. Mother is a nurse. Father is a pastor. The whole parish lamented: “Why did the Lord allow this to happen?” The pregnancy proceeded normally, everything was fine with heredity.

At first, the mother could not bring herself to take her son in her arms and could not breastfeed him. “I had no idea how I would take the child home, what to do with him, how to take care of him,” recalls Duska Vujicic. – I didn’t know who to contact with my questions. Even the doctors were at a loss. Only after four months did I begin to come to my senses. My husband and I began to solve problems without looking too far ahead. One after another."

Nick has a semblance of a foot instead of a left leg. Thanks to this, the boy learned to walk, swim, skateboard, play on the computer and write. The parents managed to get their son into a regular school. Nick became the first disabled child in a regular Australian school.

“This meant that teachers were paying too much attention to me,” Nick recalls. - On the other hand, although I had two friends, most often I heard from my peers: “Nick, go away!”, “Nick, you don’t know how to do anything!”, “We don’t want to be friends with you!”, “You’re nobody.” !”

Drown yourself

Every evening Nick prayed to God and asked him: “God, give me arms and legs!” He cried and hoped that when he woke up in the morning, arms and legs would already appear. Mom and dad bought him electronic hands. But they were too heavy, and the boy was never able to use them.

On Sundays he went to church school. They taught there that the Lord loves everyone. Nick didn’t understand how this could be - why then God didn’t give him what everyone else had. Sometimes adults came up and said: “Nick, everything will be fine!” But he didn’t believe them - no one could explain to him why he was like this, and no one could help him, not even God. At the age of eight, Nicholas decided to drown himself in the bathtub. He asked his mother to take him there.

“I turned my face into the water, but it was very difficult to hold on. Nothing worked. During this time, I imagined a picture of my funeral - my dad and mom were standing there... And then I realized that I couldn’t kill myself. All I saw from my parents was love for me.”

Change your heart

Nick never tried to commit suicide again, but he kept thinking why he should live.

He won't be able to work, he won't be able to hold his fiancée's hand, he won't be able to hold his child when he cries. One day, Nick’s mother read an article about a seriously ill man who inspired others to live.

Mom said: “Nick, God needs you. I do not know how. I do not know when. But you can serve Him.”

At the age of fifteen, Nick opened the Gospel and read. The disciples asked Christ why this man was blind. Christ answered: “So that the works of God may be revealed in him.” Nick says that at that moment he stopped being angry at God.

“Then I realized that I am not just a man without arms and legs. I am God's creation. God knows what He is doing and why. “It doesn’t matter what people think,” Nick says now. – God did not answer my prayers. This means that He wants to change my heart more than the circumstances of my life. Probably, even if I suddenly had arms and legs, it would not calm me down so much. Arms and legs on their own.”

At nineteen, Nick studied financial planning at university. One day he was asked to speak to students. Seven minutes were allotted for the speech. Within three minutes the girls in the hall were crying. One of them could not stop sobbing, she raised her hand and asked: “Can I come up on stage and hug you?” The girl approached Nick and began to cry on his shoulder. She said: “No one ever told me they loved me, no one ever told me I was beautiful just the way I am. My life changed today."

Nick came home and announced to his parents that he knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. The first thing my father asked was: “Are you thinking of finishing university?” Then other questions arose:

-Are you going to travel alone?

- And with whom?

- Don't know.

-What are you going to talk about?

- Don't know.

– Who will listen to you?

- Don't know.

A hundred attempts to get up

Ten months a year he is on the road, two months at home. He traveled to more than two dozen countries, more than three million people heard him - in schools and prisons. It happens that Nick speaks in stadiums with thousands of seats. He performs about 250 times a year. Nick receives about three hundred offers for new performances a week. He became a professional speaker.

Before the start of the performance, an assistant carries Nick onto the stage and helps him sit on some raised platform so that he can be seen. Then Nick tells episodes from his everyday life. About how people still stare at him on the streets. About the fact that when children run up and ask: “What happened to you?!” He in a hoarse voice replies: “It’s all because of cigarettes!”

And to those who are younger, he says: “I didn’t clean my room.” He calls what is in place of his legs a “ham.” Nick says his dog likes to bite him. And then he begins to beat out a fashionable rhythm with his ham.

After that he says: “And to be honest, sometimes you can fall like this.” Nick falls face first into the table he was standing on.

And he continues:

“It happens in life that you fall, and it seems you have no strength to get up. You wonder then if you have hope... I have neither arms nor legs! It seems that if I try to get up even a hundred times, I won’t be able to. But after another defeat, I don’t give up hope. I will try again and again. I want you to know that failure is not the end. The main thing is how you finish. Are you going to finish strong? Then you will find the strength to rise up - in this way.”

He leans his forehead, then helps himself with his shoulders and stands up.

The women in the audience begin to cry.

And Nick begins to talk about gratitude to God.

I'm not saving anyone

– Are people touched and consoled because they see that someone is having a harder time than they are?

“Sometimes they tell me: “No, no! I can’t imagine myself without arms and legs!” But it is impossible to compare suffering, and it is not necessary. What can I say to someone whose parents are divorced? I don't understand their pain.

One day a twenty-year-old woman approached me. She was kidnapped when she was ten years old, enslaved and abused. During this time, she had two children, one of them died. Now she has . Her parents don't want to communicate with her. What can she hope for? She said that if she had not believed in God, she would have committed suicide. Now she talks about her faith with other AIDS patients so they can hear her.

Last year I met people who had a son without arms and legs. The doctors said: “He will be a plant for the rest of his life. He won’t be able to walk, he won’t be able to study, he won’t be able to do anything.” And suddenly they found out about me and met me in person - another person like him. And they had hope. It is important for everyone to know that they are not alone and that they are loved.

– Why did you believe in God?

“I couldn’t find anything else that would give me peace.” Through the word of God, I learned the truth about the purpose of my life - about who I am, why I live, and where I will go when I die. Without faith, nothing made sense.

There is a lot of pain in this life, so there must be absolute Truth, the absolute Hope that is above all circumstances. My hope is in heaven. If you associate your happiness with temporary things, it will be temporary.

I can tell you many times when teenagers came up to me and said: “Today I looked in the mirror with a knife in my hand. This was supposed to be the last day of my life. You saved me".

A woman came up to me one day and said, “Today is my daughter’s second birthday. Two years ago she listened to you and you saved her life.” But I can’t save myself either! Only God can. What I have is not Nick's achievements. If it were not for God, I would not be here with you and would no longer exist in the world. I couldn't handle my trials on my own. And I thank God that my example inspires people.

– What can inspire you, besides faith and family?

- A friend's smile.

Once I was told that a terminally ill guy wanted to see me. He was eighteen years old. He was already very weak and could not move at all. I entered his room for the first time. And he smiled. It was a precious smile. I told him that I don’t know how I would feel in his place, that he is my hero.

We saw each other several more times. I asked him one day: “What would you like to say to all people?” He said, "What do you mean?" I replied: “If only there was a camera here.” And every person in the world could see you. What would you say?

He asked for time to think. Last time we talked on the phone, he was already so weak that I could not hear his voice on the phone. We spoke through his father. This guy said, “I know what I would say to all the people. Try to be a milestone in someone's life story. At least do something. Something to be remembered."

Hug without hands

Nick used to fight for independence in every detail. Now, due to a busy schedule, more cases have begun to be entrusted to the patronage worker, who helps with dressing, moving and other routine matters. Nick's childhood fears did not come true. He recently got engaged, is about to get married, and now believes that he doesn’t need his hands to hold his bride’s heart. He no longer worries about how he will communicate with his children. Chance helped. An unfamiliar two-year-old girl approached him. She saw that Nick had no hands. Then the girl put her hands behind her back and laid her head on his shoulder.

Nick can't shake anyone's hand - he hugs people. And even set a world record. A guy without arms hugged 1,749 people in an hour. He wrote a book about his life while typing 43 words per minute on a computer. In between work trips, he fishes, plays golf and surfs.

“I don’t always get up in the morning with a smile on my face. Sometimes my back hurts,” says Nick, “But because my principles include great power, I continue to take small steps forward, baby steps. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to act, relying not on one’s own strength, but on God’s help.

Parents of disabled children usually divorce. My parents didn't divorce. Do you think they were scared? Yes. Do you think they trusted God? Yes. Do you think they are now seeing the fruits of their labors? Absolutely right.

How many people would believe it if they showed me on TV and said, “This guy prayed to the Lord and he got arms and legs”? But when people see me as I am, they wonder: “How can you smile?” For them this is a visible miracle. I need my trials to make me realize how dependent I am on God. Other people need my testimony that “the power of God is made perfect in weakness.” They look into the eyes of a man without arms and without legs and see in them peace, joy - what everyone strives for.”

Before we find out who Nick Vujicic is, let's philosophize a little. Every person has good and bad days. The latter sometimes flow into bad weeks, months, years, and all this comes to the point that a person is absolutely lost in the world: he does not understand his purpose, he loses his way life path. Plans and dreams are destroyed, and it seems that the reason for this is the injustice of the world around us.

A person blames the state, the authorities, the people around him, and the unfortunate course of life circumstances for his failures, forgetting that everything is in his hands. Family, career, social status, respect from others - a person is capable of influencing anything, you just have to find the inner strength within yourself and realize it.

This is exactly what Nick Vujicic, a man without arms and legs, once did. Now, despite his external inferiority, he lives a rich and happy life. Nick has everything he needs for this: a wife and children, a job he loves and endless opportunities. With his example, Nick inspires hundreds of thousands of people around the world, showing that all life's obstacles are not a reason to give up. This is just a push to become even stronger.

Nick's childhood. Is childhood the most wonderful time for everyone?

December 4, 1982 was supposed to be the happiest day in the family of Dushka and Boris Vuychich. While in a Melbourne maternity hospital, a young nurse and a church pastor were waiting for their first child to be born, who, according to all doctors' forecasts, was to be born strong and healthy.

However, life decreed otherwise: a newborn boy came into this world with a rare disease - tetra-amelia. Of all the limbs necessary for a person, nature left little Nick only an underdeveloped foot, the toes of which were fused.

For the first few months, the parents could not come to terms with the boy’s illness: Nick’s mother was in such shock that she refused to breastfeed the newborn. But gradually Dushka and Boris were able to overcome themselves and began to become attached to their special son. They were able to love him for who he was and decided to just move on with their lives.

In order not to leave little Nick without a single opportunity to independently perform any actions, it was decided to perform an operation to separate the fingers on his only lower limb. This is how Nick got his opportunity to learn to write, move, type on a keyboard at a decent speed, and even play golf.

The boy grew up in a devout family, where not a single day passed without prayer. Nick asked God for something he could not give him: full upper and lower limbs. External shortcomings depressed Vujicic. He studied at a very ordinary school, where children teased him because he was not like everyone else. Realizing his own inferiority, the boy suffered greatly and experienced incredible stress, which turned into depression.

When he, a man whom millions of healthy people would imitate in the future, turned ten years old, he decided to take his own life. Nick was saved by only one thing - the realization that he would hurt his family. He knew how much they loved him and what a blow his death would be for them.

Then Nick found the courage to give up his truly scary step and start new life. A life in which no one is perfect, but everyone has limitless possibilities and the power to overcome any difficulties - the power of love.

Start of charitable activities

One day Nick's mother told him most interesting story about a person with disabilities who was able to inspire other people to live. This story, which was actually an article from some magazine, interested the boy very much, and for the first time he thought about his place in this world.

When Nick gradually began to adapt to his position as an “unusual” child, he, unnoticed by himself, began to engage in his life’s work - charity. The boy was fourteen years old when he began working on the council of his school, which was involved in helping the needy and other charitable activities.

After graduating from school, Vujicic entered the university, where, without any particular difficulties, he received two higher educations - the first in accounting, and the second in the field of finance. When the future famous speaker turned 19, he was invited to Griffith University to give a speech to Australian students. To the performance young man 7 minutes were allotted, but after 3 minutes there were tears in the eyes of the entire audience.

One of the students came up to Nick and began to cry on his shoulder, claiming that he changed her life with his speech. Then it immediately became clear that motivating others, making them believe in themselves and instilling hope in people’s souls was his true purpose.

That is why, in 1999, Nick came up with the idea to found his own religious non-profit charitable organization, which he did, calling his brainchild “Life Without Limbs.” This is how Vujicic began his career as a motivational speaker.

Thanks to the unusual appearance And unique ability Penetrating the souls of people with his words, the man without arms and legs quickly gained popularity throughout Australia. In 2005 he received the Australian of the Year award. But the growth of his fame did not stop there. With the help of the Internet, Vujicic was watched by the whole world, and, having become the owner of the motivational company “Attitude Is Altitude,” Nick began visiting other countries with his lectures. He gave his speeches in more than sixty countries, including Russia.

For the first time, the famous speaker visited the capital cities of Russia in March 2015. It was then that the dream of many Russians came true: to see this extraordinary man with their own eyes and attend his lecture. The speaker was also invited to one of the famous talk shows on one of the federal channels.

People came there to meet Nick with their problems: some could not overcome an evil addiction in the form of alcoholism, others lacked the strength to stop being a prisoner own body and lose weight, someone needs moral support to raise sick children. They were able to talk to Vujicic, hug him and find hope for the best.

Of course, not everyone had the opportunity to communicate with the famous lecturer one-on-one; most Russians watched what was happening through TV screens. But even this had a huge effect on the residents of a large country, and they began to wait for Nick on his next visit.

The preacher did not keep himself waiting long, arriving with a new performance in 2016. Now people came back with gratitude for what Nick had done for them.

At the moment, Vuychich has already visited Moscow and St. Petersburg several times. He managed to visit other Russian cities, such as Novosibirsk, Sochi and Yekaterinburg.

It is obvious that the Russians have fallen in love with Nick and are always happy to welcome him.

Sermons and motivational speeches are not the only way to influence the masses, and Nick Vujicic knows this first hand. After all, he is the author of world bestsellers among motivational literature. To date, he has already published five books, each of which has been translated into thousands of foreign languages.

The most famous book– “Life without Borders” – published in 2010 and is still a reference book for many. In it, Nick voices his basic life guidelines and invites people to give up all the restrictions that they create for themselves.

The young man also starred in a film called “Butterfly Circus.” This is a short film by American director Joshua Weigel and talks about how main character Will (played by Nick) gains confidence in himself. The film received 8 wins at various film festivals, and Vujicic himself even received an award for best actor at the Method fest 2010 Independent Film Festival.

Wild popularity and career success, alas, are not always everything a person needs to be happy. Nick always knew this and secretly dreamed of meeting the one who would love him, despite all his shortcomings. Vujicic believed in love, and it came to him. She came in the form of a charming girl, Kanae Miyahara.

The young people immediately felt sympathy, which eventually ended in a wonderful wedding. Now the couple are the parents of four children. On February 12, 2012, their first child, Kiyoshi James Vujicic, was born; in 2015, their second son, Deyan, was born, and more recently, on December 20, 2017, twin sisters Olivia and Ellie joined the Vujicic ranks. All children of Kanae and Nick are absolutely healthy and have not inherited their father’s diseases.

Now Vujicic is actively involved in raising children, while continuing his career as a motivational speaker. He also continues to work in his charity organization and project Attitude Is Altitude. Nick actively maintains their websites and his pages in in social networks to always stay connected with your fans.

Secrets of motivation from Nick Vujicic

The biggest secret is that there is no secret. He described Nick’s entire worldview in his books, he shared his thoughts with the world so that any of us could use them and become happier.

He says: “Think of your attitude towards the world as a remote control. If you don't like the program you're watching, you simply grab the remote control and switch the TV to another program. It’s the same with your attitude to life: when you are unhappy with the result, change your approach, no matter what problem you are faced with” (from the book “Life without Borders”).

So what does the story of this extraordinary man teach us?

Nick Vujicic motivates people not just with his words - he does it by example. Looking at a person with such a serious illness, who, despite everything, lives on his own full life, it is impossible to continue blaming an “unfair world” for your failures.

Life sends millions of opportunities to every person. It all depends only on you and on your attitude to life. Love, be kinder, be inspired by people like Nick Vujicic. And most importantly, be inspired by yourself and your actions.
