Large lizards. Types of lizards names and photos: the largest group of reptiles

Legless lizards and snakes seem the same, but this is only at first glance. It turns out that there are a number of differences between these reptiles. In what ways do they differ? What types of legless lizards are the most common? Read about this in the article.

a brief description of

The legless lizards that will be discussed in this article look like snakes. They are missing limbs. Their eyelids are movable. These reptiles lead an underground lifestyle: they spend most of their time in the ground. With the help of a shovel-like head, as well as thanks to specific body movements, they make numerous passages in loose soil. Legless lizards feed on insects and invertebrate organisms.

These reptiles are ovoviviparous. At one time, a female can bring several cubs, most often no more than four. Lizards reach sexual maturity at three years.

Differences from snakes

When people encounter a legless lizard, they most often mistake it for a poisonous snake and try to kill the animal. Of course, reptiles have similarities: both legless lizards and snakes move by wriggling their bodies. However, if you look closely, you can find several pronounced differences between the two types of reptiles. Let's look at the difference using the example of two lizards: the spindle and the yellow-bellied lizard.

Firstly, they have movable eyelids, while in snakes they are fused, thereby forming a transparent protective layer over the eyes. Lizards have an ear opening, which is located behind the organs of vision. Snakes do not have it.

Secondly, the head and body are fastened differently in reptiles. If the spindle and the yellow-bellied do not have any narrowings in the neck area, then in snakes they are clearly pronounced.

In lizards, the left and right parts of the jaws are connected more rigidly, in addition, these animals have a shoulder girdle.

What lizards are common in Russia?

Legless lizards live in many parts of the planet. Several species of these animals are found in Russia. In the European part of our country, as well as in the Caucasus, the spindle is common. In the south of the state you can stumble upon a yellowbell.


has a beautiful appearance. Its scales are very smooth and shiny. It is painted brown, brown or dark gray with a bronze tint. Males have small blue spots on their backs. In captivity, reptiles molt in about a month.

The legless lizard (spindle) feeds on mollusks, earthworms and insect larvae. It holds prey with sharp teeth bent back. Thanks to this, slippery worms and slugs remain in the reptile's mouth. The lizard absorbs food in the following way: it swallows slowly, moving its head in different directions. If the worm grabs onto something and does not leave the earthen hole, then the spindle straightens its body and begins to rotate in one direction. In this way, she tears off part of the prey. When eating snails, the reptile slowly pulls the mollusk out of its shelter, first resting its head against the mouth of the shell.

Brittle spindle

The spindle family includes a huge number of species. There are more than a hundred of them in total. general characteristics spindles have already been presented in this article. Now we will talk about one of the most prominent representatives of the family - the brittle spindle. By the way, the legless snake-like lizard and the spindle are not the same thing. Between them there is big difference: For example, spindles have auditory openings and temporal arches.

The length of these reptiles reaches 45 centimeters. Two thirds of their body is a flexible, movable tail. At the same time, the border between the body and the tail is almost invisible to the naked eye. The scales of the animal are reinforced with bone plates. Typically, spindles have gray or Brown with a coppery sheen. However, there are also albino individuals, as well as melanists, whose color is completely black. The cubs were once mistakenly classified as a separate species, because at an early age their coloration divides the body into two halves: chocolate and golden. You can meet brittle spindle in the forests. Sometimes she crawls into fields and gardens. In addition, this reptile can swim, so occasionally it appears near bodies of water.

Yellow Tummy

The legless yellow-bellied lizard also has another name - capercaillie. This reptile is large, its length is one and a half meters. The yellow-bellied lizard is not exactly a legless lizard. The remains of the limbs are represented by two claws located along the edges of the cloaca. They are most pronounced in adult males. The reptiles belong to the genus Armored spindles.

The appearance of lizards is as follows: they have long body, protected by fused scales. They perform the function of a shell. Skin folds run along the sides of the body. There are two of them in total. They simplify the life of lizards, facilitate their breathing and provide elasticity to the shell when eating large pieces of food. The color of the body can be brown and yellowish, often red blotches appear on it. It is easy to determine the age of a lizard by the color of its shell: individuals that are not yet a year old have a striped coloration, represented by dark stripes against a brown-yellow background.

Distribution of yellowbellies

This species of legless lizards is common on the southern coast of Crimea, in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Syria, Israel, Iran and Iraq. Most often, when people come across this animal, they confuse it with a medium-sized snake. The Yellow Tummy tries to avoid conflict and hides in the grass first. However, some individuals are still injured or even killed.

Yellowbellies live in various areas. They feel comfortable on forest edges and rocky slopes, on river banks and in the steppes. These lizards are not at all afraid of people, which is why they can be found in vineyards and orchards. They feed on terrestrial animals, most often insects, as well as plants. They wait out the winter under stones, tree roots, and in shelters such as rodent burrows. As soon as the air temperature warms up to +16 degrees Celsius in spring, yellowbellies become active again. They are typical diurnal lizards. Their activity peaks in the morning and early evening. On very hot days they may return to their shelters and hibernate.

California lizard

The California legless lizard is not very large. Its worm-like body reaches a length of only 25 centimeters, and this is the maximum. Top part the body is colored in a grayish-olive or brownish tint. Some subspecies are dark brown or even black in color. The underside is usually yellow and the head is dark. In young individuals, three longitudinal lines on the body are clearly visible.

This reptile is common on the California coast. For this, the lizard got its name. You can also meet her in San Francisco. It makes passages in the ground at a depth of 10-15 centimeters. It settles most often in areas with sparse vegetation and sandy soil. However, this does not mean that it cannot be found in the rocks. Tree trunks lying on the ground, voids under stones - the lizard uses all these places as shelters.

The food for the California lizard is soil insects, their larvae, spiders and various arthropods. She mines them underground. The reptile also hunts on the surface of the soil, detecting the location of prey by smell and quickly grabbing it with its head sticking out of the sand.

Lizards, being a suborder of the class of reptiles, are its largest group. There are more than 3,500 species and live on all continents except Antarctica. In this article we will look at internal structure, skeleton, physiological characteristics of the lizard, species and names of their families.

Lizards are amazing creatures, of which several are distinguished among other representatives of the fauna interesting facts. The first fact is the size of representatives of different lizard populations. For example, the smallest lizard, Brookesia Micra, is only 28 mm long, while the largest representative of this group of reptiles, the Indonesian monitor lizard, also known as the Komodo dragon, has a body length exceeding 3 meters, weighing about one and a half quintals.

The second fact makes these reptiles popular not only among biologists, but also ordinary people, is why and how a lizard casts its tail. This ability is called autotomy and is a method of self-preservation. When a lizard runs away from a predator, it can grab it by the tail, which actually poses a threat to the life of the reptile. In order to save their lives, some species of small lizards are able to shed their tail, which grows back after some time. To avoid large blood loss during autotomy, the tail of the lizard is equipped with a special group of muscles that contract blood vessels.

In addition to everything listed above, lizards in nature have the quality of skillful camouflage, adapting to color scheme environment. And some of them, especially the chameleon, can take on the color of a neighboring object in a matter of moments. How does this happen? The fact is that the skin cells of a chameleon, consisting of several almost transparent layers, have special processes and pigment, which under the influence of nerve impulses can shrink or unclench. At the moment the process contracts, the pigment gathers in the center of the cell and becomes barely noticeable, and when the process unclenches, the pigment spreads throughout the cell, coloring the skin a certain color.

Skeleton and internal structure of a lizard

The body of a lizard consists of parts such as head, neck, torso, tail and limbs. The body on the outside is covered with scales, consisting of smaller and softer horny formations compared to fish scales; there are no sweat glands on the skin. A characteristic feature is also a long muscular organ - the tongue, which is involved in feeling objects. The eyes of a lizard, unlike other reptiles, are equipped with a movable eyelid. The muscles are more developed than those of reptiles.

The lizard's skeleton also has some features. It consists of the cervical, shoulder, lumbar and pelvic sections, which are connected by the spine. The skeleton of a lizard is built in such a way that, when fused, the ribs (the first five) form a closed sternum from below, which is a characteristic feature of this group of reptiles compared to other reptiles. Rib cage performs protective function, reducing the risk of mechanical damage internal organs, it can also increase in volume during breathing. The limbs of the lizard, like other terrestrial animals, are five-fingered, but unlike amphibians, they are located in a more vertical position, which ensures some elevation of the body above the ground and, as a result, faster movement. The long claws with which the reptile's paws are equipped also provide significant assistance in movement. In some species they are especially tenacious and help their owner to deftly climb trees and rocky terrain.

The lizard skeleton differs from other groups of terrestrial fauna in the presence of only 2 vertebrae in the sacral spine. Also a distinctive feature is the unique structure of the caudal vertebrae, namely in the non-ossifying layer between them, thanks to which the lizard’s tail is painlessly torn off.

What are the similarities between a lizard and a newt?

Some people confuse lizards with newts - representatives of the infraorder. What are the similarities between a lizard and a newt? Representatives of these two superclasses are similar to each other only in appearance; the internal structure of newts corresponds to the anatomy of amphibians. However, from a physiological point of view, both lizards and newts visually look the same: a snake-like head, movable eyelids on the eyes, a long body with five-fingered limbs on the sides and sometimes with a crest on the back, a tail capable of regeneration.

Lizard food

The lizard is a cold-blooded animal, that is, its body temperature changes depending on the ambient temperature, so these reptiles are most active during the day, when the air warms up the most. Most of them are carnivorous lizards, the species and names of which include more than one thousand individuals. The prey of lizard predators directly depends on the size of the reptile itself. Thus, small and medium-sized individuals feed on all sorts of invertebrate animals, such as insects, spiders, worms, and mollusks. The victims of large lizards are small vertebrates (frogs, snakes, small birds or lizards). The exception is the Komodo dragon, which, due to its large size, can afford to hunt larger game (deer, pigs and even medium-sized buffalo).

Another part of the lizards are herbivores, eating leaves, shoots and other vegetation. However, there is also omnivorous species, such as Madagascar geckos, which eat plant foods (fruits, nectar) along with insects.

Classification of lizards

The diversity of lizards is quite impressive and includes 6 superfamilies, collectively divided into 37 families:

  • Iguanas.
  • Geckos.
  • Skinks.
  • Fusiform.
  • Monitor lizards.
  • Worm-shaped.

Each of these infraorders has initializing features determined by the conditions of its habitat and its intended role in the trophic chain.


Iguanas are an infraorder with many varieties of life forms, in which not only the external, but often also the internal structure of the lizard differs. Iguanas include such well-known families of lizards as the iguana, agamidae and chameleon family. Iguanas prefer warm and humid climate, therefore their habitat is the southern part North America, South America, as well as some tropical islands (Madagascar, Cuba, Hawaii, etc.).

Representatives of the infraorder iguanas can be recognized by their characteristic lower jaw, which is strongly elongated due to pleurodont teeth. Also distinctive feature Iguanas are distinguished by the presence of a spiny crest on the back and tail, the size of which is usually larger in males. The paw of the iguana lizard is equipped with 5 fingers, which are topped with claws (in tree species claws are much longer than those of terrestrial representatives). In addition, iguanas have growths on the head that resemble a helmet and throat pouches, which serve as a threat signaling tool and also play an important role in mating.

The body shape of iguanas mainly comes in two types:

  1. A tall body with compressed sides, which smoothly turns into a thickened tail. This body shape can mainly be found in arboreal species, for example in the genus Polychrus in its South American habitat.
  2. A flattened, disc-shaped body is found in representatives of iguanas living on the ground.


The infraorder Geckoformes includes the families Cepcopods, Squamopods and Eublepharaceae. Home and common feature All representatives of this infraorder have a special chromosome set and a special muscle near the ear. Most geckos do not have a zygomatic arch, and their tongue is thick and not forked.

  • The family of Gecko (grass-toed) lizards has lived on Earth for more than 50 million years. The lizard's skeleton and physiological features are adapted to live all over the world. They have the most extensive habitat, both in hot climatic zones, and in temperate latitudes. The number of species in the family is more than a thousand.
  • The Scalyfoot family is one of those very similar in appearance to snakes. They can be distinguished from snakes by the characteristic clicking sound that they are able to make to communicate with each other. The body, like that of snakes, is long, smoothly turning into a tail, which is adapted for autotomy. The lizard's head is covered with symmetrical scutes. The scalefoot population includes 7 genera and 41 species. Habitat: Australia, Guinea and nearby land areas.
  • The Eublepharidae family are small lizards about 25 cm long with variegated colors, leading night look life. Carnivores, feed on insects. They live on the American, Asian and African continents.


Representatives of the skincoob different lizards distributed on all continents with temperate, tropical and subtropical climates. These are mainly land dwellers, although there are also semi-aquatic individuals, those that spend a larger period of their life in trees. This infraorder includes the following families:

Spindle lizards

The infraorder of fusiform lizards is characterized by small scales with unfused bony plates below. Among the spindle lizards there are: legless species, and lizards with a normal body structure with five-fingered limbs. The infraorder includes three families:

  • The Xenosaur family differs from other families in having developed limbs and heterogeneous scales. Highlights the presence of movable eyelids and auditory openings. The family includes only two genera with habitats in Central America and China.
  • The Vereteniciaceae family has strong jaws, equipped with blunted teeth. These are mainly carnivorous lizards that give birth by viviparity. The family has about 10 genera and 80 species, living mainly on the American continent. The size of adult individuals varies around 50-60 cm.
  • The Legless family has only two species with a habitat in Mexico and California. They are distinguished by the absence of limbs, auditory openings and bone plates.

Monitor lizards

The infraorder Varanidae includes one genus - Monitor Lizards - and about 70 species. Monitor lizards live in Africa, with the exception of Madagascar, Australia and New Guinea. The largest species of monitor lizard, the Komodo Dragon, is a real record holder among all types of lizards in terms of size, its length reaches 3 meters and its weight is more than 120 kg. His dinner could easily be a whole pig. The smallest species (Short-tailed) does not exceed 28 cm in length.

Description of the Varan lizard: elongated body, elongated neck, limbs in a semi-straightened position, forked tongue. Monitor lizards are the only genus of lizards in which the skull is completely ossified and has open ear openings on the sides. The eyes are well developed, equipped with a round pupil and a movable eyelid. The scales on the back consist of small oval or round plates, on the belly the plates take a rectangular shape, and on the head they are polygonal. The powerful body ends with an equally powerful tail, with which monitor lizards are able to defend themselves, delivering strong blows to the enemy. In lizards leading an aquatic lifestyle, the tail is used for balancing when swimming; in arboreal species, it is quite flexible and tenacious, helping to climb branches. Monitor lizards differ from most other lizards in the structure of their heart (four chambers), similar to mammals, while the heart of lizards from other infraorders has three chambers.

In terms of lifestyle, monitor lizards are dominated by terrestrial species, but there are also those that spend a lot of time in the water and in trees. The lizard's body is adapted to living in various biotopes; they can be found in the desert and in wet forests, and on the sea coast. Most of them are predators, active in daytime days, only two species of monitor lizards are herbivores. The prey of carnivorous lizards are various mollusks, insects, fish, snakes (even poisonous ones!), birds, reptile eggs, other types of lizards, and large monitor lizards often become cannibals, eating their young and fragile relatives. The entire genus of monitor lizards belongs to oviparous lizards.

Monitor lizards are important not only as a link in the trophic chain for their habitat, but also for anthropological activities. Thus, the skin of these lizards is used in the textile industry as a material for the manufacture of various haberdashery and even shoes. In some states, the local population eats the meat of these animals. In medicine, monitor lizard blood is used to make antiseptics. And, of course, these lizards often become inhabitants of terrariums.

Worm-like lizards

The infraorder of worm-like lizards consists of one family, the representatives of which are small, legless individuals, externally similar to worms. They live on the ground and lead a burrowing lifestyle. Distributed in the forest zone in Indonesia, the Philippines, India, China, New Guinea.

As of 2014, there are 5,907 species of lizards on the planet. Below is a list of the ten most unusual lizards in the world that differ from their relatives in their original appearance or behavior.

The fantastic leaf-tailed gecko, also known as the satanic gecko, is a species of gecko that lives on tree trunks and branches in damp tropical forests only on the Madagascar islands. Adults reach a length of 9–14 cm and weigh from 10 to 30 grams. They are nocturnal, hunting insects. These amazing animals are endowed with the ability to mimicry - to merge with the bark of trees, dry leaves, etc. Due to deforestation, they are in danger of extinction. They can often be found in terrariums around the world.

The Moloch, also known as the thorny devil, is a species of rather unusual lizard widely distributed in the deserts and semi-deserts of western and central Australia. The body length of an adult does not exceed 20 cm, with a weight of 50 to 100 g. Active during the day. It feeds exclusively on ants, usually small species. During the day, the “thorny devil” is capable of eating several thousand ants, which he catches with the help of his sticky tongue.

Lobe-tailed geckos

Lobe-tailed geckos or flying geckos are a genus of geckos with 7 species. They live in Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Nicobar Islands (India), as well as on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. They love tropical woodlands. They spend most of their lives in trees, through which they move very quickly. They live in hollows. Active at night. They feed on insects and small invertebrates. The total length of their body is 20–23 cm. Characteristic Features These geckos are able to jump up to 60 m from one tree to another.

Philippine swallowtail lizard

In seventh place on the list of the most unusual lizards in the world is the Philippine sail lizard, which is found only in the Philippines. These lizards are omnivores, feeding on fruits, leaves, flowers, insects and small mammals. They prefer to settle in damp forests near water, rivers, rice fields, etc. Adults can grow up to one meter long. They are excellent swimmers.

The common conolophus is a species of large lizard from the iguana family. They live in earthen burrows dug by them only on the Galapagos archipelago, on the islands of San Salvador, Santa Cruz, Isabela and Fernandina. Their body length reaches 125 cm, weight 13 kg. They feed exclusively on plants growing on the ground, sometimes on fallen fruits. 80% of their diet consists of sprouts and flowers of prickly pear (a plant from the Cactus family).

The marine iguana is an unusual lizard found exclusively in the Galapagos Islands. It is found mainly on rocky shores, salt marshes and mangroves. The marine iguana is not very skilled on land, however, it swims and dives well. It can hold its breath for 1 hour, and also has the ability, unique among modern lizards, to spend most of its time in the sea. It feeds mainly on algae, sometimes small vertebrates. The total length of their body reaches 140 cm, of which more than half is occupied by the tail, weighing up to 12 kg.

The Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world, found in arid plains, savannas and dry tropical forests only on the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Rinca, Flores and Gili Motang. Their body length reaches 3–4 m, weight is about 70–100 kg. Are considered excellent hunters, which for short distances can reach speeds of up to 20 km/h. They swim well and climb trees. They feed on a wide variety of animals. Their diet includes crabs, fish, sea ​​turtles, lizards, snakes, birds, baby crocodiles, rodents, deer, wild boars, dogs, cats, goats, buffaloes, horses and even relatives. Possess poisonous bite and are considered one of the most cold-blooded sadistic killers in the animal world. In adults komodo dragons V wildlife There are no natural enemies except humans and possibly saltwater crocodiles.

Flying dragon (Draco volans)

The flying dragon is a species of unusual lizard, common in Indonesia on the islands of Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Timor, as well as in West Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippine Islands (Palawan), Singapore and Vietnam. The length of their body reaches about 20 cm. On its sides there are wide leathery folds stretched between six “false” ribs. When they open, peculiar “wings” are formed, with the help of which dragons can glide in the air at a distance of up to 60 meters. They live in the treetops of tropical forests, where they spend a significant part of their lives. They descend to the ground only in two cases - to lay eggs and if the flight is unsuccessful. They feed on insects, mainly ants and termites.

The Lesser Belttail is a species of lizard found in rocky, desert areas of southern Africa. Their body length ranges from 15 to 21 cm. There are hard bone plates like a shell on the head and back. It feeds on insects and small invertebrates. Lives in groups of up to 60 individuals, hiding in gorges and crevices. When in danger, they are able to curl into a ring, grabbing their tail with their mouths. Considered one of the most spiny animals in the world.

Lizards are reptiles with a wide variety of species. You can find out photos of a variety of lizards and a description of their life by reading this article.

To date, scientists have established that lizards are the largest group among the class Reptiles (Reptiles). Very often we call lizards those who are not lizards at all. We are accustomed to the fact that lizards are all representatives of reptiles that run on four legs and have a long tail. But you will be surprised to learn that scientists classify as lizards mainly only representatives of the family True lizards, and the rest are similar to them: agamas, skinks, monitor lizards, and geckos - a completely different group.

Let's take a closer look at real lizards. These reptiles are of medium size, although there are also very small species among them. Basically, the body length of lizards reaches from 20 to 40 cm. And only the pearl lizard can grow up to 80 centimeters. But a separate group in the family of true lizards, called foot-and-mouth disease, measures about 10 centimeters.

True lizards differ from their own kind (other reptiles) by movable eyelids. For example, snakes cannot boast of such an eye structure, because their eyelids are fused. All lizards have an oblong body and a long narrow tail. One more distinctive feature Lizards have a natural ability for autotomy. What it is? This is a famous one that even small children know about! At all, scientific basis The term autotomy sounds like a disposition to “self-mutilation”, i.e. intentional self-harm.

No, don’t think about it, lizards do such tricks not out of idleness and boredom! Only hopelessness and the approach of death when meeting an enemy can force a lizard to break its spine and throw away its tail, which, by the way, will wriggle for some time as if alive, distracting the predator and misleading it. At this time, the lizard itself, almost whole, but alive, quickly disappears out of sight.

The color of lizards is always a combination of several shades: brown, green and gray. But depending on the habitat and climatic zones, lizards may have skin that is yellow, for example. And some types are even decorated with incredibly bright shades: red, azure, blue.

Sexual dimorphism in these reptiles is very weak, so it is almost impossible to distinguish a male lizard from a female lizard with the naked eye, unless you are a professional zoologist. Scientists have found that lizards do not have vocal cords and therefore are always silent, but in nature there are no exceptions, right? That is why there is a “vocal” lizard on Earth, which is called the Lizard of Stechlin and Simon; this reptile lives on Canary Islands. When danger overtakes her, she makes something like a squeak.

Today, representatives of real lizards inhabit Europe, Africa and partly Asia. But you will not find them in Madagascar, in the southern regions of Asia and on island territories in Indian Ocean. But, having once been brought to the lands of the United States, the lizards happily took root there and successfully reproduced. True lizards prefer forests, bushes, steppes, semi-deserts, meadows, mountainous areas, gardens, river banks and even cliffs as biotopes. They are not afraid of heights and steep slopes, because these reptiles move equally well in both horizontal and vertical planes.

Lizards are most active in daylight hours days. Their diet consists of invertebrate animals, but sometimes the lizard can encroach on a small rodent or snake, and the most desperate ones even eat bird eggs. But most often these reptiles eat spiders, butterflies, locusts, snails, slugs, worms, grasshoppers and other small inhabitants of our fauna.

Lizards are scaly reptiles with a long tail and four legs. In fact, there are a great many species of lizards. For example, there is a separate suborder of legless lizards, which are almost impossible for a non-specialist to distinguish from snakes. Currently, scientists know more than six thousand species of lizards that live in almost every corner of the planet. These species differ in color, size and even feeding behavior. Many exotic species lizards are kept in home terrariums and are well adapted to living in city conditions.

Types of lizards, names

Scientists have divided all lizards into six orders, each of which contains about thirty-seven families. Let's try to briefly look at the main units:

Lizards are so amazing with their species diversity, which have many differences from each other. For example, the largest representative of lizards, the dragon from Komodo Island, weighed more than ninety kilograms. This handsome man is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest lizard in the world. Such heavyweights feed on small rodents and reptiles, and can also afford large cattle, boars and horses.

There have always been legends on the islands about monsters that ate people on Komodo Island. It is still unknown whether there is a real basis for this legend, but it is not difficult to imagine what sacred horror the almost hundred-kilogram lizards caused among the uneducated islanders. Many people still call such monitor lizards “Great Dragon”.
The smallest lizards do not even reach two centimeters, and their weight is two tenths of a gram. These babies live in Dominican Republic and in the Virgin Islands.

Difference between lizards and other reptiles

Lizards have a long body with smooth scales and clawed, tenacious legs that allow them to masterfully hold on to any surface. The color is usually a combination of shades of green, brown and green. Some species of lizards can mimic. Desert reptiles are especially successful in this. The tongue of lizards is very mobile. He may have different shapes and color. Most often, it is with the help of their tongue that these nimble reptiles catch their prey. U different types Lizards' teeth serve different purposes. Some grind prey with them, others tear them apart. For example, monitor lizards have very sharp teeth that literally cut their prey.

Visually, many lizards resemble snakes. The main difference is the clawed feet, but legless lizards do not have feet. How to distinguish a legless lizard from a snake? Several signs will help even a non-professional understand the two types of reptiles:

  • lizards have eyelids and blink quite often, while snakes have a fused movable eyelid;
  • lizards have ears located on both sides of the head, unlike snakes that are completely deaf;
  • Lizards always molt in parts, sometimes the molting process lasts several months.

Newts are close relatives of lizards and are very similar to them. But it’s quite difficult to confuse them:

  • lizards have leathery scales, and the newt has absolutely smooth skin covered with mucus;
  • lizards breathe only with their lungs, while the newt uses the lungs, gills and skin for breathing;
  • lizards can give birth to viable offspring or lay eggs in the sand, and newts spawn in a pond with running water;
  • The main difference between a newt and a lizard is the latter’s ability to throw off its tail in case of danger.

How does a lizard swing its tail?

The lizard's tail-throwing mechanism is one of nature's most interesting inventions. The tail of a reptile consists of cartilage, which in case of danger is easily broken by a powerful muscle spasm. Stress constricts blood vessels, and blood loss when the tail is dropped is never significant. The new tail grows for quite a long time; it reaches its previous size after eight to nine months. Sometimes the lizard’s body malfunctions and instead of one tail, two or three new ones grow.

Domestic lizards: maintenance features

Currently, there is a great demand for keeping lizards at home. It is worth noting that in captivity these reptiles reproduce very well, and the survival rate of offspring is more than 70%. It is quite difficult to distinguish a male lizard from a female. The main differences appear only after puberty:

  • males of some species are distinguished by a bright dorsal crest, which increases as the individual grows older;
  • male lizards quite often have sharp spurs on their paws;
  • many species have large throat sacs.

All these signs cannot give a 100% guarantee in determining the sex, so if you plan to breed lizards, then determine the sex of the individual using a blood test at a veterinary clinic.

In wild nature daily diet lizards are very diverse. This predator prefers to hunt at dawn or after sunset. Food most often consists of insects, worms and shellfish. Large species can feed on other reptiles, bird eggs and small birds. Some lizards are vegetarians and eat only plants and fruits. At home, it is necessary to maintain a variety of daily food, although the lizard's diet may consist of the simplest foods:

  • insects (worms, spiders, etc.);
  • raw eggs;
  • raw finely chopped meat;
  • vitamin mixture of boiled chicken, grated carrots and lettuce leaves;
  • specialized supplements from pet stores.

You can feed the lizard three times a day during the hot season, and twice during the winter season. Despite the fact that the climate in the terrarium remains warm, the lizard senses the change of season and significantly reduces its activity.

Lizards reproduce well in captivity. The mating season begins in the spring and lasts several months. Large lizards give birth only once a year; small species can breed two or three times per season. In nature, males always compete for a female, with the winner getting the opportunity to mate. In captivity, it is enough to place the pair in one terrarium and leave them alone for several days. During this period, lizards may refuse to eat, but pure water must always be within reach.

Lizards can lay eggs or give birth to offspring already adapted to life. On average, lizards lay about ten eggs and hide them away from prying eyes - in the sand or behind rocks. The eggs remain in this state for up to forty-five days. The hatched cubs are almost completely independent. Viviparous species of lizards carry their young for up to three months. On average, the lifespan of an adult is no more than five years.

Types of domestic lizards

Many exotic species of lizards tolerate life well in captivity. They live several years longer than their wild relatives and bear offspring much more often. The most popular types of pet lizards include:

Bearded dragon

This is one of the most unpretentious reptiles. It is ideal for beginner terrarium keepers who will get great pleasure watching their pet. In the wild, the bearded dragon lives in Australia. Long years The authorities of the continent strictly controlled the export of this reptile from the country, but quite often you can find this lizard on other continents, where it has successfully taken root. The reptile got its name thanks to the spikes and growths around its head; at one time it even bore the proud name “bearded dragon.” The lizard can change color depending on the ambient temperature and its condition.

Real iguana

This large green reptile is known in some circles as the "common." Some specimens reach two meters in length and eight kilograms of total weight. Lizards of this species are completely unpretentious and are loved by terrariumists for their calm nature. Iguanas only eat plant foods. The most serious requirement for keeping this lizard is the equipment of the terrarium - it must be large and well lit.


This baby is considered an Asian cuckoo. The spotted gecko can make funny sounds, which, according to legend, bring happiness to the family. Asians have always brought this lizard into new house just like the Russian cat. The gecko eats only plant foods; many owners even let it out of its terrarium to run around the house.

Agama tree

This colorful lizard is ideally suited for life in the trees. It has long claws and the ability to camouflage itself among tropical greenery. Some species are bright blue. Agama is an excellent mimic and can imitate equally well green leaf and a dry branch. This species is one of the most capricious. It can easily die in captivity if some rules for keeping a reptile are not followed. At first, the agama is very wary of its owners, but then it gets used to it and shows them absolute disregard.

Four-horned chameleon

This lizard is a favorite of professional terrarium keepers. It fits perfectly into any environment, merging with all surrounding objects. This reptile feeds on insects and fresh juicy fruits. Keeping a chameleon requires some skill and dexterity. For example, this lizard does not drink water.

To give it water, you should generously spray the vegetation in the terrarium or install fountains. It is worth keeping in mind that, despite its apparent slowness, the chameleon is a very aggressive lizard. She can even attack her owner.

Lizards are very interesting and unusual pets. Good care and nutrition prolongs their life in captivity to the delight of caring owners.
