What can be sent by registered mail with notification. The notice must include

Contractual relations imply the fulfillment by the parties of their obligations in full. If one of the parties, let’s call it the offender, violated the terms of the contract, then the victim begins to take measures to eliminate the contradictions. In most cases, the dispute can be resolved before trial, especially since in most civil law disputes it is important to follow the claim (pre-trial) procedure for their settlement, without which the arbitration court will return statement of claim back.

Typically, a “debriefing” begins with the presentation of a claim (complaint) to the offender, which is often impossible or very difficult to convey personally. The reasons may be different: the parties are geographically far from each other; the victim’s health condition does not allow him to visit the offender in person; the latter refuses to accept the claim, and so on. The post office comes to the rescue; there is a branch in almost every locality. In this article we will look at how to correctly send a claim by mail, what types postal items are used for these purposes and which one would be most preferred?

Registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery

Any registered letter is a registered mail item (RPO). This means that all stages of its passage from the place of receipt to the place of delivery to the addressee are documented (each RPO is assigned a tracking number), and the fact of delivery itself can be proven by requesting the relevant information from the Russian Post (letters are handed to the addressee with a receipt). But if suddenly the matter comes to trial, then such a request may take time and delay the consideration of the case. Therefore, it is recommended that any letter of claim be sent with acknowledgment of receipt.

The notification is a special postal form (for shipments within Russia - form 119), on which the recipient’s signature is placed at the time of delivery. It is sent along with the letter and then returned to the sender with a receipt, a postal stamp and the signature of the employee who made the delivery.

Notifications, like letters, can be simple or registered. A simple card will follow the path back to the sender in the same way as a simple letter - it will not be taken into account or registered anywhere, it will simply be dropped into Mailbox. A registered notification must be received by mail, but the risk of its loss will be eliminated by adding it to the documents at all stages of the process.

When registered mail arrives at the post office at the addressee's location, the letter is delivered to the address of the legal entity (the delivery procedure is determined by an agreement between it and the postal operator) or a notice is sent to the organization's post office box. The notice is a special form (Form 22), which is designed to inform the recipient that there is a registered postal item in his name (or company address). In this case, registered letters are delivered at post offices upon presentation of a notice, as well as a passport and power of attorney (if the recipient represents a legal entity).

By sending certified mail with notification, you will provide conclusive evidence that your application (or claim) was delivered to the recipient's address. However, here we cannot exclude the possibility that during the trial the recipient will declare that he received an envelope from the victim with blank slate or with completely different information, in general, he will say that he did not see the claim.

Indeed, the very fact of delivery of a registered letter with acknowledgment of delivery does not mean that there really was a claim, and not a declaration of love or a wish for a long and happy life. And if a guarantee of delivery is an undoubted advantage of registered mail, then the lack of evidence regarding the attachment is an undeniable disadvantage. Therefore, in order to competently resolve controversial issues, it is better to send the application by letter with a declared value.

Valuable letter with a list of attachments and notification

Valuable letter(with declared value) also applies to RPO and is protected from the risks of loss in transit due to the fault of postal workers. When sending such a letter, its “declared value” must be indicated - this is the amount that will be paid to the sender in the event of damage to the correspondence or its loss as a result of force majeure.

Valuable letters are delivered exclusively at post offices upon presentation of a notice. Delivery and handing over to the location of the organization or place of residence individual impossible.

Receipt of delivery, as in the case of registered mail, will indicate that the addressee has received the letter. But the problem of proving the contents of this letter will remain open. Therefore, it would be better to send a valuable letter with a description of the attachment and a receipt.

Inventory of attachments is a special postal form (Form 107), which is filled out before sending a letter (this “option” is only possible for valuable letters and does not apply to registered ones). The inventory indicates the names of the documents contained in the envelope and their quantity.

To send such a letter, you must prepare an envelope with a claim enclosed. The envelope DOES NOT need to be sealed. Fill in all the required fields on the envelope (your address and the recipient's). Fill out two copies of the inventory form f.107. This can be done on the post office website, after which they can be printed. Or take the blank printed forms directly from the branch, where you can fill them out.

In the “Name of Items” column, enter the name of your claim, for example, “Claim for refusal to return part of the insurance premium after early repayment.” In the column “Number of items” we write 1 (unit). And in the column “Declared value, rub.” enter a small amount in rubles (no more than 10 rubles).

What does a postal worker do:

  • checks the inventory with the contents of the letter;
  • puts a certification signature and seal on the inventory with the date and department index;
  • one copy of the inventory is returned to the sender;
  • the claim with the second copy of the inventory is sealed in an envelope and the receipt of the postal item is formalized.

This way, it will be confirmed that you sent exactly the claim, and not something else or a completely blank sheet. In this case, the postal worker who certified the inventory bears full responsibility for the correspondence of the inventory to the actual attachment. The payment receipt, inventory and receipt receipt will be conclusive evidence that you sent the claim to the offender. And it will be possible to compensate for your expenses at the expense of the recipient of the letter (if, of course, the sender wins in court).

Note! To ensure that in the future the other party cannot challenge the contents of the claim letter, it is advisable to indicate the most detailed name of the attached documents when drawing up the inventory. For example, “Claim with requirement”.

Even despite the presence of an inventory, the addressee may open a dispute regarding the content of the received requirement. How can you fight your opponent in this situation? It’s very simple - download the inventory form from the Russian Post website and fill it out on your computer. At the same time, the contents of the entire claim are entered in the text of the inventory in small print. Then the name of the attached document will look like this: “Claim with the following content: “.

The main disadvantage of valuable registered postal items with an inventory is the lack of a guarantee of their delivery. It is quite possible that the message will be returned to the sender with a note indicating that the storage period has expired. The main thing here is not to print out the letter, but to keep it until the trial. During the hearing, you can present the envelope to the judge for review and open it in his presence. This will be guaranteed proof that you sent “the right thing” and your good intentions.

If the recipient claims that he did not receive anything, or received, but not what you sent him, then the burden of proving these circumstances lies entirely with him. The judge in this case will probably side with the sender.

You can send any claim letters using the methods described above:

  • application to court;
  • complaints to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office, FAS;
  • claims to the bank;
  • requirements for borrowers, etc.

How to properly send a claim by mail? Additional measures

Let us assume that all measures aimed at delivering the claim by mail have been completed. But the addressee stubbornly refuses to receive the letter. Maybe because he suspects its contents, or maybe everything is much more banal. Employees of the organization are simply too lazy to go to the post office, or, as they say in the reviews knowledgeable people, legal persons draw up powers of attorney for their employees only to receive registered letters (according to the standard postal power of attorney form), but unfortunately, they forget about valuable ones or are too lazy to draw them up. How can we force the other party to receive the shipment?

The first thing they recommend doing on the forums is to send a telegram following the complaint. In the text of the message you need to indicate that you sent the letter by mail and ask to receive it (just indicate the letter number). The telegram is delivered directly to the addressee, without prior notification of its arrival. Therefore, there is practically no chance that they will not receive it. This will ensure that the defendant is properly notified of the claim. And if he refuses to receive a registered (or valuable) letter, this will be regarded as a deliberate evasion of obligations.

The second option is to use the same telegram as the main means of notification. In this case, the entire text of the claim is written in the forwarded telegraph message. But this method only works fully in cases where the text size is small, i.e. takes up no more than 1 sheet. True, this method will cost a pretty penny. Alternatively, you can send only the main idea of ​​the claim, an excerpt from it in a few words, for example: “I ask you to recalculate the insurance premium and return part of it in connection with the full early repayment of the loan.”

So what is the correct way to send a claim by mail? Which method will be most preferable? Those discussing this topic on various forums agree that nothing better than a valuable letter with an inventory and notification has yet been invented. You can try all available options with additional measures, but the most reliable way to transfer claims is still their personal delivery to the offender (just don’t forget to get a copy with a receipt stamp; alternatively, you can prepare a second copy of the claim for these purposes). Here, the very fact of delivery cannot be disputed, and the essence of the transmitted message is not in doubt.

How to send a registered letter with notification: 8 reasons to do this + 5 stages of the procedure + 2 ways to receive notification of delivery of correspondence.

Several decades ago, correspondence, and therefore state postal services, were held in high esteem by both ordinary citizens and official organizations. Then standard “paper” epistles began to be actively replaced by electronic or fax letters, but still did not completely disappear.

We know: in order for the message to reach the addressee accurately, you need to send it registered or valuable. You will have to pay a little more, but the chances that your message will get lost somewhere are minimized.

How to send a registered letter and how is it different from the usual one? Russian Post and Ukrposhta will answer these questions.

What is a registered letter and how to send it?

If you often have to send parcels with important documents or light valuables, then it is better to understand the issue of the safest and fastest correspondence in order to guarantee that what you need is delivered to the addressee.

1) A registered letter is...

There are three options for sending letters:

    The most popular and inexpensive way of correspondence.

    You can do without postal services altogether if you have a postal envelope and a stamp of the corresponding denomination lying around at home.

    Write your address and the sender's, seal the envelope, put a stamp (you can take an envelope with a stamp already printed), throw it in the mailbox - and that's it, the job is done.

    But you need to keep in mind that standard messages are sometimes ruined by postal workers, so if you are sending something very valuable, it is better to take a closer look at the second and third options.


    We'll talk about it in more detail a little later.

    His main distinguishing feature- the fact that you, as the sender, can accompany your message with an inventory of the documents contained in it. The postal worker will carefully check your list and stamp each page.

    The main disadvantage of sending a valuable letter is that it is not delivered to the specified address, but requires the recipient, who receives a delivery notification, to personally appear at the post office to receive it.

    The shelf life of a valuable letter at the post office is 30 days, after which it is returned to the sender, so the recipient, if he does not want to, may not come for it at all.

Most often in both Russia and Ukraine securities sent either by courier or by registered mail.

This type of letter can only be sent from a post office.

In both Ukraine and Russia you will receive a check with a code. Thanks to these codes on the official websites of Ukrposhta ( http://ukrposhta.ua/ru/vidslidkuvati-forma-poshuku) and Russian Post ( https://www.pochta.ru/tracking) you can track your message and find out its status.

2) Why is it worth sending a registered letter and not a regular letter?

Sending a message officially via mail is not just a whim. This is a necessity when we're talking about about the delivery of some important papers, and so on.

There are 8 reasons to send a registered letter:

    By handing the envelope personally to the postal employee, you receive a check from him as confirmation that the transaction took place.

    Whereas, when you drop a letter in the mailbox, you have no guarantee that at least someone will take on obligations.

  1. The personal responsibility of the employee to whom you hand the envelope - he assumes financial obligations for your correspondence.
  2. All registered letters are added to the documents accompanying the correspondence, regardless of the route.
  3. You can send a message not only within your own country, but also abroad.
  4. Thanks to the code on the check, you can follow the path of your envelope.
  5. You will know for sure that the addressee received the sent papers, because he confirms receipt with his signature.

    In addition, you can always order a notification service.

    Relatively cheap compared to courier services.

    The cost of sending depends on where exactly you are sending the letter and its weight.

  6. There are a huge number of post offices in Russia, Ukraine, and other countries, so you won’t have to look long to find where exactly you can send your message.

Many people are put off by the reluctance to deal with official mail. They say that nothing has changed here since the times of the USSR: the same huge queues, rude employees, chaos and red tape.

But just the other day, one of my friends, a beauty salon administrator, sent correspondence from Ukrposhta to her partners. I spent 16 hryvnia and 15 minutes on everything.

The employee was extremely polite, helped me write the address and explained how to track the message on their website.

The queue is only 3 people, including a friend. A day later, the partners received the package.

So, as you can see, today it is a fairly simple, inexpensive and convenient service.

How to send a registered letter in both Russia and Ukraine?

Sending correspondence of this type is quite simple, and even a child can cope with this task.

If you still doubt whether or not you can do everything quickly, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the procedure itself in more detail and find out what other services you can get at the post office.

1. Procedure for sending a registered letter.

First, you need to know what kind of letter can be sent as a registered letter. There are certain norms and restrictions on the weight and size of the envelope.

Envelope size (in mm)
Weight Limit letters for sending in Russia (in g)Maximum weight of a letter for sending in Ukraine and abroad (in kg)
110 x 220100 2
114 x 162100 2
114 x 229100 2
162 x 229100 2
229 x 324100 2

Here is the procedure to follow if you want to send some documents by registered mail:

You can inform the recipient that you sent what you promised, and, depending on the distance between your cities, he should expect the package at such and such a time.

That's all. The procedure is simple and extremely clear.

It is better to go to the post office not during rush hour, for example, during the standard lunch break from 13.00 - 14.00 or after 18.00, when most people end their working day, but choose another time when there are fewer people at the post office.

This way you will avoid long queues, and the postal employee will give you maximum attention and time.

2. You can send a registered letter using the following services:

Another argument for sending correspondence in this way is that you get the opportunity to take advantage of additional services that are very pleasant and useful.

Anyone who decides to send a registered letter can choose one (or even several) services from this list:

    Personal delivery to the addressee.

    That is, the recipient will not just find a notification in the mailbox that he needs to come to the post office to pick up his correspondence, but will receive the message directly from the hands of the courier at the address indicated on the envelope.

    Sender notification.

    If you are very worried about whether the addressee will receive the correspondence or not, you can order a service such as notification, for example, via SMS.

    The service is paid.

    Air shipment.

    Most often, mail is delivered by ground transport.

    If you want the recipient to receive your message as quickly as possible, you can order air shipment. Naturally, this service will cost a lot.

3. How to send a registered letter with notification?

The most common service used by citizens of Ukraine and Russia if they want to send registered correspondence is a request to notify the sender that the correspondence has been accurately delivered to the recipient.

Indeed, why be nervous in vain, constantly tugging at the addressee “Well, did you receive it?”, “Did you receive it today?”, “And now?”, if you can patiently wait until the postal employees tell you that they have completed their job.

You can send a registered letter with notification:

The cost of sending registered mail in Russia will soon become more expensive.

After signing the order, the shipping price will increase to 41 rubles:

Any adult should know how to send a registered letter. Believe me, this knowledge will definitely not be superfluous to anyone.

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A letter that may contain important documents or must be guaranteed to be delivered to the addressee is best issued as a registered letter. Registered letter Russian Post must register and assign it a number by which tracking is possible. Sending is carried out only through post office employees and has a number of distinctive features.

Registered mail is always delivered faster than usual, but besides this it has other fundamental differences:

  1. The sender always has the opportunity track registered mail if you have access to the Internet, unlike . However, the cost of simple letters is not the most expensive, so they can be used if your letter does not have much value.
  2. Delivery time usually ranges from one day to two weeks.
  3. The sender can send such a letter with a return receipt, thanks to which you can find out when the addressee received the letter and whether he received it at all.
  4. According to the rules of the post office, a registered letter is stored at the post office for five days from the date of delivery. Such a letter is not dropped into the addressee’s mailbox at the place of residence: the person, having received the corresponding notice, picks up the envelope himself.

This option is recommended when sending abroad: postal employees treat such letters more carefully than ordinary ones, because if necessary, the sender can track the location of the sent mail. There were precedents when, after all possible delivery periods had expired, senders sued Russian Post, and such cases were won in the vast majority of cases, so postal employees are interested in ensuring that such excesses do not occur.

This type of sending letters can also be used to send reports to the tax office, but the best solution would be to do this with the help of a list of attachments, which lists the attached documents. As a result, if there is an inventory, the tax office will no longer be able to say that you did not provide some document.

Limitation on letter volume and weight

In terms of size, all letters sent by Russian Post must correspond to a certain size and weight, the maximum values ​​of which are 229x324 mm and 100 g, respectively. There is also a lower threshold for size: the dimensions of the envelope cannot be less than 110x220 mm (in Russia) or 114x162 mm (for sending abroad).

The cost of sending depends on the weight of the letter. Despite the fact that this is not a lot of money, you need to remember: if the addressee does not receive the letter within a month, it is sent back to the sender, who will have to pay for the postage again at the same rates.

How to send a registered letter

Sending a registered letter occurs in the following order:

  • the sender chooses an envelope, which can be a regular paper envelope or a more expensive durable package;
  • the addresses of the sender and recipient are indicated on the sealed envelope;
  • fill out the registration form, in which you need to duplicate the data indicated on the envelope, and also indicate whether to deliver the letter with notification;
  • The postal employee places stamps on the envelope and puts a registered letter stamp on it, after which a unique number necessary for tracking is indicated on it.

How to track a registered letter

The identification number (track code) is used for tracking, and since it is impossible to find out where a letter sent by mail is located in any other way, a check issued by the post office with this number must be kept until the addressee receives the letter.

This number, which consists of 14 digits, is used to enter in the corresponding section on the Russian Post website, where you can find out where the letter is located using the track code. You should not check such information immediately after you have completed the shipment: the letter may remain in the post office for a day (sometimes more) until it is sent with the entire shipment.

For example, if a letter goes from St. Petersburg to Stavropol, most likely it will go through Moscow. In this case, on the first day, at best, you will be able to receive information on the website that the letter has left its “native” post office.

In some situations, this status may not change for several days. This does not mean that the letter is in one place all the time. It may already be in one of sorting centers Moscow, however, until his employees enter this information into the database, the letter will remain listed as “on the way to Moscow.” You can read more about this in this article.

How to fill out a notification of delivery of a registered letter

In case the documents were eaten in registered letter very important, it is better to play it safe and issue a notification of delivery. This is a special form in which data about the recipient and addressee is entered. Upon receipt of the letter, the addressee signs this attached notification, after which it makes the return journey.

The recipient is only required to sign in the appropriate field of the document, and the sender is required to take a responsible approach. The fact is that the notification has two sides: the recipient’s data is indicated on the front, and the sender’s data is indicated on the back. On the standard form, the instructions about this are made so poorly that senders often confuse front side indicate information about yourself. This is not scary - after all, the letter will reach the addressee in any case. But you cannot be sure when this happened, and if it is impossible to contact the recipient in other ways, this can be critical.


When tracking a letter, you can use not only the track code. Russian Post offers an alternative option such as SMS notifications. In this case, the track number is also assigned to the letter, but is entered into the special mailing database, where it will be linked to the sender’s phone number. Information about the intermediate stages of the letter’s journey is not received, however, the sender will receive a message that the letter has been received, and the addressee, if his phone number is indicated by the sender, will receive an SMS indicating that the letter can already be picked up at the post office.

One fine (or not so fine) day you may find a notice in your mailbox with the codification “ZK” on it. At the same time, the text of the notice usually does not indicate either information about the sender or what kind of letter it is, but only information about the need to visit the post office and receive the specified correspondence. Who is the sender of this letter, and what is a ZK notice? Let's figure it out.

The “ZK” encoding is used in the postal circulation of Russian Post, and means that the letter is registered. Notices that notify the recipient that there is a registered letter awaiting him at the post office are encoded in a similar manner.

Instead of information about the sender of this letter, a number is usually indicated, and in the worst case, there is no information at all. As for other data available in the notice, there is an address where you can receive the mentioned registered letter, digital and bar codes, as well as several service symbols.

As a rule, such registered letters with ZK notification are sent by various state and municipal authorities. For example, this could be the Pension Fund, courts of various instances, the tax service, the bailiff service and other government agencies.

Also, in some cases, the sender of ZK letters can be legal entities - banks, insurance companies and other commercial organizations.

In most cases, ZK letters are registered letters from state and municipal authorities

From whom did the ZK notification about the registered letter come?

The most pressing question that interests people when they receive a notice with the codification “ZK” is what does the notice mean and who is the sender of the registered letter? It's no secret that some letters are simply useless (for example, different kinds advertising mailings), and some letters are not worth receiving at all.

What methods exist for identifying the sender?

In the case of international mail, you can also use the sites track-trace.com (mail DHL, UPS, TNT, Fedex), 17track.net, globaltracktrace.ptc.post and other analogous resources;

What to do if you do not want to receive a letter from the ZK

A ZK letter usually remains in the mail for 7 or 30 days and is then returned to the sender. Registered letters from the court are kept for seven days (according to the appendix to FSUE Order No. 114-p), and all other letters are kept for 30 days.

At the same time, the court, having received its registered letter back, may consider that the recipient of the letter was still properly notified, and therefore may begin (continue) legal proceedings without you.

In some cases, Russian Post postmen completely ignore the existing rules, throwing the reserve into the recipient’s mailbox without any signature. Who signs for receipt and whether the sender is notified of the receipt of this letter is a mystery with several unknowns.


What does ZK mean? The ZK notification letter is usually a standard registered letter sent by state and municipal structures, as well as a number of legal entities. It is recommended to use the Russian Post resource to obtain information about the sender, and then act according to the current situation.

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Types of shipments

If you need to send a letter, documents, postcard, romantic message or wedding invitation, you go to Russian Post. There the operator asks what type of shipment you need. You can choose a registered letter, valuable or simple.

Valuable letter

If you are sending important documents, for example, to court or the tax office, and in addition to the check, you need a document confirming what exactly you put in the envelope (inventory), in this case a valuable letter is suitable for you. The envelope is not sealed and is submitted along with two copies of the inventory, which are signed by the operator and stamped. One copy is returned to the client, the other - in an envelope. The envelope itself is sealed with seals. A barcode is attached to the letter - a personal number by which this letter is registered along the entire route, and, accordingly, can be tracked by you. A valuable letter is issued only upon signature at the post office.

Simple letter

If you want to send a congratulation and you are not very concerned about the delivery time and fact, but are only interested in the price, then your type of shipment is a simple letter. You stick stamps for the required amount, seal the envelope and throw it in the box. All this can be done without the participation of an operator, if you already have stamps and an envelope in your hands, which means there is no queue. It is, of course, cheaper than registered mail, but it will not have a number, it will not be registered anywhere, and if it gets lost, it will be impossible to find and track it. Simple correspondence is sent in containers by weight. A shipping receipt will not be issued.

Ordered letter

If you are sending something important enough and you want to make sure that the letter arrives, then you need a registered letter. It is paid for in stamps, assigned a personal number, the letter is carried out accordingly, registered along the entire route and can be tracked. Once the postman carries it to the delivery address. If the recipient is not at home, he leaves in the mailbox not the letter itself, but a notice that he needs to go to the delivery department and pick up the correspondence. It is stored at the post office for 30 calendar days, court letters - only 3 days. A registered letter is issued to the addressee upon signature, upon presentation of documents.

Email tracking

In order to make sure that your letter has been delivered, it is enough to be able to go online and open the website on which Russian Post posts information. Then select the “mail tracking” button, enter the registration number (found on the check) and see the line “delivered to the addressee”.

Registered letter with notification

But sometimes there is a need to document receipt of your letter; there is a notification for this. A registered letter with notification is sent with the completed form. It can be found on the barriers in the department or asked from the operator. On the front side write your details, the person to whom the notification will be returned, on back side you write where you are sending the letter. You also need to check the boxes. IN in this case tick - letter, tick - registered. The notification itself can also be either simple (cheaper, but is not registered anywhere and is dropped by the postman in the mailbox) or registered (it will be assigned its own number, will be registered along the entire route, and will be issued against signature).

Letter delivery time

The delivery time is considered to be the time spent by the letter in transit between post offices. That is, the countdown will begin with the next scheduled shipment at the department that accepted the letter, and will end when it is registered as incoming at the addressee’s department. From this moment the storage period for registered mail will begin. How long a registered letter takes depends primarily on the distance. Around the city and the nearest region 2-3 days. Long-distance mail takes from 3 to 11 days. For example, if you send correspondence from St. Petersburg to the suburbs Nizhny Novgorod, then the delivery time will be 5 days between cities plus 2 days within the region, for a total of 7 days. Real terms may differ from the estimated time.
