Children are child prodigies who have demonstrated their abilities. What do child prodigies become when they grow up, and why don’t everyone achieve success in life? Tanish Matthew Abraham

Most people strive to achieve perfection in their professional field- some reach the top of their careers in mature age, but others are so talented that in childhood they sometimes surpass adults. Here is a list of ten modern child prodigies who have achieved success in various professions.

1. Michaela Fudolig

Michaela Irene Fudolig entered the University of the Philippines at age 11, and at age 16, she graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Sciences—she was valedictorian. Michaela currently works as a professor at the same university and studies econophysics - mathematical modeling of behavior in systems and biological systems.

2. Akrit Yasval

Akrit Pran Jaswal from India became famous when he performed his first surgical operation - he was then only seven years old. Although he was not yet a doctor at that time, he already had a reputation as a medical genius in a narrow circle of acquaintances. His eight-year-old friend suffered severe burns on his hand and Akran severed his fingers.

At the age of 12, Akran entered the medical University, and by the age of 17 he had earned a master's degree in applied chemistry. Today he is searching for a cure for cancer.

3. Taylor Wilson

Taylor Ramon Wilson became the youngest person in the world to create a working fusor - a device designed for nuclear fusion reactions. At the age of 10 he designed nuclear bomb, and made the fusor when he was 14. In May 2011, Taylor received an award at the Intel International Science and Technology Fair for his transition radiation detector.

In February 2013, he spoke at the TED 2013 conference, where he spoke about his ideas for autonomous underground nuclear fission reactors. Taylor has developed a compact nuclear reactor that he says can generate 50 MW of electricity, and the device only needs to be refueled once every 30 years.

4. Cameron Thompson

Cameron Thompson is a math genius from North Wales. When he was four years old, he corrected his teacher who said that zero is the smallest number, saying that he had forgotten about negative numbers. At the age of 11, he received a degree in mathematics from the UK's Open University. At the same age, the boy successfully passed two final exams in mathematics school and was shown on the BBC as one of the brilliant teenagers. Unfortunately, Cameron has learning difficulties due to Asperger's disease, but nevertheless, he is one of the young mathematical geniuses in the world.

5. Jacob Barnett

Jacob Barnett is an American mathematician. When he was two years old, he was diagnosed with severe autism: doctors said that he would not be able to speak, read or perform small everyday activities. At the age of three, it turned out that the doctors made a big mistake - Jacob could recite the alphabet in forward and reverse order.

At the same age, during a visit to the planetarium, Jacob answered the presenter’s question about why the moons of Mars are so strange shape. He entered Indiana University in Indianapolis at the age of 10.

While working on his doctorate, Barnett claimed that he would one day be able to disprove Einstein's theory of relativity. He is currently working on his PhD in quantum physics.

6. Mark Tian Boedihardjo

Born in Hong Kong, Mark Tian Boedihardjo is the youngest person to enroll at Hong Kong University: he was nine years old at the time. He studied at special program, Where Special attention focused on mathematics and statistics, while at the same time he passed eight final exams at school.

Mark now has two degrees, a bachelor's degree in mathematical sciences and a master of philosophy in mathematics, which he received in 2011 - a year earlier than the curriculum provides. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Mathematics in the United States.

7. Priyanshi Somani

Priyanshi Somani from India has amazing ability carry out the most complex things in your mind mathematical calculations. At the age of six she mastered mental arithmetic, and at 11 she took first place in the Mental Calculation World Cup competition: Priyanshi beat 36 other competitors from 16 countries, calculating the square root of ten six-digit numbers in a record 6 minutes and 51 seconds. To top it all off, she was the only participant in the history of the competition who did not make a single mistake when adding, multiplying or extracting square roots.

Priyanshi became the new world record holder for mental square roots in January 2012 when she calculated the square root of ten six-digit numbers in 2 minutes and 43 seconds.

8. Akim Kamara

Akim Kamara is a violinist from Berlin. He began playing the violin at the age of two and has a remarkable memory of the music he heard while in diapers. His teacher noticed his natural “ear for music” and began teaching the boy music lessons twice a week. Akim learned to play the violin extremely quickly, in just six months of training, and made his debut in December 2003 at the age of three years at the Christmas concert.

9. Ethan Bortnick

Ethan Bortnick is a musician, songwriter and actor. When he was three years old, he began playing the harpsichord, and at the age of five he began writing music. His debut performance took place on “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno in 2007, after which the boy performed several times in the future.

Ethan entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest solo artist in the world. He is also the youngest headliner to ever perform in Las Vegas - the concert took place when Ethan was ten years old.

10. Tanish Matthew Abraham

Tanish Matthew Abraham is one of the youngest members of Mensa, who joined at the age of four years. His genius manifested itself at four months, when he began to look through children's books and correctly answer questions about their content.

Upon joining Mensa, he scored 99.9% on the standardized Mensa IQ test. At the age of five, Tanish completed five courses in mathematics educational program Stanford University for Gifted Youth in just six months.

At the age of six he entered high school, and then to college - in all subjects his GPA never fell below 4.0. He also frequently publishes essays on the NASA Lunar Institute website.

Or prodigies(from German Wunderkind, literally - a wonderful child) - children who are recognized by the educational system as exceeding the level intellectual development other children their age. Child prodigies, as a rule, demonstrate their abilities already in early age.

Below is list of child prodigies, that is, people who, as a rule, before the age of 15 have demonstrated abilities comparable to the abilities of highly qualified adult specialists in relevant fields.

Mathematics and Science

George Bidder. Already at the age of 4, he amazed those around him, producing in his mind complex calculations. For example, for the following problem: “How long will it take to fill a tank with a capacity of 1 cubic meter?” a mile at 120 gallons per minute?” two minutes later the answer was given: 14,300 years 285 days 12 hours and 46 minutes. Interestingly, when solving it, the boy took everything into account leap years for this period! Fortunately, over the years, Bidder has not lost his abilities. But he did not turn into a great mathematician, since he applied his talent in another area - he became the most famous engineer in England and a very wealthy man. And his abilities helped him instantly carry out the most complex engineering calculations.

Andrey Alexandrov, born in 2000 in Moscow, at the age of two discovered the simplest way to build magic squares odd order.

Miguel Mantilla, born in Mexico, at the age of two could answer the question: “What year was it if February 4 fell on a Friday?” The answer was given in less than 10 seconds.

George Watson, born in Buxted in 1785, was considered almost a complete idiot in everything except counting and memorization. Although he could neither read nor write, he could perform the most complex mathematical calculations in his head and could answer without hesitation any questions about what day of the week it was at this or that time. historical event. If it happened that this historical date fell during the years of his life, he could also say where he was at that time and what the weather was like then. He could also describe and name all the churches and taverns in every village and town in the neighboring county.

Gregory Smith, born in 1990, learned to read at the age of two and entered university at age 10. The boy not only studies the exact sciences, but also travels the world as an activist in the movement for the protection of children's rights. Gregory is the founder of International Youth Advocates, which works to promote understanding among children around the world. The gifted boy was honored with a conversation with Bill Clinton and Mikhail Gorbachev, and also made a speech from the podium at one of the UN meetings. For his work, he was nominated four times for the Nobel Prize, although he never received it. From latest achievements it can be called getting a driver's license


Akrit Yasval, was born in 1993 in India, where he is called the smartest, as his IQ reaches 146. Akrit attracted public attention in 2000, when he accidentally performed his first “surgical” operation. He was seven years old, his patient, a neighbor girl, was eight. Due to the burn, the girl could not unclench her fist, and Akrit, without special medical skills, was able to carry out the necessary actions and returned mobility to his eight-year-old patient’s fingers. After this incident, the boy went to study as a doctor at Chandigarh College and is now the youngest student among all in Indian universities.


She is a celebrity among certain circles of connoisseurs of abstract painting; she began to “create” her works when she was not yet two years old. One day, the director of the Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne, Mark Jamieson, at a meeting with one of the photographers, saw photographs of works by an author unknown to him, and agreed to include them in the program of the annual exhibition. Booklets were printed, advertisements were given in specialized magazines, and only after that he learned that the author of the paintings was the photographer’s daughter, two-year-old Aelita. It was decided not to change the exhibition program, and Aelita’s paintings were released.


Cleopatra Stratan, was born in October 2002 in Chisinau in the family of singer Pavel Stratan. The girl is the youngest performer to achieve commercial success after the release of the album La virsta de trei ani (“At the age of 3”). In its more than at a young age she has experience performing for two hours in front of a large audience in a concert hall, gets paid for it, and received an MTV award as the youngest performer.





  • Hollingworth, Leta S.(1975). Children Above 180 IQ: Standford-Binet Origin and Development. New York: Arno Press. ISBN 0-405-06467-5..
  • Radford, John(1990). Child Prodigies and Exceptional Early Achievers. New York: Free Press. ISBN 0-02-925635-6..
  • Winner, Ellen(1996). Gifted Children: Myths and Realities. New York: Basic Books.

Every now and then news appears on the Internet or on TV screens about children who are not like everyone else. As soon as they get out of the children's cradle, they begin to amaze those around them with their extraordinary talents. At the age of 4, they already read books fluently in different languages, and at 6, as if playing, they do scientific discovery, which for many hundreds of years the great gray minds never reached. At 11, they enter college and receive Nobel Prizes and awards. The whole world talks about them, they are child prodigies, children with unique characteristics.

Amazing - nearby

Humanity is constantly in search of the unknown. We are looking for extraterrestrial intelligence on distant planets, expecting that it will share its innermost secrets with us and help us accomplish greatest discoveries. But how do we behave when that same mind, superior to the usual average, suddenly appears before us in the guise of ourselves? What do we know about mystery children? Perhaps the only thing is that child prodigies are natural. The level of intellectual development of such children is much higher than that of their peers. This allows them to develop rapidly and already at a young age make a lot of discoveries or reach certain heights. Famous child prodigies are the treasure of the nation. But few adults are able to admit that we not only cannot explain the phenomenon of the birth of such babies, but we do not even know how to properly communicate with such miracle children.

They are

For some reason, we often hear about child prodigies appearing in England, China, India or any other country. Children with high level IQ at a young age become professors and challenge Einstein's theory, play the violin and search for a cure for cancer, create nuclear reactors and multiply six-digit numbers in their heads. But for some reason we rarely read and learn about what is on the territory post-Soviet space child prodigies emerge. Are children with “non-childish minds” not born among us? Not at all, for some reason they just aren’t talked about enough.

Geniuses from the cradle

They are not often talked about today, but according to statistics, they exist in every school and in almost every class. Officially, there is an opinion that information about them is not made public only because excessive attention from the press and the masses can negatively affect the child’s psyche. Whether this is true or not, one can only guess. One of the influencing factors is the fact that such children, after finishing school or even before that, go to other countries to receive education. Of course, there are child prodigies in Russia, examples are known to many. It is quite possible to get information about them, but it would be much better if they were given due attention in the media news.

Young talents

Each child prodigy manifests itself at a different stage of life. Some people begin to “act” when they are very young, and others when they are older, school age. Each of them has their own preferences, some write poetry, while others work in a scientific laboratory. There are still child prodigies in Russia today; the examples given below will introduce us to them better.

Nika Turbina

Perhaps one of the most famous Soviet child prodigies is Nika Turbina. This is a girl poet, her first book “Draft” was translated into 12 languages ​​and had a circulation of 30,000 copies. They found out about her all over the world, at that time Nika was only 9 years old. She played roles in films, and after that the film “Nika Turbina: The Story of Flight” was made about her.

Andrey Khlopin

At 10 years old A ndrey explained how “noctilucent clouds” appear, and this remained a mystery to scientists for many years. For his hypothesis, a boy from Krasnodar was included in the Book. Another example of the fact that there are child prodigies in Russia.

Afanasy Prokhorov

Theater artist, dancer, pianist and singer, and he is only 12 years old! He performs classical works in 6 languages, has repeatedly taken first place in international competitions, and performs at charity concerts. The boy is originally from Moscow, but in 2007 he left for America, and today he is already gaining recognition there.

Dasha Baldenkova

She is only 18, but she already works in a research and educational laboratory at the center for applied nanoelectronics. Daria is a multiple winner of competitions and Olympiads. She won two semi-finals of the world's main competition for school students, Intel ISEF. It should be noted that many Nobel Prize laureates have already emerged from its finalists.

Here are just a few stories about what child prodigies do and work on. Of course, a variety of examples can be given, there are many of them.

They made history

Few people know that many famous Russian people were geniuses from birth. Some were able to prove themselves and went down in history, some were forgotten after a while, while others simply remained unrecognized. Child prodigies have been born in Russia since ancient times, but this is what they began to call them relatively recently. These are Pushkin and Griboyedov, Lermontov and Peter I, as well as Boris Godunov and Tyutchev, Chukovsky, Gogol, Blok and many dozens of others.

The smartest man who ever lived on our planet is William James Sidis. His IQ reached about 300 units, at a time when intelligence ranges from 80 to 100. He was born in 1921 in the USA, in the family of Boris Sidis, a Jewish immigrant from Ukraine. He got this unusual name in honor of the American philosopher who later became godfather boy. William knew more than 40 languages ​​(according to unofficial data, about 200), graduated with honors from Harvard at the age of 16, was the author of 4 books at the age of eight, and learned to write before he was 1 year old. He studied psychology, history and the science of the evolution and development of the Universe, and wrote scientific treatises that are only today recognized by science. What’s most interesting is that he worked as a simple accountant in a small office and was terrified that someone would find out about his “talent.”


From all over the world, news is heard that child prodigies are appearing. Examples of their lives and incredible abilities, most likely, are preparing us for the fact that humanity will soon switch to radically new level of its development. What this will lead to and what our life will be like in a couple of hundred years, we can only imagine.

in India - his IQ is 146 points. Boy with early childhood was interested in medicine, having an excellent understanding of anatomy from the age of five. He performed his first operation at the age of seven, restoring the mobility of the fingers of a neighbor girl - she could not unclench her fist after severe burn, and her parents did not have enough money for a real doctor. IN adolescence Akrit entered the medical university, becoming the youngest student in its history. Now the brilliant Indian is about 20 years old, and he is directing his energies to finding a cure for cancer.

Akrit Yaswal: Child Surgeon

2. Pablo Picasso: draw before you speak.

The most famous artist of the last century, the founder of Cubism, Pablo Picasso began drawing almost in infancy, even before he learned to speak. Already at the age of 12 he was considered an accomplished master with an individual style. He passed the art school exams in one day, while other applicants needed a month to complete this work. The young Picasso's first exhibition took place when he was 16 years old, and by the age of 20 he had already conquered worldwide fame. During his life he created more than 20 thousand works. His paintings are valued at tens of millions of dollars each. But for all his achievements in the artistic field, Pablo for a long time experienced difficulties with learning: literacy and numeracy were not easy for such a creative person.


3. Okita Souji: The invincible child.

Okita Soji lived in 19th century Japan and was not distinguished by great intelligence or creativity. His genius lay elsewhere - by the age of 12, he had become an invincible fencer, having perfectly mastered several types of bladed weapons. He was officially recognized as a martial arts master at the age of 18. This legendary young man is one of the founders military police Shinsengumi, the stories of which Japanese cinema and comic book creators still pay attention to.


4. Kim Ung Yong: Genius from Korea

Korean Kim Ung Yong, born in 1962, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the smartest person alive - his IQ is 210 points. At the age of three he entered the university Faculty of Physics and finished it at six. When he was seven years old, he was invited to America to work for NASA. By the age of 15, the young man received a doctorate in science from the University of Colorado. At 16 he returned to South Korea, where he defended another doctoral dissertation related to civil engineering and construction. After this, he refused the offer of cooperation with best university country, preferring to work at a university in a small town, where he still works.

Kim Yong

5. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: four-year-old pianist

One of the greatest composers in history was immersed in music from early childhood. By the age of four, he had mastered the piano perfectly. I wrote at five musical pieces, and at eight he created his first symphony. He claimed that the melodies came to him on their own; they just needed to be refined a little.


6. Gregory Smith: the youngest politician.

Gregory Smith, unlike most child prodigies, has no problems communicating with anyone. Going to university at age 10 to study exact sciences, Gregory organized international movement, which should be dedicated to achieving understanding among children around the world. As its head, he talked with Mikhail Gorbachev and Bill Clinton, and also gave a speech at a UN council meeting. From the age of 12 he was nominated four times Nobel Prize peace. Now the young man is 23 years old, and his career is clearly just beginning.

7. William James Sidis: The greatest genius in history.

He is considered the most smart person who have ever lived on our planet. His level of intellectual development is estimated at approximately 250-300 points (despite the fact that the maximum value that can be scored on modern tests– 180 points). William was born in the USA in 1898 into a family of Jewish emigrants from Ukraine. Learned to read at one and a half years old, mastered seven by eight foreign languages(more precisely, six - he invented the seventh himself) and wrote four books. At seven I passed the Harvard exams. medical school, but due to his age, he was accepted there only four years later after numerous demands from his father. Sidis received his professorship before his twentieth birthday. In his life he mastered more than forty languages ​​and wrote a number of outstanding works on mathematics and cosmology.

But genius weighed on him. William led a reclusive life, avoided communication with the opposite sex and the press, worked in ordinary positions, changing jobs as soon as people around him began to suspect his abilities.

10 famous child prodigies of Russia who showed their abilities early

What does it feel like to know that you are better than millions of your peers? Only child prodigies can simultaneously bask in the rays of popularity, feel the respect of others - and be afraid of not living up to the expectations of their parents and teachers.

Here is the TOP 10 most gifted children in Russia.

Irina Polyakova

Russian Irina Polyakova, at the age of 5, read 26 volumes of the works of Jules Verne. The girl learned to read early and loved books. Irina’s mother is a specialist in early development children - from a young age she was involved in teaching her daughter.

Ira started first grade not at the age of 7, like her peers, but 2 years earlier. She quickly learned school curriculum and “jumped” from class to class.

After graduating from school at the age of 13, the girl easily entered Moscow State University. After graduating from university, she quickly walked through career ladder, becoming the youngest member of the board of directors in a large company.

Today Irina is a beloved mother and wife, but for her child she does not want a repeat of her fate. Irina notes that she, like many child prodigies who showed their abilities early, experienced enormous difficulties in social sphere. When her classmates and classmates were hanging out in noisy groups in their first years at the institute, “little Ira” was sitting at home with her parents.

It was very difficult for the girl to find contact with the guys from her environment. During the institute period, she diligently hid her age so as not to feel like a “black sheep,” but she still could not afford much of what her classmates were allowed to do.

The name of the young poetess Nika Turbina was known all over the world. Her first poems appeared when the girl was only 4 years old. Moreover, their content was by no means childish.

At the age of 9, Nika wrote the first collection of her poems, which were translated into different languages peace. Yevgeny Yevtushenko became her creative guardian, who took the young poetess to perform in Italy and America.

At the age of 12, Nika was awarded the Golden Lion award in Venice.

But soon the girl’s interest in poetry dried up. A surprise for fans of her work was Nika’s marriage to a professor from Switzerland, who was 60 years older than her. The marriage did not last long - after a year married life the girl returned to Russia without her husband.

Nika couldn’t find a way to make money in Russia and started drinking. At 29 years old, the girl jumped out of the window.

Russian gifted children record their achievements in the Guinness Book of Records.

Andrey Khlopin from Krasnodar region With early years demonstrated an extraordinary desire for knowledge. He, like many other child prodigies, began to read early. But instead of children's fairy tales, Andrei chose more serious literature - about space. One of the first books he read was the book “Mars”. The kid became interested in astronomy thanks to his parents, who encouraged the curiosity of the young genius.

At the regional competition in honor of Cosmonautics Day, Andrei took first place, voicing his hypothesis about the appearance of an asteroid belt between the planets Jupiter and Mars. Then the boy was 9 years old.

The next victory was the Astronomy Olympiad, where Andrey once again surprised the jury with his knowledge. The young genius unraveled the mystery of the “silver clouds” that glow in the dark. Scientists have puzzled over this question for more than a century. For this, the boy was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Andrey, whose photos were published in all newspapers of the Krasnodar region, does not consider himself special. He is confident that all children have equal abilities from birth, but it is important to develop them. For this he is grateful to his parents.

At one time, Andrei was one of the most famous boys in Kuban. He received a scholarship from the Helena Roerich Foundation. But over time, the boy began to doubt whether he really wanted to connect his life with space exploration.

As a teenager, he began kickboxing. After moving with his parents to Krasnodar, he entered law school, and rarely tells his friends about past achievements.

Child prodigies who showed their unusual talents early on often appear on the stage of the popular Russian TV show “Minute of Glory.”

In one of the episodes, the hall exploded with applause after the performance of a three-year-old child, Mark Vishny. He thinks in his head complex examples: multiplies, adds, subtracts three digit numbers, extracts square roots, tells the table of sines and cosines. The kid quickly became known as the “calculator boy.”

Parents recall that the baby already counted to 10 at the age of one and a half years, and to a billion at the age of 2. By the way, the boy’s parents are philologists. They were surprised by their son's love for mathematics.

Like many other talented Russian children who participated in talent shows, Mark was popular only for a while. Then the boy was at a very young age - 3-4 years old, and did not yet understand why they were showing such interest in him.

Further, in order not to develop “star fever” in the child, the parents decided not to stir up interest in his person among others, and not to tell Mark himself about his performance on television. The boy grew up an ordinary child, like all his peers, and only at the age of 9 he learned about his triumph at the “Minute of Fame”.

11 years have passed since the baby performed on a TV show. Today Mark no longer dreams of becoming a mathematician. He likes to draw and wants to work as an animator. The young genius plans to study at the University of Texas to become an animator or.

Musically gifted children - a rare event. Milena Podsineva is one of these talents.

At the age of 7, the girl played the domra masterfully. She participated and won prizes in city, regional and international music competitions. The young talent was nicknamed the Nizhny Novgorod prodigy.

The girl dreamed of Gnesinka, but everything turned out differently.

Milena's parents were alcoholics. Despite all the daughter’s persuasion, they continued to drink. The girl's mother died, her father was placed in rehabilitation center, and Mila herself went to an orphanage.

There was no talk of any musical education. The girl’s unique talent was quickly forgotten.

They are admired, talked about and written about in newspapers. But how does their life turn out after a few years? How do grown-up child prodigies live? In Russia, examples are often tragic.

One of these gifted children is Pavel Konoplev.

At the age of 3, he read and solved mathematical problems that were difficult for his age. At the age of 5, he knew how to play the piano, and at 8, he amazed with his knowledge of physics. At 15, the boy studied at a Moscow university, and at 18, he entered graduate school.

Pavel participated in the development of the first programs for household computers and was involved in mathematical forecasting of the future. He was predicted to have a career as a great scientist.

But the young genius could not withstand such a load. He's gone crazy.

Paul was placed in psychiatric clinic where they were treated with “heavy” drugs, side effect which caused the formation of a blood clot. It was a blood clot that entered the pulmonary artery that caused the death of the genius.

At the age of five, the talented Polya played compositions on the piano, and at the age of 6 her first solo concert took place.

He taught the girl how to play musical instrument her father, who dreamed of his daughter's fame. She studied at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, in the class of Marina Wolf, and interned with Vera Gornostaeva at the Moscow Conservatory.

At the age of 13, the girl ran away from home and told reporters a cruel story about how her father taught her music using his own “Double Stress” method. Her father beat her, forced her to play for hours, and sometimes for days, and even used hypnotic influence on the girl.

Today Polina is a famous pianist, she performs all over the world, takes part in festivals, and creates her own works.

Few child prodigies in Russia were able to overcome turning points in life - and increase their talent. Among them is Polina Osetinskaya.

At the age of 2, Zhenya Kissin, according to his relatives, was already improvising on the piano.

A unique child at the age of 10 performed with the orchestra, playing works by Mozart. At the age of 11, he gave his first solo concert in the capital, and 2 years later he performed 2 concerts at the Moscow Conservatory.

At the age of 16 he began touring Eastern Europe, conquered Japan.

As an adult, the pianist continues to tour different countries and is considered one of the most successful musicians of our time.

On the popular TV show “You are the best,” the audience was captivated by a unique child – Timofey Tsoi. The boy was nicknamed a genius of geography.

Timofey showed a special interest in the countries of the world. At 5 years old, he easily recognizes flags different countries, can name the capital of any state without hesitation.

Russian child prodigies are known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. An example of this is Gordey Kolesov.

The boy was born in 2008 in Moscow. When Gordey was 5 years old, he won a talent show in China. He sang a song in Chinese, played the guitar and asked tricky questions members of the jury, amusing the audience in the hall with this.

The boy surprised everyone with his excellent knowledge Chinese language. After Gordey’s victory in a Chinese TV show, the boy’s parents received dozens of invitations from TV channels.

Unfortunately, not all children are child prodigies who have shown their unique abilities at an early age, having matured, they continue to amaze the world with them.

But those who managed to overcome the so-called “crisis of talent” and increase their talent become real geniuses of our time.
