Physiological incompatibility between husband and wife. Overcoming sexual incompatibility



Target: Harmonize the flow of energies in the body, increase blood circulation in the diaphragm, which enhances the cleansing of the body, and “nourish” the organs of the abdominal and thoracic cavities with oxygen. Strengthen “cellular”, deep breathing over the entire surface of the skin.

Initial position: Lie on your back on the floor or a hard, flat bed, place a hard pillow or cushion under your neck, close your feet and palms, and spread your knees out to the sides as much as possible. Pull the closed feet together to the pelvis, hands in front of the heart center with palms closed. Accompany all exercises with conscious breathing. For greater effectiveness, use luminiferous breathing.

Implementation of the entire complex:

1. press the fingertips of both palms against each other (8-10 times);

2. press with the pads of your fingers, and then on the entire palm with your left and right hand alternately (8-10 times);

3. press both closed palms with the entire surface (8-10 times);

4. Extend your arms with tightly bent palms to their full length, throw them behind your head, then move them slowly over your face to the solar plexus, as if moving along the spine in the middle of the front surface of the body, fingers pointing forward (towards the head). Do it back and forth 8-10 times;

5. then turn the fingers of your closed palms towards your legs and move them in the same way as in the previous exercise, but from the bottom up - from the pubis to the solar plexus (8-10 times);

6. extend your arms to their full length with your palms closed up and down (10 times);

7. Place your palms tightly closed on your chest above the solar plexus and move your closed feet 1-1.5 times the length of your feet back and forth, not allowing them to open (8-10 times);

8. move your closed palms and feet back and forth at the same time, as if wanting to stretch the vertebrae (as many times as is comfortable).

9. Place your arms along your body and inhale, lifting them up, as if capturing heavenly energy, closing your hands with your palms above your head and moving your hands down, as if filling the uterus with the life-giving energy of strength. (8-10 times) This exercise can be done independently without all the previous ones.


Prevention of disorders that reduce reproductive health is largely associated with well-being in sexual life, one of the components of which is compatibility partners. Compatibility can be considered at several levels.

Genetic compatibility (by histocompatibility antigens) correlates with the similarity of the odors of individuals and, naturally, can be assessed by odors. The olfactory subcortical structures of the brain are the oldest and are involved in servicing the sexual sphere. If the partners differ too much or, on the contrary, do not differ enough in smell (respectively, in histocompatibility antigens), the embryo will be rejected by the mother’s body, since it causes either an excessively violent immune reaction (the mother reacts to the embryo as an allograft), or this reaction, which is necessary in certain limits to strengthen the embryo in the uterus, it is too weak and in this case a miscarriage occurs. Women are significantly more sensitive to odors. Thus, the optimal way to carry a pregnancy is middle option in the degree of histocompatibility between mother and fetus. Antigenic incompatibility can manifest itself in a woman’s immune response to a man’s sperm, which prevents conception.

Physical and physiological compatibility includes the degree of anatomical correspondence of partners, similarity of rhythms and plastic manifestations (nature of movements, touches). This, in particular, is well determined during the dance, so dance can serve as a testing moment for plastic compatibility.

Mini test for physiological compatibility:

3 senses must correspond between partners: a sense of rhythm; sense of tact and humor

The similarity of biorhythms plays a huge role in creating comfort in a relationship. Spouses who have high biorhythmic similarity in terms of basic psychophysiological indicators are calmer, healthier and feel a sense of security in the family.

Syndrome "15 to eleven"

The woman is ready for sex, and the man is tired at work. In the morning it's the other way around. Not a coincidence of biorhythms.

And it's no coincidence that they go to bed at different time, over time, the need to hug your wife will sharply decrease. What is eaten unconsciously always manifests itself in consciousness, and therefore in a dream you need to kiss and hug each other.

Exists psychological technique in the art of communication: To win another person over, you need to enter into the same rhythm of movement, speech, breathing, etc. Similar long-term mutual adjustment of spouses makes them similar in behavioral patterns over time. Differences in biorhythmic activity (for example, daily biorhythm - “larks”, “owls”) sometimes so distort the natural way of life of each partner that they can serve as a reason for separation.

Sexual compatibility determined primarily by the similarity of temperaments and level of sexuality. These parameters are determined by nature and age. The peak of sexual activity in a man occurs before the age of 20, and then there is a gradual decline. In women, maximum sexual development occurs at 35-40 years of age; this activity lasts for quite a long time. high level during menopause and after it. After sixty years of age, the opportunities of the sexes become equal. Based on these dynamics, unions between a mature man and a young woman and vice versa can be considered biologically justified. Sexual temperament, for its satisfaction, requires the same level of sexuality in the partner. This is clearly reflected in the classification of women (gazelle, doe, cow, elephant) and their corresponding men in the Indian treatise "Kama Sutra".

What really exists and at the same time is still full of mystery is the mutual attraction of a man and a woman, associated with a certain ratio of masculine and feminine, i.e. with a sexual constitution.

It is known that in a person with a normal genotype, the sexual constitution is determined mainly by the amount and ratio of female and male sex hormones in the body. Hormones, in turn, model the morphological and psychological manifestations of the individual. According to O. Weininger, the union of a man and a woman is considered ideal if it is organized according to the principle of complementation: the more masculine a man is, the more feminine in appearance he chooses a woman and vice versa. Together, based on the totality of these qualities, the couple should present one ideal man and one ideal woman.

A similar conclusion can be reached by analyzing the psychological complementarity of a couple from the perspective of C. G. Jung. According to Jung, in the depths of the unconscious part of the psyche, every man has a hidden feminine principle (Anima), while women have a hidden masculine principle (Animus). Moreover, external behavioral manifestations are in a reciprocal relationship with these qualities. Ideal man outwardly logical, consistent, firm in decisions, but internally irrational, emotional, soft, in need of love. A woman, on the contrary, is outwardly irrational, emotional, soft, plastic, but internally rational, consistent, practical, stable. Therefore, raising a wife is much more difficult than raising a husband. The most charming women on the outside can be “samurai in a skirt” on the inside. Anima and animus are formed under the influence of the image of the mother and father. Selecting partners for life together is largely determined by their behavioral similarity to Anima and Animus. We look for external correspondence in others to what we have inside. Therefore, men who are masculine in appearance (but soft inside) choose the most feminine women in appearance and vice versa.

Questions psychological compatibility , including in the union of a man and a woman, were quite fully developed in many ancient medical systems, as well as in astrology and socionics. However, the principles are the same everywhere: unions either between similar types or complementary to each other are optimal. In the astrological system, signs of the same element are considered similar, in socionics - identical types. Complementary relationships in astrology are relationships between the signs of the fire and air, water and earth elements (i.e., through 60° of the zodiac circle through a sign), in socionics they are dual relationships. However, you should be aware of the differences between these two types of compatibility. Between such types, knowledge is more easily transferred, understanding arises, a person gets to know himself through another. These relationships are good in the first third of life, when a person gets to know the world and himself. The addition is favorable for joint activities, which corresponds to the objectives of the union of people more mature age striving for social self-realization.

However, there is that sphere of relationship between a man and a woman that is relatively related to somatic or mental compatibility and is a consequence of individual internal work and education of each of them. It is expressed in the ability to love and understand another. In the sphere of higher needs, a person seeks reliability, respect, emotional and intellectual resonance, he wants sympathy and understanding.


"In another we love our pleasure" . I.M. Sechenov

If a man and a woman receive satisfaction in the altruistic sphere of their relationship, giving (and love is always giving) and receiving tenderness, sympathy, understanding and help, then for mature individuals this is the key to the strength of their union. A common worldview, philosophical and religious platform, provided mutual love gives a new quality to the union of a man and a woman. The unity of language and purpose allows them not only to form a strong family for raising children, but also to create something more in the field of universal human values. They say about such unions that they are “alliances with purpose.”

Sexual culture. This concept is immeasurably broader than the culture of sexual relations. And it is in this vein that sex education in society should take place. The formation of harmonious relationships between a man and a woman is based on understanding phenomenon of man and woman.

Man and woman are two different worlds, two mutually generating and complementary principles (yang and yin). Both sexes are equal. A man is an expression of an active, conscious, giving principle, realizing itself in material life, a woman is an expression of a passive, material, perceiving principle, striving to know itself. Together they symbolize the involutive and evolutionary parts of one ring of life. The vector of a man’s activity is directed towards material life. A man is more social, concrete, logical, instrumental; he must know what and how to do, and be responsible for it. A woman, being the embodiment of the material principle, strives, on the contrary, for spirituality, self-knowledge; she is more subtle, sensitive, intuitive, receptive, less socialized, but more biological, for life comes from her womb.

Biological differences between men and women determined at the chromosomal level. The additional genetic material on a woman's second X chromosome determines not only her sex characteristics, but also her greater vitality. To create a man, nature makes additional efforts, because... The intrauterine formation of a male individual is more complex than that of a female. More boys are born, but the life expectancy of men is shorter. This is consistent with the population role of the male, who is the carrier of genetic diversity. The faster the turnover of males, the more genetically diverse the population. A woman is a bearer of the quantitative principle, because the number of children born cannot be more than a certain one.

Despite being genetically assigned to a particular sex, every man and every woman carries within themselves elements of the opposite sex. The specific proportion of these elements is determined by the quantity and ratio of female and male sex hormones, which leave an imprint on morphological, physiological, mental and sexual manifestations.


Positive thinking is the key healthy image life.

I love my body. I'm sending light Divine love to every organ of my beloved body.

My body has wisdom and knows how to heal itself.

I enjoy life, I am learning to be optimistic, and at the same time my health is getting stronger, day by day all my organs and systems are working better, I have more strength and vigor.

I live by the principle: the older, the younger. The body is a shell for the spirit, and my spirit is always young, which means the body is also young.

Every day I get younger.

I am going to live long and stay young for a long time, I feel how my life expectancy is increasing every day, how my strength is growing, my faith in myself.

I live in peace and harmony with my body, I love and respect it and always help it to be healthy, feel comfortable and confident.

My body is wise, it knows what it needs, and I just need to listen to its voice. My body always strives to be healthy, it knows how to recover, how to gain strength.

I am the embodiment of strength, health, energy, cheerfulness. My body works like a clock.

My eyes burn with the fire of youth, health and love.

Miracles happen in my life every day. I rejoice in them and continue to love and develop myself.

From now on I give the opportunity to work healing power inside of me. This force unwinds like a spring, it has colossal energy, it expels all illnesses from my body and fills me with a clear, even radiance of health.

I forgive myself and others for all the wrongs I have caused. I'm calm and happy. My soul shines and the light of my soul is transmitted to other people.

I love my body, I thank it for all the opportunities it gives me, I lovingly take care of it, giving it the opportunity to always remain strong and healthy.

I have a young, healthy, strong, strong body, my muscles are strong and flexible, I am mobile, energetic, all the organs and systems of my body work normally, and it will always be so.

I feel good in my body and I keep it healthy every day.

I'm always lucky!

I am a Goddess, capable of creating myself and the world around me!


Sexual sphere of men and women also has significant differences. Due to biological purpose, sexual and actually reproductive sphere occupy a significantly larger share in the psyche of women than in men. A man is more impulsive and proactive, but his life is less subject to the “call of sex” than women. A woman is less active behaviorally, but this does not mean that her desires are weaker, they are less acute, but more powerful and constant. Her tactics are not conquest, but seduction.

MYTH: They say that over time, a man who lives with the same woman becomes dulled in sensitivity due to the fact that the woman secretes the same substances to which he adapts and which no longer excite him.

REPLICA: A good excuse for cheating.

The individual odor of a man and a woman depends on many reasons, but it is mainly associated with the characteristics of hormonal and immune systems, bioenergy field and bacteria living on our skin. This smell is as unique as fingerprints, and to a large extent determines the attractiveness of a person. “Each species of plants and animals has its own smell, each race, people and individual genera. Each individual person has its own specific smell.”("Faces of Agni Yoga", vol. 7.)

When a man communicates with a woman, incoming signals in the form of smell are converted by his brain and lead to changes in biochemical processes in the man’s body. At the same time, the amount of testosterone increases, the aura and energy potential change, which pushes the man to sexual exploits. “Every thought is accompanied by its characteristic smell, causing a corresponding aromatic reaction in the human body” (“Faces of Agni Yoga”, vol. 7.)

In turn, after receiving an appropriate response signal in the form of smell, biocurrents, the woman’s amount of estrogen increases even more, and she becomes supportive and receptive to the advances of this man.

Thus, at the first stage of communication, a man and a woman seem to “sniff out” each other, and then “getting used to it” occurs. This sensitivity to each other is especially evident during ovulation, when the amount of estrogen in a woman’s body increases, which involuntarily enhances sensual aromas. A woman has a special aura that attracts men. In one survey, 71% of men and women considered the smell to be a strong stimulant. Almost a third of women believe that sexy men smell stronger.

It was the need to choose a man “by smell” that forced nature to reward living beings with the ability to “sniff out” each other


In 1992, studies were conducted on monkeys at the University of Melbourne. Scientists have established a relationship between stressful situations in individuals female and disease of the genitourinary organs in individuals male having sexual intercourse with them.

It turns out that microorganisms live on the walls of the vagina - Daderline rods, which come into contact with thousands of nerve endings. Under stress, the female's nervous system is excited, and electrical impulses reach the walls of the vagina. At this time, the amount of adrenaline in the blood increases sharply. Under the influence of these impulses and adrenaline, Daderline's wand becomes poisonous and causes inflammatory processes in male individuals. They suggest that the consequences of stress, quarrels, troubles at work and at home cause a similar reaction in a woman’s body.


“When people have very emotional experiences related to relationships with a partner, they tend to place them in the genital area. Women, for example, can hide their feelings in the uterus. And the more often they return to them, the there is a greater chance of cyst or tumor formation.” Louise Hay


Pain is not the cause of illness, but a consequence.

Stages of pain diagnosis:

1) Psychological reaction. If the sudden sharp pain goes away during the transformation, then this is already a signal of disturbances in the system.

2) Transformation and breathing practices do not help. Treated with painkillers or other medications. Deep pain that becomes chronic. Quickly go on vacation and relax. Engage in awareness Why?

3) If the pain recurs, it is better to see a doctor to diagnose the condition. A reason to evaluate the effectiveness of working on yourself through non-drug harmonization.



What you need to realize

Inflammation of the genital organs

Lack of hygiene

Various partners


Neglect of opposite sex



Religious dogmas (celibacy, puritanism)

Learn to transform sexual energy into creativity

Remove dogmas and attitudes towards the opposite sex

Cultivate maturity and loyalty to internal harmonious principles

Interaction of the sexes as creative

Acceptance of sexuality

Don't sort things out in anger

Remove the expression “forever you...”

Ovarian cysts

Fluid accumulation in corpus luteum

Liquid is a symbol of emotions, there is no relaxation

Hormonal imbalance

Violation of worldview - there is no female fulfillment, they look for reasons in the partner, and they look for the woman

Express your feelings, don’t hoard them

Do not be offended by your partner and do not offend him

Use the word “we” instead of “I”

Don’t change your partner, but yourself

Giving more than wanting gifts

Give, not just receive

Do not violate the freedom of choice of a partner, be interested in him

Let it be given to you too (Luke)


Inferiority of reproductive cells or organs

Problems with the immune and endocrine systems

Unrealized spiritual aspirations

Accusatory position external circumstances

Understanding the spiritual aspect of conception

Working with fears and conflicts

Acceptance training

Uterine fibroid

Psychological child- creativity of the body

Miscarriages, abortions - prolonged grief, guilt

Fear of being childless

A woman remains a woman without children

Remove the fear of heartlessness due to the absence of your children

Problems with menstruation


Not accepting yourself as a woman

Anger at mom (resentment)

Unconscious desire to be a man

Problems of formation of femininity in adolescence

Don't envy men

Create an image and meet the requirements beautiful woman

Remove resentment and anger

Remove the idea that menstruation is dirty

Breast problems

Problems with the manifestation of maternal instinct

Forced manifestation, through the power of caring for others

Anger at others because there is no strength for oneself

Too strict demands on yourself

Resentment towards mom

Forgiving Mom and Her Maternal Behaviors

Learn to refuse those who depend on your care

Come on, only taking into account your interests (time, opportunities, desire to help, etc.)

Allow yourself not to do things that take away time for yourself.

Deal with over-concern and anxiety

RESULTS are accumulations of mental laziness, hidden stubbornness, isolation and the desire to insist on one’s own. A means of manipulation and inducing pity.


Holodynamic tracking of grievances against men.

  1. Made me mad
  2. Transformed
  3. Invested it back
  4. They thanked the man for his new qualities.


1. A woman should not go to bed immediately after troubles, quarrels, etc.

2. It is necessary to put the nervous system and psyche in order and eliminate the consequences stressful situations and then have sex. Instead of using tranquilizers, doping agents, or alcohol, aromatherapy recommends inhaling fragrant substances, Erotic massage or baths with “sensual mixtures”, which, firstly, normalize the nervous and mental systems, and secondly, excite impulses in the receptors of the nervous system, which are responsible for excitation in the erotic-determining areas of the brain, which, in turn, give the command to genitals


Harmony and Grace

Highest levels of beauty and charm

women are generated by her inner world.

A. Meneghetti

A harmonious woman carries within herself a state of grace. She gives it to others as something special and specific. In theology, this state is considered discouraging and fascinating at the same time.

A person in such a state exudes spiritual presence, and he achieves the glory that arises from the perfect performance of all functions by that person. He lives, feels and enjoys every moment of his life.

The light of a prosperous person does not reach you from the outside, it penetrates you from the inside. Charisma represents vital eroticism, therefore a person endowed with it seems to be the embodiment of the spirituality of other worlds.

Grace is expressed not only in the rational aspect, in personal maturity, in biological health, in the mental state of existential positivity; it comes with the power to change and do whatever you want. (A. Meneghetti)

A woman is in a state of grace to become the “holy of holies” and no one has the right to destroy this, neither the man nor the woman herself. She is at this moment become a manifestation of Life itself, Being itself, and for this service is rewarded with success.

If a woman has felt the energy of grace, then she should invest it, but not waste it:

1. Personal and spiritual growth - invest, unwanted sex - waste.

2. Investing in business and actions, “talking” with friends is a waste.

3. Communicates with unwanted people or boasts of your grace - waste, develop intuition and creativity - invest.

-A woman is endowed with the ability to enjoy everything that happens to her and around her. Pleasure is a necessity highest form life order.

-A woman can get everything she wants because she has acquired the ability to create everything herself.

-A woman must create beauty, holiness, and order for her own sake.

All elements are combined with each other and are born thanks to the Law of Love. All primary elements (earth, air, water, fire) contain consciousness. They respond to Love as the highest manifestation of the Divine.

Unconditional love- this is a state. She is quiet, filling, nourishing, giving, bestowing. This is Love - the Light that fills everything around, this is grace. Unconditional Love thanks. She doesn't show off, doesn't shout, doesn't show off. She just is. It exists, regardless of anything, without restrictions and barriers. She is free, without any strings attached.

In contrast, there is personal love. It is more familiar to a person. There is a certain “self-interest” in this love. It's more like love for something. It can be a thirst for unconditional love. Once having experienced the state of grace in unconditional love, we strive for it. Personal love is not freedom. These are bindings and restrictions, these are manipulations.

Brings you closer to God

Exercise "LAUGHTER"

Laughter is not compatible with fear. It also feeds us with energy. It charges you with optimism and makes you confident.

Relax. Remember a comical situation when it was unbearably funny. Watch how laughter fills you from within. Breathe. Start laughing.

Look around. Make faces at each other. We laugh out loud together. Do not stop. We imagine that you saw something very funny in each other.

It is believed that intimate incompatibility is just a myth, that is, the problem is completely fictitious. To resolve this issue, you should contact a sexologist, but many couples do not consider it necessary to visit this specialist. But the reason for such failures for the most part lies not in the reluctance to seek psychological help, but in incorrect, illiterate sex education.

Psychological sexual incompatibility: possible causes

Today, experts identify 3 reasons that cause disharmony in sexual relationships and existing sexual interaction in a married couple:

  1. Psychological. In this case, the incompatibility will not be associated with illiterate sex education, but with the trauma suffered by one of the partners, usually in childhood or adolescence. This is caused by unhealthy sexual fantasies and undecided orientation. As a result of this phenomenon, there is a decrease in libido and an incipient attraction to people of the opposite sex.
  2. Psychosocial. In this case, incompatibility manifests itself under external, social pressure. For example, the formation of homosexual inclinations is observed, but a person cannot admit it because he is afraid of the opinions of others. Because of this fear, he begins to literally forcefully pay attention to the opposite sex, but there is no real attraction here. The cause of a psychosocial nature can also be rejection by a partner, which was observed in the past, or the loss of a partner for various reasons.
  3. Psychoneurological. These are depressions, neuroses, fears of “sexual failure.” Such reasons are observed not only in men, but also in women, especially during menopause.

Anatomical sexual disharmony

One of the most important reasons sexual discrepancy is a disproportion in the sizes of female and male genital organs. If there are strong differences in size, sensual pleasure does not occur; one of the partners may begin to form complexes.

Physiology of compliance in numbers

In women, the physiological structure is such that the vagina in a calm state usually has a length of about 7.5-10 centimeters. The first number shows the length of its front wall, and the second - the back, that is, the total depth of the passage is 10 centimeters. When excited, this value increases by 5 centimeters. The length of the penis during erection is also this value - 15 centimeters.

The figures shown indicate the presence of a natural correspondence, while the walls of the vagina have elasticity, they can stretch, adapting to the size of the penis during a long-term relationship - this phenomenon is called “vaginal accommodation”. In this regard, sexologists claim that after some time any couple can achieve harmony in sexual relations.

Problems of physiological inconsistency and possible solutions to them

It is difficult to argue with such a statement, but it should be taken into account that the female vagina narrows by a couple of centimeters during orgasm, and the penis tends to penetrate even deeper during ejaculation. This leads to some complications, including thinning of the vaginal walls and erosion of the cervical tissue.

They can help with sexual incompatibility well-chosen positions, mechanical devices that either prevent the penis from penetrating too deeply or add the missing centimeters to it.

This is very important, because a discrepancy of just 3 centimeters is already classified as disproportion. If the vagina is only a little less than 10 centimeters, and the partner’s penis is larger middle length, then positions such as “officer” or “rider” will be contraindicated. In this case, the most comfortable position will be the following: the woman will sit facing the man on her lap. At the same time, the walls of the vagina will reflexively lengthen, which will make intercourse comfortable and simple.

It must be remembered that complete incompatibility of the genitals with absent pathologies is extremely rare. You can always find an option that satisfies both partners by experimenting with different positions.

Differences in biorhythms and temperament

Different biorhythms between owls and larks

Quite often, sexual partners believe that the cause of incompatibility is different biorhythms. Each person has his own peak of activity, for most men, according to studies, it is greatest in the morning, for women - at night. The reason may also be that one of the partners needs to wake up very early, while the other can still sleep. Different biorhythms are also caused by habits - there are people who can lie in bed in the morning, but for others, getting up later than nine in the morning is simply unacceptable.

The solution to the problem is very simple - you need to adapt to each other, choose a time that is convenient for both of you. But we must remember that the problem often lies not only in the mismatch of cycles, but in fatigue, lack of mood, and too hard a working day.

Differences in Temperament

People's sexual needs can vary greatly - once a week may be enough for one partner, while daily sex may not be enough for another. At first, this problem manifests itself little, but after shortest time she begins to cause severe discomfort, showing her true attitude towards intimacy.

A different sexual temperament will still manifest itself, but This issue is resolved in the same way as with mismatched biorhythms.

Family sexual disharmony and orgasm

Orgasm as a measure of successful sexual life

Many couples cannot achieve orgasm, but for some reason they blame it psychological reasons. Sexologists recommend that orgasm should not be considered the only true indicator of the success of intimate life, because joint satisfaction can be obtained in various ways.

Some women commit big mistake, giving orgasm too much of a role. If you fail, and this, by the way, is not so a rare event Due to female physiology, the partner begins to fear another “misfire”, confidence in inferiority and constrained behavior appear. All this is a direct path to deprivation of sensual pleasure and disharmony in intimate relationships.

In men, the same situation is observed - if something goes wrong with the body, a complex of “sexual incompetence” appears, causing the most negative consequences. You can’t get hung up on such an imaginary problem as not achieving a joint orgasm!

How should you behave? What to strive for?

So that sex brings positive emotions and pleasure, you should learn to set your own rules, strive for organism and relaxation, but not elevate it to a cult. It must be remembered that frustration will not make intimate life harmonious, so there is no need to put pressure on your partner - it is better to jointly find a way to satisfaction, learn to understand each other, and adapt to the desires of the other.

Incompatibility due to age difference

One of the common problems is the age difference, which gives rise to the following situations:

  • men experience a peak in activity;
  • For women, the sexual side of relationships still has little meaning.

As a result, multiple conflicts arise, the couple faces male infidelity, and the partner develops an inferiority complex or fear of intimacy.

But here it is necessary to understand that such disharmony is temporary - the man will settle down over the years, while the woman will begin to appreciate intimate intimacy and will mature for a full sexual life.

Different fantasies and ideas about sex

In some cases, incompatibility arises from the fear of being misunderstood. The fact is that everyone has their own fantasies, desires, sexual relations can include role-playing games, fetishes and much more. We need to find compromises, jointly decide what will be acceptable in sex, agreeing on acceptable boundaries.

How to treat sexual incompatibility between partners

To resolve sexual incompatibility between partners, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Based on this, begin the gradual restoration of the comfort zone, learn to be more tolerant, take into account the wishes of your partner, and not persistently achieve the goal, causing discomfort to the other. Perhaps the optimal solution would be to visit a sexologist or psychologist; only a specialist will be able to gently and carefully deal with accumulated fears and problems.

According to the couple, these could be:

  • Different temperaments
  • Different daily routine
  • Different concepts about sex
  • Different biorhythms

These reasons in most cases have no basis, many sexologists believe. From the very beginning, these conflicts could be nullified if the man and woman knew more about themselves sexually (not to mention their partners). But in practice, it often happens that far-fetched biological incompatibility is inflated to incredible proportions, and then relationships that have become strained due to insults, insults and mutual distrust also have to be corrected. The effect becomes a bigger obstacle in a relationship than the cause.

Therefore, the sooner a couple receives a consultation with a sexologist, the faster they can improve their relationship – both sexual and psychological. The couple must come to the appointment together, individual consultations are also possible. Best Help a sexologist - with combined techniques, when individual sessions alternate with paired ones.

When sexual intercourse brings pleasure

Sexual instinct is one of the strongest in living nature. But only a person has sexual intercourse not only for the reason of procreation, but for the reason of receiving pleasure. Low sexual culture can be an obstacle to pleasure during sexual intercourse. For example, a couple (or one of a couple) may think that he can get pleasure from sex without any feelings for his partner. But this is far from true. If there is no feeling, then sexual intercourse simply turns into coitus (copulation). Such an act with a purely biological content has much less chance of success than intimacy in which both experience reciprocity.

But is only love (sympathy for each other) enough for full sexual communication? Of course no. The couple must have at least a minimum of knowledge about sexual relations.

Male sexuality

A man usually has a stronger sexual temperament than a woman. This is how it is by nature - he gets excited more quickly and is more active in intimacy. The initiative for sexual relations usually comes from the man (biologically he justifies his role as a male).

If a man follows only his instincts, but is sexually illiterate, a normal relationship may not work out. If a man only takes the initiative, urgently demanding sex, gets excited quickly and does not know how to control his erection, he needs either an experienced, patient partner, or an experienced sexologist who will correct his sexual behavior.

An aggressive sexual act, in which a man takes into account only his emotions and does not take into account the feelings of his partner, requires a lot of physical and emotional stress. Wherein love game is practically absent, sexual intercourse takes place quickly and aggressively, and orgasmic sensations can only occur in a man, but they do not last long. With full sexual intercourse, love play can last from 10 to 15 minutes, then coitus itself (copulation) begins, the orgasmic phase for both can last longer and the decline in pleasure is slow, the pleasure stretches over time.

Conflict of interest in improper sexual intercourse

During aggressive sexual intercourse without the woman's desire, she may not experience orgasm at all. During the act itself, a woman may remain cold and indifferent, without experiencing any pleasure in the end. And then a conflict of interest may arise: a man who is sexually ill-educated does not understand what is happening, because he tried so hard. He becomes suspicious of his partner, complaining about her coldness, thinking that she is having fun with someone else. An experienced sexologist will help resolve this problem; all you need is the desire of both.

With proper sexual intercourse, a man must learn to control his emotions and biological instincts. It is advisable that his orgasm coincide in time with his partner’s orgasm. That is, a man must learn to restrain his excitement, be able to stimulate his partner, doing this in such a way that by the end of sexual intercourse, the excitement of both reaches the same intensity. Then there can be no question of sexual incompatibility.

To overcome sexual incompatibility, you need to first of all understand it. It can be physiological, psychological and psychophysiological. And in order to understand the nature of incompatibility, you do not need to see a doctor.

Physiological incompatibility is the least common. But, often, it is the most difficult to eliminate. Even based on the name, one can understand that this type of incompatibility is based on human physiology. To put it simply, the structure of partners’ organs does not bring satisfaction in sex.

For example, a man may have a large penis, but a woman may have a small vagina. Of course, in such a situation a woman may experience pain. Therefore, she does not get even the minimum of pleasure. It’s easy to correct this situation - you need to purchase a ring from an intimate store that will limit the length of the penis’s insertion. Or find positions where penetration is minimal. Well, don’t forget about foreplay, because when a woman is poorly aroused, it can even injure her organs.

It is much more difficult in a situation where a man has a small penis and a woman has a large vagina. Both partners may not enjoy it. The most radical solution is to surgically change the size of the vagina. This option can radically change the situation. But, of course, not everyone is ready to undergo surgery, even for a loved one.

Another way out of this situation is to exercise only in those positions in which the vagina is narrowed as much as possible. Naturally, this greatly limits sex life partners. You can also try using special attachments that increase the length of your manhood. This can worsen the sensation for a man.

Psychological incompatibility arises from different needs for sex and improper sex education of one or both partners. To different people needed in different quantities. For some, it is enough to do it once a week, or even less often. Well, for whom – daily lovemaking. In this case, this issue needs to be discussed. Make certain concessions. Let's say we increase the number of acts a little. And satisfy the rest of your partner’s needs in a different way. You can use oral stimulation of your partner’s genitals or use devices from intimate stores.

If the desire for intimacy arises in partners at different times, this can only be corrected by mutual concessions. Getting rid of sexual incompatibility is not only a long and difficult process, it is also a limitation of your desires.

If one partner has received the wrong sex education, he or she may limit the other's activities. Sometimes talking is enough to overcome this problem. But if the lover refuses to even talk about this topic, it is necessary to visit a sex therapist or psychotherapist. You need to overcome modesty and make sure that the whole process brings joy and pleasure to both partners.

When overcoming psychophysiological sexual incompatibility, it is necessary to use complex influence. Solve problems with both physiology and psychology. Of course, only sincere and mutual feelings will help you cope. Don't forget, whatever the problem, you first need to discuss it frankly with your loved one.
