How is the name Vitaly translated from Greek? The meaning of the name Vitaly, origin, character and fate of the name Vitaly

The origin of the name Vitaly is Latin roots and translated means “vital”. In some countries it may sound like “Vitalis”, but it is most common in the CIS countries.

The meaning of the name Vitaly in a man’s life is quite large, since the nickname directly affects a person’s character traits. In this case, the boy so named is endowed with:

  • reliability,
  • phlegmatic temperament,
  • a positive outlook on the world.

In childhood The owner of the name Vitaly is a rather shy and timid, but at the same time affectionate child.

  • He is obedient and easy to train, which will have a good effect on relationships with people in the future.
  • The boy, as a rule, has a strong connection with his mother and treats her not only as a parent, but also as a friend. Over time, this does not go away and warm relationships last a lifetime.
  • As for communication with others, a person named Vitaly knows how to find an approach to anyone.
  • He can be an excellent listener and a devoted friend, so you can safely rely on him.
  • In companies, he strives to become a leader, and such a role suits him well.

As an adult The character remains virtually unchanged.

  • The bearer of the name Vitaly remains kind, sociable and able to compromise.
  • Some may consider him soft-hearted, but in reality he simply does not see the point in conflicts, since he has few principles and things that he is ready to argue about.
  • Most often, the name Vitaly gives a person a phlegmatic temperament, so such a person does not show his strengths unnecessarily.

Love and family

If anything can change the owner of the name Vitaly, it is the creation of a family.

The right woman helps him discover new character traits in himself that previously seemed invisible.

  • For example, determination, passion, willingness to go to great lengths for the sake of the chosen one. However, in adolescence and at a young age He may find it difficult to get into long-term relationships due to shyness and fear of rejection.
  • The name Vitaly is characteristic of amorous people who can quickly switch from one girl to another. But, having found the ideal woman for himself, Vitaly quickly turns into a diligent family man who will be proud of his wife.
  • He is ready to be a hospitable master of the house and fully provide for a woman if she gives him children. He will love one or more children very much and will do everything for their well-being. He will treat his daughters especially warmly and will protect them in any situation.

For marriage, he chooses a fragile and tender girl who is ready to obey him in everything. He likes to be an authority figure for her. A woman's appearance is very important to him.

The ideal match for him would be:

  • slim,
  • well-groomed,
  • kind girl,
  • which will not give reasons for jealousy.

The wife should consider that a person named Vitaly should be surrounded with warmth and care, otherwise he will look for all this on the side.

  • Your home should always be clean, comfortable, and most importantly, calm.
  • Vitaly loves silence and a pleasant atmosphere, but conflicts drive him crazy.
  • He will not tolerate a woman who regularly starts scandals, even if the complaints are well founded. Such a marriage could easily end in divorce.

Career and hobbies

What the name Vitaly means for a person’s career is quite simple to say. As a rule, such a nickname endows a person with a love of money, but not of work.

We can say for sure that the profession will not become the meaning of life for him, but only a way to earn money.

Vitaly Georgievich Atyushov ( Russian hockey player, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)

It can become:

  • engineer,
  • builder,
  • manager and any other specialist.

It all depends on which area seems more profitable for him. With promotion by career ladder there may be some problems, since the owner of the name Vitaly may lack determination.

It's hard to say whether this will mean complete failure or somehow manage to stay afloat.

It all depends on the motivation and goals that the man currently faces.

By the way, the name Vitaly is typical for people who do not have any special hobbies. A hobby may be fishing or hunting, but neither interest will be of great importance in life. Perhaps a man will want to devote himself to his family or close people, but not to his hobby.


Although the characteristics of the name Vitaly are not good in everything, such a man’s health is excellent.

  • He is physically strong and mentally balanced, so he can safely play sports or lead active life. However, he will become interested in this only if his parents teach him this from childhood. It is advisable to send the boy to one or more sports clubs, otherwise at a young age he may become lazy and passive.
  • A person named Vitaly should eat properly, as there is a risk of kidney problems. The disease lurks in adulthood, and although before that it may seem that everything is fine with health, then the disease will suddenly strike.
  • It is also recommended to refuse bad habits, especially from drinking alcohol, as this will damage other organs. You should not hope that such weaknesses will pass without consequences.

Vitaly is recommended to pay attention to his health in order to keep himself in good shape. Don't be lazy - regular exercise or long walks will help maintain wellness until old age.

Forms of the name Vitaly

Common name options:Vitaly, Vitalis, Vital, Vitalian, Vitalya. Short form of the name Vitaly. Vitalik, Talya, Vitalya, Vita, Vitya, Vit, Vitas, Vital, Vitali, Vitilian, Vitasya, Vitakha, Vitasha, Vitulya, Vityulya, Vityunya, Vityukha, Vityusha, Vito, Talya, Taliyah. Short and diminutive options: Vitalik, Vitalya, Vitya, Talik, Talya, Vitasha, Vityusha. Middle names: Vitalievich, Vitalievna; colloquial form: Vitalich.

Name Vitaly in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 維塔利 (Wéi tǎ lì). Japanese: ビタリ (Bitari). Arabic: 비탈리 (bitalli). Thai: วิทา (Wi thā). Ukrainian: Vitaliy. Greek: Βιτάλη (Vitáli). English: Vitali (Vitali).

Origin of the name Vitaly

The name Vitaly translated from Latin “vitalis” means “vital”, “ full of life", "life-giving". The name comes from the cognomen (personal or family nickname) Vitalis, but in Ancient Rome there was also a related cognomen Vitalianus, meaning literally “Vitaliev, belonging to Vitaly.”

The name Vitaly has related names: male names, Vitalian and women's - , Vitalian. Diminutive addresses to Vitaly - Vit and Vita - are also independent names.

Vitaly's character

As a child, Vitaly was a dreamy, affectionate and timid child. Most often, his mother becomes his best friend, so he is a little effeminate and is not endowed with purely masculine qualities, such as courage, leadership, bravery, and selflessness. But he is not without a desire to assert himself. True, because of his “feminine” qualities, it is very difficult for him to do this and this may take some non-standard forms of self-expression.

Vitaly grows up as a diligent and obedient boy. He is good at adapting to the environment and changes easily and quickly depending on the situation. Vitaly is quite cunning and calculating, but not in a negative, but in a positive way. He tries to make everything work in his favor.

Having matured, Vitaly will hide his daydreaming from other people, he will try to look like a serious, mature man, but inside he will still remain with his dreams. His daydreaming can serve him well. Thanks to her, Vitaly can achieve success in science and engineering. Vitaly has a penchant for technical sciences and is well versed in such exact subjects as mathematics, physics, and geometry. Those with this name make excellent technical workers and will do an excellent job as a guide. But being a salesman, journalist, manager or doctor is a bit difficult for Vitaly.

Vitaly draws attention to personal traits person. He is smart and optimistic, which helps him make friends. Vitaly is meticulously looking for a life partner. She should be his good friend and a wonderful mother to his children. Vitaly is faithful to his wife and is not prone to conflicts and quarrels. Likes to play chess, cards, listen to music and go to concerts of his favorite performers.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Color Name: purple

Radiation: 97%

Planets: Mercury

Talisman stone: sapphire

Plant Vitaly: violet

Totemic animal Vitaly: tiger

Basic features character Vitaly: sexuality, intuition.

Sexuality of the name Vitaly

Vitaly experiences a strong sexual attraction, but when indulging in passion, he is capable of deep, vivid emotions. This is a very amorous person, but in love he always wants to feel free and independent. He does not tolerate sexual dominance by a woman; he rather likes the type of woman who is a daughter.

There is a certain feeling in him male power, attracting the sympathy of the weaker sex. Love failures almost never lead him to despair, but only cause a surge of new emotions and energy. Great importance he gives external factors, especially worries him good body partner, and her tender body is the source of his constant delight. It is important for him how his beloved is dressed, what perfume she wears.

He does not hide his feelings, pouring them out during love foreplay and during sexual intercourse itself in hot and tender words, describing to his partner how she makes him feel.

He is squeamish and is not inclined to change women often. Vitaly will diversify coital positions, giving the woman the opportunity to fully reveal herself. For him, the main thing is to satisfy the emotional needs of his partner and keep the relationship exciting. He strives to extend the preparatory period as long as possible by indulging in love games and providing your partner complete freedom actions - she helps him, and he thereby gives her the opportunity to experience the whole gamut of strong erotic sensations.

Having married, he behaves in the same way with his wife, lovingly preparing her for the final phase. This process gives him great pleasure and is no less, if not more important for him than intercourse itself - as a way to give his partner the highest pleasure and bring her to orgasm.

Positive traits of the name

Activity, love of life, gentleness. Vitaly has a surprisingly kind humor. He loves cheerful people, but not slackers. Vitaly is attached to his mother. He is responsive to love and tenderness. This does not prevent Vitaly from displaying such qualities as courage, courage and responsibility. Vitaly has many friends who value him for the listed qualities.

Negative traits of the name

Idealism, fantasy, excessive gullibility. As a teenager, Vitaly, aware of his natural gentleness, can deliberately behave rudely. You shouldn't pay attention to this. Over time, Vitaly realizes his mistakes and finds agreement with himself.

Choosing a profession by name

Vitaly lacks determination and consistency. In all areas of activity, he often misses profitable opportunities, being distracted by insignificant matters. The influence of the name on the business: Vitaly finds it difficult to save his accumulated funds. He is always full of ideas in which to invest money. This has a negative impact on his budget.

The influence of a name on health

Vitaly is likely to have weakened functions. He needs some attention Special attention nutrition.

Psychology of the name: Vitaly - trusted friend. You can always turn to him for help. He likes fun companies, but even with his idealism, Vitaly is not inclined to completely obey the unspoken laws in these companies. He knows how to maintain his independence. There is no need to infringe on Vitaly’s dignity; he has enough courage to defend his honor.

Compatibility of the name Vitaly and patronymic

Vitaly Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Kirillovich, Mikhailovich, Nikitich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Yuryevich is gentle and calm in character Does not like quarrels, skillfully avoids conflicts. He is flexible in the family and values ​​calm and stability most of all. Likes to relax after work with a book in hand, you play chess well. Material wealth is not easy for him, so he is stingy. All his life he dreams of luxury and exciting travels, but all this remains in his dreams. Passive, does not know how to implement his plans. He experiences passion and attraction in sex, but excessive caution prevents him from doing this too. Vitaly is squeamish, which is also the reason for his abstinence. Most often she has one child - a daughter.

Vitaly Alexandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Maksimovich, Matveevich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Fedorovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich is in no hurry to get married, he chooses his wife for a long time and carefully. He thinks about a career early, but rarely achieves what he wants. His life is difficult, failures haunt him. Unexpectedly for himself, he begins to engage in social or political activities, but this does not bring him luck either; often in the prime of his life he has to abruptly change his profession, which negatively affects his psyche and health. Vitaly may start drinking, although this did not appeal to him before, and often it all ends quite disastrously. Vitaly gives birth to children of different sexes. He is strict with children, raising them himself, as long as his affairs are going well. But if they don’t get along, then everything in the family is left to chance. He needs a wife who could support him in difficult times and help him get back on his feet after the collapse of his plans.

Vitaly Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich is boastful, inclined to exaggerate his capabilities, likes to make promises, but rarely keeps them. Beneath the feigned importance and solidity lies a weak-willed person. There can be several times in a marriage; the spouse is always the leader in the family. Sometimes Vitaly can flare up and try to change something in his relationship with his wife, but as soon as he cools down, everything falls into place again. He is kind, but somewhat stingy. He likes to make profitable acquaintances and strives to take a worthy place in society. However, his aspirations are rarely crowned with success. In the eyes of influential people he seems ridiculous. However, Vitaly knows how to extract personal benefit from every acquaintance. Let them laugh at him, but he will not miss his own. If necessary, he can be flattering and obsequious. He listens with pleasure to flattery addressed to himself. His daughters are born.

Vitaly Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is freedom-loving and independent, selfish. He is sexy, but in relationships with a woman he is more attracted by the similarity of intellectual interests. The failures of such a Vitaly do not worry too much; on the contrary, they become an incentive for his further activities. He takes on new business with even greater tenacity and energy. Disdainful, does not change partners often. Likes to talk about sex with friends or lover. Marries only after receiving a decent education. Has a daughter. This Vitaly’s marriage may not be too happy, but he will not dare to divorce. Having fun on the side calms him down somewhat.

Vitaly Alanovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich is self-confident, inclined to overestimate his capabilities. He is careful with women and sees a catch in everything. A careerist by nature. He takes criticism as a personal insult. With old and devoted friends he is good-natured, but with few people he is extremely frank. Sexy, but does not allow lovers into his inner world. He is calmer when love relationship are superficial. Marries late, prefers to live with a woman in civil marriage. Such a Vitaly’s children, as a rule, are long-awaited; most often, one girl is born, because Vitaly starts a family in old age. Does not recognize illegitimate children.

Characteristics of the name Vitaly according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - “vital”. Little Vitaly is typical" Sissy". He is an affectionate and obedient boy, always trying to be closer to his mother. If he is the youngest in the family, he is wary of older brothers and sisters. In a society younger in age than himself, he will confidently take on the role of a caring and kind patron. Vitaly is diligent, knows how to get used to an unfamiliar environment. He is smart, purposeful, and to some extent stubborn. Vitaly is interested in music, chess, gambling indifferent, but can keep company for playing cards. Can get a purebred dog and participate in exhibitions. Among his hobbies may be a car, to which he will devote a lot of time. He will be happy to repair the car himself. Vitaly has a predominant inclination towards technical activities and exact sciences. He will good engineer, designer, mathematics or physics teacher. He will also succeed in business. In a woman, Vitaly first of all really wants to find a replacement for his mother. She must become his true friend. Love feelings and passionate experiences recede into the background. In public he does not show any signs of marital affection for his wife, but he is faithful in marriage and values ​​his wife’s love.

Additional characteristics of the name

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations/s.

Self-realization(character): 95%

Psyche Vitaly: stubborn, always stands his ground

Health Vitaly: good health, but you need to protect yourself from colds.

Vitaly and pets

In winter and autumn, Vitaly is recommended to get a Scotch Terrier, an American Staffordshire. Collie dogs are ideal for Vitalys born in summer or spring. The best way relationships will develop with pets whose names are: Morgan, Flor, Titus, Harold, Ferra, Burma, Alvin, Alma.

Famous people named Vitaly

Vitaly of Alexandria ((VII century) Christian saint, revered among the venerables)
Vitaly Bianki (Russian writer, author of many works for children)
Vitaly Abalakov (Soviet mountaineer, Honored Master of Mountaineering (1934), Honored Master of Sports (1940), Honored Trainer of the USSR (1961), design engineer; author of about 100 devices used for objective assessment athletes training process)
Vitaly Korotich (Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian poet, prose writer, publicist, journalist, columnist, screenwriter)
Vitaly Ginzburg (Soviet and Russian theoretical physicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1966-1991) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991-2009), Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1942), laureate Nobel Prize in physics (2003))
Vitaly Solomin (Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. National artist RSFSR (1992), winner of the Moscow Prize (1998))
Vitaliy Klitschko (Ukrainian super heavyweight boxer, six-time world champion title holder according to various kickboxing organizations (four times among professionals and two times among amateurs), three-time champion of Ukraine in amateur boxing, world champion in boxing among professionals according to WBO ( 1999-2000) and WBC (2004-2005, 2008))
Vitaly Dubinin (Russian musician and composer, bass guitarist and backing vocalist of the successful heavy metal band "Aria", author of most of its compositions)
Vitaly Davydov (athlete and coach (ice hockey))
Vitaly Lazarenko (circus performer, clown (1890–1939))
Vitaly Goldansky (Soviet scientist, physical chemist, academician)
Vitaly Bamburov (Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specialist in the field of synthesis and physicochemical properties of new compounds and rare earth elements in the lowest oxidation state)
Vitaly Margulis ( Russian pianist, musicologist and music teacher)
Vitaly Gromadsky ((born 1928) Russian singer (bass))
Vitaly Shafranov (Soviet and Russian physicist. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1997); main directions scientific activity are high-temperature plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion)
Vitaly Lazhentsev (Russian geographer and economist, Doctor of Geographical Sciences)
Vitaly Atyushov (Russian hockey player)
Vitaly Yuferev (Russian actor, poet, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR)

Vitaly celebrates Orthodox name days

Vitaly celebrates Catholic name days

Compatibility of the name Vitaly

Incompatibility of the name Vital

Name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: differences, similarities in names

Vitya, Victor, Vitaly, Vitalik - do you think these are the same names? Agree, there are similarities. However, the similar spelling and sound of names does not mean that they can be considered the same.

Today we will talk on this topic and let's figure out whether these names are the same, in different forms the same thing or with completely different names.

The name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: are they different names or not, their similarities and differences?

Just by listening to the names or looking at their spelling, it is difficult to say whether they are different or are forms of the same name. But the meaning of these names will make it clear whether they are synonyms. However, first things first.

  • Victor- With Latin language translated as "winner"
  • Derived forms of the name Victor are the names Vitya, Vityusha, Vityunya and many others, but more on that a little later
  • Based on this we can conclude that Victor and Vitya are the same name

Now let's talk about Vitaly:

  • Vitaly - translated from Latin as “the one who gives life, long-lived”
  • As short form you can use the names Vitalik, Vit, Vitasya, Vitya
  • Having analyzed given name The conclusion we get is very ambiguous. Vitaly, Vitalik and Vitya are also essentially one name
Names Victor and Vitaly

The similarity of these names is that both Victor and Vitaly can be used in their abbreviated form as Vitya. The difference between these names is in their meaning, sound and, of course, in the fact that their bearers have completely different characters.

Despite the fact that both Victor and Vitaly can in principle be called Vitya, practice shows the opposite. As a rule, people generally believe that Vitya is still Victor, but Vitalik is Vitaly. We, continuing the conversation on this topic, will also adhere to this opinion.

The name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: origin of names

We have figured out the meaning of the names, now let's talk a little about their origin.

  • Vitya, Victor– male names that are considered Russian, Greek, Catholic Orthodox
  • The name is of Latin origin
  • As for the Slavs, their name Victor is associated with Byzantium, since it came from there and gradually gained enormous popularity
  • An interesting fact is that the exclamation “Hail, Victor!” (Long live the winner) in Ancient Rome they greeted generals who returned home with victory
  • The name has always symbolized firmness, determination and focus.

Let's look at the most famous representatives of the name Victor. Despite the fact that the name has lost its relevance today, we still have someone to remember:

  • Victor Hugo - hardly anyone has not heard of this person, because Hugo is a truly outstanding writer
  • Viktor Vasnetsov is an equally famous person who has made a huge contribution to the artistic sphere of the country
  • Viktor Nekrasov - great Russian writer
  • Viktor Tsoi is the vocalist of the famous and truly legendary group Movie

Well, how are things going with Vitaly? Let's get a look.

  • Vitaly and Vitalik, respectively, are also male names
  • The origin of the names is also Latin.
  • It must be said that the name has many European analogues, for example, such as Vital, Vit, Vitalian

Celebrities named Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Shafranov - famous physicist
  • Vitaly Solomin is an outstanding Soviet actor who played in the most famous film"Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson"
  • Vitaly Bianki is a famous children's writer who gave the world more than 300 different fairy tales, stories and stories

Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly: what is the correct name, how to write the full name in the passport?

The correctness of addressing a person and the choice of form used depends on what name the person was originally named by.

  • Of course, addressing a person can be considered correct if you use the name you introduced yourself to.
  • If for some reason you don’t know what to call a person or doubt that this form fits his name, then ask him directly - there is nothing shameful in that.
  • Generally speaking, after naming a child Viktor, he can be called Vitya. When you name your baby Vitaly, you can use the form of the name Vitalik or Vitya. However, calling Victor and Vitya Vitaly or Vitalik is unacceptable.

  • As for the passport, everything is very simple. A passport is issued to a person on the basis of a birth certificate and, accordingly, all data from the previous document is transferred to the passport. Therefore, when registering a birth certificate, you need to be extremely careful.
  • Victor and Vitya are recorded in the birth certificate and, accordingly, in the passport - Victor.
  • Vitalik and Vitaly - Vitaly.
  • It is not customary to write diminutive forms like Vityusha and Vetal in documents.

Full and abbreviated name, as will be from the name Vitya, Victor, Vitalik, Vitaly

Victor is full form given name. The following can be used as diminutive and abbreviated forms:

  • Vityusha
  • Vityunya
  • Vitka
  • Vitek
  • Vitasya

The following names are synonyms of this name:

  • Victorin
  • Vikhtor
  • Victoras

In the case of Vitaly, it is this form that is full name. As abbreviations it is customary to use:

  • Vitalik
  • Vitalya
  • Vitalka
  • Vitasya
  • Vitaha

The following names can be called synonymous:

  • Vidal
  • Vial

When addressing a person, you must understand that not only the subjective permissibility of addressing a person in this way is important, it is important that the bearer of the name himself agrees to address himself in such a way.

Is it possible to call Vitya and Victor Vitalik, Vitaly and vice versa?

In principle, based on the above information, the answer to this question is obvious.

  • Vitya, Victor and Vitaly, Vitalik - this is absolutely different names, which have their meaning and origin
  • Victor and Vitya cannot be called Vitalik or Vitaly
  • Vitalik and Vitaly can be called Vitya only as a shortened form
  • It must be said that in practice it now very rarely happens that Vitaly is called Vitya
  • However, you need to check with the bearer of the name, because sometimes a person can be recorded as Victor in the passport, but position himself as Vitaly - in this case, of course, using this form is appropriate

What middle name is suitable for a boy named Victor, Vitaly?

When choosing a name for a child, future parents pay attention not only to its meaning, but also to how it will be combined with the middle name. There are several explanations for this: firstly, because the combination of a first name and patronymic also affects a person’s fate, and secondly, because parents want the last name, first name and patronymic to sound melodious and beautiful.

The following middle names are most suitable for a boy named Victor:

  • Vasilevich
  • Viktorovich
  • Ivanovich
  • Tarasovich
  • Mikhailovich
  • Fedorovich
  • Vladislavovich
  • Olegovych
  • Filippovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Petrovich
  • Stepanovich
  • Danilovich
  • Efimovich

The following middle names are suitable for Vitaly:

  • Arkadyevich
  • Andreevich
  • Sergeevich
  • Ivanovich
  • Grigorievich
  • Evgenyevich
  • Nikolaevich
  • Mikhailovich
  • Vasilevich

Character named Victor and Vitaly

Let's start with the name Victor:

  • Since childhood, Vitya has been growing up as an attentive, caring and sensitive child, who is ready to help anyone who needs it at any moment.
  • Most often, a baby named by this name is very fair
  • Literally from birth, Victor is very attached to his family and friends. By the way, this kind of love and affection does not disappear with Vitya even over the years. Even at 40, if possible, he will still live with his parents, because separation from them is stressful for him
  • As a rule, representatives of a given name differ strong character. However, they have one distinguishing feature- addiction to spontaneous, thoughtless actions. Just a second ago our Victor was serious and strong-willed, but now he is behaving like a capricious child who simply demands what he suddenly wants to get.
  • Very often, Vitya is overly hot-tempered and this pretty much ruins his life. After all, sometimes a man with that name simply cannot control himself and his actions, which greatly hurts his family and friends.
  • Victors are very capricious people. Even if such a man understands what you say to him good advice, he will still do it his way
  • We must pay tribute to Victor’s enterprise and hard work. He likes to complete all his undertakings, because he receives true pleasure from the result of his work
  • The man named Victor is moderately witty, knows how to joke funny and defuse the situation

It would also not be amiss to name character traits of Victors who were born in different times of the year:

  • Vitya, born in winter, is very stubborn, willful and honest
  • Representatives of the name born in autumn can boast of the following qualities - responsibility, seriousness, sociability
  • Those who were lucky enough to be born in the summer are very delicate, vulnerable natures. Victors born in summer often have problems with alcohol
  • Well, the spring Viti is characterized by frivolity, short temper and quick-wittedness.

Characteristics Victor and Vitaly

Let's move on to Vitaly:

  • As a child, Vitaly can be a very shy kid. Tries not to attract too much attention to himself, both adults and his peers
  • In the family circle, he gives preference to his mother, which is why he is often undeservedly considered a “mama’s boy.”
  • In fact, the baby is growing up as a very sensitive, kind and obedient child who, even at such a young age, knows how to listen and understand
  • Despite his shyness, Vitaly grows up as a stubborn child and if he really wants something, he is unlikely to back down without getting it.
  • As a teenager, Vitalik becomes more cunning and thoughtful
  • A man named by this name is rarely the life of the party, because some qualities of his character repel his friends. Despite this, Vitaly is a very sociable man who knows how to make friends and values ​​friendly relationships

Now let's see how do the seasons affect Vitaly’s character:

  • “Winter” Vitalik boasts his attention to detail and ability to analyze
  • Those born in autumn are amorous and romantic
  • Those men who bear the name Vitalik and were born in the summer are real hard workers and careerists. Are different heightened feeling property
  • “Spring” Vitaly knows how to joke, is very sensual and vulnerable

Victor and Vitaly: sexuality, love, marriage, family life, profession

All people behave in different areas life is completely different. Our behavior directly depends on our character, preferences and principles.

So, let's see how the owners of these names manifest themselves in family and sexual life.

  • Sexuality. Victor is extremely sexy
  • Very often he chooses experienced women as partners, because he loves high-quality sex and experiments
  • Despite such a passionate nature, Vitya can also boast of romance and tenderness

And what is our Victor like? family relationships and in love?

  • Victor does not experience an acute shortage of women and their attention. Representatives of the fair sex often pay attention to generous, kind, sympathetic and charming Victors
  • Vitya knows how to look after beautifully, does not forget about gifts and compliments for his beloved
  • However, despite such dedication, Victor expects the same from his partner. He also loves to receive gifts and attention from his beloved. But who doesn’t love that, right?
  • Generally speaking, such a man is extremely demanding of his partner. In addition to well-groomed appearance Vitya pays attention to both the girl’s upbringing and education
  • It’s not easy for Vitya to decide to take a responsible step, but despite this, more than one marriage often happens in his life
  • As for family life, Victor should be given his due. He is a great family man an exemplary husband, caring father
  • His wife and children are his pride and joy
  • The only thing that can destroy this fairy tale is Victor’s baseless jealousy. In this regard, Vitya’s wife needs to be patient

Now let's talk a little about professions for Victor:

  • Men named by this name are distinguished by responsibility, hard work and determination. Therefore, as a rule, any work is easy for Vita
  • Victor is most suitable for those professions in which he can reveal himself as a leader or manager. Natives of this name are excellent at organizing work and managing people and resources
  • Since our Vitya is a hot-tempered person, he needs work that is not monotonous or routine. It's best if the situation is always changing, just like the tasks
  • If desired, Victor can easily build his own business. He has a good understanding of people, which gives him the opportunity to organize an excellent team and easily establish a work process in it

Attitudes to the family life of Victor and Vitaly

Now let's talk about Vitaly:

  • Vitalik can also boast of his sexuality and temperament. In sex, he behaves quite freely and loves to be a leader. However, despite such qualities, sex for the bearer of this name is not only physical pleasure, it is also an opportunity to show their feelings and emotions
  • Vitaly is very sensual and gentle in intimate relationships. He loves to please his partner
  • Like Vitya, Vitalik gives preference to experienced women

Love and marriage family life:

  • Vitaly really loves the process of winning his beloved. At this stage, he is the most romantic, gentle and reverent man in the whole world. Flowers, movies, songs under the balcony and even stars from the sky - all this will be easily given to you by Vitaly in love
  • However, as soon as the partner reciprocates, such manifestations of feelings will disappear
  • Representatives of this name rarely experience a lack of female attention, but despite this it is difficult to call them ladies' men. Ideally, Vitaly is looking for a relationship that would be the only one for life
  • She takes marriage extremely responsibly and seriously. Most often, people decide to take this step when they are already an accomplished man.
  • Such a guy takes only faithful and strong girls as his wife.
  • In family life, Vitaly values ​​comfort, coziness and silence. Therefore, neither he himself, nor his children, nor his wife ever shout or swear.
  • Vitalik always tries to be honest with his wife and he succeeds very well. He believes that trust and mutual understanding are what strong and happy relationships are built on
  • We must give this man credit for raising children. Children for Vitalik are happiness; it is not difficult for him to work with them, raise them, teach them and, of course, play


  • Vitaly primarily values ​​comfort and high wages, which is why when choosing a job he bases himself on these criteria
  • He rarely becomes a boss or leader, because such work requires constant control and participation, while our Vitalik wants to work his shift and go to his family
  • He always gives preference to working in a team, because he is afraid to make independent decisions at work.
  • A job as a journalist or teacher would be a good fit for Vitaly
  • In general, it must be said that such a man is a very good worker. Responsibility, diligence - this is what he can definitely boast of

Names Victor and Vitaly: compatibility with female names

Let's talk a little about women with what names are most suitable for bearers of the names Vitya and Vitalik.

Let's start with Victor:

  • Victor and Ekaterina. This couple has excellent compatibility. These two understand each other very well and know how to surprise. Moreover, Katya and Vitya have very good sexual compatibility, and this definitely has a positive effect on the couple’s relationship
  • Victor and Natalya. Another happy union. In this couple there is no place for restrictions on the partner’s personal space. Natasha knows how to appreciate Vitya, and he, in turn, rewards her with his care and love
  • Victor and Anastasia. The views of these people are very similar, however, Nastya’s independence and excessive independence sometimes bores Victor and most often this ends in a break in relations
  • Victor and Elena. More often than not, the relationship between these two ends happy marriage. Lena always supports her lover’s endeavors, which is very important to him, and he, in turn, appreciates her for her desire for self-development
  • Victor and Irina. Ira most often turns out to be too strong and ambitious for Vitya. It is very difficult for him to get along with a woman who constantly strives to take the place of leader. Irina doesn’t like the fact that Victor doesn’t strive for development and improvement.

Now let's look at Compatibility of the name Vitaly with a female name:

  • Vitaly and Marina. Not the best the best option for family life. Marina is used to getting everything at once, while Vitaly believes that “it’s better to go slowly, but far.” On this basis, most often these relationships end
  • Vitaly and Christina. Both he and she look at life the same way. They have common goals, plans and dreams - this is what helps them create an excellent, friendly and strong family
  • Vitaly and Daria. These people have excellent compatibility. Both Dasha and Vitalik are in no hurry to burden themselves with marriage; they need time to think and decide everything. However, if they start a family, then it will definitely be strong and happy
  • Vitaly and Ekaterina. This case Once again confirms that opposites attract. Slightly flighty and cheerful Katya brings bright colors and new impressions to the life of the responsible and serious Vitaly
  • Vitaly and Elizabeth. They have absolutely the same views on family life and everyday life. They say about such people that they “look in one direction.” As a rule, their family is always cited as an example

Victor and Vitaly today are not very popular names, however, this does not make them any worse. When choosing a name for your baby, pay attention to the origin of the name and its meaning, in which case you certainly won’t go wrong with your choice.

Video: The meaning of the name Vitaly

If you want your child to become the darling of fate and good luck to fall into his hands, then the name Vitaly is what you are looking for. Let's talk about its meaning, character and fate of the owner.

The meaning of the name Vitaly is associated with the name of St. Vitaly of Alexandria, who, according to legend, took care of fallen women. He worked hard, receiving 12 coins, bought 1 bean, and gave the rest of the money to the women so that they would not go out to sell their own bodies.

At night he prayed for the salvation of souls. Such measures helped, some girls were able to arrange their lives, get a profession, and get married. According to legend, after the death of the saint, his relics began to heal harlots from demons.


The name comes from the Latin "Vitalis", is generic and means "full of life".


The meaning of the name Vitaly puts the fate of a man in his own hands. As he wants, so his life will go. Narrow thinking will play a cruel joke. For example, if Vitalik entered the university in one specialty, he will continue to study it, without thinking about changing his activity or a more promising job.

While doing something he doesn’t like, he will achieve results through painstaking and pedantic work, but he will not forget about his hobbies, pursuing them in free time. Vitaly is a person who shows the will to live in any circumstances.


The meaning of Vitaly’s name and character depends on the season of birth:

  • Vitalik, born in winter, is attentive, pedantic, scrupulous and persistent. Does not see obstacles on the way to the desired goal. He achieves success in his profession, but is not too happy on the love front. It is difficult for him due to the constant desire for control.
  • Vesenny Vitalya: a cheerful person, full of optimism and openness. He has a sharp mind, and he feels not only his own problems, but also the troubles of loved ones. Creative and philosophical, prone to reasoning.
  • Summer Vitalik combines cunning, prudence and self-confidence. For him vital role plays self-expression in the profession. The price for success may be the absence of a loved one nearby.
  • The male name Vitaly for an autumn boy expresses the opposite characteristic. He is romantic and amorous, he can wait for years for the one and only one and go through his companions.


Let's consider what the name Vitalik means for a boy in early age. Its owner is dreamy, thoughtful and very calm. He prefers evenings at home with a book and family to playing outside. He has few friends, his peers consider him strange, which may contribute to the development of isolation in the future.

Vitalik is a creative boy who loves technology, cinema and music. He may want to go to several sections in different directions at once. The little owner of the name grows up trusting and kind, but at the same time flexible, able to adapt to the situation. He studies irresponsibly, shifting the solution of complex problems to his grandmother and mother.


The meaning of the name Vitaly for a boy changes during adolescence. He learns to be closed from the outside world. Friends know him as a joker and a merry fellow, but in this way he hides the motives of his actions and true feelings.

He is an excellent manipulator of close people. His mood often changes, but Vitalik - good friend, incapable of betrayal.

Relations with studies during admission to a technical school or university become smoother, as he begins to understand the direct impact of success on future salary.


The characteristics of the name Vitaly for an adult man are ambiguous. On the one hand, he is calculating, reasonable, with his own view of things that cannot be disputed by any arguments. He does not know how to give in, making life difficult for himself both in work and in love.

Because of the fear of being offended, during a conversation he attacks, makes wisecracks and is sarcastic. Vitaly is caring around his friends and family, but will not sacrifice the last thing he has.

Vitaly is a favorite of luck, which he often takes advantage of, leaving the solution to difficulties to chance. Solving complex problems in adulthood can be overwhelming.

Love and relationships

Let's consider the meaning of the name Vitalik in matters of love. The ideal wife of this man should have all the qualities of a real woman: she is beautiful, smart, loving, caring, gentle, affectionate and understanding. Over time, Vitaly realizes that outer beauty, leg length and charm are not so important to him. External attributes give way to caring and sincerity in relationships. He needs a wife who is ready to devote herself entirely to the family.

While courting a girl, Vitaly shows romanticism and fantasy, but as soon as she gives in, all the romance fades away. He is one of those men who cannot stand the restrictions of space, and to object to him means paving a direct path to scandals.

Vitaly gets married late, most often after 30 years. He provides his beloved with every support and respect. There will be no betrayal in this union, he is a faithful companion to his wife and will not allow himself to have a dirty, vile attitude towards her, even if his feelings are mired in routine and have cooled down. He is open to the woman he loves, ready to discuss problems and solve them in order to create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

Vitaly does not like to talk openly about feelings, but he demands signs of attention and care from his companion. He is the leader in the family and will not give up his place. This man loves spending time with children and raising them, loving them with all his soul.


The characteristic of the name Vitaly is such that he will choose a calling that will bring material well-being. He does not have high ambitions and does not strive to take a leadership position or a higher position by any means. The owner of the name values ​​stability, a stable work schedule, which allows him to spend more time with his family.

Vitaly rarely manages to open his own business. Business requires drive and ambition. Vitalik is deprived of both. A man can find himself both as a programmer, engineer, architect, and in the humanitarian field, choosing the profession of a journalist, musician or designer. Vitaly can easily master the musical instrument he likes.

Name day

Days when Vitaly celebrates his name day:

  • January 24;
  • February 7;
  • May 5 and 11;
  • 5th of August;
  • October 7th.

Name color

Purple, blue and red colors suit Vitaly. Red will give you confidence and determination, blue will give you patience, resilience in the face of life’s difficulties, purple will help you better understand others, and establish harmonious relationships in business and personal spheres.

Name flower

Violet is the patron flower for Vitaly. In today's interpretation, it is a symbol of modesty, spring, purity. Some time ago, the violet personified passionate love and carnal desires. In ancient Greek mythology, it is the flower of sorrow and death. Later it became a sign of happiness and prosperity. In European culture, violet expresses devotion, high moral principles, and innocence. The flower helps in the fight against complexes, self-doubt, and protects the home from negative energy.

Vitaly's tree is poplar. IN oriental culture it symbolizes the dual nature of phenomena, light and darkness, masculine and feminine. In Greek and Roman culture, white poplar is a sign of heroes who died with honor, black is a symbol of purgatory. Among the Slavs, poplar expressed longing for love and loneliness.

Church name

Vitaly has a church name and it is similar to a secular one.

Translation of name in different languages

In Latin, Vitaly is translated as “full of life”, “Vital” and this variant is found only among the Slavs.

On foreign languages the name sounds like this:

  • in German – Vitalis (Vitalis);
  • in French – Vital (Vital);
  • in Spanish – Vital (Vital);
  • in Italian – Vitaliano (Vitaliano).

Full name, shortened, affectionate

Full name - Vitaliy, Vitaliy is abbreviated as Vitaliy, sometimes called Vitya. Several options for how to call Vitaly diminutively: Vitalenka, Vitalechka, Vityulya.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

What names are suitable for the patronymic Vitalievich or Vitalievna? The patronymic, like the name, endows its owner with certain character traits.

The boy with the middle name Vitalievich grows into a kind, sympathetic and reasonable man. He makes important decisions slowly, thinking through all possible options. Responsibility and hard work help to finish what you start.

The Vitalievichs are conscientious performers. Their sociability and listening skills make them good conversationalists. They know how to accept opinions that differ from their own. The owner of the middle name Vitalievich has many friends and family life is developing in a favorable way.

Suitable names: Vladislav, Maxim, Fedor, Alexey.

The girl with the middle name Vitalievna is observant, sociable, and purposeful. Having matured, she continues to stay away from noisy companies and tends to be alone. She is serious and responsible, she completes any task, which helps her in her pursuit of well-being and material independence.

The girl with the middle name Vitalievna loves order and is very clean. She loves education and constantly strives to learn new things. Does not strive for marriage, often gets married at a late age.

Suitable names for the patronymic Vitalievna: , Oksana, Lyudmila, Olga, Karina, Rita.

Name compatibility

Let's consider the compatibility of the name Vitaly with female names:

  • Vitaly and Olga - perfect union. They know how to enjoy life and simply take care of each other.
  • Vitaly and Anna are a passionate couple with strong feelings. But the relationship will be problematic. Two leaders seek to demonstrate their qualities by suppressing their partner.
  • Vitaly and Elena are a union under the auspices of the universe. It seems that the gods themselves had a hand in bringing these two together. Real love.
  • Vitaly and Yulia are a relationship based on passion. These two attract the attention of others, but they are unable to ensure a lasting union.
  • Vitaly and Anastasia are a couple holiday. It is easy for them to find a reason for a small celebration, and over time their feelings become deeper and stronger.
  • Vitaly and is a strong and stable union in which two are able to go through all obstacles while maintaining their feelings.
  • Vitaly and Ekaterina – carefree Ekaterina will attract the reserved Vitaly, making his life a little brighter. This is a union of opposites, and this is why it is attractive. But Catherine should not be too frivolous.
  • Vitaly and Natalya - without exaggeration, this family can be called exemplary. The couple will have a happy future and complete mutual understanding.

How to decline a name

Declension of the name by case:

  • Nominative – Vitaly.
  • Genitive – Vitaly.
  • Dative - Vitaly.
  • Accusative – Vitaly.
  • Creative - Vitaly.
  • Prepositional – about Vitaly.

Famous people named Vitaly

Famous owners of the name Vitaly:

  • Vitaly Gogunsky is an actor in the series “Univer”, who played the athlete Kuzya.
  • Vitali Klitschko is an athlete.
  • Vitaly Ginzburg is a physicist who received the Nobel Prize in 2003.
  • Vitaly Vulf is a film critic and TV presenter.
  • Vitaly Gibert is the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” show, the author of books on extrasensory perception.

Despite his outward friendliness and openness, a man named Vitaly needs support. He is afraid to trust people and let them close to him. He is sincere and does not like lies. If you need advice in difficult situation– rely on Vitaly, he has developed intuition.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Vitaly

All his actions are based on a huge supply of energy, which requires activity and self-realization. When he begins to set goals for himself, it seems to him that he knows the truth about everything in the world, which means he is guaranteed against failure, since he knows in advance the result of any of his undertakings. Moreover, all his goals and plans are in one way or another based on his kindness, decency, desire to help others, tolerance, sense of duty and responsibility. We can say that at heart he is a patriot, ready for challenges and even self-sacrifice. The most important thing for him is to maintain spirituality and responsibility to his loved ones.

He has a gentle, kind, tolerant, responsible and praise-loving character. Possessing inflated self-esteem, he does not know how to set high goals for himself. Even with a good supply of energy, he is a real parasite, since work, everyday life and financial problems do not interest him at all; he can deal with them only out of a sense of duty, since his close people need it. He would like to be a good family man, but he has little understanding of women, and he gets very tired of the constancy and monotony of life, running away on business trips and trips. For him, the family is a place of application of his duty, additional responsibility. When choosing a job, he needs to remember that the main thing in it is the absence of deception, profit from the grief of others and any injustice. The fact is that for any of the listed actions, even if he is indirectly related to them, he will suffer severe punishment, and the more active his participation is, the more severe the punishment will be. The fact is that he does not have luck and fortune, but tolerance, suffering, and justice are given in full, which means that he will bear maximum responsibility for any of his lies and injustice. Note that he is devoid of feelings of envy, greed, greed and quickly forgets grievances, which once again confirms that he can be pushed into any dishonesty solely by the financial, material and everyday demands of his loved ones, primarily his wife and children, who can use his limitless a sense of duty to them. Keeping these prohibitions in mind, he could become a good scientist, especially a technician, since he is well versed in any technology, an actor, writer, critic, editor, doctor (especially for children), lecturer, teacher (preferably at a university). He needs a wife who is strong in character, capable of taking on everyday life and material problems, who does not require him to make excessive efforts to achieve financial stability for the family, who is cold enough in temperament and who wants to help him set new and higher spiritual goals.

The most important thing to remember is that this is a person who is not inclined to any kind of work and is not ready to take on material support. At the same time, he is pathologically honest, which means business is contraindicated for him. This means that you should take care of his future in advance, providing him with the opportunity to engage in creativity, science or art. We must rid him of financial and everyday problems, setting high goals for him, and be sure to achieve them.


Quite a lot of organs are weakened. You should take fish oil, calcium, chromium, oat infusion (infuse 1/5 cup of oats and 1/2 liter of boiled milk in a thermos for 6-8 hours, drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30-40 minutes after meals) , vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Limit the intake of chilled food (especially meat and drinks), protect yourself from cold and drafts, especially in cold seasons.
