Summer sale in Italy. When is the best time to go to Italy for sales? Shopping in Italy

Italy, summer, sea and seasonal discounts in boutiques and shops in the country. The vast majority of fashionistas plan their trips to Italy for the second half of summer, when traditional sales begin. During this period, you can buy exclusive models of clothing, shoes and bags at 50-70% cheaper than the original price.

Sale dates

What do you need to know to plan your Italian shopping trip? First of all – sales dates in different regions and cities of the country. The trade policy is structured in such a way that potential buyers have the opportunity to visit maximum amount shopping centers and boutiques.

Even in winter, experts plan their travel schedule around the country based on data from the specialized Saldi calendar. According to him, you can have time to purchase fashion model from a famous couturier at a more than affordable price.

Sales schedule in cities and regions of Italy in the summer of 2016

What do you need to know when planning your travel schedule? There are a large number of competitors who want to be the first to choose their favorite item. Therefore, on the first day of summer sales in Italy, store owners invite police officers to maintain order. There are also unspoken rules to consider.

  • First day greatest number buyers. But the queue is strictly observed - in order to be among the first to enter the territory of a boutique or store, you need to defend the “night shift”.
  • In the store there is no queue at all. Usually all the fitting rooms are already occupied, so it is recommended to immediately go pay for the goods.
  • Don't confuse seasonal sales with promotions at outlet stores. The latter are huge warehouses in which items from 5-6 years of collections are stored. Often, discounts in these establishments are not tied to traditional seasonal ones.

If the desire to update your wardrobe has overpowered the charms have a relaxing holiday– you can safely book a ticket to Italy. But for shopping to be not only productive, but also relatively calm, you should follow the recommendations.

Where is the best place to buy

If you analyze the geography of summer sales, you can identify 3 main areas where they occur. Depending on personal preferences, they choose certain boutiques and stores, having previously learned about their assortment.

If you plan to visit several cities in the regions, it is recommended to pre-book not only the flight, but also tickets for traveling within the country. At this time, many airlines (especially LowCost) significantly reduce the cost of flights within Italy. So, you can get from Rome to Naples for only 20-30 Euros.

Every city has certain places, where shopping will be most productive. Although they are included in the mandatory program of every tourist, sellers are ready to satisfy everyone’s needs. Years of experience and clear planning allow us to avoid supply disruptions and maintain a huge range.

  • Rome - via Condotti and adjacent streets. Don't miss the famous Piazza di Spagna.
  • Milan is a shopping “triangle” of streets Andrea, Montenapoleone, Gesu and Della Spiga.
  • Venice - Merceria, and the streets closest to it.
  • Naples - Via Calabritto and Via dei Mille. Particularly popular are the shops in Piazza Amadeo and Piazza dei Martiri.

This traditional places bulk purchases during seasonal sales. But real experts stick to less popular routes.

Shopping on your own or with an expert

At this stage, the question arises: should you shop on your own or use the services of a specialist? The shopper (this is the name of this new profession) will not only create the optimal route, but will also perform the duties of a stylist. The main thing is to find out whether it is advisable from a financial point of view. The services of such a specialist are not cheap - starting from 300 euros per day. If the shopping budget is 3000-4000 euros, this is an acceptable expense.

With the help of a shopper, you can not only save significant time, but also purchase goods with an additional discount. Often, professionals have personal connections with the owners and employees of boutiques, which makes it possible to purchase the item you like at a really low cost.

But you need to be extremely careful when choosing a specific shopper. It is best to do this on the recommendation of friends, taking into account the specialist’s many years of experience. They always take an advance payment, and in case of incompetence it will be difficult to return it.

Shopping in Italy in 2017 is a great opportunity to buy exclusive items from the best brands at an attractive price. To do this, you need some information about the specifics of sales and shopping tours in this country.

A trip to a sale in Italy: what, where, when?

Many tourists come to Italy for Sconti - sales that allow you to save between 15-50% on purchases of famous brands. Recently different regions carried them out in due time, but now there is a uniform schedule for the whole of Italy, which is reported in advance by the media. Most often, winter clothing sales in Italy start on January 6-7, and summer sales in most regions in 2017 will begin on July 2 and last about 2 months.

Among Italian cities there are centers of trade recognized by shoppers as best places to make purchases. These include:



Each of them has its own specifics. For example, than south of the city, the cheaper the products, but you can also buy counterfeits. In the north, only original items from leading brands are presented. Shopping tours to Italy: what you need to know about the specifics of local trade

When planning your first shopping trip to Italy in 2017, it is important to know what is available here different types stores with certain operating principles. The first category includes boutiques that have the following differences:
1. small store sizes
2. trade in products of one or more fashion houses
3. items from previous seasons are sold at good discounts.

The second type is stores operating directly at factories. Products there are 10-30 percent cheaper than in boutiques.

The third type is warehouses, which have the following distinctive features:
1. large assortment
2. prices are lower than in boutiques
3. models are presented from the current and previous collections
4. Advantage for wholesale buyers.

The fourth type includes stock stores. Their differences:
1. a large number of products of different brands
2. clothes are presented from previous seasons
3. low prices and access for everyone

The next type is outlets, that is, large shopping centers with things from different brands. When going on a shopping tour to Italy, you should know that there is its own type of outlet - spacci. Their specificity:
selling goods directly from the factory
We have “prototypes” in stock - samples that were made before the model was put into production, with discounts of up to 50%
on items with minor defects there are big discounts - 30-50%
products from previous seasons are sold at 30-70% cheaper
they also sell leftover fabrics and other materials from production.

In any case, shopping in Italy in 2017 is a great opportunity to update your wardrobe, including products from famous brands and designers, for very reasonable money.

Vacation shopping is a useful and interesting activity. And if you go on vacation to Italy, then in addition to a wonderful time on its sunny beaches and walks through historical places, you are guaranteed an exciting and productive trip to the local shops. Italy is a country of incredible beauty and excellent cuisine. At the same time, being aware of where it is better to make the necessary purchases, you will not regret the time spent visiting local retail outlets. IN central regions In major cities of the country you can buy fashionable items, shoes, etc. from the most prestigious brands. In the capital of Italy, Rome, fashion boutiques with high prices located on the Piazza di Spagna - Italians call it Piazza di Spagna, as well as on the streets nearby.

If you find yourself in Milan, we advise you to visit its most fashionable streets, such as Via Borgospesso, Andrea, Montenapoleone, Della Spiga and Via Gesu. This small area houses boutiques with exclusive collections belonging to all the leading couturiers in Italy. Milan's Via Montenapoleone has the same worldwide reputation for fashion shopping as London's Oxford Street, Paris's Champs Elysees and New York's Fifth Avenue.

What are Italian retail outlets famous for? During periods of sales and price reductions, you can buy here collectibles, accessories, shoes, and underwear of excellent quality at a cost that is orders of magnitude lower than in Russia. Italian antiques, jewelry, crystal, furniture and home goods are very popular. A separate topic is the products of Italian cuisine - just worth it olive oil, wine, grappa, Parmesan cheese, Parma ham. The main thing is that any Italian-made product is guaranteed high quality and justifies its cost. In Russia, the same products from Italy cost several times more.

As a rule, all Italian shops start their working day at 08:00 or 09:00, opening until 13:00, after which they continue work from 15:00 and close at 19:00 or 19:30. Regardless of whether it is a grocery store or a fashion boutique, their day off is always Sunday and Monday morning. During this period, especially on the eve of holidays, only large shopping malls can operate. Small commercial stores may close as early as midday on Saturday. In addition, opening hours in summer and winter season Italians differ. From mid-August, a two-week holiday begins in Italy. At this time, all establishments and businesses are closed, including manufacturers’ sales centers, and even more so small shops and stores.

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In addition to holidays, Italian retail outlets are closed during state and national celebrations, namely:

  • January 1 - New Year's celebration
  • January 6 - Epiphany
  • April 25 - Liberation Day
  • May 1 - International Day of Peace and Labor
  • June 2 - Republic Day
  • August 15 - Ascension Holy Virgin Maria
  • November 1 - Feast of All Saints
  • December 8 – Immaculate Conception
  • December 24, 25 — Christmas
  • 1st and 2nd days of Easter

Boutiques in Italy accept any type of payment - cash, credit cards, or debit cards.

Sales in Italy 2019

Italian stores attract foreign guests with regular sales - the so-called Sconti / Saldi. Seasonal discounts start on January 5 and last until March 5, 2019 winter period, and from July 1 to August 30 in the summer. The level of discounts changes during this time, starting from 15 percent and reaching 70 percent discounts. As a rule, discounts increase depending on where the boutique is located and how in demand its products are. The fashionable boutiques of the most sought-after fashion designers, which can be found in central urban areas, offer significant price reductions infrequently. Discounted items in these boutiques will be bought more quickly by local regulars, and such stores usually do not advertise their sales. You have a much better chance of purchasing things at a reduced cost at points of sale that are not so famous brands. They are located a little further from the main fashion shopping routes. Here the sale will last until the warehouse is empty. Judging by the established sale period, it is valid for two months, but in fact, all the best things will already be sold in the first weeks. You can immediately assess the magnitude of discounts in a particular store by glancing at its window - completely closed or sealed windows mean that the store has a full sale or liquidation of all goods, which means that the discounts will be maximum - about 60 or even 80 -ty percent. The negative point will be the corresponding influx of visitors, naturally huge queues and police security at the entrance.

In Italy, you can bargain with the seller only if he is the owner of a small counter - he will be inspired by your request for a discount (fare sconto). If you visit a shopping complex or a large retail outlet with set prices, you can get a slight reduction in the cost of the goods only if the product you have chosen has a minor defect, for example, a snagged thread or traces of cosmetics. As for the boutiques of popular couturiers, asking for discounts here is, of course, inappropriate.

Periods of seasonal discounts on fashion items in Italian cities are scheduled in advance. Alerts about sales appear in the media. Exact dates change annually.

Types of stores

Italy is good because here everyone can find a store that they like - be it a small trade counter or a huge chic one. shopping mall, where you can travel for days.


Boutiques - in Italian this word is translated as boutique e negozi - are shopping pavilions where items of clothing, shoes and accessories from fashion collections are sold. These are either branded stores of one prestigious brand, or a multi-brand store where you can find super fashionable items from different famous brands. When talking about Italian shopping, we primarily mean visiting these stores.


The number of outlets in Italy is truly impressive. Outlet is a shopping complex that sells products of popular brands at discounted prices throughout the year. Under this commonly used modern lexicon the word can usually mean a stock, a spatch, or an outlet center.


Stock, in particular, is a discount store. In them you can purchase items that were in fashion in previous seasons, but remained unsold. Stocks are characterized by low prices - discounts range from 30 to 80 percent of the original price. Different stocks offer different selections of goods. In one you will find exclusively items from the most popular brands, and in the other there will be only low-cost goods from companies that produce consumer goods. Powerful retail chains often have their own stock stores, where they sell products that were not purchased from them for various reasons, as well as model samples from shop windows and fashion shows. In large stocks you can be given a tax-free check.


Spacci - in Italian it sounds like spacci di fabbrica, is an Italian type of outlet that sells products directly from production. The cost of goods in spatch is slightly more expensive than in stock. The choice that you will be offered in spachas usually consists of:

- collectible items released this year at cost, which differs from the price in a boutique by about 10-30 percent;

- so-called prototype items, that is, clothing that was created in single copies and represents a test sample that has not yet entered factory production. These types of items are sold at half price discounts. The disadvantage of these clothing samples is their miniature sizes - no more than 42 for women and 50 for men, since they were sewn for models;

- items with minor flaws, the price of which is reduced by 30-50 percent;

— unsold goods from previous seasons. Discounted by 30-70 percent;

— on some spaghetti you can also find cuts of material from which fashionable clothing is made.

The usual location of spach is near clothing production or directly in sewing factories. If the factory is small, its employees also serve spaccia visitors, and then the sign “call” (suonare) hangs on the opening hours sign.

Spacci of popular brands offer their customers tax-free checks.


The first outlet centers appeared in the USA, offering the population products of famous brands at a reduced price, and quickly gained popularity all over the world. The first Italian outlet opened at the end of 2000. Currently, over 20 such centers operate in the country, and their number increases every year.

Italians value outlets both for the numerous retail outlets that operate within their boundaries, and for the wide range of all kinds of entertainment places where both children and their parents can enjoy spending time. Here you can find cafes or a restaurant, all kinds of attractions for children and even a swimming pool. Thus, it is not surprising that outlets are becoming a place where Italians go not only for shopping, but also for a good family leisure time on a day off. These trading points are located outside the cities; we can say that these are entire small settlements, the streets of which are formed by all kinds of sales points. Since people come here mainly by car, each outlet has a spacious parking lot, for which you do not have to pay.

Russian visitors value Italian shopping no less than the indigenous population, spending substantial amounts of money on Italian purchases every day. This explains the current demand in local outlets for employees who know Russian.


Grandi magazzini - wide chains of department stores can be found in almost any Italian large locality. The most common mega department stores are La Standa, Upim, La Rinascente, Coin. The last two offer the most expensive product. La Standa, on the contrary, is characterized by the most budget prices. Shopping centers are usually also located on the outskirts of the city or near the busiest highways. In the shopping center you can find both grocery products and make purchases for every taste. At your service there are snack bars, fast food restaurants, spas, travel agencies, and much more.


An additional option to make a purchase while in Italy is to visit its warehouses wholesale trade. Such warehouses are called grossisti. Purchases from warehouses must be agreed upon in advance by calling or e-mail. Wholesale warehouses rarely have specific opening hours. They have their own sales periods that differ from store ones. Summer sales from warehouses start in January and end in July, winter sales last from last numbers July until the New Year holidays.


Artigiani—craft shops—are very popular in Italy. Small retail outlets are opened directly at the workshops. Here you can buy products made by local craftsmen.


In Italy, the price of goods includes 20% VAT (IVA). Vacationers who come to Italy from countries that are not members of the European Union can return the amount of this tax upon leaving Italy. The refund includes VAT without administrative tax, so 14.5 percent of the price of the purchased product is refunded.

The tax amount is returned when the tourist leaves the European Union. In this case, at the border you need to provide a receipt for your purchase, a Tax-free receipt, which is issued in the store using the buyer’s passport, if the payment for the goods exceeds 154.94 €, and the goods themselves in branded packaging. The customs officer puts an exit stamp on Tax-free, and the visitor presents it at the Tax-free Shopping office. Finding such a bureau is not at all difficult - there are a lot of them in Italy, both at large airports and at train stations and highways. VAT is refunded in an amount not exceeding €3,000.

A store with this name was opened in Florence in the early 30s of the last century, and all these years was considered the most prestigious boutique in Italy. Among his clients were the most famous personalities XX century. Today, anyone with Internet access can visit the Luisaviaroma boutique. This store is among the first in Italy to begin selling new season collections. The boutique guarantees its clients not only impeccable product quality, but also fast delivery all over the world.
You can pay for your purchase credit cards systems Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Bank transaction PayPal.

The store first opened in Florence in 1992 and has now grown into a world-class online boutique serving fashion enthusiasts from Italy, the USA, Canada, England, France, Germany, Spain, Russia, China, Japan and Australia.

Other popular online stores in Italy

You can buy discounted products from Prada, Gucci, Armani, Versace, Cavalli, Dior, Balenciaga, Valentino, Fendi, Emilio Pucci, Jimmy Choo, Zanotti, Versace, Richmond, Dolce & Gabbana, Miu, Tod’s, Tom Ford.

You can buy everything: from clothes from prestigious stylists to collections of young designers, from vintage to avant-garde, from exclusive models to end-of-season stock.

Fashionable youth denim clothing from Guess.

Jewelry with Swarovski crystals.

Summer sale in Italy: bright photos and videos, detailed description and reviews of the event Summer Sale in Italy in 2019.

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  • Last minute tours to Italy

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The summer sale in Italy is one of the largest. It usually starts on the first Saturday in July (however, the number varies depending on the region) and lasts 60 days until the end of August. Discounts start from 15% and go up to 70%, but this largely depends on the brand of clothing and the location of the store. The more expensive and popular the brand, the greater the discount you can get. Also, in stores located away from the main shopping streets, the chance to buy an item at a maximum discount is significantly higher.

Do not forget that in the first days of the sale the discount size is much smaller than at the end, but by that time there may no longer be items of the required size left. The most optimal time for shopping at a sale - this is two weeks after its start. At this point, the bulk of people will have subsided, discounts will become more noticeable, and the range of goods will still be quite extensive.

Many people, when they first go to a summer sale, don't know what to buy. First of all, you need to pay attention to leather products, especially bags and shoes. Also in summer, stores usually stock big choice accessories and jewelry. Evening dresses, business suits, lingerie, swimsuits and simply summer clothes made from quality fabrics (especially in boutiques) can be bought at an attractive price. Finally, those who come to Italy to spend big should think about buying fur products.

Where to buy?

Famous Italian outlets during the summer sale add additional discounts to the existing discounts on branded items, so they, as well as small shops, are an ideal option for tourists with an average budget. IN major cities It is worth visiting the outlet centers, where sometimes up to 20 stores are collected. For those who come to the country for branded items, boutiques located on the main shopping streets are an ideal option. The cities where the largest sales take place are considered to be

Tourists to Italy are attracted not only by numerous attractions, natural beauty, festivals and, but also a great opportunity to replenish your wardrobe with new interesting things. Blogoitaliano has already talked about the features of shopping in Italy in an article, now let’s talk in more detail about sales. During sales seasons in Italy, you can make many very profitable purchases: clothes, shoes and accessories from famous Italian trendsetters are put up for sale at significant discounts.

When are the sales in Italy?

The biggest sales in Italy happen twice a year - in winter and summer. Actually, winter sales characteristic of everyone European countries, but only in Italy can you find such stylish things and such attractive discounts. Winter sales in Italy Traditionally, they begin on the first Saturday of January. In 2013, for example, this day falls on January 5th. Stores cannot start sales before the appointed day - this is fraught with serious fines. Summer sales in Italy start at the beginning of July.

The biggest sales in Italy happen in winter and summer

Sales here last, as a rule, 60 days, but actually end a little earlier - when the goods intended for these purposes run out.

What to buy at sales in Italy

First of all, of course, stylish items from famous Italian designers, as well as their equally high-quality, but cheaper analogues produced by Italian factories. The assortment in stores is huge, so the question is: what to buy at sales in Italy, easy to resolve.

During winter sales you can find excellent demi-season coats, jackets, luxurious hats and scarves. Pay attention to leather goods - shoes, wallets, bags, as well as jewelry and costume jewelry. But you shouldn’t buy fur coats during sales - furs are quite expensive, so they are sold either without discounts or with a very slight difference in price. On summer sales in Italy, accordingly, they buy summer clothes.

You can find great jackets and coats at winter sales

Many people mistakenly believe that sales are interesting only in the first days: that’s when, supposedly, all the most interesting models and popular sizes are snapped up. This is far from true: stores often divide the range of goods into parts so that they can update it every week.

In the first week of sales, crowds of people gather in stores, queues form, in the crowd and rush it is not always possible to carefully examine and try on clothes, so there is a danger of spending money on an item that will later disappoint. Discounts at the beginning of sales are small - about 30%, and only towards the end of the season they reach a maximum of 70, and sometimes even 80%.

Knowledgeable people prefer to shop at sales about two weeks after the start - there are few tourists at this time, the assortment is still extensive, and the discounts are quite sensitive.

Sales in Milan are considered the most profitable

You should know that the cheapest things can be bought at - a discount is added to the already reduced price, and as a result the price turns out to be more than attractive. But in stores located on popular tourist routes, minimal discounts.

Where are the best sales in Italy

Usually tourists try to combine shopping with an excursion program and, when going to sales in Rome, you will definitely be able to combine business with pleasure. famous primarily for branded clothing and shoes. The best luxury boutiques are located on Via del Corso, Via Nazionale, Via Condotti and Via Cola di Rienzo, which are served during the sales period. free bus. In addition, in Rome there are enough shops with average prices and outlets where things like famous designers, and little-known brands.

Having gone to sales in Rimini, you can have a wonderful relaxation at sea and make some very profitable purchases. People usually go to Rimini to buy bags and shoes, since there are many factories producing these products in the city and its surroundings. Also here you will find a huge range of products in the mid-price segment: business suits, wedding suits and evening dresses, swimsuits, clothes of non-standard sizes.

Popular shopping area in Milan - Fashion Square

But the most popular and profitable are considered sales in Milan, which we briefly mentioned in . Milan has everything: clothes from luxury brands and little-known young designers, expensive boutiques and mid-price shops. Cult place for all advanced fashionistas - Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - there are stores of the most famous brands, famous restaurants, exhibitions and concerts. Another popular area in Milan is the so-called Fashion Square, located between Via Sant’Andrea, Via Montenapoleone, Via Della Spiga and Via Manzoni. More affordable brands can be found on Corso Vittorio Emanuele and Corso Buenos Aires.
