The ocean in Portugal is the great element of water. Climate in Portugal by month

Portugal is an attractive country in all respects. It has everything that a tourist might be interested in: luxurious castles, famous beaches, rocky mountains, excellent dishes traditional cuisine and wine. Even the climate contributes to the constant increase in the number of tourists: soft throughout the year, it pleases with abundance sunny days . But, as we know, the weather can be deceiving.

Description of the weather in Portugal for each month: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Climate zones of Portugal

Different regions of Portugal have their own climatic features. This is due to the different terrain, geographical location and proximity to the sea.

Overall, in accordance with climatic zones, the country can be divided into three parts:

Continental Portugal

IN this region prevails Mediterranean climate, therefore, summers are dry and hot, and winters are mild. There is not much snow in winter, but it often rains.


This region belongs to the zone subtropical climate . It is due to the presence of mountains and the latitudinal location of the island. All year round, comfortable air temperatures prevail here: +17..+20 degrees, thanks to which the island has a long swimming season. The residents themselves call it the island of eternal spring.


Here the average temperature is +16..+23 degrees. The weather is generally unstable. The rainy season lasts from October to April, and dry, clear weather prevails from June to September. Snow, with the exception of Mount Punta de Pico, does not fall in this area.

Weather in Portugal

Tourists try to get to Portugal in summer, when installed moderately hot weather. Even during the day, the thermometer readings do not exceed +30 degrees. average temperature at night +20 degrees. The water heats up to +23 degrees.

The rest of the time the temperature remains quite comfortable for a stay, but snow, rain and fog often spoil the holiday. Maximum amount precipitation is observed in winter and autumn.

Portugal is the sunniest European country. In the southern regions the sun shines up to 3000 hours a year.

Tourist seasons in Portugal

Beach season opens in April when the sun is hot but safe. True, the water warms up only to +16 degrees, so only seasoned tourists decide to swim. Only in May the water temperature becomes comfortable for swimming, reaching +20 degrees.

At all, Portugal is not the best the best choice for beach lovers: the water near the mainland usually does not get warmer than +23 degrees, and a cool wind “walks” along the coast. If you really want to relax on the beach, you should give preference to the southern regions of the country, or Madeira.

From November to April in Portugal " low season» . At this time, prices for housing, food and excursions are significantly reduced. Considering that some regions of the country are favorable for visiting all year round, you can relax at this time not only pleasantly, but also cheaply.

Lovers alpine skiing will also not be disappointed: in the very center of the country awaits them ski resort « Serra da Estrela" Superbly equipped, it will be of interest to both beginners and professionals. It is better to come here from January to March.

What to take on the road

Clothes and shoes should be collected based on the season.

Lightweight items made from natural fabrics are popular in summer: T-shirts, skirts, shorts. Considering that the evenings can be cool, it is worth taking something warm.

in winter Warm sweaters and jeans will come in handy. And for visiting mountainous areas and warm jackets. You may also need an umbrella in winter.

Separately about shoes: they should be comfortable and without heels. As a rule, all city streets have steep descents and ascents and are paved with tiles, so heels can easily be “lost.” For summer it can be light sandals or slates, and for winter in the mountains warm boots or boots.

Attention! You shouldn't pack a bunch of things with you. Clothing prices in Portugal are quite low, so everything you need can be purchased right on the spot.

Weather in Portugal by month


In December, the temperature across the country is +13..+20 degrees, depending on the region. It often rains briefly.

Winter in Portugal resembles a long, warm autumn and is perfect for sightseeing tours.


This month is the coldest. However, at this time the grass turns green and the orange trees bloom. True, there are frequent fogs.

January is good for studying alpine skiing in the center of the country.


In February there is a slight warming.

At this time, a chocolate festival and a vibrant carnival take place in Portugal. And, best of all, minimum hotel prices are set. In February, you can have a great holiday in the resorts of the Algarve, or get acquainted with the beauties of the northern city of Porto.


Average daytime temperature is +14..+17 degrees, night temperature is +8. Sea water temperature +14..+19.

You should visit Portugal in March at least to attend the holiday " Torcato" There you can take part in various competitions, dance, watch most interesting performances and place a bet on horse racing.



Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 17 17 17 18 19 21 24 25 24 22 19 18
Average minimum, °C 12 12 12 12 14 16 18 19 18 17 14 13
Weather Azores by months


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 16 17 19 20 23 26 29 29 27 23 20 17
Average minimum, °C 8 9 11 12 14 17 19 19 18 15 12 10
Algarve weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 15 16 19 20 22 26 28 29 27 23 18 15
Average minimum, °C 5 6 8 9 11 14 16 15 14 12 9 7
Coimbra weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 20 20 20 21 22 23 25 26 26 25 23 21
Average minimum, °C 14 13 14 14 16 18 19 20 20 19 17 15
Weather in Madeira by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 14 15 17 18 20 24 25 26 24 21 17 14
Average minimum, °C 5 6 8 9 12 15 16 16 15 12 9 7
Porto weather by month


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 15 17 19 21 23 27 30 30 28 23 19 16
Average minimum, °C 5 6 8 9 11 14 16 16 15 12 9 7
Rains, mm 98 75 53 67 49 17 4 4 27 98 119 125

Portugal is fabulously beautiful and, relative to others European countries, inexpensive country. The large number of sunny days a year attracts a huge number of tourists. If you are planning to visit it, then you should definitely know what the climate, weather and water temperature in Portugal are by month in order to choose the right time for your trip.

Air temperature in Portugal by month

Weather in Portugal in winter

  1. December. The weather is significantly different from Russian. The average temperature in Portugal in December is usually around 12-15°C. Of course, in different places countries, it will fluctuate, for example, both water and air at this time of year will be about +20°C. Tourists should also take into account the fact that December is a fairly rainy month for Portugal. But the rains here are not torrential and rather short-lived.
  2. January. This winter month in Portugal is marked by the lowest temperature, which does not exceed +3°C. As you understand, there will be few people willing to swim at this time, because the water temperature will only be +16°C.
  3. February. In February, Portugal celebrates a colorful carnival and chocolate festival. Although the weather is sunny, the air does not warm up above +17°C. The water temperature on the continents and islands ranges from +10 to +17°C. By the way, in February, hotel prices are the lowest in Portugal. Therefore, if you are attracted not by a beach holiday, but by the country itself and sightseeing tours, then you should think about traveling there at this time of year.

Weather in Portugal in spring

  1. March. During the day the average temperature is +16+18°C, at night it is quite cool +7+9°C. Only the most seasoned people decide to swim at this time, and only in Madeira. The water in March warms up only to +14°C on the mainland, and +19°C on the islands.
  2. April. On the main land, the air and water by this time are heated to only +15+17°C, but on the islands it is already much warmer. The air temperature in Madeira is +20+25°C, and the water temperature is +19°C. April is generally considered to be the beginning of the swimming season, but there are not enough people interested. This month is perfect for regular study tours.
  3. May. The air is heating up more and more, in May the thermometers are already +20+22°C, although the water remains at the same level. Occasional light rain occurs, so be sure to take an umbrella with you.

Weather in Portugal in summer

  1. June. At this time, the sun pleases tourists and residents for as much as 10 hours a day. Moreover, it is already quite hot and bakes decently, although you don’t feel the sweltering heat. The air temperature ranges from +20+26°C, the water has already warmed up and is +20°C.
  2. July. Fishing season is open in Portugal. Beach holidays are in full swing, the water has heated up to +23°C, and the air temperature during the day does not drop below +26°C.
  3. August. The temperature continues to rise and already reaches 28-30°C, although it can be quite cool in the evening. The water in the area of ​​the islands has already been heated to +24+26°C, although on the mainland itself it may be a couple of degrees lower. Rains are rare here at this time of year, unless they are brought by a breeze from the sea, but even then they will not last long.

Weather in Portugal in autumn

JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctbut IDec
Albufeira15.8 14.7 14.8 15.9 17.7 19.1 20.3 20.9 21.3 20.6 18.5 17.1
Camara di Lobos17 17 19 19 21 21 23 23 22 22 20 20
Lisbon10 10 14 14 16 16 18 18 17 17 15 15
Porto10 10 14 14 16 16 18 18 17 17 15 15
Funchal17 17 19 19 21 21 23 23 22 22 20 20

Climate of Portugal

The entire territory of Portugal is influenced by a subtropical Mediterranean climate, comfortable for most travelers and vacationers.

Summer in the northern part of the country is usually dry and sunny; heat is not typical for the region. During the day the air temperature reaches +24...+28 °C, at night it drops to +14...+17 °C. In the mountains it is always fresh during the day - about +18 °C. Winter in the northern regions is cool, rainy, around +10 °C during the day.

IN southern cities Portugal has a drier climate, and the air temperature does not change so dramatically throughout the year. For example, in Faro summer months there is almost no precipitation, during the day it is about +28 °C outside, at night about +18 °C, in winter the daytime thermometer rarely drops below +15 °C.

The main share of precipitation occurs in mountainous areas, where up to 1000-2500 mm falls per year. On the plains, the average annual precipitation does not exceed 400-800 mm.

The warm Gulf Stream largely determines the mild climate of the Portuguese islands of Madeira and Porto Santo. Throughout the year, in the waters of the islands and resorts of the Algarve province, the water is always warmer than in other regions.

Swimming season in Portugal it lasts from May to September, but even in the high season the water may seem cool: the water temperature in the resorts of Portugal rarely rises to +22 °C.

Weather and climate of Portugal by month

March- a comfortable month for excursion trips. The amount of precipitation depends on the region, but in general it rains less often in March, and the weather in Portugal is pleasant in the spring with friendly, sunny days. During the day at coastal resorts it is about +16 °C, about the same in Lisbon, in Faro it is two to three degrees warmer.

In April there are more sunny days, and Lisbon becomes one of the most warm capitals Europe, where the daytime temperature often reaches +17 °C.

May often becomes the opening month holiday season. The chance of rain remains mainly for the northern part of the country, while in the south of Portugal the weather is already almost summer - up to +20 ° C in Faro and slightly warmer in Funchal in Madeira.

For the summer months - June July August— almost entirely during the swimming season. In Portugal, as a rule, there is no sweltering heat; daytime air temperatures range from +28 to +30 °C. Therefore, during the high season, tourists are attracted not only by beaches, but also by active sports, sightseeing tours, and travel around the country.

In September the weather is moderately pleasing warm days, this is the time of the velvet season, when the probability of rain is not so high, but the water temperature allows swimming only in the south of the country, remaining at a minimum level of +18 ° C.

In October You can feel the autumn coolness, which in no way interferes with educational and sightseeing tourism. In Lisbon at this time the air temperature is on average above +22 °C, in Porto it is a little cooler and it rains more often.

November promises further changes in the weather, however, the mild climate of Portugal smoothes out the transitional season: in Braga and Lisbon during the day it is a comfortable +17 °C, in Faro it is traditionally warmer, up to +19 °C. At night the air temperature does not drop below +7…+10 °C.

December, January and February are similar in terms of weather, and this time reminds Russian tourists of a protracted but rather warm autumn. During the day in coastal cities it is around +13…+15 °С, at night it gets colder +5 °С. The cold is felt more strongly in the center and north of Portugal, but even in these areas snow and frost are very rare. In winter, Portugal retains its position as an excursion destination.

Review best resorts and beaches of Portugal. Where and when is the best time to relax at sea in 2019? Reviews from tourists. Weather by month with air and water temperatures.

A relaxed holiday, rich cultural leisure and the absence of crowds attracts millions of tourists every year. As a rule, these are wealthy Britons and Germans, fed up with “all-inclusive” and expecting new and vivid impressions from their vacation. In Portugal you can find many wonderful places for seaside recreation and active leisure. You will learn about the best places in this review.

When to go on holiday to Portugal?

The climate in Portugal is mild and comfortable, with cool summers and warm, rainy winters. There are no sudden temperature changes here, although it is a little colder in the mountains than on the coast. The most precipitation falls in the north of the country, the warmest regions are the Madeira archipelago and the Azores. You can relax on the islands all year round, however, in the winter-spring period, vacations take on exclusively cultural, educational and health-improving connotations.

Full-fledged beach holiday in Portugal possible from the beginning of June. At the beginning of summer, the fishing season starts and comfortable conditions for windsurfing develop. In June in Lisbon, Algarve and Faro during the day +25°C, water temperature +17...+19°C. The water warms up best off the coast of Madeira +21°C.

IN July And August All temperature indicators increase: +27...+29°С in Lisbon and Algarve, not so hot in Porto and Madeira +25°С. In Portugal, during these months it is best to relax in Madeira, where the water off the coast reaches +23°C.

Holidays in Portugal by the sea September is still quite possible. The Atlantic coast is moderately warm: during the day +26°C, water +20...+23°C. IN October the beach holiday season in Portugal is ending, and despite the relatively high temperature air +22...+24°С, the cooling effect of the ocean affects - it rains more and more often and fogs creep in.

From November to April in Portugal low season(except for New Year and Christmas holidays). At this time, the wind blows from the ocean, the water temperature is no higher than +15°C, and it is relatively warm only on the islands. In the south in the Algarve +17°C, in Lisbon +15°C, in Madeira +19°C. It is coldest in the northern part of the country, but even here there are no frosts, during the day +5...+9°С.

At the end of February it is already noticeably warmer in Portugal. Precipitation is not uncommon, but there are also more sunny days. In March in Lisbon and Algarve +17...+18°С, in Madeira +19°С. The water in the ocean is still cold +14...+16°С, much warmer off the coast of Madeira +19°С.

IN April It's warming up a couple more degrees in Portugal, and it's already becoming comfortable for sunbathing and long walks. In May, the amount of rain gradually decreases, the air warms up to +22°C. The water is cold +16...+18°С everywhere except the shores of Madeira - there it is +19°С.

The best places for seaside holidays in Portugal

The most popular resorts in Portugal for a beach holiday are the Lisbon Riviera, the Algarve province, Madeira and the Azores. All beaches in the country are public with a sandy surface, with the exception of Madeira, where there are pebbles or imported sand.

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This is the southern province of the country, which is famous for its landscapes and rich architectural heritage. In the western part of the province there are mainly rocky beaches, in the east - sandy ones. You can relax in the Algarve all year round: in spring it is +20...+25°С, in summer +27...+30°С, in winter +14°С. Beach holidays at sea in this region of Portugal are most comfortable in August and September on the coast from Albufeira to Lagos. At this time, the water is the warmest (+21...+23°C), although not everyone will find this temperature pleasant.

Most of the coast of the province is occupied by nature reserves; there is a unique natural Park where you can see pink flamingos. For lovers active rest There are golf courses and surfing and diving schools.

The center of the province is the city of Faro. This is a beautiful town with medieval buildings and ruins of ancient Roman settlements. The airport is also located here. Not far from Faro are most popular seaside resorts in this province - Villamura, Albufeira and Portimão.

Villamura- a large resort complex, according to reviews, the best place for an active holiday in Portugal by the sea. Centers work here parachuting, diving and surfing schools. Lots of entertainment for children: zoo, water park and amusement parks. Best beaches- This is the shallow water beach of Falesia, popular among vacationers with small children, as well as the city Marina beach, located near the yacht marina.

IN Albufeiro seafood lovers are eager to relax, because local restaurants offer the most gourmet dishes of them. The city has three sandy beaches, the most popular of which is Peneku, located in the historical part of the city. Not far from the city there is a zoo with a dolphinarium.

Resort Portimao famous for its Praia da Rocha beach. This is one of the most picturesque beaches of the Atlantic, surrounded by low cliffs and medieval buildings. Many hotels of various levels, as well as cafes and restaurants have been built along it. The resort is not considered expensive, people like to relax here with both children and youth groups, but when booking a hotel it is advisable to check the availability of nearby nightlife establishments.

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Lisbon Riviera

All resort towns in this area - Estoril, Cascais, Carcavelos and others - are located within a half-hour drive from Lisbon. The water in the sea is usually cool, even in summer only +17...+19°C, so those who want to combine a beach holiday in Portugal with cultural and educational ones prefer to relax here.

Respectable Estoril with its historical center has long been known among wealthy tourists. The first line of the town is completely built up with expensive hotels and luxury villas. Cascais And Carcavelos- typical youth resorts, windsurfing and nightlife centers.

The most famous beach and a real paradise for windsurfers is Guincho Beach. The shallow, warm shell beach of Salir do Porto near San Martino do Porto is ideal for small children. Not far from Cascais there are famous natural attractions - the Boca de Inferno cliff and Cabo de Roca. From an excursion point of view, it is interesting to visit the capital Lisbon with its mosaic square and the Old Quarter.


On Azores always moderately warm: +25°C in summer, +15°C in winter. According to reviews from tourists, the best time to vacation on the islands of Portugal is from June to September, when the weather is usually dry and sunny. With the arrival of autumn, rain and fog become more frequent. There are few sandy beaches, most of them are located on the islands of Faial and San Miguel; in other places the beaches are volcanic. Almost every hotel has a swimming pool.

Main must see for all tourists this is Furnas with its lake and geysers, the islands of Terceira, Flores and San Miguel with their relict forests, museums and temples. Pico Island has well-preserved reefs, and its surroundings are a whale migration route that attracts crowds of tourists every year.

In general, holidays in the Azores are more of a contemplative nature than a passive beach one. Prices for services are pleasingly affordable. This is probably why European and Canadian retirees like to relax here so much.

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The island of Madeira is of volcanic origin, famous for its mild climate and natural beauties. The climate of the island is subtropical, and due to the action of the Gulf Stream, the air temperature varies slightly throughout the year: in winter +17°C, in summer +27°C. The water temperature remains at an average annual mark of +19°C.

There are few cultural attractions, so the main entertainment for vacationers is walking routes along paths and levadas, a cable car and a botanical garden in Funchal, exploring rocks, caves and waterfalls. There are many opportunities for active recreation: yachting, water skiing, fishing, surfing, diving, horse riding, tennis and golf.

Many beaches are naturally rocky, so they are filled with imported sand. According to tourists, best places for a beach holiday in Portugal by the sea, it is Madeira - here the water is warmest. Considered the best Kalheta beach, covered with desert sand and covered by a breakwater. There is a good sandy beach Ponto Santo island, you can get there by ferry from Madeira.

Introductory image source: © dronepicr / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0.

For environmentally friendly pure relaxation Portugal is one of the most attractive European countries. You can relax here all year round. Although there are more favorable seasons. Once you find out what the weather is like in Portugal by month, you can choose the best one for yourself. best season for relax.

Portugal is often chosen by experienced travelers who have already seen half the world and are looking for something unconventional. The cost of a holiday in this country is “above average”, allowing you to spend a holiday in Portugal at the height of the “ high season"maybe not everyone. But there is a special charm in the leisurely pace of life, tranquility and color of this country. The weather and the lack of overt commercialism that characterizes the most popular tourist destinations allows you to relax and plunge into exploration without annoying fuss. cultural heritage, entertainment and contemplation of magnificent nature.

Winter in this country is mild. The weather on the coast and in the southern regions is warmer. Although you should take rubber shoes and an umbrella on your trip. Precipitation in winter in the country is a large number of. Sometimes piercing, chilly winds can blow, but the thermometer rarely drops to the minus mark. For Christmas and New Year The country is experiencing a surge in the number of holidaymakers. Celebrating the Christmas holidays not with a traditional tree, but enjoying the aroma and beauty of camellias is an excellent alternative for residents northern countries. It is in winter that thousands of camellia varieties bloom; the country is literally drowned in a riot of colors of this most beautiful of plants. Instead of Christmas trees, residents of Portugal in front of New Year holidays People are massively buying and decorating homes and public spaces with a plant with large bright red flowers, called “poinsettia” or “Christmas star”.

The average air temperature in Portugal is December– +12…15°С. The rains are not torrential and do not last for several days, but pass quickly.

Madeira welcomes tourists with low average air temperatures. The water off the coast is not suitable for long swims.
The Algarve is dry but cool in December. It is not worth swimming in the sea, the water temperature does not rise high.

January in the country - the most cold month. The national average temperature should not be taken into account. After all, the difference is climatic conditions Depending on the region of the country, it is especially pronounced in January. In central and northern Portugal, the mountainous regions are cold and rainy, although frosts are very rare.

Madeira is warm in January. The water in the ocean is not warming up much. This, of course, is not the beach season, but spend time at this blooming resort New Year holidays would be a good idea.
In the Algarve, January is characterized by cool air temperatures during the day and at night.

IN February Warming is beginning throughout the country. It's still cool on the mainland, warmer on the islands. February is a month of vibrant carnivals, a chocolate festival and the most low prices for hotel accommodation. If you are interested in the sights of the country and cultural traditions– buy tickets and go to the carnival. February is the period of flowering of all stone fruit trees and the harvest of lemons, oranges and kiwis, which you can enjoy right on the street, picked from a tree growing on the side of the road. Is it any wonder that these fruits, exotic for our country, are sold on the market for literally pennies?

Madeira in February is not yet pleasantly warm. The ocean water is still cold. You can sunbathe, but it is better to swim in the pool.
In the Algarve the weather is getting worse.

There is only one good ski resort in the country - Serra da Estrela; you can ski here in January and February. The trails are not too difficult and are designed mainly for inexperienced skiers.

Portugal in spring

Spring comes early in Portugal. Saturated with moisture throughout the winter, nature begins to rapidly awaken. Spring in this country is associated with the aromas of almonds and acacia. IN color scheme yellow predominates; in Portugal you can see entire groves of mimosa. Forsythia ranks second in popularity in the country; this shrub is very often used as a hedge. In spring this plant is covered with large yellow flowers and looks amazing.

The nights are still cool, it rains occasionally, but the beach season opens in the country in mid-spring. Start beach season falls in mid-May, at which time it is already possible to swim in the sea on the southern coast and on the islands.

IN March The weather is not yet suitable for swimming in the sea. In March this is possible only at the most warm days in Madeira. And even then, only the bravest dare to swim.

Weather in Portugal April cannot yet satisfy the demands of those hungry for beach holiday tourists, but is excellent for sightseeing tours around the country.

Madeira in April stable warm weather I can’t please you yet, it’s the off-season here. It's still early to swim, but the Madeira Flower Festival in April is a must see. The Algarve also warmed slightly.

Weather in Portugal May good, but the water hasn’t had time to warm up yet. Exception - South coast and islands.

May in Madeira welcomes tourists with the opening of the beach season. The sky is clear and cloudless. In the Algarve, May also marks the start of the holiday season in full force. But it’s still too early to swim in the Algarve.

Portugal in summer

The summer months in Portugal are characterized by comfortable warmth. Precipitation is extremely rare, everything is quiet and calm. Sweltering heat is not typical for this country in summer. Things to do in summer fishing, which in the country has been elevated to the rank national type sports Local residents do not waste their time on small fish and hunt for “big game” - swordfish, blue shark, big-eyed tuna, golden mackerel. The catches are especially good from July to October; for tourists, participating in underwater hunting or “serious” fishing is a real unforgettable adventure.

weather in June comfortable for those who cannot tolerate extreme heat. The sun is already shining well, but the sweltering heat has not yet arrived. It rains very rarely in June. And tourists have a great opportunity to enjoy the gentle sun.

Madeira welcomes vacationers in June with a complete lack of precipitation. The weather in Algarve is also close to ideal. The average air temperature is warm. The water temperature in the sea is low, you may not be able to swim yet.

IN July The waters off the coast of Portugal are warming up. The air temperature on the mainland and the islands is not particularly different. It's a little hotter in July in the Algarve.

IN August Portugal's weather shows the highest temperatures. On the mainland it is sometimes several degrees cooler. But throughout Portugal in August during the day the thermometer shows +28...31°C. Sea water temperature – +23…25°С.

Portugal in autumn

The autumn months in Portugal are preferred by a lot of holidaymakers. You can have a great holiday in the country until mid-November. Early autumn, however, like spring, is the period chosen by people who want to improve their health in one of the specialized resorts. It is in the fall that treatment using thermal springs, healing sands and mountain herbs gives the most powerful effect.

September in Portugal - this is the ideal " the Velvet season». Mainland pleases with an abundance of fruits, young wines and great opportunities for windsurfing

The weather in Madeira can be disappointing. It may rain here for several days. Sometimes winds from the Sahara bring clouds of sand and sweltering heat. September in the Algarve is pleasant and comfortable. You can buy a tour to the south coast with complete peace of mind.

October It's already a little cool in Portugal, so prices for tours are starting to fall. The swimming season continues in full swing only on the islands. In Madeira, despite the beginning of the rainy season, it is still warm. It's a nice October in Madeira and warm water in the sea.

IN November The weather in Portugal begins to deteriorate. If you carefully study the preliminary weather forecast and take the risk of purchasing a ticket to the islands, you may be lucky. There are days when the air on the islands warms up to – +20°C, although the national average is cool. The water in the sea is already cold, you can only swim in the pool.

Regardless of the time of year or month for which you can take a vacation, pay attention to Portugal. An abundance of tropical fruits that can be bought at a very low price, great opportunities for wellness, incredibly interesting excursions and holidays are available even during the low season.
