Waste recycling as a business in Russia - we are creating our own enterprise. Creating an Activity Plan

Garbage has always appeared environmental problem for all humanity. Today, the issue of garbage is being discussed at all levels: federal, regional, and so on. However, so far this is just talk and has not led to concrete action on the issue of waste recycling.

According to research, today waste disposal requires at least one. Only in this case can you significantly influence the environment environment.

In some countries of the world, a real war is being waged over garbage. Everyone wants to dominate their landfill because they firmly believe that this will bring them stability for life.

The problem of waste recycling and the creation of a special plant as a relevant business idea today

Today it is believed that waste recycling is a very profitable and profitable business.

Until recently, this area of ​​business was not like, for example, processing of wood or other raw materials. But now the situation has changed dramatically.

Throughout the Russian Federation there are now a huge number of landfills that require certain actions, and thus will allow waste to be disposed of. According to statistics, about 96% of all household waste are taken to landfills. Moreover, according to estimates, about 60-70% of this is of some value and can be reused after recycling.

First of all, to process waste, you need at least a specialized mini-plant that will perform this function. Today there are very few such factories, which allows you to seriously think about this type of business.

Lack of high competition, as well as the fact that people will never stop throwing out garbage, says only one thing - this business will remain relevant for a very long time.

Relevance of the discovery of this business discussed in the following video:

Opening options

Every novice entrepreneur who is thinking about creating his own waste recycling plant thinks about exactly what form to implement.

Exists several varieties waste treatment plants, namely:

Here, as they say, the choice remains with the entrepreneur himself, but it is necessary to take into account his start-up capital. If, for example, a stationary plant will cost millions, then a mini plant will cost no more than $30,000.

Most entrepreneurs recommend initially betting on a mini-factory, since the start-up capital required is not so much, and at the same time it is quick. Moreover, there is no need to hire large quantity staff, while productivity is high.

Start entrepreneurial activity It is from a mini-factory that you can understand the whole process from the inside, and after receiving tangible profits, you can think about whether it’s worth expanding or not.

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Review of mini-factories and their cost

Without any doubt, any manufacturing country sets its own prices for such mini-factories.

So, for comparison, China offers to purchase their mini-factory at a cost of no more than $16,000. At the same time, it includes all the necessary functions that allow you to perform any assigned tasks.

As for the Ukrainian manufacturer, the cost of their mini-plant starts at $60,000. Agree, this is quite an impressive amount, which can completely discourage you at the initial stage of forming your entrepreneurial activity.

If we take into account the domestic manufacturer, then in this regard the price can vary from 10 to 20 thousand dollars. It largely depends on the configuration of the equipment.

It is worth noting that the domestic manufacturer is distinguished by its reliability and quality, and the important fact is that in a short time you can always purchase any part that may fail.

Which manufacturer to pay attention to is the exclusive desire of the client himself, who focuses directly on his starting capital. But don’t forget that the costs will quickly pay off.

Description of the processing process

Modern mini-factories are equipped with sections in each of which waste is separated, sorted and crushed.

In addition, there are areas where heat and energy are obtained, including waste compaction.

The basis of such a mini-plant is a mechanized complex, thanks to which waste is sorted. High-temperature processing is carried out using pyrolysis equipment. During the afterburning of pyrolysis gases, the temperature can reach about 1100º C.

It is worth noting that the exhaust flue gases have a fairly impressive level of purification.

The presence of a pyrolysis unit as part of a mini-plant practically guarantees waste-free production. And this, accordingly, entails significant profits.

Main advantage The creation of a mini-factory is considered to be:

  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • absence of insects and other various rodents.
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • low cost.

The technological process of processing is presented in the following video:

Business registration rules

Before starting to carry out business activities in this area, it is necessary to obtain a package of permits.

To do this, you need to contact the Ministry of Environment, which issues such a certificate.

Initially, a newly created company must undergo a compliance examination, after which a conclusion is issued. Such a conclusion is issued for an indefinite period. It is worth considering that its cost will cost approximately 5 thousand rubles.

In addition to this document, necessary:

  • obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES);
  • a project that describes all the nuances of the technological process.

But, despite all the documents that are necessary to legalize this business, it is necessary initially, which can describe all the intricacies of doing business.

In addition, you need to pay attention to sales, which is a key factor.

Drawing up a business plan

Anyone who is trying to start a business in this area must have a business plan, thanks to which it is possible to predict many problems that await at the initial stages, including calculating a number of actions that will help in the event of possible insolvency.

Descriptive part

It has long been no secret that a mini-plant for waste processing is an excellent investment that will provide a stable profit for long years. This field of activity is very popular all over the world, since many companies are ready to purchase for themselves in any quantity certain type waste, or as a complete set.

Production part

Equipment which is necessary to carry out your work activity includes:

  1. production line for sorting raw materials;
  2. crushing plant;
  3. bunker for collecting raw materials (capacity for storing processed material);
  4. special press.

Most beginning entrepreneurs give their preference to imported equipment, however, this big mistake. The fact is that the domestic manufacturer, firstly, is of higher quality, and secondly, significantly cheaper.

For this reason, many people need a fairly impressive start-up capital, and this consequently leads to the fact that many simply abandon their idea at the initial stage.

In addition, it is also worth considering the need for a truck, which will be used to deliver raw materials, as well as sell finished products.

It will cost approximately $80,000 to meet this need. If the entrepreneur has additional capital, it is advisable to purchase a melting furnace.

Marketing part

The marketing part of a business plan is rightfully considered key. Thanks to a competent approach to competitiveness analysis, you can solve many problems at once and leave your competitors behind.

Even though there are few competitors in this area, not paying attention to them is a grave mistake.

According to statistics, many similar factories are created every year in the Russian Federation, whose plans are to make a profit from this area of ​​​​activity. It is necessary to analyze this market in detail and finally decide in which direction to move in the future.

This is primarily due to the fact that there are a huge number of types of waste, and it is impractical to tackle everything at once.

Today this direction is considered one of the most promising and quickly pays off.

However, this is not an obligation at all, but rather a recommendation, because each region has its own competitors from which it is necessary to build on.

Financial part

To open your own mini-factory, it is enough to have start-up capital in the amount of $80,000.

First of all, these funds will be spent on implementing priority tasks, namely:

  • registration of all permits (licenses, permits, etc.);
  • renting premises (the place where the equipment will be installed);
  • acquisition of necessary equipment;
  • purchase of the first batch of raw materials;
  • employees (the annual salary of each employee is taken into account).

Little money will be spent on the organization itself associated with waste removal. This is due to the fact that the garbage itself costs about 1 million rubles. The greatest difficulties arise at the moment when it is necessary to find sales channels.

In the process of doing business, you need to understand that profit company depends on many factors, in particular:

  • waste processing method;
  • production volume.

In order to significantly increase the profit received, it is enough to organize a collection point for secondary (processed) raw materials.

This method will allow you to maintain production profitability at a level of at least 50%, and thereby obtain tangible benefits.

Possible problems

Each type of business activity entails the risk of non-receipt of profit. To avoid this in every possible way, it is enough to competently draw up a business plan.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account literally every detail.

First of all, any problems begin with minor shortcomings, which, as a rule, leads the company to the bottom.

It is necessary to study the information on waste recycling as best as possible in order to be aware of the entire technological process and, if necessary, quickly solve any problem.

Once the business has started operating, it is necessary to sign an agreement for the supply of raw materials with several suppliers at once, since in this case the risk of a shortage of material is minimized. Ultimately, this will allow the mini-factory to supply finished products without delays and in full.

It is also worth considering that you should not overestimate the starting capital, and you should expand only as a last resort. Inappropriate investment of personal capital can play a cruel joke and affect the company’s activities.

An overview of domestic waste processing equipment is presented in this video:

A true entrepreneur makes money from what society needs. Over the past decades, the need for waste processing complexes has increased several times, which makes this area promising for making money.

If you locate a waste recycling plant near large city or at an equal distance from several small ones, then the flow of raw materials will be constant.

According to sanitary standards, Every city must be equipped with a solid waste collection point. The area of ​​such a cluster depends on the area of ​​the city and sometimes reaches several thousand square meters.

Advantages of opening a factory

The following main advantages can be identified:

  1. Constant flow of raw materials.
  2. Production of products that can be used in various fields.
  3. Stable demand for services.

If a city is constantly growing and expanding, then after some time the solid waste collection site ends up within the city, which is a violation. Therefore, any city administration will be interested in having a waste processing plant located at a short distance from the city.

It will help free up significant areas within the city, improve environmental situation and create new jobs. Another advantage of a waste recycling plant is the production of products that are used in construction and large industries.

Recycled raw materials are always lower in cost than the original source, so the demand for services will be constant.

How to open a waste processing plant?

Opening any production is always a labor-intensive and very costly process. It is very rare that an investing company has all the necessary resources.

But there is an advantage here: the state and various funds subsidize part of the costs of opening such production, because waste recycling plants fit into the development strategies of urban entities. Therefore, to open such a complex the following resources will be required:

  1. Own cash companies.
  2. Investments from funds.
  3. Subsidies from the regional government or city administration.
  4. The land plot on which the production will be located.
  5. Technological equipment for sorting and compacting waste.
  6. Human resources that will need to be trained.
  7. Transport for collecting and delivering raw materials to the plant.
  8. Technical conditions for connection to gas, water supply and electrical networks.

This is not a complete list of the resources that investors who decide to open a waste processing plant will need.

An investor company at the local level may have difficulties obtaining a land plot and technical conditions for connecting to networks. In this case, it is imperative to contact the regional leadership. Since 2014, the maximum period for approval of documents is no more than 100 working days, and if local officials drag their feet, they could lose their jobs.

Also read about how to open .

Target market and competition analysis

The main audience using the services of a waste processing plant will be individuals, peasant farms and small urban businesses. The procedure for working with them is as follows: with an appropriate agreement with the city administration, residents simply receive payments, where one of the expense columns is indicated solid waste removal and disposal services. The operation of the plant is shown in the video:

The company covers all costs for removing waste from residential buildings. In parallel with this City residents can call a service to remove bulky waste(tree trunks, remains of demolished buildings, etc.). Such services are paid separately.

Let's look at an example of how to compose.

Competition for a waste processing plant can only come from the same plant, or from a local solid waste landfill if the city administration does not want to accommodate production.

Considering that the regional leadership will be interested in implementing the project, a similar plant will not appear nearby, and it will be possible to reach an agreement with the local authorities by order issued from above.


The plant makes a profit twice: when it receives waste from the population and when it sells secondary raw materials. This is an almost unique business model, where both raw materials and products do not generate costs. But it is worth understanding that About a third of the received raw materials will be used for further resale.

The rest will be pressed into briquettes and buried at a solid waste landfill. Based on this, the profitability of a waste processing plant is about 45-50 percent. But even in this case, the plant pays for itself in just three to four years, which is a very good indicator for production.

Plant equipment

The main consumables when creating a waste processing complex are buildings and equipment. In a simplified form, the entire technological process looks like this:

  1. Solid waste collection.
  2. Delivery to the enterprise.
  3. Sorting on several lines, separating plastic, glass, metal, paper and polyethylene.
  4. Sorting on secondary lines.
  5. Processing of secondary raw materials and pressing of production that does not meet the requirements.
  6. Sale of secondary raw materials and disposal of pressed briquettes.

Equipment capable of performing all production cycle quite expensive.

Special companies from Germany and England produce such lines, implement and configure them.

Financial expenses

As mentioned earlier, opening any production is an expensive proposition. Waste processing complexes requiring large areas, not an exception:

  1. Rent of land – from 100 rubles per square meter.
  2. (The leadership of the territory may agree to reduce the rate, but do not forget that land tax is sometimes the only thing the local budget earns from. Therefore, you cannot hope for a zero rate).
  3. Connection to networks – from 10 million rubles.
  4. Equipment for one sorting line – from 540 million rubles (10 million dollars).
  5. Purchase of trucks – from 50 million rubles.
  6. The salary of one person is from 22 thousand rubles. The total wage fund for a staff of forty people is 880 thousand rubles per month, more than ten million per year.
  7. Unforeseen expenses – from 25 million rubles.

In total, opening a waste processing plant on an area of ​​10,000 square meters with five sorting lines and a staff of forty people will require 2.7 billion rubles.

Part of this amount will be able to finance the region’s budget, but at least half will need to be sought independently and banks involved.

Where to begin?

The following steps must be completed:

  1. Draw up a business plan, decide on investments.
  2. Enlist the support of the regional leadership and local authorities.
  3. Obtain a plot of land for a plant and a landfill for solid waste disposal.
  4. Obtain technical conditions for connecting to communications.
  5. Build structures that will house sorting lines.
  6. Purchase equipment, install it, configure it.
  7. Train personnel to operate the equipment.
  8. Purchase transport for solid waste collection.
  9. Find buyers for finished secondary products of the plant.
  10. Start collecting, processing, selling and disposing of waste.


The environmental situation requires the construction of such plants. If the government had free resources, factories would be built near every city with a population of 100 thousand or more. But for now, the financial situation is in favor of the business and it has a chance to be the first to occupy this niche.

Waste recycling is the most promising business

A very favorable activity for investment is the waste recycling business. Firstly, there are relatively few waste processing companies, while there is enough raw material for everyone - about 250 kg of household waste per person per year. Secondly, the entrepreneur can organize a reception various types garbage. High profitability of production makes waste recycling a very profitable business: so from 1 kg plastic waste you can get up to 0.8 kg of recycled materials. Today, the classic approach to waste disposal (in a container - to a landfill - reclamation) is becoming ineffective and also potentially dangerous - toxic waste poses a certain threat to the environment and human health. Government and the city administration has a favorable attitude towards enterprises, waste recyclers. And, therefore, the waste recycling business will soon become very popular.

Organization of mini-production for waste processing

The first thing an entrepreneur will have to deal with is organizing the supply of raw materials. It is recommended to start by accepting different types of waste in your area. For these purposes, you will need a truck with compartments where the raw materials will be stored. The main difficulty lies not in collecting, but in sorting waste. You'll need some start-up capital because people won't sort their trash for free. This means you need to set a certain price for bottles or waste paper. Plastic packaging is one of the most difficult wastes to recycle.

According to experts, profitability is good organized business waste recycling can be up to 80%. Consequently, your enterprise will fully pay for itself within a few months. Can bring maximum profit deep processing waste. It has been established that what more turnover enterprise, the longer it takes to pay for itself.

You should decide in advance what types of municipal solid waste (MSW) you will work with, since the organization universal enterprise processing of solid waste will require very significant material costs.

We draw up a business plan: we calculate costs

The construction of a huge universal complex for processing all types of solid waste (wood, rubber, plastic, metal, paper and glass) will cost, according to experts, a huge amount - over $20 million. But even a more modest enterprise can generate significant income. Setting up a workshop specializing in one type of solid waste will cost from 50 to 300 thousand dollars.

It will take about 2-3 thousand dollars to equip warehouse and production facilities, as well as bring them into full compliance with fire and sanitary standards. If production is located close to residential buildings, it will be possible to save on the removal of raw materials. In this case, garbage and waste for your enterprise will be supplied by local residents.

The cost of a crusher, sorting line and other equipment of domestic production can be approximately estimated at 50 - 70 thousand dollars. Waste paper is purchased for 30 - 50 kopecks, depending on the quality of the paper, and sorted plastic raw materials from 1.5 to 7 rubles. per kilogram.
In total, the minimum investment amount will be: $50 thousand + purchase of raw materials and wages of hired workers and payment of rent for premises and electricity.

Certificates and other necessary documentation

To engage in the processing of solid waste at legally, You will need to obtain a license from the Ministry of Environment. The Law “On Environmental Expertise” requires any entity that collects and subsequently processes waste to undergo an environmental assessment. The conclusion is issued for the entire period of the company’s activities, its cost is about 5.5 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur must also obtain permission from the fire and sanitary services, prepare project documentation With detailed description technological processes of the future waste recycling enterprise. Each conclusion will cost from 300 to 1000 rubles; it usually takes from 3 months to six months to collect all the documentation. During the operation of your enterprise, its activities will be checked quarterly by local orderlies, firefighters, nature conservationists and other government services.

Production facilities and necessary equipment

The best option for organizing a waste processing enterprise is a premises located near a landfill, on the outskirts of the city, or, in extreme cases, in an industrial zone. It is advisable that the nearest residential building be located no further than 600 meters from the enterprise. You can organize your own fleet of vehicles to supply raw materials from the landfill or negotiate with city municipal waste removal companies or companies specializing in cargo transportation.

A small room with an area of ​​no more than 100 sq.m. can be equipped as a warehouse. To set up a workshop, you will need a room with an area of ​​300 - 500 sq.m.

The minimum set of equipment for an enterprise includes: a crusher, a sorting line, a press, a storage hopper, and a magnet. A set of used imported cars or domestic analogues costs from 50 to 70 thousand dollars. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that there is no need to spend money on expensive foreign machines, since domestic units are more reliable, cheaper and more stable in operation. In addition, it is easier to select the components necessary for repairs.

Personnel for waste processing plants

Personnel should be hired depending on the scale of production. A medium-sized waste recycling plant employs about 40 people, sorting, shredding and rejecting waste by about fifteen people per shift. All work is done manually. The enterprise needs both ordinary workers and experienced specialists who can distinguish unsuitable raw materials from suitable ones by eye, train newcomers and control the quality of their work.

Sales of finished products

Depending on what raw materials your enterprise works with, its products will be sold.

Toxic waste (mercury lamps, etc.) is processed by burning. From them industrial and Construction Materials;
- plant waste processed into compost intended for fertilizing the soil, landscaping areas and growing flowers;
- various electronic waste (picture tubes, electrical appliances) serve as a source of metals - iron, copper, aluminum, as well as glass;
- paper is processed and sold as recycled material for the formation of new varieties.
The cost of one ton of processed and compressed recyclables is calculated as follows:
- polymers up to 9,000 rubles;
- waste paper – up to 1,500 rubles;
- aluminum cans– up to 15,000 rubles.

Consumers of waste disposal company services and products are:

1. Municipal authorities. Their main task is to eliminate the city landfill and environmentally friendly recycling of waste.

2. Pulp, woodworking, glass and other enterprises are interested in recycling their waste. Enterprises cannot afford to store waste on their own territory, and the state imposes significant fines for unauthorized disposal. You can offer business owners waste removal for less than their current disposal costs.

3. Consumers of recycled leather waste, polymer waste, construction waste , rubber products will purchase recyclable materials for industrial and individual purposes from you.

Organizing a waste recycling business is a profitable business, but it requires certain financial investments. Provided there is a well-established sale of recyclable materials or agreements on the removal of waste from various enterprises, the payback period for the business will be from 10 months to 1.5 - 2 years. If an entrepreneur fails to establish distribution channels, the company will incur significant losses. According to expert observations, the profitability of a successful enterprise ranges from 40 to 82%, since there is practically no competition in this segment.

In this material:

Waste recycling as a business is an extremely promising activity for investment. This socially significant activity has a positive impact on the environment.

It was not profitable enough 2-3 years ago. Recycling of recyclable materials and disposal of waste to landfills provided great profits. Much has changed since then. Today household waste At least 60% recyclable.

Business idea concept

The average person throws out up to 250 kg of garbage per year. The problem of waste disposal and reuse has become urgent.

Many components of waste can be recycled, but up to 96% of waste is sent to landfill.

Advantages of waste recycling business:

  1. Since the waste recycling sector is practically not funded, local authorities, as a rule, have a very favorable attitude towards the waste disposal business. The city administration provides financial support and helps find industrial premises.
  2. Enterprises that recycle waste are always in demand. Recycling and recycling of waste allows you to save primary raw materials. New companies in this segment are created every year.
  3. You can use a sorting complex. This is inexpensive equipment created by domestic manufacturers. Its use will reduce costs.
  4. High economic efficiency. According to professionals, the profitability of a waste removal and disposal business can be up to 80%.
  5. Garbage is a valuable raw material. The waste recycling business is profitable because there is very little competition in this segment.

Starting a business from scratch

Everything useful should be extracted from garbage whenever possible. For this it is important to create appropriate conditions.

Legal registration:

  1. It takes several months to complete the paperwork for the implementation. commercial activities. Obtaining a license from the Department of Rosprirodnadzor is a mandatory condition.
  2. To issue a permit, an environmental audit is carried out by the local Department of Environmental Management. A project with a detailed description of the technological process must be submitted to the water and municipal authorities, Rospotrebnadzor, and the fire inspectorate.
  3. A sanitary zone of 500 m must be created around the waste treatment plant, as established by the requirements of the regulatory authorities. Based on the results of this work, a conclusion is drawn. At least 2 thousand dollars must be invested in order production room complied with industrial sanitation and fire safety requirements.

Financial component of entrepreneurial activity

It is important to find ways to attract investment to start a waste recycling business.

Starting capital required:

  1. Initially you can only run initial stages processing of recyclable materials. The company can collect and sort waste and create semi-finished products. The organization of a universal waste disposal enterprise requires significant material costs, so the entrepreneur should decide in advance what types of secondary raw materials he will work with.
  2. Residents are not inclined to sort the garbage they throw away for free. It is necessary to set a certain price for waste paper or bottles.
  3. How to choose a location for a waste recycling business? A production area, landfills, and sources of waste are an ideal solution to create a company that processes recyclable materials.
  4. Deep recycling of waste can bring maximum profit. According to experts, over $20 million is needed to build a large universal complex that will process any type of solid waste: glass, paper, plastic, rubber, wood.
  5. If an entrepreneur does not have this opportunity, you can start recycling one type of waste. From 50 to 300 thousand dollars will be required to create a specialized production facility for the recycling of one type of secondary raw material. Such a modest enterprise can generate significant income. The waste recycling business has a large share of utility costs. They make up about 20%.

Garbage recycling

Construction waste contains concrete, wood, brick and metal parts. Extracting metal particles is the purpose of recycling. Vacuum forming of polymer thermoplastic waste is a relatively inexpensive method. Rubber crumbs get from car tires, from waste paper - toilet paper, from polymers - pressed blocks, chipboard - from sawdust. Only 25% of valuable recyclables can be obtained from unseparated waste, so it is necessary to use modern waste sorting lines. Installations for sorting recyclable materials can be automated or manual. Plastic and paper are the best to use.

  • food waste - 25%;
  • cardboard and paper - 10%;
  • polymers - about 50%;
  • textiles, rubber, metal, etc. -15%.

Plastic packaging is the most difficult waste to recycle. Obtaining recycled crushed stone by recycling recyclable materials is very profitable.

Production goes through the following stages:

  • large parts are processed using a press;
  • then using a crusher they are crushed;
  • metal is selected with a powerful magnet;
  • Particles are sorted using a special storage device.

Organization of production and supply of raw materials

For production, a premises of about 600 m² is required. The warehouse must be at least 100 m². It will be possible to significantly save on the removal of raw materials if the recycling facility is located near residential buildings.

The area where a lot of old buildings are being demolished is suitable for recycling construction waste. To transport raw materials, you need to purchase a truck with compartments. Disposing of recyclable materials is a labor-intensive process.

About $300 per month must be paid to qualified workers. Up to 40 workers can be involved in such production.

The expensive process of creating a company for processing recyclable materials gives real income in the future if you approach this problem correctly.

The income of a waste processing enterprise depends on the scale of activity. You can recoup the initial investment in 1 year. Then the scope of your activity can be expanded.

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The YAGE company was founded in 2017. The founder is Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kalinkovich, who has 10 years of experience in creating and developing franchising businesses, the founder of the first online driving school in Russia. Area of ​​activity – automation of preparation for the Unified State Exam/Overview. The main goal of the company is to increase general level passing exams and scoring results using an accessible online service. Development plans include...

Investments: Investments 1,400,000 - 1,800,000 ₽

The Crown® brand was founded in 1986 in Canada. On this moment There are more than 1,000 integrated corrosion protection stations successfully operating around the world. The unique product T40, which was specially developed by the company's engineers, allows comprehensive protection of vehicles from the harmful effects of the environment. The composition of the inhibitor is protected by a patent, production is organized only at the Krown® company plant in Canada. Every year more than 1,000,000 transport...
