Detailed map of the depths of the Kama River Udmurtia. The Kama River is the main tributary of the Volga

The Kama River is main tributary Volga, which carries into it the largest volume of water of all the watercourses included in it. Counts main river Western Urals, rightfully refers to the largest of the water streams flowing through the territory Russian Federation. It passes through the cities of Perm, Solikamsk, etc. In matters of the primacy of the Volga and Kama, hydrologists have an ambiguous opinion. Some experts claim that the Ural water flow appeared much earlier than Central Russian and this is confirmed by geological research.

There is also evidence that the Kama basin is wider than the Volga, and there are more tributaries. Based on these facts, some scientific hydrologists are inclined to argue that the Volga is more likely a tributary of the Kama, rather than vice versa. However, the geographical development of the largest Volga tributary began much later, so leadership in this matter was given to the Volga. The name of the river comes from the Udmurt word “kam”, that is, “big” and is rooted in Finno-Ugric dialects.

The nature of the current is moderate, even slow, as it flows mostly through flat terrain. The length is 1805 km. This does not take into account reservoirs created already in Soviet period. If we take them into account, the total length will be over 2000 km. Square water basin is 507,000 km/sq. This figure is also one of the largest in Europe.

IN Udmurt Republic, near the village of Kuliga, is the source of the Kama. A stream flows here, formed from four underground springs. This is the source of the Kama, where one of the greatest Russian rivers originates. Its flow ends at its confluence with the Volga.

Her path is quite complicated. From its beginning it flows to the northwest, after 125 km it turns to the northeast, this is another 200 km of travel. Then it makes another significant turn to the south, towards the Perm Region, where it flows through flat terrain.

At first the channel is narrow and winding, slow current, a small volume of water is not particularly impressive. But after the Pilva tributary, flowing from the Komi, flows into the Kama, it turns into a full-flowing river. And there is a reason. This watercourse is 214 km long and is a real full-fledged river with many of its own tributaries.

Downstream, the main water flow is supplemented by another tributary of the Kama, the Vishera, which originates from the borders of the Komi Republic. Its length is 415 km, and at the mouth it reaches a width of 900 m. Thanks to it, the Kama becomes even deeper. Regarding the significance of Vishera, some meticulous hydrologists also have complaints about the current Russian cartography. This is due to the fact that in terms of its full flow, the Vishera, at the confluence, significantly exceeds the Kama, which, according to existing geographical rules, classifies the Vishera as the main stream, and the Kama as an auxiliary stream, in fact making the latter a tributary of the Vishera.

Kama River on the Map of Russia

The map of the Kama River traces its progress throughout the Russian Federation. It passes through the Kirov region, Perm region, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, and Udmurtia. On the map of Russia, the Kama ends its journey in the Kama Bay, from where it goes to the Kuibyshev Reservoir.


The river, in addition to its tributaries, receives food from precipitation, rain, melting snow and bottom sources. The flood occurs from early spring and continues until the beginning of summer. Covered with ice from November to early April. Melting and movement of ice lasts 14 - 15 days. The water level fluctuates during this period by 7 - 8 m, which in some coastal areas leads to flooding, flooding and the expansion of the floodplain banks up to several kilometers. However, a significant increase in water during this period in a positive way affects wood rafting operations in the upper reaches.


About the main, most major tributaries a lot has already been said. In total there are 73,718 water streams, 95% of them are small tributaries of ten to twenty kilometers.

The most significant, related to the right tributaries of the Kama:

  • Obva.
  • Inva.
  • Lysva.

Left - Lunya and Veslyana carry their waters from the plain. Most of the left tributaries of the Kama originate from the Ural Mountains; these are cold, fast streams:

  • Chusovaya.
  • Kosva.
  • Vishera.

Such a number of watercourses feeding the river makes it one of the largest inland water arteries Russia. Separately, the Vishera River should be noted - in terms of its full flow, the left tributary of the Kama is significantly superior to it, which, according to existing hydrological rules, classifies it as the main water flow, and the Kama as an auxiliary one, that is, in fact, it is a tributary of the Vishera.


In its upper course it flows around the Verkhnekamsk Upland and flows among mixed forests, swamps and fields. There are few settlements, mostly villages and hamlets. Industrial enterprises No. This fact has a positive effect on the ecological condition of the area. In this part you can only go down by rafting.

Larger ones settlements appear downstream, and accordingly begins to change for the worse and ecological situation. It is no secret that wherever humans appear, nature begins to lose its purity and environmental friendliness. Forest-steppe areas with predominantly deciduous trees begin to dominate the landscape.

With its length of 1805 km, the Kama ranks sixth among large European rivers. Mostly flows through Perm region on flat terrain. Its path passes mainly among the High Volga hills. The entry of Vishera into it makes it more full-flowing, the coastal landscape and types of vegetation change.

The right bank remains flat with meadows covered with lush vegetation, while the left bank is predominantly elevated, with cliffs. This segment is characterized by the presence of many rifts. From the place where the Belaya River flows, the banks sharply change their characteristics, the right side becomes steep, and the left, on the contrary, becomes flatter.

The Lower Kama flows along a fifteen-kilometer flat section, in this area the most wide place of the Kama River, sometimes reaching 450 - 1200 m, the main flow is divided into many branches.

Even during the existence of the USSR, three large reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations. This is Kamskoye with the hydroelectric power station of the same name, located 996 km from the mouth of the Kama, then Votkinskoye, followed by Nizhnekamskoye and the hydroelectric power station of the same name.

The construction of these hydraulic structures significantly increased the level of navigation capabilities. Along the current you can climb 1000 km to the village. Kerchevsky, and during the period big water» waterway increases by 600 km. In addition, in the lower section of the river the bottom deepens, which also contributes to the development of navigation.

The source of the Kama is located near the Udmurt village of Kuliga and is formed from four springs that form a stream, from which, in fact, the largest water stream in the Urals is born. In its upper part it has a winding channel with numerous oxbow lakes in the floodplain. It gains the greatest strength after the confluence of the Vishera. However, there is a controversial issue in this matter as to which of the rivers is the main one and which is the tributary. There is an opinion that the tributary is not the Vishera, but the Kama and, in general, the main Russian river should be the Vishera. Supporting facts and evidence have been presented previously.

Mouth of the Kama

Before the creation of the Kuibyshev reservoir, both rivers, the Kama and the Volga, were separated from each other by a twelve-kilometer rock ridge. Today, here, at the junction of two rivers, the width of the reservoir reaches 40 km.

The mouth of the Kama was previously much wider than the Volga. It should be noted that the river itself is much deeper than the Volga, but, nevertheless, it is not the Kama that flows into the Caspian Sea, therefore the title of great does not belong to it. Moreover, almost all known historical events The peasant uprisings that took place in Russia, the barge haulers, are connected specifically with the Volga.


Ecological situation in this region, like most rivers in Russia, is quite complex and ambiguous. In the upper reaches, which are sparsely populated, the water is clean. Starting from the mouth of the Vishera, where cities and factories are located, environmental problems arise.

Waste from enterprises and human activity pollutes the river. In addition, the tributaries flowing into it are themselves already quite littered. Data from studies of water taken by hydrologists in the Perm region showed the level of river pollution of about 100 kb/m per day. Moreover, the amount of waste only increases, while the level of cleaning remains unchanged, that is, none.

Thanks to such a barbaric attitude towards the ecological state of the largest Russian river, it has become one of the most environmentally unfavorable in Russia, and its condition is approaching catastrophic, truly threatening people’s lives. The most dangerous situation has developed in industrial areas Solikamsk, Bereznikov, Perm, where an increased content of phenols, petroleum products and heavy metal compounds was noted in the water.

Despite such a threatening ecological state of the river, there are still fish in it, including such valuable commercial species as sterlet, sturgeon and many others. IN clean waters taimen is found in the upper reaches. There are a lot of plants in the bays, of which there are many.


The timber is floated in the upper section of the river. Starting places are determined depending on the depth of water. According to the rules that have been established over the years, rafting is usually carried out as far upstream as possible, since in the lower part the channel is given over to regular navigation.

Traditionally, it is considered a Volga tributary. However, based on the results of hydrological studies, scientists have come to an unequivocal conclusion - when two streams combine, the Volga becomes a continuation of the Kama until it flows into the Caspian Sea. The main proof of this fact is the 40% larger volume of Kama water in the area where the rivers join.

An equally interesting fact is that the Kama itself is a continuation of Vishera for the same reasons as in the case of the Volga. The Vishera is a taiga river that originates on the western slopes of the Ural Mountains. Official hydrology recognizes it as a tributary of the Kama. However, the level of its fullness significantly exceeds that of the Kama, based on this, according to all accepted rules, it is the main river. But, due to the fact that the Kama River is already marked on the maps as the main one, cartographic changes will not happen soon.

The longest bridge in Russia was built on the Kama River, in Tatarstan. Its length is 13967 m. This includes 1608 m directly across the Kama plus 549.9 and 69.8 m, respectively, through the Arkharovka and Kurlyanka rivers.

Fishing spots

The river itself, together with all its tributaries, is a fertile place for fishing lovers. Moreover, you can fish using all permitted means. You can catch carp, sterlet, crucian carp, pike perch, ruff, and perch using a fishing rod and net. Sturgeon are also found here.

For lovers of comfort and fishing rods, recreation centers, dispensaries, and fishing farms have been built on the coast. Due ecological condition rivers best place for recreation with a fishing rod there will be its upper reaches.

Fishing enthusiasts conditionally divide the Kama into three sections:

  1. From source to mouth Veslyana is Upper, where the current does not manifest itself in full force. The fishing here is good for bleak, roach, chub and pike. With the onset of cold weather, you can catch burbot. Experts say that grayling and taimen are caught in the upper reaches. From the mouth of Veslyana to the Kama Reservoir - the middle section. The river here is widening, getting deeper, in the best possible way affects the number of fish. The most great depth in this place the river reaches 30 m, according to the Kama depth map.
  2. Average. Incoming watercourses make it even more full-flowing. Here, in addition to other fish species, pike perch, white-eye, carp, sterlet, and nelma are added. The channel becomes wider and the bottom deeper. But the current becomes slower.
  3. The lower section goes from the Kama reservoir to the Kuibyshev reservoir. Of great interest is fishing in artificial reservoirs, which are in abundance here, as well as the fish themselves. You can only fish during seasons determined by the fisheries authorities and only with a fishing rod. Fishing using nets on the river, especially on reservoirs, is prohibited.
    The Kama River on the map of Russia.

The Kama is one of the ten largest watercourses in Europe. The word “kam” itself can be translated from the Udmurt language as “ big river" The Kama collects its waters from a huge area (520 thousand square kilometers). This territory is comparable in size to such European countries like France or Spain.

Many people are interested in the question of where is the source of the river? Kama, according to geographical studies, begins in Udmurtia and flows into the Kuibyshev reservoir of the Volga.

general characteristics

One of largest rivers Europe originates and flows within Russia. The total length of the Kama is 1805 km, and the area of ​​its basin is about 520,000 square meters. km. The river flows through five modern regions of the Russian Federation: Udmurtia, Kirov region, Perm region, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan. Several large and famous cities of the country have grown on the banks of the Kama: Solikamsk, Perm, Naberezhnye Chelny and others.

Like any other lowland river in Europe, the Kama is fed mainly by rain and melted snow waters. Its bed freezes around mid-November and opens in early April. Average consumption water in the mouth area is over 4000 cubic meters. At the Kama, hydrologists counted about 75 thousand tributaries of varying lengths.

The name of the river most likely comes from the Udmurt word “kam” (“big river”). From him, according to one theory, the name of the Komi people came.

source and mouth

Kama in Lately is increasingly becoming a subject of dispute between Russian and foreign geographers. Not everyone agrees to consider it. But more on that a little later. Let's consider where is the source of the river?

The Kama originates from springs in the vicinity of the village of Kuliga, Kez district of the Udmurt Republic. In its upper course, the river is a small stream flowing through numerous fields and meadows. At first it flows strictly north, then changes its direction to the east, and then sharply turns to the south. Gradually, the Kama gains strength and becomes a very full-flowing river.

The mouth of the Kama in the middle of the last century was flooded by the waters of the large Kuibyshev reservoir.

The source of the Kama River is located at an altitude of 330 meters above sea level, and its mouth is at an altitude of 35 meters. Thus, the watercourse decreases by almost 300 meters along its long path. At the same time, it is small and amounts to 0.11 m/km.

Kama or Volga: who is more important?

Which river in this or that river system can be considered the main one? It is quite difficult to answer this question. To determine the main river, not only the total length of watercourses is taken into account, but also a number of other parameters:

  • catchment area;
  • river water content;
  • number of tributaries;
  • age of the river valley;
  • source height, etc.

Even the color of the water in the two rivers is taken into account, as well as the angle at which they merge.

If we take into account all the above hydrological factors, then the Kama will be correctly considered the main river in its river system. In other words, it is the Kama, not the Volga, that flows into the Caspian Sea near Astrakhan.

Why did geographers make such a serious mistake? Here main role The historical and cultural factor played a role. The Volga has long been perhaps the main natural symbol Russia, its shrine. For Russians, this river is as sacred as the Dnieper for Ukrainians or the Ganges for Hindus. Besides economic importance The Volga is much more significant than the level of development of the Kama.

By the way, this is far from the only case in the world when the wrong watercourse is called the main one. Another similar example- American and Mississippi.

The source of the Kama River as a tourist site

In the Kez region, far from civilization, there is a small village of Kuliga. The settlement is famous for the fact that it is home to a large community of Russian Old Believers. Another attraction of the village is natural. It is in the vicinity of Kuliga that the source of the Kama River is located.

“There, from a tiny spring - the Kama - a river grew!” - this is how the Perm poet Boris Shirshov described this place. Kama really starts from a spring. A powerful stream of cool and tasty water bursts out of the iron pipe, and a small stream with a cheerful murmur rushes on its long path.

The source of the Kama River is refined and well-groomed. Nearby there is a cozy square and a small stone stele with the appropriate inscription: “Here the Ural River Kama originates.” Nearby there is a tiny bridge across the riverbed. Visiting tourists love to take pictures in this place, standing with their feet on two different banks of the great Russian river.


The Kama is considered the largest tributary of the Volga. However, not all geographers agree with this formulation. Some are sure that it is not the Kama that flows into the Volga, but quite the opposite.

Where is the source of the river? The Kama is born in Udmurtia, near the village of Kuliga, flows through the territory of five regions of Russia and flows into the Kuibyshev reservoir of the Volga, located near Kazan.

The Kama River is the main tributary of the Volga, which carries into it the largest volume of water of all the watercourses entering it. It is considered the main river of the Western Urals and rightfully belongs to the largest water streams flowing through the territory of the Russian Federation. It passes through the cities of Perm, Solikamsk, etc. In matters of the primacy of the Volga and Kama, hydrologists have an ambiguous opinion. Some experts claim that the Ural water flow appeared much earlier than the Central Russian one, and this is confirmed by geological research.

There is also evidence that the Kama basin is wider than the Volga, and there are more tributaries. Based on these facts, some scientific hydrologists are inclined to argue that the Volga is more likely a tributary of the Kama, rather than vice versa. However, the geographical development of the largest Volga tributary began much later, so leadership in this matter was given to the Volga. The name of the river comes from the Udmurt word “kam”, that is, “big” and is rooted in Finno-Ugric dialects.

The nature of the current is moderate, even slow, as it flows mostly through flat terrain. The length is 1805 km. This does not take into account reservoirs created during the Soviet period. If we take them into account, the total length will be over 2000 km. The area of ​​the water basin is 507,000 km/sq. This figure is also one of the largest in Europe.

In the Udmurt Republic, near the village of Kuliga, there is the source of the Kama. A stream flows here, formed from four underground springs. This is the source of the Kama, where one of the greatest Russian rivers originates. Its flow ends at its confluence with the Volga.

Her path is quite complicated. From its beginning it flows to the northwest, after 125 km it turns to the northeast, this is another 200 km of travel. Then it makes another significant turn to the south, towards the Perm Region, where it flows through flat terrain.

At first, the narrow and winding channel, slow flow, and small volume of water are not particularly impressive. But after the Pilva tributary, flowing from the Komi, flows into the Kama, it turns into a full-flowing river. And there is a reason. This watercourse is 214 km long and is a real full-fledged river with many of its own tributaries.

Downstream, the main water flow is supplemented by another tributary of the Kama, the Vishera, which originates from the borders of the Komi Republic. Its length is 415 km, and at the mouth it reaches a width of 900 m. Thanks to it, the Kama becomes even deeper. Regarding the significance of Vishera, some meticulous hydrologists also have complaints about the current Russian cartography. This is due to the fact that in terms of its full flow, the Vishera, at the confluence, significantly exceeds the Kama, which, according to existing geographical rules, classifies the Vishera as the main stream, and the Kama as an auxiliary stream, in fact making the latter a tributary of the Vishera.

Kama River on the Map of Russia

The map of the Kama River traces its progress throughout the Russian Federation. It passes through the Kirov region, Perm region, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, and Udmurtia. On the map of Russia, the Kama ends its journey in the Kama Bay, from where it goes to the Kuibyshev Reservoir.


The river, in addition to its tributaries, receives food from precipitation, rain, melting snow and bottom sources. The flood occurs from early spring and continues until the beginning of summer. Covered with ice from November to early April. Melting and movement of ice lasts 14 - 15 days. The water level fluctuates during this period by 7 - 8 m, which in some coastal areas leads to flooding, flooding and the expansion of the floodplain banks up to several kilometers. However, a significant increase in water during this period has a positive effect on wood rafting work in the upper reaches.


Much has already been said about the main, largest tributaries. In total there are 73,718 water streams, 95% of them are small tributaries of ten to twenty kilometers.

The most significant, related to the right tributaries of the Kama:

  • Obva.
  • Inva.
  • Lysva.

Left - Lunya and Veslyana carry their waters from the plain. Most of the left tributaries of the Kama originate from the Ural Mountains; these are cold, fast streams:

  • Chusovaya.
  • Kosva.
  • Vishera.

Such a number of watercourses feeding the river makes it one of the largest inland waterways in Russia. Separately, the Vishera River should be noted - in terms of its full flow, the left tributary of the Kama is significantly superior to it, which, according to existing hydrological rules, classifies it as the main water flow, and the Kama as an auxiliary one, that is, in fact, it is a tributary of the Vishera.


In its upper course it flows around the Verkhnekamsk Upland and flows among mixed forests, swamps and fields. There are few settlements, mostly villages and hamlets. There are no industrial enterprises. This fact has a positive effect on the ecological condition of the area. In this part you can only go down by rafting.

Larger settlements appear downstream, and accordingly the ecological situation begins to change for the worse. It is no secret that wherever humans appear, nature begins to lose its purity and environmental friendliness. Forest-steppe areas with predominantly deciduous trees begin to dominate the landscape.

With its length of 1805 km, the Kama ranks sixth among large European rivers. It flows mostly through the Perm Territory on flat terrain. Its path passes mainly among the High Volga hills. The entry of Vishera into it makes it more full-flowing, the coastal landscape and types of vegetation change.

The right bank remains flat with meadows covered with lush vegetation, while the left bank is predominantly elevated, with cliffs. This segment is characterized by the presence of many rifts. From the place where the Belaya River flows, the banks sharply change their characteristics, the right side becomes steep, and the left, on the contrary, becomes flatter.

The Lower Kama flows along a fifteen-kilometer flat section, in this area the widest part of the Kama River is marked, sometimes reaching 450 - 1200 m, the main flow is divided into many branches.

Even during the existence of the USSR, three large reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations were built. This is Kamskoye with the hydroelectric power station of the same name, located 996 km from the mouth of the Kama, then Votkinskoye, followed by Nizhnekamskoye and the hydroelectric power station of the same name.

The construction of these hydraulic structures significantly increased the level of navigation capabilities. Along the current you can climb 1000 km to the village. Kerchevsky, and during the period of “high water” the waterway increases by 600 km. In addition, in the lower section of the river the bottom deepens, which also contributes to the development of navigation.

The source of the Kama is located near the Udmurt village of Kuliga and is formed from four springs that form a stream, from which, in fact, the largest water stream in the Urals is born. In its upper part it has a winding channel with numerous oxbow lakes in the floodplain. It gains the greatest strength after the confluence of the Vishera. However, there is a controversial issue in this matter as to which of the rivers is the main one and which is the tributary. There is an opinion that the tributary is not the Vishera, but the Kama and, in general, the main Russian river should be the Vishera. Supporting facts and evidence have been presented previously.

Mouth of the Kama

Before the creation of the Kuibyshev reservoir, both rivers, the Kama and the Volga, were separated from each other by a twelve-kilometer rock ridge. Today, here, at the junction of two rivers, the width of the reservoir reaches 40 km.

The mouth of the Kama was previously much wider than the Volga. It should be noted that the river itself is much deeper than the Volga, but, nevertheless, it is not the Kama that flows into the Caspian Sea, therefore the title of great does not belong to it. Moreover, almost all known historical events that took place in Russia, peasant uprisings, barge haulers, are connected specifically with the Volga.


The ecological situation in this region, like most rivers in Russia, is quite complex and ambiguous. In the upper reaches, which are sparsely populated, the water is clean. Starting from the mouth of the Vishera, where cities and factories are located, environmental problems arise.

Waste from enterprises and human activity pollutes the river. In addition, the tributaries flowing into it are themselves already quite littered. Data from studies of water taken by hydrologists in the Perm region showed the level of river pollution of about 100 kb/m per day. Moreover, the amount of waste only increases, while the level of cleaning remains unchanged, that is, none.

Thanks to such a barbaric attitude towards the ecological state of the largest Russian river, it has become one of the most environmentally unfavorable in Russia, and its condition is approaching catastrophic, truly threatening people’s lives. The most dangerous situation has developed in the industrial areas of Solikamsk, Berezniki, and Perm, where the water has an increased content of phenols, petroleum products and heavy metal compounds.

Despite such a threatening ecological state of the river, there are still fish in it, including such valuable commercial species as sterlet, sturgeon and many others. Taimen are found in the clear waters of the upper reaches. There are a lot of plants in the bays, of which there are many.


The timber is floated in the upper section of the river. Starting places are determined depending on the depth of water. According to the rules that have been established over the years, rafting is usually carried out as far upstream as possible, since in the lower part the channel is given over to regular navigation.

Traditionally, it is considered a Volga tributary. However, based on the results of hydrological studies, scientists have come to an unequivocal conclusion - when two streams combine, the Volga becomes a continuation of the Kama until it flows into the Caspian Sea. The main proof of this fact is the 40% larger volume of Kama water in the area where the rivers join.

An equally interesting fact is that the Kama itself is a continuation of Vishera for the same reasons as in the case of the Volga. The Vishera is a taiga river that originates on the western slopes of the Ural Mountains. Official hydrology recognizes it as a tributary of the Kama. However, the level of its fullness significantly exceeds that of the Kama, based on this, according to all accepted rules, it is the main river. But, due to the fact that the Kama River is already marked on the maps as the main one, cartographic changes will not happen soon.

The longest bridge in Russia was built on the Kama River, in Tatarstan. Its length is 13967 m. This includes 1608 m directly across the Kama plus 549.9 and 69.8 m, respectively, through the Arkharovka and Kurlyanka rivers.

Fishing spots

The river itself, together with all its tributaries, is a fertile place for fishing lovers. Moreover, you can fish using all permitted means. You can catch carp, sterlet, crucian carp, pike perch, ruff, and perch using a fishing rod and net. Sturgeon are also found here.

For lovers of comfort and fishing rods, recreation centers, dispensaries, and fishing farms have been built on the coast. Due to the ecological state of the river, the best place for relaxing with a fishing rod will be its upper reaches.

Fishing enthusiasts conditionally divide the Kama into three sections:

  1. From source to mouth Veslyana is Upper, where the current does not manifest itself in full force. The fishing here is good for bleak, roach, chub and pike. With the onset of cold weather, you can catch burbot. Experts say that grayling and taimen are caught in the upper reaches. From the mouth of Veslyana to the Kama Reservoir - the middle section. The river here widens and becomes deeper, which has a better effect on the number of fish. The greatest depth in this place of the river reaches 30 m, according to the Kama depth map.
  2. Average. Incoming watercourses make it even more full-flowing. Here, in addition to other fish species, pike perch, white-eye, carp, sterlet, and nelma are added. The channel becomes wider and the bottom deeper. But the current becomes slower.
  3. The lower section goes from the Kama reservoir to the Kuibyshev reservoir. Of great interest is fishing in artificial reservoirs, which are in abundance here, as well as the fish themselves. You can only fish during seasons determined by the fisheries authorities and only with a fishing rod. Fishing with nets on the river, especially in reservoirs, is prohibited.
    The Kama River on the map of Russia.
