Aviation rocket. Air-to-air missiles: main characteristics


Schemes of aviation launchers and launchers

Aviation solid-fuel rocket (aircraft unguided missile for combating air and ground targets). One of the first in the country and in the world of serial combat rockets. Developed at the Jet Research Institute (RNII) under the leadership of Ivan Kleimenov, Georgy Langemak, Yuri Pobedonostsev. Tests took place in 1935-1936. Adopted by the Air Force in 1937. The projectiles were equipped with I-15, I-153, I-16 fighters and IL-2 attack aircraft. In August 1939, the RS-82 was for the first time national history were used in combat operations near the Khaphin Gol River from I-16 fighters. The maximum firing range is 5.2 km. Projectile weight - 6.82 kg. Maximum speed – 350 m/s. Explosive mass – 0.36 kg. Caliber – 82 mm. Removed from service.

Aviation solid-propellant rocket (aircraft unguided missile for combating ground targets). Developed at the Jet Research Institute (RNII) under the leadership of Ivan Kleimenov, Georgy Langemak, Yuri Pobedonostsev. Adopted by the Air Force in 1938. SB bombers were equipped with shells. The maximum firing range is 7.1 km. Projectile weight - 23.1 kg. Explosive mass – 1 kg. Caliber – 132 mm. Removed from service.

Aviation unguided finned solid propellant turbojet projectile. Developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) for attack aircraft. Adopted by the Air Force in the mid-50s, but was not mass-produced due to the cessation of production of attack aircraft. Caliber – 212 mm.

Aviation unguided finned solid propellant turbojet projectile. Developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) for attack aircraft. Adopted by the Air Force in the mid-50s, but was not mass-produced due to the cessation of production of attack aircraft. Caliber – 82 mm.

Aviation unguided finned solid propellant turbojet projectile. Developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) for attack aircraft. Adopted by the Air Force in the mid-50s, but was not mass-produced due to the cessation of production of attack aircraft. Caliber – 132 mm.

Aviation unguided anti-tank solid propellant missile. It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer Z. Brodsky for SU-7B aircraft in 1953-1961. The maximum firing range is 2 km. Armor penetration – 300 mm. Projectile weight - 23.5 kg. Warhead weight – 7.3 kg. Has a cumulative high-explosive fragmentation charge. Entered service in 1961. Serially produced until 1972. Removed from service.

S-21 (ARS-212)

Heavy aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-air missile. Improved RS-82. The original name was ARS-212 (aircraft missile projectile). It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer N. Lobanov for the MIG-15bis and MIG-17 aircraft. Entered service in 1953.

Caliber – 210 mm. Has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. Removed from service in the early 60s.

S-24 (photo by V. Drushlyakov)

Aviation unguided solid propellant finned missile for hitting protected ground targets. It was developed at NII-1 (Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering) under the leadership of designer M. Lyapunov in 1953-1960. Adopted into service in the mid-60s. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters IL-102, MIG-23MLD, MIG-27, SU-17, SU-24, SU-25, YAK-141. Firing range – 2 km. Projectile weight – 235 kg. Projectile length – 2.33 m. Caliber – 240 mm. The mass of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead is 123 kg. When a shell exploded, up to 4,000 fragments were formed.

Used during the war in Afghanistan. Is in service.

Aviation unguided missile for hitting protected ground targets. Modification S-24. Has a modified fuel composition. A high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 123 kg contains 23.5 kg of explosives. When detonated, 4000 fragments are formed with a damage radius of 300-400 m. Equipped with a non-contact radio fuse.

The missiles were used during the war in Afghanistan and during the fighting in Chechnya.

S-5 (ARS-57)

Air-to-surface unguided missile projectile. The original name was ARS-57 (aircraft missile). Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Adopted into service in the 60s. High-explosive fragmentation warhead. Caliber – 57 mm. Length – 1.42 m. Weight – 5.1 kg. Warhead weight – 1.1 kg. Firing range – 2 – 4 km. Has a solid propellant rocket motor.

An experimental use of the S-5 for firing at air targets was being developed. Pavel Sukhoi's experimental fighter P-1 was supposed to carry 50 S-5 missiles. S-5 with UB-32 were also installed on the T-62 tank.

S-5s were supplied to many countries of the world, participated in the Arab-Israeli wars, in the war between Iran and Iraq, in the USSR's military operations in Afghanistan, and during the fighting in Chechnya.

Air-to-surface unguided missile projectile. Modification S-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Caliber – 57 mm. Length – 1.41 m. Weight – 4.9 kg. Warhead weight – 0.9 kg. Firing range – 2 – 4 km. Has a solid propellant rocket motor.

Designed to combat manpower, weakly protected targets, enemy artillery and missile positions, and parked aircraft. A fragmentation warhead produces 75 fragments weighing from 0.5 to 1 g upon rupture.

Air-to-surface unguided missile projectile. Modification of S-5 with reinforced warhead fragmentation action. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Caliber – 57 mm. When exploded, it produces up to 360 fragments weighing 2 g each. Has a solid propellant rocket motor.

Air-to-surface unguided missile projectile. Modification S-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Caliber – 57 mm. Designed to combat armored vehicles (tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles). Has a warhead of cumulative action. Has a solid propellant rocket motor. Armor penetration – 130 mm.

Air-to-surface unguided missile projectile. Modification S-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of the chief designer

director Alexander Nudelman. Has a warhead of combined cumulative-fragmentation action. Caliber – 57 mm. Has a solid propellant rocket motor. When broken, it forms 220 fragments weighing 2 g each.

Air-to-surface unguided missile projectile. Modification S-5. Developed in the 60s at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. It has a warhead that has 1000 arrow-shaped striking elements (SPEL). Caliber – 57 mm. Has a solid propellant rocket motor. To destroy enemy personnel.

NAR S-8 in container B8V20 (photo from the magazine "Military Parade")

NAR S-8 in container B8M1 (photo from the magazine "Military Parade")

S-8A, S-8B, S-8AS, S-8BC

Aviation unguided solid-fuel air-to-surface missiles. Modifications of the S-8, having improved solid propellant rocket engines, fuel composition and stabilizers.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-8. It has a warhead with enhanced fragmentation action and a solid propellant rocket motor with an extended operating time.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-8. It has a warhead equipped with 2000 arrow-shaped striking elements.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-8. Has a concrete-piercing warhead with penetrating action.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-8. Contains 2.15 kg of liquid explosive components that mix and form an aerosol cloud of a volumetric detonating mixture.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-8. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25. To defeat modern tanks, lightly armored and unarmored vehicles. The maximum firing range is 4 km. The mass of the rocket is 11.3 kg. Rocket length – 1.57 m. Caliber – 80 mm. Warhead weight – 3.6 kg. Explosive mass – 0.9 kg. Armor penetration – 400 mm. Has a cumulative charge. Is in service.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-8. Concrete-piercing missile with a penetrating warhead. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25. To destroy materiel and manpower in fortifications.

The maximum firing range is 2.2 km. The mass of the rocket is 15.2 kg. Rocket length – 1.54 m. Caliber – 80 mm. Warhead weight – 7.41 kg. Explosive mass – 0.6 kg. Is in service.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile with a volume-detonating mixture. Modification S-8. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25. For hitting targets located in trenches, trenches, dugouts and other similar shelters.

The maximum firing range is 4 km. The mass of the rocket is 11.6 kg. Rocket length – 1.7 m. Caliber – 80 mm. Warhead weight – 3.8 kg. Explosive mass – 2.15 kg. Is in service.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-8. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Adopted. Designed for front-line aircraft and helicopters SU-17M, SU-24, SU-25, SU-27, MIG-23, MIG-27, MI-28, KA-25.

The mass of the rocket is 15 kg. Rocket length – 1.7 m. Caliber – 80 mm. Explosive mass – 1.6 kg. Armor penetration – 400 mm. Has a tandem shaped charge. Is in service.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Entered into service in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-30, MIG-29 aircraft. To destroy aircraft in railway shelters, as well as military equipment and manpower in especially strong shelters. Has a concrete-piercing warhead. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 57 kg. Rocket length – 2.54 m. Caliber – 122 mm. Warhead weight – 21 kg. Explosive mass – 1.82 kg.

S-13 missiles of various modifications were used during the war in Afghanistan. Is in service.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-13. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Entered into service in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-37, MIG-29 aircraft. To destroy aircraft located in reinforced shelters, command posts and communication points, disabling airfield runways. It has two self-contained warheads, the first of which is penetrating, the second is high-explosive. The maximum firing range is 4 km. The mass of the rocket is 75 kg. Rocket length – 3.1 m. Caliber – 122 mm. Warhead weight – 37 kg. Is in service.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-13. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Entered into service in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-37, MIG-29 aircraft. It has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead with a specified crushing into fragments (crushed into 450 fragments weighing 25-35 g). The warhead is equipped with a bottom fuse, which is activated after being buried in the ground. Capable of penetrating the armor of armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles.

The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 69 kg. Rocket length – 2.9 m. Caliber – 122 mm. Warhead weight – 33 kg. Explosive mass – 7 kg. Is in service.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-13. Developed at the Novosibirsk Institute of Applied Physics. Entered into service in 1985. Designed for Su-25, SU-27, SU-37, MIG-29 aircraft. It has a warhead with a volumetric detonating mixture.

The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 68 kg. Rocket length – 3.1 m. Caliber – 122 mm. Warhead weight – 32 kg. Is in service.

Aviation especially heavy unguided air-to-surface missile. It replaced the S-24. Developed in the 70s. at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. It is supplied to the Air Force in a disposable container PU-0-25 - a wooden launch tube with metal lining. Has a fragmentation warhead. Designed to destroy manpower, vehicles, parked aircraft, and weakly protected targets. The solid propellant rocket engine has 4 nozzles and a charge weighing 97 kg of mixed fuel. The target firing range is 4 km. Warhead weight – 150 kg. A warhead produces up to 10 thousand fragments upon explosion. With a successful hit, one missile can disable up to a battalion of enemy infantry.

Aviation unguided solid-propellant air-to-surface missile. Modification S-25. Developed in the late 70s. at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. In service with the military since 1979. Designed for front-line aircraft. To combat light armored vehicles, structures and enemy personnel. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 381 kg. Rocket length – 3.3 m. Caliber – 340 mm. The mass of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead is 194 kg. Explosive mass – 27 kg. Is in service.

S-25-0 (photo by V. Drushlyakov)

S-25L (photo by V. Drushlyakov)

Upgraded aviation guided solid-fuel air-to-surface missile. Modification S-25. Developed in the 80s at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau) under the leadership of chief designer Alexander Nudelman. Designed for front-line aircraft. For the destruction of single fortified ground targets. It has a reinforced penetrating warhead for penetrating strong fortified structures. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 480 kg. Rocket length – 3.3 m. Caliber – 340 mm. Warhead weight – 190 kg. Is in service.

Aviation solid-fuel air-to-surface missile with laser guidance. Modification S-25OFM. Developed in the late 70s. at OKB-16 (now the A.E. Nudelman Precision Engineering Design Bureau). Chief designer - Boris Smirnov. In service with the military since 1979. Designed for front-line aircraft as a laser-guided guided missile. The laser seeker was developed at NPO Geophysics. The maximum firing range is 3 km. The mass of the rocket is 480 kg. Rocket length – 3.83 m. Caliber – 340 mm. Warhead weight – 150 kg. Is in service.

An upgraded laser-guided, extended-range air-to-surface guided missile. Developed in the 80s at the Precision Engineering Design Bureau named after A.E. Nudelman. Chief designer - Boris Smirnov. In service with the military since 1985. Designed for SU-25T attack aircraft.

The maximum firing range is 10 km. Is in service.

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In accordance with the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 26, 1974. Development work was launched on fourth-generation fighters - the future MiG-29 and Su-27.

In the same year, the Vympel Design Bureau prepared technical proposals for the new K-27 missile (product 470), intended to arm these promising aircraft. The development of the K-27 was entrusted to a team led by A.L. Lyapin, the design was carried out under the leadership of P.P. Dementieva and V.T. Korsakov.

The prospect of simultaneous development of two fighters with almost the same purpose was still at the technical proposal stage in 1974. prompted a fundamental decision to create a system of unified missiles: K-27A for the light MiG-29 and K-27B for the heavy Su-27. It was assumed that the missile variants would differ in their propulsion systems and, accordingly, in their launch range. Based on established practice, it was considered advisable to provide for each version of the rocket with different propulsion systems a version with a “radial” and “thermal” seeker. This is how the concept of a “modular” rocket with variable seekers and propulsion systems was determined.

It seemed very tempting to achieve interchangeability of propulsion systems by eliminating cable and gas connections between the control equipment and the gas generator in the central block with the tail section of the rocket. However, the adopted “canard” scheme was traditionally associated with the need to place the aileron control drive in the tail section of the steering gears. The fact is that when the rudders are positioned forward, their deviation generates a bevel of the air flow, which acts on the wings installed in the tail in such a way that at a certain combination of rudder deflection angles, angles of attack and slip, the phenomenon of reverse roll control occurs - the moment from aerodynamic forces on the wings acts in the direction opposite to the moment from the forces on the rudders and exceeds it. Therefore, on almost all rockets made according to the “canard” design, the rudders serve only for pitch and yaw control, and in the roll channel either ailerons that provide stabilization or rollerons are used that limit the rotation speed of the rocket in roll.

The designers of the Vympel managed to provide control of the rocket in all channels by differentiated deflection of the rudders, abandoning the ailerons. To achieve this, the K-27 used uniquely shaped “butterfly” rudders. The adopted scheme did not receive unanimous approval. Thus, according to specialists from NII-2 (now GosNIIAS), the conditions for using the K-27 were more consistent with a “normal” scheme with rudders for controlling the rocket in its tail section. In this case, the drag at low angles of attack decreased and the aerodynamic quality increased. However, the normal design required the separation of control elements between the bow and tail sections of the rocket, which violated the modular design principle. The unification of the tail sections of missiles with engines of different diameters was also questioned. Therefore, the Vympel designers also worked on the “normal” design,” but, relying on the support of TsAGI, they retained the design they had chosen—something intermediate between a “canard” and a “swivel wing.”

Fundamentally new technical solutions were also used in the onboard equipment of the rocket. When implementing a conventional semi-active seeker on promising Soviet missiles, it was not possible to achieve superiority over the Sparrow AIM-7M, since domestic aircraft radars and missile seekers were inferior to their American counterparts in terms of illumination potential and receiver sensitivity. Therefore, during the development of missiles with radar seekers, NIIP specialists, based on research results, adopted a combined operating scheme with the ability to lock on a target along a trajectory. It should be noted that the Sparrow used a more primitive technical solution: not even simple inertial control without radio correction, adopted on the R-24, but a starting, so-called “English” correction, similar to the scheme implemented in the R-23.

The final version was determined in 1976. when releasing a preliminary design that reflected the requirements of the resolutions of January 19, 1975, which clarified the requirements for the MiG-29 and Su-27, respectively. The deadline for submitting missiles for state tests was also set: 1978. for K-27 on MiG-29 and 1979 for K-27E on Su-27. At the same time, the issue of equipping the K-27 also with MiG-23 aircraft was investigated. Next 1977 Along with the defense of the preliminary design, it was marked by the first flights of the MiG-29 and Su-27 prototypes, as well as the beginning of full-scale testing of missiles - two launches of ballistic “472 products” from a ground launcher.

The initial testing of the Rubin radar and missile homing heads was carried out on the LL-124 flying laboratory, created on the basis of the Tu-124. At the initial, autonomous stage of flight testing, the launches of four ballistic and two soft missiles were carried out in early 1979. from MiG-21bis No. 1116. Somewhat later in the same year, the first launches of six software and two telemetric K-27s were carried out from the modified MiG-23ML No. 123. At the same time, two program and three telemetric launches of the K-27E were carried out with the Su-15T No. 02-06 (the so-called LL 10-10, to a greater extent than the MiG-23, adapted for the use of a heavy version of the missile).

In accordance with the decision of the Military-Industrial Complex of January 31, 1979. The issues of using radio correction in the inertial flight section of the K-27 were considered. Design studies were also carried out to determine the possibility of significantly lightening the K-27 class missile, but in those years they did not produce positive results in relation to the “radium” version. A technical specification was developed for a lightweight thermal version, but due to significant de-unification with other modifications of the K-27, this direction was not developed.

IN next year the volume of flight tests has increased many times over. The MiG-23ML launched 22 software missiles, as well as six missiles with thermal seekers at parachute targets and La-17. Another 14 missiles with thermal heads were launched against similar targets with the LL 10-10 (Su-15T), completing them in 1980. rocket testing on this flying laboratory. State tests of the thermal version of the rocket began in May 1980. on the third experimental, not yet equipped with radar, MiG-29 No. 902 (aka 912/3). This lack of equipment did not prevent the testing of a missile with a thermal seeker.

In 1981 Autonomous launches from the MiG-23ML flying laboratory began the factory stage of testing the “radium” missile. Subsequently, tests were carried out on the MiG-29 No. 918 - the first equipped radar, from which an aerial target was shot down for the first time. However, the radar flights brought an unpleasant surprise. It turned out that when installed on the MiG-29, its detection range was almost a third less than the specified one.

Design and development work was carried out to link the “radium” missile with the ejection version of the AKU-470 launcher, as well as full-scale testing of the AKU-470 in ground conditions. Testing of the thermal version of the missile also continued: almost four dozen launches of software and telemetry missiles were carried out, including on the La-17. The first launches of thermal missiles against the La-17 were also carried out from the Su-27 prototype - the T-10-4 aircraft.

The following year, they carried out another 24 launches of missiles of various configurations, including three combat ones, completing the first stage of state tests on the MiG-29. In 1983 It was possible to basically complete the second stage program both on the MiG-29 (launches were made from aircraft No. 902, 919 and 920) and on the Su-27. In 1983 conducted another 39 launches of K-27 and 66 K-27E. In addition, according to special program On the MiG-29 No. 921, the stability of engine operation during missile launches was studied. State tests were completed in 1984. Both versions of the K-27 missile were put into service in 1987. under the designation R-27R and R-27T.

The large volume of tests of the K-27 family missiles, in addition to the novelty of the tasks being solved, was also determined by the fact that the MiG-29 and Su-27 carried different electronic systems with different software. The accuracy of the algorithms had to be verified by actual use of missiles, which increased the volume of tests by dozens of launches.

As you know, after the start of testing the T-10 (the Su-27 prototype), a decision was made to introduce serious changes to the project, which actually corresponded to the development of the aircraft almost from scratch. In particular, the main decisions on airborne radar were radically revised. Development of new versions of the K-27 was carried out on the MiG-29 (No. 920) from June to September 1984.

Tests of the K-27E missile were somewhat delayed and were accompanied by the introduction of improvements to the seeker, inertial system, and radio command line equipment. Only in 1990 The missile was put into service in the R-27ER and R-27ET variants. Production was launched at the Plant named after. Artem in Kyiv.

In general, the developed missile weapons had an advantage over the Sparrow AIM-7F in terms of launch range, achieved through the implementation of an inertial guidance section. The modular principle of constructing a family of missiles made it possible to create modifications of missiles with increased energy capabilities, approaching the reach of modern long-range missiles and possessinghighly effective in combat at medium and short distances due to their high average flight speed. The rocket creators were awarded the State Prize in 1991.

Export versions of the R-27R-1 and R-27T-1 missiles were produced in connection with deliveries abroad of the MiG-29 in the MiG-29A variant since 1988. and MiG-29B since 1986, and R-27ER-1 and R-27ET-1 - with the start of deliveries of the Su-27 in the 1990s.

It is possible to use missiles of the R-27 family also on earlier models of second and third generation fighters after their comprehensive modernization, in particular, according to the MiG-21-93 project.

In addition to the four main variants of missiles based on the R-27ER, the K-27P missile with a passive radar homing head was also created. Work began by decision of the military-industrial complex dated August 18, 1982. Even earlier, in the Omsk TsKBA (former OKB-373), a team led by G. Bronstein designed the GOS, and in 1981 a preliminary design appeared. Preliminary tests were carried out in 1984-1985. mainly on MiG-29 No. 970 and 971. Tests were completed with a positive result in 1986. with recommendations for adoption and transfer into mass production. Tests of the K-27EP as part of the Su-27 armament have been carried out since 1986. on aircraft No. 10-21, 10-22, 10-23, 10-31, 10-32 and ended in 1989. Long time the missile was not offered to the foreign market, but in 2004 it was demonstrated at the Fidae-2004 exhibition.

At a number of aviation shows, materials were presented on a version of the R-27EA missile with a combined guidance system. This version uses the ARGS-27 seeker - inertial, with radio correction and active radar homing in the final section, which ensures the implementation of the “fire and forget” principle. The deployment of full-scale development work on this option began by decision of the military-industrial complex of July 19, 1982 . A preliminary design for an active seeker was released back in 1981. The most difficult task for its designers - employees of the A.M. laboratory. Sukhov at the Agat Research Institute - was the creation of a small-sized transmitting device with a power of 30-60 W with a multi-beam klystron as an output vacuum device.

The preliminary design for the R-27EA missile was generally completed in 1983. In 1984 MiG-29 No. 919 was prepared for the use of the K-27A, the next year - No. 925, but later these machines were used for higher priority work - testing the promising RVV-AE missile. In fact, flight tests of the K-27A were carried out on MiG-29 No. 970 and 971. In 1985. carried out three launches, next year - five.

ARGS-27 provided for the use of an on-board digital computer “Alice” on 588 series microcircuits, but its development was so difficult that the use of other types of computers began to be considered. Time was lost, and in 1988-1989. Due to a reduction in funding, research on the ARGS-27 was practically suspended in order to continue work on the seeker for the RVV-AE missile. However, work in in this direction were continued by the Agat Research Institute on an initiative basis. As a result, it was possible to reduce the weight of this modification of the seeker by one and a half times - from 21.5 to 14.5 kg, and also increase the capture range.

Missile systems of various types are intended to combat air targets. A huge variety of weapons are primarily classified by launch location and target location. For example: “ground-to-air” - a ground-based missile (first word) for destroying objects in airspace (second word). This type of ammunition is most often called anti-aircraft, that is, it shoots at the zenith - up. The significant speed of a surface-to-air missile, more than four times the speed of sound, makes it possible to effectively fight not only aircraft, but also hit highly maneuverable cruise missiles.

Aviation weapons

Modern weapons are an integrated high-tech complex of several systems, which conventionally consists of a control system and directly external and built-in weapons. Missiles designed to be launched from aerial mobile platforms and engage airborne missiles in accordance with domestic system classified as air-to-air (A-A) missiles. In the West, for ammunition of this class, the abbreviation AAM is used for the English combination air-to-air missile. Effective examples of these weapons first appeared in the mid-forties of the last century. The first domestic homing ammunition was copied from an American air-to-air missile. Russia is currently in this area of ​​combat technical means recognized undisputed leader. Some systems have no analogues even among the developed foreign complexes.

Attack range

Based on the distance at which an object is destroyed in the air, air-to-air missiles are divided into several classes. Aviation ammunition is created for use at three types of combat distances:

  • Short-range missiles are used to destroy aircraft within line of sight. These munitions are equipped with infrared homing devices. The accepted designation for NATO countries is SRAAM.
  • At distances up to 100 km, medium-range missiles (MRAAM) with a radar homing system are used.
  • The 200 km Long Range Ammunition (LRAAM) has a complex guidance system that uses different principles during the march and in the final attack phase.

Classifying in this way according to the principle of range, the developers believe that at given distances the missile can be guaranteed to hit the target. In the language of specialists, this is called the effective firing distance.

Target guidance systems

Measuring equipment is placed in the head of the missile, allowing it to autonomously, that is, without operator participation, aim the projectile at the target and hit it. Against the background of surrounding physical fields, the automatic device is able to determine the target, the parameters of its movement, the movement of the missile itself, and generate commands for the control system if it is necessary to perform a maneuver. Homing systems for air-to-air missiles use various types of target radiation: optical, acoustic, infrared, and radio radiation. Depending on the location of the radiation source, guidance systems are:

  • Passive - use signals emitted by the target.
  • Semi-active heads require a signal reflected from the target, emitted by the carrier aircraft.
  • Active ones themselves illuminate the target, for which they are equipped with standard signal transmitters.

Damaging elements and detonators

In the air, especially on high altitudes, the high explosive action of the explosive is ineffective. Air-to-air missiles are armed with a high-explosive fragmentation warhead. Due to the high speed of movement of both the target and the missile itself, strict requirements for the formation of the striking sphere are applied to the warhead. Required result can be achieved by using a system of specified crushing into fragments or ready-made destructive elements (balls, rods). Most products use a variant that forms a radial field from fragments of a cylindrical warhead, a fragmentation jacket. When scattered, the striking elements form a cone with a truncated apex with the direction of movement parallel to the missile.

The planned separation into damaging fragments is achieved through point hardening with a laser or high-frequency currents, applying notches or a “mask” of inert material. The warheads of melee missiles are equipped with fragmentation submunitions. IN missile systems medium-range warhead is used, formed from rods. The damaging elements are positioned obliquely around the explosive and are alternately welded together with their upper and lower ends. When opened, the rods form a closed ring of great destructive force. Prospective developments are underway to control the formation and direction of action of the fragmentation field.

The warhead is detonated at the optimal distance by a radar fuse equipped with one or two antennas. Modern rockets air-to-air class aircraft are equipped with laser systems that continuously monitor the distance to the target. All missiles have an inertial detonator in case of a direct hit on the target.

Guarding the air spaces

For our country, with its vast distances and poorly developed ground infrastructure in the eastern and northern directions, air-to-air missiles are a key element in ensuring defense capability. Russia, having completed last years technological breakthrough, has a whole range of highly effective ammunition. Domestic missiles are intended not only to equip existing but also promising manned and unmanned aircraft systems, the adoption of which is expected in the near future. Modern Russian planes equipped with some types of missiles. They will be discussed further.

Short-range R-73 guided missile

The product was put into service in 1983, in the NATO classification AA-11 "Archer". Designed to destroy actively maneuvering manned and unmanned targets at a maximum speed of up to 2,500 km/h day and night in any weather conditions in the front and rear hemispheres. For shooting at pursuing targets, the reverse start mode is used. An engine with variable thrust vectoring and other know-how made it possible to surpass all existing world analogues in maneuverability. Can be used against uncontrolled balloons, helicopters and cruise missiles. The missile is included in the standard armament kit of the latest modifications of the MiG-29 and Su-27, as well as the Su-34 tactical bombers and Su-25 attack aircraft. It is produced in two modifications: RMD-1 and RMD-2. Can be used to combat cruise missiles. The missile is being exported. The ammunition has the following characteristics:

  • Weight - 110 kg.
  • Length - 2.9 m.
  • The mass of the rod warhead is 8 kg.
  • Launch range - 40 km (RMD 2).

RVV-MD close combat missile

The newest ammunition has all-aspect infrared guidance. The use of an aero-gas-dynamic maneuvering system allows you to destroy targets from any direction. It is assumed that all types of fighter aircraft and helicopters will be armed with this model. The RVV-MD and the Kh-38 air-to-surface missile will form the basis of the fifth-generation fighter's combat power.

  • Starting weight no more than 106 kg.
  • The length of the rocket is 2.92 m.
  • The mass of the warhead with the rod striking element is 8 kg.
  • Target engagement distance is up to 40 km.

R-27 air-to-air missiles

Guided munitions were created to arm fourth-generation fighters. According to the NATO classification, AA-10 "Alamo". The specific ammunition is designed to destroy enemy aircraft in close maneuver combat and at medium distances at targets up to 3,500 km/h. Applied new concept control and solid propellant engine. Some modifications use accelerators. The speed of the R-27 air-to-air missile is four and a half times the speed of sound. The characteristics depending on the modification are as follows:

  • The weight of various samples ranges from 250 to 350 kg.
  • Maximum length from 3.7 to 4.9 m.
  • The mass of the rod-type warhead is 39 kg.
  • The range of destruction of objects is from 50 to 110 km.

R-77 medium-range aviation missile

It was designed for the MiG-1.42, which never went into production. Western name AA-12 "Adder". Adopted into service in 1994. Equipped with a powerful engine and the most advanced radar and infrared guidance systems. Designed to destroy moving and static air objects of all types, including cruise missiles flying around the terrain, against the background of the earth and sea surface in all altitude ranges. The range of the modification with solid fuel boosters reaches 160 km.

  • Weight - 700 kg.
  • Product length - 3.5 m.
  • The mass of the rod warhead with multi-cumulative elements is 22 kg.
  • The maximum range of destruction of objects is 100 km.

A ground-to-air modification was created on the basis of this ammunition. The ground-based missile has a large engine diameter.

RVV-SD medium-range homing missile

The latest model of weapons on domestic aircraft is designed to destroy targets of all types, including cruise missiles at altitudes of up to 25 km in conditions of intense enemy radar countermeasures. An active guidance complex using inertial radio correction was used. The detonation device uses a laser non-contact sensor.

  • Starting weight up to 190 kg.
  • Length - 3.7 m.
  • Warhead type - multi-cumulative rod, weight - 22.5 kg.
  • Launch distance up to 110 km.

RVV-AE medium-range missile

This version of the missile was created to equip fourth generation ++ fighters and is intended to combat all existing types aircraft, including cruise missiles. The ammunition can be used at any time of the day over land and sea waters in the coastal zone. The developers envisage installation on foreign types of aircraft. A non-contact laser fuse is used as a detonator. Electrically driven lattice steering wheels are used for maneuvering - technical device has no analogues in the world.

  • Maximum starting weight - 180 kg.
  • Maximum length - 3.6 m.
  • The warhead is multi-cumulative rod, weight - 22.5 kg.
  • Firing distance up to 80 km.

Long-range R-33 guided missile

Designed to arm territorial air defense fighter-interceptors with poorly developed ground infrastructure. In NATO reference books it is designated as AA-9 "Amos". Together with the MiG-31-33, it was put into service in the early 80s and formed one of the elements of the Zaslon multi-channel interception system. The complex allows you to simultaneously use the entire ammunition load of a flight of 4 aircraft. At the same time, the radar equipment of the aircraft and the semi-active seeker of the missile provide the ability to simultaneously hit four objects with four missiles. The R-33 is designed to destroy aircraft and low-flying cruise missiles in all weather conditions, against the background of the earth in all altitude and speed ranges and has the following technical data:

  • Weight - 490 kg.
  • Length - 4.15 m.
  • The mass of the high-explosive fragmentation warhead is 47 kg.
  • The launch range is 120 km, with additional target illumination - up to 300 km.

"Long Arm" R-37

On the basis of the R-33, the R-37 long-range missile was developed to arm the latest interception complex based on the Mig-31BM. In some sources it is called RVV-BD and K-37. According to NATO classification AA-13 "Arrow". Testing of the latest samples was completed in 2012. It was created using a new dual-mode solid fuel engine and the latest control and guidance equipment. During testing, it hit a target at a record distance of 307 km.

  • The starting weight of various modifications is from 510 to 600 kg.
  • The length of the rocket is 4.2 m.
  • Warhead - high-explosive fragmentation, weight - 60 kg.
  • The range of the R-73 air-to-air missile is 300 km, in the export version - 200 km.

Superiority will remain ours

The arrival of high-tech products in recent years has allowed us to significantly outpace the Western powers. The air-to-air guided missiles being developed will be equipped with even more powerful on-board computer systems and high-speed signal processors. The new generation of missiles will be capable of not only tracking a target in conditions of strong radar and infrared countermeasures, but also carrying out covert tracking of an attacked airborne object.

The Kh-38 is a new Russian short-range, high-precision air-launched air-to-surface missile. This missile is designed to destroy a wide range of targets: armored vehicles, fortified points, single and group targets, surface ships and submarines enemy on the surface. intended for arming promising 5th generation aircraft systems, as well as for existing 4th generation aircraft.

The Kh-38 air-to-ground missile entered service at the end of December 2012. The missile tests were carried out throughout 2012 in the strictest secrecy. Serial deliveries of the first samples are currently beginning new rocket to combat units. First of all, front-line and MiG-29SMT fighters will have to receive the new high-precision short-range missile. In the future, the Kh-38 missile will replenish the arsenal of weapons of the latest 4++ generation fighter, as well as the modernized Su-30.

X-38 is a development of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation, the head office of this company is located in the Moscow region in the city of Korolev. This is a purely Russian development; work on the creation of this missile began back in the 1990s. The new rocket has a number of distinctive features, which give reason to call it a weapon belonging to a new generation:
- Firstly, this missile is universal, it can be equipped with a variety of warheads and homing heads (GOS);
- Secondly, the rocket has folding wings, thanks to this fact it can be placed in internal compartments (which is one of important conditions for 5th generation aircraft).

According to an officer from the Air Force headquarters, on modern tactical missiles, which include the American Maverick or the domestic X-29, thruster surfaces cannot be folded, so they can only be used from hardpoints located under the wings or fuselage of the aircraft. Currently, only strategic cruise missiles, such as the Russian or American AGM-129, have folding surfaces. Such cruise missiles are used by heavy bombers.

Kh-38 missile with folded tail

When performing long-range flights, fuel consumption is one of the most important tactical and technical characteristics of any aircraft, and missiles and bombs mounted on external slings increase air resistance. It is for this reason that they carry their main weapons in internal compartments.

The creators of the X-38 missile took the path of strategic aviation systems, since the Russian promising one is being developed using stealth technology. This aircraft needs to have as few reflective surfaces as possible, so placing missiles on an external sling is not the best option. At the same time, only the 4 largest wings of the new missile fold, while the remaining 8 do not interfere with the X-38 suspension in the bomb bay.

It is reported that one of the modifications of the new rocket will be able to navigate in flight using satellite system GLONASS. According to an Air Force Commander officer, during recent conflicts in the Caucasus, combat operations in the Middle East and Afghanistan, it is very difficult to detect a target from the air, even when targeting from the ground. Means and methods of camouflage today have become very sophisticated. In forested areas or dense urban areas, target detection becomes even more challenging.

Traditionally, ground guidance has been achieved using smoke signals, but this is an unreliable method and is dependent on wind and weather. Thanks to the widespread use of GLONASS, there is no longer a need for smoke markings or the use of infrared markers; simply entering the target coordinates from the satellite. Currently, both domestic KAB-E bombs and American JDAM type bombs are corrected using GPS/GLONASS. With the adoption of the X-38, Russian military aviation will also have a satellite-guided missile.

High-precision weapons have been one of the main problems for quite a long time. Russian Air Force. There are practically no modern samples in the units, although Russia is engaged in supplying some of them for export. At the same time, for the needs Russian aviation For the most part, Soviet models are still used, many of which have already expired, especially for the fuel loaded into rockets. In this regard, the adoption of the Kh-38 high-precision missile can be considered a landmark step. The Kh-38 missile is capable of hitting enemy stationary shelters and maneuvering armored vehicles at a distance of 3 to 40 km, and the mass of its warhead can reach 250 kg.

Kh-38ME short-range aviation guided missiles are designed to destroy a wide range of ground (armored and fortified), group and single targets, as well as enemy surface ships operating in coastal strip. A special feature of these missiles is their modular construction principle, which provides them with an increase in combat effectiveness due to the use different types combat equipment and targeting, as well as the ability to quickly respond to changes in the tactical situation in the combat zone.

The missile has been developed since the early 90s of the last century and is intended to arm not only promising Russian aviation systems belonging to the 5th generation, but also 4th generation aircraft, as well as modern attack helicopters. The rocket was first demonstrated to the general public at the MAKS-2007 air show. The Kh-38 missile can be used from aircraft launchers such as APU or AKU. If this missile is used from a helicopter, special rocket boosters are installed in its rear part, which provide the missile with the necessary initial speed flight.

It is planned that these missiles should eventually replace various modifications of the Kh-25M and Kh-29 missiles in the armament complex of domestic combat aircraft. At the same time, in terms of its size, the new missile occupies an intermediate position between the Kh-25M and Kh-29. Compared to these missiles, the new X-38 high-precision missile had significantly increased reliability, operational resources and service life.

Currently, this missile is available in the following modifications: Kh-38MLE, Kh-38MAE, Kh-38MTE, Kh-38MKE, which use different types of target guidance systems:
Kh-38MAE – inertial + active radar;
X-38MLE – inertial + semi-active laser;
Kh-38MTE – inertial + thermal imaging;
Kh-38MKE - inertial + satellite navigation (GLONASS).

Options for combat use of the X-38 missile

Kh-38ME short-range missiles are modular, which, depending on the intended target type, allows you to change different homing heads and warheads. At the same time, the guidance of all missiles is combined - during the cruising phase of the flight, the missiles are controlled using an inertial control system, and at the final phase the missile switches to homing.

In order to reduce restrictions on the movement of the missile carrier, the X-38 control system provides sufficient wide angle along the target bearing in the horizontal plane at the time of launch ±80°. The missile warhead can be equipped with a penetrating warhead (PRW), a high-explosive fragmentation warhead (HFW) or a cluster warhead (CW).

The delivery package for a batch of X-38 missiles includes:
- directly combat missile;
— inert rocket;
— operational training missile;
— flight training rocket;
— training-cutting rocket;
- overall dimensions and weight of the rocket;
— a set of rocket operational documentation;
— a set of group spare parts for 10 years;
— single spare parts kit.

Ground operation of missiles of this type is ensured using the Oka-E-1 aviation weapons training complex.

Main characteristics of the X-38 missile:
— body length/diameter/wing span: 4.2x0.31x1.14 m;
— rocket launch mass: 520 kg;
— warhead weight: up to 250 kg;
— launch range: 3-40 km;
— rocket flight speed: no more than Mach 2.2;
— target bearing angle at the moment of launch in the horizontal plane: ±80°;
— probability of hitting a target: 0.8/0.6 (without/with enemy opposition);
— rocket resource:
for takeoffs and landings: 15/30 (plane/helicopter);
flight time under carrier: 75/75 hours;
according to equipment operating time: 90/90 hours.
— service life: 10 years;
— explosive device: contact;
— launch altitude range: 200-12000 m;
— launch speed range: 15-450 m/s.

/Based on materials rbase.new-factoria.ru, ktrv.ru And izvestia.ru /

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the USSR developed several air-to-air guided missiles. The designers who created the RS-1-U rocket achieved real results. Their work culminated in the adoption of the MiG-17PFU interceptor, armed with a fundamentally new weapon.

Work on missiles under the open factory codes ShM and ShB-32, started at KB-1 - the lead organization for the development of anti-aircraft missile complex S-25 was transferred to the Special Design Bureau No. 2 of the USSR Ministry of Medium Engineering, which was established on November 26, 1953 on the basis of its Khimki branch. The primary task of OKB-2 was to develop a missile for the new S-75 anti-aircraft missile system. On December 10, 1953, P.D. Grushin was appointed chief designer of OKB-2, who tried to make maximum use of the scientific and technical reserve of the transferred missiles to solve the tasks assigned to him. In particular, he instructed Dmitry Lyudvigovich Tomashevich, who headed the work on CMM (the future RS-1-U) at KB-1 from the very beginning, to prepare a scientific and technical report on possible directions for further development and improvement of products of this class. The relevance of this work was explained by the fact that the ShM product was developed to destroy subsonic targets such as Tu-4 and Il-28 bombers with subsonic fighter-interceptors MiG-17PFU and Yak-25K, while at the same time the USA and USSR began full-scale work on supersonic aircraft .

A few months later, a detailed report, “Optimal Characteristics of Air-to-Air Projectiles,” was ready. The main conclusion of the report was that the main characteristics of the CMM are fully consistent with the level of development of aviation and rocket technology achieved by that time. At a meeting held by the chief designer to consider the report of D.L. Tomashevich, the opinions of the speakers about the prospects for the work being carried out differed. Summing up, P.D. Grushin made a compromise decision: work on CMM in existing form continue with the implementation of tactical and technical requirements for the missile; at the same time, based on the prospects for the development of jet aviation, begin to develop a new missile based on the CMM with improved characteristics that ensure its full use on supersonic fighters. After some time, D.L. Tomashevich went to work at KB-1; at the same time, in 1954–1967, he taught at the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he trained more than one generation of aviation specialists in unmanned aerial vehicles. At the Moscow Aviation Institute he defended his doctoral dissertation, became a professor, and in 1969 one of his works was awarded the USSR State Prize.

After a meeting with P.D. Grushin, the design department of OKB-2 began to develop a promising air-to-air missile, which over time received the industry designation K-5M, and the ShM was retained as K-5. I.I. Popov was appointed leading designer of the rocket. At first, the work was carried out on a proactive basis: to carry out full-scale development, it was necessary to determine and justify the main declared characteristics of the future rocket, select related partners, estimate the necessary costs of performing the work, and link all this with the planned economic management system in the USSR.

By the fall of 1954, the appearance of the promising K-5M missile had taken shape. The basic ideas laid down by D.L. Tomashevich and tested during flight tests of the K-5 have been preserved. The guidance principle remained unchanged - “three points” along an equal-signal line formed by conical scanning of the fighter-interceptor’s onboard radar beam, as well as the aerodynamic design - “canard”. At the same time, with a slight increase in launch weight and dimensions, taking into account the new conditions for using the modernized rocket, it was possible to improve the basic flight-tactical characteristics of the product. The effectiveness of the warhead (CU) was increased by increasing its mass and amount of explosives, and adjusting the contours of the combat equipment compartment; reduced the angle of fragmentation; As a result, the damage radius increased by one and a half times. To increase maneuverability and maximum altitude, the wing area and the size of the rudders were increased, as a result of which the maximum available overloads doubled to 18 units. The larger launch range of the heavier rocket was ensured by the increased mass solid fuel, pneumatic system cylinder capacity and on-board power supply.

At the end of 1954, it became known in the USSR that the US had adopted the AIM-4 Falcon air-to-air missile. This contributed to the fact that the country’s leadership began to pay more attention to similar work, and on the eve of the New Year, the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers adopted a joint resolution on the development of several air-to-air missiles at once: K-5M and K-6 were created by cooperation of enterprises led by from OKB-2, K-7 - OKB-134 (chief designer I.I. Toropov), K-8 - OKB-4 (chief designer M.R. Bisnovat), K-9 - OKB-155 (chief designer A .I.Mikoyan) and KB-1 (responsible director A.I.Savin).

At the same time, the decree provided for arming promising fighter aircraft with new missiles. The A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau, which created the MiG-17PFU, was already working on the possible use of ShM products as part of the armament of the supersonic fighter-interceptor SM-7A (product 60) based on the MiG-19. After the decree was issued, the scope of work on missile weapons for fighter-interceptors at the A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau expanded: K-6 was intended for the I-3 with the Almaz-3 radar, and K-9 for the E-152 heavy vehicle. The technical requirements for the second copy of the T-3 fighter-interceptor of the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau provided for its armament with K-7 type guided missiles. The K-8 product was supposed to be used to equip A.S. Yakovlev’s promising Yak-123 (Yak-27) fighter.

Work on the K-5M rocket progressed very quickly, and already in March 1955, OKB-2 presented the customer with a preliminary design. In the spring of 1956, testing began on autonomous missile launches from a flying laboratory based on the MiG-19 - SM-2M (serial number 59210108) with two APU-4 launchers. At the very first launch, a few seconds after launch, the rocket lost control and, after making several turns, went towards the ground. During the initial study of the fragments of the fallen rocket, it was not possible to identify obvious causes of the accident. The cause of the incident was found a few days later. The rear part of the fourth compartment, in which the aileron pneumatic drive was located, together with the fifth equipment compartment formed a sealed cavity. The exhaust air of the pneumatic drive was removed from the cavity through a bleed valve, closed before the rocket was launched with a membrane made of aluminum foil. After rocket launch, a pre-set valve ensured a constant pressure difference between the cavity and environment. When pressurized, the board cavities in the body of the fifth compartment were deformed, and one of them short-circuited to the body. After the suspicious board was deployed, there were no more similar cases.

Another defect in the rocket control system discovered during flight tests was failure of the autopilot, which led to uncontrolled roll rotation. In the course of searching for the causes of this phenomenon, it was possible to establish that it was generated by acoustic vibrations that arose during the operation of the powder engine and led to disruption of the gyroscopes.

To speed up the testing and testing of the missile from the base carrier, in 1956 at the Gorky aircraft plant No. 21, according to the drawings of the A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau, two MiG-19P aircraft were modified into the SM-7M variant, an RP-2-U radar sight and four pylons were installed on the aircraft for installation of APU-4 starting devices. At GosNII-6, the vehicles flew with tail numbers 03 and 04. Subsequently, after being put into service, this modification of the interceptor fighter received the designation MiG-19PM.

Guided aircraft missiles RS-2-U and RS-2-US (drawings)

In September 1956, the K-5M missile was transferred to joint state tests (GST), during which launches were carried out at altitudes of up to 15.5 km; based on their results, the developers were asked to carry out appropriate modifications to the elements of the weapons system, and then conduct control tests by the end of the year . At the GSI stage, the testing team was headed by the head of the GosNII-6 department, F.L. Antonovsky, and I.V. Zabegailo was appointed assistant to the leading engineer. The flights under the program were performed by GosNII-6 test pilots M.I. Bobrovitsky, L.N. Peterin, A.S. Devochkin, A.E. Chernyaev and from LII - Bychkovsky and A.I. Pronin. The brigade included leading engineer for autopilot M. Karzachev, assistant leading engineer for autopilot Yu.O. Nivert, leading engineer for warhead (warhead) and aircraft suspension devices (APU) I. Saltan, assistant leading engineer for warhead and APU A. Tyroshkin, V. Maletsky was in charge of preparing the product at the pyrotechnic position.

If the first launches were carried out at medium altitudes and problems arose among the rocket developers, then during the first launch at an altitude of about ten kilometers, problems arose among the fighter engine developers. After the missiles left the guides, both turbojet engines stalled. On high altitude due to the greater pressure drop at the exit of the powder engine nozzle, the expansion of the jet stream after expiration increased significantly and the gases entered the air intake of the fighter. The pilot had to save the prototype vehicle and start the engines in the air.

This was not the first time that OKB A.I. Mikoyan encountered this phenomenon; they dealt with this problem at NII-2 (now GosNII AS) and the Central Institute of Aviation Engine Engineering. The RD-9B engines were equipped with a KS system, which automatically reduces the fuel supply to the engine and switches it to lower speeds when the pilot presses the combat button. In 1957, Plant No. 21 built five MiG-19PM aircraft armed with K-5M guided missiles. In July–August 1957, factory flight-fire tests of the KS system were carried out on three of them. The AL-7F-1 engine was later equipped with a similar system when they tested the Su-9 interceptor fighter with missile weapons.

State control tests of the weapons system, which consisted of the MiG-19PM fighter-interceptor and K-5M missiles, were carried out only in August–October 1957.

The K-5M rocket presented surprises to testers not only in the air, but also on the ground. Once, while preparing for a MiG-19PM flight, GosNII-6 test pilot Lieutenant Colonel Arkady Chernyaev spontaneously launched two K-5M missiles. Having flown about 20 meters, they hit the ground and collapsed. The combat units buried themselves in the ground, and the working powder flasks continued to move the remains of the rocket around the airfield. Fortunately, no one was hurt in the process. The incident was reported to the management of the institute, and soon the deputy head of GosNII-6 for research work, Colonel L.I. Los, appeared at the scene and found one of the institute’s engineers digging up warheads. Los ordered to immediately stop this dangerous activity and called sappers to blow up the warhead.

Not only OKB-2 employees, but also the enterprises that manufactured prototypes of the missiles actively participated in testing the K-5M missiles. The head plant No. 455 for the production of K-5M was the plant in Kaliningrad near Moscow. By the mid-1950s, the plant mastered the production of aircraft turrets. In April 1954, the enterprise, largely thanks to the experience and energy of the director of plant No. 455 M.P. Arzhakov, mobilized internal resources, began the development of fundamentally new equipment and technological processes, and led the cooperation of related suppliers, who with no less difficulty mastered the production of components. At the beginning of 1956, the plant launched serial production of K-5 missiles. In this matter, the plant received significant assistance from specialists from plant No. 134, OKB-2 and KB-1. And if the first K-5 software missiles were produced by the pilot production of NII-88, then since 1956, the production, monitoring of the condition of the K-5 and then K-5M missiles, the production of test equipment and ground equipment were mastered by specialists from plant No. 455.

By joint resolution of the CPSU Central Committee and the Council of Ministers No. 1343-619ss dated November 28, 1957, the K-5M missile as part of the S-2-U weapon system was accepted for supply to the Air Force. By the end of the year, OKB-2 and KB-455, established in June 1956 on the basis of the serial design department of plant No. 455, together with their subcontractors, eliminated the deficiencies identified during control tests of the K-5M and finalized the design documentation. After being put into service, the K-5M missile received the designation RS-2-U; in open documents the designation was used - product I.

Developing the principles inherent in the design of the K-5M rocket, OKB-2 in March 1956 released a preliminary design of a modified K-5S product with a launch weight twice that of the original vehicle, and designed for use from a heavy fighter-interceptor. To hit a qualifying air target, not four K-5M missiles were required, but two K-5S missiles. However, due to the heavy workload of OKB-2 on the main topic - anti-aircraft guided missiles, further work on air-to-air missiles in Khimki was curtailed, and the scientific and technical groundwork for improving the K-5M missile, including a version with a thermal homing head, was transferred KB-455. Subsequently, work on modifying the K-5M missile and creating unmanned aerial vehicles for other purposes on its basis was carried out at KB-455 under the leadership of N.T. Pikot.

In December 1957, Plant No. 455 produced the first production RS-2-U. Over three years, the plant produced 12,400 missiles (1957 -3000, 1958 -7000, 1959 -3730 products). A small number of RS-2-Us were produced in 1959 by plants - Kovrov No. 575 and Izhevsk No. 622. Plant No. 455 provided them with technical assistance in establishing mass production.

In 1958, KB-455, fulfilling the government decree and the order of the chairman of the GKAT, issued in November 1957, began modifying the K-5M for use with the once again improved MiG-19 - the SM-12PM fighter-interceptor and a variant of the Su fighter-interceptor -9–T-43, developed according to the above-mentioned directive documents. The main task The upcoming work still remained to achieve maximum altitude when intercepting air targets by fighters with higher flight-tactical characteristics.

When modifying the missile, a two-position switch (preselector) “S-I” was introduced, which made it possible to use the projectile as part of the T-43, SM-12PM and MiG-19PM interceptors. The position of the switch changed the gain of the radio control unit (altitude correction of the forces exerted on the projectile controls was made, depending on the type of carrier aircraft). The yokes and their attachment to the engine housing were strengthened. The autonomous non-contact radio fuse AR-45M was replaced with the new AR-45M2, and later the more reliable RV-2-US, RV-2-USM and RV-9-U were used. New tracers OTI-30-1 were installed; When equipping the rocket with the RV-9-U fuse, instead of tracers, mock-ups of tracers were attached to the wings. The layout of the K-5MS product did not differ significantly from the basic version, however, flight characteristics improved and the combat altitude was increased to 20.5 km.

The weapon system of the S-9 fighter-interceptor with K-5MS missiles was assigned the code S-51. To guide missiles in the S-51 system, a single-antenna radar TsD-30T was used, which was conveniently located in the central cone of the T-43 air intake. The TsD-30T was developed at KB-1 under the leadership of A.A. Kolosov. In April 1958, another government decree was issued, according to which the T-43 fighter-interceptor and ground system guidance and control "Vozdukh-1" were included as integral elements in the T-3-51 air interception complex. To work together with this system, the T-43 was equipped with an onboard part of the Lazur guidance equipment. The work on creating an interception complex was constantly in the sight of the government.

In the first half of 1958, the Sukhoi Design Bureau modified two production Su-9-T-43-2 and T-43-6 into K-5MS missile carriers for testing, and three more vehicles were built in Novosibirsk at plant No. 153: T-43-3 – in May, T-43-4 and T-43-5 – in August. Factory flight tests of the T-43-2 began in May, the T-43-3 was added to the program in June, and the T-43-6 in July. At the end of August 1958, prototypes of the machines were presented to the customer. However, it was not possible to immediately begin joint testing of the complex, since upon acceptance the customer demanded that the shortcomings of the machines and engines be eliminated.

According to the recollections of Colonel-Engineer A.P. Kozhatikov, a participant in tests of fighter missile weapons, the results of the work of GosNII-6 were constantly in the field of view of the Air Force leadership: the institute was visited more often than others by the Deputy for Armaments of the Air Force Commander-in-Chief P.A. Losyukov and Colonel General A., who replaced him .I. Ponomarev, as well as Commander-in-Chief K.A. Vershinin and his deputies.

On September 2, 1958, the First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and Chairman of the Council of Ministers N.S. Khrushchev came to the training ground in Akhtubinsk. Preparations for this visit were carried out thoroughly - reports were written, stands were set up with basic data on the combat use of aircraft and missiles. A demonstration of the destruction of an Il-28 target aircraft in the air by RS-2-U missiles with a MiG-19PM was practiced. It was successfully completed in the presence of guests by the institute's test pilot M.I. Bobrovitsky.

Other air-to-air missiles - K-6, K-7, K-8 - only underwent factory flight testing and were not ready for display in the air. The ground display was carried out at a special aircraft parking lot. Presenters on air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles awaited guests at booths with basic aircraft and missile data set up next to the aircraft with suspended missiles and missiles on carts. The head of the test team, F.L. Antonovsky, told N.S. Khrushchev and his entourage about the RS-2-US missile.

State tests of the K-5MS missile as part of the T-3-51 interception complex were carried out in two stages: first - general designer- took the period from December 1958 to May 1959, the second - state joint tests - from October 1959 to April 1960. He led the testing team during the state tests of the aviation interception complex of V.P. Belodedenko. Flights under the state test program were performed by OKB test pilots: S.V. Ilyushin, A.A. Koznov, L.G. Kobishchan, E.S. Solovyov, N.M. Krylov and the Air Force Research Institute: G.T. Beregovoi, N.I.Korovushkin, L.N.Fadeev, B.M.Adrianov, V.G.Plyushkin, S.A.Mikoyan, V.I.Petrov and A.S.Devochkin.

During 1959, 93 test launches of the K-5MS were carried out with an overall positive result. The act of completing state tests of the T-3-51 complex was approved on April 23, 1960. By government decree issued in mid-October, the aviation interception complex was adopted by the fighter aircraft of the country's Air Defense Forces.

The complex was put into service under the designation Su-9-51. After this, the K-5MS missile received the designations RS-2-US and R-51.

At that time, when conducting flight tests of rocket technology, the “safety net” method was used. It consisted in the fact that several interceptor fighters were preparing to intercept the target aircraft; if the first interception for some reason was unsuccessful, the target had to be “finished off” by the second interceptor. This is explained by the fact that the expensive radio-controlled target based on the Il-28 could not return to its airfield on its own, so it had to be shot down in any case.

Other aircraft were also used as aerial targets. On January 9, 1959, test pilot S.A. Mikoyan simulated the interception of a Tu-16 bomber using a Su-9. Simulation of interceptions of a high-altitude air target, which was played by the Yak-25RV, was carried out on the Su-9-51 by LII test pilot A.A. Shcherbakov. High-altitude flights with real launches of K-5MS missiles at a high-altitude target simulated by a high-altitude balloon were performed by G.T. Beregovoi.

During the tests of the K-5MS, a flaw in the design was revealed, such as insufficient strength of the joint of the second and third compartments. On RS-2-U missiles, the second and third compartments were joined telescopically and fastened with four wire pins with a diameter of 3 mm, inserted into special annular grooves. After one of the flights, pilot A.S. Devochkin with two K-5MS missiles on a Su-9 suspension rolled out from the concrete runway onto the ground. When the fighter was moving along the ground on one of the missiles, the junction of the second and third compartments was destroyed; The warhead fell to the ground and rolled, creating a real threat to nearby people and equipment. Leading engineer I.N. Saltan, who observed the landing, picked up the warhead and carried it in his arms 50 m away from the runway. The warhead was blown up by sappers.

After this incident, KB-455 changed the design of the joint: products produced in subsequent years were distinguished by the increased thickness of the skin of the second compartment, as well as the number and diameter of screws in the joint. At first, the compartments were connected by a telescopic joint with nine screws with a diameter of 5 mm, later the number of screws increased to twelve, and their diameter to 6 mm.

Simultaneously with the preparation for testing the Su-9-51 aviation interception complex, KB-455 was preparing to work with the interceptor at the A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau. The first flights of the SM-12PM with missiles on the APU-4 as part of factory tests began in May 1958. Factory flight-fire tests of the complex's elements, including missiles, on SM-12PM aircraft took place in September–October 1958 at the GosNII-6 test site. During them, thirteen flights were carried out with seven launches of K-5MS missiles.

Positive results from factory tests made it possible to transfer the SM-12-51 interception complex for state testing in December 1958. They began to carry out them at the beginning of 1959, with the interception of real air targets, but the accident of the SM-12PM aircraft in April, caused by a defect in the RZ-26 engine, led to first the suspension, and then, by order of the chairman of the State Transport Committee of the Russian Federation on July 18, 1959, all work on the testing and development program for the SM-12-51 complex was stopped.

Already in 1959, serial production of RS-2-US missiles was mastered simultaneously at several factories. Plant No. 455 switched from producing K-5M to K-5MS in the second half of 1959 and produced 2400, in 1960 - 3170, in 1961 - 540 products. In addition, Plant No. 455 produced operational training and cut-off training missiles RS-2-US, as well as pre-training positions for PPP-51 missiles.

At Moscow plant No. 43, the first batch was delivered to the customer on August 20, 1959, and in total 1000 missiles were produced in 1959, 2278 in 1960, and 3500 in 1961. Rocket production at the plant continued until 1964. Kiev plant No. 485 named after Artem produced 1500 RS-2-US in 1959, 2500 in 1960, and 3500 in 1961. The production of RS-2-US in 1959 was mastered by Kovrov plant No. 575, which produced 830 missiles, and in 1960, 500 K-5MS missiles were produced by Izhevsk plant No. 622.

One of the points of the order of the chairman of the GKAT, issued in August 1958, provided for the development of a jet weapons system with the installation of a TsD-30 (RP-21) radar and two air-to-air missiles next year on two MiG-21Fs. The A.I. Mikoyan Design Bureau began developing the future E-7 in full accordance with this order. The placement of the antenna unit of the TsD-30 station in the central body of the VZU (instead of the radio range finder) caused a change in the geometry of the air intake: an increase in the size of the movable cone and shell, which led to an increase in drag, which was compensated by an increase in engine thrust. At the same time, to reduce the weight of the aircraft structure, the cannon and RV-U radio altimeter were dismantled and the ASP-5ND sight was replaced with a simpler collimator PKI.

The first E-7/1 prototype was equipped with Lazur equipment for guiding the interceptor from the ground with the Vozdukh-1 system. The fighter was developed for two types of missiles: K-5MS and K-13. The K-13 missiles were suspended on APU-13 launchers attached to the pylons, and the K-5MS missiles were suspended on the APU-7. The first flights on the E-7/1 were performed by test pilot I.N. Kravtsov in the fall of 1958. State tests of the RS-2-U missile took place in September 1963, and it was recommended for inclusion in the armament of the MiG-21PF fighter-interceptor, which was one of the E-7 variants. RS-2-U missiles appeared on the MiG-21PF from the 15th aircraft of the 16th series.

In 1962, by order of the Chairman of the GKAT, P.V. Dementyev, the MiG-21PF (serial number 76210101) was modified, equipping it with a noise-immune station TsD-30TP and APU-7 launchers for the use of RS-2-US missiles. In March 1962, joint state tests of a new station as part of an aircraft began, and from mid-1962 to 1963, a missile weapons system. The tests confirmed the possibility of combat use of missile weapons at low altitudes of the order of 2 km instead of 4 km with the TsD-30T. The development of the radar continued for several years. The K-51 system was adopted by the Air Force in 1965 as part of the MiG-21PFM.

Even during the testing of the RS-2-U missile on the MiG-19PM in the test team, many of whose members participated in the Great Patriotic War, and at conferences held at GosNII-6, the question arose about the rational use of the missile. Repeatedly, referring to the experience of the past war, discussion participants expressed the opinion on the advisability of destroying enemy front-line aviation at airfields. After some time, these wishes took shape in a task given to one of the test participants. In 1959, the head of the department, R.Ya. Filyaev, instructed the leading engineer I.N. Saltan, as an aviation weapons specialist who knew the ASP-5NM sight well, to write a work program for firing missiles from a MiG-19PM fighter at a ground target. Nine RS-2-U missiles were allocated for the work. As a target, a circle was drawn on the ground, divided into sectors by a cross. Test pilots E.N. Knyazev, M.I. Bobrovitsky and L.A. Peterin took part in the work. The launch was carried out in a dive from a height of 5–7 km at a minimum speed at an angle of 25–35° to the ground. The duration of the dive was 14–15 m. To analyze the results, shooting at a ground target in the approach area was recorded by three photographers: two from the sides and one from behind.

Two missiles flew 10 km and exploded. One of the missiles exploded 500 m from the command post. During one of the launches, the pilot began to recover from the dive before the missile hit the target. K-5M, located in the equal-signal zone, began to perform a slide and self-destructed after a specified time.

Analyzing the results of the work, it was established that the radio fuse was triggered at a height of 9–11 m. The meeting point with the target was behind the cross. Now they began to take the aiming point when shooting at a ground target 5 m in front of the target.

After the Air Force leadership familiarized itself with the results of the launches, a decision was made to conduct full-scale research in 1959–1960. For this purpose, about 50 RS-2-U missiles were allocated. The targets used were Tu-4 and Il-28 aircraft, cars and the Comet anti-ship missile. Test pilots of GosNII-6 L.A. Peterin, M.I. Bobrovitsky, Popov, Gomon and two pilots from the Lipetsk Air Force Combat Training Center took part in the tests. The work was carried out at the training ground in Kapustin Yar, which had a target field equipped with film theodolites. Based on its results, a report was made that confirmed the possibility of targeted firing of air-to-air guided missiles at a ground target, and noted that to increase the combat effectiveness of launches against a ground target, a more powerful warhead is needed. Based on the report, N.I. Saltan wrote an article for a departmental magazine, in which combat pilots were given recommendations on the combat use of RS-2-U missiles.

In October 1959, engineers of plant No. 455 G.A. Kagan and V.N. Morozov, as well as specialists from Moscow plant No. 663 and the Novosibirsk radio plant, were sent to assist in the development of the production of RS-2-U missiles by the Chinese aviation industry. The missiles were assembled at a plant 200 km north of Beijing with the participation of G.A. Kagan, who coordinated the work of a group of Soviet specialists. The remaining members of the group worked at a factory in Tian Jing province, which mastered the production of radio control equipment, radio fuse and control gear. Working together with Soviet specialists were Chinese engineers, graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute, who underwent practical training in 1957–1958 at plant No. 455. The first batch of Chinese-assembled PL-1 missiles was prepared for testing in the summer of 1960, during which the failure of the radio fuses was recorded. The missiles, manufactured in the USSR, launched under the same conditions by a Chinese pilot, worked reliably. Chinese specialists began searching for the reasons for the refusal, and our specialists, by order of the government, returned to their homeland in September 1960.

The RS-2-US missile was in service until the early 1980s. It contributed to the establishment and development of the direction of guided missile weapons for fighter aircraft in the domestic aviation industry, as well as the acquisition of experience in operating this class of weapons by air force and air defense combat units.

The author expresses sincere gratitude to the veterans: GosNII-6 and State Research Institute of the Air Force I.N. Saltan, A.P. Kozhatikov, State Research and Production Center “Zvezda-Strela” V.V. Lebedev, S.M. Vinogradov; employee of OJSC MKB Fakel V.N. Korovin, employee of OJSC Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation A.I. Filatov, employee of the Russian State Academy of Aerospace Engineering L.S. Koroleva for help in preparing the article
