In which month are the most babies born? Statistics in Russia and the world What date are people most often born?

Doctors have established the optimal age for the birth of their first child - 21-26 years old, but many women continue to postpone their first birth until 35 years old. This tendency is associated with the desire to build a career and achieve success. Late motherhood, regarding the firstborn, has a number of alarming moments among doctors. An older woman is at greater risk of pregnancy problems, the risk of various gene mutations increases, and we must not forget about past and acquired diseases that leave a mark on health. A man's age plays a similar role important role. Scientists have proven that a man’s fertility begins to decrease at the age of thirty (the chances of conceiving decrease). The biological clock is ticking, not paying attention to career plans; it is worth listening to the opinions and recommendations of doctors. Most couples began to plan a pregnancy, visiting doctors in advance and improving their health. Couples also choose best month for the birth of a child.

Scientists have long been interested in the question of time better conception. For centuries, people have noted that the health and development of a child largely depends on the time of birth; scientists picked up this idea and began to develop and study it. Thanks to research, it has become known which months are favorable for the birth of a baby. According to studies, children born in winter are more susceptible to various diseases. Doctors associated this trend with the peak of viral, infectious diseases, weakening the immune system and affecting normal development. Social factors also play an important role; research has proven the following: the well-being of the family and the education of the parents leave an imprint on the development of the baby. To find out as accurately as possible best period conception, birth without taking into account social factors, studies were conducted among families with several children born in different months. It has been proven again: the seasonal factor plays a key role in the development of children.

The best months to conceive a child are summer: According to statistics, babies are born strong and get sick less. May turned out to be the most unfavorable month; the number of cases of premature births, causing birth defects, is increasing.

What time of year is it better to give birth, the pros and cons of the seasons

When planning conception, each couple knows in what period of the year the baby will appear. Doctors have determined what time of year is best to give birth and have identified the pros and cons of a particular season.

Winter. Having conceived in the winter, the birth will take place in the fall. The first trimester is the peak of infectious and cold diseases. This period is dangerous, organs are laid, viruses, infections can negatively affect the development of organs, plus the possibility of miscarriage remains. Future mom should take care, avoid places with large crowds of people, try to increase immunity, eat right. Autumn births are not the most better weather. Frequent rains, dampness, and cold can interfere with the long walks necessary for the baby; outbreaks of ARVI are dangerous. The positive thing is that the last period of gestation occurs in cool weather: low likelihood of swelling and poor sleep.

Spring. The birth will take place in winter. Conception in the spring is associated with the weakening of the organisms of the mother and father. Lack of vitamins causes hypovitaminosis; various vitamin and mineral complexes solve the problem. The first trimester is intersected with respiratory diseases, the last with cold, slippery weather, fraught with injuries and falls. Positive points include the absence of heat, cold helps to endure the last trimester easier.

Summer. The birth will take place in the spring. Summer is best time conceiving a baby. Beautiful weather. Fresh fruits, vegetables will help replenish vitamin reserves. The diet is healthy, nutritious, rich in nutrients, minerals. You will have to give birth in the spring, but hypovitaminosis of a nursing mother can negatively affect the baby, so it is very important to adhere to a healthy, varied diet that replenishes vitamin reserves as much as possible.

Autumn. Give birth in the summer. In autumn, the vitamin reserve is at a high level, which is very important for the well-being of the mother, good growth an embryo that receives the necessary vitamin elements from the mother’s body. There is an unfavorable point - getting sick in the first trimester is dangerous, and autumn is a period of increased incidence of influenza. Similar is winter period. The last trimester will pass in hot summer, a woman may experience problems with sleep and swelling. Heat and stuffiness contribute to the deterioration of health, the production of melatonin, which contributes to favorable health, decreases.

In which month are the most babies born?
According to experts, most children are born in the autumn month of September. Consequently, most conceptions occur in December. So, according to statistics, maternity hospitals in the UK accept greatest number women giving birth precisely in September - approximately forty weeks after conception.

Statistics show that about 9% of all babies are born on September 16, i.e. The most fertile day was December 11th.

Experts explain this pattern by the following factors:

The quality of seed increases in the cold season;

The health level of parents in December is in better condition (by this month, useful vitamins and minerals accumulate in the body over the summer and autumn, and the body is not yet depleted by winter colds);

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I was afraid of this too. They also warned that there are a lot of women giving birth in September :) (though I didn’t give birth in Ukraine). But I was lucky, there was a place for me :)

I’m due at the end of August, at the beginning of September☺ I couldn’t get pregnant for 5 years, and then in December my dream came true.

- and I gave birth in spring 🤣🤣🤣💞💞

And I consistently got pregnant in September;)))) I’m afraid of this month like hell🙈🙈🙈I told my husband not to come near me in September🤣🤣🤣Both daughters were born in June (06.06 and 08.06)

- @romawka84, 😂😂😂well, if you think of a third one, you know exactly when you need to try👌🏻

- @anna_nikolaevna, no no no, that’s it 😉🤣 Three twins in an apartment (I’m also from June) that’s enough 🤣🤣🤣

Don’t panic, there’s enough room for you in the maternity hospital🙈☺️I haven’t heard of anyone being sent home to give birth or asked to wait 😂Everything will be fine😉

- @romawka84, I’m also a Gemini, my son is a Capricorn, my husband is a Virgo... I need support😂I need a Gemini daughter🙈😂💪🏼

- @anna_nikolaevna, SEPTEMBER🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣ahead🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😉😉😉

Damn it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I’m also due in September)))

I was in pathology. The nurses said that on September 30 they received the most women in labor (35 babies were born during the night). My PDA was set for October 1st, I gave birth on October 7😀

And we are September)))

- @romawka84, uh no, not so fast🙈but I’ll remember about September now😂😂😂😉

I gave birth to my first in September and now the date is August 29th👍the difference is 2 weeks. I'm not worried. There's enough room for everyone!!!

Even cool! My son was born on City Day! We received money, a skip-the-line pass to any garden in the city, a jewelry box and a bunch of pearls. I liked it😊childbirth is a plus

Cool! I didn’t know that I was also due in September. We didn’t use any protection for half a year, but it all happened in December. Maybe everything that is written is true. 🤔😀

- @juljetta8788 I see you and I have a difference of 1 day, you have 21 weeks and 6 days, and I have 21 weeks and 7 days. When do you get a traffic license?

Of course it's true! in December everyone in the world relaxes new year holidays🥂🍷💃🏼 we didn’t worry too much and we’ll turn out like September 😎🤘🏻

- @ladydg87ukr is the due date already known?

- @varenuy-look, PDR 26, I hope we can squeeze in September))

- @ladydg87ukr I bet, how come? We are a week older than you, according to an ultrasound they put me on September 25th, in a month on September 19th

A! I see already

- @varenuy-look, 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe you are bigger than us) I would be glad to move to 19.09 - my husband has a birthday 😂🎁

I'm also due in September. Or maybe conception in December is a miracle? Magic.... New Year after all!

Every day many babies are born in our world, but according to statistics, every seven seconds one child is born in the world. And yet, children are born both in summer and winter. But experts made some statistics to calculate in which month and at what time of year the most children are born.
As it turns out, most babies are born in the fall, or more specifically, in the month of September.

Thanks to the same statistics, you can find out that 9% of all children are born on September 16, and the most fertile day ended up being December 11.
This pattern is quite easy to explain, and experts give several reasons.

During the cold season, the quality of the semen increases significantly, moreover, just in time for winter, the health of the parents is in much better condition, because over the summer the body has accumulated many useful vitamins and minerals, but has not yet been depleted by various colds.
Well, the simplest and most banal factor is that in December people have more time for themselves, because the New Year holidays are ahead.

Women have always given birth, are giving birth and will give birth. This process does not depend on the time of year. But they highlight the months in which the largest number of children are born.

The peak of birth rates abroad occurs in different months than in Russia. If you look at the statistics of the USSR, you can see something interesting.

World fertility

English doctors assure that the peak birth rate in their country occurs in September. And to be completely precise, on the 16th. On this day, 9% of the total number of babies are born.

It's not just the UK that enjoys a fruitful September. IN Western Europe it is no less popular among newborns. They prefer to be born in September.

In which months are the most babies born? IN European countries it's August.

Fertility in Russia

Russia differs from the West in everything. Including peak birth month. In which month are more children born in our country?

If we look at the statistics compiled in the USSR, we will find interesting point. The peak birth rate from 1956 to 1973 occurred in January. And two years later, from 1975 to 1988, July became the most popular month.

In what month have the most babies been born since 1990? The first place is shared by January and July. They alternate with each other. It happens that the peak birth rate “leaves” for neighboring months. In 2015, for example, it fell in August.

What is fertility related to?

We found out in which month the most children are born here and abroad. These are January, July and September. A little less often - August. And this happens in Western countries and in Russia.

English doctors found out why at first autumn month peak birth rate occurs.

    In winter, the seed is more active.

    IN winter time year the human body is at its peak of activity. The minerals and vitamins “gained” in summer have an effect.

    First cold month in England - December. People prefer home gatherings. At home, mutual attraction grows.

What is in Russia?

We now know in which month the most children are born. This is July and January. Why is this happening? The past is telling, when weddings in Rus' took place in October-November. This was due to the end of the harvest. After which it was time for weddings. The child, born in July, was the product of an October wedding.

Spring babies are born in January. April is the month of their creation, when spring comes into its own. The first grass appears, the sun begins to really warm up. Everything comes to life, and this awakening affects the human body. People say that hormones are starting to play. And couples are simply unable to resist them.

Fertile day

And again we will return to Foggy Albion. British doctors are very scrupulous. They took the trouble to calculate the fertile day of babies born on September 16th. It turned out that the babies were conceived on December 11th.

Our doctors have not yet reached this point. And no one has calculated a specific number. There are simply peak birth months.


After the collapse of the USSR, there was a sharp decline in the birth rate. In 1992, the mortality rate exceeded the birth rate in our country for the first time. This sharp decline is primarily due to fear. In the heady 90s, people were afraid to have children. There was no confidence in the future.

Present tense

Statistics show that there is population growth in Russia. Since 2015, it has been slowly moving upward.

In 2015, the largest number of babies were born in August. The eighth month of 2016, on the contrary, was marked by the lowest birth rate.

As for 2017, October, oddly enough, leads in the number of children born.


We found out in which months the most children are born in Russia. We also found out statistics from foreign countries.

In fact, fertility is difficult to predict. These statistics are calculated on average. One at a time, as they say, is not necessary.
