All-Russian Olympiad - Olympiad tasks - work programs - Oksana Mikhailovna Gornaeva. Organisms that feed on plants are called

With answers

Exercise 1. The task contains questions, each of which has several answer options; among them only one is true. Mark the correct answer by underlining it.


1. The main structural and functional element of the human body is:

a – Organ; b – Cell; c – Fabric.

2. Which of the listed scientists proposed the term “ecology” and gave a definition to this science?

a - Jean Baptiste Lamarck; b - Charles Darwin;

c - Ernst Haeckel; Mr. Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev.

3. Insects can be recognized among other arthropods by the presence of:

a – Chitin cover; b – Three pairs of legs;

c – Jointed limbs; d – Body parts.

4. Hereditary information in the cell is encrypted in molecules:

a – ATP; b – DNA; c – Belkov.

5. What is the role of destructive organisms in the cycle of substances in nature?

a – They decompose the remains of dead organisms to organic matter;

b – Serve as food for plants;

c – Create organic substances from inorganic ones;

d – Enrich the atmosphere with oxygen.

6. The aphid-ant relationship is:

a – Predation; b – Symbiosis; c – Ammensalism.

7. The main feature of the mushroom kingdom:

a – Presence of a nucleus in the cells; b - The presence of a shell of chitin-like substance;

c – Nutrition with prepared organic substances;

d – Cellular structure of organisms.

8. The transport function in the body is performed by:

a – Blood; b – Adipose tissue; c – Cartilage tissue.

9. Plants that have reached the highest level of organization in the process of evolution are:

c – Fern-like; d – Bryophytes.

10. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the formation of:

a – Belkov; b – Zhirov; c – Carbohydrates and fats.

11. Mycorrhiza:

a – Fruiting body of the mushroom; b – Symbiosis of a mushroom and tree roots;

c – Plant disease caused by fungi; d – Part of the mycelium.

12. Warm-blooded animals include:

a – Birds; b – Insects; c – Reptiles.

13. Plants of the monocot class have:

a – Leaves with parallel veins, tap root system;

b – Leaves with parallel and arched veins, fibrous root system;

c – Leaves with reticulate venation, tap root system;

d – Leaves with reticulate veining, fibrous root system.

14. Cluster of neuron cell bodies outside the central nervous system called:

a – Nerve ganglia; b – Nerves; c – Receptors.

15 . About unity organic world testifies:

a – Relationship of organisms with the environment;

b – Adaptation of organisms to their environment;

c – Similarity in the structure and activity of cells of organisms from different kingdoms


d – Interconnection of cells in the body.

16. Characteristic only for living organisms:

a – Weight loss; b – Change in color;

c – Breathing; d – Interaction with the environment.

17. Mushrooms feed on:

a – Forming organic substances in the light;

b – Ready-made organic substances;

c – Only organic substances of living organisms;

d – Living on food.

18. Reproduction of mushrooms, mosses, ferns is carried out:

a – With the help of spores; b – By cell division;

c – Using seeds; d – Using cuttings.

19. Which of the following scientists created the theory of the biosphere?

a – Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev; b – Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky;

c – Carl Linnaeus; d – Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov.

20. Section of botany that studies mosses:

a – Bryology; b – Lichenology; c – Pteridology; d – Algology.

21 . A cell that does not have a formed nucleus belongs to:

a – Bacteria; b – Plant; c – Grib; d – Animal.

22. Muscles are attached to bones by:

a – Periosteum; b – Tendons; c – Cartilage.

23 . The formation of organic substances from inorganic substances occurs in the process:

a – Breathing; b – Movement of substances;

c – Photosynthesis; d – Absorption of substances from the soil.

24. The main function of mitochondria:

a – DNA synthesis; b – ATP synthesis; c – Synthesis of carbohydrates.

25. Unlike organisms of all kingdoms of living nature, viruses:

a – They do not have a cellular structure; b – This is one cell without a nucleus;

c - This is one cell with a nucleus; g - This is a dispute.

26. Organisms that feed on ready-made organic substances, whose body

consists of hyphae, - these are:

a – Animals; b – Mushrooms; c – Plants; d – Lichens.

27. The most common elements in the cells of living organisms are:

a – Oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen; b – Nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur;

c – Carbon, phosphorus, hydrogen, oxygen.

28. Inanimate factors:

a – Lichens, mosses; b – Fungi, bacteria;

c – Water, air, light; d – Unicellular plants and animals.

29. Cell membrane:

a – Has selective insight for various substances;

b – Impenetrable; c – Completely permeable to any substances.

30. Glands internal secretion released into the blood:

a – Vitamins; b – Mineral salts; c – Hormones.

31. Which cell is shown in the picture?

a – Mushroom; b – Animal; c – Vegetable; d – Bacterial.

a – They are natural communities;

b – They are artificial communities;

c – Occupied similar species plants and animals;

d – Located close to each other.

33. In the process of evolution, mosses have achieved a more complex structure compared to:

a – Ferns; b – Mushrooms;

c – Algae; d – Lichens.

Fill in the missing word:

34. Chromosomes are made up of DNA and are clearly visible during the .................................... cell.

35. Organisms that feed plant foods, are called ……………first order.

36. One of distinctive features like a person biological species is articulate……..

37. Indicate the name of the environmental object according to its components:

Biotope + biocenosis = ………………………..

38. Most cells consist of a nucleus and cytoplasm covered on the outside……….

39. In any community there is a limited number of trophic levels originating from plant organisms, which are called............

40 …..……. - the science of the structure of the human body.

Task 2.


1 . What is the structure and function of the cell nucleus?

2. What groups are factors divided into? environment? On what basis are environmental factors combined into these groups?

3. List the existing kingdoms of living things.

4. What is the difference between the concepts “habitat” and “ecological niche”?

5. What are the differences between the concepts “community” and “ecosystem”?

6. How are flowering plants adapted to pollination by insects?

7. List the main characteristics of living beings.

8. What properties does an aquatic habitat have?

9. What is the organization (structure) of any ecosystem?

10. How do cells interact with each other and organelles within a cell?

Task 3.


1. How are human and animal cells fundamentally different from plant cells?

2. Why is the more complex the system, the higher its stability? Why is it inevitable that insect pests, weeds, and diseases will multiply in impoverished communities (such as agricultural monocultures)?

3. What type plant community(phytocenosis) in the row: deciduous forest – shrubs – meadow – steppe is characterized by the greatest diversity of ecological niches? Explain your choice.

4. List the levels of organization of living matter. What level of science does ecology study?

5. What signs indicate that a lichen is a symbiotic organism?

6. Scientists believe that in the process of evolution of precellular forms into cellular structures, very important point there was membrane formation. Explain why?

7. Why do people breed mainly herbivorous animals? Give examples of carnivore breeding.

8. Most algae are green, but deep sea algae are red. Give an explanation for this phenomenon.

9. Why does biological diversity play an important role in preserving the biosphere?

10. The figure shows two seedlings of the same age. Describe the conditions under which the seedling (A) developed compared to the conditions under which the seedling (B) developed.

11. What happens if natural community destroy all producers of organic matter?

12. For what purpose does a person create nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries?

14. What explains the differences in the structure of the skeletons of the human hand and the forelimb of mammals?

15. What are the main structural features of viruses? Why do viruses occupy a borderline position between living and inanimate nature?

Task 4.

1. What are the consequences of destroying predators in order to save the prey population (for example, mass shooting of wolves to preserve the number of deer)? What happens to the prey population freed from the pressure of predators (using the example of deer)? Why is the desired result (an increase in the number of livestock) achieved only in the beginning and a short time? What conclusion can be drawn regarding the ecological role of predators?

2. What environmental problems of the biosphere are the most acute on the planet at present? Give examples. What problems are most pressing in the Kaliningrad region? Suggest possible ways solutions environmental problems in your region.

3. Some types of mushrooms have a green thallus. Why can’t they be attributed to the plant kingdom, because the presence of chlorophyll in plant cells gives them green color? Justify your answer.

Exercise 1

1 – b; 2 – in; 3 – b; 4 – b; 5 – a; 6 – b; 7 – b; 8 – a; 9 – a;

10 – in; 11 – b; 12 –a; 13 – b; 14 – a; 15 – in; 16 – in; 17 – b; 18 – a; 19 – b; 20 – a;

21 – a; 22 – b; 23 – in; 24 – b; 25 – a; 26 – b; 27 – a; 28 – in; 29 – a; 30 – in; 31 – b; 32 – a; 33 – a;

34 – interphase; 35 – consumers; 36 – speech; 37 – ecosystem; 38 – membrane; 39 – producers; 40 – anatomy.

Task 2

Answer. The nucleus contains hereditary information about the characteristics of a given cell and the whole organism, which is realized in the synthesis of certain proteins (1 point). Outside – nuclear membrane, inside – chromatin with compactions – nucleoli (1 point). Answer. On biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic (1 point). They are grouped according to the way they affect organisms. (1 point). Answer Animals, plants, bacteria and fungi (1 point). Due to the presence of a cell wall in the cell structure, the similarity in external structure, in reproduction (presence of spores), etc. plants used to unite with fungi and bacteria into one kingdom (1 point). Answer. An ecological niche is the place occupied by a species (more precisely, its population) in a community (biocenosis), a complex of its biocenotic connections and requirements for abiotic environmental factors. Habitat refers to the living conditions of a population, including ecotope, biocenosis (1 point). An ecological niche is the sum of factors for the existence of a given species, the main one of which is its place in the food chain (1 point). Answer. Each organism or population has its own habitat: the area or type of area where it lives. When multiple populations various types living organisms live in one place and interact with each other, they create a so-called community, or biological community (1 point). Thus, a community is a complex of interconnected populations different types living in a certain territory with more or less homogeneous living conditions. An ecosystem is a collection of communities interacting with chemical and physical factors that create a non-living environment. In other words, an ecosystem is a system formed by a biotic community and an abiotic environment (1 point). Plant pollination is the stage of sexual reproduction of seed plants, the process of transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma of the pistil in angiosperms (1 point). Among the adaptations of flowering plants are: Bright color of the corolla, aroma, as well as features in the arrangement of the stamens and stigma of the pistil (1 point). Answer. Cellular structure, the presence of organic substances in living organisms (sugar, starch, fat, protein, nucleic acids And inorganic substances: water and mineral salts), metabolism, reproduction, heredity and variability, irritability, ability to move (1 point). Metabolism – main feature living things, including nutrition, respiration, transport of substances, their transformation and the creation of substances and structures of one’s own body from them, the release of energy in some processes and use in others, the release final products vital activity (1 point). Answer. Characteristic properties aquatic environment, different from sushi, are high density, mobility, acidity, ability to dissolve gases and salts (1 point). For all these conditions, hydrobionts have historically developed appropriate adaptations. (1 point). Answer. Ecosystems are made up of living and nonliving components, called biotic and abiotic, respectively. The set of living organisms of a biotic component is called a community (biocenosis). Biotic is divided into phytocenosis, microbiocenosis and zoocenosis. The nonliving, or abiotic, component of an ecosystem mainly includes 1) soil or water and 2) climate. The concept of climate includes parameters such as light, temperature and humidity (1 point). All components of the ecosystem are in interaction (1 point). Answer. Through cell membranes, cytoplasmic bridges and intercellular substance (1 point). Through hyaloplasm (1 point).

Task 3

Answer. Due to the destruction of wolves in the population, there will be a surge in the deer population (1 point), since the natural population regulator will be destroyed (1 point). This can lead to catastrophic consequences, since the food resources of the deer will be destroyed (eaten), which will then lead to the extinction of the deer (1 point). The increase in numbers initially proceeds like an avalanche until environmental resources are exhausted (environmental capacity) (1 point). Thus, the ecological role of predators in regulating the number of prey and maintaining balance in the ecosystem (1 point). Answer. Humanity, especially in recent decades, has had a strong impact on the environment. natural environment, disrupting the processes in it (1 point). In this regard, various global problems in the biosphere (1 point). The main ones are: disruption of biochemical cycles of substances, soil erosion, pollution of all spheres of the planet: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, greenhouse effect, deforestation, habitat reduction, desertification, extermination of species, resource depletion (1 point). In the Kaliningrad region, there are currently acute problems of forest reduction, reduction of natural habitats, adventitization of flora and fauna, and environmental pollution (1 point). The following measures can be proposed: solving air pollution problems by improving roads and building bridges; reducing the number of boiler houses and converting them to gaseous fuel; recycling; taking punitive measures for environmental pollution; adoption of the forest code, etc. (1 point). Answer. Basic characteristic feature plant cell - presence of chloroplasts (1 point) and chlorophyll (1 point). This pigment gives the plant's body a green color. (1 point). Thanks to it, photosynthesis occurs - the most important process on the ground (1 point). The green color of the thallus of some fungi and lichens is determined by the presence of other pigments, and, therefore, is not a reason to classify them as a plant kingdom (1 point).

Part I You are offered test tasks, requiring the choice of only one answer out of four possible. Maximum amount points, which can be scored -10 (1 point for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

1. Wind pollinated plant:

a) chamomile;

b) dandelion;

c) clover;

d) wheat.

2. An animal that is single-celled:

a) ciliate-slipper;

b) earthworm;

c) butterfly;

d) jellyfish.

3. The formation of spores by bacteria is an adaptation to:

a) movement;

b) reproduction;

d) enduring unfavorable conditions.

4. What are the names of organisms that feed on others:

a) omnivores;

c) predators;

d) herbivores.

5. What is the name of the plant organ necessary for its sexual reproduction:

a) root;

b) stem;

c) flower;

6. Which science belongs to the natural sciences:

a) mathematics;

b) literature;

c) physical culture;

d) geography.

7. What is the name of the method in biology that confirms the presence of starch in plant cells.

a) experiment;

b) measurement;

c) observation;

d) description.

8. Mushrooms are not capable of photosynthesis because:

a) are small in size;

b) they live in the soil;

c) do not have chlorophyll;

9. The underground part of the plant is called:

a) root;

b) stem;

d) flower.

10. What discovery did Robert Hooke make:

a) discovered plant cells for the first time;

b) created the doctrine of the biosphere;

c) explained the origin of animal and plant species;

d) opened blood circulation.

Part II. You are offered test tasks with one answer option out of four possible, but requiring preliminary multiple choice. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 5 (1 point for each test task). The index of the answer that you consider to be the most complete and correct, indicate in the answer matrix.

1. What are the signs of living organisms:

1) selection;

2) reproduction;

3) movement;

4) food;

5) release of oxygen.

2. Domesticated animals are:

1) sheep;

2) elk;

3) chickens;

4) pigs;

5) wolf.

3. K circulatory system include:

1) stomach;

2) heart;

3) muscles;

4) arteries;

5) vein.

4. The anthropogenic factor is:

1) volcanic eruption;

2) emissions from enterprises;

3) arable land;

4) avalanche;

5) deforestation.

5. Natural communities include:

1) field;

2) park;

3) vegetable garden;

4) forest;

5) meadow.

PartIII. You are offered test tasks in the form of judgments, with each of which you must either agree or reject. In the answer matrix, indicate the answer option “yes” or “no”. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 5 (1 point for each test task).

1. Bacteria reproduce by dividing in two;

2. All living organisms have a cellular structure;

3. When breathing, the body receives oxygen;

4. Animals that eat only plants are called omnivores;

5. Respiratory organs - lungs, belongs to plants.

PartIV. You are offered test tasks that require matching. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 1. Fill out the answer matrices in accordance with the requirements of the tasks [max. 0.2 points].

1. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of an organism (A-E) and the kingdom (1-2) for which it is characteristic.

Signs: Kingdoms:

A) grow throughout life; 1. Plants

B) actively move in space; 2. Animals

C) feed on ready-made organic substances;

D) form organic substances during photosynthesis;

D) have sense organs;

E) are the main source of oxygen on Earth.



Response Matrix

Part 1.

Part 2.



Part 4.

[max. 0.2 points]



Olympiad tasks, Biology Olympiads

Exercise 1.
The task contains questions, each of which has several answer options; Among them, only one is faithful.

1. The main structural and functional element of the human body is:

a – Organ; b – Cell; c – Fabric.

2. Which of the listed scientists proposed the term “ecology” and gave a definition to this science?

a - Jean Baptiste Lamarck; b - Charles Darwin;

c - Ernst Haeckel; Mr. Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev.

3. Insects can be recognized among other arthropods by the presence of:

a – Chitin cover; b – Three pairs of legs;

c – Jointed limbs; d – Body parts.

4. Hereditary information in the cell is encrypted in molecules:

a – ATP; b – DNA; c – Belkov.

5. What is the role of destructive organisms in the cycle of substances in nature?

a – Decompose the remains of dead organisms into inorganic substances;

b – Serve as food for plants;

c – Create organic substances from inorganic ones;

d – Enrich the atmosphere with oxygen.

6. The aphid-ant relationship is:

a – Predation; b – Symbiosis; c – Ammensalism.

7. The main feature of the mushroom kingdom:

a – Presence of a nucleus in the cells; b - The presence of a shell of chitin-like substance;

c – Nutrition with prepared organic substances;

d – Cellular structure of organisms.

8. The transport function in the body is performed by:

a – Blood; b – Adipose tissue; c – Cartilage tissue.

9. Plants that have reached the highest level of organization in the process of evolution are:

c – Fern-like; d – Bryophytes.

10. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the formation of:

a – Belkov; b – Zhirov; c – Carbohydrates and fats.

11. Mycorrhiza:

a – Fruiting body of the mushroom; b – Symbiosis of a mushroom and tree roots;

c – Plant disease caused by fungi; d – Part of the mycelium.

12. Warm-blooded animals include:

a – Birds; b – Insects; c – Reptiles.

13. Plants of the monocot class have:

a – Leaves with parallel veins, tap root system;

b – Leaves with parallel and arched veins, fibrous root system;

c – Leaves with reticulate venation, tap root system;

d – Leaves with reticulate veining, fibrous root system.

14. A collection of neuron cell bodies outside the central nervous system is called:

a – Nerve ganglia; b – Nerves; c – Receptors.

15. The unity of the organic world is evidenced by:

a – Relationship of organisms with the environment;

b – Adaptation of organisms to their environment;

c – Similarity of the structure and functioning of cells of organisms from different kingdoms of living nature;

d – Interconnection of cells in the body.

16. Characteristic only for living organisms:

a – Weight loss; b – Change in color;

c – Breathing; d – Interaction with the environment.

17. Mushrooms feed on:

a – Forming organic substances in the light;

b – Ready-made organic substances;

c – Only organic substances of living organisms;

d – Living on food.

18. Reproduction of mushrooms, mosses, ferns is carried out:

a – With the help of spores; b – By cell division;

c – Using seeds; d – Using cuttings.

19. Which of the following scientists created the theory of the biosphere?

a – Vladimir Nikolaevich Sukachev; b – Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky;

c – Carl Linnaeus; d – Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov.

20. Section of botany that studies mosses:

a – Bryology; b – Lichenology; c – Pteridology; d – Algology.

21 . A cell that does not have a formed nucleus belongs to:

a – Bacteria; b – Plant; c – Mushroom; d – Animal.

22. Muscles are attached to bones by:

a – Periosteum; b – Tendons; c – Cartilage.

23 . The formation of organic substances from inorganic substances occurs in the process:

a – Breathing; b – Movement of substances;

c – Photosynthesis; d – Absorption of substances from the soil.

24. The main function of mitochondria:

a – DNA synthesis; b – ATP synthesis; c – Synthesis of carbohydrates.

25. Unlike organisms of all kingdoms of living nature, viruses:

a – They do not have a cellular structure; b – This is one cell without a nucleus;

c - This is one cell with a nucleus; g - This is a dispute.

26. Organisms that feed on ready-made organic substances, the body of which consists of hyphae, are:

a – Animals; b – Mushrooms; c – Plants; d – Lichens.

27. The most common elements in the cells of living organisms are:

a – Oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen; b – Nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur;

c – Carbon, phosphorus, hydrogen, oxygen.

28. Inanimate factors:

a – Lichens, mosses; b – Fungi, bacteria;

c – Water, air, light; d – Unicellular plants and animals.

29. Cell membrane:

a – Has selective insight for various substances;

b – Impermeable; c – Completely permeable to any substances.

30. Endocrine glands secrete into the blood:

a – Vitamins; b – Mineral salts; c – Hormones.

31. Which cell is shown in the picture?

a – Mushroom; b – Animal; c – Plant; d – Bacterial.

32. A forest and a pond have a lot in common, as they:

a – They are natural communities;

b – They are artificial communities;

c – Inhabited by similar species of plants and animals;

d – Located close to each other.

33. In the process of evolution, mosses have achieved a more complex structure compared to:

a – Ferns; b – Mushrooms;

c – Algae; d – Lichens.

Fill in the missing word:

34. Chromosomes are made up of DNA and are clearly visible during the .................................... cell.

35. Organisms that feed on plant foods are called ……………first order.

36. One of the distinguishing features of humans as a biological species is articulation..........

37. Indicate the name of the ecological object according to its components: Biotope + biocenosis = ……….

38. Most cells consist of a nucleus and cytoplasm covered on the outside……….

39. In any community there is a limited number of trophic levels originating from plant organisms, which are called............

40 …..……. - the science of the structure of the human body.

Task 2.

1 . What is the structure and function of the cell nucleus?

2. What groups are environmental factors conventionally divided into?
On what basis are environmental factors combined into these groups?

3. List the existing kingdoms of living things.

4. What is the difference between the concepts “habitat” and “ecological niche”?

5. What are the differences between the concepts “community” and “ecosystem”?

6. How are flowering plants adapted to pollination by insects?

7. List the main characteristics of living beings.

8. What properties does an aquatic habitat have?

9. What is the organization (structure) of any ecosystem?

10. How do cells interact with each other and organelles within a cell?

Task 3.

1. How are human and animal cells fundamentally different from plant cells?

2. Why is the more complex the system, the higher its stability? Why is it inevitable that insect pests, weeds, and diseases will multiply in impoverished communities (such as agricultural monocultures)?

3. What type of plant community (phytocenosis) in the series: deciduous forest – shrubs – meadow – steppe is characterized by the greatest diversity of ecological niches? Explain your choice.

4. List the levels of organization of living matter. What level of science does ecology study?

5. What signs indicate that a lichen is a symbiotic organism?

6. Scientists believe that in the process of evolution of precellular forms into cellular structures, the formation of a membrane was a very important point. Explain why?

7. Why do people breed mainly herbivorous animals? Give examples of carnivore breeding.

8. Most algae are green, but deep sea algae are red. Give an explanation for this phenomenon.

9. Why does biological diversity play an important role in preserving the biosphere?

10. The figure shows two seedlings of the same age. Describe the conditions under which the seedling (A) developed compared to the conditions under which the seedling (B) developed.

11. What happens if all producers of organic matter are destroyed in a natural community?

12. For what purpose does a person create nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries?

14. What explains the differences in the structure of the skeletons of the human hand and the forelimb of mammals?

15. What are the main structural features of viruses? Why do viruses occupy a borderline position between living and inanimate nature?

Task 4.

1. What are the consequences of destroying predators in order to save the prey population (for example, mass shooting of wolves to preserve the number of deer)? What happens to the prey population freed from the pressure of predators (using the example of deer)? Why is the desired result (increase in livestock) achieved only at the beginning and for a short time? What conclusion can be drawn regarding the ecological role of predators?

2. What environmental problems of the biosphere are the most acute on the planet at present? Give examples. What problems are most pressing in the Kaliningrad region? Suggest possible ways to solve environmental problems in your region.

3. Some types of mushrooms have a green thallus. Why can’t they be classified as a plant kingdom, since the presence of chlorophyll in plant cells gives them a green color? Justify your answer.


Exercise 1

Right answers: 1 – b; 2 – in; 3 – b; 4 – b; 5 – a; 6 – b; 7 – b; 8 – a; 9 – a;

10 – in; 11 – b; 12 –a; 13 – b; 14 – a; 15 – in; 16 – in; 17 – b; 18 – a; 19 – b; 20 – a;

21 – a; 22 – b; 23 – in; 24 – b; 25 – a; 26 – b; 27 – a; 28 – in; 29 – a; 30 – in; 31 – b; 32 – a; 33 – a.

Right answers: 34 – interphase; 35 – consumers; 36 – speech;

37 – ecosystem; 38 – membrane; 39 – producers; 40 – anatomy.

Task 2

  1. Answer. The nucleus contains hereditary information about the characteristics of a given cell and the whole organism, which is realized in the synthesis of certain proteins. Outside there is a nuclear membrane, inside there is chromatin with compactions - nucleoli.
  2. Answer. On biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic. They are grouped according to the way they affect organisms.
  3. Answer Animals, plants, bacteria and fungi. Due to the presence of a cell wall in the cell structure, similarity in external structure, reproduction (presence of spores), etc., plants used to unite with fungi and bacteria into one kingdom.
  4. Answer. An ecological niche is the place occupied by a species (more precisely, its population) in a community (biocenosis), a complex of its biocenotic connections and requirements for abiotic environmental factors. Habitat refers to the living conditions of a population, including ecotope and biocenosis. An ecological niche is the sum of factors for the existence of a given species, the main one of which is its place in the food chain.
  5. Answer. Each organism or population has its own habitat: the area or type of area where it lives. When several populations of different species of living organisms live in one place and interact with each other, they create a so-called community, or biological community. Thus, a community is a complex of interconnected populations of different species living in a certain territory with more or less homogeneous living conditions. An ecosystem is a collection of communities interacting with chemical and physical factors that create a non-living environment. In other words, an ecosystem is a system formed by a biotic community and an abiotic environment.
  6. Plant pollination is the stage of sexual reproduction of seed plants, the process of transferring pollen from the anther to the stigma of the pistil in angiosperms. Among the adaptations of flowering plants are: Bright color of the corolla, aroma, as well as features in the arrangement of the stamens and stigma of the pistil.
  7. Answer. Cellular structure, the presence of organic substances in living organisms (sugar, starch, fat, protein, nucleic acids and inorganic substances: water and mineral salts), metabolism, reproduction, heredity and variability, irritability, ability to move. Metabolism is the main feature of living things, including nutrition, respiration, transport of substances, their transformation and the creation from them of substances and structures of one’s own body, the release of energy in some processes and use in others, the release of final products of vital activity.
  8. Answer. The characteristic properties of the aquatic environment, different from land, are high density, mobility, acidity, and the ability to dissolve gases and salts. For all these conditions, hydrobionts have historically developed appropriate adaptations.
  9. Answer. Ecosystems are made up of living and nonliving components, called biotic and abiotic, respectively. The set of living organisms of a biotic component is called a community (biocenosis). Biotic is divided into phytocenosis, microbiocenosis and zoocenosis. The nonliving, or abiotic, component of an ecosystem mainly includes 1) soil or water and 2) climate. The concept of climate includes parameters such as light, temperature and humidity. All components of the ecosystem interact.
  10. Answer. Through cell membranes, cytoplasmic bridges and intercellular substance. Through hyaloplasm.

Task 3.

Task 4.

  • Answer. As a result of the destruction of wolves, there will be a surge in the deer population because the natural population regulator will be destroyed. This can lead to catastrophic consequences, as the deer's food resources will be destroyed (eaten), which will then lead to the extinction of the deer. The increase in numbers initially proceeds like an avalanche until environmental resources (environmental capacity) are exhausted. Thus, the ecological role of predators is in regulating the number of prey and maintaining balance in the ecosystem.
  • Answer. Humanity, especially in recent decades, has had a strong impact on the natural environment, disrupting the processes in it. In this regard, various global problems arise in the biosphere. The main ones are: disruption of biochemical cycles of substances, soil erosion, pollution of all spheres of the planet: atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, greenhouse effect, deforestation, habitat reduction, desertification, extermination of species, resource depletion. In the Kaliningrad region, there are currently acute problems of forest reduction, reduction of natural habitats, adventitization of flora and fauna, and environmental pollution. The following measures can be proposed: solving air pollution problems by improving roads and building bridges; reducing the number of boiler houses and converting them to gaseous fuel; recycling; taking punitive measures for environmental pollution; adoption of the forest code, etc.
  • Answer. The main characteristic feature of a plant cell is the presence of chloroplasts and chlorophyll. This pigment gives the plant's body a green color. Thanks to it, photosynthesis is carried out - the most important process on Earth. The green color of the thallus of some fungi and lichens is determined by the presence of other pigments, and, therefore, is not a reason to classify them as belonging to the plant kingdom.
  • a) zoophages

    b) phytophages

    c) autotrophs

    d) producers

    e) consumers of the first order

    f) consumers of the second order

    5. Earthworms are:

    a) detritivores,

    b) autotrophs,

    c) phytophages,

    d) decomposers,

    d) consumers,

    e) mesotrophs

    6. Species of plants and animals that have survived from floras and faunas that have disappeared, but were widespread in the distant past, are called:

    a) endemics

    b) living fossils

    c) relics

    d) cultural

    d) cosmopolitans

    f) indicators

    7. NOT typical for wind pollinated plants:

    a) no odor;

    b) large flowers;

    c) mass formation of pollen;

    d) very fine pollen;

    e) very short immobile filaments;

    f) long hairy feathery stigmas of the pistil.

    8. B major cities, as a rule, the main sources of pollution atmospheric air are:

    a) pets;

    b) motor transport;

    c) parks, squares;

    G) industrial enterprises;

    e) rivers, ponds, streams, lakes;

    e) bridges, dams.

    Not really

    1. You should not collect mushrooms in city parks and boulevards and eat them. Not really

    2. In plants of arid habitats, leaves are characterized by frequent dissection,

    lack of mechanical tissue. Not really

    3.The lowest productivity and plant biomass are observed in the steppes. Not really

    4. Flowers of insect-pollinated plants often have a distinct scent. Not really

    5. The largest and heaviest animals live in a land-air environment. Not really

    Part III. Choose one correct answer from the 4 proposed. Justify your choice.

    1. Hibernation can occur not only in winter, but also summer period:

    a) sandy gopher c) Brown bear

    b) hamster d) European mole

    Which organism, when environmental conditions change (mainly when there is a lack of lighting), is capable of switching from an autotrophic type of nutrition to a heterotrophic one?

    a) elodea c) euglena

    b) chlorella d) chlamydomonas

    3. In large cities, attempts have been made repeatedly to exterminate crows as “harmful” birds. From an environmental point of view, the most effective way regulation of the number of crows is:

    a) catching and shooting

    b) breeding them natural enemies– stray dogs, cats

    c) destruction of nests and clutches

    d) liquidation of unauthorized landfills

    All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in ECOLOGY

    School stage 2017/2018 academic year G.


    Part I. Choose two correct answers out of six given options.

    (correct answer – 1 point; the correct answer is considered to be the choice of both correct options)

    a) dung beetle

    c) gray mouse

    d) medical leech

    e) locusts

    e) green euglena

    2. Of the plants presented, indicators of acidic soils are:

    a) small sorrel

    b) field mustard

    c) horsetail

    d) ordinary cuff

    d) shepherd's purse

    e) fireweed (fireweed)

    3. Plants that overwinter under the snow without shedding their leaves include:

    a) field weed;
    b) common loosestrife;
    c) Veronica field
    d) lungwort obscure
    e) European hoofweed;
    e) round-leaved bell.

    4. K environmental group freshwater fish include

    a) Minnow
    b) Yellowfin tuna
    c) Rudd
    d) Moon fish
    d) Coryphen
    e) Cod

    5. The ecological group of forest and bush birds includes:

    a) willow warbler;

    b) comb eider;

    c) great godwit;

    d) black-headed warbler

    e) great cormorant;

    e) Dalmatian pelican.

    6. The following organisms are considered homeothermic:

    a) quick lizard;

    b) European hedgehog;

    c) sea anemone;

    d) gray flycatcher;

    e) leaf-cutter bee;

    f) common tree frog.

    7. A predator-prey pair can be:

    a) horsefly and horse;

    b) fox and partridge;

    V) bull tapeworm and a cow;

    d) mushroom - tinder fungus and birch;

    d) sundew and mosquito

    e) termites and flagellates

    8. The limbs of some species of reptiles leading an aquatic lifestyle are transformed into flippers:

    A) marsh turtle;

    b) green or soup turtle;

    c) Chinese alligator;

    d) leatherback turtle;

    e) marine iguana;

    e) Caspian turtle.

    Part II. Determine whether it is correct or incorrect ( Not really) statements below and briefly justify your answer.

    1.Reducing the thickness of the ozone layer in upper layers atmosphere leads to an increase in the level of skin and cornea diseases. Not really

    2. With a lack of vitamin C, the mineral composition of bones is disrupted. Not really

    3. Roots of many higher plants and hyphae of cap mushrooms form mycorrhiza. Not really

    4. Tall trees grow in the tundra zone. Not really

    5. Resin moss can grow 20 centimeters in a year Not really
