How to spell Fatima in Arabic. Meaning: name Fatima

Choosing a name for a child - an important event in the life of parents, because, whatever one may say, the name influences later life person. Therefore, you need to approach his choice with special attention and responsibility. IN eastern countries ah k

this is taken especially seriously: by giving your child a certain name, you seem to be imbuing him with certain qualities.

Fatima sounds beautiful and sweet - a name that is rarely seen on the streets of Russian-speaking countries, but it is very popular among the Tatars. It is very difficult to unambiguously find out its origin, since its history goes back to the distant past, which, however, does not interfere with determining its properties and the qualities with which it endows its owner. The meaning of the name Fatima has Arabic roots and can be interpreted in different ways: “weaned”, “fair-faced”, “daughter of Muhammad”, “adult”.


As for Fatima’s character, she is a kind, sympathetic, devoted girl, at the same time distinguished by accuracy and punctuality. She has well-developed intuition and excellent memory. As for communicating with people, girls named Fatima are quite sociable, they know how to listen, but at the same time they defend their opinion to the end, so they often end up in

conflict situations. Thanks to their qualities, they are able to attract people and often become unspoken leaders. may also have a numerological decoding; Fatima's Soul number is 5, which indicates her love of freedom and independence.


Having figured out what the name Fatima means, let's move on to the signs that correspond to it. It is most correct to call Fatima girls born between April 21 and May 21 (Taurus) or from September 24 to October 23 (Libra), since these are the zodiac signs that favor the name. Also, the meaning of the name Fatima corresponds to certain stones, metals, animals and plants. For example, the most favorable metals are copper and bronze, but among the stones Fatima should pay attention to emerald, carnelian, sapphire, and aquamarine. As for plants, the name Fatima corresponds to forget-me-not, lemon balm, periwinkle, iris, Fatima's planet is Venus; elements - water and air. Fatima patronizes such animals as cats, deer, rabbits, bulls,

pigeon and seal.


Now, having learned about the meaning of the name Fatima, you can look into distant times and find out one of the options for its origin. Interestingly, there are several variations of this name - Fatim, Fatima, Fitam - and all of them are female. Muslims saw peculiar signs and omens in the name: “fatama” from Arabic is translated as “to separate,” “to excommunicate,” “to interrupt,” which was interpreted as follows. A woman named Fatima had to raise a real man by getting married, giving birth to a son, and quickly weaning him off breastfeeding. In the name of Fatima it sounds a little different - Favatim; it is very common among Muslims, and often high hopes are placed on girls with this name as being blessed by Allah.

Fatima from ancient times Arabic means “separated from the mother”, from the Iranian language - “fair-faced”.

Affectionate form of the name: Fama, Fatimchik, Fata, Fati, Fatimka, Fatime.

The name Fatima is not included in the list of Orthodox saints because she belongs to the Muslim faith. Women with the name Fatima, who decide to change their Muslim faith to Orthodox or Catholic, are baptized under a consonant name.

  • Depends on the time of year of Fatima's birth:
  • Winter - Demanding, can protect itself in any situation.
  • Spring - Irresponsible, loves fame.
  • Summer - Punctual, neat, with well-developed intuition
  • Autumn - Responsive, trouble-free, knows how to achieve her goals.


Fatima is growing up as a very smart and inquisitive girl, with early childhood she is drawn to science, she is interested in everything around her, she asks her parents a hundred times a day: “Why?” Fatima is very energetic and purposeful, punctual, but due to impatience she does not always reach the end of her goal, abandoning it halfway.

Fatima has an excellent ability to learn foreign languages; they often know at least one language. Thanks to this ability, they can easily adapt to another country. It will not be difficult for her to provide herself with a comfortable lifestyle. Although she loves to gossip with her friends, she tries not to get involved in conflict situations.

She may do things without thinking them through in advance, but she has unique ability get out of unpleasant situations without consequences every time. Fatima doesn't like being given unnecessary advice. She has many friends for whom she is a leader, but she opens up only to her closest and most time-tested friends. Since childhood, she deeply feels the misfortune and pain of others, tries to help people in trouble, even if they are strangers to her. He does not like to complain about fate, he withstands all the blows of fate with dignity and copes well with them.

At school she is distinguished by perseverance and accuracy, she usually studies well, and is especially good at exact sciences. She loves active sports, especially dancing, where Fatima excels. With age, prudence prevails in her character. He thinks through all actions in advance and knows how to quickly make decisions in emergency situations. She can take cruel revenge on the offender only if a strong offense is caused; it is better for Fatima not to cross the road.


Fatima rarely gets sick as a child, but she has nervous breakdowns and hysterics. It is important to follow a daily routine and get enough sleep.


Work is not the meaning of Fatima’s life; she cares little about the financial side. She is looking for a job where she will be comfortable, can work in any field, gets along well with the team, is hardworking, and gets things done on time. Fatima is almost always in good standing with management.


He knows how to make the opposite sex fall in love with himself through humility, beauty, tenderness and pliability. As if in chess, he calculates his actions in advance in order to get a specific man into his network. If he takes risks, do so consciously, having considered the possible consequences.


She gets married late because she takes a long time and carefully selects a husband who can endure all her antics and hysterics. She will not be able to get along with a strong and domineering man, so a calm and non-conflict life partner will suit her. In most cases, Fatima marries for convenience and usually family life She's doing well. She takes care of the household carelessly; you should not expect a three-course meal from her and always a tidy home. For children, Fatima will become a wise and attentive mother.

Meaning of the name Fatima: This name for a girl means “adult”, “weaned”.

Origin of the name Fatima: Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh.

Diminutive form of name: Party, Fati, Fatimochka, Fotya.

What does the name Fatima mean: The name Fatima has a rather rich and interesting history. According to information provided by historians, this was the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (Muhammad), who was separated from her mother in childhood. That is why the meaning of the name Fatima is often interpreted as “weaned from the mother’s breast.” In addition, the Iranian roots of the name indicate that it can be translated as “fair-faced.”

Angel Fatima Day: is not celebrated because the name Fatima is not on the list of Orthodox and Catholic holidays.


  • Planet - Venus.
  • Green color
  • Time of year - Autumn.
  • Happy day of the week is Friday.
  • Lucky number - 5.
  • Metal - Copper.
  • Zodiac sign - Taurus
  • Element - Air.
  • Totem animal - Cat.
  • Plant - Melissa.
  • Tree - Periwinkle.
  • Mineral talisman - Emerald.

The influence of the season

The character depends on the time of year of Fatima’s birth:

  • Winter - Demanding, can protect itself in any situation.
  • Spring - Irresponsible, loves fame.
  • Summer - Punctual, neat, with well-developed intuition
  • Autumn - Responsive, trouble-free, knows how to achieve her goals.

Characteristics of the name Fatima

Positive features: For Fatima, the concept of justice is very important. She is kind, demanding, persistent, and rarely succumbs to the influence of others.

Negative features: The name Fatima, born in winter, is very capricious, but can stand up for itself even in the most difficult situations. difficult situation. She always strives for leadership and attracts everyone's attention.

Character of the name Fatima: She is reasonable, punctual and careful even in childhood, has developed intuition, and carries out any assignment very consciously, taking into account all the little things. A girl named Fatima, born in the fall, will be very successful in sports and will achieve her goals in this area if she learns to bring all her affairs to the end.

In communication, Fatima is somewhat reserved and reserved. Nervous breakdowns and hysterics are not typical for her, and she begins to take revenge only in the event of a very strong offense. And Fatima is especially irritated by the advisers to whom she did not turn for help. In general, she is capable of becoming an interesting conversationalist and the best assistant for a person in trouble.

Fatima and her personal life

Love and marriage: Fatima chooses her husband for quite a long time. It is best to give preference to a phlegmatic person who can tolerate Fatima’s antics. Although it is worth saying that as a wife she is quite good. Another thing is that, most likely, she will not want to fully devote herself and her time to housekeeping, which can subsequently lead to conflicts.

In marriage, Fatima is usually happy. There are many men among her admirers, but it takes her a long time to choose someone who meets all her wishes: strong-willed, strong, faithful and caring. She almost always succeeds. The woman is a wonderful housewife and an excellent mother. Love and respect always reign in her home.

Compatibility of the name Fatima: Stability and harmony in relationships for Fatima can be ensured by Avvakum, Avaz, Abraham, Vladislav and Constantine. In union with them, she will blossom and fully manifest herself as a wonderful guardian. hearth and home. And the husband acquires a devoted companion who will be with him in joy and sorrow long years. The basis of this marriage will be love and understanding.

It will not bring happiness to the family of Alexey, Victor, Leonid, Evgeniy and Rostislav. In this marriage, mistrust and understatement will reign. They can never become one.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The meaning of the name Fatima can be interpreted from the point of view of numerology. Thus, Fatima is patronized by the number 5, which indicates an independent and spiritually liberated person. The name Fatima constantly strives for adventures and changes in life. She has a lot of energy, and it’s wonderful when it is directed towards achieving important goals that Fatima constantly sets for herself, but due to natural impatience, she cannot always reach the end in realizing her plans.

In addition, the number 5 indicates that the name Fatima has an analytical mind. She learns quite quickly foreign languages, easily masters the features of a foreign culture and adapts to life even in another country. Sometimes she is capable of committing rash acts to her own detriment, but in some miraculous way, thanks to providence, she always comes out unscathed.

Health and energy

Health and talents:The owners of this name are distinguished by good health and physical endurance, so they almost never suffer from serious illnesses. They are also not at risk of nervous breakdowns, because they are restrained and reasonable.

The fate of Fatima in history

What does the name Fatima mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. Fatima is the fourth daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, wife of Ali, mother of Hussein and Hassan.
  2. Seida Fatima el-Sharif - wife of the Libyan King Idris I, who reigned from 1951 to 1969.
  3. Fatima LaRose, Jihad Jane, Colin LaRose - participant in the assassination plot of Lars Vilks (Swedish cartoonist), who depicted the Prophet Muhammad in his painting with dead dog.
  4. Fatima Tabaamrant is an artist and vocalist from Tunisia.
  5. Fatima Butaeva is a physicist scientist.
  6. Fatima Ilskaya – Soviet actress.
  7. Fatima Khanum Aliyarbekova is a literary figure and writer.
  8. Fatima Gorbenko is an actress of Ukrainian origin.

Meaning: adult, weaned

Meaning of the name Fatima - interpretation

This amazing name came to Europe from eastern countries. It has several interpretations. The most popular hypothesis is about the Arabic origin of the word. Accordingly, the meaning of the name Fatima in in this case- “weaned child.” If we adhere to the hypothesis of Iranian origin, then the translation changes. In Iranian, this name means “fair-faced.”

Years later

As a child, Fatima was characterized by such traits as kindness and not at all childish prudence. Fatima is a very sympathetic girl who acutely experiences other people's pain or injustice. She essentially has an innate sense of “what is good and what is bad.” At the same time, she is not particularly emotional, which is rare with such an ability to empathize. It can also be noted that already in the early preschool age Fatima's leadership character is revealed. She often becomes the leader of the company. Even older boys listen to Fatima’s opinion. You can also note the girl’s punctuality, which she demands from those around her.

Fatima usually studies well and diligently. She has excellent inclinations for learning, because she has perseverance and accuracy. You can also note the girl’s high motivation to get good grades. It is worth noting that Fatima has a negative attitude towards evaluations “for beautiful eyes" Although she is not a particular fan of studying, a sense of justice overcomes laziness in this case. You can also note the child’s good athletic abilities. Fatima loves outdoor games, but she is even more attracted to dancing. With enough effort, a girl can achieve serious success in sports.

Fatima's character is characterized by purposefulness, hard work, constancy, and the ability to set and systematically achieve the main chosen goal. Moreover, the more complex the goal and the more strength and effort it requires, the more confident Fatima feels. This woman is incredibly active; close people claim that her energy would be enough for two. For all her courage and inner strength, Fatima is easy-going, not vain, and peace-loving. Fatima was not used to crying, moaning and complaining about her difficult lot (and Fatima often really has a hard time). For this, Fatima is appreciated and loved by those around her. Fatima is an honest and very decent person, she has a lot of friends.

Fatima is a bright and extraordinary person, but she does not strive to stand out from the crowd. Fatima can become an excellent administrator, politician, public figure, social worker– internally she is ready to work for the benefit of other people. Fatima will certainly be noticed by her superiors; she is often tasked with supervising the entire team.

Character of Fatima

This is a kind, sympathetic, sensitive girl, capable of compassion and help. She's full interesting ideas and the strength to implement them. Her ability to adapt to a different cultural space can be wonderfully used in work matters - when you need to travel frequently on business trips. If Fatima does not have support, she easily solves her problems herself and can stand up for herself.

For Fatima, the concept of justice is very important. She is kind, demanding, persistent, and rarely succumbs to the influence of others. The name Fatima, born in winter, is very capricious, but she can stand up for herself even in the most difficult situation. She always strives for leadership and attracts everyone's attention. She is reasonable, punctual and careful even in childhood, has developed intuition, and carries out any assignment very consciously, taking into account all the little things. A girl named Fatima, born in the fall, will be very successful in sports and will achieve her goals in this area if she learns to bring all her affairs to the end.

Capriciousness, selfishness, the desire to get everything at once - these are the traits that cannot be classified as positive. He always puts his opinion above any other, even if it is necessary to listen to a more experienced or smart person. She has a tendency to manipulate, but is not endowed with special talent in this field, so only weak individuals fall under her spell.

In communication, Fatima is somewhat reserved and reserved. Nervous breakdowns and hysterics are not typical for her, and she begins to take revenge only in the event of a very strong offense. And Fatima is especially irritated by the advisers to whom she did not turn for help. In general, she is capable of becoming an interesting conversationalist and the best assistant for a person in trouble.

Fatima's fate

There may well be sharp turns in this person’s life, when the old is completely left behind, and something completely different awaits in the future. But such shocks are perceived positively by a woman: she happily immerses herself in everything new and greedily absorbs fresh information.

Character largely depends on what values ​​were instilled during upbringing. Spoiled Fatima is a complex person who is used to the world revolving around him. But if the parents tried, the little princess grows into a completely independent, interesting and respected person.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

For all her energy and emotionality, Fatima can focus on a specific task. It is important for her to find something that will constantly delight her with variety. Too monotonous and monotonous affairs will not suit the owner of this name.

She will be able to organize her own business only if she engages in handicrafts or something similar - she needs an option without subordinates and without constant communication with partners. Big money this woman will not earn money, but she has every chance of getting married successfully and forgetting about financial troubles.

Marriage and family

In marriage, Fatima can only live with a balanced, very calm man who can turn a blind eye to her strange behavior, reproaches or whims. A husband who can avoid delving into all these disadvantages will see in this woman a caring and responsible wife, a gentle and wise mother. Someone like Fatima is capable of following her husband to the ends of the earth - she will be able to improve life everywhere.

Fatima is attractive in appearance, a little strict and picky about men. She is honest with her fans; if a man has no chance of building a relationship with her, Fatima will immediately tell him about it. It is very difficult to win her favor. Fatima will not be flattered by a man weaker than herself; next to Fatima there must be a man who is strong physically and spiritually, honest, decent and straightforward. Fatima is a devoted wife, she knows how to love sincerely and selflessly. She is an excellent housewife; a unique atmosphere, calm, harmony and comfort reigns in her house.

Sex and love

Fatima is rarely surrounded by crowds of fans. Usually this is her fault, because the girl communicates with men on a friendly note and does not see them as chosen ones. When he tries to build a relationship, he begins to regret this position. She needs to gradually reveal the woman in herself, try to look attractive and sexy.

Over time, the owner of this name will build strong relationships and find a worthy man. She almost never falls in love at first sight - she spends a long time getting used to one person and tries to consider all his qualities. In sex, Fatima is also not distinguished by passion and courage: she needs time to open up and learn to truly enjoy the process and give it to her partner.


Has a tendency to recruit excess weight, so nutrition should be taken under control early years life. With age, problems with blood vessels and joints appear especially often. It is important for Fatima to be treated by real doctors, and not to turn to various herbalists and healers - although she has such a desire.

Fatima’s health can be called quite strong. She gets sick no less often than other children, but tolerates diseases much easier. The girl’s vitality is quite high, which will be characteristic of the owner of the name throughout her life. And of course, Fatima’s love for physical culture and outdoor recreation.

Interests and hobbies

Fatima's character is characterized by purposefulness, hard work, constancy, and the ability to set and systematically achieve the main chosen goal. Moreover, the more complex the goal and the more strength and effort it requires, the more confident Fatima feels. This woman is incredibly active; close people claim that her energy would be enough for two.

For all her courage and inner strength, Fatima is easy-going, not vain, and peace-loving. Fatima was not used to crying, moaning and complaining about her difficult lot (and Fatima often really has a hard time). For this, Fatima is appreciated and loved by those around her. Fatima is an honest and very decent person, she has a lot of friends.

Fatima is very responsible, she likes to think through everything to the smallest detail and carefully carry out the instructions given to her. She is a “fighter for justice”, loves to be in the center of attention and occupy the main, leading positions. For her, only what she thinks, and not others, matters, so the girl practically does not succumb to the influence of others.

Name for passport:

Possessing an analytical mind, Fatya easily learns foreign languages. She is able to quickly adapt to new conditions, in a foreign city and even a country. Thanks to her indefatigable energy, she constantly strives for changes in life, loves travel and adventure. She likes to set quite bold goals for herself, but she does not always achieve them; basically, she does not have enough patience for this, since the girl prefers “everything at once.” The same applies to her hobbies - she quickly lights up, but just as quickly burns out.

Fatima finds learning foreign languages ​​easy

Fatya is kind, reasonable, and does not like haste, noise or arguments. She often relies on her well-developed intuition, which she gives great importance make a choice if necessary. Fatima Quite closed, does not tend to open her own to strangers inner world , prefers to communicate more superficially. She has few real friends - most often one or two, but they remain with her throughout her life. In friendship, quality is important to her, not quantity.

What does the name Fatima (Patimat) mean in Islam?

This name is of great importance for Islam, because this was the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, who was weaned from her mother’s breast in early infancy. The meaning of the name emphasizes the importance of every woman as a mother.

A woman was considered successful if she became pregnant, gave birth, nursed a child, and then – “fatamat” – weaned him. Only after this could she be called “Fatima”. Therefore, by calling their daughter this name, parents seem to express to her their wish for the future, which is of great importance for every woman - to succeed as a mother.


The owner of this name has fairly good health. Having a high vitality, she easily tolerates any disease. Infectious diseases are possible in childhood– chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever, in adulthood – diseases respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract.

To avoid health problems in mature age, moderate recommended exercise stress and balanced nutrition.

Marriage and family

Fatima is very charming, so she never has problems with fans.

She is not particularly romantic - all that matters to her is serious relationship, and for life. A girl can wait a long time for just her man - strong, faithful, caring, so she is in no hurry to get married.

Family life, for the most part, goes well, but only if Fatya will not try to be a leader in the family. She is a good housewife and a caring, responsible mother. Most often, she gives birth to sons.

Fatima: what does this name mean for a career?

Fata is not characterized by self-examination and long-term self-searching. Also in adolescence it is usually determined by the choice of profession and confidently achieves success, since Fatya is hardworking, reliable and very efficient. She is a valuable employee, a “team player.”

Work is not the meaning of life for a girl, so promotion career ladder she has little interest. But if she has a worthy goal, she can go ahead and achieve great success in her career. At the same time, a girl can successfully switch from one job to another if it ceases to be interesting to her or becomes boring.

Thanks to his perseverance, he can achieve considerable success in his career.

The influence of time of birth on character

Winter Fatima– an excellent conversationalist and a good psychologist. They often turn to her for advice and tell secrets. Autumn– very responsive, ready to help everyone, even strangers. A girl born in the fall will be an excellent doctor, teacher, and volunteer.

Summer– quite conflictual, likes to defend her point of view in a rather harsh manner, does not make concessions, even if she is not entirely sure that she is right. Spring Fatya– cheerful and optimistic. She is quite a creative person, often becoming an artist, writer or actress. It is important for parents to develop the creative side of their daughter from childhood.

Famous names bearers

  • Fatima- daughter of the prophet Muhammad.
  • Fatima Gorbenko- famous Ukrainian actress.

Fatima Gorbenko

  • Fatima Tabaamrant is a talented vocalist and artist from Tunisia.

Fatima Tabaamrant

Doesn't celebrate his name day, since this name is not in the church calendar.

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