How to calculate your compatibility with a person, knowing the year of birth and zodiac sign? Compatibility horoscope: find out what awaits your couple.

Table Compatibility Between Signs Eastern Zodiac

Let's look at the proposed TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS.

First type - "triple harmony". Considered the most compatible. People of this type are naturally attracted to each other. Relationships of this type are typical for signs located in the diagram at an angle of 120° relative to each other. Accordingly, people born under the signs of the Rat, Dragon or Monkey are compatible with other representatives of these signs. The next compatible group are the signs of the Ox, Snake and Rooster; Next come the Tiger, Horse and Dog; and the group of Rabbit, Sheep and Pig closes the “compatibility parade”.

Second type - "mutual harmony". Couples created according to this type are also distinguished by their compatibility and calm nature of the relationship, although to a lesser extent than the first type. At the same time, the Rat turns out to be compatible with the Ox, the Tiger with the Pig, the Dog with the Rabbit, the Rooster with the Dragon, the Monkey with the Snake, and the Sheep with the Horse.

The third type of relationship is "open conflict". Characteristic of the relationship between directly opposite signs, that is, located on the diagram at a distance of 180° relative to each other, signs. So, they conflict with each other: Rat and Horse, Ox and Sheep, Tiger and Monkey, etc. This type of relationship is the most difficult, it provokes natural confrontation between partners. Most often, such relationships are advised to be avoided, although, if viewed from the perspective of higher-order considerations, the resulting confrontation can serve as an excellent tool for self-discovery and character building.

Fourth type - "hidden conflict". Relationships are moderately tense; partners have to make a lot of effort to maintain friendship. For example, the Rat does not like the Sheep; The Ox has a hard time with the Horse; Tiger doesn't really like Snakes; The Rabbit has a hard time with the Dragon, etc.

Fifth type - "friction" Relationships of this type can perhaps be called somewhat unfriendly, since partners like to get on each other’s nerves from time to time. Relationships of this type are characteristic of three subgroups of signs: a) The Dog does not get along with the Ox and Sheep; b) Rat - with Rabbit; c) Dragon, Horse, Rooster and Pig are incompatible with each other.

Sixth type - "obstacles". In a relationship of this type, the connection between partners cannot be called either close or intimate, but the ups and downs do not acquire critical depth and scope. The sixth type occurs in pairs of the Rabbit - Rooster, Ox - Dragon and Rabbit - Horse types.

Seventh type - "neutral". Describes relationships that do not belong to any of the above types. Often considered quite balanced and friendly. Couples whose relationships develop according to this type get along well with each other, but even minor incidents can easily destroy the fragility of this harmony. However, from the point of view of astrologers, this is a completely acceptable type of relationship.

Potential. You will not find this type of symbol in the table, since it is present in every type of relationship. Reflects the opportunity available to each individual to become the master of his own destiny.

As we see, signs suggest seven main types of relationships, of which only two types are favorable or compatible, another type is considered neutral, and the remaining four are unfavorable or incompatible. The probability of success is low, to be sure! Most often, astrologers call the first two types of relationships favorable, without recommending types three to six.

Twelve sign system Eastern Zodiac based on the Jupiterian-lunar calendar.

Oriental New Year and signs of the Eastern Zodiac - compatibility with the Western zodiac system.

In the Western system, there are also twelve signs of the Zodiac, but they change not annually, but monthly. The quality of relationships is determined by the angular distance between the Zodiac Signs. There are seven aspects in total: conjunction, semisextile, sextile, square, trine, quincunx and opposition.

Table of relationship types according to Western astrological tradition

Compound implies the absence of separation. In general, the connection corresponds to a strong relationship based on mutual sympathy, promoting mutual strengthening of tendencies. But the connection can be harmonious or conflicting, so make sure that you and your partner are looking in the same direction.

Semi-sextile- separation at an angle of 30°. Semi-sextile involves making joint decisions by two absolutely different people. Although relationships may be somewhat stressful, they nevertheless provide an opportunity to gain a new perspective on life.

Sextile- separation at an angle of 60°. Sextile defines harmonious, rich in pleasant emotions, creating additional features relationship. This type is favorable for creative creation and is considered very compatible.

Square- separation at an angle of 90°. The square indicates friction that exists in relationships between completely different people. Relationships of this type can give a good impetus to self-development and self-improvement, although astrologers consider them undesirable due to poor compatibility of partners.

Trine- separation at an angle of 120°. Trine is one of the most compatible and harmonious relationships, although it does not give partners the advantage of being able to amicably meet the challenges life throws at them. Such partners experience a natural attraction to each other.

Quikons- separation at an angle of 150°. A quincunx involves a departure from established forms of existence: partners in such relationships can be pushed “in unison” out of their usual rut. These relationships are tense and require a certain amount of flexibility.

Opposition- separation at a distance of 180°. The opposition is marked by significant tension. In the Chinese astrological chart, they correspond to the relationships between signs located at a distance of 180° in relation to each other. In both the Eastern and Western astrological traditions, this type of relationship is considered the least favorable, although for partners mature age it promises the possibility of achieving power balance and higher level awareness.

Potential - this aspect is not shown in the table, although it is present in every type of relationship. Corresponds to the potential of an individual to independently decide his own destiny.

Because the Chinese astrological signs are based on the year of birth, and the Western astrological tradition is based on the month of birth, the combination of these two systems allows you to come to some quite interesting results. For example, if the partners were born, respectively, in the years of the Dragon and the Monkey, and this is the most harmonious type of relationship - “triple harmony” , and according to the solar signs they are Aries and Leo, which also gives the most harmonious type of relationship - a trine, such a coincidence indicates that their relationship will be especially harmonious.

In addition, you probably noticed additional signs of “Potential”. This is another reminder to us that it is inappropriate to isolate ourselves only in the world of astrological formulas.

We always have freedom of choice, and this can help us overcome the difficulties that astrology warns about. We really have a certain opportunity to shape the raw materials from which our destiny is created, the main thing is to want and be able to do it.

Materials from the book "Feng Shui for Lovers" by Sh. Xiu were used

Be happy and meet each other, despite all the incompatibilities!

The eastern horoscope will tell you whether you and your partner are suitable for each other. Using the table, you can find out whether it is worth starting a relationship with a person, and also understand how to overcome problems in an existing love union.

In the vertical column, find your Sign by eastern horoscope, in horizontal - the sign of your partner. Thanks to the table, you will find out whether the stars favor your union, or whether your paths will diverge to provide everyone with the opportunity to meet true love.

0: perfect astrological union

Most likely, your meeting was memorable. You understand each other perfectly and feel a kinship of souls, which is possible only among people who have a higher karmic connection. Your couple is a role model; you deftly avoid conflicts and controversial situations, preferring love and trust to resentment and anger. The stars are on your side, and your union promises to be strong.

1: there may be problems in the couple

You and your partner are bright and extraordinary individuals who are in search of thrills. Perhaps conflicts and intense passions will be frequent guests in your couple. Due to the constant thirst for new emotions, your union will not be able to become durable if you do not find a way to receive new experiences together and for the benefit of your relationship. Joint travel, sports and creativity will help with this.

2: opposites attract

Your couple is a unique union of people whose needs are on different levels. However, it is as if you are attracted to each other like a magnet. You are able to make compromises and concessions, so your partnership is quite strong and unusual. If you can sometimes give in to your whims and stubbornness, a long and happy family life awaits you.

3: harmony in relationships

Your union is harmonious and rests on mutual trust and respect. You don't have to prove your worth to each other. People in such a union are inspired by each other and are capable of true tenderness and love, which, complementing everyone, makes you one. Your match is worthy of admiration, so rest assured that you have found your soulmate.

4: disputes and conflicts of interests

Your union has that disharmony in which each partner tries to outshine the other with his knowledge. You are like two opposing teams, racing to win first place. However, in such a race, you may miss the main thing: the development of your own sincere relationships and love. Your relationship can last quite a long time and with benefit for both, but after achieving certain goals, the stars can take you in different directions.

5: conflicts and misunderstandings between the parties

Your Eastern Horoscope Signs vary greatly. And if in strong alliances one partner can complement the other, then, unfortunately, you do not have this. You will most likely feel discomfort around such a person even in a friendly conversation, not to mention in a personal relationship.

6: inequality

Your relationship is full of surprises, ups and downs. There is no harmony in your union, but if you set out to save the couple, try to work on mistakes together and learn to admit your mistakes. The stars favor people who fight for their love, so you have a chance.

Love compatibility- a vague definition. For greater accuracy, you can use numerology calculation. However, remember that people tend to change and change the thread of their destiny depending on the events taking place. We wish you true love, and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2017 01:12

In the eastern horoscope, astrologers identify several Signs that are lucky from birth. It is these Signs who find it easier...

All people dream of finding a soul mate - a person who is ideal for you in all areas of life. Not everyone knows, but this dream may well become a reality if you carefully study compatibility by year of birth. The Chinese calendar offers a description of the twelve signs of the zodiac, which replace each other every year. Some animals from the horoscope have very good compatibility, others naturally cannot stand each other. From this article you can find out what kind of compatibility you and your partner have personally.

The Rat gets along well with other Rats, Oxen, Dragons and Monkeys. Marriages of Rats and with Rats are successful. But in them it is important that the partners do not compete with each other.

Rats and Bulls will find mutual language if there are common interests. Rats and Dragons represent perfect combination based on feelings and sexual attraction. Flattery from the Rat regarding the Dragon will not be superfluous.

Monkeys and Rats will understand each other well and forgive various flaws.

It is quite difficult for the Rat to find a common language with the Tiger due to its contradictory nature. Tigers strive to take power over Rats, and the latter do not want to obey them.

The Rat-Snake couple risks quickly falling apart due to the secrecy of the 2nd partner.

The Rat and the Rooster are closely related souls. They can be happily married if the Rat is patient.

The relationship with the Dog will become either very interesting or boring - here it is important to maintain a middle ground. The Dog strives for loneliness, and the Rat often puts its interests above.

Compatibility for Ox

Bulls go well with Rats, Roosters, Rabbits, Snakes and Monkeys. They have quite a lot of similarity in their characters, common goals and aspirations.

It is possible to develop relationships with Bulls, Tigers, Dogs and Pigs. It is problematic for bulls to get along with representatives of their sign, because they always try to be in the first position and do not recognize subordination.

Bulls and Dragons, Horses and Goats do not suit each other well. In the first union, the partners show stubbornness; the Dragon is dreamy, which the Ox does not tolerate.

In the second case, the Ox will not appreciate the Horse’s sociability.

For a representative of the Goat sign, the Ox is too rude and prone to despotism, which the gentle and romantic Goat will not tolerate.

Compatibility for Tiger

Tigers get along best with other Tigers, as well as Dragons, Dogs and Horses.

The Tiger-Dragon pair is simply perfect! Thanks to the Dragon, the Tiger's secret wishes easily become reality, there is romance and dreams.

The Dog strives to communicate, which the Tiger does not always understand, and the Tiger is prone to depression.

Horses and Tigers get along well, but the Tiger tends to be jealous of his partner

Relationships between the Tiger and Rats, Goats, Roosters, Pigs and Bulls are difficult. There are different characters, life principles, behavior patterns and much more here.

Astrologers strongly advise against entering into relationships between Tigers and Rabbits, Snakes and Monkeys.

In the first case there is no support. In the second, the increased vulnerability of the Snake, to which the Tiger treats rather coldly, is hampered. And the connection between Tigers and Monkeys is fraught with constant conflict situations.

Compatibility for Rabbit

Ideal options for Rabbits: Goats, Pigs and Dogs.

In a relationship with a Goat, it is important that the Rabbit takes responsibility and devotes enough time to its partner.

Paired with a Dog, the Rabbit will give it its vitality, and the Dog will always come to the rescue in hard times.

Rabbits and Pigs easily find mutual understanding due to the similarity of characters.

Not so lucky are the connections of Rabbits with Dragons, other Rabbits, Snakes, Bulls, Horses and Monkeys.

Combinations of two Rabbits can be destroyed by idealization and lack of money.

In the second case, it is important that the Rabbit obeys the Dragon.

Rabbits and Snakes should not throw out all their problems on each other.

It is necessary to work in alliances between Rabbits and Horses due to the energetic disposition of the Horse and the Rabbit’s desire for constant rest.

Rabbits and Monkeys are too freedom-loving for joint relationships.

It is very difficult for Rabbits to find a common language with Rats, Tigers and Roosters.

Compatibility for Dragon

Dragons and Rats, Roosters, Monkeys and Tigers are a great match for each other..

The Dragon-Monkey pair is based on complete mutual harmony. The main thing is that the Monkey does not prohibit the Dragon from having his head in the clouds because of his natural pragmatism.

The relationship between Dragons and Roosters will last a long time if sound rationalism is present in them.

Events are not developing so well for Dragons and Rabbits, other Dragons, Snakes, Horses and Goats.

Dragons are born leaders, so they constantly strive to take the lead. It is important to learn humility and the ability to give in.

Dragons and Snakes strive to have financial independence from each other. It is important for them to pay more attention to creativity rather than everyday life and not to forget about spirituality.

The relationship between Dragons and Horses is based on romance, but the difficult nature of the stubborn Horse can greatly harm the partners. It is important that the Dragon pacifies her, but rather delicately.

Goats need to turn a blind eye to the Dragon’s desire to “soar in the clouds”, then everything will be fine.

Find out also how they complement each other different signs Zodiac by year of birth in the next video

Combinations of Dragons with Bulls, Pigs and Dogs are contraindicated.

The Dog-Dragon pairing is based on self-interest, not feelings. It is important that the Dragon makes concessions to the Dog, and she takes care of him and praises him.

Pigs cannot stand the pompousness and dreaminess of Dragons, so this union is doomed in advance.

Compatibility for Snake

The ideal connection between Snakes and Bulls, Monkeys and Roosters.

Snakes and Roosters will easily understand each other if the Snakes spend more time on their partner rather than on others.

Snakes and Monkeys are connected by common hobbies, but it is important that partners do not try to get into each other’s personal space.

You can create relationships between Snakes and Rats, Rabbits, Dragons, Horses and Dogs.

The Snake-Horse pair is pierced mutual love and care.

The dog should provide more support to the gentle Snakes, because they often suffer from depression. Social life also plays a big role in this couple.

The relationship between Snakes and Tigers, Snakes, Pigs and Goats will not be very harmonious.

Snakes are able to find an approach to each other, as they have a similar mindset, but their connection is more dramatic. It is extremely important for them to have common interests.

Snakes strive to control Pigs, which has a bad effect on the latter’s condition.

To preserve the marriage union with Goats, effort is also required. Goats are too eccentric and tend to bring Snakes into stressful situations.

Compatibility for Horse

The creation of relationships between Horses and Tigers, Goats and Dogs is shown.

The Horse is overly sociable, which may not be to the liking of the obstinate Goat. Partners need to share their experiences.

Excellent complementarity is observed in Horses and Dogs. They understand each other perfectly.

Medium alliances develop between Horses and Rabbits, Dragons, Pigs and Roosters.

The Horse-Rooster pair can work out, but the partners need to look for common ground and do not seek to dominate each other.

Long-term connections between Horses and Pigs are possible if the latter works more on herself.

It is very difficult for Horses to get along with other Horses, as well as Rats, Bulls and Monkeys.

The connection between two Horses is often destroyed due to mutual stubbornness, excessive emotionality and desire for independence.

Horses and Monkeys should strictly separate responsibilities to maintain their relationship.

Compatibility for Goat

The most successful alliances of Goats with Rabbits, Horses and Pigs.

The marriage of Goats and Pigs is very successful if the Goat does not dominate its partner, and the Pig shows a more sincere attitude towards the Goat.

An average relationship awaits Goats with Tigers, Dragons, Snakes, other Goats, Monkeys and Roosters.

Two Goats get along well with each other if they provide mutual support, show sincerity and naturalness, and are not under illusions.

Goats have a hard time with Monkeys, because the first partner strives for order and precision, while the second partner loves variety and often makes Goats jealous.

There are many good things in Rooster and Goat couples, but they often arise conflict situations.

The alliances of Goats with Rats, Bulls and Dogs are characterized by instability.

Goats and Dogs cannot find a common language, as they are stubborn and capricious. It is important to show tolerance.

Monkey Compatibility

Monkeys, Rats and Dragons complement each other perfectly.

The average ones include connections of Monkeys with representatives of the sign of Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, Monkey, Rooster and Dog.

Monkeys often cannot get along together because they strive for praise and exaltation. They are not prone to constancy and often cheat on their partners. Their increased independence is also a big hindrance.

Monkeys and Roosters get along well, but it is important to learn to help each other in everyday matters.

The Monkey-Dog pair will be harmonious if the latter cedes the role of leader to the Monkey. Also, partners should not strive to change each other, but should seek mutual understanding.

It is risky for Monkeys to have relationships with Tigers, Horses and Pigs.

Both Monkeys and Pigs tend to “withdraw into themselves,” while Pigs are quite stubborn and cold towards their loved ones. Advice: communicate more, tell each other your doubts and joys.

Compatibility for Rooster

Complexity is observed in the connections of Roosters with Rats, Tigers, Horses, Goats, Monkeys and Pigs.

The Rooster and Pig are particularly selfish individuals, plus the Rooster shows increased activity, which is not always included in the plans of the calm Pig. If you want to maintain an alliance, look for common goals and give in to each other.

The most unfavorable connections of Roosters are with Rabbits, other Roosters and Dogs.

Roosters fight with other Roosters for the desire to be first in everything, they also tend to be jealous of their partner and are often in a negative mood. To maintain relationships, you should learn mutual trust and take control of your emotions.

Roosters and Dogs are not inclined to get along due to the fact that the Rooster is too sociable and has an inflated ego. It is common for a dog to have doubts about him and sacrifice his interests in order to preserve the relationship. Because of this, she often begins to feel depressed and the connection will be destroyed.

Compatibility for Dogs

Not very successful combinations of Dogs with Rats, Bulls, Snakes, Monkeys, Pigs and other Dogs.

It is difficult for Dogs to get along with Dogs, because they tend to be depressed at the same time. This also adds to the problems of the material plane, because Dogs tend to spend money thoughtlessly.

Dogs and Pigs generally complement each other quite well. The dog must forgive its partner for a little coldness and spend more time on itself, without concentrating only on the relationship.

Relationships between Dogs and Tigers, Rabbits and Horses are favorable. Relationships with Dragons, Goats and Roosters are difficult for Dogs.

Compatibility for Pig

Pig goes well with Rabbit and Goat.

Pigs are characterized by increased sensuality of nature, emotionality and romance. Communication with each other is based on warmth, physical attraction and complete mutual understanding. It is important that partners pay more attention to everyday life and avoid conflict situations.

Good relationships are possible for Pigs with Rats, Bulls, Tigers, Dragons, Dogs and Roosters.

The greatest complexity is inherent in the connections between Snakes and Monkeys.

Knowing your compatibility by year of birth, you can easily choose a partner for yourself, a relationship with whom will bring you exceptional pleasure and fill you with happiness, joy and other positive emotions!

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Often, when choosing a marriage or business partner, it is important to know the features and prospects for the development of relationships, the degree of compatibility in them. Tips from eastern astrology will help with this. Compatibility can be determined by the year of birth and the Eastern calendar.

About the Eastern horoscope

The cosmic energy of the planets is different every year, has its own unique set of qualities and interactions, therefore each of the zodiac signs has its own characteristic features. The combination of various combinations creates many options for the development of relationships and determines compatibility in a partnership.

Knowing the characteristics of compatibility will help you find a suitable match, as well as evaluate existing personal and business relationships.

The eastern zodiac circle is represented by symbolic animals and repeats itself every 12 years. It is not difficult to determine which sign you belong to by date of birth, given the repeatability of the cycle.

Each animal has its own characteristics, therefore, a person will have a corresponding set of personal qualities and individual characteristics. Coincidences and differences in life priorities determine the compatibility of signs in interaction with each other.

Perfect compatibility of signs

Good compatibility signs eastern calendar- the basis for a stable and happy relationship.

The most successful combinations:

  1. Mouse, Dragon, Monkey
  2. Bull, Snake, Rooster
  3. Tiger, Horse, Dog
  4. , Goat, Boar

There are many other compatibility options, although less successful.

The degree of compatibility of each sign with each other

The quality of relationships in a couple is largely determined by the degree of compatibility with the partner. Good compatibility is very important to build long-term relationships. Interaction Information various types The personalities of eastern signs will be useful for building any relationship:

MOUSE:1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020. It is distinguished by sentimentality and romance. She has Relationships with the Dragon, Monkey and Boar are successful. Relationships with Horse and Rabbit should be avoided.

BULL: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021. Those born in the year of the Ox are calm and patient, loyal in relationships. Good compatibility with your sign and the Rooster. Relationships with the Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Goat have no prospects.

TIGER:1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022. They are fickle, amorous and emotional. Best partners for them - Horse and Dog. Relationships with the Ox and the Rooster are doomed to failure, discord in relations with representatives of their sign.

RABBIT:1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023. Very virtuous and reserved, he looks closely at his partner for a long time. Good compatibility with Dog, Dragon, Horse, Monkey. The bad one is with the Rooster and the Mouse.

THE DRAGON: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. Lucky and generous, they rarely fall in love. They have a real understanding with the Monkey, the Mouse and with their sign. There are many fundamental differences with the Ox, Horse and Dog.

Wise SNAKE:1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025. Capricious and jealous, she limits the freedom of her chosen one. Ideal for Rooster, Rabbit and Dragon. Relationships are conflicting with Tiger, Snake, Dog and Pig.

HORSE:1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026. The Horse has a cheerful disposition and a changeable character. Extremely independent. For the sake of love, she is ready to do anything. Complete understanding and agreement with the Dog, Tiger and Rabbit. Friction and conflicts with Monkey, Ox, Mouse and Boar.

GOAT: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027. Restless and shy, conflicted in feelings, but knows how to adapt. Complete harmony with Pig and Rabbit. Relationships with Dog, Ox and Mouse are doomed to failure.

Sociable MONKEY: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028. Smart and unpredictable. Perfect compatibility with the Dragon, Mouse and representatives of your sign. Relationships with Horse, Rooster and Dog are hopeless.

ROOSTER:1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029. Self-confident and eccentric, values ​​personal freedom. Gets along great with Snake, Mouse and Ox. Conflict partnership with Tiger, Horse and Rabbit.

DOG:1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030. Honest, reasonable and true. Much in common in views with the Rabbit, Mouse and Horse. With the Dragon, Snake, Monkey and Rooster there are insoluble contradictions.

BOAR: 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031. Straightforward and impulsive, vulnerable in relationships. Complete agreement is possible with the Mouse and Goat. There is no mutual understanding with the Snake and Horse.

In missing combinations, compatibility is partial and has some features, but relationships are possible under certain conditions.

Zodiac compatibility chart

This is a very subtle point. It matters here gender, in which decade of a certain zodiac sign a person was born and even the time of birth. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a specific pair. A general information Compatibility information is presented in the table below.

It is not only cosmic influence that determines compatibility in a partnership. Sometimes you just need to put in more effort to build good relations. Whether it is worth it or not is a matter of choice. A person can always change his life. Any path is good to achieve happiness.

In ancient and medieval China, it was believed that people born in different years The 12-year cycle of the Chinese calendar has different character traits. They have different temperaments, health, luck, and behavioral characteristics. They may or may not be compatible as spouses or business partners.

Parents of young people studied their horoscopes for a long time before deciding whether their children could become bride and groom and then live a long and long life. happy life. They also carefully selected business partners or companions for long trips, checking the calendar.

general information

Nowadays, we choose a husband or wife based on mutual sympathy, A business partner- out of economic interests, but chinese calendar still popular all over the world.

The symbolic animals of the zodiac circle are conventionally divided into four groups, with three symbols in each.

Group members on the zodiac circle are connected by straight lines, resulting in triangles. How to determine compatibility by year of birth according to the eastern horoscope, how this can help in marriage, just in friendship or business and partnerships, we suggest you find out from our article.

Triangles of the Chinese Zodiac

  • First triangle (Rat, Dragon, Monkey).
  • Second triangle (Ox, Rooster, Snake).
  • Third triangle (Tiger, Horse, Dog).
  • Fourth triangle (Rabbit, Goat, Pig).

First – Rat, Dragon and Monkey

Representatives of these signs are always energetic and ambitious, they go towards their goal, sweeping away all obstacles. They are able to charge other people with their ideas and lead them. By uniting, they become invincible.

Rat hardworking, homely, meticulous and straightforward in her judgments. She is sociable and ambitious.

The Dragon always generous and energetic. Representatives of this sign are noble, passionate and know how to act decisively. The generosity and authority of their nature is manifested both in business and in Everyday life. The dragon is proud and wise.

Monkey She is resourceful in any circumstances, she is able to solve any problem, she is self-confident and inquisitive. But sometimes she can show extreme selfishness.

In business partnerships and family relationships the qualities of representatives of these three signs manifest themselves only in a positive aspect. This strong people, and their friendship and love for each other increases best properties their nature.

Two Rats They value homeliness, thoroughness, attention to detail and work together towards a common goal. Their only enemy is boredom, which can appear after several years of communication.

Two Dragons make an excellent couple in both love and business relations. The cooperation of two strong, generous and energetic signs always leads to success.

Two monkeys are able to bring brilliance and charm to mutual relationships. They are businesslike and practical, this couple really appreciates the world and never has his head in the clouds. These are wonderful partners and lovers.

Rat in partnership with Dragon balances his violent energy, makes him more flexible and homely. The Dragon, in turn, will always be grateful to the Rat for its ability to bring order to any chaos.

The Monkey appreciates the Rat calmness and love of order, and the Rat admires the ingenuity and ease of character of the partner. They can create an almost perfect union.

Monkey and Dragon complement each other perfectly. The practicality of the Monkey and the daring energy of the Dragon allow them to reach any heights. They do not pay attention to their friend’s shortcomings and boldly go through life.

You can read about the signs of a Capricorn man in love

Second – Bull, Rooster and Snake

Representatives of these zodiac signs, despite their differences, are very determined and purposeful people, among whom there are many winners.

In life and family relationships they show excellent compatibility.

Bull He shows the qualities of a leader in life; he is always calm, patient and hardworking. He always goes determinedly towards his goal, but becomes tough and hot-tempered if someone gets in his way.

Snake does nothing without thinking it through in advance. She is smart and wise, calm, strong and elegant. Representatives of this sign show an enviable sense of purpose in life. At the same time, the Snake can be indifferent to other people's problems and prone to loneliness.

Rooster- always a pedant, he is neat, self-confident, proud, critical and responsible. Can be conservative and selfish.

Representatives of the signs included in the second triangle get along great with each other, smoothing out the shortcomings of individual character traits. Having united, they will be invincible in achieving a common goal.

Two Roosters They will be excellent partners if they learn to give in to each other in small things. Their cooperation should not resemble competition, in which case the criticality and assertiveness inherent in both partners will greatly complicate the relationship.

Two Bulls in one harness they will slowly but surely reach their goal. Unless they start to find out which of them is in charge. But agreeableness is one of the positive qualities of people born in the year of the Ox. Such a conservative partnership may lack the element of adventurism, which can lead to fatigue in the relationship.

Two Snakes They work successfully and build family relationships well. Their union will be ideal if the couple has a common goal. But not a single Snake will tolerate another strong leader next to him. From here, conflicts can arise that can destroy previous successful alliances.

Ox in partnership with Snake considers himself a leader, he is patient and does not pay attention to how the Snake tries to manipulate him. These partners do not need to go in the same harness, in work and family life everyone should have their own niche.

This partnership gives good results in the intellectual sphere.

Ox in alliance with Rooster will achieve a lot. Reliable, conservative, calm, with working together The Ox gives great freedom to its partner. The Rooster is easy to communicate, smart, intellectual, he plays the role of a generator of ideas in such an alliance. If the purpose of a partnership is to make money, the partnership will always be successful. In family relationships, the reasonableness and phlegmatic nature of the Ox will allow you to maintain your home for many years.

Snake and Rooster can build as strong family union, so reliable business. The Snake in this community will be the generator of ideas, and the assertive, punchy Rooster will be their implementer. In family relationships, the Snake will show itself as a romantic but cool nature. The Rooster will always be full of optimism and faith in a bright future.

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Well, if your terrible fears are still confirmed, with advice from a psychologist on what to do if your husband cheated on you.

Third – Tiger, Horse and Dog

Representatives of these signs love to do good to people. Their positive traits– Honesty, strong character and openness.

These strong people are able to work hard and fruitfully, without fear of routine.

Born in the year of the Tiger They have natural courage, energy, and passion. These are rebellious natures, they are sincere, honest, but can be unpredictable and aggressive.

Born in the year of the Horse They are considered open, cheerful, but down-to-earth people. At the same time, Horses are smart, flexible in judgment and charming.

Those born in the year of the Dog smart and practical, they prefer openness and really value honesty and loyalty in partners. But sometimes Dogs become cynical and aggressive.

Two Tigers - beautiful couple, but these people should not seek competition with each other and sort things out.

Both partners love to be the center of attention, love new experiences and hide little from each other. They can build a long-term alliance based on mutual interests.

Two horses They make an excellent couple for teamwork, friendships and family relationships. If they common goals, then success will be just around the corner. In such an alliance it is sometimes difficult to determine the leader, although over time one of the partners will begin to dominate.

Two dogs complement each other well and know how to be one team in which one of the partners plays main role. The other partner takes on the role of the follower. Conflicts in such a couple are quickly exhausted both in love and in business.

Tiger and Horse harmoniously complement each other. The passionate and impetuous Tiger lacks the prudence of the Horse, and the balanced Horse sometimes lacks energy for important matters, so their cooperation will be mutually beneficial.

Relationship between Tiger and Dog will be prosperous if monotony and boredom do not enter their lives. But if partners have common interests and goals, they will complement and appreciate each other and be happy. The dog in such a partnership often takes the position of a follower.

Horse and Dog perfectly compatible in family relationships, which can be very romantic. And the prudence and practicality of partners will help them create a strong business. In this case, the Horse often acts as a strategist, and the dog as an implementer of ideas.

Fourth – Rabbit (Cat), Goat (Sheep) and Pig

These signs are united by developed intuition, artistry and the ability to adapt to circumstances.

Rabbit He has self-confidence and insight, he values ​​​​friendship, but can also be selfish. The rabbit is kind and courteous to everyone he meets along the way. Such people are often lucky in life.

Born in the year of the Sheep They can be generous and caring, they love truth and sincerity, but often circumstances are such that they need a protector.

Those born in the year of the Pig, sociable and humane. Representatives of this sign are smart, they love work and value devotion. There are many fatalists among them. These people know how to listen and are good, sincere interlocutors.

Two Rabbits form a successful union. Representatives of these signs can work together in a team, gently resolving all conflict situations. Partners do not seek adventure and share responsibilities among themselves. They have similar life positions and interests, they have the same attitude towards family and work. But none of this couple seeks to take responsibility in a joint business.

Two sheep They are perfect for each other, they can create a relationship full of harmony and mutual understanding. Representatives of both signs are romantic and honest, but in difficult times, problems related to finances can create difficulties for this couple. Then one of them has to become the leader. Two Sheep create an excellent team to work in a joint business.

Two Pigs They will be good spouses and colleagues who understand each other. They are naturally strong and don't need to prove it. Both partners are reasonable, balanced and disciplined; they put the interests of family and business above personal ambitions. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign do not always listen to the opinion of a loved one.

Rabbit and Sheep capable of full mutual understanding and sincere feelings. By communicating, they reveal each other's hidden capabilities and talents. The Rabbit is insightful and practical, and the Sheep can always bring a touch of romance even to a long-term relationship. In business and teamwork, representatives of these signs will be one friendly team.

Rabbit and Pig expects a harmonious marriage, where everyone will be true friend and a partner for another. At the same time, the Pig strives to be the center of attention, and the Rabbit has nothing against this. They resolve conflicts gently and quietly. In business, representatives of these signs will be reliable partners who can always support each other.

In business and collaboration Pig and Sheep will be successful if they are able to establish friendly personal relationships. There will be no obvious friction between these partners. A goal that unites colleagues helps bring them closer together.

Personal relationships between representatives of these two signs are harmonious and trusting. Spouses show devotion and compassion in case of unforeseen circumstances and often admire each other.

Compatibility table of zodiac signs (animals by year) according to the eastern horoscope (Chinese calendar):


Signs located opposite each other are considered incompatible. If you look at the 12-year zodiac circle, then Horse and Rat, Dog and Dragon will be incompatible and other pairs of opposite animals.

Working together for such couples does not always go well, and it is quite difficult for them to develop mutual business. Romantic relationship couples can quickly dry up and marriages can break down.

Compatibility table by year:

Partially compatible characters

Signs located nearby and spaced 2 or 3 positions apart, will be partially compatible. Partially compatible people will, for example, be happy in love, but in stressful situation their union may fall apart.

Don't be upset if your partner is incompatible or has little compatibility with you. Chinese horoscope. The horoscope is complicated full interpretation its contents is not an easy matter. An accurate compatibility analysis takes into account the influence of principles ( yin and yang) and the impact of the elements (elements).

The hour of birth of a person also matters. Each hour of the day corresponds to one of the zodiac animals and can affect the overall picture of compatibility.

When solving current problems, predictions for a specific year are taken into account. Thus, the year of the fire Dragon will always be unpredictable and full of events compared to the year of the water Rat.
