How to connect fiberglass wire. Fiber optic internet - what is it? How to connect fiber optic internet

If you're trying to figure out what fiber optics are, you've definitely come to the right place!

Many internet users use fiber optic wire to connect to the internet.

However, almost no one knows what optical fiber is, what it is and how it transmits information?

Optical fiber- This is the world's fastest way to transfer data over the Internet.

The optical cable has a special structure: it consists of small thin wires that are separated from each other by a special coating.

Each wire transmits light, and the light, in turn, transmits data across the network.

Let's take a closer look at how to connect the Internet and configure its operation yourself.

First, make sure you have fiber to your home. Next, order the service to connect to the network.

The terminal is also equipped with two additional sockets for connecting an analog home telephone and several more sockets are needed to connect television from Rostelecom.

After connecting all components, you should check the Internet connections on your computer:

  • Login to Command Prompt as Administrator. To do this, right-click on the Windows icon and select the required item;

IN Lately Many people have become interested in fiber optic Internet. Most people know that this technology involves quite high speed. Not so long ago, such speeds seemed fantastic to many, although technology began to develop almost a century ago - back in the thirties of the last century. That is why it is worth considering what fiber-optic Internet is and why such technology is beyond competition.

A little history

The first attempts to transmit data over a distance using light and transparent materials were made back in 1934. Norman French proposed converting voices into light signals, which would then be transmitted along glass rods. A few years later, a physicist from Switzerland, Jean Daniel Colladon, conducted an experiment with the transmission of light through a “parabolic liquid flow,” that is, water. Optical fiber in modern form appeared in 1954. The authorship belongs to two physicists from England - Harold Hopkins and Narinder Singh Kapani, as well as a researcher from Holland - Abraham Van Hiel. Since they simultaneously announced their invention, all three of them began to be considered the founders of this technology. And two years later the name was invented - optical fiber.

The light losses of the former were very large. In the late fifties, Lawrence Curtins was able to reduce them. And when laser technology was discovered in 1962, fiber optics had another chance to exist.


Now we can return to modern times. On this moment Fiber optic Internet is characterized by incredibly high data transfer speeds. This is not at all surprising. Carrier of information to in this case is light, and its speed of travel is the highest in the Universe. Such a property had to be used, and it is. In a simplified sense, it is transmitted like this: if the light is on, then it is 1, and if not, then it is 0. A fiber-optic Internet cable transmits alternating zeros and ones at such a speed that it is simply impossible to see with the naked eye. A transmitter that converts electrical signals into light is responsible for changing pulses. And at the second end of the cable there is usually a receiver that performs the inverse conversion.

Fiber optic Internet is characterized by enormous speeds, which is its main advantage. Another advantage is the ability to work over long distances. for the Internet is laid along the bottom of the ocean, it can stretch across the entire continent. Naturally, the installers who lay it have a very difficult time: they install signal amplifiers at the joints, which cost several hundred times more than the wire itself, but for the technology as a whole such investments cannot be called excessively large.

Additional properties

This method is also used in other areas. By means of the finest wiring it is possible to provide illumination during complex operations on the human heart or brain. Light systems are also gaining popularity, based on the same optical fiber, but instead of information they bring into the home sunlight, which is caught from the street.

In addition to the speed and long range of information transmission, such technology has one more advantage - it is almost impossible to intercept information when using it.

Fiber optic Internet: disadvantages

There is only one drawback - the equipment and tools for installation are too expensive. The cable itself is not that expensive compared to transmitters, receivers and signal amplifiers. The soldering of wires is carried out using special inverters, which can cost as much as very expensive cars.


Fiber optic Internet is characterized by high speed, as described earlier. For home use, its minimum is 10 Mb/s. Physically, no home cable is capable of supporting such speeds. It is best to use such a connection if you have a home server, or if you have not one, but several computers that constantly need access to the Internet. To split the fiber optic cable, you need to install a special router. It can be intended for home use or for main channels. Fiber optic Internet will work with special routers that were produced no earlier than 2010. Their the lineup is quite extensive, so you can choose the best option for each user.

Fiber optic Internet (Rostelecom)

For several years now, Rostelecom has been providing citizens with access to the World Wide Web using ADSL technology, which involves transmitting a signal over a regular telephone line. Now the operator has begun to actively implement completely new methods. Fiber-optic Internet using FTTB technology (fiber to the building) is now being actively implemented. With its help, you can significantly improve the quality of services provided to the population, the reliability of the connection and its maximum speed, which can reach 100 megabits per second. When the network undergoes a complete modernization, every resident of the selected settlement will be able to take advantage of the full range of services. For example, it will be possible to watch digital television, which is many times superior to cable and satellite in quality and capabilities. Such a solution is high quality video, image and sound, as well as a convenient interactive menu, ease of use and other advantages.


At the moment, fiber optic Internet is an advanced solution to the problem of data transmission. Only cryptonetworks that are still at the design stage are capable of surpassing it in speed, and it is not yet particularly clear when their development will begin. That is why it is worth thinking about how to connect fiber optic Internet.

Today there will be a scientific and educational post :)

Fortunately, this time there was no accident, but planned work, so the process took place, one might say, under greenhouse conditions.

Typically, an optical cable is welded into a special cross-connect, each fiber to its own port, from where it is already connected to equipment or another cross-connect. But this time it was necessary to weld two cables together, bypassing the optical cross-connects. The process is, in general, similar to welding a cable at break, with the exception that the cable does not need to be pulled out of the cross-connect first.

This is what two working optical cross connects look like, which you will need to get rid of and connect the cables directly. For now, the data is running along the yellow patch cords between the crosses.

Optical crossover from the inside. Carefully unravel and pull the cable out of the cassette.

Colored wires are fiber optic cables, only insulated for now. The optical fiber itself is colorless, and the insulation is specially colored to distinguish the fibers.

There can be many fibers in a cable. It can be 4, 12, or 38. As a rule, a pair of fibers is used for data transmission, one fiber in each direction. Such a single pair can transmit from 155 Mbit/s to several tens of Gbit/s, depending on the equipment at the ends of the fiber-optic route.

This cable contains 12 fibers, which are packaged 4 pieces in 3 colored (white, green, red) modules.

Since the fiber splice is a potentially fragile area, this part of the cable is packaged in an optical sleeve. Before welding, the cables are inserted into the coupling through special holes.

Now you can begin the welding process. First, the insulation is removed from the fiber using precision tools, exposing the fiber optic core itself.

Before welding, it is necessary that the end of the fiber is as smooth as possible, i.e. a very precise perpendicular cut is required. There is a special machine for this.

Chick! The angle of the chip should deviate from the plane by no more than 1 degree. Typical values ​​are from 0.1 to 0.3 degrees.

Scraps of clean fiber are immediately tidied up. You’ll find it on the table later, but it can easily get stuck under the skin, break off there and stay there.

And here is the most important device in this process - the welder. Both fibers are placed in special grooves in the middle of the device on both sides (in the picture - blue color), and are fixed with clamps.

After that comes the hardest part. Press the "SET" button and look at the screen. The device itself positions the fibers, aligns them, instantly solders the fibers with a short electric arc and shows the result. The whole process happens faster than I wrote these three sentences above, and takes about 10 seconds.

A heat-shrinkable tube with a metal rod is placed on the fiber to strengthen the welding site, and the fiber is placed in an oven in the same apparatus, only in its upper part.

Each fiber is then carefully placed into the coupling cassette. Creative process.

And the result.

To seal the cable entry point into the coupling, heat-shrinkable tubes are put on and treated with a special hair dryer. Tube from high temperature compresses, preventing water and air from entering the coupling.

And the final touch. A cap is placed on the coupling and secured with special fasteners. Now you are not afraid of either humidity, heat or frost. Such couplings can float in a swamp for years without damaging the cable inside.

The entire process of welding two 12-fiber cables together takes about an hour and a half.

Well, now you know all the intricacies of this process, you can safely buy a welding machine and entangle whatever you want with fiber optic networks.

According to experts, for the next few years, the most efficient data transmission on the Internet will be provided by optical fiber, and we will use predominantly fiber-optic Internet. It is already widely used in Western Europe and the USA, as well as in the Russian Federation in areas of dense high-rise buildings. But the properties of fiber optical cable today allow you to connect to high-quality high-speed Internet and Vacation home.

What is fiber optic internet

Optical waveguides are used to connect it. The signal travels along them in the form of a light wave at high speed (at the speed of light). Since today all equipment transmitting and receiving signals is electronic, converters of electronic signals into optical signals and vice versa are needed. Such converters - fiber optic modems - have been developed a long time ago and are widely and successfully used.

Fiber optic cable is a unique high technology product

Fiber optic production technology dates back to the 1950s and still remains complex and labor-intensive. Therefore, the cost of fiber optic cable cannot be low. But with his help we got fast internet and the ability to use it over large areas. Huge throughput Optical cable allows you to transmit a large amount of information per unit of time. The optical signal in it is almost not distorted and does not weaken when transmitted over long distances.

In addition, the material from which fiberglass is made - quartz - is very light, durable, and is little susceptible to atmospheric influences and the influence of electromagnetic fields. Chemical inertness makes it fireproof. The disadvantages of fiberglass include:

  • the difficulty of repair, which is why in case of local damage to the cable it is sometimes necessary to replace it completely;
  • difficulty in coordinating with electrical circuits (modems are needed).

Unfortunately, these difficulties objectively lead to an increase in the cost of connecting fiber-optic communication systems.

Benefits of fiber optic internet

The remarkable properties of optical cable have determined the significant advantages of fiber-optic communication systems relative to traditional cable or DSL technologies:

  • very high speed of information transfer, including during peak network loads in the evenings and on weekends;
  • high noise immunity;
  • there is practically no signal delay - a delay of a few ms, while for 3G Internet the values ​​are about 100 ms, and for satellite Internet they can reach 1000 ms;
  • unauthorized access to transmitted information is difficult - insertion, inductive reading and other threats;
  • the ability to connect video surveillance, security systems, IP telephony, interactive television, etc.;
  • possibility of laying fiber optic cable over long distances;
  • chemical resistance of fiberglass in aggressive environments;
  • good cable flexibility;
  • small dimensions and weight;
  • protection from open fire and explosion;
  • durability.

According to Point Topic, the total number of those who preferred fiber optic internet, already today exceeds the number of cable users. The listed advantages of fiber optic communication systems give rise to confidence that in the coming years the entire Internet V developed countries will become fiber optic and accessible to residents of any locality. In Russia, the Asarta company makes its contribution to this.

When installing cable systems in new laying elements or in existing channels, the question arises about the method of pulling the wire or, from the power source or signal receiver to the stationary connectors.

Very popular among electricians mini fiberglass cable laying devices. Unlike wheeled drums, which are quite bulky and heavy, mini broaches are selected to the required length, in a coil or on a cassette.

Fiberglass broaches much lighter and safer than steel devices. At the same time, they have a high throughput capacity due to the elasticity of the glass rod and removable tip. The polyethylene shell of the mini device protects the working part (core) from wear and increases the turning moment, up to a radius of 15 mm.

Fiberglass broaches equipped, at the edges, with pressed brass threaded connections, for pass-through nozzle and cable hook. Elements, if necessary, can be easily swapped.

The lead-through tip is a rigid cable segment that protects the glass rod from frontal impacts and creates a new direction vector in the event of a sharp bend in the cable channel.

The cable grip attachment has a hook window. The strength of fiberglass and the reliable fastening device are designed to withstand the significant tensile loads that often occur when laying cable conductors in partially filled channels.

Presented here a large assortment fiberglass broaching devices from well-known brands:

    - Rexant;
    - Estiare;
    - Fortisflex.

Maximum optimized size format mini devices, for cable laying, allows you to make the necessary choice, according to the best combination prices and broach sizes (length, diameter).

The proposed fiberglass devices have a cassette winding device or involve manual twisting into a coil. Storage mini ultrasonic test not regulated special conditions. Product elements (glass rod, polyethylene coating) can withstand significant temperature variations and are inert to weak chemical attacks and are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation. The ecology of the product is certified in accordance with European standards.

One of the main advantages fiberglass broaches- This is the protection of a person from electric shock.
