Rhine is a river in Germany. Middle Rhine Valley from Cologne to Mainz

Rhine River(translated from Celtic means “flow”) is also one of the most significant rivers Europe. The length from source to mouth is 1320 km. The area of ​​the drainage basin is 251,800 km. sq.

Where does it occur: The Rhine originates in the Alps at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. The river flows through the territories of such Western European countries as: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. It is formed from the confluence of two mountain rivers and in the upper reaches it has a mountainous character. After Lake Constance, the Rhine Valley widens.

After the city of Basel, the river abruptly changes the direction of its flow and rushes north. The area between Basel and Lake Constance is called the Rhine Mountain. Then the Rhine flows freely, forming a wide valley along the Upper Rhine Plain, until it meets another obstacle - the Rhine Slate Mountains. Here the river cuts into them to a depth, in some places reaching 200 meters, and its flow is canyon-like in nature. In its lower reaches, the river again flows through a flat area partially located below sea level. Before flowing into the North Sea, the Rhine forms a delta, splitting into many branches.

Tributaries: Neckar, Main, Ruhr, Aare, Moselle.

Cities on the Rhine: Arnhem, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Bonn, Mainz, Strasbourg, Basel and others.

Canals connect the Rhine with the Rhone, Elbe, Marne, and Weser.

Biological resources, economic use, inhabitants of the Rhine:

In 1986, a terrible environmental disaster occurred on the Rhine - a fire at a chemical plant. As a result, a large amount of harmful substances entered the river. About half a million fish died, and some disappeared completely.

To solve these environmental problems, the “Rhine Action Program” was adopted, thanks to which the amount of pollution released into the river was significantly reduced and salmon appeared in the river again. Now the Rhine 2020 program is in effect, which is designed to make the river suitable for navigation. Well, it was necessary to make such a mess... Or maybe in Germany the standards of purity of water suitable for swimming are simply high, compared to ours? Either way, this doesn't sound like much fun. It's good that they're trying to fix everything.

River mode, food: The Rhine is fed primarily by melting snow. Freezing of the Rhine does not happen every winter and usually does not last more than 60 days. Spring flood, like in Russian rivers, is not observed on the Rhine. Rhine's regime is complex. In the upper reaches it is a typically alpine river with uneven flow and spring-summer floods. In the middle and lower reaches the river remains full all year round.

Rhine on the map:

Video, undersea world Reina.

Moreover, the Germans themselves do not object to this - all pragmatists are pragmatists, but what descendant of the ancient Germans is not a romantic at heart? At least partly. And is it possible for him not to know the legends in which the chivalric spirit is glorified? Many of the heroes of these legends were inspired and supported by the Rhine. The most significant epic in this series is “The Song of the Nibelungs” (XII - beginning of XIII c.): about the dragon-slayer knight Siegfried, his wife Kriemhild and her revenge for the death of her husband, about the treasures of the Nibelungs, sunk in the Rhine. This epic was given a second life by the brilliant opera cycle of R. Wagner. And the legend about Lorelai - a beautiful golden-haired girl, about her ill-fated fate and the power of fate - was immortalized by Heinrich Heine, and this poem of his became one of his favorite folk songs. For most travelers, these and other similar stories about knights, beauties, wizards and dwarves that almost every castle keeps are Gothic tales, nothing more. But for the Germans, these stories mean much more than the testament of their ancestors and the opportunity to get to know themselves, strong and weak sides national character. This is why Germans often call the Rhine "father". Well, just like we call the river “Mother”.
The Rhine River begins in the Swiss Alps, in the canton of Grisons. Its source is considered to be the confluence of the Anterior Rhine and Rear Rhine rivers at Mount Reichenau. The Front Rhine originates in the mountain lake Tomazee, at an altitude of 2345 m, the Rear Rhine begins from the Paradise glacier. From Reichenau, the Rhine passes between Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland, then flows into Austrian territory and flows out of it, turning west, again into Swiss territory. The Alpine Rhine is crystal clear water that breaks through the gorge of the Jura and Black Forest mountains, overcoming many rapids and pouring out in waterfalls. The most famous of them, near the Swiss town of Neuhausen, is called Rhine.
Its height is 23 m, width 150 m, it is the largest waterfall in Europe in terms of volume of falling water (685 m 3 /s) and one of the main natural attractions of the river. Near Basel, Switzerland, the Rhine makes a right angle turn to the north. The borders of Switzerland, France and Germany meet here. The oldest operating bridge over the Rhine, built in 1226, is also located in Basel. Further, the Rhine flows through the territory of France, through. Germany then accepts him.
The 65 km section of the Middle Rhine Valley between the cities of Bingen am Rhein and Koblenz is listed by UNESCO World Heritage in 2002, noting the “continuous evolutionary character of the cultural environment of the Middle Rhine.” Here's what it looks like: picturesque slate cliffs, including the Lorelai rock, terraced fields and vineyards that look exemplary well-kept. And above it are castles, castles, castles... You can see all this from on board a steamship, from the window of a special railway express; For lovers of cycling, everything is also provided: parking, rental, paths. And even if a person comes to the Rhine region not as a tourist, but on business, he will still get an idea of ​​the beauty of the Rhine: the main routes here, whether by rail or road, run through the hills above the river.
Until the 17th century The long section of the Rhine River from Bingen am Rhein to Cologne was very dangerous for navigation, but with the help of explosions the bottom topography was significantly smoothed out, and by the middle of the 19th century. the channel has already acquired a large capacity, which is noticeable even purely visually, by the number of ships simultaneously on the river. Starting from Cologne, the lower Rhine is protected by numerous dams, yet floods are not uncommon here. The Rhine Delta at its confluence with the sea is located in the Netherlands. Its main left sleeve is Baal, the right is Lek. The Maas flows into the Waal, it rushes into the North Sea, and the Lek, merging with the IJssel, flows into the Süderzee.
First of all, the cities built on its banks. By the Romans in 38 BC. e. a city was founded, the name of which comes from the Latin Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium - “Colony of Claudia, place of the altar of the Agrippinians.” From them they got their names Basel Basilea - in 15 BC. e. and Strasbourg Argentorat in the 1st century, Koblenz: in 55 Julius Caesar visited here with his legionaries, and later the commander Drusus founded a military camp called Castellum apud Confluentes - “Fortification near the confluence of rivers. This list can be significantly expanded: the Romans created a powerful fortified defensive line along the Rhine. Further history decreed that some of the fortifications grew into cities, while others remained fortresses, most of which were originally wooden, and in the early Middle Ages powerful stone walls began to grow in their place. Castle-fortresses, while remaining defensive structures, began to serve as customs posts that collected tribute from traders for passage along the Rhine. Merchants received security guarantees in return. Considering the fact that some of the feudal lords of the Rhine, despite their noble origins, themselves led bands of robbers, and this was quite widely known, it was considered necessary to obtain such guarantees.
However, many more castles and their owners enjoyed good reputation; knightly traditions were maintained in these castles, and many German aristocrats from other lands specifically sent their children here to be raised.
Almost all Rhine castles have at the top a spacious viewing gallery, protected, of course, by main walls, but with numerous small windows around the perimeter. Well, underground - and certainly - there are no less extensive cellars for food supplies in case of a siege, as well as for storing wine; they are used as wine libraries to this day. Secret passages often began from these basements, and not all of them are known.
The Romans brought grapevines from the Apennines to the banks of the Rhine. Over time, local peasant breeders developed their own varieties of these grape varieties. Winemaking remains the main occupation of the inhabitants of the Rhine valleys today, and the products of their wineries are widely in demand throughout Europe.
Second half of the 20th century and our time coincide with the chronicle of the ecological crisis on the Rhine, the end of which cannot yet be spoken of, but it is already possible to look back at what has been done since that milestone in the 1960s, when the Rhine was called the “cesspool of Europe”.
The first commission to save the Rhine was created back in 1963, but its activities cannot be called effective. In 1976, an international Convention for the Prevention of Chemical Pollution of the Rhine was concluded, but a fire at the Sandoz chemical plant in Basel in 1986, when the Rhine turned... red, showed that these measures were not enough, and in 1987 under the auspices of the UN The Rhine Action Program, or Salmon 2000, was adopted. This fish, sensitive to pollution and disappeared from the Rhine in the late 1950s, returned to it in 1997, but sex ichthyologists say that there is a catastrophic lack of salmon on the river bottom, where they lay their eggs, to breed full-fledged offspring. oxygen.
Twenty years ago no one would have dared to swim in the Rhine. Today, there are more and more such daredevils, and yet they take risks. Despite the fact that all enterprises and water stations are equipped with the most modern filters, the number organic matter and chemical elements in the Rhine water are still dangerously high. The Rhine 2020 program raises the environmental bar to new heights, making the river completely safe for humans.

general information

River of the Atlantic Ocean in Western Europe.
Flows through the territory: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France, the Netherlands. The Rhine basin also includes parts of Luxembourg, Italy and Belgium.
Source: in the Swiss Alps, at the confluence of the Anterior Rhine and Rear Rhine rivers.
Mouth: North Sea (in the Netherlands).
Largest tributaries: Neckar, Main, Wupper, Itter, Dussel, Ruhr (right); Ahr, Moselle (left). The Meuse River flows into the left branch of the delta.
The main canals: Rhine-Herne, Rhine-Main-Danube (more often called Main-Danube, or European Canal), Marne-Rhine.
Largest cities on the banks of the Rhine: Basel - Switzerland; Dusseldorf, Cologne, Bonn, Mainz, Mannheim, Worms - Germany; Strasbourg - France; Arnhem - Netherlands.
Largest lake with the flow: Bodenskoe.
Largest island: Altena (Rhine delta, Netherlands).
The most important ports: Switzerland- Basel. Germany- Cologne, Duisburg Ludeigshafen. Netherlands- Rotterdam, on the northern branch of the Rhine delta (New Meuse).
Major airports: international airports in Cologne, Dusseldorf, Strasbourg, Basel.


Length: about 1233 km.
Pool area: 185,000 km 2.
Average consumption water: 2500 m 3 /s, annual flow is about 79 km 3.
Minimum width in the middle reaches: 115 m (Lorelai rock).
Maximum width: 800 m (Koblenz).
Navigable for 952 km, to Basel and across Lake Constance.
total length waterways in the Rhine basin - about 3000 km.
Main slope water flow: 1.96 m/km.


Transport shipping.
Port industry.
Along the banks, the most important traditional sources of income are winemaking, medical care at thermal resorts; Each of the big cities has its own types of industry.

Climate and weather

In the upper reaches it is mountainous, on average continental, sharp fluctuations in air temperature are possible; in the lower reaches the continental climate changes to maritime.
average temperature January: 0 - +1°С.
Average temperature in July:+19 - +21°С.
Average annual precipitation: 650 mm.
In the upper reaches there is spring-summer high water and low winter low water.
In the middle reaches, the maximum water inflow occurs in the winter months, and the minimum - at the end of summer.
In the lower reaches, high water flows in winter.
In the delta branches, the water level fluctuates due to sea tides.
The Rhine rarely freezes, only in extremely cold winters.


Rhine Falls;
UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Middle Rhine Valley, a 65 km long section between the cities of Bingen am Rhein and Koblenz; Cologne Cathedral (construction - 1248-1437 and 1842-1880); Cathedral in the city of Speyer (XI century); "Big Island" (Grande Not) in Strasbourg;
Strasbourg: Gothic Strasbourg Cathedral (founded in the 11th century, acquired its current appearance in the 15th century), Kammerzell House (an example of the half-timbered style of the 15th century), Covered bridges (originally built in the 13th century, rebuilt in the 19th century);
Dusseldorf: Old Town, Royal Alley Boulevard.
Basel: Catholic cathedral (Gothic, Romanesque style, 1185-1200), Town Hall (Renaissance, 1504-1608), art gallery with a large collection of works of the 20th century: “Angle” of the Rhine;
Cologne: Old Town, 12 Romanesque cathedrals, the oldest of which is the Cathedral of St. Gereon (founded in the 4th century);
Mainz: St. Martin's Cathedral (founded in the 10th century, burned several times, completely restored in the 18th century) - stained glass windows by Marc Chagall, Guttenberg Museum;
Bonn: monastery-basilica of St. Martin (XI-XIII centuries), house where Ludwig van Beethoven was born, Museum of German History;
Koblenz: Basilica of St. Castor (XII century). Koblenz Castle (XVIII century), “German Corner” - a peninsula at which the Rhine and Moselle merge);
Rüdesheim (the unofficial capital of Rhineland winemaking): Asbach winery, Wine Museum;
The most famous castles: Sterrenberg and Liebenstein (X-XI centuries), Reichenstein (XI century), Zooneck (XII century), Schönberg (XII century), Ehrenfels (XII century), Reinstein (XII century), Lanek (XII century .). Rheinfels (XIII century), Gutenfels (XIII century), Palatinate (XIII century), Marksburg (XIII century). Maus (Mouse) and Katz (Cat), both - XIV century;
Semigorye: Olberg, Levenburg, Lorberg, Nonnenstromberg, Wolkenburg, Petersberg and the highest mountain in this system, Drachenfels - the Dragon, on which Siegfried defeated the Dragon.

Curious facts

■ Until 1932, it was believed that the length of the Rhine was 1230 km, then a new figure appeared in the German encyclopedia Lexikon Knaurs - 1320 km, repeated by the Brockhaus Encyclopedia, the authority of which was so high that no one simply dared to argue with it, and many publications cite the same number. It can still be found today even in their electronic versions. And only in 2011, specialists from Holland, using the most accurate modern methods of calculations and measurements, announced: no, in fact, 1232 km. Where did the difference of 90 km come from? Most likely, the publishers of the 1932 German reference book simply did not notice the typo. Especially for the literalists, we inform you: to be absolutely precise, the length of the Rhine is about 1233 km.
■ The octagonal dome of St. Gereon's Cathedral in Cologne is the third largest cathedral dome in the world, after that of St. Peter's in Rome and Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.
■ One of the robber nests in the Middle Ages was Reichenstein Castle. Its owner, as well as the knights Zoonek and Ehrenfels, were sentenced to death in 1282. death penalty. The trial took place at Rheinstein Castle, presided over by Emperor Rudolf von Habsburg. The knights responsible for numerous robberies and murders had their heads cut off, and Reichenstein, where the robbers gathered, was turned into ruins. In the 19th century it was restored by Baron Kirsch-Puricelli.

Middle Rhine Valley
From Cologne to Mainz

The Rhine Valley is attractive to tourists, not only because of the castles, fortresses, churches, monasteries, historical towns and villages, but also because of the landscape and wonderful views.

Rhine It is both the most important inland waterway and the most beautiful river in Europe in its landscape. Its length is 1320 km, the river basin is 252,000 sq. km. It originates in the Alps (Swiss canton of Grisons) and flows through a vast delta into the North Sea (Netherlands). The section of the Rhine between Mainz and Cologne (Middle Rhine) is especially attractive with its picturesque towns and romantic mountains.

The Middle Rhine Valley is one of Europe's most beautiful areas of tourism, winemaking and romance. The majestic river, framed by dozens of castles and medieval towns, winds through one of the best natural landscapes in Europe.
Traveling in search of nature's masterpieces, artists and poets discovered the romance of the Rhine more than 200 years ago. Inspired by the beauty of nature, they created ecstatic works of art, the crown of which was, of course, Lorelei’s touching poem. Lorelei before today considered synonymous with the 18th century and Rhineland romance.

Since the 18th century, the landscapes of the Rhine Valley with its castles and fortresses have attracted tourists from all over Europe. A "Rhine Trip" was a must for educated travelers of the 18th and 19th centuries, as was a trip to the Bay of Naples. Numerous engravings of castles and fortresses in the Rhine Valley, primarily published in Great Britain, testify to the popularity of these places and their culture. The image of Germany was created abroad largely thanks to the romantic landscapes of the Rhine Valley. The direct steamship service between London and Mainz, opened in 1829, shows how important tourism was to the economy of the region even then.

Rolandseck with Rolandsbogen (river bend) and the remains of the Rolandseck fortress. The legend tells about the knight Roland, the knight of Charlemagne, who looked here with longing from the window of the former fortress at the island of Nonnenvert, where his lady, who retired from the world to a monastery, lived broken heart. There is a beautiful view of the Siebengebirge (7 mountains).

Oberwinter Winter harbor, beautiful old half-timbered houses.

Appounariskirche The four-tower Gothic (1839-1843) famous pilgrimage church is located on a small hill.

Of Roman origin (Castel) is the entrance gate to the romantic Arsk valley (Resort of Neuenahr with its gambling house, Altenar, etc., cultivation of red grapes).

Sinzig Famous late Romanesque churches, carbonated thermal springs, Celtic-Romanesque settlement (762). During the Frankish and Stauffer times, the imperial palace, in the 14th century. city.

Bad Bresig Thermal springs, chairlift to the Reineck fortress (built in 1832 on the site of the old Pfalzgrafen fortress at the mouth of the Winxtbach).

Broll Brollec Castle. The starting point of the excursion to the Broles Valley and to the Laachersee (lake) with the ancient Abbey of Maria Laach. There is an observation tower on the lake.

Insel Namedy In 1903, a mineral well was drilled here at a depth of 343 m. In the village there is a fortress (a collection of glass paintings).

Founded by the Romans. Noteworthy are the "Runde Turm" (Round tower 56 m high, wall thickness 4 m), an ancient stone wall (city fortification), an old river crane (1554), a late Romanesque church. Picturesque city landscape. Starting position for the excursion to Lake Laacher.

Weissenthurm Pumice production. The bridge over the Rhine leads to Neuwied.

Urmitz Julius Caesar crossed here in 55 BC. for the first time Rhine.

The main city of the administrative district of Koblenz at the confluence of the Moselle and the Rhine (Deutsches Eck). The medieval core (Roman city) is still visible in the old town. Gothic churches, including St. Castar (836 - 12th century), the medieval Mosel bridge (14th century), Jesuit church and Collegium (now Rathaus) from the 17th century, castle (18th century), theater, museums. Founded by the Romans, from the time of the Merovingians the royal court, from 1018 on Trier. The prosperous city was often chosen by archbishops for their residences. Since 1815 a Prussian city. 1822-1845 the central city of the province. Favorite walking spot: Rittersturz
Koblenz, surrounded by the four mountains of the Eifel, Gunsrück, Taunus and the Western Forest, lies at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle and has more than 2000 summer story. Walking through the old part of the city, you can come across numerous evidence of the past, such as the Princely Castle or the house of the knights of the Teutonic Order. In addition to historical monuments, cultural institutions and numerous museums, Koblenz also offers beer gardens, cafés and a magnificent wine village by the Rhine Bridge.

The most stunning place in Koblenz is the famous “German Corner” – a peninsula where two rivers – the Rhine and the Moselle – connect. Here stands a 37-meter-tall monument to Kaiser Wilhelm I on horseback. From the observation deck on this monument you can see both the corner and the place where the Moselle flows into the Rhine.

From Koblenz to the capital of Rhineland tourism, the city of Rüdesheim, is less than 100 kilometers. But between these cities there are 40 castles. They have been built since the 10th century, and castles were something like medieval customs houses. The owners of the castles - bishops, counts, princes - took
tribute from those wishing to walk along the Rhine. For those who did not want to pay, security was sharply reduced.
Some castles were security ones - for example, they guarded lead and silver mines.

Castle Stolzenfels Laid over the village of Stolzenfels (80 m above the Rhine). Built in the 13th century, destroyed by the French in 1689, and in 1836-1842. restored by Schinkel for the Prussian king Frederick William IV.

The city was founded by the Romans (border fortress), later the Frankish royal court, and until 1312 an imperial city. It is picturesque, founded at the intersection of 6 side valleys. At the level of the Rhine, below the city, the four-lake view, the Kneipp medicinal baths, the cable car to Gedeonsek. Further attractions: Soveruskirche near Markt (late Romanesque church), Karmepietenkirche (Gothic), Kurtrier fortress (14th century), monastery (founded in 1125).

Bad Salzig Radioactive springs, cherry dog ​​and orchards. Due to the strong current of the Rhine, tug trains are separated here and left for storage

Hirzenach Probsteikirche (church) – 13th century.

Erected in 1250 as a customs house on the Rhine by Count Dietrich von Katzenelbogen, 115 m above the Rhine. The fortress was destroyed in 1797 by the French. Monument of Celtic origin.

City St. Gohar, located opposite the legendary cliff of Lorelei, founded in 570 by St. Gohar, the patron saint of innkeepers and potters. Lively area, center, viticulture. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the Lorelei Valley. The city is dominated by the Rhine Cliff Castle, the largest castle ruin on the Rhine with extensive labyrinths of underground passages. Other attractions are the Evangelical monastery church with Gothic frescoes and crypt; Catholic. the parish church with one of the most valuable icons in the entire Rhine Valley and the German museum of dolls and bears of St. Gohar.

Among the many ancient towns that are located along the left bank of the Rhine, none has such a medieval appearance as Oberwesel. Of the original 21 defensive towers along the city wall, 16 towers remain today. The building association "Historic City of Oberwesel" was able to make accessible a part of the city wall approximately 3 km long. From the Golden Corkscrew Hotel past the Werner Chapel all the way to Garden Lane, visitors can enjoy views of the Rhine from the tower walls.
Gothic Lieb-Frauenkirche with magnificent decoration (high altar, lettner, wall paintings, tombstones) and Martinskirche, Wernerkapelle (only the high altar has survived). Remains of the city fortification, viticulture and trade, summer recreation. Outside the city is the Schönburg fortress (about 1000 years old).

Wine Road The famous German wine road begins practically from Bonn. It begins in the area of ​​the Semigorye mountain range, or in other words, the “Rain Mountains”. Green mountains with ancient castles hang over the Rhine. Better than these species can only be those that replace them further along the road along the river.
The river valley is geographically predisposed to the production of Riesling wine: the river water is heated during the day and at night evaporates the heat to the nearby slopes where the vineyards grow. This results in a natural greenhouse effect that is beneficial for wines. In Germany there is a law prohibiting the addition of sugar to wine, so even the most inexpensive Rhine and Mosel wines are of very high quality.

Bacharach An ancient (more than 1000 years old), charmingly located city. The city fortification has 16 towers; half-timbered houses, viticulture school. Above the city are the ruins of the Wernerkapelle (Gothic). The Stahleck fortress, destroyed in 1689, opens up even higher. by the French, now Jugendburg.

Sooneck Castle The fortress was built in 1010, in the 13th century. a notorious lair of robber knights, destroyed in 1282 by Rudolf von Habsburg. It was restored many times (by Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Wilhelm I).

Castle Reichenstein A fortress founded near the village of Trechtingshaus. More than 1000 years, in 1282 destroyed by Rudolf von Habsburg as a robber fortress. Attractions: the fortress museum and art treasures. The fortress is located at the end of the Morgenbach valley, where the Clemenskapelle (12th century) is also located. Easy to reach on foot.

Castle Rheinstein Prince Frederick of Prussia gave the old customs house in 1825-1829. today's view.

Das Binger Loch Navigators feared this place because of its dangerous rocky cliffs. In the 19th century The fairway was improved through targeted explosions.

Bingerbruck Located at the mouth of the Nahe River. Formerly the seat of activity of St. Hildegardis von Bingen.

Der Mauseturm Originally a customs tower. It is located on an island and is now used as a signal tower. The legend tells of the stingy Bishop of Mainz, Hat-to II (968-970), who was imprisoned in a tower because of his inhumane deeds and was killed there by mice.

Bingen Roman origin. Nowadays a popular regional center at the mouth of the Nahe. At the Klopp fortress ( local history museum), towering over the city, are the remains of the Roman Castells Bingi-um. The Drususbrücke (bridge) was built by the Roman general Drusus. Harbour, viticulture and trade. Also noteworthy is the Rochusberg (mountain) with the Rohuskapelle (south of the city).

Ingelheim Remains of the imperial palace of Charlemagne. The Saal Church (12th century) is noteworthy. Red grapes and asparagus are cultivated.

Capital of Rhineland-Palatinate. also called "Golden Mainz". Roman name: Mogontiacum (probably of Celtic origin); in the 13th century b.c.e. Roman military camp, in the 3rd century. The Roman municipium (urban community) and the capital of the province, was mostly destroyed during the Great Migration. In 747 the residence of Bonifatius, from 782 the residence of the archbishop, from the 13th century. (rule of the great electors) center of the empire. This city has made a huge contribution to the development of world culture. Here, in 1448, John Gutenberg invented a method of printing using movable letters that could be used indefinitely. This greatly simplified the labor-intensive process. As usual, the inventor himself did not profit from his brainchild and needed funds until the end of his days. Nowadays the people of Mainz are proud of such a compatriot. The university is named after him. The city has a Museum of Printing, where you can see many rare publications.
Museums: Roman-Germanic Museum, Gutenberg Museum.
Sights: Kaiserdom. one of the 3 largest royal cathedrals on the Rhine, Romanesque style, two-choir basilica, remains of early Romanesque construction, consecrated in 1036. Baroque aristocratic estates, Renaissance fountains, churches, castle of the electors (1627-1678 and 1687-1752), former Deutschordenskommende (now the Landtag building. Mainz Carnival.

Schwarzrheindof Romanesque double church, consecrated in 1151. In the north of Schwarzreindorf - the place where the Sieg flows into the Rhine and Mondorf.

The town at the foot of Siebengebirge is often visited by tourists. Classical parish church, classicist and baroque buildings, Siebengebirgs Museum, viticulture, rack railway to Drachenfels.

Das Siebengbirge A unique group of mountains of volcanic origin, part of the Rhine Slate Mountains. The mountains are named after particularly prominent peaks: Drachenfels (the name comes from the time of the legend of Siegfried, 321 m, ruins of a fortress from 1147), Groser Olberg (461 m), the highest mountain Siebengebirge, Petersberg (331 m), bus service, Leuvenburg ( 455 m), Wolkenburg (324 m), Lörberg (435 m), Nonnenstromberg (335 m). Surroundings of Siebengebirge: ruins of the Heisterbach monastery (Caesarius von Heisterbach), a former Cistercian abbey in Oberdollendorf; From the church (1202-37), only the choir and choir gallery have survived.

Bad Honnef Resort (mineral healing waters) with a mild climate, a place for recreation and conferences. Part of the city of Röndorf: Adenauerhaus and memorial. From Bad Honnef a bridge leads to the island of Grafenwoerth with a beautiful park, sports and therapeutic pools, tennis courts and a rowing canal. Hohenhonnef, center for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, sanatorium with a park.

Rheinbreitbach- the upper castle was the residence of the writer Rudolf Herzog.

Unkel Half-timbered houses, Freiligrathaus, winegrowing (Unkeler Funkeper), a favorite place for walks.

Erpeler Ley Located in the picturesque area of ​​Erpel (vineyard), 153 m above the Rhine, basalt cliff. The Rhine bridge, destroyed in 1945, led to it, along which American troops were able to continue their offensive. The bridge led to the opposite bank in Bad Kripp.

A bustling town of winegrowers, with half-timbered houses, city gates and the remains of a stone wall, a loading area for basalt stone mined in the Westerwald. Surrounded by the Ockenfels and Dattenberg mountains.

Leubsdorf Castle (4 towers), former royal courtyard, cultivation of red grapes.

Bad-Honningen Thermal springs (rheumatic, cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disorders), thermal outdoor and indoor swimming pools. Arenfels Castle (13th century), in 1849-55. rebuilt in the neo-gothic style by the architect Zwirner.

Rheinbrohl It connects on the hills with the famous "Limes", the Roman "West Val". Bad Arienheler (carbonated springs)

Hammerstein The ruins of the Hammerstein fortress (1105 seat of Heinrich IV) are located on a mighty cliff.

Leutesdorf Pilgrimage church Heilig-Kreuz (St. Crucifixion), cultivation of grapes and apricot crops.

Neuwied District center. In 1648, Count von Wied founded a castle here; the settlement that arose around it received city rights in 1653 and quickly became prosperous. The Vid rulers' castle was built in the 18th century. It has a garden 2 km long, interesting species of overseas trees. Birthplace of the poet Carmen Silvia von Wied. Produced: pumice, wood, metal. Regional Museum. Located in the Neuwieder Basin, the eastern part of the Middle Rhine Basin, formerly the Binnesee. Thick deposits of pumice tuff. In part of the village of Engers there is the castle of the Electors von Trier (since 1928 a hospital).

Bendorf Production of gravel, sand, clay, ceramics. Part of the village of Zain is an air resort. The castle of the princes von Sein-Wittgenstein is located here.

The right-hand Rhine suburb of Koblenz, opposite the mouth of the Moselle with the old Ehrenbreitstein fortification, removed in 1919 (now a museum, state archive, tourist base). During the war, the hiding place of St. Rox of Trier. A cable car leads to the fortification. The old baroque buildings are worth visiting. The destination of numerous pilgrimages is Arenberg. with the monastery of Rother Han.

Lahnstein Netherlandstein. Johanneskirche (Romanesque church), on Mount Allerhailigen a memorial to fallen soldiers.

Oberlahnstein The bridge leads to Oberlahnstein. Old town of Kurmainz. Sights: towers and city stone walls, especially the Witch Tower - or Torture Tower at the Markt, Martinsburg. Lanek Fortress, (13th century), pentagonal tower. Amazing view.

Braubach Charming Old city. Sights: St. Barbarakirche (church, around 1300).

Marksburg Fortress Rhine Fortress (150 m above the Rhine).
Marksburg, one of the few completely preserved castles, has its own legend. In the 12th century, a young man wooed the daughter of the castle owner, Mr. Epstein. Then he went to war, and the girl was waiting for him. A few years later, a knight in black armor, strong and handsome, similar to her fiancé, came to the girl and began to court her. Soon the engagement took place. But the girl doubted. She shared her doubts with monk Mark, who served in the castle chapel. Just before the engagement, the monk approached the knight, touched him with a cross, and the knight fell into the underworld. He turned out to be the prince of darkness. This is how the monk saved the girl’s soul.
The castle has a museum with the interiors of medieval noble houses. And not just houses. In the courtyard there are artillery platforms, where there are original cannons from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. True, this castle was never stormed, so they only fired cannon salutes.
One of the most interesting places castle - a wine cellar with huge wooden barrels connected to each other by pumps for pumping wine. In the Middle Ages, people drank 3-5 liters of wine per day. Above the cellar is a kitchen with all the utensils and a fireplace in which a whole bull was roasted. By the way, the fireplace is still in use today, when medieval holidays are held in the castle, it is lit for cooking.
Next comes a bedroom with a small “sitting” bed (in the Middle Ages they did not sleep lying down, for fear of dying in their sleep: it was inappropriate for a living person to occupy the position of a dead person).
Then there is the dining room, interesting for its design. In the center of the room there is a huge wooden table, the most honorable place behind it is for the owner, and in the back is an open toilet.
Two more halls are interesting - the weapons room and the torture room. The torture hall, however, leaves the most unpleasant sensations.

Bornhofen Monastery In the Marienkirche of the Bornhofen monastery, the painting of mercy "Pieta" (1289) is the goal of pilgrimage ships.

Die Feindlichen Bruder Ruins of two fortresses (Sterrenberg and Liebenstein). Erected as imperial fortresses in the 11th and 13th centuries. The fortresses are separated from each other by a “wall of discord”. The legend tells of brothers who killed each other in the Bornhofen church.

Filzen- a beautiful little community located on the right bank of the Rhine opposite the town of Boppard. This situation makes it possible to breed almost all varieties of fruit. Anyone who once visited Filsen during the cherry blossom season will never forget it. The name Filzen possibly comes from the word rock. This rock can still be seen today and can be walked around. The tourist trail is a tourist route of the Rhine Valley, which starts at the port and ends at Kamp-Bornhofen.

Fortress Maus Thurnberg Fortress. Counts von Katzenelbogen (Burg Kasch) irony, called "Maus" (mouse).

Since 1324 city rights. The city fortifications have been partially preserved.

Fortress "Cat" Built in 1393, destroyed in 1804. Rebuilt in 1898.

Glorified by legends sheer cliff above the Rhine (132 m). The Rhine here is only 90 m wide. When the water level is low in the Rhine, you can see the dangerous reefs of the “Sieben Jungfrauen” (7 virgins). According to one legend, 7 maidens were turned into rocks here because of their hardness of heart. At the foot of the Lorelai rock you can hear a sevenfold echo.

And one more legend - about Lorelai. She was beautiful. She combed her golden hair on the rock and sang so that the sailors forgot about their work, which is why the ships crashed on the rapids and sank into the abyss under the rock. Mount Lorelai stands at one of the narrowest places and one of the most stormy. Shipwrecks actually happened here often.

Now, near Mount Lorelai it is quiet and incredibly beautiful. And Lorelai herself is just a dark, elegant statue, touching which soon promises a beautiful love story.

Kaub The city with its stone walls and towers is very picturesque. About the crossing of the Rhine on New Year's Eve 1813-1814. Reminds me of Blüherdenkmal. Above the city is the Gutenfels fortress (13th century).

Die Pfalz(Island on the Rhine) Former Electoral Palatinate border fortress Pfalzgrafenstein (14th century).

Lorch The place where the Whisper flows into the Rhine (the Whisper valley leads to the Taunus). Sights: St. Martinskirche (Gothic), Hilchenhaus (Renaissance). The ruins of the Nollig fortress rise.

Assmannshausen Famous tourist center with mineral springs (radioactive, carbonated). It is especially famous for its excellent red wine. A cable car and a hiking trail lead to Jagdtschlos (hunting castle). Viewpoint Rossel (344 m) and Niederwald-Denk-mal.

Fortress Ehrenfels The ruins of the fortress are where the treasures of Mainz Cathedral were kept during the wars of the 15th century. Thanks to his geographical location(entrance to Binger Loch) made it possible for the archbishops of Mainz to take customs duty from passing ships.

Niederwalddenkmal Built in 1883 in memory of the war of 1870-1871, 35.5 m high (basement 25 m, Germany 10.5 m), located on the hills of Niederwald (225 m above the Rhine).

Rüdesheim Several thousand people live in this town on the Rhine. At the same time, it is called the wine capital of Germany and the tourist capital on the Rhine. Millions of tourists from many countries around the world come here every year.
In Rüdesheim you can have fun, in general, and “culturally”. There are historical fortresses with museums, and the interesting Bremserburg wine museum. There is a museum in the ancient Bremserhof manor musical instruments Siegfried is one of the largest collections of self-playing mechanical musical instruments. Cable car to the Niederwald monument.
However, as a rule, tourists go to the Drosselgasse street, famous throughout Germany, all consisting of cafes, pubs, restaurants, shops with tasting tables. And - they forget about all other entertainment.
In principle, there are many different pleasures in the world. But any of the wine cellars in Rüdesheim, with a view of the Rhine, along which paddle boats from the 19th century sail in these places, the vineyards along the slopes and the ever-present fair crowd on the embankment, is a special pleasure.

Eltville Half-timbered buildings ruins of the Electoral Fortress of the Archbishops of Mainz, in Bergfried Gutenberg-Gedechtnisstätt (memorial). Widely known for its winemaking and production of zecta (champagne). Beautiful houses townspeople and noble estates.


Capital of the state of Hesse. For centuries, Wiesbaden was famous as a balneological resort. Already in the 1st century, Pliny the Elder in his “Natural History” spoke of the presence in this area warm springs. But the real development of the city began under the Counts of Nassau, who later became dukes and then princes. They settled here in the 13th century. The city's rise was halted in the 17th century, when the Thirty Years' War and the plague devastated it. There are only 50 people left in the city. But the Nassau family's persistence was rewarded. Since the 19th century, Wiesbaden has gained the reputation of a luxurious balneological resort, where Dostoevsky, Wagner, and Brahms treated their mental and physical ailments. None of the world wars caused noticeable damage to the city.
The Old Town Hall building, built in 1609, is one of the oldest in the city. In 1829, the building was reconstructed and the roof was replaced. Nearby there is a fountain built back in 1537. This boiling spring has been documented since 1366. It combines 15 hot keys and produces 346 liters of hot mineral water in a minute. The wrought iron gazebo over the spring dates back to the 18th century.
The Evangelical Marktkirche (Market Church) - a neo-Gothic three-nave basilica - was built in 1852-1862 by Karl Boos. The 92-meter-high west tower makes the church the tallest building in the city. This church is the first all-brick building in the Duchy of Nassau.
The New Town Hall was built in 1884-1887 in the neo-Renaissance style. But in 1945 it was completely destroyed due to the bombing of the city. In 1951 it was completely restored.
Sonnenberg Castle has been known since 1200 as the residence of the Count of Nassau. Most of the castle is now in ruins. The only surviving tower houses a small city museum.

One of largest rivers in Europe, on its shores there are 6 states at once. One of the most popular and beautiful rivers in the European part, originating far in the Alps and starting from a mountain river, it gradually flows into a flat one. ( 28 photos)

Today the Rhine River is one of the most famous rivers in the whole world, and there are objective reasons for this. Let's start in order. The Rhine is one of the longest rivers on Earth, and the longest river in Europe. Its length is 1230 km.

Originating in the high mountainous part of the Alps, it gradually turns into a smooth and measured river, while maintaining the flow. The river begins at an altitude of 2412 meters as a typical mountain river, in the form of a large seething stream of crystal clean water. It is interesting that, in fact, the source of the river is formed in several sections, flowing down a little, it forms into one continuous river. Leaking like mountain river The Rhine flows into the small lake Lai da Tuma, where it becomes calmer. And flowing out of the lake, it is already the official source great river Rhine. Mountain Lake in this place it is rather flowing in nature.

Extending downstream, most of the Rhine lies at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level. Natural relief changes form stunningly beautiful picturesque waterfalls. So on the river there is one of the famous waterfalls in Europe - the Rhine Falls. The height of the water fall reaches 23 meters, and its width stretches over 150 meters.

Along its entire length, the Rhine River changes its character. Somewhere it can be found among steep mountain cliffs, but in places, on the contrary, it forms swampy surfaces. The Rhine often flows through picturesque natural valleys. It is worth noting that today the nature and ecosystem in the river are completely under the control of states; they monitor the amount of waste thrown into the river and every year this number decreases. Today, a course has been taken to make the river suitable for swimming. The nature along the river is stunningly beautiful everywhere.

The steep slopes of the Rhine are often decorated with ancient, majestic castles. Historical and cultural values ​​can be found along almost the entire length of the river. Most of the major cities from different countries are located on the banks of this glorious river.

It so happens that more than 800 km of the river flows through Germany. This is the most long river in this country. The Rhine is of great transport importance for the whole of Europe. Today it is the most navigable river in the world. Multi-ton ships are transported through its waters, profitably connecting European countries.

Navigation on the river began in 1812, when the first steam locomotives began running. Since then, science has made great strides forward. Today, huge barges carrying hundreds of goods move freely along the waters of the Rhine. In many areas there were created architectural structures for the needs of people, but this did not take away from the river its natural beauty.

The maximum depth of the Rhine is 30 meters. In some areas, excavation work had to be carried out to allow ships to pass through. Also on the banks of the Rhine there are many industrial enterprises, for whom the Rhine is also of great importance.

Despite all the advantages of the river, local residents can often suffer from terrible elements. Having natural tributaries and sedimentary feeding, the Rhine tends to overflow. This is often followed by flooding of the shores of the city in which it is located. Of course, this causes inconvenience to citizens, but everything goes smoothly, after which the damaged items are restored.

In general, Germans treat the river with great respect and love. An example is the action of townspeople who advocated clean river and the return of the valuable salmon species to it. It was thanks to the people that the government's actions over several years made it possible to return salmon to the river. And he was killed by chemical emissions into the river after a big accident at one of the enterprises. Today for emissions and possible consequences Special authorities are monitoring.

The Front Rhine begins from Lake Tomazee, which is located to the north-eastern part of the Gotthard group of mountains. After which it is joined by two full-flowing glacial rivers from the tops of Erispalt and Korner. Passing the Tawech Valley in the east, the Anterior Rhine turns north. The Rear Rhine starts from the Zapport Glacier at an elevation of 2216 meters, passes through the Hell's Gorge, and then flows through the Rheinwald Depression. Here it turns north and, passing through the Via-mala gorge, ends up in the Tomleshg valley.

According to the nature of the flow, as well as the structure of the surface of the states through which the Rhine flows, it can be divided into the following sections: 1) starting from Reichenau and ending with Basel;

2) starting from Basel and ending with Bingen;

3) starting from Bingen and ending with Cologne;

4) starting from Cologne and ending at the mouth.

Meaning of the Rhine

The Rhine has commercial importance, despite the fact that almost its entire length there are two parallel railways along the river.

The Rhine flows through the most densely populated, richest natural conditions and industry, European countries. Further, the river meets navigable tributaries, unites Belgium, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and through its canals connects with the Danube, Marne and Rhone. leaks.

Of the countless tributaries of the Rhine, the most navigable are: Aar, Neckar, Ill, Regnitz, Main, Lahn, Saar with Moselle, Erft, Ruhr, Maas, and Lippe. Starting from Basel and ending with Kehl, shipping is developed to an insignificant extent; only ships that weigh no more than 400 centners of capacity pass through this place. Starting from Kehl to Plittersdorf, ships can reach 2000-3000 quintals in capacity, and, starting their journey from these places, shipping assumes considerable commercial importance. Ships of up to 12,000 cwt can sail to Mannheim. The shipping company arose on the Rhine in 1817. Look at
