Rituals in modern human life. Children's rituals - benefit or harm

Greetings. It is better if this ritual is developed by the group itself. Its options are extremely varied. For example, in the first minutes of the lesson, participants move around the room and, meeting a partner, alternately touch elbows, knees and silently smile at each other. Options for non-verbal greetings can be touching shoulders, feet - according to the same principle of “everyone - with everyone”. You can also agree on the use of verbal means, for example, participants must say a few warm words to each other without repeating themselves. new meeting: on the first day - to compliment your appearance, on the second - to emphasize the brightest advantage, on the third to praise for a specific act or act of behavior in class, and so on, on the last - to highlight what “I learned from you.” Methods of general greeting are also used: standing in a circle, participants raise their clasped hands up.

Parting. This refers not only to the ritual of finishing the group’s work, but also to the end of each lesson. A very popular general circle is where participants stand for a minute and eyes closed, placing his hands on the shoulders of his comrades and mentally conveying his positive emotions And good wishes. Almost always this procedure is accompanied by slight rocking and a feeling of lightness and flight.

Traditional lesson plan. It is also a ritual that influences the participants due to its repetition. The scheme, or structure, of the lesson may be different. In our work we often adhere to the following:

1. Greeting.

2. Well-being survey (participants immediately immerse themselves in the “here and now” atmosphere, reflecting on their emotional and physical state, reporting their thoughts and expectations in relation to the upcoming lesson, sometimes talking about dreams they had the day before).

3. Suggestion by the presenter of the topic of the lesson (sometimes it can be determined not based on the preliminary plans of the presenter, but formulated as a result of requests expressed by group members during the previous step).

4. A parable told by the presenter (it serves as a kind of epigraph to the upcoming work and, due to its metaphorical nature, sets a certain program for the subconscious of the participants).

5. Warm-up exercises.

6. The main (working) part (in which passive exercises are interspersed with outdoor games– both of them almost always end in discussion and reflection).

7. Summing up the results of the lesson (statements by participants in a circle about their current state, comprehension of the work done, wishes and suggestions to the presenter).

8. Presenter's summary (if necessary). Often - in the form of a parable.

9. Farewell.

Each stage of the lesson is a ritual action in itself (with the exception of the actual working part, which always, naturally, takes up the lion's share of time).

Applause. They can also become a ritual if it is customary in the group to accompany each successful completion of an exercise, a brave deed(for example, declaring oneself as a volunteer) or a subtle and witty statement.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. What “magical” functions of rituals should a practical psychologist know about? What is the essence of these “magic” functions?

2. What concepts are revealed in the following definitions:

a. "...... is the order of performing certain actions established by tradition."

b. "...... is a kind of behavioral metaphor in which some objects or actions are replaced by others, i.e. they appear in the meaning of others."

c. "...... is nothing more than a form of gaming activity."

3. What is the essence of psychotherapy with sign systems?

4. Insert the correct word into the following statement about the connection between rituals and mythologies:

“Ritual is then an effective psychological means when its sign system turns out to be......... the mythology that a person has.”

5. What is the peculiarity of the unconscious perception of idiomatic expressions? Can this feature be used practical psychologist?

6. The following statement is true or false:

1. “Rituals always and under all conditions perform a psychotherapeutic function.”

2. “If the rules of the game (ritual) are accepted at a conscious level (that is, they correspond to human mythology) and are properly understood by the subconscious (that is, their literal meaning coincides with a positive picture of future changes), then the result is a useful psychotherapeutic effect.”

3. “Rituals do not play the role of psychotherapeutic techniques, but only help a person to structure his life activities.”

7. Explain the essence of the psychophysiological mechanism of action of the “anchor” in ritual from the point of view of neurolinguistic programming.

8. Do rituals always arise spontaneously in a training group or can they be suggested by the facilitator?

9. Give examples of rituals used in psychological trainings.

The history and culture of the Russian people goes back many centuries. All these years it was continuously enriched with new phenomena and traditions, but continued to preserve the memory of the experience and customs of its ancestors. Often Russian national rituals form a rather bizarre combination of actions based on ancient pagan beliefs, which, nevertheless, harmoniously correlate with Christian Orthodox canons.

Most rituals in Rus' are, in one way or another, connected with religion, and more ancient, pre-Christian traditions with the mythological personification of the elements and natural phenomena.

The most famous and important pagan rituals that survived even after the baptism of Rus' include:

  1. Maslenitsa.
  2. Ivan Kupala Day.
  3. Caroling.
  4. Yarilin's day.

All of them, one way or another, were associated with the archaic ideas of the Slavs about the forces of nature and most often were tied to some events, calendar or seasons.


Since ancient times, the event that occurred on the day of the vernal equinox was celebrated widely and on a grand scale. People rejoiced at the arrival of spring: it is no coincidence that the symbol of this holiday was a pancake - a miniature symbolic sun. Maslenitsa itself symbolized winter. It was believed that after the burning ritual, she would transfer all her powerful energy to the earth, thereby ensuring a rich harvest and protecting her from natural disasters.

Ivan Kupala Day

Initially, the holiday was tied to the day summer solstice, but the name itself, which has survived to this day, received already in Christian era named after John the Baptist. This epithet in Greek sounds like “bather”, “immerser”, which is quite consistent with the essence of the celebration - ritual ablution in an open reservoir. This holiday very clearly demonstrates the bizarre combination of Christian religious traditions with pagan, archaic beliefs and rituals.

One of the main traditions of Ivan Kupala is jumping over the fire. It was believed that this promotes cleansing, protects against illnesses and allows protection from evil spirits. It was very important to swim in a river or lake on the night of Ivan Kupala, since the water was considered purified from all evil spirits and acquiring certain magical properties.

Yarilin's day

Again, in the initially pagan holiday dedicated to the sun god - Yaril, with the adoption of Christianity, certain motifs were added about the struggle of the saints with the pagan deity.

On this day, the ancient Slavs turned to Yarila for help so that he would provide crops sunlight and protected from flooding. An important ritual that took place on this day was called “Unlocking the Earth.” It was absolutely necessary to bathe in the dew, because... It was believed that on this day it has healing and miraculous properties.


This ritual, as a rule, was timed to coincide with Christmastide and consisted of a group of young men and girls going around all the houses in the village, who sang comic songs or good wishes addressed to the owners, receiving a ritual reward for this. Ancient Russian farmers were confident that participation in Christmas rituals doubled the energy of fertility and contributed to an increase in crop yields, offspring of livestock, and ensured general well-being in the farmstead.

With the adoption of Orthodoxy, a significant number of religious rituals appeared, associated with the onset of certain important stages in a person’s life. Among the main ones are:

  1. Baptism.
  2. Wedding ceremonies.
  3. Funeral rites.


The rite of baptism signified the spiritual birth of a person and his belonging to the Christian religion. The child had to be baptized in the first year of life. For each baby there were assigned God-parents, who presented the child with an icon of his patron and an Orthodox pectoral cross. The newborn was named in accordance with the name of the saint mentioned in the calendar.

The choice of godparents was treated very responsibly: it was believed that they were responsible for the child and should give him worthy example to the same extent as biological parents. After the ceremony was performed in the church, a festive and generous feast was held with the presence of all the people close to the newly baptized baby.

Wedding ceremonies

For weddings in Rus' they tried to set aside certain periods in calendar year. It was impossible to get married during major fasts. In addition, weddings rarely took place during the period of the most intensive agricultural work.
The main wedding rituals included:

  • Matchmaking.
  • Looks and glances.
  • Collusion.
  • Wedding train.
  • Wedding.

Not a single wedding was complete without matchmaking. It was the most important stage, at which the groom’s family decided whether to persuade the girl they liked to marry their son. Moreover, very often at this stage, they were not even interested in the opinions of the potential newlyweds themselves, and the bride and groom could see each other only at the bride’s party.

If both parties were satisfied with everything, a wedding agreement took place, during which the heads of families literally beat each other’s hands, thereby symbolically indicating the achievement of a fundamental agreement on marriage between their children. During the conspiracy, the wedding date, invited guests, as well as other organizational issues were discussed.

To refuse marriage after an agreement meant disgracing yourself and your potential spouse. In case of refusal, the “injured” party had the right to demand compensation for all losses associated with this action.

On the wedding day, a wedding train was assembled, which consisted of elegant chaises, carts or sleighs, at the head of which was the groom's groomsman, who was in charge of the route.

Finally, the most important wedding ceremony was the wedding. After the sacrament was completed, the parents of the newlyweds were waiting at the groom's house, greeted them with bread and salt and threw a generous and cheerful wedding feast.

Funeral rites

The main meaning of all rituals associated with the burial of the deceased was the desire to facilitate his transition from this world to the kingdom of God. The funeral service could not be performed if the person was not baptized, committed the sin of suicide, or did not confess or receive communion during the year before death. The deceased was put on a pectoral cross, dressed in clean clothes and covered with a funeral blanket. Music was considered inappropriate, as were flowers.

It was believed that the main thing on this day was prayer for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased. After the burial of the deceased, relatives organized a memorial meal, which was accompanied by appropriate prayers. Bringing food to the churchyard was considered unacceptable. According to tradition, food was brought to the church and treated to parishioners. On the 3rd, 9th and 40th days a funeral service was ordered in the church. All this time, the relatives mourned the deceased, dressed in dresses of dark shades

Ritual– “(from Latin ritualis - ritual, from ritus - religious rite, solemn ceremony) one of the forms of symbolic action, expressing the connection of the subject with the system of social relations and values ​​and devoid of any utilitarian or intrinsic meaning.”

The importance of ritual was realized at the earliest stages of the development of civilization and human society. Without initiation rituals it is impossible to imagine the life of the most ancient tribes and some modern underdeveloped societies. The sacrament of childbirth, boys reaching the age of 7 and then adolescence, a girl’s transition to the status of a bride, becoming the head of a family, tribe or clan, the death of a person, a burial ceremony - all these archetypal events were accompanied by certain rituals that carry an important transformational meaning. Before and after the ritual there were completely different realities, but an important background of any ritual was inclusion in the system public relations. The meaning of rituals is the ordering of life, the opportunity to introduce into it a different, implicit, archetypal meaning. Devoid of a utilitarian function, rituals are valuable as milestones in the psychological life of society.

Today, after revolutions, wars and upheavals, and the overthrow of religious values, ritual has been forced out of the life of society in its classical form - as a sacrament. It has been preserved in the life of religious communities and individual nationalities. But if you take the average European, then his life is poor in classical rituals. However, the need for them is so strong that people have introduced new rituals into their daily routine. They are not so symbolic, devoid of pompous accompaniment and implementation, but, having changed their form, they still continue to exist and even actively influence everyday life.

The Ritual Nature of the Persona

Interesting rituals accompany the most pressing topic - the relationship of opposite sexes. Since ancient times in Rus', girls' costumes and married woman had fundamental differences(up to the difference in embroidery patterns), but today they are being smoothed out: both girls and women can wear T-shirts, jeans, revealing dresses and any other outfits that erase the differences in their status. However, if a woman or girl goes on a date, a transformation occurs, consciously or unconsciously: dress, heels, jewelry, cosmetics - any female creature knows what men especially value. If earlier jewelry often had sacred symbols, warded off evil spirits, and testified to the level of well-being of the bride’s parents, today they are used to attract attention and show original taste.

A special outfit intended for a date signals that the woman is ready for a relationship and is interested in it, she needs male admiration, and when correct behavior men, it is possible to continue the date. In fact, external transformation is a system of non-verbal signals that are unmistakably guessed by men. If we consider rituals associated with clothing in other areas of human relations (dress code, uniform, clothing for festive occasions), then in any case we can reach its archetypal function.

The sacred meaning of food

Since ancient times, important rituals were associated with food intake - for example, water or some kind of food was placed next to the deceased “for the journey”; a wedding could not be imagined without a plentiful meal, which was intended not only to feed those present heartily, but also carried the meaning of uniting the two clans , expressions of trust (refusing food in the owner’s house was often taken as an expression of disrespect, aggression, threat). The sacred meaning of food is precisely in the expression of love or trusting relationships, consolidating them through the joint act of eating. And today this tradition has not disappeared: often a man invites a woman to a cafe or restaurant. Eating food together brings people together, allows you to get to know a person better, and strengthens the union. In some countries, a woman prefers to pay for herself - this expresses her independence from her partner and some distancing. IN Slavic countries It is customary for a man to pay for a joint meal, and then his influence increases - thereby, the woman allows him closer to her.

Gifts as a ritual act

We remember the legend about the gifts of the Magi (in many cultures there are fairy givers) - the tradition of giving on a person’s birthday is connected with this. Giving gifts is another ancient ritual tradition common in almost all known cultures. In ancient times, sacrifice was used for a kind of exchange of a material thing (or a living being) for grace, protection from supreme wrath, and the inviolability of the tribe. Today, this archetypal model works in a variety of areas: a man gives a woman gifts and flowers, thereby signaling his interest and, if the woman accepts the gifts, she accepts the exchange and agrees to accompany this man. The principle of “give and receive” also works in weddings (dowry, ransom, bride price, or, conversely, the bride’s parents can pay the groom). If the groom pays a ransom, he actually “buys” the bride from the parents, claiming his rights to her. If the bride's parents pay, they make a deposit that later life the wife will be supported by the husband (and then this is also a transfer of authority). Accepted in different cultures different traditions, but the essence of the archetypal model does not change - the material is brought in exchange for the intangible.

Ritual union of man and woman

If in Rus' the wedding ritual has long had its stages - before marriage (wedding), the wedding itself, the period after the wedding - then today they have undergone some changes. People come up with their own rituals (for example, proposing on a yacht, before a parachute jump, in unusual place), but the essence of the ritual remains the same: a system of verbal and non-verbal signals is used, aimed at emphasizing the archetypal event, giving it importance and significance. Until now, when proposing, a man presents his chosen one with a ring - a symbol of selfhood, harmony, and completeness. The ring on a non-verbal level means the decision to stay with this person until the end of one’s days, the irreversibility of the choice. The exchange of rings by newlyweds is the acceptance of a kind of “mark” of a change in status; it is accompanied by an oath of love and fidelity. The circular structure of the ring has another symbolic meaning – repeatability, non-linearity of time. That is, the spouses vow to be together in eternity, throughout all life events. They have the same rings, which relate them to the same nature, a single whole. What is characteristic is that they declare this publicly - that is, in the wedding ceremony it is the social nature that is clearly felt.

In any case, the nature of ritual remains an expression of social relations. It is important to broadcast to the world and society new status a person, implying that he acquires new qualities. Of course, we are now modern, ambitious, active, creative. But at some deep level, the need for archetypal experience through ritual remains - this is an important property of the psyche, which, among other things, has therapeutic potential.

  • 1. Ritual // Philosophical Encyclopedia. Electronic resource. Access mode: https://goo.gl/Wi2C3P Access date – 03/19/2017.
  • 2. Eliade, M. Myths, dreams, mysteries - Kyiv: Refl-book, Wakler, 1996.
  • 3. Toporov, V. Myth. Ritual. Symbol. Image: Studies in the field of mythopoetic: Selected. Moscow: Publishing house. group "Progress-Culture", 1995.

Editor: Chekardina Elizaveta Yurievna

Very often people who are just beginning to become interested Native Vera and the history of the Slavic, Russian land, its rites, traditions and rituals, are faced with the problem of perceiving information about paganism due to difficult-to-understand terminology and scientific disputes, studies, tables. We will try to briefly and simply, in our own words, explain how and why Slavic beliefs and ancient pagan traditions arose, what meaning they carry, what happens during each ritual and why it is performed.

The most important events Each person has their own point. The most important things for him, his Ancestors and Descendants are birth, creation of a family and death. Moreover, it is with these situations that the most frequently asked question: where does this similarity between pagan rituals and Slavic rituals with Christians? Therefore, below we will consider and compare them.

Slavic birth and naming rituals

The birth of a child, with or without the help of midwives, was an important Slavic rite. They tried to approach him with all care and accept the Child of the Family from the womb of the Mother, show him and arrange his life in Reveal correctly. The child's umbilical cord was cut off only by special objects symbolizing its gender and purpose. The pagan ritual of the birth of a boy involved cutting the umbilical cord using an arrow, an ax or simply hunting knife, the birth of a girl and her entry into the Family required the following Slavic ritual - cutting the umbilical cord on a spindle or on a wide plate. All this was done by the Ancestors in order to make the children understand their responsibilities and touch the Craft from the first minutes.

At the birth of a child, the ancient Slavs did not carry out the now popular, but transformed to tie a person to the Christian egregor, rite of baptism - naming. Pagan traditions allowed children to be given only Nicknames, that is, names known to everyone. Until the age of 12, and then they could call him that, the child went by this nickname and was protected from the evil eye and slander.

He was called by his real name during the Slavic naming ceremony. Pagan Priests, Magi, Sorcerers or simply Elders of the Family - call it what you want, called the child to them and began the ritual. In running water they dedicated him as a Descendant of the Native Gods, dipping his head into the river several times and, finally, quietly telling him the Name sent by the Gods.

Slavic wedding ceremony

The Slavic wedding ceremony actually includes many rituals and traditions, the pagan roots of many of which have remained in modern times to this day. Typically, wedding events lasted for a year and began with Matchmaking - asking the girl for the consent to start a family with the groom.

Next, Smotriny was held - the acquaintance of two Slavic families uniting their Clans into a Single Slavic family. After their successful completion, Betrothal took place - the final stage of matchmaking, where the hands of the future newlyweds were tied as a sign of the strength and inviolability of the union. Having learned about this, girlfriends and friends of the newlyweds began the ceremony of Weaving wreaths for the newly created family and later placed them on the heads of the bride and groom. Then fun Hen Parties and Well done Evenings were organized and held. To bid farewell to the heroes of the occasion with their parents before creating a new one, another pagan rite was performed - Sazhen.

Then began the immediate preparation for the pagan wedding and the Slavic ritual itself of uniting two Fates into a single Family:

  • Washing young people with decoctions of medicinal herbs to cleanse them of sediment before starting a family.
  • Dressing young friends and matchmakers in new Slavic shirts with special symbols for the celebration wedding ceremony.
  • Bganie - cooking loaves various types. During the wedding ceremony of uniting the Fates, the Eastern Slavs baked a round loaf as a symbol of a good and satisfying life without corners or obstacles.
  • Requests are an official ritual invitation to the wedding ritual and celebration of relatives, acquaintances and friends of the bride and groom.
  • The removal of the young man from the family by the mother to create a new one from the groom's house to the betrothed's house, and then to their new Common House.
  • Bride price is a symbolic attempt to keep the bride from getting married and decisive actions by the groom to remove these obstacles. There were several ransoms throughout the ceremony, and they ended with the wedding Singing.
  • Posad is the ritual distribution of places in the Family and the roles of each: the newlyweds and their Relatives, the exchange of gifts and the consolidation of the Union of Clans.
  • Covering - the bride was unbraided or even cut off as a symbol of binding to the Old One and her head was covered with a scarf - an ochipok, otherwise - a cap. From then on, the girl became a wife.

After the most ancient wedding ceremony with putting on rings with Slavic protective symbols - the Wedding Party, the following pagan rituals began:

  • Posag (dowry) – transfer by the Bride’s Parents of the dowry to create new family and Rhoda. Everything: from towels to kitchen utensils They began to gather since the birth of the girl.
  • Comora – cycle of rituals of the first wedding night and checking the bride for Purity and Virginity before Childbirth on both sides, the birth of a new Family.
  • Kalachins, Svatins, Gostins - pagan traditions of treating and thanking Relatives, Brothers and Sisters in Spirit and Heart - solemn feasts and gifts from all sides for the newlyweds and for everyone who came to congratulate them.

Slavic funeral rite

Ancient pagan burial rites of the Slavs included the custom of burning the deceased. This was done so that the body would not interfere with the person’s soul from going to Nav and starting there new life, wait for the next incarnation in the Cycle of Nature and return to Reality in a new guise. At the beginning of the Slavic funeral rite on Ancient Rus' prepared a boat to transport the deceased across the Smorodina River to another World. A Krada was installed on it - a fire made of logs, surrounded by sheaves of grass or simply dry branches; the body and gifts to the Navim Gods were placed in it. The power of Krada - the Sacrificial Fire annealed the ties of the deceased with the Real World, and the launch of an already lit boat along the river at sunset, so that the moonlight would indicate the right path, was accompanied by general last words In memory of the Slavic Ancestor and Brother.

In regions where funerals using running water were unavailable due to the aridity of the area, this ancient Slavic burial rite was slightly modified. The resulting ashes were collected in a pot and buried in mounds. Often the personal belongings of the deceased were placed there so that he could arrange a comfortable life in Navi. U Eastern Slavs before forced conversion Christian faith and insistence on following their rules, the following interesting tradition was preserved. After the ritual of burning and collecting the ashes, the pot was placed on a high pole at the road crossroads of the Fates and covered with a domovina - a wooden house specially made for this purpose. Thus, people could come to the deceased to say goodbye and leave a memorial, and he also ended up in the Navier Kingdom, where he could choose his further path of Renaissance.

After all types of the above pagan funeral rites, the ancient Slavs held a funeral feast - a feast in memory of the deceased and ritual battles, symbolizing the battle with the Three-Headed Serpent on Kalinov Bridge for the opportunity for the deceased to choose his own path, thereby helping him reach his new place of residence.

Trizna as a way of honoring the Ancestors of the Family was also held on special calendar dates for commemorating the dead: Krasnaya Gorka, Rodonitsa and other ancient Slavic holidays. As can be seen from the description of the ancient pagan rite of burial of a Slav, everything possible was done to facilitate his Further Journey; the appearance of mourners as a tradition is interpreted by many as the imposition of its dogmas by Christianity and an attempt to make a person’s departure from Yavi the most difficult and lengthy, to tie him to his living Relatives and to instill guilt.

Calendar holidays and rituals in Rus': spring, winter, summer and autumn

The most important calendar pagan holidays and Slavic rituals on this day were carried out according to the Kolo Goda: on the dates of the Solstice and Equinox. These turning points played a big role in the life of the Slavs, as they announced the beginning of a new Natural season and the passage of the previous one, and made it possible to set a good start and get the desired result: harvest a generous harvest, get rich offspring, build a house, etc.

Such calendar winter, spring, summer and autumn holidays ancient Slavs with the most important rituals of sowing, harvesting and other rituals are and were:

  • Spring equinox March 19-25 – Komoeditsy or Maslenitsa, Great Day
  • Summer solstice June 19-25 – Kupala
  • Autumn equinox September 19-25 – Radogoshch
  • Winter solstice December 19-25 – Karachun

You can read a description of these ancient pagan holidays and Slavic rites or rituals performed in Rus' on these and other strong days during the Kolo Goda Movement in ours.

Bringing demands as a pagan rite of gratitude to the Native Gods: what is it?

Special attention should be paid to the Requirements of the Native Gods before conducting a Slavic ritual, during the ritual, or the onset of a calendar holiday in honor of one of the Patrons. Gifts from the pure heart and with sincere gratitude to the Gods of the Slavic Pantheon were necessarily brought - they could be of any price, since the wealth of each Slavic family was different, but they had to express respect to the Family and the guardians of Reveal, Navi and Pravi. The place of their offering were Temples and Temples in which the churas of the Gods and Goddesses, as well as Altars, were located.

Very often, demands were brought to Priroda when the Slavs performed ritual pagan actions and glorified this or that Patron on his personal holiday, as well as when activating amulets and. Nowadays, few of the original ancient Slavic rituals of presenting demands and appealing to the Gods have been preserved, so the Sorcerers and Magi advise many, when performing the ritual, to simply communicate with Relatives, as with Relatives - with sincerity and politeness, with an understanding of the importance of their role as a Descendant of the Russian Land and Continuer Slavic Family. If what you ask is really important and necessary, if you have the Right, the Gods will definitely help and come to your defense.

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A ritual is an action aimed at achieving a goal. A person encounters such a concept every day without attaching any importance to it. People take morning water treatments, have tea parties at home, and get married. All these are rituals. Girls who dream of finding their betrothed often resort to rituals to attract love. They believe, dream, filling their desires with power that will certainly lead them to happiness.

The ceremony or ritual must be carried out in a good mood. You should not use magic and interfere with other people in the process. Nothing good will come of this idea. There are many simple techniques that will help you perform a ritual for love and find a life partner. You should also remember that each of us has our own soul mate on earth, so it is not recommended to perform a ritual for a specific person. Let's look at several rituals to attract love.

Using a white flower

The ritual was performed with him back in the Middle Ages. It was held by girls who dreamed of acquiring family happiness. He helped build a tender, pure relationship between a boy and a girl. It should be performed on a new moon. The favorable day for the ritual is Friday. The ruler of this day is the patroness of love, the Goddess Venus.

To carry out a ritual for love, you can choose a flower of your choice, the main thing is that the color of the petals is white. The flower is placed by the window or on the balcony at night. This is done so that it is saturated with rays moonlight. After this, you must ask the Universe for help so that your cherished wish fulfilled. When the first rays of the sun appear in the sky, the flower should be hidden between the pages of the Bible or any spiritual book. He must remain in it until the next full moon.

As soon as it comes, you should take a flower, remove its petals and rub it in your palms. In this case, you need to say the following words out loud:

“I give you, sparkling spirit, part of my dream. I ask you, the performing spirit, for the triumph of love!”

After this, you need to mentally describe the appearance of your chosen one, and also mark him spiritual qualities. White petals from the palm must be blown into open window. If the ritual to attract love was performed correctly, within a month the man you dreamed of should appear in your life.

Ritual of Aza Petrenko

A ritual from the famous clairvoyant, fortune teller, participant in the television show “Battle of Psychics” Aza Petrenko. In her opinion, the ritual that she proposes to perform works unconditionally, and you will definitely meet your loved one in the near future. To perform the ritual correctly, you should prepare:

The sheet and shirt should be without decorations or patterns. Everything should be prepared in advance. Roses need scarlet color and no other color. It is advisable that they be purchased from the same seller. A ritual to attract love does not require special abilities from a person. The main thing is to have great desire and faith. You will need help during the process. You can receive it in the person of your best friend, the one you trust unconditionally.

A love ritual is performed during the day (before the sun sets). A shirt is put on the naked body, the head is covered with a scarf, its ends are left free. A white sheet is spread by the window. There should be no rings or other jewelry on your hands, this also applies to your girlfriend. You need to get down on a sheet or tablecloth and kneel. Place a bowl of holy water in front of you. A friend sits behind you and holds a lit candle above your head. circular movements clockwise. In this case, you should transfer the candle from one hand to the other (to yourself) and read the prayer:

"Pure blood and heavenly
Save and save the servant of God (your name)
From a bad hour, from any evil eye
From a woman's eye, a man's, a child's,
Joyful and hateful, from courts and gossip.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the prayer, your assistant picks the petals from the flowers and pours them on your head. At the same time, she must say:

“Holy Mother of God, Nicholas the Pleasant, have mercy, protect and bless happy marriage, for mutual love, for children. It’s not I who bless, it’s the Mother of God herself who blesses.”

After this, the petals are collected and placed in a bowl of holy water. All this time you are on your knees. The candle is extinguished in water, after which you need to wash it 3 times and wipe your face with the ends of the scarf. After finishing the ritual to attract love, the tablecloth and shirt are put away in the wardrobe without shaking them off, and the scarf should be hung near the icon of the Mother of God or some other image of a saint. The petals are evenly distributed into 3 piles and placed in prepared bags. You should take a bath with these petals for three days. They should be taken out from different packages. After each bath, the petals are collected and placed in the first bag.

The next morning, you need to take it to the place where 4 roads intersect and leave it there. Plants in the house are watered with blessed water. According to the ritual to attract love, it is strictly forbidden to pour out blessed water. You will definitely meet your betrothed within six months. It is recommended to spend the first night with your loved one on the sheet participating in the ritual, and to wear the same shirt for yourself. This will help cement your union.

Full moon rituals

In ancient times, the full moon was considered best time for performing rituals. On this day ( full moon) the conspiracy had special power. But only knowledgeable and dedicated people could practice secret magic. Currently, both women and men practice such knowledge. It is at this time that a path opens through which a person can connect with the energy of the Universe. There are various rituals to attract love during the full moon.

Simoron rituals

If there is a lack of love in a person's life, you can attract it. Simoron's rituals for love will help with this. To do this you need to constantly work on yourself. Even on the way to work, you should mentally declare your love for the objects around you. They could be flowers, trees, a dog running past, or even a telegraph pole. Don’t forget to confess your love to yourself when looking in the mirror. Gradually the world will begin to change and transform.

Simoron rituals for love can be very different. For example, you can spend one of them in the bathroom. This ritual is very simple. You need to take some bubble bath sea ​​salt, special balls or something else. You need to write on them with a felt-tip pen the words that you want to hear: happiness, love, adoration, etc. After bathing in love, you will feel an extraordinary surge of strength.

The “Heart” ritual works well. To make a heart, you can take any material, showing imagination, love and desire. Once it is ready, you should attach it to the item of clothing using a pin. The heart should not be seen by a stranger. The main thing is that during the process of attaching it you should read the mantra:

"I love myself beloved
I will love you with my love
Beloved will admire
And he will cling with love!”

You can come up with a spell yourself. That’s the beauty of Simoron, that he works.

Watch a video of how a ritual is performed to attract love.
