Download the script March 8 senior preparatory group. Scenario of the holiday in the preparatory group “March 8 is a special holiday”

Scenario for March 8 for children of senior preschool age “Journey to the City of Women”





Fairy of Spring

3 daisies

Chick and Brick

Tram, Tara-ram


Each child gets 2 flowers

Two hoops with flowers

Bunch of balloons



Wooden spoons

6-8 hoops

2-3 shoes

The inscription "City of Women"

Souvenirs for girls

Souvenirs for mothers and grandmothers

The progress of the holiday

The lights in the hall are off. Children enter the hall with flowers (without music). In the center of the hall there are 2 hoops decorated with flowers.

The Spring Fairy (a girl) stands in the center, the children stand in a large circle. Music is playing. A dance composition with flowers is performed (“Waltz on the Beautiful Blue Danube” by J. Strauss). At the end, the children make the number 8 from two hoops. They remove the hoops and stand in a semicircle. Several children exchange flowers for musical instruments.

1st child.

On this March day

We invited guests.

Their mothers and grandmothers

They sat me down in the hall.

2nd child.

Dear grandmothers and mothers,

All women in the world

Happy holiday

Congratulations children!

3rd child.

We also sing songs,

And we read poetry.

Happy Women's Day,

Happy Women's Day

All. Congratulations!

4th child.

Spring is rushing to our native land,

The earth is awakened from sleep.

Smile, sing friendly!

Mom will have more fun!

Everyone sings “Spring Song”, words and music by N. Orlova, then sits down.


March is coming. Have you noticed -

Does something happen to people in the spring?

Women have all become unusual,

Nice, gentle, every single one!

Shapoklyak. Girls, come to me! (Looking into the hall.) It's here!

Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, and Kikimora enter the hall with a decisive step.

Shapoklyak. We have heard everything and know everything!

Baba Yaga. Yes! March has arrived!

Kikimora. And we, like all women, have become unusual.

Shapoklyak. Therefore, we resolutely declare... (to Baba Yaga). Where is our written statement, well, quickly read, what are we declaring there?..

Baba Yaga(rummages in her skirt). I won’t find him... Kikimora, don’t you have our statement?

Kikimora. Why do I need it? I can't write, I can't read...

Baba Yaga. And I can't! Shapoklyak, you made it up yourself.

Shapoklyak rummages in his bag and takes out a piece of paper.

Shapoklyak. Exactly! Here it is!

Baba Yaga. Read quickly!

Shapoklyak(is reading). “We, the undersigned, declare that in kindergarten You must always and without fail invite us to the March 8th holiday. Otherwise there won’t be this holiday (shakes his finger)! Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Kikimora. Here! (Gives a statement to the presenter.)

Leading. We will, of course, accept your application. March 8 is one of our favorite holidays in kindergarten. We don't want you to interfere with this wonderful holiday. Really, guys? And since you have already come, be our guests. You know, it’s very good that you came to our holiday today. The guys and I set off on a journey through unusual stations to the final destination called the City of Women. We are traveling today together with our dear mothers, grandmothers, and sisters. Want to hit the road with us?

Baba Yaga(to friends). These are the times! We thought you would refuse us...

Kikimora. We thought we would interfere and play pranks at your party out of spite...

Shapoklyak. Calm down, girls... (Approaches the presenter.) Aren't you going to deceive us?

Leading. Yes you! On a day like this? How can...

Shapoklyak. Is the journey interesting?

Leading. Certainly! I think everyone will like it.

Shapoklyak. Well, girlfriends, let's take a risk?

Baba Yaga. Eh! Where ours didn’t disappear!

Kikimora. And it's my pleasure! At least I’ll travel, otherwise I don’t see anything except my swamp.

Leading. That's good. Then - let's go! Where are our magic balls?

Children take a bunch of balloons. Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, and Kikimora also stand with them.

Baba Yaga. I've flown in a mortar, but never in a hot air balloon!

Shapoklyak. And I only rode the train with Gena the Crocodile.

Leading. And in a hot air balloon, in my opinion, the best amazing trip! From above you can see so much, and there is such beauty around you that you can only describe it in song.

The songs performed are “Singing Blue, words by I. Mashbash, music by N. Eliseev, “Chamomile Rus'”, words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Y. Chichkov. The balls are removed.

Leading. The first stop is the Center for Women's Professions.

Kikimora. I've never heard of this before! What kind of professions are these?

Leading. Now the guys and I will explain everything to you. Besides the fact that all women are mothers, wives, housewives, they all do some kind of work for the benefit of our country and receive wages for it.

Baba Yaga. Well, well, well... Can you be more specific?

Leading. Can. For example, all the mothers of our children have some kind of profession. It will take us a lot of time to talk about everyone. Therefore, we will arrange a small quiz “Guess the profession”.

4-5 children come out with their mothers.

Each child talks briefly about what his mother does.

The rest guess (prepare children in advance).

Shapoklyak. Yes, we all have professions too. Here I am - a professional disgrace and a hooligan.

Baba Yaga. And Kikimora and I are professional witches.

Leading. Is this really a profession? Having a profession means being useful to many people. And every profession requires discipline.

Kikimora. What else is this?

Leading. Discipline is order in everything. Firstly, you can’t be late for work. That's why our mothers get up early.

Shapoklyak. And I sleep until lunchtime, no one wakes me up.

Leading. And our mothers are woken up for work by an alarm clock.

Kikimora. Well, where can I get an alarm clock in the swamp?

Leading. This is not a problem at all. After all, spring is coming, and in the spring a special spring alarm clock begins to wake up everyone around. Our song is about this miracle alarm clock.

The song “Spring Alarm Clock” is performed, lyrics by M. Sadovsky, music by S. Sosnin.

Baba Yaga. Oh, and a nice alarm clock! The main thing is always at hand!

Kikimora. It definitely won't let you sleep.

Shapoklyak. Well, what profession should I choose, in your opinion?

Leading. As the poet said, “all works are good, choose according to your taste.” And in order to choose something for yourself, you need to know more about different professions. Our guys are already trying to do this.

Game “Things for professions”

Various things are laid out in disarray on the table.

4 children must place items for a specific profession on their chair, which is placed in the center of the room. For example, 1st child - for the doctor (thermometer, syringe, bandage, heating pad); 2nd child - for the cook (ladle, rolling pin, saucepan, grater, seasoning); 3rd child - for the teacher (book, pointer, pen, ruler, chalk);

4th child - for the tailor (scissors, thimble, fabric, thread, centimeter).

Shapoklyak(addressing Baba Yaga and Kikimora). Well, friends, as I understand it: in order to become a real woman, you must master some necessary profession. We will definitely take care of this.

Leading. That's good. And we set off further in our magic hot air balloon. (Takes the balls. They “fly” to the music). On our way we meet not only beautiful natural landscapes, but also many kind, cheerful, wonderful people. And now, it seems, another funny meeting awaits us.

The dances “Chiki-Brick” and “Sailor” are performed.

Leading. Well, now it's time for us to land. (Send four children to put on clothespins.) Our destination is “Hostess”.

Shapoklyak. Oh, I know, I know! Housekeeping means cooking, washing, washing, cleaning. Yes?

Leading. Right. And a real woman must certainly be a good housewife.

Baba Yaga. Yes, we know that. Everybody knows how to manage things.

Leading. But that's not all. For example, one unlucky cook...


The cook was preparing dinner

And then the lights were turned off.

Chef bream beret

And puts it in compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

He puts jam in the oven.

Stirs the soup with a poker,

Ugli hits with a ladle.

Sugar pours into the broth -

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette,

When the light was fixed.

Leading. And how much trouble there is with washing! Especially when there are naughty children in the house who hang clothespins all over themselves, and the mother has to take them off without looking up from the wash. And this is what it looks like sometimes.

Game "Take off the clothespins"

Four children are hung in different places bodies with clothespins, two mothers and Baba Yaga and Kikimora remove them blindfolded. Who is faster?

Shapoklyak(to children). What do your mothers cook deliciously?

(Children's answers.)

Shapoklyak. And we will come up with a more difficult task for your mothers. Here are some wooden spoons for you

Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Kikimora give two spoons to all mothers.

Baba Yaga. What do you think - will you cook porridge or cabbage soup? No matter how it is!

Kikimora. Since today is a holiday, play spoons for us.

Leading. And we just wanted to play orchestra with the guys. And with mothers, I think our orchestra will be even better and more fun.

The orchestra plays “Medley of Russian Folk Songs”.

Baba Yaga. If the mothers in the orchestra are so good at playing spoons, then in the kitchen they are even more so.

Kikimora. We also want to be such wonderful housewives.

Leading. And if you want it, then you will definitely do it. You'll only get a little bit. Well, we fly on. (“They fly” to the music.)

Child. Look, look, what an unusual, simply magical bridge has grown on our way.

The song “Rainbow” sounds, lyrics by L. Chadova, music by N. Lukonina.

The dance "Magic Bridge" is performed.

Leading. We are approaching the next point called “Beauty Salon”.

Shapoklyak. Is this the place where beauty is being created?

Leading. Of course here. They say that ugly women can not be. And that's true. You just need to maintain this beauty and be able to present it.

Baba Yaga. Well, even I can become a beauty, or what?

Leading. Why not. Look how beautiful our mothers are today.

Kikimora. We want to be like that too.

Leading. And very good. For you to become beautiful too, you need to try to do it yourself. But since creating beauty is a kind of sacrament, you will have to do it alone with the mirror. So you can go to our beauty salon and turn into real beauties.

Shapoklyak. And while we turn into beauties, your holiday will not end?

Leading. Of course not. We will definitely wait for you. (Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Kikimora leave.) For any woman, being beautiful is also a lot of work. For example, to be slim, you need to exercise. Right? To have a beautiful waist, you need to twist the hoop. And now we will have a competition to see who can play it longer: the mother or the daughter.

Competition "Who can spin the hoop the longest"

Three to four pairs are called (mother and daughter). At the signal, participants begin to spin the hoop. The one who does it the longest wins.

Leading. And we also have a game for boys and their mothers. Moms, would you like to be the beautiful Cinderella for at least a few minutes now? And your sons will be princes.

Game "Shoe Cinderella"

All playing mothers put one shoe in the center of one end of the hall and line up at the other end of the hall in two teams with their sons in pairs. At the signal, the boys run to the pile of shoes, find their mother’s shoe, run to their mother, put it on her foot, and stand at the end of the team. Whose team is faster?

Child. Our dear mothers, you are always the most beautiful to us. We will now give you our beautiful song.

The song “The Good Sorceress” is performed, words and music by S. Yudina. The curtain opens to the music, a sign is visible “City of Women”, includes Shapoklyak, Baba Yaga, Kikimora.

Shapoklyak. How? Are we already in the City of Women? Leading. Yes. This is the final stop on our journey. You have visited all the points leading to the City of Women. You understood a lot, learned a lot. Besides, you have become beauties. Therefore, today the City of Women hospitably welcomes you too. Come into it boldly!

In our wonderful City of Women, all women, without exception, accept congratulations!

Two boys come out.

1st boy.

We want our own girls

Now congratulate too!

After all, this holiday is for them too.

Why are you silent?

(Addresses the second boy.)

2nd boy.

Yes, here I am, if you want to know,

It's almost embarrassing to the point of tears!

Congratulate the girls again,

Why aren't they ashamed?

They are congratulated, but we are not!

For what, pray tell?

For the fact that each one is born

Was she born a girl?

1st boy.

It's hard to be a girl, believe me.

We're better off with them!

Don't be angry, buddy, they are now

Gifts need to be given.

Boys give souvenirs to girls.

1st child.

Russian grandmothers

The day is modest and quiet.

And hardly a pebble

We'll throw it at them!

2nd child.

Porridge and songs

They give back to their grandchildren.

A small pension

They give it to grandmothers.

3rd child.

My grandmother and I -

Old friends.

How good is it?

My grandmother!

4th child.

Happy holiday,

Spring holiday

All the grandmothers in the world


Children invite their grandmothers to the center of the circle, dance with them to the soundtrack of the song “Grandmothers” from the repertoire of the group “Lube”.

Leading. Dear mothers, and now you too accept congratulations from your children.

1st child.

We are like this as a gift to mothers

Let's invent a calendar

I met there every day.

2nd child.

Our bow and thanks from everyone

For the sunshine of your eyes

And because spring is beautiful

It started today.

Children invite their mothers, as well as fairy-tale characters, to a free dance. Congratulations to the parents. Everyone goes to the group.

Matinee dedicated to March 8 in kindergarten with competitions for children and parents of the preparatory group

Create a festive atmosphere, conditions for warm, emotional communication between children and parents
- develop musical and Creative skills children with the help various types musical activity;
- develop attention, memory, intelligence, ingenuity;
- activate thinking and speech activity children;
- to form social and communicative qualities (cooperation, flexibility, tolerance).

Leading: Among first spring days
March 8th is the most expensive!
All over the Earth, for all people
Spring and women are alike!
Good luck to you, good health to you,
and we wish you happiness,
And happy first spring holiday

(boys enter the hall and stand in a semicircle)

Leading: The golden ray is dancing,
Touch the mirror a little with your hand,
Today is not an easy day,
It is a holiday today …

All the boys: Mother's day!


There are so many of them, kind and gentle,
Today it's time for the holiday,
For them the snowdrop blooms,
And the sun gives warmth!

Leading: The hall sparkles with smiles,
The guests are seated!
But someone is missing...
Boys: Our glorious, lovely ladies!

Alyosha: They powder their nose, paint their eyes,
Spinning in front of the mirror.
Wait, our ladies,
They'll appear here now!
Glory: Most beautiful,
Dear, dear,
The girls are great

Boys: Very cute!
(girls enter the hall, semicircle)

Dasha: Let the sun shine tenderly,
Let the birds sing today.
About the most beloved in the world -
I'm talking about my mother!
Sveta: Mom is heaven!
Mom is the light!
Mom is happiness!

There is no better mother!

Zhenya: Mom is a weasel!
Mom is a fairy tale!
Mom is kindness!
Mom will always help out!

Karina: Mom will smile

mom will be sad...
Mom will regret it

mom will forgive everything

Nastya: Mom, there is no one more precious than you!
Mom can do anything in the world!
Mother! Who is dearer than her?
Mom, there is spring in her eyes!

Milana: We want "Thank you!"

tell you
For your kindness and patience!
And raise this holiday

The mood is sky high!

Our dear mothers!
We ourselves admit
Which of course we are not always
We behave well.
We make you very sad
What we sometimes don’t notice.
We love you very, very much!
Let's grow kind

And we will always try

To behave.
Masha: And now in the elegant hall,
We will sing about dear mothers,
Dear ones, this song,
Together: We give it to you from the bottom of our hearts!

1.Song “Mom’s Holiday”

Leading: We invite our mothers to the stage.

We will now check whether mothers know children's poems.

Every mother should tell us a poem like this,

how little children do it.

  1. Competition "Children's Poems"

Leading: Well done, our mothers!

Leading: Now let's remember the fairy tales,

in which mothers are mentioned.

And there are many such tales. Do the guys remember them?

Do their mothers remember them?

1. In which fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to her grandmother with a basket of pies? (Little Red Riding Hood)
2. Which mother sang a song to her children at the door so that she would be allowed into the house? (A goat to seven kids)
3. In what fairy tale did mother say in a rough voice: “Who ate from my cup?” (Three Bears)
4. In what fairy tale did mom and dad, leaving home, tell their daughter to look after her younger brother? (Swan geese)
5. In what fairy tale did the princess give birth to a hero to the Tsar-Father? (the tale of Tsar Saltan, Pushkin)
6. In what fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to the store to buy some bagels? (Seven-flowered flower)
7. In what fairy tale was the mother looking for a nanny for her child to sing him a lullaby? (The Tale of a Stupid Mouse, Marshak)

2 Competition: “My beloved”
Mothers with children take part in the competition. Which mother will say more kind words to her child? They are called one by one and cannot be repeated.


Everyone is having fun today
They sing songs and frolic.
I invite you, friends,
I'm off to a fun dance!
Musical number Dance "Spring is Red"
Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?
Always standing by the stove,
Who darns our clothes?
Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?
Who is the tastiest person in the world?
Does he always bake pies?
Even dads, who is more important?
And who is honored in the family? - (grandmother)
Artem: Very much my grandmother

I love mom and dad

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand

I just want to touch it

And then kiss.

Ilya:. Dear Grandmother,
The most beautiful!
Golden hands
The eyes are young.

Be always happy
Wise and beautiful.
Happy holiday, dear!
Congratulations again!
Philip: Listen to our song

beloved grandmother,
Always be healthy

be always happy!
Song "Grandma"
3 Game with children “Help your friend.”

In the middle of the hall there are two chairs with their backs facing each other. On each chair there is one apron and one scarf. One boy and one girl from each team come out to them. Girls stand opposite the chairs, and boys next to them.
Presenter: Fifth task. Next competition: “What a mommy...”. You need to call mommy in affectionate words, but the commands should not be repeated.

Leading: We congratulate our dear mothers on this day.
We give them wonderful gifts!
Accept gifts from your guys,
They were made by our friendly, cheerful kindergarten!
May Women's Day never end,
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile on you,
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last snowstorm,
Happy early spring holiday
We congratulate you, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Scenarios festive events and matinees dedicated to the International women's day March 8 in preparatory groups.

Contained in sections:

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All sections | Scenarios March 8. Holiday in preparatory group

Matinee March 8th 1st preparatory group. "Holiday of Grandmothers and Mothers" Matinee 8th Marta 1st preparatory group. « Holiday of grandmothers and mothers» . Target: Creation festive atmosphere. Tasks: Develop creative independence, the ability to correctly pronounce given sounds in front of a large audience. Cultivate a desire to please loved ones with poems...

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Holiday March 8th for children 5-7 years old. Scenario



Concert progress

To the music, children enter the music room and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

Presenter. Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, dear women!

We are happy to see you at the holiday,

Although there are many worries ahead,

But you have postponed everything now.

For what? Everyone will understand this.

1st child.

You didn't come to visit, you came home.

We are very glad to see you.

Today is not an ordinary day,

Today is Mother's Day!

2nd child.

Dear mom, I love you!

I give you all the spring flowers!

The sun smiles, looking from above.

3rd child.

Dear granny, kind and gentle,

I will give you fresh snowdrops.

I remember your tender hands.

4th child.

My sister's laughter rolls like a bell,

Blue dress, red pigtails.

We play merrily and pick flowers in the field.

How great it is - I have you!

5th child.

I have a best, best friend.

And we are always together, that is, inseparable.

I can’t live a day without you, my friend.

How great it is - I have you!

6th child.

We congratulate you on the spring holiday!

We wish everyone happiness, laughter, joy and health!

May all your dreams come true today!

How great it is that we exist in the world!

T. Fadeeva

Children perform the song “The Good Witch,” music and lyrics by S. Yudina.

7th child.

The drops began to gurgle

And spring is at this door

A bright bird

Today it fluttered.

So let's sing

Have fun, joke,

In honor of spring,

What warmth has returned to us!

8th child.

On this sunny day

We are not too lazy to sing songs

And for mothers to dance in this hall.

We, dear ones, are for you

We prepared "Waltz".

Look how hard we tried!

Children perform “Waltz” at the choice of the music director. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.


We sing at the holiday

And we read poetry.

And to make it more fun,

Let's play!

Games are held with the participation of mothers.

"Decorate Your Mom"

Several willing couples are invited to play - children with mothers. In the middle of the hall there is a table with attributes: hats, scarves, beads, clips, hairpins, lipstick, etc.

Mothers sit on chairs around the table. At a signal, children begin to “decorate” their mothers with everything that is available. Everyone present appreciates the effort with friendly applause.

"Treat for Mom"

Several pairs of people are invited to participate in this game. Mothers sit on chairs. There are bananas cut in half on a tray. At the signal, the children peel the bananas and feed their mothers. You can use small packages of yogurt for the game. This is where teaspoons come in handy.

❧ The games are a lot of fun. Both participants and spectators like them. Just don’t forget to offer the mothers - participants in the extreme show - wet wipes to get yourself in order after these games.

During the games, the girls participating in the fashion show go backstage. Moms help them change clothes. To make “evening models” of clothes, any mother’s outfits are used. Dresses, blouses, high heels, hats, scarves, and jewelry are suitable.

9th child.

Our girls

They don't want to stand on the sidelines.

Everyone smiles sweetly

Like mothers, they dress up.

They want to go on the podium sooner,

To show off in a beautiful dress.

Our girls are such fashionistas!

We'll go and sit on the sidelines.

Fashion demonstration “Evening toilet from mom”

Recorded music plays. The girls take turns wearing “evening” outfits made from their mother’s dresses. It is very simple to prepare an outfit: any mother’s dress is adjusted to the child’s figure using pins, ropes, and hairpins, complemented by all kinds of accessories (hats, handbags, scarves, etc.) and jewelry. The girls walk one at a time through the center of the hall, slowly spin around in place, showing off their outfit, return to the central wall and stop in a beautiful pose. When all the willing girls have demonstrated their outfit and stand in a line at the central wall, then once again everyone goes forward together, stops in front of the audience, stands for a short time and one after another goes backstage.

While the girls are changing into their outfits, the rest of the children sing the song “Fashionista”, music by L. Olifirova (“The Sun Laughs”)

Emelya enters the hall to the Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak.”


Oh, I was almost late!

But did I get there?

I hurried to the kids in kindergarten,

After all, today is their holiday!

It seems they are expecting guests here?

Of course, I’m right there!

Presenter. We are, of course, very pleased that you came to our holiday. But we still don’t understand who you are?


If you guess the riddle,

Who am I, you will all know!

I sent buckets to the river,

He himself slept peacefully on the stove.

I slept for a whole week.

What's my name?

Children. Emelya!


Do you know, kids,

Which book did I come from?

You will guess another riddle -

Find out the name of the fairy tale!

People are surprised:

The stove is moving, the smoke is coming out,

And Emelya on the stove

Eats big rolls.

The tea pours itself

According to his will.

And the fairy tale is called...

Children. "By magic!"

Presenter. Emelya, do you know what holiday we celebrate here?

Emelya. Some good guy, funny. Maybe New Year?

Children. No!

Emelya. A! Understood! Dear teacher, happy birthday to you!

Presenter. You were wrong again, Emelya! Today is not my birthday, but the very first spring holiday. Guess which one?


For a long time, children, don’t languish,

Tell me quickly!


What kind of holiday are we with you?

First met in the spring?

Let's ask Lera, ask Sasha,

Let's ask Dima and Natasha,

The children will all answer us:

Children(together). This is our mothers' holiday!

1st child.

Today is a holiday!

Today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers!

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

2nd child.

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

Holiday of the most tender words!

3rd child.

And for our mothers

We all sing and dance here!

And you, Emelya, don’t be lazy,

Come dance with us!

Children perform a general dance at the choice of the music director.


I'm dancing wildly

But I can only sing quietly.

While I was catching pike,

I had a severe cold in my throat.

Presenter. And our guys sing very well, loudly. Their songs for their beloved mothers always sound affectionate and tender. Listen, Emelya, to a song called “I love my mother.”

Children perform the song “I Love Mom,” lyrics by I. Skladanov, music by Y. Mikhailenko.

Emelya. Nice song, sweet. It's immediately obvious that you love your mommies.


On the occasion of the Eighth of March

We have collected advice:

Do we love our mother?

Do we love or not?

All children. We love you!


Everyone said the answer in unison,

This means she needs help.

Now Petya will tell us how he helps his mother manage the house...

The child recites the poem “Mom’s Helper.”

I love my mom very much!

I will always help her.

Can I sweep the floor?

Take the chair to the kitchen.

Wipe off dust from all things

And pour some cabbage soup for the kitten.

I can wash the dishes

But I won't wash it today.

And I'm ready to help,

I'll bake her some pancakes!

I’ll definitely help my mom -

I love pancakes myself!

G. Galkina

Emelya. Tell me honestly, do you all help your mothers with housework? I believe, I believe, but I’d better check it myself now!

The games “Move Mom’s Shopping” are held; “Make soup and compote”; “Set the table for tea”; “Put away the dirty dishes.”

Emelya. Did a great job! It’s immediately obvious that good helpers are growing! But something made me sad... After all, today is a holiday for all women. And grandma is also a woman.

She's my mother's mother! And I completely forgot to congratulate my beloved grandmother on such a wonderful holiday...

Presenter. But the holiday is not over yet!

Let's congratulate all the grandmothers together at once!

Emelya. Will it work?

Presenter. But of course! But where is she, your grandmother?

Emelya. We are organizing this now! At the behest of the pike, at my will, grandma-granny, appear, show yourself to me!

Grandmother Emelya enters. Emelya joyfully rushes to meet her.

Grandmother! The guys and I will now congratulate you and other grandmothers! Grandmother. Oh, Emelyushka, you scared me! Is that possible? He didn’t even let me say hello to the guys or the guests! Hello, dear guests: both old and young, married and single! I am glad to welcome you to this upper room! Happy holiday!

Presenter. Hello, dear grandmother! Sit down with us and listen to the poems that the guys prepared especially for grandmothers.

1st child.

Grandmothers have a lot of different worries,

Grandmothers have a lot of troubles.

Our kind, dear grandmother,

There is no you better, younger and more beautiful.

2nd child.

I love grandma's house

Help on the farm,

I love being next to my grandmother

Walk along the street.

I love together with my grandmother

Watch a football match.

My grandmother and I decided a long time ago

We are rooting for Spartak.

3rd child.

Our old grandmothers

Our grandchildren love us very much:

They buy us toys

And they take us for a walk in the garden.

These are the good ones

Our dear grandmothers!

There are many different songs

About everything in the world,

And now we’ll sing a song for you

Let's sing about grandma.

Children perform the song “About Grandma,” music and lyrics by N. Toptygina.


For our dear grandmothers

We, friends, also dance!

The dance “Old Grandmothers” is performed to the soundtrack of a song by V. Dobrynin with verses by S. Osiashvili.


And now we'll play -

Let's quickly wind the thread into a ball.

Grandma is playing the game “Who can wind a ball faster.”


Having fun from the heart -

The songs and dances are good!

But now it’s time for us to go to a fairy tale -

Perform a different dance.

Goodbye friends,

I'll meet you again!

Emelya and Grandma leave.

Presenter. Dear grandmothers and mothers! Ours has come to an end fun party. Emelya and her grandmother went back to the fairy tale. It's time for us to return to our group.

Goodbye once again

We want to congratulate you!

1st child.

Today we congratulate

Our dear, kind mothers.

And with all our hearts we wish

We wish you great happiness!

2nd child.

Of course, we know ourselves

Why are you tormented with us?

We are not always good

And patience to every mother

We wish from the heart.

3rd child.

We will all be attentive

Listen to your advice

And definitely soup

Eat two plates at a time.

4th child.

Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,

We know how often she gets tired.

And we give our word to our beloved mother

All children. That we will always obey in everything!

Children perform the song “Dear Grandmothers and Mothers”, lyrics by 3. Alexandrova, music by I. Bodrachenko

MBDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 222"

for preparatory group No. 12

"Mom's Heart"

Prepared by: Majar

Tatyana Anatolyevna

Orenburg - 2017

The hall is decorated. There are balloons tied on large chairs.

Children enter the hall to the accompaniment of lyrical music, stop in the center of the hall, and read poetry.


Is in my mother's heart,

What beats so loudly,

The place that

It's called childhood.

2. Child:

Where do we forget

Put your books away

Where we don't go to sleep

Without a soft bear.

3. Child:

Where we are not disturbed

No flu, no sore throat.

Where honey won't help -

Raspberries will help...

4. Child:

And I'm not bored there,

I'm interested there.

In my mother's heart

Not at all cramped!

The children go out the door.

Entrance of children with hearts (at back side congratulations) the children perform a dance composition to the song “Mom”.

Presenter. Dear, beloved, mothers! Accept from your children these fiery hearts that symbolize boundless love for you!

Children give hearts to mothers, and mothers give them hearts Balloons. Children stand in their places, then release them at the same time.


Happy spring holiday,

With the first flowers

In this bright hour!

Our dear, dear, dear ones,

The most beautiful congratulations to you!

Song "Spring" music. I. Frolova


Love drives us today

And my soul is as hot as in summer!

Let mom's eyes shine


Today is the holiday of our mothers,

Today grandmothers are younger...

Spring wishes you love!

There is no gift more precious than love.


How good, how fun

How joyful it is all around!

Let us for our mothers

Let's all sing a song together!

Song "Mom's Heart" lyrics. and music N.B. Karavaeva's children sit down

Leading. And now congratulations will be heard for our girls, because this is their holiday too!

(Boys come out)

We are funny guys

Congratulations, girls,

Happy spring holiday,

Tenderness and beauty!

The sun is shining brightly in the sky,

The birds are singing merrily.

They wish you happiness

And they send greetings to spring!

You are beautiful like stars

And the eyes burn with fire,

And your sweet smiles

Outshine the sun during the day!

You are not adults yet

But already beauties,

And to the boys everything, everything, everything

I like you very, very much.

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

In the whole world, simply not!

Why are we all dancing here?

Why are we singing here?

Because we are girls

Happy Women's Day!

And today on Women's Day -

Be supportive:

Give us smiles,

Don't refuse us a waltz!

Waltz "Mirror Waltz"

Mommy is like a butterfly, cheerful, beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

Mommy plays with me and reads fairy tales.

There is nothing more important to her than me – blue eyes.

Presenter: Now we will check how carefully you listen to fairy tales.

Game "The Most Reading Family" for mother and child

(The child chooses a ball, the mother must burst it, take it out and read the question, the child answers)

Questions in a balloon.

She is the most important of all in a fairy tale,

Even though she lived in the cellar:

Pull the turnip out of the garden

Helped my grandparents (mouse)

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Small children? (seven kids)

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

married a princess (Emelya from the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike”)

This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds everyone until they are full,

That she is herself

Full of delicious food (tablecloth - self-assembled from a fairy tale)

Sweet apple flavor

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s light all around, like during the day (Firebird)

The duck knows, the bird knows,

Where Koshchei death lurks.

What is this item?

Give me a quick answer my friend (Needle)

Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one


Which? (Mortar)

Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling them

And she sheds tears on the way (Fedora)

And the little hare and the she-wolf -

Everyone runs to him for treatment (Aibolit)

I went to visit my grandmother,

I brought the pies to her.

Gray wolf I was watching her

Deceived and swallowed (Little Red Riding Hood)

Cinderella's feet

Fell by accident.

She was not simple,

And crystal. ( shoe)

Presenter: What fairy tale is the glass slipper from?


Well done! All the riddles have been solved. Our guys not only know a lot of fairy tales, but also know a lot of skits and will now show one.

The scene is played out: “What kind of children are these days, right?

Boy. Who can help me answer:

Why do adults need children?

Girl. Why do you need all this?

Boy. For a specific answer!

TO adult life Preparation…

Girl. You came up with this cleverly!

Boy. Yes, I feel bad for my mother,

There are no problems in life.

Girl. Yes, we have quite a few problems...

Not an easy position - mother.

Boy. It would probably be easier for her

Without children like us.

Girl. Ugh! What nonsense!

She will be bored then!

Just imagine now

A mother without children at all!

Boy. At home - quiet...Cleanliness...Beauty!

Girl. And emptiness! The house is cozy, but empty!

Without children he is not alive!

You men are klutzes!

To educate and teach you:

And parsley from dill

You can't tell the difference!

Boy. You, thorny thorn,

You don't know us men well

Every now and then you shed tears

And also for no reason...

You are prickly words

You say, timid...

Dad is the head of the house!

Girl. And mom is the neck of the house!

Boy. But, let me tell you straight away,

Mom doesn't rest at all.

Kitchen, ironing, laundry,

Collect toys again.

Without sparing nerve cells,

Keep the kids in bed!

Girl. And hear, falling asleep,...

You are so beautiful

Honestly, honestly, I say

Mom, I love you so much!

Boy. Yes...Sounds nice...

What about this prospect? -

Just raised children

Got married quickly...

Do you want to relax now?

Here are your grandchildren!.. Get it!..

Girl. So what?.. Play again!

Answer grandma

They sat down, stood up, ran,

All the toys have been collected again,

Workout at the stove

A load of domestic fuss.

Boy. Yes, why do they need to live like this?

Girl. Aerobics all the way!

Hurry up to get everything done,

There's no time to grow old!

Boy. No, I still doubt it

So many nerves and worries!

I'm becoming more and more convinced:

Children are troublesome people.

It takes a long time to raise them

And educate, teach,

Don't get enough sleep at night,

Worry day and night.

If you are sick, treat them.

If you are at fault, you will be reprimanded.

And help with studies,

And feed and dress up...

Girl. What is the difficulty? I don't understand!

I dress up dolls!

Boy. Well, I compared! Wow - it gives!

Children are troublesome people!

Girl. But for mom

The most important thing, I’ll say straight away,

Mom is a continuation in children,

Honor and respect to her!


Boy. And worries again and again...

Girl. So, my friend, calm down!

Worries are fun!

While you raise the children,

You won't get bored for a moment!

Boy. Yes-ah-ah, I got the answer -

The meaning of their life, apparently, is this.

The meaning of their life, apparently, is

So that the house is full of children!

Every mother has a child,

Together. Well, better yet – two at once!

So that mommy gets bored

No headache!


No one can replace motherly love for us,

Don't try, don't, friends.

Only mother's heart will warm with love,

And he will hug and caress you!

Mom's heart knows no peace,

Mom's heart burns like a torch,

Mother's heart will hide from grief,

It will be difficult for him - he will remain silent.

Mom's heart doesn't hold grudges,

Her love for children does not fade away,

Mom's heart will understand and forgive,

The heart knows no boundaries to worries

Mom's heart can hold so much

Affection, care, love and warmth.

Anyone protects us from adversity.

If only my dear one were happy.

Song “I have only one Mommy” lyrics. and music M.V. Sidorova


Dad's moms, mom's moms,

The best, the kindest,

They bake pies and fry pancakes,

We call them affectionately...

Children: Grandmothers!


Today is the holiday of mothers, but grandmothers are also mothers!

Of course, and that’s why now it’s time to congratulate our beloved grandmothers!

Happy holiday, grandmothers, mothers,

woman's heart can't grow old

Don't let mental wounds bother you,

And you shouldn’t regret the years!

Oh, our grandmother!
He's busy all day:
Pancakes, pancakes -
He doesn't want to rest.
We sifted the flour
The dough is kneaded.
We sat down next to her,
They quietly asked:
Rest, grandma.
We will help you:
We'll put away all the toys.
And we'll put it back in place.
You and I feel so good!
Never a dull moment!
You, grandma, are our friend,
The very best!

There is no more wonderful grandmother
It's good to be with you.
And laugh and play,
Read a bedtime story.
Maybe you're from a fairy tale yourself?
You give peace, warmth and affection.
Be always - always cheerful.
And happy and healthy!

The boys sing the song “What’s Up with Grandma,” and the girls sing along in the seats.

1 Boy:

Today we sang and danced for you,

We performed for our beloved mothers,

Suddenly I see that mommy has a tear,

Perhaps a speck got into your eye?

2 Boy:

No, not a speck, mommy cried,

And she brushed away a tear with her finger,

When the most beautiful tune sounded.

After all, mothers cry from emotions too!

And from emotions and also from happiness.

3 Boy:

From gentle words of support and sympathy,

Of course, these are joyful tears,

They are also out of pride,

Let all mothers not know the tears of others!

4 Boy:

No wonder you dressed up like that today,

May you and your son spin in a waltz!

Brush away a tear, dear mommy!

Now I invite you to dance!

Dance of boys and mothers “On this spring day”

(angel girls come out)

My daughter can’t sleep at night,

Loudly calling mommy

And she doesn’t want to lie alone,

He rubs his eyes with his fists.

Maybe something hurt?

Why the anxious look?

“I really wanted to see my mother.”

The lips speak tenderly.

My daughters can’t sleep at night,

He sees his mother's eyes,

Doesn't want to sleep without mommy

A tear runs down my cheek.

Mom looked into her eyes,

Caressed, hugged,

The daughter yawned, smiled,

He falls asleep slowly.

Dance "Who are our angels?"

Dance "Angels" in white dresses with wings


We say “thank you”

We are for you today

After all, the earth is warm

By the kindness of mothers

Louder and younger

On this day she

After all, he can’t do it without his mothers

Spring is coming...


The heat is already melting the ice.

The sun warms the sky.

Happy first spring holiday

Congratulations to mom!

Song "Thank you, moms"


Today we tried for grandmothers and mothers.
We sang, danced, joked, laughed,
And in the hall spring has come
From the light of the radiance of mother's eyes!
So let spring bring forever
Health and youth to your homes.
May spring bring peace to the entire planet,
May your children always be happy!
Happy holiday to you, dear women!


Our holiday concert has come to an end. But your and your children’s love for you is limitless. Try to preserve it and carry it through your whole life! Take care of her! Once again, happy holiday dear women!!!


    Song "Spring" music. I. Frolova – 2 minutes;

    Dance of boys and mothers “On this spring day” 3 minutes;

    Song "Mom's Heart" lyrics. and music N.B. Karavaeva 2 minutes;

    Waltz “Mirror Waltz” phonogram – 3 minutes;

    Song “I have only one Mommy” lyrics. and music M.V. Sidorova -3 minutes;

    Song “What’s up with grandma” phonogram minus – 2 minutes;

    Dance of boys and mothers “On this spring day” - 3-4 minutes;

    Dance “Angels” phonogram – 3 minutes;

    Song “Thank you, moms” - 2 minutes.


1. Song “Spring” music. I. Frolova

1. The blizzards, blizzards, blizzards have died down

They were quickly replaced by ringing drops.

Look into the puddles, into the puddles, into the puddles

The red sun is laughing there now

2.Here I woke up, gentle, gentle, gentle

Blue snowdrop to see the world.

Look to the sky, to the sky, to the sky

There's a cloud walking there like a pink marshmallow

3.I ask you, people, people, people,

Smile together on a sweet day

How beautiful the sky, the sun, the air!

Love with your heart everything that I love

2. Song “Thank you, moms”

The moon rose stealthily

Illuminated the sky

Babies in their cribs

Taking a break from the hassle

A caring mothers

They don't sleep until midnight

And they sit quietly next to you

With a mother's kind gaze

They look at their children.

Thank you mom for your kindness

For tenderness, affection and warmth

For the life that they gave us

Thank you moms.

Mothers, affectionate mothers

We are happy that we have you

We trust you with secrets

And secrets without embellishment

With your achievements

We are in a hurry to please you

For love and understanding

For your patience and attention

We say thank you.

Chorus: the same.

Song "Mom's Heart" lyrics. and music N.B. Karavaeva

1 verse

A person, anyone, has a mother,

We walk through life together side by side with her.

There is nothing dearer to her, nothing dearer to her.

And only she knows how to love so truly.


Mom's heart is burning with fire.

Mom's heart warms our house.

Mom’s heart worries about everyone.

Mom’s heart doesn’t want to rest.

2nd verse

If her son or daughter gets sick,

The heart will not sleep for a minute at night.

Mom's heart beats, not knowing how tired she is,

Saving your child from harm.

Chorus: the same.

Verse 3

Your heart will beat if the house is empty,

And he will shrink into a ball if he becomes sad.

That's how big my mother's heart is,

The most beloved, the dearest.

Dance "Mirror Waltz"Sl. and music N. May.

Introduction - Children come out and line up one after another in columns.

1. I’ll take the mirror in my hands -

And I’ll run to the window -

I will find a star in the sky - Movement is also to the left.

And I’ll bring it into our house -

CHORUS:To my mother, my mother-

I will give a star on my palm - Spin around themselves to the right, right hand up, left down.

Better than the sweetest one -

And she will smile back - They circle around to the left, left hand up, right down.

There behind the clouds -

There is a magical miracle path -

And I will find her for my mother -

I will find light in the sky - Circling to the right, arms raised up.

And I will find her for my mother -

I will find light in the sky - Circling to the right, arms raised up.

2. I’ll take the mirror in my hands - Connect palms right and left. hands below and raise up to shoulder level (Look in the mirror).

And I’ll run to the window - Step to the right with the right foot of the hand - up and back to the first position.

I will find the sun in the sky - Hands up through sides down (Drawing the sun).

And I’ll bring it into our house - They stretch their arms forward. The palms are connected.

CHORUS:To my mother, my mother - I will give a star on my palm -

Better than the sweetheart herself - And she will smile back - Divide into 2 circles and walk in a circle.

There behind the clouds -

They disperse into a large circle.

And I will find her for my mother - They walk in a circle, raise their hands up (narrow the circle).

I will find light in the sky - They disperse into a large circle.

And I will find her for my mother - I will find light in the sky - They return to their places.

3. I’ll take the mirror in my hands - Connect palms right and left. hands below and raise up to shoulder level (Look in the mirror).

And I’ll run to the window - Step to the right with the right foot of the arm to the right and up to return to the i.p.

I will find a ray in the sky -

And I’ll bring it into our house - They stretch their arms forward. The palms are connected.

CHORUS:To my mother, my mother- 2 side steps to the right, hands at the bottom, palms parallel to the floor.

I’ll give you a ray of light on my palm - Connect right hands, left. hands spin to the side like an asterisk.

Better than the sweetest one - 2 side steps to the left, hands below, palms parallel to the floor.

And she will smile back - Connect lion. hands, etc. hands spin to the side like an asterisk.

There behind the clouds - They walk together, taking 3 steps forward from the right. 4 step substitute to left.n.

There is a magical miracle path - Circling to the right, arms raised up.

And I will find her for my mother - Together they walk, taking 3 steps back from the left. n. 4 step substitute to pr.n.

I will find light in the sky - Circling to the right, arms raised up.

And I will find her for my mother - Swinging left and right, arms down.

I will find light in the sky - Circling to the right, arms raised up.

Conclusion - Stand motionless, arms raised up.
