Compatibility of zodiac signs in love by year of birth. Compatibility by year of birth: accurate recommendations of the eastern horoscope for everyone

Astrology is divided into two separate directions - Western and Eastern. Western astrology includes 12 zodiac signs that correspond to our date and month of birth. The interpretation of eastern astrology is based on a 12-year cycle, for each year of which a specific patron animal is responsible. If we talk in simple words, then astrological analysis according to the Western system is aimed at studying a person’s personality type, his character and temperament. Eastern teaching allows us to understand the strong and weak sides a person, his deepest aspirations and methods of implementation in society. Since these areas are, in fact, branches of one science, astrologers have developed the new kind- combination of eastern and zodiac horoscope, which includes both Western and Eastern interpretations, and, therefore, allows you to calculate in more detail astrological portrait person. We are talking about a structural or combined horoscope, which uses a division into seven personal portraits corresponding to the year, month and date of birth.

A structural horoscope provides unique information about a person’s character and talents when compared with traditional popular horoscopes. A combination of years and zodiac signs identifies 7 main types with unique features.

To find out the structural horoscope of a person born on a certain day, indicate that day. Having done online payment, you will see one of seven structural portraits.

Structural (combined) horoscope by date of birth

Person's birthday:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1936 19 37 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 196 7 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 199 2 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 201 7 2018 2019
Aries Taurus Twins Cancer a lion Virgo Scales Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Fish
Rooster 4 5 2 7 2 5 4 3 6 1 7 3
Dog 3 7 5 2 4 2 5 4 3 7 1 6
Boar 6 3 4 5 7 4 7 5 4 3 6 1
Rat 1 6 3 4 5 2 7 2 7 4 3 6
Bull 6 1 7 3 4 5 2 4 2 5 7 3
Tiger 3 7 1 6 3 4 5 7 4 2 5 4
Cat (Rabbit) 4 3 6 1 7 3 4 5 2 7 2 5
The Dragon 5 4 3 7 1 6 3 4 5 2 4 5
Snake 2 5 4 3 6 1 6 7 7 5 2 4
Horse 7 2 5 4 3 6 1 6 3 4 5 7
Goat (Sheep) 2 4 7 5 4 7 6 1 6 3 4 5
Monkey 7 2 4 2 5 7 3 6 1 6 3 4

Types of structural “combined” horoscope:

1 - King

3 - Knight

4 - Aristocrat

5 - Professor

7 - Vector

Below we will look in detail at what each of the signs of a structural or combined horoscope means:

1. King

According to the structural horoscope, Kings are given wisdom, courage, determination and insight from birth. People with the royal mark strive exclusively for the best and do not spare themselves on the path to success. Kings have enormous intellectual, emotional and physical potential. Quite often they achieve significant material or career success. At the same time, the Kings, like a magnet, attract people who are eager to bathe in the rays of their wisdom and attractiveness. It may seem that everything comes extremely easily to the Kings, but in reality, behind every small success there is a huge amount of work and dedication.

To make the most of positive characteristics horoscope, representatives of the King sign should get rid of vanity and the desire to command others. Real kings should not pay attention to base feelings, because their destiny is to rule, healing with their wisdom and prudence.

2. Leader

This sign embodies energy and strength. Leaders are born leaders, masterminds and leaders. Most representatives of this sign know what others need, know how to interest people and direct their efforts in the right direction. To live in harmony with their own “I”, Leaders need to self-actualize, proving their own importance and strength. Ideally, people of this astrological sign must occupy leadership positions using your natural potential. If for some reason this seems impossible, take the position of a mentor and wise teacher who helps people find their way to a brighter future. However, do not abuse your own power. Remember, if you do everything right, people will follow you.

3. Knight

The trump card of this sign is manifested in kindness, selflessness and mercy. Knights not only sympathize with the sorrows of people, but accept their troubles as their own, and strive to protect the weak, feed the hungry and shelter the lost. Regardless of profession, temperament and life preferences, Knights crave great achievements and dream of showing their heroic nature. In truth, their lives are already filled with small and large feats, because almost every day they have to save their many friends and admirers. But the Knight's fate is such that his noble deeds often go unnoticed. If by the will of the stars you were born in knight's armor, do not expect applause and recognition, because your lot is pure kindness and mercy. Moreover, fate will definitely thank you for such a difficult mission loving family and true friends.

4. Aristocrat

The aristocrat is called to bring beauty to our mortal world. People of this sign love beautiful things, stylish clothes and luxury goods. Their life should be easy and comfortable, because nature awarded Aristocrats with good aesthetic taste at the expense of willpower and determination. According to the structural horoscope, representatives of the Aristocrat sign are distinguished by moral purity, sociability and outstanding talents. However, aristocratic natures sometimes refuse to develop their abilities due to natural laziness and the desire for quick results. In order not to end up stuck, Aristocrats should develop determination and consistency. It is also extremely important for these people to have mentors who, at the right time, will be able to point out their mistakes and guide them on the right path.

5. Professor

People born under the auspices of the Professor sign embody intelligence, consistency and wisdom. Strength This structural portrait is manifested in intelligence and the ability to be guided by cold calculation. The Professor will never act rashly, like a Knight, and will never feel sorry for himself, like an Aristocrat, because he knows that success depends solely on himself. This sign partly displays the characteristics of a Leader and a King, but, unlike them, the Professor does not crave fame and love from society, since his self-sufficiency does not require any external entourage.

To show their best traits, people with the astrological type Professor should not panic or fuss, because wisdom loves calm.

6. Jester

Each kingdom has its own jester. It seems that this cheerful character entertains people all day long, living his life in endless dances and jokes. But in reality, the deepest mission of the jester is manifested in the discovery of human vices, which through the prism of a joke seem even more sinister and meaningless.

An astrological Jester is an extravagant, self-sufficient and unconventional person. He does not tolerate conventions and oppression. This person will not humbly carry his cross, but will do everything possible to achieve justice. The jester charges those around him with positivity, although he himself can be mopey and depressed. To feel like a happy person, the Jester needs an understanding environment that will appreciate him the way the stars made him.

7. Vector

People of the vector astrological type are very bright and unpredictable. Today they work hard, and tomorrow they hitchhike around the world. Representatives of this sign are constantly looking for ways to express their original nature. They are very changeable, they can change one profession after another, get involved in different hobbies, look for themselves in work or in love. It may seem that Vector is the personification of impermanence and frivolity, but the whole point is that this astrological type gained the ability to subtly sense the world and the laws of justice, which is why they are often thrown in different directions.

In addition, Vector is a sign that is extremely developed spiritually. People born under the auspices of Vector can see prophetic dreams, work with your intuition, anticipate events and predict the future. In order not to lose their unique features, people of the vector type need to accept their true nature and not try to remake their own worldview to fit the surrounding reality.

All people dream of finding a soul mate - a person who is ideal for you in all areas of life. Not everyone knows, but this dream may well become a reality if you carefully study compatibility by year of birth. IN Chinese calendar a description of the twelve zodiac signs is proposed, replacing each other annually. Some animals from the horoscope have very good compatibility, others naturally cannot stand each other. From this article you can find out what kind of compatibility you and your partner have personally.

The Rat gets along well with other Rats, Oxen, Dragons and Monkeys. Marriages of Rats and with Rats are successful. But in them it is important that the partners do not compete with each other.

Rats and Bulls will find mutual language if there are common interests. Rats and Dragons represent perfect combination based on feelings and sexual attraction. Flattery from the Rat regarding the Dragon will not be superfluous.

Monkeys and Rats will understand each other well and forgive various flaws.

It is quite difficult for the Rat to find a common language with the Tiger due to its contradictory nature. Tigers strive to take power over Rats, and the latter do not want to obey them.

The Rat-Snake couple risks quickly falling apart due to the secrecy of the 2nd partner.

The Rat and the Rooster are closely related souls. They can be happily married if the Rat is patient.

The relationship with the Dog will become either very interesting or boring - here it is important to maintain a middle ground. The Dog strives for loneliness, and the Rat often puts its interests above.

Compatibility for Ox

Bulls go well with Rats, Roosters, Rabbits, Snakes and Monkeys. They have quite a lot of similarities in their characters, common goals and aspirations.

It is possible to develop relationships with Bulls, Tigers, Dogs and Pigs. It is problematic for bulls to get along with representatives of their sign, because they always try to be in the first position and do not recognize subordination.

Bulls and Dragons, Horses and Goats do not suit each other well. In the first union, the partners show stubbornness; the Dragon is dreamy, which the Ox does not tolerate.

In the second case, the Ox will not appreciate the Horse’s sociability.

For a representative of the Goat sign, the Ox is too rude and prone to despotism, which the gentle and romantic Goat will not tolerate.

Compatibility for Tiger

Tigers get along best with other Tigers, as well as Dragons, Dogs and Horses.

The Tiger-Dragon pair is simply perfect! Thanks to the Dragon, the Tiger's secret wishes easily become reality, there is romance and dreams.

The Dog strives to communicate, which the Tiger does not always understand, and the Tiger is prone to depression.

Horses and Tigers get along well, but the Tiger tends to be jealous of his partner

Relationships between the Tiger and Rats, Goats, Roosters, Pigs and Bulls are difficult. There are different characters, life principles, behavior patterns and much more here.

Astrologers strongly advise against entering into relationships between Tigers and Rabbits, Snakes and Monkeys.

In the first case there is no support. In the second, the increased vulnerability of the Snake, to which the Tiger treats rather coldly, is hampered. And the connection between Tigers and Monkeys is fraught with constant conflict situations.

Compatibility for Rabbit

Ideal options for Rabbits: Goats, Pigs and Dogs.

In a relationship with a Goat, it is important that the Rabbit takes responsibility and devotes enough time to its partner.

Paired with a Dog, the Rabbit will give it its vitality, and the Dog will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Rabbits and Pigs easily find mutual understanding due to the similarity of characters.

Not so lucky are the connections of Rabbits with Dragons, other Rabbits, Snakes, Bulls, Horses and Monkeys.

Combinations of two Rabbits can be destroyed by idealization and lack of money.

In the second case, it is important that the Rabbit obeys the Dragon.

Rabbits and Snakes should not throw out all their problems on each other.

It is necessary to work in alliances between Rabbits and Horses due to the energetic disposition of the Horse and the Rabbit’s desire for constant rest.

Rabbits and Monkeys are too freedom-loving for joint relationships.

It is very difficult for Rabbits to find a common language with Rats, Tigers and Roosters.

Compatibility for Dragon

Dragons and Rats, Roosters, Monkeys and Tigers are a great match for each other..

The Dragon-Monkey pair is based on complete mutual harmony. The main thing is that the Monkey does not prohibit the Dragon from having his head in the clouds because of his natural pragmatism.

The relationship between Dragons and Roosters will last a long time if sound rationalism is present in them.

Events are not developing so well for Dragons and Rabbits, other Dragons, Snakes, Horses and Goats.

Dragons are born leaders, so they constantly strive to take the lead. It is important to learn humility and the ability to give in.

Dragons and Snakes strive to have financial independence from each other. It is important for them to pay more attention to creativity rather than everyday life and not to forget about spirituality.

The relationship between Dragons and Horses is based on romance, but the difficult nature of the stubborn Horse can greatly harm the partners. It is important that the Dragon pacifies her, but rather delicately.

Goats need to turn a blind eye to the Dragon’s desire to “soar in the clouds”, then everything will be fine.

Find out also how they complement each other different signs Zodiac by year of birth in the next video

Combinations of Dragons with Bulls, Pigs and Dogs are contraindicated.

The Dog-Dragon pairing is based on self-interest, not feelings. It is important that the Dragon makes concessions to the Dog, and she takes care of him and praises him.

Pigs cannot stand the pompousness and dreaminess of Dragons, so this union is doomed in advance.

Compatibility for Snake

The ideal connection between Snakes and Bulls, Monkeys and Roosters.

Snakes and Roosters will easily understand each other if the Snakes spend more time on their partner rather than on others.

Snakes and Monkeys are connected by common hobbies, but it is important that partners do not try to get into each other’s personal space.

You can create relationships between Snakes and Rats, Rabbits, Dragons, Horses and Dogs.

The Snake-Horse pair is pierced mutual love and care.

The dog should provide more support to the gentle Snakes, because they often suffer from depression. Social life also plays a big role in this couple.

The relationship between Snakes and Tigers, Snakes, Pigs and Goats will not be very harmonious.

Snakes are able to find an approach to each other, as they have a similar mindset, but their connection is more dramatic. It is extremely important for them to have common interests.

Snakes strive to control Pigs, which has a bad effect on the latter’s condition.

To preserve the marriage union with Goats, effort is also required. Goats are too eccentric and tend to bring Snakes into stressful situations.

Compatibility for Horse

The creation of relationships between Horses and Tigers, Goats and Dogs is shown.

The Horse is overly sociable, which may not be to the liking of the obstinate Goat. Partners need to share their experiences.

Excellent complementarity is observed in Horses and Dogs. They understand each other perfectly.

Medium alliances develop between Horses and Rabbits, Dragons, Pigs and Roosters.

The Horse-Rooster pair can work out, but the partners need to look for common ground and do not seek to dominate each other.

Long-term connections between Horses and Pigs are possible if the latter works more on herself.

It is very difficult for Horses to get along with other Horses, as well as Rats, Bulls and Monkeys.

The connection between two Horses is often destroyed due to mutual stubbornness, excessive emotionality and desire for independence.

Horses and Monkeys should strictly separate responsibilities to maintain their relationship.

Compatibility for Goat

The most successful alliances of Goats with Rabbits, Horses and Pigs.

The marriage of Goats and Pigs is very successful if the Goat does not dominate its partner, and the Pig shows a more sincere attitude towards the Goat.

An average relationship awaits Goats with Tigers, Dragons, Snakes, other Goats, Monkeys and Roosters.

Two Goats get along well with each other if they provide mutual support, show sincerity and naturalness, and are not under illusions.

Goats have a hard time with Monkeys, because the first partner strives for order and precision, while the second partner loves variety and often makes Goats jealous.

There are many good things in Rooster and Goat couples, but conflict situations often arise.

The alliances of Goats with Rats, Bulls and Dogs are characterized by instability.

Goats and Dogs cannot find a common language, as they are stubborn and capricious. It is important to show tolerance.

Monkey Compatibility

Monkeys, Rats and Dragons complement each other perfectly.

The average ones include connections of Monkeys with representatives of the sign of Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Goat, Monkey, Rooster and Dog.

Monkeys often cannot get along together because they strive for praise and exaltation. They are not prone to constancy and often cheat on their partners. Their increased independence is also a big hindrance.

Monkeys and Roosters get along well, but it is important to learn to help each other in everyday matters.

The Monkey-Dog pair will be harmonious if the latter cedes the role of leader to the Monkey. Also, partners should not strive to change each other, but should seek mutual understanding.

It is risky for Monkeys to have relationships with Tigers, Horses and Pigs.

Both Monkeys and Pigs tend to “withdraw into themselves,” while Pigs are quite stubborn and cold towards their loved ones. Advice: communicate more, tell each other your doubts and joys.

Compatibility for Rooster

Complexity is observed in the connections of Roosters with Rats, Tigers, Horses, Goats, Monkeys and Pigs.

The Rooster and Pig are particularly selfish individuals, plus the Rooster shows increased activity, which is not always included in the plans of the calm Pig. If you want to maintain an alliance, look for common goals and give in to each other.

The most unfavorable connections of Roosters are with Rabbits, other Roosters and Dogs.

Roosters fight with other Roosters for the desire to be first in everything, they also tend to be jealous of their partner and are often in a negative mood. To maintain relationships, you should learn mutual trust and take control of your emotions.

Roosters and Dogs are not inclined to get along due to the fact that the Rooster is too sociable and has an inflated ego. It is common for a dog to have doubts about him and sacrifice his interests in order to preserve the relationship. Because of this, she often begins to feel depressed and the connection will be destroyed.

Compatibility for Dogs

Not very successful combinations of Dogs with Rats, Bulls, Snakes, Monkeys, Pigs and other Dogs.

It is difficult for Dogs to get along with Dogs, because they tend to be depressed at the same time. This also adds to the problems of the material plane, because Dogs tend to spend money thoughtlessly.

Dogs and Pigs generally complement each other quite well. The dog must forgive its partner for a little coldness and spend more time on itself, without concentrating only on the relationship.

Relationships between Dogs and Tigers, Rabbits and Horses are favorable. Relationships with Dragons, Goats and Roosters are difficult for Dogs.

Compatibility for Pig

Pig goes well with Rabbit and Goat.

Pigs are characterized by increased sensuality of nature, emotionality and romance. Communication with each other is based on warmth, physical attraction and complete mutual understanding. It is important that partners pay more attention to everyday life and avoid conflict situations.

Good relationships are possible for Pigs with Rats, Bulls, Tigers, Dragons, Dogs and Roosters.

The greatest complexity is inherent in the connections between Snakes and Monkeys.

Knowing your compatibility by year of birth, you can easily choose a partner for yourself, a relationship with whom will bring you exceptional pleasure and fill you with happiness, joy and other positive emotions!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Compatibility according to the Eastern horoscope - Easterners pay a lot of attention to this. And we will talk about the most favorable and unfavorable connections between horoscope signs. As in Western astrology, they are connected by compatibility triangles, and these connections are considered the most favorable. In the figure you can easily trace the relationships between animals.

The first triangle consists of the Rat, the Dragon and the Monkey. These are signs of progress, new beginnings, they are able to take initiative. Usually they give rise to action, remove all obstacles from their path and are considered the most disruptive. They are unrestrained and quick-tempered if they do nothing. These signs are ruled by dynamic energy and ambition. Such people are real producers new ideas and united, they are simply invincible.

The second triangle contains the most focused signs: Ox (Ox), Snake and Rooster. They are efficient, dedicated fighters and can achieve high altitudes with their characteristic constancy and determination. These signs have an unshakable self-esteem; they rely only on themselves, on their mind and heart. They are slow and confident in their actions, preferring to act independently. But in mutual actions they cooperate well.

The third triangle consists of the Tiger, Horse and Dog. These signs are aimed at serving people, full understanding and mutual communication. They are based on honesty and openness. As a rule, these are great idealists. They are always honest in their intentions, quite impulsive and capable of igniting enthusiasm in others. These signs also have assertiveness and a strong character.

The fourth triangle is made up of the most emotional signs: Rabbit (Hare), Goat (Sheep) and Pig (Boar). These signs listen mainly to their own personal feelings and what can be achieved thanks to them. They know how to express their thoughts, have excellent intuition, and are very artistic and aesthetic. They express themselves well in art, are diplomatic and capable of deep understanding. Such people, compared to other signs, have a balanced character. Although they give new beginnings and leading roles to others, they always adapt easily because they are very friendly towards their neighbors. All these signs are considered compatible according to the eastern horoscope.

The most incompatible signs are those that are located opposite each other in a circle. As a rule, they are unfriendly, and there are frequent clashes between them. For example, a Horse will have conflicts with a person born in the year of the Rat. Ox worst enemy Sheep, and the biggest non-buddies are the Tiger and the Monkey. The Hare cannot stand the Rooster, and for its part the Rooster cannot stand the Hare. The Dragon and the Dog find it difficult to coexist, and the Snake and the Pig prefer not to meet at all.
Signs that are not exactly opposite each other and are not included in triangles are compatible eastern calendar, but to varying degrees. Although the ancient Chinese method of astrology is not too dogmatic. He does not force us to go through our weaknesses and shortcomings. Rather, it pushes us to change ourselves and forces us to look for more diverse and useful paths. Do we have difficulty communicating with the Dragon? Are we being asked by some Monkey and Rat to mediate between them? Does the rooster help us express our thoughts? Does the reserved Rabbit (Hare) make us nervous? Does the Tiger's fiery temper drive him to despair? Instead of bringing us together and quarreling, the Chinese horoscope will teach people how to interact better. He will open up new means for us to achieve success and protect us from conflicts.

Each of us wants to know whether he is compatible with the one he loves, whether he will be happy in marriage, what the sex will be like and how long this love will last. To find out this, just turn to the advice of the horoscope.

Chinese horoscope

In China, a calendar has been adopted, according to which every year for 12 years passes under the sign of one of the animals. And each zodiac sign under which a person was born gives him certain character traits, and also determines his destiny. Therefore, sometimes, to find out the compatibility of two people in a relationship, marriage or sex, you just need to compare both signs.

But first you need to determine in which animal year you were born. To do this, you just need to look at the small table.

Having found out which zodiac sign, according to Chinese horoscope, you belong, and which one your soulmate belongs to, you can go to the next table, which will tell you how long-lasting your couple’s love will be. According to the Chinese horoscope, there are 4 types of partner compatibility.

Compatibility of a couple in relationships with each other

He She
Equal Union
Rat, Dragon, MonkeyCat, Goat, Boar
Bull, Snake, RoosterTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogBull, Snake, Rooster
Spiritual union
Rat, Monkey, DragonBull, Snake, Rooster
Bull, Snake, RoosterRat, Monkey, Dragon
Tiger, Horse, DogCat, Goat, Boar
Cat, Goat, BoarTiger, Horse, Dog
Romantic union
Rat, Monkey, DragonTiger, Horse, Dog
Bull, Snake, RoosterCat, Goat, Boar
Tiger, Horse, DogRat, Monkey, Dragon
Cat, Goat, BoarBull, Snake, Rooster
Patriarchal Union
Rat, Monkey, DragonRat, Monkey, Dragon
Bull, Snake, RoosterBull, Snake, Rooster
Tiger, Horse, DogTiger, Horse, Dog
Cat, Goat, BoarCat, Goat, Boar

What does the Chinese horoscope promise for your couple? With the help of this table, the zodiac signs will lift the veil of your Destiny for you.

According to the Chinese horoscope, couples from an equal union have the same highly developed intelligence. Lovers or spouses in this case have similar aspirations and ideals. The couple will often quarrel, but each quarrel will end in violent sex, and reconciliation will bring both closer together. For a long-term relationship, both must constantly throw firewood into the fireplace from constant trips, separations and meetings, after them, as well as strong emotions. Boredom is contraindicated for them!

If your zodiac signs have formed a spiritual union, then this means that each of you has gone through a lot, experienced difficult life troubles, and now, having matured for Serious relationships, united in one pair. Your compatibility is so great that you will always be each other’s support and support. In addition, each of you will constantly improve yourself, pushing the other to its development. Such a couple will be wise in love, and over time they can achieve the highest harmony. The main thing is not to get hung up on the little things!

But the signs of the zodiac, united in a romantic union, very often have that very “love at first sight”, which can then continue after the wedding. After all, the guy will constantly give his beloved various gifts, arrange pleasant surprises, and the girl will try to fulfill the whims of her chosen one in sex, and their house will always be open to numerous guests. But for a long-term relationship, these zodiac signs should not be alone with each other for too long. In this case, even small separations of a few hours will refresh feelings and breathe even more passion into their connection.

Patriarchal connections, according to the Chinese horoscope, most often occur among adults for whom it is important to start a family and raise children. For such a couple, the most important thing is children and home, in which they will constantly maintain a glow of warmth and comfort. In this couple, the groom or husband is the head of the family, who is responsible for his beloved woman, and she, in turn, must be solely responsible for ensuring that their family hearth never goes out. And if one of them tries to change their role, then at that very moment the couple may break up.

Vector communication between partners

But according to the Chinese horoscope, there is also a vector connection between the signs of the zodiac. In this case, the relationship is very difficult, while one of the partners is the master of the other, and the second, accordingly, must always obey him in everything.

Couples who have such a connection include:

  • Rat - Monkey;
  • Monkey – Snake;
  • Snake - Goat;
  • Goat - Tiger;
  • Tiger - Ox;
  • Bull - Dog;
  • Dog - Rooster;
  • Rooster - Cat;
  • Cat - Dragon;
  • Dragon - Boar;
  • Boar - Horse;
  • Horse - Rat.

In this case, the first in the pair is the master, and the second is the servant. Such couples tend to experience tension in their relationships; their quarrels create a lot of negative emotions, and jealousy and scandals exhaust both. This is a case of compatibility between two people, when it’s bad to be apart, but it’s impossible to be together, although lovers greatly depend on their relationship and love. In addition, after many exhausting years, the master can slightly loosen his grip, and then the servant, having become disobedient, can breathe new life into their couple.

Willingness to “give” in accordance with the horoscope

There is an opinion that in any relationship, one partner gives the other all his love and care, and the other only receives it. The Chinese horoscope absolutely agrees with this. Indeed, in accordance with the zodiac sign under which a person was born, he becomes a “giver” - a source of love or a “taker” in a couple, and therefore a detector. Moreover, if the compatibility between these partners is great, then they do not suffer at all from the fact that one has to give the other all their tenderness, love and care.

The sources of love among men are those born in the years of the Horse, Dog or Tiger, their love is romantic, but those born in the years of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon are sources of controlled love. The difference between them is that romantic lovers often idealize their partner, which means many times they make mistakes in their choice, but the sources of controlled love are great experts on the female soul and love not an imaginary lover endowed with invented qualities, but an ordinary earthly woman.

Men born under the zodiac sign of the Rooster, Bull and Snake are, in turn, attacking detectors, and those born under the signs of the Pig, Cat and Goat are attractive. Moreover, when attacking detectors very actively seduce women, this means, oddly enough, that they are cold towards their object of love, but they are afraid to approach those whom they really love. And attraction detectors believe that they need to pay as little attention to their partner as possible, and then their beloved will be devoted to them all her life.

As you can see, according to the Chinese horoscope, there are equal numbers of “giving” and “taking” men, but there are much more “taking” women. Those born under the sign of the Dog, Tiger or Horse are attack detectors, who are characterized by devotion and excessive romanticization of their lover; Rats, Monkeys or Dragons are attractive detectors who conquer their chosen ones with their inventiveness in sex; and those born under the sign of the Cat, Goat and Pig are independent detectors who are absolutely passive in relationships, and who do not seem to care at all about compatibility with their chosen one.

And the only sources of love among women are those who were born under the zodiac sign of Snake, Rooster or Bull. If they are in love, they are ready to fight for their love to the bitter end!

Eastern astrologers use moon calendar and pay more attention to the year of birth of a person - this leaves its mark on identifying character traits and features of compatibility of signs. In the eastern horoscope, animal symbols are accepted, and the full cycle is 12 years.


1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996

Rat - charming and somewhat nervous. Those born in the year of the Rats have poor self-control, are fussy, love to gossip, are ambitious, and tend to save money and spend it on those they love. The beginning of their lives is successful, but with age they lose much of what they had, but they end their lives safely. For these people, marriage with a Dragon, Monkey or Ox is recommended. It's worse with a Horse.


1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997


Ox - hot temper and stubbornness. Patient and taciturn. Those born under the sign of the Ox inspire confidence, which allows them to achieve success. They are often fanatical and eccentric, but at the same time they are persistent and persistent in achieving their goals. Best Compatibility with Snake, Rooster, Rat, Ox, Dragon, Rabbit, Monkey or Pig. A bad option is Horse and Dog. And the most unsuccessful marriage is with a Sheep.


1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998

Tiger - emotionality and deep intelligence. People of this year come into conflict with elders in age and position, but are friendly to those who are dear to them. Sometimes they put off making important decisions until it is too late to do anything. The optimal marriage option is possible with a Horse, Dog, Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Tiger, Sheep, Rooster or Pig. It is unfavorable to create a family with a Snake and a Dragon.


1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

The Rabbit (Cat) is distinguished by conservatism and good taste. Most representatives of this sign are lucky in life. They enjoy trust, easily make contact, are tactful and achieve success and recognition in business. An excellent marriage can develop with those born under the sign of the Sheep, Dog and Pig. An alliance with the Rooster, Rat and Tiger is unfavorable.


1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000

Dragons are energetic, but somewhat straightforward, stubborn and hot-tempered, but efficient, courageous and honest. They often achieve success in business thanks to the necessary connections and the ability to cooperate with other people. And although the Dragon knows how to find compromises, he does not forgive betrayal and betrayal. Can instantly break all ties, even to the detriment of oneself. The marriage is successful if the life partner was born in the years of the Rat, Snake, Monkey, or Rooster. But you should stay away from the Dog sign.


1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

Snake - sophistication and cunning. Those born under this sign are nice and sensitive, but these people usually have problems because they sometimes look for joy outside the family. If they manage to suppress such inclinations in themselves, then they family life is going well. They should be most careful in the third and final phase of life, as it is often unsuccessful. For a Snake, it is better to connect his life with an Ox or Rooster, worse - with a Monkey, Tiger, or Pig.


1966, 1978, 1990, 2002

Horse - patience, talent and independence. These people are cheerful, talkative, love art, and value the opinion of their interlocutor. However, they can always do their own thing, although they will approve of the advice given to them, but they value freedom too much. They find happiness with those born in the years of the Tiger, Dog, Sheep, as well as the Dragon, Snake, Monkey, and Rooster. Unhappy in marriage with people of the year of the Rat.


1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

The Sheep (Goat) has charm, but does not know how to adapt. These people are best versed in art. By nature they are shy and indecisive, although they get along well in life: they live comfortably, eat deliciously and dress fashionably. They value comfort, luxury things, and expensive resorts. They often become artists, writers, composers. Happily married to a Pig, Rabbit, Horse, Tiger, Dragon. They should beware of representatives of the Rat sign, and the worst compatibility is with the Ox and Dog.


1968, 1980, 1992, 2004

Monkey - sociability and originality. These people are smart, inquisitive, passionate, have good memory and a strong character, but they are talkative and sometimes spoil their fate. As they age, their plans become reality less and less often. It is better for them to associate themselves with family ties with people born in the years of the Dragon or Rat. The situation is worse with representatives of the years of the Snake and Pig, and even worse with the Tiger.


1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005

The rooster is a sign of extravagance and wastefulness. Thinkers are often born under the sign of the Rooster - they indulge in reflection, do not trust other people, prefer to do everything on their own, are prone to adventure, so their life does not always work out successfully. Compatible with Ox, Snake, Dragon, Tiger, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Pig. Unsuccessful marriage- with Rat, Rooster, Dog. The worst option is marriage with representatives of the year of the Rabbit.


1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

The dog is loyal and reserved. They are honest, know how to keep other people's secrets, get along with people and enjoy the trust of others. They often achieve success in life thanks to their communication skills and the ability to adapt to an unusual environment. Everyone picks up on the fly and quickly learns new things. It is better for them to marry with representatives of the signs of the Snake and Dragon, as well as the Tiger, Horse, Sheep, Monkey and Pig. Unsuccessful marriage - with those born in the year of the Rooster.


1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

Pig (Boar) - intelligence and temper. It would seem that the Pig personifies brute force, but those born this year are usually polite, although they show tenacity and perseverance in achieving their goals, have strong will. They are friends with a few, but this friendship lasts a long time. Hot-tempered, but kind to those they love. It is best for them to marry a Rabbit, a Sheep, as well as a Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Rooster and Dog. Representatives of the year of the Monkey, Pig and Snake are not suitable as life partners.
