Training for women. How to find the man of your dreams

There are clients who come to a psychologist not for changes, but to prove that they are right. They are right that nothing is working out for them, that change is impossible under their conditions. They defend this truth fiercely and selflessly. The fact that they came to the training is another proof that they are right. After a while they will be able to say: “I did everything, everything. I even saw a psychologist, but so what? Nothing works anyway.”

Elena was just such a client. The objective data are as follows: 53 years old, pretty, dresses very elegantly, sews herself. Two adult children, she was married only briefly and for a very long time. I was burned very badly and from then on I began to rely only on myself. Several attempts to build relationships were unsuccessful: either the children got in the way - they took up all the time and energy, or lack of money - it was necessary to work and raise the children, there was no material help from anywhere.

It was very difficult for me during the training with her. Almost everything I said was accompanied by a constant leitmotif: “Everything you say is, of course, correct. But an old fat woman with two children still can’t get married.” The group became demoralized and distracted.

It was that training that gave me a lot as a coach. Experience in dealing with difficult clients is simply invaluable. Be that as it may, Lena finished the training and disappeared.

Imagine my surprise - Lena was the first to respond. She lives in the same tiny village in the Stavropol region. During this time, she not only traveled abroad for the first time, but more than a dozen marks appeared in her international passport - from Croatia to Holland. She became interested in hand-made needlework and opened an online store.

She has been married for 2 years. Her husband is a strong, respectable man. The entire time we were talking with Lena, he was playing with her granddaughter in the yard, and it was clear that he really liked it.

Once at a training I asked her: “If you throw away all your “impossibles.” If you take away the fact that there is nowhere to meet anyone, there is no one you don’t want to meet. If you imagine that anything is possible. If the only thing you need is to wish without restrictions. What do you want?" Then she did not answer me, once again explaining why this was impossible.

But when we met after these four years, she remembered this question and said: “Now I have everything I want. And then... At that time I couldn’t even think about it. In general, after the training I started to feel depressed, and only after a few months did I begin to understand something.”

Of course, I see everything that happened to her through the prism of my experience, my knowledge. If I’m wrong in my vision, Lenochka, forgive me. I want to write about my understanding of the situation, my interpretation.

I think that it was precisely the fact that she finally admitted to herself - yes, everything is bad and nothing will work out - that became the turning point for her. If a person reaches the bottom, he pushes off and floats to the top.

Before that, she played a game with the world - convince me that everything is not so bad, and I will prove the opposite to you. All her energy, all her time, was spent on this. This is very interesting game, and very profitable. Everyone pities you, sympathizes with you, consoles you, and you don’t need to do anything - just complain about your bitter, difficult fate. She did this all the time during my training - there was not a single person left in the group who would not tell her that she was beautiful and could very well get married if she wanted.

But then the training ended, and she was left with her own rightness. Proving to everyone and herself, first of all, that she is lonely and will remain so. I think this was a kind of last resort for her - she had long ago convinced everyone else around her of this.

It's like a child who desperately craves a forbidden toy - loses interest in it as soon as he is allowed to play with it. If you have proven to yourself that your life has not worked out, if you have convinced everyone else of this, what else can you do? Just sit on these rubble and whine.

The point is that you can’t feel sorry for yourself for long. It takes a long time to convince everyone - these are actions, conversations, intrigue. And if everyone agrees anyway, then it’s boring. Yes, I feel sorry for myself, but it’s boring.

After some time, her accents shifted. The focus of perception has changed - from oneself to the world. Recognizing that nothing would work out with her personal life, she put the topic aside altogether. And I began to live differently: simply choosing what I wanted every time. I didn’t look for something in others, but tried to give, to give people something, to live life to the fullest. She took up what was interesting to her - creativity, music. And then, when she herself became fulfilled, strong, interesting - and her man appeared. And I simply could not resist her charm and talents))))

Changing yourself is very difficult. But this is the only thing that really gives results. You can spend years complaining and blaming the world for injustice. And then look back and understand that most of your life has already been lived. And make a choice - how to live the rest.

At the end of the path, everyone is left alone. This is where it matters who this one is. Everyone decides for themselves who they want to be. You can be an old fat woman with two children, or you can be a person who still has time to make someone happy and the world around him a better place.

I always say this, and I will repeat it again: if you are alone now, take care of yourself. It's great to be able to meet people. It is imperative to have a social circle and expand it. It’s great to know male psychology and use it.

And yet all this is secondary. And in first place – you. Your attitude. How confident you are in yourself, how happy you are. When you have a lot of warmth and love, similar things are attracted to you. When there is a lot feminine power– a man appears nearby.

Be happy! The rest will follow)

IN modern world A woman’s fragile shoulders bear such a burden of responsibility and a number of tasks that just listing them would take several pages. The areas in which women develop and succeed are so vast that there are practically no areas left where they could do without women's help. Women are used to working hard, setting up businesses and climbing the ladder. career ladder with short breaks for weekends and vacations. How can you not lose yourself in this whole cycle? Remain a woman. Save and expand your inner world, your sensitivity and emotionality. Do not turn into an electronic computer, but, on the contrary, expand your horizons, acquire new hobbies, allow yourself to be weak and trusting somewhere. After all, woman is not just a distinctive name based on gender.

Her inner feelings and perception of the world around her are significantly different from a man’s view of life. It has its own unique, subtle, sensitive spectrum, which is sorely lacking in Everyday life. Only this emotionality should be warm and affectionate, gentle and attentive, and not irritated and hysterical. By nature itself, a woman is endowed with the qualities of subtlety and charm, patience and compassion, gentleness and kindness. It just seems that if you don’t hide them, it will be impossible to survive, everyone will go to jail "on the head and dangling the legs". In fact, everyone around us really needs a “woman” in the full sense of the word, her sensitive care and attention.

Purpose of trainings and seminars

In order not to lose yourself, not to become isolated in the circle of your problems and responsibilities, not to become simply tired of everything and lonely, there are many trainings and seminars for women. They will help you remain a woman in any situation and give you a new surge of feelings and hobbies. Sometimes they will simply help you talk it out and tell you how to overcome difficult periods. They will also bring new colors and emotions to life, with which you can make even everyday life bright and interesting.

How a woman feels inside, what feelings overwhelm her - this will be her mood and attitude towards everyone around her. If a woman is filled with love, tenderness, kindness and beauty, this peace emanating from her will be felt by absolutely everyone around her: children and loved ones, employees at work and a loved one, even animals and plants, and this will also make their lives happy and colorful. And vice versa, if a woman is irritated and dissatisfied: it will not seem like enough to anyone! Everyone will get "nuts".

Trainings and seminars will allow a woman to feel her uniqueness and inner beauty; they are necessary to find harmony with herself, reveal her most powerful potential and correctly realize her desires and capabilities. You can learn a lot of useful and vital things from them, reveal your individuality and feel like a sorceress who can change your life and the lives of your loved ones, as well as add a little fairy tale even to ordinary affairs.

Training for women helps not to extinguish their emotional side, but, on the contrary, to use it correctly so that positive results inspire more and more achievements and victories. This is a very exciting process, once launched, the whole inner life a person is transformed, new horizons of development and self-knowledge open up.

Practical results from classes

Practices for women allow you to be surrounded by friends, quench your thirst for communication with like-minded people, and learn new ideas and ways to implement them.

Very often, relationships with loved ones: with children, relatives, with a loved one carry various conflicts and misunderstandings, causing a lot of anxiety and causing a sensitive nature to suffer. Women's trainings suggest solutions, help you see the real picture of things and your misconceptions, offer working options for eliminating them and moving relationships in a completely different direction.

Factors of female emotionality

Femininity is enormous strength, which, if managed wisely, can change the whole world for the better, not to mention small cells in society.

There are many examples of this; good always triumphs over evil. Correct understanding and mastery of this power - femininity - will help men become stronger and nobler next to such a woman, and children - more caring and attentive. To better understand yourself, your inner desires and feelings, you need to get at least a little education, thanks to which it will be possible to correctly apply this knowledge in practice.

There are few examples in life of women purposefully acting in accordance with their inner essence, and not under the influence of prevailing circumstances and situations, and this wealth of intuition and sensory sensations remains unclaimed and is not used in everyday life. As a result, feelings not only do not develop, but, on the contrary, fade away and are replaced by fatigue and irritation. An offended and indifferent person simply cannot organize a holiday, come up with and arrange a surprise, create an unusual romantic evening or turn a boring children's breakfast into entertainment. Noticing how colorfully and delicately the flowers bloomed in the spring, hearing the melody in the singing of birds, bringing spontaneity and curiosity back into life - this also all depends on the woman.

Who she feels like inside is how she will look and dress, and how she will present herself in society. This is the inner world - it is very important to pay attention to it. They need to be engaged, developed and enriched, filled with new colors and impressions. It must be very diverse and full, so that a woman feels joy and passion, so that her eyes glow and her feelings flow like a fountain, namely positive feelings. So that ideas do not run out, and there are not enough hours in the day for a holiday inside and around. Trainings and seminars will help women realize their wildest dreams and fulfill their most unfulfilled desires.

Men are attracted to women precisely by this opposite - the emotional side of kindness and tenderness, qualities that are so lacking in today's life. Behind external data there is a huge need to see the wealth of the soul, regardless of age. It is never too late to engage in self-development; age does not play any role here. Learn what you have long wanted, but did not have enough time, or it seemed that it was too late to start. Creativity and the realization of your desires - all this will only help you feel happy and give joy to everyone around you.

Importance self-development, What it gives For women:

  • Inspiration for creative ideas.
  • Confidence in your strength.
  • Discovering new qualities and talents in yourself.
  • Another level of relationships with loved ones.
  • Elimination of complexes and uncertainty.
  • An interesting and educational time spent.
  • A wealth of feelings and impressions.
  • Meeting interesting people.

The trainers conducting the seminars are very curious and innovative people with extensive experience. successful work and personal achievements. It's never too late to become yourself, try and learn new and unknown things. Every day you live can be beautiful and unique, filled with your favorite things and exciting conversations with friends and colleagues. It is always very interesting to communicate with versatile people who think freely, have bold ideas and plans, are not afraid of change and are ready to take action.

Ideal woman. What is she like?

A real woman has boundless charm and versatility of personality, is pleasant to talk to, intelligent and deep in reasoning, and has many talents and skills. She creates an environment around herself that is comfortable and pleasant for any person, like sunlight, giving everyone around warmth and care. It is important for every woman to be valued and respected, but this always starts with her own attitude towards herself, with her self-esteem. And it can be objective and high only if a person takes care of himself and develops in many directions. A light touch of healthy adventurism and curiosity also adds its own zest to this image.

Inside every woman lies a huge number of wonderful feelings and qualities; you just need to give them the opportunity to manifest themselves in this world, not interfere with their development and not force them into the usual framework and restrictions.

Beautiful and well-groomed woman will be interesting only if there is enthusiasm and a sparkle in the eyes, which always accompanies a passionate and developing person.

Aigul Fedyanina
Summary of the training “Her Majesty the Woman”

Team training

"Her majesty, Woman"


Exercise - warm-up "Compliments"

On this spring day I want to give compliments... let's say hello to each other and give each other a compliment

(they say compliments...)

Poem « Woman»

Yes, as you probably understood, the topic of today's meeting will be « Woman» .

Unfortunately, we have forgotten what it is to be Women. We stopped feeling Women and enjoy the fact that nature has created us women. The history of our country is such that for a long time from women she was required to be a responsible worker, a party member, a comrade, and the only female role that remained for her was that of a mother. Several generations of Russian women Feminine energies were suppressed.

In the modern world focused on social success, many women use masculine energies to achieve success, but, unfortunately, such women unhappy in their personal lives, because the man wants to be close to A woman.

I want you to take a little break from your problems and pay attention to yourself and your inner world, tried to understand ourselves. - 10 min.

Exercise "The most important quality in woman»

Write positive sides be woman and in the second column negative sides stay woman. Fence them off with a line. Share with us.

A story about the pros and cons.

Let's listen to one parable and express our opinion - what is the main idea of ​​​​this parable.

The chief's youngest daughter

Parable of unknown origin

One day, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to an island where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, but the youngest is not so much.

One of the sailors told his friend:

That’s it, I found my happiness, I’m staying here and marrying the leader’s daughter.

Yes, you are right, eldest daughter the leader is beautiful, smart. You did right choice- get married.

You don't understand me, friend! I'm marrying youngest daughter leader.

Are you crazy? She's so... not really.

This is my decision and I will do it.

He drove ten cows and approached the leader.

Leader, I want to marry your daughter and I will give ten cows for her!

This a good choice. My eldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and worth ten cows. I agree.

No, leader, you don't understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.

Are you joking? Don't you see, she's so... not very good.

I want to marry her.

Okay, but as an honest person, I can’t take ten cows, she’s not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.

No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.

They merried.

Several years passed, and the wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit his remaining comrade and find out how his life was. He sailed, walked along the shore, and towards woman of unearthly beauty.

He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. Comes and sees: his friend is sitting, kids are running around.

How are you?

I'm happy.

Here comes the very beautiful one woman.

Here, meet me. This is my wife.

How? What, did you get married again?

No, it's still the same woman.

But how did it happen that she changed so much?

And you ask her yourself.

A friend approached woman and asks:

Sorry for my tactlessness, but I remember what you were like... not very much. What happened to make you so beautiful?

Just one day I realized that I was worth ten cows.

Opinions are expressed.

If you understand that you are worth something and love yourself, everything will certainly change

Test “Draw your favorite fairy tale character”- 30 min

What does he want?

What does he like?

What's not to like?

What are his plans?

Reflection. How did you feel and why?

Our surroundings understand and perceive us not only from our words. We speak three languages: words, gestures and facial expressions and emotions, and often no one trusts the language of words, emotions are expressed incomprehensibly and inadequately, and the language of gestures and facial expressions is the only way to convey correct information. Now we will play forfeits and each forfeit will be written what he must depict to his neighbor in gestures and facial expressions.

Forfeit “Draw without words...”

"Postcard to yourself"

The words intelligence, beauty, tenderness, understanding, strength, material wealth, self-belief, self-love, happiness in personal life, recognition are given. Choose three that you would like.

How did you feel and why?

Exercise "The most - the most man"

Who is pictured and why?

Reflection. How did you feel and why?

The greatest value for us is ourselves.

Drawing a Horse

Add more pros or cons of your stay woman.

Summary of what I liked and what I didn’t. Which positive points You noted for yourself what negative feelings you had.

What is the most important quality in woman.

What do we wish for all of us? women.

Self-love, feeling of self woman. Here are the most important qualities women. Such woman will warm with love, glow with happiness, will be able to love and be loved. Let me give you this zebra. She too woman and therefore a bit of a sorceress. Every day, by painting over the black stripes on it with trichomes, you will get rid of negativity and black stripes in your life.

Thank you for your trust!

Publications on the topic:

Today there will be a presentation on the role-playing games “Her Majesty’s Game!” Plot - role-playing games I carry out according to the program.

I present it to your attention. My group design using an unusual material - felt. Felt is a colorful, bright and very practical material.

Children paint with great pleasure. And despite the fact that they are still just kids, they try to draw carefully. Workplace clean.

Leisure summary on life safety in the preparatory group “His Majesty Electricity” Leisure summary on life safety in preparatory group“His Majesty Electricity” Program content: - generalize children’s knowledge about electricity;

Theoretical knowledge is useless if you do not implement it into your life in practice. Therefore, reading books and articles with useful and valuable information can be called a waste of time if you do not use new knowledge.

Trust me and the many couples to whom I have given these recommendations in marriage coaching.

"What do you want?"

First exercise is necessary in order to always have a clear idea of ​​whether your partner is happy with the relationship or not. At first glance, such a statement sounds rude; direct clarification of this issue rarely leads the couple to a constructive conversation and solution to the problem. In most marriages, everything is perceived by the spouses as a claim of one against the other.

But not in this case. So, your actions:

1. Write yourself and ask your partner to do the same: what you lack in him/her, and in the relationship in general.

2. Ask him what YOU can do to make him/her meet your desires, what you expect from him/her and the relationship.

Example: I asked my spouse to be more emotional, sensitive and gentle. Then I asked him what I could do for this. He replied: “Be calmer and less grumpy, then I will have a desire to show more affection and care.”

One time was enough for us not to return to such issues and not to feel dissatisfaction with each other.

Well done

Second exercise gives you and your loved one a feeling of recognition that many people lack in marriage.

Your actions:

1. Create a calm, cozy atmosphere. It is important to be alone and be in good mood. You can open a bottle of wine or champagne for this occasion.

2. Take turns praising each other, noting five points at a time. For example:

HIM: I praise you for always taking care of yourself and looking beautiful

SHE: I praise you for being such a sensitive, sincere and very responsive person

and so on four more times.

You will feel the result the same evening.

I'm like that

Third exercise will help the couple track the changes that occur in each other. This is very important in order to remain close in spirit, way of thinking, outlook on life, desires and goals.

Your actions:

1. Answer both the following questions:

♣ What events in your life made you experience various unpleasant emotions: fear, resentment, disappointment, pain?

♣ How do you think it is necessary to express love, friendship, respect?

♣ What kind of person would you like to remain in the memory of other people?

♣ What are you striving for, what do you want to achieve, how do you see your life in 5-7 years?

3. Do this exercise at least once every six months and you will feel an incredible rapprochement, harmony, and strengthening of your feelings.

Now I have a question for you, dear readers: HOW should you show love, respect and friendship in a relationship with your loved one? How do YOU ​​do it? — Let's discuss in the comments
