What is a marketing plan in nl. NL International Network Company Review: Products, Marketing Plan, Reviews

Organizing a successful business in real life is quite difficult, because not every person has the organizational skills, analytical thinking and activity necessary to build a profitable business. In addition to personal data, material investments are also necessary.

Many people who want to be free from the orders of the boss and a stable work regime of the day are considering popular business ideas on the net. There are many of them on the Internet, but the unique nlstar.com program attracts special attention, calling on all interested users to organize successful business activities without leaving home!

The international company was founded in 2000. This business project provides for direct sales of quality products for health, beauty and home. A fairly popular brand successfully sells high quality products in various CIS countries, the European Union and America.

Nlstar is not only a responsible seller, but also a promising partner for organizing a successful business. Many consider the NL International project -.

Someone compares the offer of cooperation with Nlstar International to ordinary network marketing, but this is not entirely true. In this project, there are several characteristic features that you should definitely study!

NL International: essence of work, features of network marketing

Nlstar International Corporation operates with clients from different countries, developing an individual program for each region, focused on the mentality of the local population. This is very advantageous, because what may be of interest to a European will not always be appreciated by Russian consumers.

You can start cooperation with nlstar.com International without a down payment. It should be noted that most similar firms require a certain fee from a new member for joining the company. However, unlike competing structures, this project does not provide for a system of discounts for partners, which is the main distinguishing feature of NL.

What is the essence and how can you earn? This question arises among many users who are interested in partnership with a popular global brand. Yes, in this company, cosmetics and other products from the catalog are purchased by distributors and customers at a fixed price.

Program participants earn a certain percentage of the products sold, but by transferring funds to a personal account. To get a good income, you will also have to fulfill some conditions of the business plan.

Benefits include not needing to explain to customers in your immediate environment why you don't want to sell catalog items at a discounted price.

NL International Marketing Plan

nlstar International has a five-step marketing plan that brings regular income, both to the organizer of a unique idea, and to distributors who want to earn decent money from a simple business.

You can study in detail the marketing plan from NL International on the official website of the company.

The task of the spokesperson is to:

  • building a client market;
  • agitation of people aimed at motivating them to become an NL partner;
  • successful sale of goods.

By fulfilling all the conditions of the program, the representative accumulates points and rises up the career ladder. As a salary, the distributor receives a monetary reward. When calculating the amount, the company takes into account sales volumes and the number of new participants who came to NL International at the invitation of an existing representative.

Interest on the marketing plan is calculated from the turnover in points, and the measurement takes place in USD. 10% reward = 1000 c.u.

Important conditions of the program:

  1. In order to receive a structural fee, the representative must have completed the minimum activity of the representative (at least 50 PV per month).
  2. To gain the title of leader, it is necessary to sell the company's products in large volumes (at least $ 3,000 per month);
  3. If you want to purchase a large batch of products with one order, you will need to provide informational evidence indicating that this product is not being bought for your own use, but for real buyers.
  4. During the initial period, company representatives are prohibited from purchasing goods from the catalog for an amount exceeding 1000 USD.

Products NL International

The product range includes products for health, beauty and home. nlstar products are very popular, enriched with nutrients that are beneficial to health. All products from this category are balanced, created on the basis of natural ingredients.

Nlstar products:

  • healthy food for athletes;
  • slimming products;
  • vitamin complexes, dietary supplements and other nutritional supplements of general strengthening action;
  • fruit bars and herbal teas;
  • natural cosmetics for men and women of all ages;
  • effective products for gentle care of the scalp and hair;
  • environmentally friendly powders and other products for washing and cleaning the house.

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You already know that Nl International is a network company. The company is glad to each new client, but its employees and partners are also important for any company.

For any business, it is important to promote what needs to be realized and for what to make a profit. Without this, you can’t make money, whether it’s selling your knowledge and skills or products. Network companies promote products not only through personal websites, but also thanks to their managers.

The success and strengths of the company lie in successful marketing and thoughtful decisions of professionals.

What are they paying for

A marketing plan in the usual sense is part of a company's strategy; it is a step-by-step instruction that allows you to clearly understand what you should start from today and what you need to come to.

In ordinary organizations, in ordinary work, planning is carried out by a special department, the analysis of the work is strict and thorough. It is impossible to fully see the contribution of each person to the work. Profit is not divided in direct proportion to the efforts invested, but depends on the position, immediate supervisor, and the desire of the employer.

None of this is in the marketing plan of nl international.

Let's see what principles the work is based on:

  1. obtaining a ready-made business system (franchise) for the development of your business;
  2. personal interest and responsibility;
  3. your approach to work: choosing how you want to do business with the support of the company;
  4. the opportunity to earn not only from daily efforts at the end of the month, but to receive passive income for a long time;
  5. increase in income in proportion to the forces invested in the work;
  6. the ability to convert bonuses into explicit profit (money, products, car).
  7. reassessment of values ​​that allows you to live better, use eco-products (biological products for linen and dishes), take care of the health of loved ones (energy diet complex, energy slim, green flush).

First payments

Conventionally, the nl international business plan consists of the following steps: start - growth - expansion - strengthening - stability. Already at the first stage, the manager gets the opportunity to develop without his own investments. In many respects this is the merit of the mentor. From how accessible, open and honest he will tell the newcomer about the NL, it will be so much easier for both of them to work. You can watch the video of Petr Chubarov about the specifics of the business and the marketing plan:

In the next stage, the novice becomes a manager with different categories. Income is summed up from personal volume + group volume + bonuses for the appearance of "stars" in the structure. Therefore, it is always beneficial for a mentor to work with beginners honestly.

By the third step, you reach the status of a diamond tutor, "diamond tutor". Your task is to attract employees, grow the team, train the team and help them move forward. When promoting new generation products, you need to use them yourself and understand their value.

"Strengthening" speaks for itself - one-time activity is not a guarantee of success, monthly work is needed. The last step is so attractive that it is worth striving to reach it. What bonus is shared between its participants - network business professionals: 1% of all income from the sale of NL International eco-products.

What is Nl International marketing plan in simple terms:

  • registering;
  • learning and developing;
  • attract customers and maintain a customer base;
  • invite managers, train and support;
  • you study further: the higher you go, the more skills and abilities you need to develop in yourself.

Two types of income: personal volume and group

NL International declares (shows) a monthly growth in turnover. But some grow, while others hardly even reach the first star! What goes wrong and why do managers in the same company have different incomes? It's all about personal interest, the desire to learn, a serious approach and responsibility for your decision.

NL International has two reward systems:

  1. for personal volume;
  2. for group achievement.

Personal volume is personal purchases from which bonuses are accrued at the start according to the IDC system, immediately after registration and ordering from 35 pi.

Group - for the entire turnover of your structure.

In addition, 3 accounts are displayed in your personal account:

  • delta account according to the IDC system;
  • monetary;
  • final gift bonuses.

Delta: for personal purchases and sales, for online customer orders. They are credited immediately, after registration and placing an order from 35 pi.

The corporation has its own system for transferring bonuses from a delta account to a cash one. All calculations are made automatically, there are no errors.

Gift: for every 200 pi you get 3500 rubles, which you can spend on products.

The business is built in such a way that, without having "extra" money, warehouses, you get the first funds for the purchase already at the entrance to the system. Activate the contract and earn!

The corporation operates on the principle of making a profit from the group volume. As you can see from the definition, this is the income that is made up of the profits of the people you subscribe. In the company they are called "first line". From the moment you have the "first line", you receive % of the income from the turnover of your team.

you've made purchases of 70 PV, the minimum sellable threshold for group turnover rewards. The system automatically multiplies them by a factor of 0.4, and then by 35 rubles, it turns out - 980 rubles. Any sales above the minimum are calculated differently. If you have made more than 70 PV, the coefficient for "excess profit" is 0.8. Example for 100 pi vee:

70 PV=980 rub.
100-70= 30PV
30 x 0.8 = 24 c.u.
24 x 35 = 840 rubles
Total: 980 + 840 \u003d 1820 rubles.

The structure at NL International is mobile, qualifications vary from "manager" to nlstar. Depending on how the "stars" appear in your group, the class increases, and with it the fee. The more actively you work on the marketing plan, the better the structure is organized, the faster your profit grows.

IDC system

IDC - payment system in nl store.

The material side of Nl International is well structured and based on a marketing plan. It is clearly shown in the pictures. For easy understanding, think of IDC as levels in a computer game. Passed one level, received a bonus, passed the second - the next gift is ready for you.

1. Signing a contract with the company and the first money in the account when creating a minimum turnover.

2. As soon as you have made a full activation, the nl marketing plan begins to operate and, according to the rules, you are immediately credited with money for the marketing plan. Even with a minimum turnover without the involvement of managers, you will receive real money on the delta account. And if you have managers, the check will be higher and after a month of sales, a larger check is automatically generated in your personal account.

3. Activity+. If you are on your wave and sales are up, then the numbers quickly go beyond 70PV, increasing your income.

4. Tempting level - 200 PV bonus. Having organized a turnover of 200 PV for the first time, you will receive a gift certificate for 87 USD, which are credited to your account at the end of the month. It turns out that next month they can pay for products, if in simple terms - you get goods for free!

If within 3 months you manage to work on 200 PV, all unused delta goes to the cash account.

5. By gathering a team of energetic, positive people who have signed a contract with NL-International and put together a business plan, you begin to profit not only from your sales, but also from the sales of each person.

There is nothing complicated about the structure. Enough desire and registration. And we will help you understand the system, tell you about the nuances of the marketing plan, and teach you how to work with Nl International products.

Today, many network marketing companies are represented on the Russian and CIS market, but not all companies can create a good business. There can be many reasons. If the company is binary, most likely it will not last long and the products of such companies usually do not carry much value. People buy them just to get a check from their downline. That is, if there are no payments, no one will use these products.

There are companies that work only with cosmetics. In such companies, most likely, too, will not succeed. Why? Let's find out! The market is oversaturated with different cosmetics, both high-quality and not very good. Cosmetics are a long-lasting product. The client buys it and uses it for a long time. When it ends - a person always receives offers from distributors of other companies and tries their products. Keeping a client as a regular in a cosmetics company is a very hard job, and the fact that cosmetics are relatively inexpensive suggests that we need a whole army of clients for a more or less normal income.

Another thing is food. You run out of food and immediately go to the store to buy groceries again. The main and main product of NL International is Energy Diet nutrition. Nutrition quickly ends and gives a visible result. I think there is no need to explain that if your friend loses ten kilograms, it will be more noticeable for you than if her wrinkle tightens a little. Thanks to nutritional results, we are constantly gaining new referral clients. It is enough to help one person lose weight and all his friends will see it and also want to. In addition to losing weight, the product is valuable for health and well-being. That is why it is easy and comfortable to work with such a product.

The product is a very important, but not the most important tool for achieving success in a network company.

The most important point is the marketing plan of the company. Before NL International, I built a business with Herbalife, which has a similar product, but the results in the business are frankly different. They have a discount system and many distributors use it the wrong way. A huge number of people offer a product at significant discounts, earning almost nothing themselves. They do it for the sake of sales, qualifications for various events and in order to make the minimum monthly activity. You can sell a product at a customer price at best once. Then the client starts looking and finds a cheaper product. Thus, customer retention is so small that it is rather difficult to talk about any business. There are no discounts at NL International. The price is the same for everyone. This is a huge advantage. The client cannot find a cheaper product, the business model works and the manager can earn money.

There are many points that you need to pay attention to when choosing a network company. I concluded for myself that the NL has all the ingredients for success and rapid growth. There is a clear and simple business model, a huge number of offices have been opened throughout the country. You do not need to invest a lot of money in order to try yourself in this business. It's enough just to work according to the plan. The autoprogram is also a powerful motivating tool. If you have a desire to start working for yourself, influence your income and change your life for the better - you are in the right place and in the right team.

© Dmitry, manager of NL International

400 240 site site http://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/marketing-plan.jpg 15.02.2019 18.02.2019

Have you ever wondered why NL international is so popular compared to other MLM companies? One of the reasons is NL's smart marketing plan.

The marketing plan provides the following very important principles:

  • allows a beginner to earn at the very start, even without their own structure
  • creates comfortable conditions for the development of its own structure (explanation below)
  • income growth is not linear, i.e. upon reaching a certain result, your income is multiplied much more than your work result has increased
  • famous bonuses: car bonus, president's school, etc.
  • not a rigid dependence of income on your mentor
  • product. It is of great importance and in this case it is environmentally friendly and of high quality

Marketing plan structure

There are five levels and 13 qualifications (statuses) in the NL structure. Steps are a kind of logical division of the career ladder into understandable stages. And what bonuses and in what amount you will receive already depends on the status. We emphasize that the difference in income and bonuses of different qualifications is only for , income for LO is considered the same for everyone.

Marketing plan: career ladder of qualifications.

We emphasize that Let's start in order.

Stage 1: start

According to the marketing plan of this stage, beginners receive their first income and begin to build their own structure. The objectives of this stage are to introduce the manager to the world of NL, understand the basics and make it clear that you can earn money here.

First stage qualifications: manager - master - master elite - star

The structural income (per group volume) of each qualification is calculated according to the table below. We described in more detail how it is considered in the article:.

marketing plan: stage 1

As we can see, the income from your team's GO bonuses will be limited by your still small structure. At this stage, the income from the LO will be commensurate with the income from the marketing plan.

Stage 2: growth

Being in the second stage, the marketing plan tells you that you can increase your income not only by increasing your personal and group volumes, but also by growing new "Stars" in your structure. Therefore, it is beneficial for the mentor that everything works out for you and that you, as his ward, also climbed the career ladder. What we see in the table below:

step 2 for diamond qualifications

Second stage qualifications: star - 1 star - 2 star - ds - dt - dt1 - dt2 - dt3 - dt4 - dt5

Starting from the second stage and qualification 2 stars, you are entitled to a free mercedes, for more details, see our article “Car bonus: Mercedes from NL”.

Step 3: Expansion

The meaning is this: you yourself are already at least a diamond tutor, your structure already has its own stars. It remains only to expand the team and receive income from the entire structure.

Stage 4: strengthening

The appearance of another bonus in the sources of income.

Conditions: confirmation of qualification from DS and above within a quarter (three months).

Bonus: 1% of the company's turnover in Russia and the CIS is distributed in equal shares between participants who have fulfilled the condition of the 4th stage. This is quite a lot of money, considering that the trade turnover is more than a billion rubles.

Stage 5: stability

It's the NL Millionaires Club. Club members share 1% of the total NL turnover (counting all countries) among themselves. Considering that the club of millionaires includes a very limited number of people, and they share the international income, it’s scary to imagine what bonus they receive at this stage.

Summing up

We reviewed the NL marketing plan and clearly saw that it provides for all the principles stated at the beginning. Having passed only 1/3 of the career ladder, you can already get mercedes, not to mention financial well-being.

But, it would be too good to be true if it were simple. It is difficult to develop not only in the network business, but even in your profession, going from junior staff to chief specialist is a difficult task that requires your own marketing plan.

In this part of the review about NL International, the business system and the possibility of earning money with this company are considered. If you are interested in products (Energy Diet cocktails) and an overview of the MLM company itself, then go to. So let's start, NL International is perhaps one of the most interesting direct selling companies in terms of business building and earning opportunities. Unfortunately, the word interesting here does not mean promising at all. It's just that the marketing plan, and the payout system of this project itself is quite different from all the ones I've seen before, and deserve at least careful attention.

Benefits of network marketing with NL International

As mentioned above and as written on the website (the official website of NL International can be found at nlstar.com), this corporation is an association of several mlm companies operating in different countries, taking into account regional characteristics and the mentality of potential customers. And this is a very smart decision, because most of the negative reviews about foreign projects (such as Agel, Amway, etc.) come precisely because of the use of American and European sales methods, which are very poorly combined with the way of thinking of domestic buyers.

Making money in network marketing

Moving on, the next advantage of NL International is the absence of an initial fee when entering an MLM company. After all, in the same Amway, in order to have the right to sell their products, you have to pay $ 50. And in some other projects using network marketing, for example, Nht Global, even more.

Another unique feature of NL International is the absence of a system of discounts for partners. That is, both customers and distributors pay a fixed price when purchasing products. Thus, representatives of the project are automatically freed from long explanations on the topic - why they cannot sell their products to their friends at the price at which they buy them themselves. And this is one of the biggest problems of American network marketing. On the other hand, this feature also has disadvantages. For example, in order to receive money for sold products, you must not only sell them, but also fulfill the rest of the conditions of the business plan. And that's what we'll focus on later in this review.

Marketing plan NL International

To begin with, I would like to note the fact that any information about the company's business plan is available either to registered distributors, or to those to whom they entrusted this secret. That is, there is no open information about him on the Internet. Which is pretty weird. After all, attempts to hide the marketing plan usually take either one or other forms. And NL International presents itself as a quality MLM project. And in general, today more than 30% of Russians have already been somehow connected with network marketing and want to evaluate the pros and cons of the company in which they plan to build a business.

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*** This paragraph is already outdated, and from about the middle of 2013 on the official website of NL International you can find a detailed marketing plan.

Because when you look at the marketing plan together with the company's distributor, he may miss or deliberately hide very important nuances. In general, when I could not find the NL International marketing plan either on the official website or on the distributors' websites, the rating of this MLM project in my eyes greatly decreased. Well, okay, the Internet has always been considered an accumulation of pirated products, so with some effort, the main characteristics of the business plan of this mlm company can be found.

So, NL International uses a linear marketing plan, the main highlight of which is a cumulative bonus (cumulative group volume is quite rare in network marketing, out of more than 100 companies reviewed on this site, no more than five have it, for example, and Ra Group ). This bonus includes all purchases of the distributor and his team for the entire time of work in the company NL International. And in the future it is used to obtain qualifications, for example, the first STAR leadership title can be earned if you have it.
