October horoscope for Pisces man. October horoscope for Pisces man October horoscope Pisces

Pisces horoscope for October 2016. In October 2016, Pisces will need to learn to let go! Letting go of situations, people, yourself some of your dreams. No wonder they say, if you love - let go. And if it comes back, then no one else liked it. Therefore, October 2016 will give you the opportunity not only to “let go”, but also to understand what is yours and what is not. Don't be scared, there's nothing wrong with that. Just October 2016 will give you the opportunity to correct something in your life, start something anew, change some plans, and let go of some plans, dreams and people to make room for the new. That is why in October 2016, even those Pisces who see well will need good glasses in order not to lose sight of anything and what is happening. After all, as we have already hinted, October 2016 will give Pisces many opportunities, not only to change today, but also “tomorrow”. Therefore, Pisces forget about your usual pessimism, and look more into a bright future than into the past. Naturally, if there is no confidence in tomorrow: then there will only be thoughts - what will it be, tomorrow's BOTTOM? But, as the horoscope for October 2016 Pisces shows, next month you will not only be able to implement some new ideas or projects, but also realize them yourself. So, you really need optimism. So if you don’t have enough of your own, take it to the company or Lviv. These eternal optimists will not only tell you about the light at the end of the tunnel, but will also help you light it yourself!

As we already wrote, Pisces in October 2016, carefully monitor what is happening around, it is a positive situation that will help you choose and make not only the right decisions, but also allies. As the horoscope indicates, if next month you do not realize yourself or your ideas, or simply do not do what you have planned for a long time, this will have an extremely negative impact on your mood and energy. In this case, a persistent feeling that you have no right to consume happiness without producing it, will not leave you until February 2017, and why do you need to hibernate for so long? You are not a bear, and not a badger - you are Pisces! Fish don't hibernate! So learn better optimism from Lviv and Sagittarius and stubbornness from Taurus, who, better than all other signs of the Zodiac, are able to realize their goals and desires with their horns. Therefore, be friends not only with Lions and Sagittarius, but also with Taurus, and even better be friends with everyone who will push you forward!

Horoscope for October 2016 Pisces favorable days - 1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 17, 21, 25, 28.

Horoscope for October 2016 Pisces bad days - You don't think that all the wisdom of life takes a break on bad days, do you? Therefore, the stronger your desire to avoid something, the higher the probability of getting it, so there is no need to plan unfavorable days.

Horoscope October 2016 Pisces career, work and business. October 2016 is a great month for Pisces career aspirations. Therefore, put aside personal life issues and try to plunge headlong into professional affairs, not forgetting, of course, sometimes to “emerge headlong” from work in order to “take a breath” of fresh air and relaxation. Career horoscope for October 2016 for Pisces recommends not being afraid to try and experiment at work. Even possible mistakes will point you in the right direction or turn into victories. The usual situation when friends correct mistakes, and enemies use them, for Pisces in October 2016 will change to "friends help to use mistakes, and enemies correct for you." In addition, in October 2016, it is important for Pisces to maintain mutual understanding with superiors. It is clear that it is always important to have a good relationship with management, but in October 2016 it is important for you to achieve an understanding of your actions. Of course, it is useless to explain something to idiots and bosses: the former listen and do not understand anything, the latter understand everything and therefore do not listen. Therefore, try to make sure that the leadership hears you. So that later, when leaving their boss’s office, I wouldn’t say - as the balance of power showed, it was not by chance that I got hit on the head ...

As for Pisces-leaders and Pisces-businessmen, the horoscope suggests that the key issue for you next month will be a fair distribution of profits. Therefore, try not to deceive your partners and customers next month. Otherwise, heated debates on these issues can negatively affect the business, do not forget that a real partnership is compatible with a dispute, but not with a “dirty division”.

Horoscope for October 2016 Pisces Finance. As you know, big money corrupts, small money embitters. Therefore, Pisces in October will want a lot, a lot, a lot of average money. It is in this balance of “middle money” that you will spend the middle of autumn 2016.

Love horoscope for October 2016 Pisces. Horoscope for October 2016 Pisces Love. For the first time, having met Pisces, many seriously think that Pisces, and even male Pisces, inside is a weak, harmless, glorious and defenseless creature, and only then do they understand ... from which there is no escape! Despite the fact that in October 2016, many Pisces will be passionate about some business, you will still dominate the relationship (especially in those relationships where your partner has not yet understood this (a)). That is why the horoscope advises family Pisces to be a little more tender and warmer in relationships than usual. The fact is that many can confuse Pisces with toads - cold and insensitive. Therefore, do not give reasons to confuse you. And this applies even to deeply family Pisces-toads, oh, forgive Pisces-women. Try to "melt" this impression, hint that the toad feels like a toad, only until he is faced with a warm attitude or until he is kissed. It is likely that your partner or your sympathy was just waiting (waiting) for such words from you, and you will be able to help your “autumn” relationship blossom “in spring” even in the middle of autumn. In the end, even Pisces are changed by those we love, and sometimes to the point of losing their own individuality (and in Pisces women, this is oh so common). And of course, all of the above also applies to Pisces-men.

Lonely Pisces love horoscope for October 2016 does not promise fateful meetings and gifts, BUT does not exclude! Here is such a paradox. The fact is that in October 2016 you may well have a new romance, but more likely with people you already know (or who have long been known in your environment). And given that it is only cats who get married (and even then only in the spring), and people only promise, it is quite possible that this will just be a novel from the series of “postponed”. Yes, and also, as the horoscope shows for many Pisces, there will simply not be time for personal life and novels. And, as you know, only Work and Love perfectly helps to kill time, though time helps to kill love ...., but it doesn’t help to kill work, but that’s a completely different story, and we won’t talk about the professional sphere again. In addition, many Pisces in October 2016 will be carried away not at all by work, but by something else.

Well, Pisces, you love it when everyone loves you, because then you also patiently endure everyone? So this is exactly what October 2016 will be like for you!

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They are incorrigible dreamers. Life with Pisces cannot be called practical, but there will be more than kindness, positiveness and mystery in it. He, like a sponge, absorbs all the sorrows and experiences of loved ones, therefore he sincerely worries about them and even suffers. Like any other sign, he deserves the best in life, and what exactly he is looking for will help determine the horoscope for October. A Pisces man is ready to move towards success, but he will never back down from his unknown dream.


The horoscope endowed this representative with a fine mental organization with a significant amount of skepticism. The logic is not expressed, but this is compensated by a huge intuition. Therefore, often these men amaze with their gift of clairvoyance. Women should know, they are divided into two types:

  1. Active
  2. Passive

The first type includes men who know exactly their tide periods. They feel the energy rise and actively use it to achieve success.

The second type keeps them stranded. The love horoscope says that it is difficult for women with such men, they have to earn a living for two, and from Pisces they receive only romanticism and sensuality.

In October, the men of this sign will have to be decisive and often drown their dreams for the sake of success. At the initial stage of a romantic relationship, nothing will repel a woman from him. He is a wonderful lover and gallant boyfriend. But soon it will be noticeable to the naked eye how difficult the business world is for him, which means that the process of generating money is also complicated.

Active Pisces men in October will clearly feel their mood. Lonely representatives according to the horoscope will be in time in solving both work and love issues at the same time. A woman who is lucky enough to get such a husband will be unreasonably happy. Loyalty and prosperity are provided to them.

The horoscope for October states that all the representative of this sign needs now is understanding and the opportunity to relax with you. The Pisces man usually takes a long time to recover his strength. Literally for a week, Pisces become great silent people. Do not scold them for this, but rather let them be alone for a while.

In family men in October, there is some coolness in relations with spouses. They will be the most vulnerable to resentment. The horoscope encourages women, do not try to offend him intentionally. His self-confidence leaves much to be desired. Better support and make it clear that his virtue is appreciated and needed.


The October horoscope predicts financial stability. If a man lives alone, his expenses for himself are negligible. For a whole month he can subsist on simple food and not buy anything for himself at all. This allows him to save a considerable amount. But, having started spending, he will certainly lower everything to the last penny.

It is very important for such a man to find a woman for himself, the complete opposite of himself. She should be able to earn and not be a spender. Otherwise, the marriage will not last even a month.

In mid-October, the financial horoscope is favorable to the representatives of the sign. Their intelligence, combined with intuition, leads to a good increase in income. Pisces Goat will do this especially well. If he plays on the stock exchange, there is a chance of a sharp increase in income. Gambling is not inherent in Pisces, many of them successfully invest in stock and currency exchanges.

At the end of October, the horoscope does not recommend making large purchases. The man of this sign expects to invest a tidy sum in an expensive thing, hoping for a quick income. October does not provide such guarantees. By purchasing a car, you can be left without a penny for November and December.

The horoscope advises Pisces, start saving for tomorrow at least 10 percent of your monthly income. In the future, this will create a good financial cushion and save you from unnecessary loans.

Taking loans or lending in October is also not worth it. The cash flow from this can be significantly affected, there is a risk that the money given will not be returned.


Career horoscope develops relatively well. October will be an uplifting month for them in many ways. If the management suits Pisces, he will be an exemplary worker and a good performer. If conflicts arise, Pisces can turn on their sarcasm and bring the situation to the point that they have to quit.

Representatives engaged in creative professions will be lucky in new projects. Pisces will be inspired by the Muse and if she is not scared away, an amazing result is expected! Those who write poetry or are closely associated with literature will finally be rewarded. In their lives, such a review of creativity is expected, which can become a turning point in life. The main thing, says the horoscope, is not to become isolated and try to make yourself known on all kinds of resources.

Pisces is a man whose work is related to finances or other people's cash flows is absent-minded in October. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the work has ceased to bring him satisfaction. Misfires will occasionally make themselves felt within a month. If you do not pull yourself together, you risk running into a reprimand from the leadership.

Those men who have worked tirelessly throughout the year should plan a vacation. Preferably mid-October. This will be the best period for improving health. Saved enough money for a trip to the sea? Don't hesitate, go. Not strong enough on your feet to go far? Nothing. You can also relax in the neighboring city or in nature. . The horoscope for October Pisces man assures that the main thing is to surround yourself with a favorable environment and people.

In a career, only one thing can upset a man. An accurate horoscope claims that among colleagues there are those who are annoyed by your rhythm and principle of work. They put spokes in your wheels. If you continue to be silent and endure blows from them, you can pay dearly. Turn on the trick, bring the ill-wisher to clean water.


The horoscope for 2017 says, if you want to succeed, be more determined and sharp, show masculine traits and get rid of feminine sentimentality.

In October, there will be a good opportunity to find a life partner. She will not only become a beloved wife, but also a sincere friend. The horoscope for October endows this connection with a special gift of forgiveness. A marriage concluded in the future can last until old age and leave happy offspring.

October 2017 promises success to single representatives. Both in career and on the love front. But you can't rely on the stars alone. If Pisces does not stop avoiding the initiative, it will turn away luck and run aground. The horoscope advises, every time you want to hide your head in the sand or close yourself in your shell, think about how your life will change in 1, 3, 5 years?


For family Pisces, this is a period of disagreement. The wife is dissatisfied with the current financial situation. The man is in some confusion and does not know how to correct the situation. Sometimes this generates aggression on his part. The horoscope for 2018 reassures the representatives of the Water sign, if you don’t know what to take on, go with the flow. This strategy has helped you more than once, and it will help you this time. In the end, even if the spouses divorce, the man will soon find the strength to live on.

The second half of the year gives Pisces the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside. October 2017 is a bit of a turning point. Pisces will listen more to the inner voice and analyze what is wrong in their life. Those who understand themselves and begin to act decisively will be very lucky. Their flexible mind, combined with determination, is a nuclear mixture for those around them. Not everyone can boast like that.


The year promises big changes in life. The head will be filled with new ideas and projects, new acquaintances will bring many surprises in your personal life. The horoscope for 2019 promises a good chance to climb several steps at once in career, love and spirituality.

In the summer, it is better not to risk it. This will be detrimental to business. Trust your intuition more, it knows better than others what to do.

October 2019 is marked by a change in the type of activity. Or the Pisces man will start a new business that immediately brings a good income. Act carefully, do not boast of merit. The horoscope portends good luck, only if you do not declare it publicly.

At the end of the year, take the time to sum up the overall results. What has been done, what needs to be done? What negative traits have you managed to pull out of yourself, and which ones require further work? Force yourself to constantly improve yourself, but in your free time, do not forget to dream.

Fishes. Horoscope for October 2020 for Pisces.

October promises to pass for Pisces without any special cataclysms, but it will not let anyone relax either.. You will have to maneuver, make decisions and make choices. Many are waiting for non-standard situations, but the stars say that they can be turned to their advantage. You can be torn apart by passions and ambitions, but you are not yet inclined to demonstrate this to others. Not everything goes smoothly with a relationship with a regular partner, although dates can be quite successful. If you are going to change jobs, it is better to do it in the first half of the month.

Auspicious days in October 2020 for Pisces – 1, 2, 10, 14, 15, 24, 25
Unfavorable days in October 2020 for Pisces – 3, 4, 12, 13, 19, 23

Pisces career and finances in October 2020
In October, Pisces' career troubles are quite possible.. But do not pre-tune in a pessimistic way. You have the strength and wisdom to make the right decisions. This month you are very efficient, and you need to work as if you have inevitable success ahead of you.
During this period, you will be visited by constructive ideas regarding the transformation in professional activities. Before you do anything, think about the consequences. Try not to hurt other people's feelings. Develop an action plan, taking into account all the details, and present it to your colleagues. Surely they will want to bring new ideas to life. It is very good if you work in pairs or in a group. But do not contact people with whom you have not been able to reach an understanding before.
Financially, in October, the stars warn Pisces: resist the temptation to spend a hefty sum on entertainment, even if it seems to be worth it. These resources will come in handy very soon.

Pisces Personal Life in October 2020
In early October, Pisces will become categorical in matters of personal life.. In this regard, your partner may lose his temper. Try to be flexible in relationships, especially since you have an innate sense of tact. Forgive your loved one random missteps and do not pester him with nit-picking. Perhaps your loved one needs some measure of freedom. Even if you feel jealous, don't make a scene. It would never occur to a partner to cheat on you, and your behavior and reproaches will not affect the relationship in the best way.
Pisces who dream of a permanent relationship need to be patient until the end of the month. At this time, you will become unusually attractive. Take a moment and declare yourself to the person to whom you are not indifferent.

Pisces Health in October 2020
In October, Pisces is likely to face weight problems, which can both increase and decrease. In this regard, not only the figure suffers, but also health in general.
During this period, you will tend to stay up late at work, study, watch movies, social networks. Constant lack of sleep will cause lethargy and apathy. Fatigue will accumulate every day, which can lead to health problems. You need to take better care of yourself, normalize your diet, get more rest and sleep.

October 2020 will be challenging for Pisces. Trouble awaits them, which will color the rainbow mood in gray colors. Representatives of this zodiac sign will become tense and irritable, which will not allow them to fully communicate with others.

The first half of the month will bring depressive thoughts and memories. There will be obstacles and difficulties in undertakings. Because of this, the suspension of promising projects is possible.

Mid-October will promote spiritual and intellectual development. Pisces will be distracted from pressing problems and begin to look at the world more positively.

At the end of October, you will feel a breakdown, which will make you think about rest.

Pisces Woman. In early October, the representatives of this zodiac sign will have difficulties in business and personal life. A loved one will help you get out of life's vicissitudes.

In the second decade, the mood of Pisces women will improve. A trip to visit or a short trip will help relieve nervous tension.

At the end of the month, a sharp deterioration in well-being is possible, which will lead to a hospital bed.

Pisces man. In early October, the boss will entrust the representatives of this zodiac sign with a difficult task that will not let you relax until the end of the month. Those who were promised a quick promotion at the beginning of autumn will have to part with their hopes. The position prepared for them will be transferred to another person. Against the backdrop of problems at work, relationships with your soulmate may worsen.

The rest of October will be more relaxed. Pisces men will begin to be less nervous and will be able to regain their spiritual harmony. A positive attitude will help bachelors make a promising acquaintance, which will lay the foundation for a strong love relationship.

In the last days of the month, these men will feel a breakdown and try to relax.

love horoscope

In October 2020, fate will test Pisces for readiness for changes in their personal lives and strengthening love relationships.

Single women are waiting for a meeting with a former lover who wants to return them. They will not want to return to the past, but they will not be ready for a new relationship either. For men, the stars promise a fateful meeting and the beginning of a stormy romance.

Those who have a couple will quarrel with their loved one. The horoscope advises not to make empty promises and trust your soulmate more.

business horoscope

October will be successful for risky Pisces.

Unemployed loved one will help in finding employment. The vacancy that he finds for them will require new professional skills from them. Don't miss the chance and try yourself in a new specialty.

Employees will not be able to achieve a long-awaited promotion. For some, this will stimulate them to look for a new job or start their own business.

Managers may be afraid of difficulties and postpone new plans. The horoscope advises to take risks and take up undertakings.

Financial horoscope

In October 2020, unexpected expenses will shake the financial stability of Pisces. It is possible that the old borrower will appear and demand the return of a forgotten debt. Large household appliances may break down, which will need to be urgently repaired or replaced with a new one. At the end of the month, you will have to spend money on rest or health.

Health Horoscope

In October, the well-being of Pisces can deteriorate sharply. Due to weakened immunity and nervous shocks, they will be susceptible to respiratory infections, which may be joined by chronic ailments.

The horoscope advises to strengthen your immune system and prevent seasonal and chronic diseases.

Don't be afraid of difficulties
Look for ways to overcome obstacles and don't give up.

The positions of the Sun, Neptune, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Uranus warn the representatives of the sign to prepare for the test strip. Just don't panic! Thanks to responsibility and prudence, you can get out of the water dry. But if you go on about emotions, you risk being in a quandary.

lucky color of the month: burgundy.
good luck charm: the Rose.
Motto of the month: "When you go sailing, don't forget your lifeline!"

Work and money

The sun moves in the 8th house of your horoscope (extreme situations, big money), and therefore even the most cautious representatives of the sign in October are prone to adventures. However, the stars urge not to lose your head. If you live a month under the motto: “Who does not risk, does not win,” you can lose big. The Sun is now in a tense aspect with Saturn (career), Uranus (destruction, unexpected obstacles) in conflict with Jupiter (social success) and Mercury (business, communication, information). The positions of the planets indicate the likelihood of service conflicts, disagreements with management, mistakes and misunderstandings, an incorrect assessment of one's capabilities and the strengths of rivals. In a word, dear Pisces, be prudent and prudent, especially until October 17th. Then there will be a favorable aspect between Venus (finance), Mercury and your ruler, Neptune (creativity), which is also now moving along. There will be a chance to show your talents, find investors (most likely foreign ones) and influential patrons.

Love and family

Venus (love, prosperity) and Mercury (communication) spend most of the month in the 9th house (philosophy, long-distance travel).
It is good for married Pisces to spend at least a few days abroad with their spouse (near abroad countries are also suitable).
Acquaintance with a foreign culture, customs of other peoples will not only give you vivid impressions, but also allow you to look at your own life, at family relationships from the other side. And many seemingly insoluble problems will be settled by themselves.
It is possible that on the trip you will meet interesting people who will become your good friends. If it is not possible to arrange a long trip, try at least once to go to another city on the weekend (even if it is very close, the main thing is that the place is new to you). And you can also sign up for foreign language courses together, watch foreign films in the evenings (better without translation, as an option - with Russian subtitles). And at least sometimes indulge in home cooking from different nations.
Free representatives of the sign have a chance to meet their love on a trip. It is also possible that the chosen one will be a foreigner, a resident of a distant city, a representative of another race, nationality, confession. Don't let this scare you: what matters now is not differences, but common views and hobbies. However, when people communicate in the language of love, the boundaries are quickly erased.

Health and beauty

The Sun (general well-being) and Mars (physical activity) travel through the 8th house (risk, dangers) for most of the month. The positions of the planets are quite strong, but their position warns of the likelihood of accidents, indicates the risk of developing serious illnesses. In addition, in the first half of the month, the Sun is in tense aspects with Saturn (bone tissue) and Pluto (energy), which increases the likelihood of injury, and also warns of a lack of energy, a decrease in immunity. Be careful not to catch a cold (which can cause serious complications), drink a multivitamin beforehand.
In October, exercises aimed at strengthening the spine and joints are useful. If you have problems in this area, be sure to visit a doctor. It would be nice to take a course of therapeutic exercises, if necessary - physiotherapy. Of course, extreme sports should be abandoned. But you can dance, do aerobics, fitness, playing sports (non-traumatic). In the last week of the month, many Pisces will feel a surge of strength, but due to tense aspects between the Sun and Uranus, as well as Saturn and Mars, mood swings and outbursts of irritability are possible. Sport will direct your energy in a creative direction.
When choosing creams, masks, shampoos, give preference to an imported manufacturer. And if you arrange shopping, buy branded items.

auspicious days: 8, 18, 29 October.
bad days: 2, 12, 23 numbers.

Pisces Man

Many representatives of the sign in October are energetic and full of creative ideas. Alas, in the first half of the month it is difficult for them to find like-minded people, to reach an understanding with the boss and colleagues. This is very upsetting for your hero, even if he does not show his disappointment in any way. Support your husband, compliment him and do not be afraid to overpraise: now even outright flattery will benefit his self-esteem. If your spouse still has vacation days, persuade him to go on a trip. So he will ride out the storm at work, and most importantly, the trip will energize him and benefit your relationship. Then in mid-October, your companion will get down to business with renewed vigor - and achieve impressive results! Now Space is on his side, so any projects will be successful.

auspicious days: 5, 19, 30 October.
bad days: 7th, 14th, 21st.

Pisces Child

Baby fish are simply adorable and invariably evoke tenderness in relatives, grandparents, neighbors and even teachers. And skillfully use children's charms. Well, how not to pamper such a wonderful child! However, parents should not be led by the little manipulator. Remember: character is formed from the cradle. Be gentle - but persistent, and your child will stop testing the boundaries of what is permitted.
Schoolchildren do not study very well. Many Pisces now find it difficult to force themselves to study uninteresting subjects. But they do their favorite lessons with great pleasure. Some guys may show creative abilities, someone will wake up interest in learning a foreign language.
Seniors won't be a problem. Young Pisces enthusiastically doing what they love. It is possible that this October your son or daughter will suddenly change plans. For example, they want to enter another university or college that has nothing to do with what was previously chosen. Do not worry, but advise not to rush into making a final decision.
