UAE revenues Economy of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Beyond the distant seas, beyond high mountains, where there is almost no rain and the sun all year round creates unbearable heat, there is a small country that has been ruled by sages since ancient times. And what has been said is not a fairy tale, but the real truth, the truth of which you will see for yourself. We are talking about the state of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), located in the Middle East and being a federation.

Its rulers in matters domestic policy really follow the surahs of Islam. Sheikhs of the UAE are among the richest people in the world, they are educated, cultured, prone to oriental luxury and state-of-the-art technology and gadgets. Rulers do not put on the mask of servants of the people, while remaining rich, but their subjects live comfortably, feel needed by their country, and glorify their emirs.


First, let's briefly present some statistics on this state. The territory of the UAE is 83.6 thousand km 2, it is approximately equal to Leningrad region. The UAE is adjacent to Oman and Saudi Arabia. Its geography and geology are characterized by its location on the coast of the Arabian Peninsula.

The country, located on the slope of a tectonic plate, is rich in minerals. The main oil reserves, according to approximate estimates amounting to 12.3 million tons and gas reserves of 5.6 trillion m 3, lie in the depths of the emirates of Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

The gently sloping sedimentary Khojar mountain ranges, rising in the east, are rich in mineral springs. Aluminum is mined here.

The geographical space of the country is heterogeneous in relief. The main tourist centers are located on sandy and rocky soil near the coast. The sea off the coast is exceptionally clear, and the sand is golden. However, going deeper into the peninsula, the traveler will find only completely saline soils, replaced by sand dunes and rock plateaus, occupying more than 60% of the country’s area.

The northern and eastern regions of the country are fertile, but not due to nature, but because they are landscaped in accordance with the program drawn up by the Council of Emirs.

Thus, the climate of the UAE is basically desert; only a narrow coastal strip is characterized by favorable tropical weather.

History is ancient and colonial

Every cloud has a silver lining; it was during this period that Islam became the titular religion here, which appealed to the locals. The teachings of the Prophet strengthened them spiritually.

Since the 15th century, Portugal, on the territory of what is now the UAE, has pursued its rather unsuccessful colonial policy, robbing the people and forcing them to engage in piracy. In the 19th century, it was displaced from here by the Queen of the Seas - Britain, which has its own civilizational plan and created the rudiments of industrial infrastructure on the territory of the UAE.

History of the independence of the emirate states

However, all this time it was not the foreign colonizers, but the local sheikhs who remained the leaders of their people. It would seem that for three hundred years the emirate states were in bondage; for three centuries they remained the servants of the colonialists on their land. However, having heard the call of the Bani Yaz clan of the Maktoum dynasty, they followed the sheikh's family in 1833, captured Dubai, bringing independence from foreigners to it. How can one not recall here the Arabic proverb that a lion leading a flock of sheep will defeat a flock of lions led by a ram. By the way, the direct ancestor of the current head of state commanded that army.

The British then thoughtlessly did not attach any importance to this. In the 20s of the 20th century, they discovered oil deposits on the peninsula and began its mass production in the 50s. However, by that time the Arab countries had become a world power, and the precedent of the Maktoum dynasty still had force. In 1964, the League of Arab States opposed the British protectorate, demanding recognition of the independence of Arab countries, and the British were forced to retreat.

In 1971, six states united to form the UAE, with the seventh emirate of Ras al-Khaimah joining them in next year. Emir new country became its founder, Sheikh of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, an outstanding personality.

He was a man of clear mind and amazing foresight. He took on the burden of leadership and managed to unite and convince his then poor and demoralized people of the prospect of a decent life: “If there is at least one blooming branch left in your soul, a songbird will certainly sit on it.” The sheikh appealed to the pride of his people, to their faith, which was confirmed in the flag of the new state.

And he turned out to be right, fulfilling his promises in abundance. The children and grandchildren of these people, struggling for existence and ending their lives at just 40 years old, today live in a rich country, enjoying all the modern benefits. And this is without wars, without revolutions, without the extermination of “fifth columns”.

“A wise man will understand as soon as he winks, but a fool is not enough when he is pushed,” says an Arabic proverb about the properties of the mind. One of his 19 sons, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, now rules the country as skillfully as his ancestors, and his subjects bless him.

Each of the emirates (Shurjah, Fujairah, Umm al-Quwain, Ras al-Khaimah, Dubai, Ajman, Abu Dhabi) is solely governed by its own emir.

The President of the UAE is the emir of the largest of the emirates, Abu Dhabi, the capital of which and, at the same time, of the entire federation is the city of Abu Dhabi. The position of president is passed down from father to son. In the short history of the country, there have actually been two presidents. When the first president-sheikh died, and the second just entered the ritual of taking power, the prime minister performed the duties for two days.

The President of the UAE is the head of the country's Supreme Council, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and head of the Supreme Petroleum Council. Seven rulers-emirs constitute the highest body state power- Supreme Council of the UAE.

These are amazing rulers from whom Westerners have a lot to learn. How do these seven people manage to rule the country without revolution? Why do their supercars sit in the parking lot with the key in the ignition, and none of their fellow citizens even think about bad things?

How could it be otherwise in a believing country, whose citizens their rulers give work, provide a decent life, provide impressive social package, provide free (but not organized according to our model) medicine and education, and even provide them with abundant fresh water.

How can sheikhs, under such circumstances, not be leaders of their people? After all, as the Arabs say, with the help of kindness and affection, even an elephant can be led by a thread.

Language, flag

The official language in the UAE is Arabic. It shows films, publishes newspapers, books, and publishes legal acts. This language is quite flexible. Having a primordial Arab core, it changes in accordance with the progress of society.

At the same time, local businesses widely use English for business correspondence and communication with counterparties. In the country, British is the language interethnic communication. Also among labor emigrants, their native languages ​​are in use.

UAE flag like state symbol, adopted on December 2, 2017, the day of the unification of the emirates into one state. Its four-color panel has a rectangular shape with an aspect ratio of 2 to 1.

There is a single vertical (the rest are horizontal) red stripe running along the shaft. To the right of it follow stripes of green, white, black. Each color carries a symbolic meaning. The red stripe, as it were, consolidates the UAE flag, it means pride, strength and freedom civil society. The green top is Islam, the state religion. White - the morality and purity of the inhabitants of the country and, finally, black - its natural resources, in particular - oil.


The capital of the UAE - the million-strong city of Abu Dhabi - is economic (56% of GDP), political, religious and cultural center states. It is built on an island connected to the continent by three highways. The business district of the metropolis is located in its northern part, adjacent to the ultra-modern Corniche embankment. The city is green, there are more than two dozen parks, the greenery of which is powered by desalinated water. sea ​​water. Abu Dhabi is built up mainly with modern low-rise buildings and villas.

The largest petrochemical, pipe rolling, shipbuilding, and cement production is located in the suburbs of the capital.


Words in Islamic countries (unlike domestic politicians) are not simply thrown into the wind. Once upon a time, the Supreme Council of a country where there are no rivers, and instead of fertile lands there are salt marshes, sands and rocks, announced that it would gradually turn it into an oasis. And the sheikhs, never tired of surprising the world with ambitious infrastructure projects, are gradually fulfilling their promises. The council of wise emirs is truly effective and adequate to modern times. Figuratively speaking, the dynamic eastern monarchs understood time, because you can comprehend it only by being in motion.

There are no fewer representative offices of international corporations in the UAE than in New York, London or Tokyo. According to the ranking of countries, the economy of the UAE, a tiny country, ranks 31st in the world in terms of GDP produced, which in 2016 amounted to $375 billion, the value of goods and services produced in this state per year.

Per capita per year the amount is 67.7 thousand dollars, this is the ninth figure in the world. According to IMF specialists, the country will maintain its growth dynamics until 2020.

The national currency of the UAE is called the Arabic Dirham (AED). 100 fils equals one dirham. Until 1978, the dirham exchange rate was pegged to the American dollar and was 0.27 of it. It is noteworthy that this rate has been maintained since the date of introduction of the Emirati currency, i.e., since 1973. And is this surprising? After all, Arab wisdom from time immemorial says that good money should be like birds: fly away and come back, and therefore the country’s currency exchange rate should be stable.


In the UAE, industry has a strong oil and gas focus. However, state programs for its diversification do have an effect: 67% of the country’s GDP is other goods and services, and not black gold or its products.

Aluminum production is developed in the UAE, light industry, production of metal structures and building materials, energy industry, water desalination, dairy, meat, and fishing industries.

The traditional (pre-oil) industries of this country are the cultivation of date palms, pearl fishing, horse and camel breeding, and fishing.

Since 2004, the Emirates has been a country of free trade with the United States; the domestic market is overflowing with high-quality, branded goods. Sheikh law prohibits traders from buying counterfeits. How can one not recall the words of the oldest Persian poet and scientist Abu Rudaki: “The sage is drawn to goodness and peace, the fool is drawn to war and strife.”


The high tourist season here lasts from May to September. The air at this time warms up to 50 0 C in the shade. However, through the efforts of cunning sheikhs, an amazing infrastructure for tourism has been created here. The sages consistently fulfill the task they have set themselves - to transform the climate, to make an oasis out of the desert.

Please note that it is preferable for people sensitive to heat to visit the Land of the Sheikhs from October to April. At this time, the average monthly temperature is 21 0 C. The UAE is dynamically developing tourism as a branch of its economy. Arriving guests seem to be immersed in a fairy tale in the land of the emirs. The largest cities and at the same time beach centers are Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ajman and Sharjah. The best public beaches in the UAE, according to tourists, are Jumeirah Beach Park, Mamzer Beach, Burj Beach, Ghantoot Beach.

Guests of the country are amazed at how organically the traditions of Islam here flow into the form of high-tech, and how high-tech is filled with its content. This small country has the largest mosques in the world and the largest skyscrapers.

The majestic, domed marble Sheikh Zayed Mosque, erected in honor of the first president of the UAE, amazes with its marble purity and whiteness. In ancient times it would certainly have been called a wonder of the world. The largest temple in the Middle East, the King Faisal Mosque, also surprises with its architecture.

Younger tourists are attracted by other wonders of the world: skyscrapers exclusively built by the world's best architects, as well as the most picturesque islands artificially created according to intricate designs. The East, even after millennia, remains faithful to its tradition: building new wonders of the world. Here you can see the largest artificial stalagmite in the world - the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, rising 800 meters into the air. Also unique is the Arabic analogy Leaning Tower of Pisa- “falling” Capital Gate skyscraper. It is famous in the world as the most expensive and most luxurious hotel “Sail” (Burj Al Arab Jumeirah), built according to the design of the brilliant British Thomas Wright.

The legendary Gardens of Babylon would obviously pale in comparison to the greenery planted on artificial Palm Islands and generously watered with desalinated water.

Even the most charismatic fashionistas in the world do not consider it shameful to look at the most unique gold market, located in Dubai. By the way, here you can even exchange currency for gold in the hotel machine.

The wonders of the world are truly collected here. Those interested can go skiing in an indoor complex designed to accommodate 1,500 people, and the megamall in Sharjah is rightfully considered one of the largest in the world. Don't believe me? Here, even an aquarium with five-meter sharks, stingrays and other marine life is not striking.

Labor migrants

It would seem that: richest people- these sheikhs. How do they manage to live in such a way that their subjects love them? Most likely, this royal oriental nobility and wisdom are really in their blood: do not neglect little people, because they help to rise.

The demographic policy of the UAE is of interest. The population of the country with an area of ​​83.6 thousand km 2 is 8.5 million people. If in 1975 just over half a million people lived here, then a 16-fold increase social development on the face. The moral foundations of the country of emirs prevent Arab citizens from performing menial work.

Almost 89% of the population are foreigners who came for work; they happily take on poorly paid jobs here. They have a status that does not allow them to become citizens of this country, but they can pursue a career in the non-state sector. The UAE is considered one of the most liberal Arab powers. The country's population, as proof of this thesis, is actively increasing.

Thus, less than every ninth sheikh you meet in the Country is its citizen. People from South Asia (Pakistan, India, Bangladesh) make up more than half of the UAE residents. The population of the state is also represented by:

  • other people from Asia (Arab countries, Thailand, China, Philippines);
  • Europeans, Americans, Australians;
  • Africans.

Not all Arabs in this country are its citizens. After all, many of them are labor migrants in the UAE. Population Arabic Countries emirs, in addition to indigenous people, are represented by people from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran, Bedouins.

Note: labor emigrants are grateful to the sheikhs for the humane conditions at work and for the decent amount of payment.

Indigenous people

There are about 950 thousand indigenous people, i.e. citizens, in the country; they work in the public sector, and many of them have their own businesses. Thus, the sheikhs implemented a fundamental formula: the citizens of the country manage its wealth as civil servants. Moreover, they receive a very decent salary.

An Arab citizen of the Country of Sheikhs is guaranteed to receive at least 4 thousand dollars in his first job. If he graduates from a university, he will already be paid 10 thousand greenbacks a month. This amount is not the limit yet. What our civil servants call categories and ranks, which, interspersed with diplomas, are awarded for diligent work, in the UAE results in a significant increase in the salaries of civil servants.

The most successful powers in the performance of power functions receive (for comparison) salaries of the same order as the heads of large structural divisions of Gazprom.

Economic and political power Sheikhdom is based on the welfare of its subjects, generated by a fair distribution of the country's GDP. Richest reserves oil is in its depths, and wise rulers know how to wisely share the proceeds from its sale with their fellow citizens and stimulate progress with them.


For us it would be a paradox: activities in the state are prohibited political parties and trade unions. However, this aspect also contains the wisdom that says, “Don’t open a door you cannot close.” After all, parties (and in the West, trade unions) often initiate destructive consequences in society. Slogans like “What to do?” and “Who is to blame?” Sometimes a killer is released from a bottle of bloody genie. The sheikhs initially ruled out this possibility. However, they did this, initially ensuring the sustainable progress of the power. This scheme is ideal if the monarch manages to create a socially responsible society. And it works in the UAE.

In the Emirates social politics is paid directly by the sheikhs, and not with the help of “gray funds” from which dishonest intermediaries extract money. This reveals the strategic wisdom of their rulers. Petrodollars are directly poured into healthcare and education, which are free for the indigenous citizens of this country.

The local army is also financed from a separate fund, without compromising the well-being of the people.


Legal system and way of life public life determined by the religion of Islam in the UAE. For residents of the Country of Emirs, the suras of the Koran leave a significant imprint on the state structure, social and cultural life. The five commandments of Islam are sacredly observed by Muslims.

Wherever the Arab is, five times a day set time loudspeakers on the minarets call him to prayer. Business Muslims even install prayer applications on their smartphones. There are prayer rooms here and in supermarkets.

The laws of this Islamic state are drawn up based on the principles set forth in the Koran, and the Sharia court in the Land of Sheikhs also follows the non-Western classics - Roman law.

Citizens of this country celebrate UAE holidays of two types: secular and related religious tradition. There are very few of the first:

  • January 1 - New Year.
  • August 6 is Zayed Al Nahyan's Throne Day.
  • December 12 is the day of the formation of the state.

Alone Religious holidays associated with certain events in the life of the Prophet Mohamed:

  • migration from Mecca;
  • birth;
  • ascension.

Others are defined by other Muslim traditions:

  • associated with the holy month of Ramadan, with its fasting and pacification of passions;
  • spring (Navruz);
  • sacrifices (Eid al-Adha);
  • sorrow (Ashura).

The most significant holidays for Muslims in the UAE are the day of breaking the fast after Ramadan (Eid al-Fitr), the day of sacrifice (Eid al-Adha) and, of course, the holy month of Ramadan itself.


The wisdom of the rulers of the UAE, which led their people to prosperity, is worthy of respect. Emirs do not seek to strengthen the country in order to conquer foreign lands and expand power. They do not dream of a “nuclear club”. Rulers simply seek prosperity for their people by rationally using natural resources. They are connected with the Western world mainly by economics.

The UAE's GDP is distributed truly wisely. The indigenous population is stimulated by him in all areas of their lives, and migrant workers are grateful to the sheikhs for their rewarding work and its conditions. There are no state-level thieves in the Country of Sheikhs. The seven wise emirs will not allow a cunning rogue oligarch to appear thanks to their money.

This is extremely interesting experience Muslim rule, providing the population with promising jobs and free social benefits.

Whoever you ask us, everyone knows: somewhere out there, on the Arabian Peninsula, there are a dozen monarchies that live exclusively off oil and are mired in luxury. Most of these legends are about the United Arab Emirates, where many of our citizens visited as “shuttle” traders during the formation of “wild capitalism.” However, since then the situation has changed significantly. The most famous emirate - Dubai - is not at all worried about the collapse in prices black gold, local currency has not fallen against the dollar, and the authorities are not even thinking about cutting the budget. Why? Exactly 20 years ago, 83% of the income of the “oasis in the desert” came from the sale of oil, but now their share in GDP... is only 6% for Dubai and 29% for the UAE as a whole. For comparison: Russia receives about half of all earnings from the export of energy resources, and this is the reason for the problems in our economy. So how did the emirate, dependent on black gold, manage to quickly get out of the “oil bubble”?

Camel diversification

— Initially, in the 70s and 80s, they did nothing here - they just spent,- says economic consultant Hamid Hasan al-Bahr.As in Russia in the “golden years,” the residents of the Emirates only wanted to consume—the most expensive, the best, the foreign. However, studies have shown that oil in the desert will definitely run out. Not soon - perhaps only by 2040 (or even later), but forever. Diversification is necessary: ​​searching for other sources of income. That is why the government urgently began development: what will it be possible to make money from instead of oil? First of all, they proposed tourism, but then everyone openly laughed about this topic. May Allah forbid, what is there to see here - p-esques and p-aru camels?

Now Dubai is one of the main tourist destinations in the world. Last year, according to the latest data, the tiny emirate was visited by 20 million people - the same number as Russia with our huge number of attractions. For example, there are already 400 thousand tourists from China in the Emirates, but here (despite the fact that we border on China) there are barely half a million. Dubai has developed tourism from scratch, and now visitors are simply drowning in entertainment. In the city center, travel agents grab you by the hand - they offer you photos against the backdrop of sky-crapers, riding a camel, fishing in the Persian Gulf and even... going to a ski resort. Yes, yes, in Dubai, in the year-round heat, there is an indoor complex with snowy mountains, frost and artificial ice. “Russia is a completely unique country: you just have to look at Karelia, Lake Baikal, Kamchatka - it’s just a fairy tale,” admires representative of the Dubai Department of Tourism Mohammed Emin Al-Wahed. — But the share of money from foreign guests in your GDP is only 1.5%, although it could be ten times more. You have few cheap hotels, and getting a visa to the Russian Federation is terrible, tourists wait for 2-3 weeks; permission to enter the Emirates is issued one day in advance. The Russian Federation is losing tens of billions of dollars by ignoring the development of tourism.”

Artificial vegetable gardens

An extremely important point is Dubai’s move away from “sausage imports”. It would seem, what choice does the UAE have? You can’t grow anything in the desert, here fresh water is worth its weight in gold - therefore, food can only be imported from abroad. However, now the share of residents of the emirate employed in agriculture is 7% (in Russia - 10), Dubai is fully self-sufficient in its vegetables and a third in meat. How? Desalination of the ocean was immediately established, artificial pastures for sheep, “vegetable gardens” and “orchards” were created on the former sea ​​water. It’s funny to say that now the Emirates exports their own strawberries and in general are one of the leaders in the sale of organic berries and fruits in the EU. In our country, they now prefer to buy tomatoes in Morocco, and farmers from the south of Russia cannot get into the markets of Moscow and St. Petersburg - it is easier for businessmen to buy “plastic” vegetables at three prices in Africa. Although, as a farmer in Abu Dhabi rightly noted, “if food suddenly disappears in the whole world, Russia alone will be able to feed everyone.” Alas, we don’t even feed ourselves.

Oil "drug addiction"

- Behind last years The Emirates spent $35 billion to get rid of oil dependence,- explains Abu Dhabi TV journalist Jamal Ismail. — When the state does not produce anything, but only consumes, sitting on oil, this is “drug addiction.” The UAE is in full swing to switch to energy sources other than oil and natural gas. Let's say, in the emirate of Abu Dhabi there is a “city of the sun” Masdar: electricity there is generated not thanks to carbon raw materials, but by a solar power plant and batteries - the extra “kilowatts” are successfully sold abroad. Russia has somewhere to go more possibilities earn more than in the Emirates, and not get hung up on oil. Only in your country for some reason they don’t want to do this.

There is not enough space in my article to list everything that the Emirates has done in trying to move away from exporting energy resources. There is also a huge airport in Dubai, carrying 70 million passengers - from Moscow you can fly through the UAE anywhere, even to Nepal and Kenya (and every sandwich bought by a traveler on a layover is money for the budget). And the decision to build a “Silicon Oasis” in order to attract computer specialists from all over the world, and better conditions for businessmen, which turned Dubai into the financial center of the Middle East. That is why the Emirates now does not have such difficulties as in Saudi Arabia or Oman, where, due to falling oil prices, they are hastily squeezing their bloated budget. Could things have been different in Russia at the height of the economic crisis? Certainly. Everyone I talked to in the Emirates was surprised: why, with such enormous opportunities, are you “stuck” in oil? And rightly so. There are tens (if not hundreds) of billions of dollars lying under our feet - tourism, Agriculture, alternative sources energy. But the government doesn’t see this money at all. For what? It’s easier to sit in your chair and hope that oil prices will rise again.

“The dollar must stand still.” Why has the green rate in the Emirates not changed for 20 years? Read a special report from Dubai in the next issue of AiF.




Department of Economics and Management

Specialty: organization management

Code: 061100


Discipline: World Economy

On the topic: Economics of the United United Arab Emirates

Completed by: M. V. Galimova Student 121

group ODO economic


Head: A. V. Shakirova

Naberezhnye Chelny

INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………..….…page 3




CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………page 23


APPENDIX……………………………………………………………page 25


Development modern society characterized by constant acceleration of evolutionary processes. Time seems to be compressed, and each new stage of development is characterized by more and more eventfulness, and the change of stages occurs at an ever faster pace. These processes are characteristic of all spheres of human activity, including the economic sphere.

Studying the economy of the United Arab Emirates, a clear picture emerges - current situation a country that is so short period was able to make a huge breakthrough from the transition to market economy. The country became not only mining, but also producing, thanks to which such global changes, affecting every resident of this country.

Purpose independent work is to study the UAE economy, give a full assessment – ​​reporting economic development, highlight strengths and weaknesses, identify existing organizations, i.e. large production processes, as well as identify internal and external problems and prospects for their resolution.

In the process of studying, the following tasks are set: to deeply study the content of the main areas of production, to be able to analyze current state and economic problems in the UAE and find ways to solve them and acquire knowledge to use them in practice.

Independent work includes three sections in which it is given detailed information necessary for reflection. At the end of the work there is an application for a visual representation of the modern infrastructure of UAE cities.

In writing the work, articles by the following authors were used: Jean Francois Chais, Bogdan Kurilko, Natalya Morgunova, periodicals - magazines: “Voyage and Rest”, “GEO”, “Tour Business”, “Asia and Africa Today”, “Tourism”, etc. d., newspapers: “Kommersant” and “Izvestia”.


The United Arab Emirates is a federal state formed on December 2, 1971 and located in the east of the Arabian Peninsula. The UAE includes seven emirates (in Russian this word is traditionally translated as “principality”): Abu Dhabi - the capital of the state, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah, Ajman, Umm al-Qaiwain, Al Fujairah. The emirates are washed from the north by the waters of the Persian Gulf, from the east by the Gulf of Oman.

The area of ​​the state, including more than a hundred islands, is 83,600 square kilometers (arable land - 0.04%). Rain in the UAE is rare, precipitation falls from January to April, but in summer and autumn there is practically no rain. Average monthly temperatures during the day they range from 20 C to 30 C in December - April, from 38 C to 45 C from May to October. The climate varies between the coast and the desert. The population is approximately 2.9 million people (about 780 thousand are native Emiratis).

The capital of the state, the city of Abu Dhabi, is located in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. The population of the emirate is approximately 1,360,000 people. Large deposits oil was discovered here in 1958, and export deliveries began already in 1962. Dubai is the second largest emirate with the capital of the same name, located along the shores of the Persian Gulf. Despite its small size (about 3880 sq. km), today Dubai is the main center of the Middle East, one of the largest international trade and tourist centers.

Sharjah is considered the cultural center of the United Arab Emirates. The emirate (the third largest) occupies almost 3 thousand square meters. km and lies on the coast of the Persian and Oman Gulfs. The youngest emirate of Fujairah lies in the east of the country on the coast Indian Ocean. Its area is 1500 sq. km, population – 66,000 people. In the city of Ajman, the capital of the emirate of the same name, there is a port located on the shores of a natural bay. Ajman's two main regions are agricultural Masfut and Manama. Ras Al Khaimah is famous for its hot springs, which lie in the southern part of the emirate. In the northeast it borders the Sultan of Oman. Ras al-Khaimah covers an area of ​​1,680 sq. km and is 64 kilometers away from the Persian Gulf. Umm Al Quwain borders Sharjah to the west and Ras Al Khaimah to the east. This is one of the smallest emirates: its area is only 777 square meters. km, which is 1% of common territory countries.

Abu Dhabi, Dubai and the main cities of all other emirates located on the coast of the Persian Gulf have turned into major trading, financial and tourist centers. However, this is the Persian Gulf in our country, while in the Emirates it is the Arabian Gulf. The UAE is one of the leading producers and exporters of oil and gas in the world. Today, in terms of proven oil reserves it is about 98 billion barrels and ranks 5th, and in terms of gas reserves it is 4th in the world. Most of the reserves are concentrated in the emirate of Abu Dhabi. Daily oil production in the UAE is 2.5 million barrels. About 2.3 million barrels of oil are exported per day. The main importers of UAE oil are Japan (over 60%) and other countries South-East Asia(at least 20%). In terms of average annual income per capita - more than $22,000 - this country occupies one of the leading places in the world.

The UAE has become one of the leading places in the global economy thanks to its sophisticated and efficient trade and financial policy. This is an open economy, free trade and investment of income from oil exports in other non-oil industries.

GDP was $80 billion in 2004, 10% higher than the year before. It is noteworthy that the share of oil amounted to only 30% of GDP, while four years ago this figure exceeded 35%. As a result of large capital investments in recent years, the share of trade and tourism, construction, manufacturing, transport, electricity and water supply, agriculture and fisheries in the GDP structure has been growing.

Free project economic zone Saadiyat, the construction of which began on June 10, 1996 off the coast of Abu Dhabi and was completed in 2001. An exchange with an area of ​​50 thousand square meters and warehouses designed to hold 9.3 million tons of various goods were built. Many stakeholders have invested in this $3.2 billion project. This is the first project of its kind in the Middle East. With its help, regional trade is activated.

The national (local) currency in the UAE - the dirham - is once and for all strictly tied to the dollar. Today, $1 is equal to 3,650 dirhams. And the entire economy is in close interaction with the US economy.

The electricity sector plays an important role in the economy of the emirates. The installed electricity production capacity in the UAE is 8 thousand megawatts. A number of new thermal power plants are being built, which will increase capacity to 10 thousand megawatts.

The state strives to guarantee social stability and a decent life for all residents of the country. Special laws on pensions and social security have been adopted. With the development of high technologies, medicine is also improving. The infant mortality rate in the UAE is 12 per thousand births. Average duration life expectancy for men is 73.9 years, for women – 76.5 years.

Last year's UN Human Development Report highlighted that the UAE is the only Arab state among the best countries in terms of living standards. The United Arab Emirates ranks 14th in the world in terms of development of healthcare, education, social sphere and economics.

However, even before the discovery of oil in 1958, Bedouins with herds of camels roamed the desert under the scorching sun. On the waterless slopes of the mountains, shepherds looked for vegetation for sheep and goats. Where there was little water, farmers carefully grew date palms.

The traditional occupations of coastal residents were the construction of mini-ports, fishing and pearl fishing. It is thanks to the export of amazing pearls that Dubai has gained fame as a trading center. By the end of the 70s of the 19th century, Dubai was already major port on the Gulf Coast. Thanks to trade, it attracted merchants from Iran, India and other countries.

By the beginning of the 19th century, Dubai had become one of the most prosperous markets in the region. Pearls remained the basis of the city's prosperity until the 1940s, when the Chinese invented artificial pearls, which led to a drop in demand for natural ones. However, trade in other goods, including gold, had already developed, and Dubai, which had earned the reputation of a “city of merchants,” was able to overcome the crisis.

Back in 1962, at the very beginning of the oil boom, the future federal capital of Abu Dhabi had neither electricity nor televisions. Everything necessary for life was delivered here sea ​​longboats and camel caravans. As the price of oil rose, dirhams (the local currency) rained down on the former principalities, constantly changing the desert landscape. Oil rigs, refineries, pipelines and warehouses grew rapidly. Plus production plants fresh water: The Emirates ranks 2nd in the world after the United States in per capita water consumption. And this is in the complete absence of rivers and lakes.

Economic overview: The UAE has an open economy with high per capita income and significant surpluses foreign trade. The basis of prosperity is the production of oil and gas (approximately 33% of GDP), and therefore the prices of these goods greatly influence the state of the economy. Since 1973, the UAE has transformed from an impoverished region of small desert principalities to modern country With high level life. At the current level of production, oil and gas reserves should last for more than 100 years. Despite the increase in 1999-2000. oil revenues, the government has not abandoned the economic reforms undertaken after the collapse of oil prices in 1998. The government has increased spending on job creation and infrastructure expansion, and is opening up more opportunities for private sector development.
GDP: at purchasing power parity - US$54 billion (2000 est.).
Real GDP growth rate: 4% (2000 est.).
GDP per capita: at purchasing power parity - $22,800 US (2000 est.).
Composition of GDP by economic sector: agriculture: 3%; industry: 52%; service sector: 45% (1996 est.).
Proportion of population below the poverty line: no data.
Percentage distribution of family income or consumption: for 10% of the least affluent families: no data. for the 10% wealthiest families: no data.
Consumer price inflation rate: 4.5% (2000 est.).
Work force: 1.4 million people (1998 est.); note: 75% of the population aged 15 to 64 are foreign nationals (July 1998 est.).
Employment structure: service sector 60%, industry 32%, agriculture 8% (1996 est.).
Unemployment rate: no data.
Budget: revenues: $6.5 billion; expenses: $7.3 billion, including capital investments - no data (2000 est.).
Spheres of the economy: oil production, fishing, petrochemical industry, production of building materials, shipbuilding, handicraft production, pearl mining.
Industrial production growth: 4% (2000).
Power generation: 36.7 mpd kWh (1999).
Sources of electricity production: fossil fuels: 100%; hydropower: 0%; nuclear fuel: 0%; others: 0% (1999).
Electricity consumption: 34.131 billion kWh (1999).
Electricity export: 0 kWh (1999).
Import of electricity: 0 kWh (1999).
Agricultural products: dates, vegetables, watermelons, Domestic bird, eggs, dairy products; fish.
Export:$46 billion (free on board, 2000 est.).
Export items: crude oil 45%, natural gas, re-export, dried fish, dates.
Export partners: Japan 30%, India 7%, Singapore 6%, South Korea 4%, Oman, Iran (1999).
Import:$34 billion (free on board, 2000 est.).
Import items: production and transport equipment, chemicals, food.
Import partners: Japan 9%, USA 8%, UK 8%, Italy 6%, Germany South Korea (1999).
External debt:$12.6 billion (2000 est.). Recipient economic assistance: no data.
Economic aid donor:
Currency: Emirati dirham. chschch
Currency code: AED.
Exchange rate: AED/USD (average central bank rate) - 3.6725 (since 1998); 3.6711 (1997), 3.6710 (1995-96). -:d
Fiscal year: calendar year. SCH
