Form 2 TP Vodkhoz procedure for filling out. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation

Volume calculation Wastewater determined on the basis of task data and water consumption and wastewater disposal standards (Appendix). The recommendations were developed in accordance with the Regulations on state accounting of waters and their use, approved by Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated March 10, 1975 No. 197 “On approval of the Regulations on state accounting of waters and their use”, as well as in accordance with the instructions of the Central Statistical Office of the USSR dated 24 July 1985 No. 42/4 and its addition dated December 21, 2000.

The use of water by industrial, construction, transport, agricultural and other enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as “water users”) is subject to state accounting, regardless of their departmental subordination, water supply sources and wastewater receivers.

The list of water users whose water use is subject to state registration is determined by basin (territorial) departments and inspectorates for regulation of water use and protection or other local bodies.

The report on form 2 TP-vodkhoz (annual) consists of three tables and is filled out by the following water users:

    water users taking water from natural water bodies 50 m 3 of water per day or more (river, lake, pond, well... etc.);

    water users taking water from the city (departmental) water supply system or other water management systems and distributing wastewater to the city (departmental) sewerage system when they take more than 300 m 3 per day (except for agricultural facilities);

    water users with circulating systems with a total capacity of more than 5000 m 3 per day, regardless of the amount of fresh water taken;

    water users discharging wastewater directly into surface water bodies, agricultural fields, filtration fields (EPO), etc. (including storm drains);

All water users are required no later than January 10 following the reporting year to submit reports in the 2tp-vodkhoz (annual) form on water use to the territorial bodies of the Ministry natural resources; to the state statistics body at the place established by the territorial body of the State Statistics Committee of Russia; the body that carries out state regulation in the relevant sector of the economy of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

On railways(railway departments of the Ministry of Railways of Russia) reports are compiled based on data from the departments of water supply and sanitary installations (NODVod) of the road department or water supply distances (WODC) for linear railway enterprises.

Reports agreed upon with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources are submitted by water users to the road management service (Nvod), the nature protection department (NOP), to the local nature protection committee, to the statistical department, and when collecting groundwater or the discharge of wastewater into underground aquifers - to the local authority of Roskomnedra of Russia.

Data characterizing water use for December are determined taking into account their expected fulfillment of planned targets (for core activities and associated water consumption).

When compiling reports 2 tp-vodkhoz (annual), information coding is used.

Reporting water users enter the codes of their enterprise in the address part.

The code of the reporting organization according to OKPO (column 2), until special instructions, is replaced by the code of the enterprise according to the GVK, which consists of six characters. The territory code is determined by the classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division and the code of the ministry (department) is determined by the classifier of production associations (OKPO). The first two characters are the code of the subject of the federation, and the next four are the serial number of the water user in the list for this subject of the Russian Federation. For example: 030187 – 187th enterprise of the Krasnodar region, 120014 – 14th enterprise of the Astrakhan region.

In Column 3, a five-digit industry code is entered; the water user is determined by the OKONKh classifier of sectors of the national economy (KOTR).

Codes for the type of activity according to OKDP (column 4), the organizational and legal form according to COPF (column 7) and the form of ownership according to FSC (column 8) are not entered until special instructions.

The code of the territory (subject of the federation), accepted by OKATO (KTER), is entered in column 5 of the address part. At the same time, to indicate a “settled area of ​​a rural district”, it is necessary to completely fill out the territory code (including the last three characters).

Column 6 indicates the five-digit OKOGU code (KMIN).

The code of the enterprise (organization) according to the system of state accounting of water use (GUIV) and the code of the water management area are assigned to the water user enterprise by local authorities for the regulation, use and protection of water of the Roskomvod system of the Russian Federation or territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia in accordance with the “Coding Instructions” water bodies, water management areas and sub-areas” M. Ministry of Water Resources of the USSR. 1987

In column 12, the checksum is not filled in.

Table 1 indicates the total volumes taken and received from natural water bodies (surface and underground), city (network) water supply and other enterprises, volumes used and transferred to other enterprises that do not independently report in the 2TP (vodkhoz) form, water losses during transportation . The limit of water intake and the use of water indicating personal needs, transfer of water to other consumers for use and (or) discharge, losses during transportation are taken into account.

Table 2 is intended to account for the volumes of wastewater and other waters discharged directly into water bodies and underground horizons or entering agricultural irrigation fields, storage tanks, ravines, beams, cesspools and other places of the terrain, as well as accounting for the amount of pollutants contained in these wastewater waters and discharged into water bodies.

Table 3 is intended to take into account additional types of water use not provided for in Tables 1 and 2 (water consumption in recycling water supply systems, capacity of treatment facilities, etc.).

The 2tp-vodkhoz report is compiled on the basis of the primary accounting documentation forms for water use: POD-11, POD-12, POD-13.

Log POD-11 – log of water consumption (sewage) by water measuring instruments and devices - used at water user enterprises for primary accounting and determination of the amount of water taken from water bodies or other water supply sources, water transferred to other water users or discharged into water bodies, diverted to filtration fields, storage tanks, evaporators, etc., as well as used in systems recycling and re-sequential water supply. Entries in the POD-11 journal are made based on measurements of water consumption using water measuring equipment (water meters).

Column 1 indicates the date and month of the measurements taken (the date the readings were taken from the counting device).

Column 2 is filled in based on the readings of water measuring equipment. When metering water using water meters with a summing device, the previous and subsequent readings of the flow meter, thousand m 3, are entered in this column. The difference in readings is entered in column 4, summing up the results for each month and for the year as a whole.

If water metering is carried out using flow meters with a recording secondary device, then the serial number of the diagram taken from the secondary device is recorded in the log. After planning the diagram, column 4 indicates the daily water flow in m 3 /day. The total water consumption for the month as a whole and for the year is indicated in thousand m3.

When metering water with a flow meter with an indicating device, column 2 in the numerator indicates one-time data taken from the secondary device of the flow meter, and in the denominator the corresponding values ​​of water consumption in m 3 / hour. Water consumption for each day is determined by multiplying the average hourly water consumption by the number of operating hours of the flow meter per day (column 3) and is entered in column 4. The total water consumption for the month and for the whole year is entered in thousand m 3.

In case of failure of the water measuring device (or in case of its absence), water use is recorded using the POD-12 form.

In the POD-12 log - a log of water consumption (sewage) using indirect methods. Primary water accounting is carried out: by electricity consumption, by the number of operating hours of pumps and their productivity, by the number of products produced.

If primary accounting is carried out based on electricity consumption, then in column 3 indicate the total electricity consumption for the reporting period (month, year) in thousand kWh.

Column 2 indicates specific consumption electricity for pumping 1 m 3 of water. Then the water consumption is determined by dividing the indicators in column 3 by the indicators in column 2 and is entered in column 4.

At pumping stations, water consumption is determined by the number of operating hours of the pumps and their productivity, determined on the basis of operational characteristics. These readings are determined based on the results of the factory (characteristics) in the form of dependencies of pressure, power and coefficient useful action from water consumption. At the same time, the log indicates the time when each pump was turned on and off.

When accounting for water by the quantity of output, column 3 indicates the daily volume of production in the appropriate units of measurement, and column 2 indicates the required amount of water per unit of production (specific consumption). Daily water consumption is determined by multiplying the indicators in column 2 by column 3. The resulting result is recorded in column 4.

The volume of water consumed by an individual process unit is determined by multiplying the duration (per hour) of operation of this unit during the reporting period by the hourly flow rate of water passing through the unit.

Logbook - POD-13 - logbook for recording the qualitative and quantitative composition of wastewater, used at all enterprises (organizations) discharging wastewater into natural objects (surface and underground), into filtration fields, as well as transferring it to the city sewer network.

The log form POD-13 is used to record the amount of ingredients entering water bodies as part of wastewater at each discharge.

Column 1 - indicates the date and place of sampling, column 2 - the name of the ingredient, column 3 - the concentration of the ingredient (mg/l), column 4 - wastewater flow (thousand m 3 / day), in column 5 - amount of discharged substance (ingredient in kg).

Entries in the journal are made based on data from physical, chemical and biological analyzes of wastewater.

The wastewater flow rate must correspond to its flow rate on the day of sampling.

When analyzing wastewater daily, the amount of polluted substances discharged is determined as the product of the concentration of the corresponding ingredient (column 3) by the daily wastewater flow rate (column 4); the results are entered in column 5.

In periodic (ten-day or monthly) analysis, the amount of pollutants discharged is determined as the product of the average concentration of the ingredient and the total volume of wastewater discharged during the corresponding period.

The log is checked and signed by the head of the relevant service within the time frame determined by the frequency of water consumption measurements.

In accordance with the Order Federal Service State Statistics of October 19, 2009 N 230 (as amended on November 28, 2011) “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of water use by Rosvodresurs”, users of natural resources who use water bodies or receiving water from water supply systems are required to provide a report on the federal statistical observation form 2-TP (vodkhoz)"Information on water use."


Reporting in form 2-TP (vodkhoz) must be provided by all legal entities And individual entrepreneurs(hereinafter referred to as respondents):

  • carrying out discharge (disposal) of wastewater;
  • carrying out intake (withdrawal) from water bodies of 50 cubic meters. m of water per day or more (except for agricultural facilities);
  • receiving water from water supply systems (from respondent suppliers) with a volume of 300 cubic meters. m or more per day for any type of water use, except for the production of agricultural products;
  • receiving water from water supply systems (from respondent suppliers), collecting (withdrawing) water from water bodies with a volume of 150 cubic meters. m or more per day for the production of agricultural products;
  • having circulating water supply systems with a total capacity of 5000 cubic meters. m or more per day, regardless of the volume of water taken.

When compiling a report, respondents indicate the total volumes of water taken and received, the volumes of water used by the respondent, the volumes of water transferred to provide cold and hot water population and consumers who do not independently report in Form N 2-TP (vodkhoz).

Submission period

Reporting in form 2-TP (vodkhoz) is provided by natural resource users annually until January 22 of the year following the reporting year to the Territorial body of Rosvodresursov at the place of its activity.

Regulatory framework

  • Order of the Federal State Statistics Service of October 19, 2009 N 230 (as amended on November 28, 2011) “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of water use by Rosvodresurs”;
  • Law of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 1992 N 2761-1 “On liability for violation of the procedure for submitting state statistical reporting” (as amended on December 30, 2001).


In accordance with Art. 13.19 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on November 3, 2015), violation by the official responsible for the presentation statistical information necessary for conducting state statistical observations, the procedure for its presentation, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

For your convenience and saving your time, the following are provided:

  • Cashless payments and cash services
  • Pre-registration by phone (see contacts)
  • Possibility of drawing up form 2-TP (vodkhoz) “Information on water use” in one visit
  • Support at the approval stage with the authorized government agency(Upper Volga Basin Water Administration)
  • Code of the Russian Federation
  • Order of Rosstat
  • Forms 2-TP Consultation
  • Documentation for wastewater discharge into the river Consultation
  • Background concentration of pollutants when calculating fees Consultation
  • Environmental reporting for small businesses Consultation
  • Environmental support for groundwater wells Consultation
  • Deposit of underground mineral waters in the sanitary protection zone Consultation
  • Who should provide statistical reporting in Form No. 2-TP (vodkhoz)? Consultation
  • It is referred to
  • set bookmark

    set bookmark

    The material is current as of 08/04/2014

    Providing statistical reporting according to form No. 2-TP (vodkhoz)


    The above restrictions for respondents (including for separate divisions) in terms of water volumes can be reduced by the territorial bodies of Rosvodresurs, taking into account local conditions.

    Lists of respondents are compiled, and the respondents themselves are informed of the need to provide information in the form by the territorial bodies of Rosvodresursy.


    • Those providing heat supply do not take into account the volume of water circulating in the heating networks in the information on the form.
    • Those collecting water from underground water bodies include the total volume of water in the information on the form, regardless of the number of water intakes at the facility. When water is collected from different water management areas, information about the volume of water for each of them is given in a separate line; in this case, the OKATO code of the territory on which the group of water intakes of a specific water management area is located is filled in as an eight-digit code up to the third level of classification
    • Those who simultaneously take, use, transmit and discharge water during subsoil development provide information in the form on general principles, in accordance with the requirements of section II of the Instructions.

    Water pumped into an underground aquifer after use to maintain its pressure is counted as reused by the respondent.

    If the respondent uses water in several types of activities (according to OKVED), information is provided for each type of activity on a separate form. It is allowed to assign the total volume of water intake (receipt), use and disposal to one, most water-intensive type of activity.

    Deadline for submission of report 2-TP (vodkhoz)

    Respondents provide information for the reporting year to the territorial bodies of Rosvodresursov at the place of their activities January 22 after the reporting period.

    The EcoAgent company in Kazan provides services for compiling statistical reports according to form 2-TP.

    Statistical report “No. 2-TP Waste”

    According to Article 19 Federal Law dated June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ “On production and consumption waste”, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities operating in the field of waste management are required to maintain statistical records in the field of waste management. Waste accounting is necessary to use data from primary accounting to calculate payments, annual reports, etc.

    Who should submit the report?

    In accordance with the Order of Rosprirodnadzor dated November 20, 2012 N 622 “On amendments to the order of Rosprirodnadzor dated November 14, 2011 N 828”, federal statistical observation form N 2-TP (waste) “Information on generation, use, transportation and disposal of production and consumption waste" must be submitted to Rosprirodnadzor all legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, carrying out activities related to the management of production and consumption waste, regardless of the volume of annual waste generation.

    When and where to submit a report

    The owner of the waste is obliged to submit the completed statistical observation form N 2-TP (waste) by February 1 of the year following the reporting year to the territorial body of Rosprirodnadzor in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at its location

    The report in form 2-TP (waste) is annual form reporting and is compiled on the basis of accounting data for waste generated, used, neutralized, transferred to other persons or received from other persons, as well as disposed waste, waste passports of hazard class I - IV

    All types of production and consumption waste in circulation by the respondent are subject to accounting, except for radioactive ones (clause 3 of the Instructions).

    Statistical report No. 2-TP (air)

    Who should submit the report?

    According to Rosstat Order dated July 28, 2015 N 344
    (as amended on August 104, 2016) “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of agriculture and surrounding natural environment» Federal statistical observation form No. 2-TP (air) is filled out by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs who have stationary sources of pollutant emissions in atmospheric air(including boiler rooms).

    When and where to submit a report

    Legal entities report No. 2-TP (air) is submitted to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is provided at the place where they actually carry out activities. Individual entrepreneurs report form No. 2-TP (air) is submitted to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at their location.

    Deadline statistical reporting in form No. 2-TP (air) - until January 22 after the reporting period.

    Statistical report No. 2-TP (vodkhoz)

    Who should submit the report?

    In accordance with Order of the Federal State Statistics Service dated October 19, 2009 N 230 (as amended on November 28, 2011) “On approval of statistical tools for organizing federal statistical monitoring of water use by Rosvodresursov”, users of natural resources who use water bodies or those receiving water from water supply systems are required to provide a report in the form of federal statistical observation 2-TP (vodkhoz)"Information on water use."

    Reporting in form 2-TP (vodkhoz) must be provided by all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs:

    — carrying out discharge (disposal) of wastewater;

    — those who withdraw (withdraw) 50 m3 of water per day or more from water bodies (except for agricultural objects);

    — receiving water from water supply systems (from responding suppliers) with a volume of 300 m3 or more per day for any type of water use, except for the production of agricultural products;

    — receiving water from water supply systems (from respondent suppliers), taking (withdrawing) water from water bodies with a volume of 150 m3 or more per day for the production of agricultural products;

    - having circulating water supply systems with a total capacity of 5000 m3 or more per day, regardless of the volume of water taken.

    When and where to submit a report

    Reporting in form 2-TP (vodkhoz) is provided by natural resource users annually until January 22 of the year following the reporting year to the Territorial body of Rosvodresursov at the place of its activity.


    The reports submitted by the organization serve as the basis for:

    • accrual of mandatory environmental payments
    • adjustments to draft standards (maximum permissible limits, PNOOLR, VAT).


    In accordance with Art. 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for failure to provide statistical information, as well as the presentation of unreliable statistical information, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount from three thousand to five thousand rubles.

    The EcoAgent company will prepare statistical information in the field of ecology in accordance with the standards and requirements Russian legislation, and will also submit it to the relevant government agency.

    If companies collect water from reservoirs for commercial purposes or discharge wastewater, then they need to prepare Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz - for submission to the regulatory authorities.

    Providing form 2 - TP Vodkhoz

    The controlling body that collects statistical data on the accounting and use of water resources is the Water Administration - Rosvodresurs. Economic entities report in Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz to those management offices to which they belong territorially. On this moment There are 14 such water departments in the Russian Federation, including Nevsko-Ladoga, Verkhne-Volga, Moscow-Oka and others.

    This reporting form on the use of water resources was approved by Rosstat on October 19, 2009. The frequency of preparation is annually. Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz is one of the options for environmental reporting. The obligation to compile it arises for entities whose activities are capable of causing some damage to the environment.

    Who should prepare the reports?

    A detailed list of participants whose responsibilities include reporting is approved by the authorities of Rosvodresurs. The number of persons who need to fill out data on this form includes many economic entities, including individual entrepreneurs, organizations, representative offices of foreign companies, and municipalities.

    The need to provide statistical information arises in the following cases:

    1. When discharging wastewater.
    2. If water is taken from natural reservoirs with a volume of at least 50 cubic meters per day.
    3. If there is a need to obtain water from the water supply system of more than 300 cubic meters per day, with the exception of agricultural enterprises.
    4. Agricultural enterprises consuming more than 150 cubic meters of water per day.
    5. Subjects whose water supply turnover exceeds 5,000 cubic meters of water per day, regardless of the volume of intake.

    The listed limits may vary depending on territorial conditions.

    Such users of water bodies carry out a variety of operations, including withdrawal of water, return of resources, and irreversible actions. When preparing reports, information about the level of impact of economic entities on environment, about the degree of environmental damage.

    Composition of reporting

    Reporting in Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz is provided no more than once a year. It contains several sections.

    Contents of reporting 2 - TP Vodkhoz. Table

    Section name What does it reflect? Indicators
    Information about the reporting entityData of the organization, individual entrepreneur, municipality, representative officeCodes OKTMO, OKPO, address, name of the subject
    Section 1Information on water intakeInformation on the withdrawal of water resources from natural sources, on the receipt, use, transfer and loss of water.
    Section 2Wastewater dataFilled out by resource consumption participants carrying out water drainage work

    Submission of reports to territorial water management authorities may be accompanied by the submission of the following documents:

    • a document confirming the authority of the representative;
    • explanatory note on past changes in water use and discharge;
    • calculation of surface water volumes;
    • data on monthly volumes of wastewater discharges;
    • approved discharge standards;
    • environmental action plan;
    • water use license;
    • other documents.

    Documentation used to fill out form 2-TP Vodkhoz

    To correctly fill out the form, it is necessary to maintain systematic records and process the received data. It is necessary to use sources of information that reflect the following factors:

    • abstraction of water resources;
    • obtaining water;
    • amount of water used;
    • volumes of water transfer for the needs of the population and other consumers.

    To record the consumption of resources, documentation of a certain form is filled out. Organizations record primary data in the following journals: accounting for water consumption using measuring instruments, accounting for the quality of discharged waste and drainage water. If necessary, data on the volumes of water intake, discharge, and quality of these resources are also systematized.

    Responsibility for failure to provide the form

    If reporting in Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz is not submitted on time, or the data specified in it is incorrect, economic entities that made errors may receive administrative fines. The amount of payments ranges from 10 thousand to 20 thousand for responsible officials. Enterprises will be required to pay fines ranging from 20 thousand to 70 thousand rubles.

    It is possible to fill out the form manually and using automated programs. To accurately enter information, continuous record keeping and processing of primary documentation data is required. All these measures will help avoid possible fines for providing inaccurate information.

    1. Our organization consumes up to 200 cubic liters of water daily. Do we need to compile statistical reporting according to form 2 - TP Vodkhoz? The main activity of our enterprise is the production of agricultural products.

    Subjects whose responsibilities include processing data on used water resources with subsequent reporting, must consume at least 300 liters of cubic water daily. The only exceptions are agricultural enterprises. For them, the daily consumption limit is 150 cubic liters. With average water use more It is required to prepare reports in Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz.

    2. Our organization must provide annual reporting on the use of water resources. Are there any programs for automated data entry?

    To generate reports in Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz, it is recommended to use the IAS 2 - TP (Vodkhoz) program, which is available for free download on the official portals of any water department. In some regions of the country, generating data using this program is mandatory.

    3. Our institution, based on the volume of water consumed daily, must provide reporting on the water resources used. Where exactly should reports be sent?

    Submitting a report in Form 2 - TP Vodkhoz is required at the location of the organization, to the territorial department Water Department. A notification of reporting must be sent to the subject's location address.
