How do animals prepare for winter? Late fall. Wild animals are preparing for winter How animals are preparing for winter for children

Elena Mozgovaya

Open lesson on the topic:

"How animals prepare for winter"

in the senior preparatory group

Target: reveal an idea of ​​how animals in the forest prepare for winter, the reasons for changes in living and inanimate nature in the fall.

Tasks: consolidate knowledge about wild animals and the signs of autumn, expand ideas about the lifestyle of forest animals in autumn, and introduce how wild animals prepare for winter. Develop attention, memory, speech, imagination, fine motor skills hands, cultivate curiosity, love for nature and wild animals, and the ability to care for it and its inhabitants.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Emotional mood:

Teacher's story: (music sounds)

Guys, on my day off I walked along the banks of the Bityug River. And there are so many colorful boats on the water: yellow, red, orange! They all arrived here by air. A boat will arrive, land on the water and immediately sail away. Many more will arrive today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. And then the ships will no longer arrive, and the river will freeze.

Tell us what kind of boats these are and what time of year they appear?

Children - autumn, boats - autumn leaves.

What is the name in nature for the phenomenon when leaves fall from trees?

Children are falling leaves.

II. Updating knowledge:

It's frosty in the morning,

In the groves there are yellow leaves,

Leaves near the birch

They lie like a golden carpet.

Tell me, what time of year is this poem about?

Children - about autumn.

Using mnemonics

What changes occur in nature in autumn? I will show you the table, and you will talk about changes in nature.

1. The sun hid behind the clouds, it rains often.

2. The day is shorter and the night is longer.

3. The leaves on the trees turned yellow.

4. A strong wind is blowing.

What changes are taking place in living nature?

5. The birds flew away to warmer regions.

6. Animals are preparing for winter.

Guys, what would happen if winter immediately came after summer?

Children - everything in nature would immediately freeze and die, no one would have time to prepare for the cold and hunger.

That's why we need autumn. In autumn, all nature prepares for winter: trees, animals, and birds.

III. Motivation for the lesson:

Letter from the forest:

Oh guys! What is this?

Here is an envelope, big and yellow,

How did you find the envelope?

How did you get into our group?

Let's figure it out! Oh wait!

Our address is on the envelope, after all.

Whose reverse is it?

Who did the letter come from?

You want to know, right?

Then you have to try

Guess all the riddles.

1. The beast waddles

For raspberries and honey

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes,

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where he sleeps and dreams. (bear)

2. Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread? (hedgehog)

3. Who deftly jumps through the Christmas trees

And flies up into the oak trees,

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

4. Red-haired cheat

Hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name? … (fox)

5. He prowls the forest all the time,

He is looking for someone in the bushes.

He snaps his teeth from the bushes,

Who says this... (wolf)

6. Who doesn’t have a den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark. (hare)

Tell me, what can you call all these animals?

Children are forest animals, wild animals.

Why are animals called wild?

Children get their own food, build a home, and live in freedom.

Tell me about them. I suggest you play. I put animal masks on you, and you name the signs of “your” beast.

Didactic exercise "Choose definitions"

Wolf, what are you? – I’m gray, toothy, scary,...

Bear, what are you? – I’m brown, club-footed, clumsy,...

Lisa, what are you? - cunning, fluffy, red-haired, ...

Hedgehog, what are you? – I’m prickly, small,...

Hare, what are you? - long-eared, timid, cowardly, small...

Squirrel, what are you? – I’m red, fluffy,...

And wild animals have children.

There are many mothers in this world,

And every mother has children.

We must come to the rescue

And find the kids correctly!

Didactic game "Find a pair"

(pair up mother and cubs)

And in this letter it is also written...

Come to the autumn forest,

We will be friends with you,

Have fun and play

We will be waiting for you very much!

Wild animals invite us to visit the forest.

How many of you have been to the forest?

IV. Journey to the autumn forest:

Let's go guys autumn forest and see how the animals prepare for winter.

Going for a walk in the forest today

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.

Stand next to each other,

Hold hands tightly

Along the paths, along the paths,

Let's go for a walk in the forest.

And forest animals we are with you

We'll definitely find it.

So we ended up in the forest. Guys, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Children - do not leave garbage in the forest, do not break branches and trees, do not destroy bird nests and anthills, do not light fires.

You also have to be quiet in the forest and not make noise, otherwise you might scare the animals.

I wonder if we will see the animals in the forest that invited us to visit?

V. Meeting with animals:

Guys, look, someone small, long-eared, timid... is sitting under a bush. Have you guessed who it is?

Children - yes, of course, this is a hare.

But he is very sad. What could have happened to him?

The children were scared by the fox, he was cold, there were no carrots...

Let's cheer him up by calling him affectionately....

Game “Say Kindly”

Children - bunny, bunny, bunny, bunny.

How does a bunny prepare for winter?

Children - he sheds and his fur becomes fluffy, warm and white so that the hare is not noticeable in the white snow, and so that the fox and wolf do not notice him. In autumn, the hare does not store supplies, because in winter it gnaws the bark of trees and feeds on young twigs.

So he sat under a bush and changed his fur coat. And when I came out, I didn’t find my friends. Let's help him find friends.

Game "Guess who it is?"

Brown, club-footed, clumsy... (bear)

Small, prickly... (hedgehog)

Tell me, guys, where did the hedgehog and the bear go?

Children - the hedgehog eats mushrooms, mice, beetles, worms, finds a secluded shelter under the roots of trees, settles on dry leaves and moss, falls asleep for the whole winter until spring.

Let's find his hole.

Where's the bear?

Children - the bear also eats well in the fall. It accumulates fat under its skin and hibernates in winter.

Where does he sleep?

Children - he sleeps in a den, drags dry branches and leaves to keep it warm. In winter the den will be covered with a blanket of snow and the bear will be warm.

Why do they say that a bear sucks its paw?

Children - there is a change in the hard skin on the pads of the paws, while the old skin bursts, peels, and itches very much, and in order to somehow reduce these unpleasant sensations, the animal licks its paws.

Let's find his den.

Look, the branches are moving, but there is no wind. Who could it be? Children are squirrels.

How did you find out?

Children - there were mushrooms on the branch, footprints under the tree, a hollow in the tree.

Let's find the squirrel.

Another small furry forest dweller who changes the color of his coat for winter.

The squirrel was red all summer, but by winter it turns gray.

Where does the squirrel live?

Children are in a hollow.

How did she prepare for winter?

Children - all summer and autumn she collected mushrooms and berries and hid them in various places. In winter, she looks for her reserves, but, unfortunately, does not always find them. But in the place where the cones or nuts were hidden, a small sprout may appear in the spring and in a few years a new tree or bush will grow here.

VI. Physical education minute:

The little white bunny is sitting (squatting)

And he wiggles his ears. (showed long ears with hands)

It's cold for the bunny to sit, (stand up)

We need to warm our paws. (stroke hands)

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump. (jumping in place)

Someone scared the bunny -

The bunny jumped and ran away! (jump to the teacher)

Guys, who could scare the bunny?

Children - fox and wolf.

This beasts of prey. If they catch a hare, it won't be good for him. The fox has a home - a hole, where she can hide from the winter cold, and the wolf has a wolf's lair.

Do foxes and wolves need to change their fur coats to new winter ones?

Children - of course, they are necessary. In the summer, you and I wear light clothes so that it is not hot, and in the winter we put on warmer ones, so the animals also have to change clothes. This does not mean that they take off their skins and put on new ones, they just grow different, warmer fur.

What is the name of the period when animals change their fur?

Children - this period in the life of animals is called molting.

But the color of their fur remains the same, because they have no one to hide and camouflage from, they are predators themselves. They walk through the forest in search of prey.

Let's tell you how animals prepare for winter...

Game "One - Many"

Not just one wolf is preparing for winter, but many... (wolves)

Not one hare, but many... (hares)

Not one hedgehog, but many... (hedgehogs)

Not one bear, but many... (bears)

Not one squirrel, but many... (squirrels)

Not one fox, but many... (foxes)

And now the bunny invites you to relax and play.

Whoever I throw the ball to answers the question.

Game "Name the Family"

Father is a hare, mother is a hare, baby is a hare

Dad is a hedgehog, mom is a hedgehog, baby is a hedgehog

Papa bear, mama bear, baby bear

VII. Return to the group.

Our journey is over, but look at the mess in the clearing: empty bottles, bags. What nature does not need.

Let's clean up the trash and take it home. Some of them may be useful for our studies. For the winter cold, we will make a feeder out of a bottle for wintering birds, and we will store seeds in bags to feed our feathered guests.

One, two, three, turn around yourself,

And find yourself in the group again.

VIII. Creating a collage.

What time of year comes after autumn.

Children - winter.

Now we know that our animals are ready for winter. And we will send them to the winter forest. (We divide into 2 subgroups)

1. Look at the picture of the winter forest and place wild animals in your houses. Let's take figures of wild animals and stick them where they live.

2. And here are subject pictures - houses for wild animals. distribute them among your homes.

We carefully pick up the glue and coat the entire animal figurine. When pasted, press down with a napkin. If you have already pasted it, carefully place the brush on the socket.

(The work is accompanied by a musical sketch)

IX. Reflection:

We traveled through the forest, let's check what you remember:

What animals can we meet in the forest?

Which animals hibernate?

Who's stocking up for the winter?

How do animals prepare for winter so that they don’t feel cold?

Why do the hare and squirrel change their fur color?

How does a bear insulate its den?

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter in the fall?

What wild forest animals can we find in our region?

Children - fox, hedgehog, wolf, hare.

And which ones do not live in our region?

Children - squirrel, bear.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 11 “Fairy Tale” of a combined view of the urban district of the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan


ON THE TOPIC: How animals prepare for winter.

Prepared by the teacher

Saklakova Larisa Vladimirovna


Program content: To form ideas about the forest as a habitat for wild animals, and about the ecological pyramid; consolidate the concepts: wild animals, herbivores, predatory animals; where wild animals live, what they eat, how they prepare for winter; develop the ability to compose stories on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”, educate careful attitude to the forest and its inhabitants, drawing up an ecological pyramid.

Preliminary work: conversations with children about the forest ,

comparison of wild and domestic animals,

comparison of herbivores and carnivores,

conversation about how wild animals getting ready for winter

looking at illustrations of wild animals,

guessing riddles about wild animals, reading stories about animals

Material: Subject pictures (wild animals), subject pictures (how animals prepare for winter), colored pencils, paper.


(Children stand in a semicircle)

TEACHER: Today, children, I decided to read you an excerpt from E. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn.”

Suddenly it became twice as bright,

The yard is like in sun rays -

This dress is golden

On the shoulders of a birch tree.

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly...

What time of year was the poem talking about?

Children's answers (About autumn)

Name the autumn months.

Children's answers (September October November)

How do you understand the expression “leaves fall like rain”?

Answers children . The leaves are falling.

What signs of autumn do you know?

Children's answers: In autumn the sun shines, but heats weakly. The day becomes shorter than the night. The sky in autumn is gray, cloudy, gloomy. The leaves on the trees become colorful. The leaves are starting to fall. Migratory birds They fly away to warmer climes, and those who spend the winter stay with us. Wild animals are preparing for winter.

TEACHER: What wild animals of Bashkortostan do you know?

Children's answers: Fox, bear, hedgehog, squirrel, wolf, elk, hare, wild boar, lynx.

Educator: Why do we call these animals wild?

Children's answers: Because they live in the forest, and people don't take care of them. Because they take care of themselves and live in the wild.

Educator: Children, I suggest you remember where wild animals live in the forest. (Conducted didactic game"Who lives where").

TEACHER: Where does the squirrel live? (the squirrel lives in a hollow).

Where does the bear live? (the bear lives in a den).

Where does the fox live? (The fox lives in a hole).

Where does the wolf live? (The wolf lives in a den).

Where does the hedgehog live? (the hedgehog lives in a nest of leaves).

Where does moose live? (The elk lives in the thicket of the forest.)

TEACHER : Well done, children, don’t forget how wild animals adapted to live in the forest without human help. What season follows autumn?

Children's answers: (winter will come after autumn)

Educator: That's right, after autumn comes winter. Winter is a very difficult, cold season. In winter, it is very difficult for wild animals in the forest: it is cold, there is little food. Therefore, wild animals prepare for winter. But first, let's do a warm-up, we children also need to get ready for school. Finger gymnastics is carried out: “Animals that we can show.”

Children approach the board on which there are pictures of wild animals.

Oh, hear, someone is knocking on our door. Quiet. I'm gonna chech it. Children, Dunno has come to us. He says that he also wants to know how animals prepare for winter. Shall we tell Dunno? Sit down, Dunno, more comfortably and listen.

Children, I give you a magic ball that can record our conversation. Then we will give it to Dunno, in case he forgets something, puts it to his ear and hears your stories again. Pass the ball carefully, slowly. As soon as you hear the word stop, start a story about how wild animals prepare for winter.

The teacher holds a ball and tells how moose winter: moose go far into the thicket of the forest, where there is a lot of bushes and dead wood, where the cold wind subsides and it is easier to endure the cold, where it is difficult for predatory animals to get through. Dense fur prevents predators from moving through thick dead wood, and elk spend the winter in safety.

The teacher passes the ball to the children.

CHILDREN: Squirrel In summer and autumn he makes provisions for the winter, hides cones and nuts in his forest pantries, dried mushrooms. She arranges forest storerooms in an old hollow left by a hardworking woodpecker. By winter, a squirrel's coat changes color and thickness.

Hare changes his gray coat to a white, warmer one. He does this to keep him warm in winter and to be invisible in the snow. After all, the bunny has a lot of enemies. This is a fox, a wolf, an owl, and a marten. If in the summer the bunny grazed the grass to his heart's content, and in the fall he feasted on juicy cabbage and carrots, then in the winter he has a hard time, all that remains is the bark of trees and branches of bushes sticking out from under the snow.

Hedgehog in the fall it eats heartily in order to accumulate a lot of fat under its prickly coat, because in winter it hibernates and needs to sleep peacefully all winter. The hedgehog chooses a convenient hole, or a small hollow, somewhere under a spreading tree, wraps itself in leaves and falls asleep, waiting to be covered with snow.

TO THE BEAR You also need to eat well, accumulate more fat under the skin in order to sleep peacefully all winter. The bear makes a den for itself in a small ravine, throwing a tree over it and throwing dry dead wood over it. He climbs inside and falls asleep. When snow falls and the ravine fills up, the bear becomes warm and comfortable.

TEACHER: Guys, the fox and the wolf are not preparing for winter, why aren’t these animals preparing for winter? (they are predators and therefore are always looking for food).

Yes, it’s not easy for wild animals in the forest in winter. Well, Dunno, get the magic ball and run, tell me what you learned. Children, Dunno thanked you, say goodbye to Dunno.

It's time for us to play.

Physical education minute:

The hares are jumping hop-hop-hop!

Yes to the white snow,

They sit down and listen -

Is there a wolf coming?

Once - bent, straightened up,

Two - bent over, stretched,

Three nods of the head, stood up, jump to the side. We stood, looked and sat down.

TEACHER: Come to the tables. Children, wild animals have prepared mushrooms for you. Treats - wild animals were allowed to give tea to anyone who could name words - definitions for animals. (Children say - which one, which one, choosing pictures with wild animals on the board, removing the pictures after the answer).

The TEACHER calls the children. Children give definition words:

Squirrel - caring, hardworking, troublesome, nimble, dexterous.

Hare - cowardly, fearful, shy, white, gray,

Bear - clumsy, clumsy, clumsy

Hedgehog - prickly, brave, courageous, courageous.

Lynx - dexterous, fast, brave, sensitive.

Elk - big, strong, fast, herbivore

The wolf is fast, angry, gray, toothy.

The fox is beautiful, fluffy, careful, cunning, fast.

Educator: Children, name the herbivorous wild animals of Bashkortostan. (Hare, elk, squirrel).

What wild predatory animals of Bashkortostan do you know? (wolf, fox, lynx, hedgehog).

Do you think there should be fewer predatory animals than herbivores or more?

Children's answers : There should be fewer predatory animals.

Educator: Such relationships are expressed in the form of various pyramids, which are called “ecological pyramids”.

In order for herbivores to eat, there must be more blades of grass than herbivores. Therefore, the grass strip is longer than the herbivore strip, and there are fewer herbivores than grass. Well, carnivores are not averse to eating herbivores for lunch. They are bigger and stronger and need to eat a lot of herbivores. Therefore in the forest

There must be more herbivores than predators so that there is enough food for everyone. This creates a pyramid. To summarize: in order for everyone to have enough food, there must be more grass than herbivores, and there must be more herbivores than wild predatory animals. (An ecological pyramid is laid out on the board.)

Good afternoon, dear readers!

In autumn, you and your children often walk in the park or forest. Have a conversation, tell the children how animals prepare for winter.

Let the child remember which animals are called wild. You can show kids pictures of wild animals, ask riddles, and read poems. For older children, ask them to decide logic problems, read them stories about animals in the fall.

Show the relationship in the world around us - it has become cold, the insects are hiding, the birds are flying to warmer climes because there is no food for them.

In winter, the bunny changes his gray coat to a white one so that he will not be eaten by predators; he will not be so noticeable in the snow.

During the conversation, children enrich their vocabulary.

Repeat nouns: bear, wolf, fox, hare. hedgehog, squirrel, den, hollow, den, hole;

adjectives: shaggy, shaggy, angry, hungry, dexterous, strong, cunning;

verbs: howls, gallops, jumps, hides, hibernates, hibernates.

Children need to know: names of wild animals in our forests: bear, wolf, fox, hare, elk, hedgehog, beaver, squirrel;

That wild animals get their own food and build their homes;

- repeat who changes the color of their fur coat for winter (hare, squirrel);

Know where they live:

bear (in a den)

wolf (in the den),

fox (in a hole).

Conversation with children “How animals prepare for winter in the fall”

Late autumn has arrived: sad, rainy and cold. Winter is not far off. Winter is the hardest time for animals. They are freezing and cannot get food for themselves.

Some will sleep until spring in their houses (bear, hedgehog), other animals do not sleep, but make provisions for the winter, insulate their minks, and exchange their summer coat for a winter one.

Who is first?

Most animals begin to prepare for cold weather in the fall, some store food already in the summer. These are mice, chipmunks. They collect seeds, grains, seeds and carry them to their burrows. And then they spend the winter in them.

Let's talk with the children about how a hare, a bear, a hedgehog, a squirrel, a fox and a wolf, and an elk prepare for winter.

First, tell us about 2-3 animals, show pictures, play games so that the child can better remember how animals prepare for winter.

The bear is the owner of the forest

His home is a den. The bear arranges for her in a secluded place, under some snags. He carries moss and leaves there. In winter, the snow will fall and cover the den from above, and it will not be visible at all.

Bears eat nuts, berries, roots, fish, and various larvae. They eat and accumulate fat. In November, the bear climbs into its den and falls asleep. Bears sleep restlessly. If they are disturbed, they may abandon their den and make another.

In the bear's den, babies are born - cubs, 1-2. They are very small.

Foxes and wolves

Gray, angry, cold in winter

A hungry man wanders through the forest. (Wolf)

These predators do not sleep in winter. They also change their outfit and warm up. The animals begin to molt, and then grow thick fur, which helps withstand the cold.

Wolves unite in packs in winter and hunt wild boars, hares, and roe deer.

Look what it is -

Everything burns like gold.

Walks around in a fur coat dear,

The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox)

Foxes hunt at dusk or at night, catching mice, hares and birds. I sneak up on the prey, they suddenly rush at it, grabbing it with sharp teeth. The fox sniffs the snow and looks for mice.

Fox's house? (Nora).

Wolf's house? ( lair).

Another inhabitant of the forest is a squirrel.

Who is in the pines and spruces

Skilfully jumps, bends branches,

He sees where the cones have ripened,

And he carries it into his hollow. (Squirrel)

In summer, this animal wears a red fur coat, and in winter it turns gray.

Where does the squirrel live? (V double)

How does a squirrel prepare for winter?

In the summer he makes provisions: collects mushrooms, nuts, hides them in the forest floor, in a hollow. Strings mushrooms on branches.

The squirrel makes its nest in tall pines and spruces. Squirrels do not hibernate, but very coldy They can fall asleep in a hollow.


A large animal, a handsome forest creature, wears an ornament on its head - large horns.

The moose feeds on plants and in winter gnaws on the bark of trees. It’s difficult for moose in winter, so foresters often feed moose and deer.

At the end of autumn, the elk sheds its antlers. New ones grow by spring.


That's why I'm famous in the forest,

Which is covered with needles.

But I'm not afraid of enemies -

I’ll snort and curl up into a ball. (Hedgehog)

Early in the fall, the hedgehog prepares a hut for wintering - a mink. It carries leaves and soft moss in it. Hedgehogs have little food in the fall: it is difficult to find frogs, lizards and worms. Therefore, the hedgehog hibernates.

It will burrow into the leaves, curl up into a ball and sleep all winter until spring, until the sun begins to warm.


Ask the children if they know where beavers live.

Water masters
They build a house without an axe,

The house of their brushwood and mud,

And a dam. (Beavers)

Beavers are amazing animals. They have very sharp teeth, with which they chew through trees. And beavers’ fur coats don’t get wet in water.

Beavers take care of their coat: they comb it with their front paws and claws. And other beavers help comb the back.

In autumn, beavers prepare a lot of branches and place them near hut-house. This will be their food for the winter.

Beavers do not sleep in winter. The entrance to their house is under water.

How a hare prepares for winter

Gray in summer.

And in winter it is white. (Hare)

By winter, the bunny changes his gray coat to white. For what? So that it is not visible in the snow and does not get caught for lunch by predators.

In winter, hares feed on tree branches: aspen, birch, and willow. and also gnaw bark.

The hare does not have a permanent home; in severe frosts, hares hide under bushes.

In the fall, the hare gives birth to babies - bunnies. This happens during leaf fall. That's what they call bunnies, deciduous plants.

The hare feeds them and runs away so that predators do not find the hares by the smell. There is enough milk for 3 days. Then the hare returns or someone else’s mother comes running and feeds all the bunnies, including strangers.

Games on the topic “How animals prepare for winter”

After talking with the children about how animals prepare for winter, you can play.

For older children preschool age and spend junior school quiz.

1.What do animals do to protect themselves from frost?

a) fly to warm countries.

b) change their summer coat to a winter one.

2. Which animal sleeps in winter?

a) fox,

c) badger.

3. Who doesn’t change their fur coat?

4. What do hibernating animals need?

a) fat reserves,

c) silence.

5 What does a hare eat in winter?

a) carrots

b) cabbage

c) bark and branches of trees.

Game » Who's the odd one out?

Having eaten their fill over the summer, bears, badgers, mice, and hedgehogs go into hibernation. (Mice do not hibernate. They just stay in holes under the snow).

Predators roam the forest in search of prey: wolf, fox, elk. (Elk is not a predator, but a herbivore)

Elks, wild boars, and hares eat tree branches, bark, roots and fresh leaves in winter. (No fresh leaves in winter).

Exercise “Call me kindly”

Squirrel - squirrel,

Fox - fox

hare - bunny,

bear - bear cub.

D/exercise “Choose a definition”

Wolf (what?) - gray, angry, angry, hungry...

bear (what?) - brown, big, club-footed..

fox (Which one?) - red, cunning, fluffy. beautiful…

hedgehog (what?) - prickly, small...

hare (what?) - shy, white, long-eared...

Game "Who Lives Where?"

Does he live in a den? (bear).

(Who?) lives in the hole - a fox.

Does he live in a den? - wolf.

Does he live in a hollow? - squirrel.

Ask the kids to name a family of animals.

Mom, dad, babies.

Bear, she-bear, cubs.

Wolf, she-wolf, cubs,

Hare, hare, bunnies.

Game "Who's the odd one out and why?"

Squirrel, wolf, cow, fox. (A cow is a domestic animal).

Hedgehog, bear, hare, dog (Dog is a pet).

Fox, cat, hare, wolf (cat is a pet).

This is how you can have an interesting time with your children: talk about how animals prepare for winter, play word games, look at the pictures.

As a result, the vocabulary of children is enriched, the horizons of children are expanded, and a love of nature is fostered.

V. Bianchi “How animals prepare for winter”

G. Skrebitsky “Who is preparing for winter?”


Today we talked to the children about how animals prepare for winter.

Write comments, share information with friends.

Best regards, Olga.

With the approach of cold weather, numerous forest inhabitants begin to prepare for the winter. In the process of evolution, representatives of the animal world have developed certain methods that help them survive severe frosts and lack of solar heat. In addition, most animals suffer in winter period also from a lack of food, especially for herbivores, although predators also have a hard time.

All living creatures have certain characteristics of survival in winter, and this applies not only to animals, but also to perennial plants.

For example, it is well known that bears hibernate in the cold season until spring, however, this method of wintering is not unique to them. In the same way, hedgehogs, badgers, hamsters and many other living creatures prefer to “sleep through” the winter, so in winter nature seems to freeze in anticipation of the onset of more favorable conditions for life.

However, many animals living in forests remain quite active in winter, although, naturally, they have to significantly reduce energy consumption compared to the warm season.

For example, moose try to move much less in winter, use tree branches and bark for food, and look for young shoots of plants that may be hidden under the snow. Of course vegetable world in winter it is scarce, so moose lose weight and often live from hand to mouth, however, this does not prevent them from successfully overwintering.

With the onset of winter, foxes, hares and other animals become warmer and grow thicker fur, which allows them to stay warm even in severe frosts. In addition, during severe frosts, instinct tells animals to burrow deeper into snowdrifts, because snow helps maintain the required body temperature.

Finally, it is worth mentioning how plants overwinter, because without this the description of the winter forest will be incomplete. Trees are protected from frost by thick bark, many plants hide from the cold under snow cover, some plants die, leaving only a viable rhizome, from which a new plant will grow in the spring... As we see, our nature is wise and diverse, it can adapt to any weather, and the task of a person in this situation is to do everything possible to protect wildlife, first of all, those animals and plants that are listed in the Red Book.

Video: Winter. Winter's Tale. Seasons. Winter forest(Relax.)

A walk through winter to the music of Francis Lai

Beautiful photos and pictures of winter nature:

Late fall. Wild animals are preparing for winter.

Children should know:

Names of wild animals in our forests: bear, wolf, elk, wild boar, badger, beaver, fox, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, lynx;
- that wild animals get their own food, build their own homes;
- what is the name of the home of a bear (den), wolf (den), fox (hole), squirrel (hollow);
- which other animals live in minks (hares, moles, mice, gophers, hamsters);
- which of the animals changes the color of their fur coat (hare, squirrel), horns (elk, deer);
- distinguish between the names of body parts of animals and humans.

Extension vocabulary children:

Nouns: bear, wolf, fox, hare, hedgehog, elk, deer, wild boar, badger, lynx, squirrel, den, lair, hole, hollow, wool, skin, predators;

Adjectives: shaggy, shaggy, fluffy, strong, cunning, prickly, fast, dexterous, brown, toothy, clumsy, club-footed, timid, long-eared;

Verbs: hunts, sneaks, howls, gets scared, jumps, waddles, cunning, tracks, stores, digs, hibernates, lies down, hibernates.

Conversation "How wild animals prepare for winter."

Winter will come soon. The animals of the forest have the hardest time. They are preparing to face winter. Some animals will sleep peacefully in their houses all winter. Who is this? Bear and hedgehog. Three months is a very long time, so now these animals must eat well and accumulate a lot of fat so as not to freeze and not get hungry until spring. They insulate their houses.

Where will the hedgehog hide? In the hole.

Where will the bear sleep? In the den.

But there are animals that do not have a house and will run through the forest all winter, looking for food.

The hare changes his summer coat to a winter one. It is not only warmer, but also a different color.

Which one? - Why white?
- From whom do his long legs and white fur save the hare? From the fox and the wolf.

These are beasts of prey. If they catch a hare, it won't be good for him. The fox has a home - a hole, where she can hide from the winter cold, and the wolf has a wolf's lair.

Do foxes and wolves need to change their fur coats to new winter ones? Of course it is necessary.
After all, in the summer you and I wear light clothes so that it is not hot, and in the winter we put on warmer ones, so the animals also have to change clothes.
This does not mean that they take off their skins and put on new ones, they just grow different, warmer fur. This period in the life of animals is called molting.

Another small furry forest dweller who changes the color of his coat for winter.
The squirrel was red all summer, but by winter it turns gray.

Where does the squirrel live? In the hollow.
-How did she prepare for winter?
All summer and autumn she collected mushrooms and berries and hid them in various places. In winter, she looks for her reserves, but, unfortunately, does not always find them. But in the place where the cones or nuts were hidden, a small sprout may appear in the spring and in a few years a new tree or bush will grow here.

But this handsome forest man wears a beautiful decoration on his head.
- Who is this? Elk.
- What does elk eat? Plants.
-Are there many plants in the forest in winter?
There are many trees and bushes in the forest. This big beast eats their bark. Does he need much for food? A lot of. Therefore, forest rangers feed these beautiful animals so that they can survive the winter. A forester is a person who monitors the safety of the forest.

Didactic exercise "One-many" (education plural nouns):

Fox is a fox.
Hedgehog - hedgehog.
Squirrel is protein.
Hare - hares.
Wolf - wolves.
Elk - moose.
Boar - boars.

Didactic exercise “Call it affectionately” (formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes in singular and plural):

Squirrel is a squirrel.
Fox is a fox.
Hare - bunny, bunny.
Squirrel is a baby squirrel.
Bear is a bear cub.
Wolf - wolf cub.

Didactic exercise "Count to Five"(agreement of nouns with numerals):

One rabbit, two birds, three birds, four birds, five birds.
One fox, ..., five foxes.
One wolf, ..., five wolves.
One bear, ..., five bears.
One squirrel, ..., five squirrels.

Didactic game "Whose? Whose? Whose? Whose?"

Fox tail - fox tail.
Bear paw - bear paw.
Wolf teeth - wolf teeth.
Hedgehog needles - hedgehog needles.

Whose footprint? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.
Whose ears? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.
Whose head? - fox, wolf, bear, hare, squirrel.

Didactic exercise "Pick up definitions" :

Wolf (what?) – gray, toothy, scary, ...
Bear (what?) – brown, club-footed, clumsy, ...
Fox (what?) – cunning, fluffy, red, ...
Hedgehog (what?) – prickly, small, ...
Hare (which one?) – long-eared, timid, cowardly, small,

Didactic game "Who lives where?" (use of the nominative case of nouns):

There lives (who?) a bear in the den.
Living in the hole (who?) is a fox.
There lives (who?) a wolf in the lair.
Living in a hole (who?) is a hedgehog.
In the hollow lives (who?) a squirrel.

Didactic exercise "Compare animals with people."

Man has a mouth, and animals have a mouth.
A person has a face, and animals have a muzzle.
Humans have teeth, and animals have fangs.
A person has a belly, and animals have a belly.
Humans have nails, and animals have claws.
Humans have hands, and animals have paws.

Didactic game “Name the family” (word formation exercise):

Dad is a bear, mom is a bear, cub(s) is a bear cub(s).

The father is a wolf, the mother is a she-wolf, the cub(s) are a wolf cub(s).

The father is a fox, the mother is a fox, the cub(s) are a fox cub.

Dad is a hare, mother is a hare, baby(s) is a hare(s).

The fox barks.
The bear growls.
The wolf howls.
Hedgehog - snorts, etc.

Didactic exercise "What's extra and why?"

Squirrel, fox, cow, wolf (cow, since the rest are wild animals).
Hedgehog, bear, hare, dog (dog, since the rest are wild animals).
Hare, dog, cow, cat (hare, since the rest are domestic animals).
Fox, cat, hare, wolf (cat, since the rest are wild animals).
Horse, bear, goat, dog (bear, since the rest are domestic animals).

Game "Who will we give what?"

Meat for the wolf.
Malina -...
Honey -...
Carrot -...
Apple - ...
Nuts -...
Mushrooms - ... etc.

Game "Who has who?"

The bear has cubs.
The fox has...
The wolf has...
The hare has...
The hedgehog has...
The squirrel has ... etc.
