A dream book is dripping from the ceiling. Seeing a ceiling in a dream, dream book: ceiling - complete interpretation of dreams

If you dreamed that your ceiling was leaking, do not rush to panic and despair. As dream books interpreting why such a nuisance dreams about, such a plot does not always symbolize problems. Remember what exactly dripped on your head in a dream, where and for what reason, and you will understand what you should prepare for.

Interpretations by Gustav Miller

Miller's dream book, deciphering what a leaking roof means in a dream, prophesies the loss of an influential friend or patron.

Moreover, if you dreamed that the leaking ceiling was hanging very low, then you will be annoyed by this situation.

But to see in a dream that a high ceiling is leaking is a symbol of liberation from oppressive influences. Despite the patronage, you felt uncomfortable around this man.

Make connections

The Wanderer's Dream Book considers a dream in which the ceiling in your house is leaking as a harbinger of acquaintances, and very unexpected ones at that.

Did the bachelor dream that the leaking ceiling finally collapsed on his head? This is a sign of imminent marriage.

Dream books warn a girl who is interested in why she dreams of a leaking ceiling: you will get acquainted with interesting man who, if he does not become your husband, will remain true friend for many years.

The Slavic dream book gives the following interpretation of a dream about a leak in a house: if your roof is leaking from rain, this means finding new connections.

Prosperity awaits you

A good symbol, according to Pastor Loff, is a dream in which the ceiling in your apartment leaked, not because of the rain, but if you were flooded by your upstairs neighbors. This means that in the coming days one of your friends will help you earn a very good amount.

Why do you dream that you have a hole in your apartment through which water is pouring? Remember what she was like, advises Modern dream book.

Clean and clear water on a leaking ceiling portends easy profit and prosperity. But muddy and dirty water promises to receive money through not entirely legal means.

Losses and disappointments

According to the Gypsy Oracle, if you happen to see the ceiling leaking, then this means someone will greatly disappoint you.

Do you dream about yourself telling someone that your ceiling is leaking? Most likely you will quarrel with this person in reality. Especially if it was he who “flooded” you in a dream, says Vanga’s dream book.

But the interpreter of Nostradamus claims that if the ceiling leaks in a dream, then this is a sign of disappointment in one’s own abilities.

It wasn't yours that leaked, but your neighbor's? You will do something to the limit of your capabilities, without noticing that your actions affect the interests of other people.

From joy to difficulties

But if in a dream your ceiling is leaking not because of water spilled from above, but because of some other liquid seeping through the ceiling, then remember what exactly was dripping on you. So.

Why do you dream of water from the ceiling in a dream?

To dream that water is flowing from the ceiling means big troubles. You can judge their character by the amount of this water: the more there is, the more serious the problems can arise.

If you dream that water is flowing from the ceiling, but it dries quickly, you can expect some favorable changes. Streams of flowing water warn of the need to restrain your emotions.

If water from the ceiling drips onto you in clean splashes, expect strong and lasting love. If it floods the floor in the room and you walk on this water in a dream, it means that you have everything to fulfill your dream and fulfill a long-standing desire.


Dream Interpretation Ceiling is leaking

Why do you dream about the ceiling leaking in a dream according to the dream book?

In a dream, did you complain to friends or neighbors that the ceiling was leaking? The dream book interprets the dream as a sign of an imminent quarrel with these people.

Please address this issue to special services- it’s possible that you’ll get into trouble there too. Try to behave decently.

Where does the ceiling leak in a dream?

I dream that the ceiling is leaking in my apartment

If you dream of a flood from above, due to which the ceiling in the apartment is leaking, you will have a serious conversation with a friend. To prevent a tense conversation from turning into a scandal, behave correctly and do not insult your interlocutor.

Dripping from above dirty water- Dirty conversations are being conducted about you, unpleasant gossip is being made up. Some employees envy you, so don’t boast about your successes and success in business at work, so as not to provoke new discussions.

Seeing a leaking ceiling in a house in a dream

Seeing a leaking ceiling in a house in a dream is a warning of serious troubles. Don't be upset, but rather listen to the recommendations smart people, strictly follow them, and you will be able to cope with all difficulties.


Dream Interpretation Current

Current, Flow, Flowing water, River flow, Water flowing, Faucet flowing, Blood flowing, Roof flowing, Ceiling flowing, Water leaking, Radiator leaking, Ceiling leaking

If in a dream you dreamed of Flowing Water or you saw the Flow of a River, Dream Interpretations assure that in reality a whole series of changes awaits you, and rather of a negative nature. Accurate forecast Dream Interpretations suggest compiling them based on whether you observed the Flow of the River from the outside or whether you yourself swam along the Flow in a dream. And the Dream Interpretations have prepared a completely opposite forecast for those who dreamed of Water Flowing from the Ceiling or from the Radiator.

I dreamed about the flow of a river, I dreamed about flowing water, Watch the water flow to the sides- major changes in life.

I dreamed of a current, Swimming against the current in a dream- struggle for success and recognition.

I dreamed that water was flowing, swim with the flow of water in a dream- inertia, weakness; need and poverty.

The flow of water, seen in a dream, portends major changes in life. Moreover, most likely the changes will be unfavorable and will have the most negative impact on your destiny. Water in general has a positive meaning. However, the Flow of Water is a sign that you cannot avoid drastic changes.

I dreamed of water flowing, A faucet is flowing in a dream- financial losses; to loss of vitality.

Water flowing from a Tap in a dream should be a hint for you. In reality, you have made an annoying gap in your affairs. Now you are really in danger of trouble due to your negligence or inattention.

I dreamed that the roof or ceiling was leaking, Leaking from the ceiling in a dream- absorb emotions; to great trouble.

The uncontrollable flow of Water that entered your home in a dream is a reflection of a huge, uncontrollable “flow” of emotions and feelings that will overwhelm your family life and cause you great anxiety.

I dreamed that you were bleeding- well-being; loss of vitality.

Blood is a very complex dream image, which symbolizes the most controversial aspects. It is traditionally believed that If in a dream your Blood Flows moderately, This dream carries a prediction of well-being and prosperity. And at the same time, too much blood flow in a dream is a very alarming sign, which indicates that in reality you will experience a loss of vitality and energy.

I dreamed of a radiator leak- major quarrel.

Symbolically, a “Radiator” of any kind, Present in a dream, Represents a source of heat ( positive emotions). A Radiator leak in a dream is a sign that in reality the energy that until that moment had the most auspicious meaning, It will soon get out of control and provoke a strong emotional outburst. However, the Dream should be considered “empty” if it was provoked by daytime worries about the integrity and serviceability of the Radiator.


Why do you dream of water from the ceiling?


❀❀❀ Ksyusha ❀❀❀

To dream that water is flowing from the ceiling means big troubles. You can judge their character by the amount of this water: the more there is, the more serious the problems can arise.

If you dream that water is flowing from the ceiling, but it dries quickly, you can expect some favorable changes. Streams of flowing water warn of the need to restrain your emotions.

If water from the ceiling drips onto you in clean splashes, expect strong and lasting love. If it floods the floor in the room and you walk on this water in a dream, it means that you have everything to fulfill your dream and fulfill a long-standing desire.


Soon the neighbors will flood...

Rita Vladimirskaja

unpleasant news

water from the ceiling - dreamed


Ninel Ulrich

A dream in which water flows from the ceiling foreshadows big troubles. And the more it comes, the more worries you will have, and the more serious they will be. Water from the ceiling portends change. Their character depends on whether the water was clear or cloudy. In any case, you have to accept these changes and come to terms with them. This same dream indicates that in life you adhere to an uncompromising behavior and communication style. You should be more flexible in your relationships with others. This will help avoid conflicts. The dream may be a harbinger of misunderstandings with the authorities. Therefore, actions must be carefully thought through and try to be as honest as possible.
information taken from Miller's Dream Book


To dream that water is flowing from the ceiling means big troubles. You can judge their character by the amount of this water: the more of it, the more serious...

Water was flowing from the ceiling

Dream Interpretation Water flowed from the ceiling dreamed of why in a dream water was flowing from the ceiling? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see water flowing from the ceiling in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Water

Clean water in a dream means joy, a successful outcome, happiness. Any vessel or container with clean water promises prosperity and wealth in the near future. Clean water in the river is a favorable sign that promises success and joy. Clean river, flowing into your bedroom, foreshadows the imminent arrival of a rich overseas guest who will do a lot for your well-being; if the water is agitated, then your guest may come with bad intentions and disturb the peace in your home. See interpretation: dishes, drinks, drunk.

A stream of clean water flowing near your home means that your financial situation will soon become stronger and you will receive a good position that will give you the opportunity to help people in need. If in a dream you were given a glass of clean water, then you will have success in business or marriage, which will turn out to be happy. If the glass is cracked and no water spills, then your wife may die during childbirth, but the child will remain alive. For women, such a dream predicts the untimely death of a spouse. For a priest to dream that he is distributing clean water to people is a sign that he is honestly fulfilling his duty and bringing goodness and comfort to people. Muddy water in such a dream is a warning that the priest is overly keen on doctrines and heretical teachings. If a young man dreams that he is drawing clean and clear water from a well, then he will soon marry a lovely girl; if the water is cloudy or cloudy, then his happiness will be short-lived and many disappointments await him. Drawing clean water from a well and treating someone with it is a sign that with your help the people whom you treated with water will become rich. If the water is cloudy, then you will bring misfortune to this person. Drawing water from a well portends success in business or purchase. Muddy water always portends confusion of feelings. Carrying water in clothes, a broken vessel, or in something else that is not entirely suitable for this means that you will face losses or deception of people to whom you have entrusted your fortune. If no water spills, then you will miraculously avoid large losses and save your fortune. Burying such water in the ground is a harbinger of big troubles, loss of a good name and a shameful death. Seeing a pond with calm water is a sign that your life will be calm and happy. A pond with clean water in a dream, if it is located in the middle of a field, promises you that soon you will be able to save enough money so that you can afford to have a family and children. If the water in the pond floods the shore, then you may lose your wife, children or money. If your wife also had such a dream, then she may lose her money or face a quick death. For a man to see a small picturesque pond in a dream - a harbinger romantic love beautiful woman. A seething stream is a harbinger of fire, litigation and the revenge of enemies. Water flowing over stones means that your enemies or bosses will be unforgiving, and you will lose the lawsuit. Standing in the water among the waves and not being able to get out of there means that soon you will need all the courage and fortitude to survive the impending misfortune. Seeing in a dream how someone is drowning in a seething and dirty stream means that a scandal, separation from your lover, melancholy, hopelessness and failure in business await you. See interpretation: drown.

Troubled water in the river is a harbinger of a threat looming over you emanating from an imperious and powerful enemy. Sailing along a river with clear water in a boat is a harbinger of all the best - success, wealth, fulfillment of desire. See interpretation: boat, oars.

Swim by big river- a warning about the danger hanging over you. To be in a fast-flowing river in a dream and not be able to get out of it is a sign of a dangerous illness, danger, or a lengthy trial. A waving stream means the danger of fire, litigation and the machinations of enemies. Sailing a boat on a body of water with clean and clear water - to good name, to wealth and happiness. But swimming in the dark means that you will be tormented by doubts. Seeing streams and fountains with calmly flowing water in a dream foretells good news; such a dream predicts recovery for the sick. Seeing your reflection in water means death for the sleeping person or one of his close relatives. A dried up or dried up source of water in a dream does not bode well. Your life may be in danger; one of your close relatives or friends may die. The dream also predicts great financial difficulties. If water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then a lot of grief and problems await you. Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. The more water you scoop, the worst value will have this dream and the longer your misfortunes will last. It is good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then it would not favorable period It will end quickly and everything will be fine. See interpretation: trumpet.

If in a dream you hear the sound of water or water flow, then soon a person whom you have not seen for a long time and no longer thought of seeing will return to you. Drinking water in a dream means troubles, failures, betrayal in love, divorce. Drinking warm water is a harbinger of the fact that a certain person, offended by you, will want to take revenge on you. Drinking dirty water is a sign of great worries or illness. Spilling water at home means worries and troubles. How much water you spill, you will drink so much grief. It's even worse if it damages furniture or carpets. Throwing yourself into water in a dream is a sign of danger; diving into water means trouble. Seeing yourself in water is a sign of ill health, colds, tumors, melancholy. See interpretation: flood, wet.

Swimming in the water means that you will be able to justify yourself and remove all suspicions. Seeing others bathing portends reconciliation with enemies. Drowning in water is a sign of obstacles, failures, disappointments in love. Being wet is a sign of troubles, worries, domestic squabbles, and frustration. Getting your feet wet in a dream means losses, illness and obstacles. Cold and icy water in your dream is a sign of health; hot water means illness, muddy means sadness and gossip, clean promises prosperity and success in business, and dark means insults, resentments, quarrels, failures. Having fun with games on the water is a sign of an innocent and pleasant pastime. See interpretation: play, ball.

Washing your hands in water in a dream is bad for the sick. For the rest, the dream foretells that they will refuse to participate in some business. Washing someone's feet with water is a sign of consoling loved ones in sorrow. Washing with water is good news. Seeing bubbles on the water is a sign of good news and health. See interpretation: bubbles.

Seeing splashes means news. Spraying someone with water means an unexpected turn in business. If water splashes on your head in a dream, then unexpected passion awaits you. If the splashes do not hit you, but somewhere nearby, then an unexpected encounter or an unexpected turn of events awaits you. See interpretation: splashes.

Seeing a splash of water in a dream means increasing your chances of success.

Pouring water is a harbinger of empty talk, a sign that your hopes will not come true. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you talk more than you do. Watering something with water means losses. If the water is dirty, then a shameful trial awaits you. To plunge into water up to your neck in a dream will mean that you will be fed up with what is happening and you will become disgusted with your life. Carrying water is useless work. Walking on water without getting your feet wet means overcoming obstacles and good luck in a difficult task. Hearing the sound of water in a dream is a sign that gossip is being spread about you. Being scalded by boiling water in a dream is a sign that you will lose money due to your own carelessness. Looking at water in a dream means that your bad premonitions will come true. If in a dream you are afraid of water, then shame, loss or illness awaits you, which you feared. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you may become a victim of robbers if you do not take care to properly hide your valuables in time. To dream that a water carrier is moving towards you is a harbinger of soon receiving wealth or an inheritance. Such a dream also predicts good luck in enterprises and big profits. A whirlpool in a dream symbolizes problems and difficulties. Getting into it is a sign that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and will not know how to get out of it. Sometimes such a dream predicts receiving an inheritance, which will cause you a lot of trouble. See interpretation: also chapters: ford, river, fountain, sea, ocean, source, drinks, thirst, well, waterfall, water mill, swim, boiling water, water supply.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Boundless streams of water - marriage.

A large river with clean and clear water is a harbinger of great happiness.

The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the clan will perish, fade away.

A bucket without water portends misfortune.

A bucket full of water portends great happiness.

Seeing a coffin floating on water promises great wealth.

Water in the house means the death of a loved one.

The water in the well gushes like a fountain, overflowing - portends material profit and wealth.

The water in the well is about to dry up - the family will soon fall apart, the clan will fade away.

The water in the well dries up to the last drop - there will be no material wealth in the family, poverty.

Water in a boat, in a vessel - portends the acquisition of wealth.

The water is cloudy - unfortunately.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

The snake moves under water, enters the water - relocation to new house or promotion.

Walking on water portends great happiness.

The sword falls into the water - the death of the wife.

Fire appears on the surface of the water - great happiness.

If you collect water from a well, but all you get out is silt or dirt, this portends an improvement in your material well-being.

Continuous streams of water surround the body - an official matter.

Knives or a sword falling into the water - foretells the death of the spouse.

Fire appears on the surface of water - great happiness.

Drinking water portends great benefits.

Drinking water continuously is a great wealth.

A school of fish swims on the water - portends wealth and profit.

If you plunge into the water while sitting on a dragon, you will take a high position and become noble.

If you sweep the house, splashing water at the same time, a person will come from afar.

Water flows under the hearth, a stream flows - speaks of wealth that was acquired dishonestly.

Frolicking in the water is happiness and benefit.

If you dig a well and see water, there will be a letter from afar.

A fish flies over the water - all matters will be resolved.

Catching fish with a fishing rod in the water is great happiness and good luck, benefit.

If you fall into the water yourself, no harm will happen.

Sitting on a dragon, you plunge into the water - you will occupy a high position, you will become noble.

Sleeping dragon in the water - you will achieve what you strive for.

Standing on the surface of the water portends trouble.

Dry fish is immersed in water - there will be luck again.

A man gives you a big bucket - a benefit.

You draw water from a well - If the water is clean, fortunately.

Drawing clean water from a well is fortunate, but cloudy water is unlucky.

Dream Interpretation - Water

According to Indians, people who often dream that they are in water are mostly phlegmatic, susceptible to colds and catarrhs.

Seeing river water in a dream that is clean and calm is a good sign.

Especially for travelers, judges and people involved in litigation.

Seeing rippling water in a dream means fearing the anger of some important person or the disfavor of your boss.

If a person is on trial at this time, this dream promises an unfair trial and a bad ending to the case.

If someone dreams that he is floating in a fast flowing river and cannot get out of it, he is in danger, illness, or a long trial.

Sailing down a large river in a dream predicts upcoming danger.

A person who dreams that a calm, bright river flows through his room should expect some important and generous guest.

His visit will be of great benefit.

If you dream that the river is agitated and spoils the room furniture, this means a quarrel and troubles from ill-wishers for those living in the house.

When a rich man sees in a dream that a bright stream flows near his house, this dream promises him a profitable, prominent position, in which he will become a support for the unfortunate.

A troubled stream means loss and harm from fire, legal costs or enemies.

If you dream of a well in a field with clean, clear water, then this is a good sign.

Anyone who has such a dream will make a useful acquisition.

If he is single, he will soon marry and have kind and obedient children.

Seeing water coming out of a well in a dream foreshadows the loss of property or a great misfortune for someone close.

Such a dream threatens a woman with the loss of a significant part of her fortune.

A young man who dreamed of a small pond will be loved by a beauty.

If a woman saw such a dream, then he promises her the fulfillment of her desires.

Riding a boat on a river, pond or lake in a dream, where the water is clear and calm, means joy, prosperity and good luck in business.

When a patient sees streams and fountains with clean and quietly flowing water in a dream, this portends his recovery.

If the water is dirty and overflowing, this is a sign that recovery will be slow.

If young man he dreams that he is drawing light water from a well, this promises him that he will soon marry a pretty girl who will bring him happiness.

When the water he draws is restless and splashes, this means that his love will be troubled.

If he dreamed that he was giving others clean well water, then in reality he would enrich these people.

When the water is cloudy, this does not mean wealth, but troubles that the dreamer will cause to the people who gave him such water to drink.

A person who sees in a dream that his stream or fountain has dried up will soon face loss, failure or some kind of grief.

To see in a dream that water flows from a place where it was impossible for it to come from means care, worry, unpleasantness, grief.

If you dream that you are scooping up this water, the grief will be long-lasting, depending on the amount of water scooped up.

When you see that the water has dried up and stopped flowing, the troubles will stop.

Drinking hot water in a dream foretells misfortune or some kind of grief, depending on the temperature of the water.

Cold water promises happiness, while hot and boiling water promise the opposite.

A bathhouse in a dream means trouble and suffering.

If someone dreams that, upon entering the bathhouse, he found it too hot, he will expect displeasure and grief from his family (depending on the degree of heat).

If a person dreamed that he undressed but did not enter the bathhouse, this predicts that someone will make him angry, but not for long.

A dream in which the water seems very cold to the person who steps into it has same value with all the dreams about hot water.

Water moderate temperature- good sign.

To dream that you are carrying water in a cracked or broken container, from which water can easily spill, means loss and trouble.

Anyone who has such a dream will be robbed by someone or deceived by a person to whom he entrusted his entire rich fortune.

If the poured water does not spill, then this predicts that the sleeper will save his wealth with great difficulty.

When some of the water splashes, he will lose some of his condition.

Hiding a vessel of water in the ground in a dream threatens the sleeper with some sensitive loss.

When someone sees in a dream that he is served a full glass of water, it foretells that he will soon get married and have children with his wife.

All glass refers to a woman, and water is a symbol of abundance.

If a full glass turns out to be broken, then this dream means the loss of many friends.

Spilling water in your home in a dream foretells losses and grief depending on the amount of water spilled.

A person who had a dream in which he was very thirsty, and he quenched his thirst with clean, fresh and tasty water, expects happy life and wealth.

When the dreamed water was cloudy, warm, unclean and had a bad smell, this dream foreshadows that the dreamer will end his days in illness and grief.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water is one of the main symbols, as it is associated with conception and birth of children and orgasm, both male and female.

A stream or stream of water symbolizes ejaculation.

Pouring water means striving for sexual contact, wanting to meet someone.

To save a woman from the water is to strive for sexual contact with her.

To save a man from the water is to want a child from him.

Looking into the water means paying too much attention to your appearance and your health; manifestation of narcissism.

If you swim in water, then you experience pleasant, sweet sensations from caresses loved one(This also happens to people who suffered from enuresis in childhood; in this case, such dreams are not related to sex).

For women, swimming in water also portends an imminent pregnancy.

Splashing water - sexual fantasies that are unclear to you; desire for ejaculation.

Drinking water means problems in the activity of the genital organs.

Jumping or entering the water - you want to have a child or become a mother.

Getting out of the water is the same.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water plays a huge role in human history. Whether it is a deep fresh lake, a river that brings life, or an ocean that swallows people, water is both friend and foe. If the dream contains this significant symbol in whatever form, it is vital to understand its role.

Water in dreams is a powerful symbol because very often its appearance coincides with the highest point of feelings. If other objects have a relaxing effect, then a babbling stream flowing through the meadow enhances this effect. If some symbols create a feeling of fear or ANXIETY, then the stormy ocean intensifies it. Water has a symbolic, primary meaning, according to which it either ensures the existence of life, or keeps a secret, is fraught with danger. This is a reflection of the human experience with water.

At the dawn of humanity, hunter-gatherers quickly realized that water was a central component of life. (They die from thirst much faster than from hunger.) Even more important was to know where the water was, because it made it clear where the FOOD was. However, with the spread of trade, water became a necessary evil, fraught with unknown dangers. TRAVELING by water was dangerous and mysterious, as sea creatures, storms and rough seas took the lives of many travelers; contaminated water affected livestock and spread disease.

Emphasizing the positive view of water, it should be noted that it is often a symbol of new life, restoration of strength and energy. Water in controlled quantities or in a controlled environment almost always causes this feeling in the sleeper. Managed water is the key to solving problems.

If there is a lake in the dream, is the entire shoreline within sight and probable reach?

If you dream of a river or stream, have they overflowed their banks, and in your opinion, can they be overcome by ordinary means? These are all examples of managed water.

Water represented in this way often indicates renewal. For example, a tired traveler, dreaming, suddenly comes across a stream. A place where you can refresh yourself and gain strength to continue your journey is close, at hand. Perhaps the dreamer is sailing on a BOAT, slowly gliding along the surface of the water. The sleeper must be anticipating a time of respite from everyday worries or trying to specially create such an opportunity.

Uncontrolled water creates anxiety. Raging rivers, rapids and boundless lakes reflect the uncontrollability of the circumstances in which the dreamer finds himself. Quiet, deep water that seems refreshing can also create feelings of anxiety. The reason for this is the potential danger lurking in the darkness and the lack of knowledge of what lies in the depths.

Exception to the above statements general are water taps. In a dream, it is important to determine whether the tap is controlled by the dreamer or another person and for what purpose this is done. If the dreamer is ineffective at operating the tap, then it can be assumed that he feels that he is out of control and unable to cope with simple circumstances (or, even worse, perhaps there is no water in the tap). If the tap is controlled by another person, then we can conclude that the dreamer feels that his position, whether good or bad, is determined by the whim of another. This whim can cause one to feel significant discomfort or comfort, depending on whether it comes from an unpredictable boss , lover or other persons significant to you.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water - water - trouble. -dirty, muddy water - weakness, clean - health. If you dream of water, this is a bad omen - there will be some kind of failure, or maybe illness. Clean water, bijucha - good; joy, profit; muddy - trouble, quarrel. If you dream of big water, there will be some kind of adventure. Flood - pure water- temporary obstacles; cloudy - a miracle; you are surrounded by water - you will be in luxury. Clean water is life; water with scale is a nuisance, and if you fall into this scale, it means death. As the water flows clean, something good will come, but as the water flows muddy, something bad will come. Swimming is good. Drops of water are for money. Spilled water is a disaster; pouring water - shame, mistake; pouring water on something means loss. How to drink cold water- for health, clean - fortunately, cloudy - for illness. Boiling water - quarrel, enmity; dreaming that water rushed out from under the floor - heavy secret enemies, unexpected obstacles; from the walls - defenselessness, someone is encroaching on you. If the water is clear and the bottom is visible, sand is a problem. Dark, black water is death. Diving into the water means getting into trouble, engaging in a tempting but risky activity; drowning is a complication in life. As you dream that water is rising, someone will arrive at the house. Drinking spring water is good for your health. Pumping water from a well - before a misfortune. Standing in water means death. Falling into the water - beware of prison or other trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Trouble, illness, failure, misfortune, funeral, tears; pure - to goodness, prosperity, laughter, happiness, family joy, enjoy good luck, new acquaintances, health; dirty, muddy - for the worse, trouble, they will scold, sadness, resentment, gossip, illness, death, quarrel, trouble; washing with clean water, swimming, wading, drowning and choking - to goodness, health; drowning in muddy water, swimming, crossing bridges - taking part in the misfortunes of loved ones, protecting them from failures; drown someone - make that person cry; to drink - to be among people; drink cold spring water - health, good // cry; cross the water - they talk about you, if there is a shallow ford - they don’t say anything bad, but if there is a deep ford - they scold you; if you cross the water, it’s good, but if you don’t, it’s bad, you won’t have bread; clean water in a cup means the husband will beat his wife, and dirty water means the husband will drive his wife away; fall into water, mud, swamp - trouble will certainly happen; if you walk on water and don’t drown, you will be healthy and joyful; flows quickly - fun, profit; warm drink - one in sadness, danger; cold - goodness, friends, health; scoop - acquisition; murmurs - rumor about you; a waterfall, marveling at it is a terrible encounter; hear the sound of a waterfall - news; washing - joy, liberation; drops of water - money; swimming is good; pouring water is a shame, a mistake; watering something - loss, loss; spill - trouble; standing by the water means death; water arrives - guests; jump into the water - get into trouble; boiling - quarrel; water flows quickly - a welcome guest; running water is the road // tears.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Water is one of the most complex dream symbols. The subconscious can send you this image, associating it with the expression: “How much water has flown under the bridge since then!”, which denotes nostalgia for the past.

This symbol can also be associated with the phrase: “Pound water,” that is, engage in unnecessary work, make empty promises and not fulfill them.

It is likely that the image of water materialized from the expression: “Carrying water in a sieve,” that is, doing stupid work that does not bring results.

There are also expressions: “As if he sank into the water,” that is, disappeared without a trace; “As he looked into the water,” that is, he predicted so that everything came true, as he said; “Get unscathed” - avoid punishment or censure for misbehavior or to get out of some troubles without losses, the same thing is meant by the expression: “Water is off a duck’s back,” but: “To muddy the waters” means to mislead, to tell a lie; “Pour grist into someone else’s mill” - slander someone, discuss or condemn a person.

If you dreamed that you were drinking water, it means that something unexpected will happen to you, a sudden event will occur.

Seeing some kind of container with water - you will communicate with a person whom you cannot figure out, with some secretive and mysterious person.

Getting caught in the rain or doused with water is a lucky omen that promises success and prosperity. Such a dream can also predict profit or an unexpected gift.

If you dreamed that you were riding on the water on some kind of ship, then this dream warns you that you should not commit rash acts, rely on chance and avoid risky situations, otherwise bragging, recklessness and frivolity will lead to big troubles.

Watering flowers or trees - such a dream suggests that thanks to your care and attention you will gain many reliable friends, respect among colleagues and the love of children.

Wash your face, wash your hands, bathe in water - in reality you will happily avoid troubles, thanks to your inner sense, intuition and intelligence.

If you dreamed that you were knocked off your feet by a stream of water, then this dream predicts a stunning event that will leave a deep mark on your soul, from which you are quite for a long time you won't be able to get rid of it.

Drowning in a dream is a sign that you cannot demonstrate all your abilities in life, realize your plans, and this depresses you, forces you to be more active, work feverishly, and leaves no time for rest.

To dream that you are leading several thirsty people through muddy water and promising to give them crystal clear water to drink is a sign of long and fruitful work, which will bring satisfaction only in cooperation with reliable partners who deny everything illegal and deceitful.

If you dream of a glass with water bubbling in it, you will experience an emotionally intense period that will end in a harmonious ending if you are restrained.

To see in a dream how dead person water it and it comes to life - for a trip to the resort; to recovery; to the news of a serious illness; You will encounter supernatural phenomena, something amazing.

Dream Interpretation - Water

Seeing water in a dream generally means abundance and wealth.

If the water is clean and not clouded, this portends a joyful outlook, full of pleasures, and prosperity.

Dirty water - you are in danger, and joy will be replaced by despondency. Seeing tap water flooding your apartment in a dream foretells that you will struggle, resisting unfavorable circumstances.

Walking through dew in a dream and getting your feet wet is a harbinger of illness and financial ruin, which you can only prevent if you are careful and prudent.

Falling into dirty water means that in reality you will make many mistakes that will bring grief not only to you, but also to your loved ones. Drinking muddy water in a dream means illness, warm water means danger from a serious enemy, boiling water - fortunately, clean and fresh - is a sign of the safe return of a loved one.

Cold water – peace of mind, loyal friends. Blessed water - to quick success. Seeing water drying up means a change in weather for the better. Drawing water is a long task and a lot of trouble. Spilling water in your room means trouble and trouble.

Cold water from a well or spring is good for health. To throw yourself into the water means to be pursued. Being submerged in water is a difficult situation. Wash your hands - refuse the proposed business. Drowning in water means encountering obstacles. Fording a pond or river means freeing yourself from danger. Swimming in the water - those who suspected you of something will be convinced that their suspicions are unfounded.

Seeing people swimming or washing in the water means finding a common language with the enemy.

To be scalded with boiling water is to suffer losses due to your own sluggishness.

Walking on water in a dream means you will overcome all obstacles in your path. Hear the sound of water - you will suddenly be condemned. Jumping over water is a sign of completing some difficult task. Watering something with water means sadness.

Seeing a waterfall means receiving important news.

Seeing a diver means setting off; seeing a water carrier means useless work. The whirlpool in which you are spinning is to find yourself in a large and too noisy society. Study aquatic species sports - to an unexpected awakening of love and passion.

If you dream of water splashing on your head, it means hard work, failure, sadness and anxiety.

Seeing railway tracks flooded with water in a dream means misfortune will soon overshadow the joy of life, but not for long.

Seeing or drinking mineral water in a dream means take care of your health. Seeing others drinking it is a harbinger of good fortune that will favor your efforts, and you will soon enjoy the opportunities presented to you to satisfy your long-standing passionate desires.

Seeing a water pump in a dream or pumping out water with it means avoiding danger. If you drop something into well water, you will not be able to endure the unfavorable situation that has arisen due to your abuse of your power. Falling into well water is a harbinger of despair that will overwhelm you with false news.

Dream Interpretation - Water

“there is a lot of water here” - a lot of empty, insignificant, superfluous. "Muddy the waters" to confuse, deceive. “Let” failures and troubles leak. “Stay afloat” to maintain dignity and authority. “To throw cold water on” to come to a sober decision is an unpleasant surprise. "Pouring water" is idle talk.

"tarnish one's reputation." “As if lowered into water” depression, confusion. “Bring to the surface” to expose, expose.

“living and dead water”, “sprinkle with holy water”. “Get some water in your mouth” silence.

“like looking into water” foresight. “Something liquid” “liquid” means weak, small, poor. “A lot of time has passed under the bridge.” “Simmer with indignation”, “boil with indignation”, “boil”, get angry, swear, get irritated. "Boiling water" "ebullient" (turbulent) activity.


Water leaking from the ceiling

Dream Interpretation - Full cup of water

Irina, a dream about global changes in life, an unusual dream because the image of a bowl of water literally means a woman’s share, the largest part of a woman’s fate. A bowl of clean water filled to the very brim is a wonderful sign of your prosperous destiny - are you drinking to the bottom? Or do you simply enjoy the feel of moisture on your lips? All the nuances of sleep, the smallest details, color, etc. are important here.

Dream Interpretation - Kreacher in troubled waters

Good time. I think that your dream indicates that during a difficult period in your life (perhaps depression), something will appear that will capture your attention. At this moment, a revaluation of values ​​will occur. Perhaps you will radically change your attitude towards some things. However, common sense will prevail and you will save your valuables through the effort of your will. In short, a spiritual test awaits you. And judging by the outcome of the dream, you will cope.

Dream Interpretation - Thick water

I think the dream reflected your thoughts about how you can easily manipulate people with the help of widely presented information, passing it off as true, urgent (water immobilizes, water is thick, abnormal). /today in the issue of the Main events of the day!!!....??? / How important it is in life to find what is truly true (pure) and not to be spoiled by what is passing on (garbage).

Dream Interpretation - Water Spell

“Water and Shores” in the text of the conspiracy means the manifestation of Emotions and Consciousness, which determines their framework (the balance of mind and emotions, which determines mental and physical health). Pure water in a Bottle is a spiritually conscious state of emotions/sphere. Holy and healing water- symbolizes the balance of feelings and mind. And it seems that the emotional sphere of the Dreamer at some point got out of control, which manifested itself on the physical level in the form of malaise (an imbalance of the rational and emotional spheres always leads to a disorder of the body).

Dream Interpretation - Water flow

Your dream foretells unexpected changes that will affect not only your family. The unexpectedness of what is happening will plunge you into a stupor, perhaps frighten you with its swiftness.

Dream Interpretation - Many crocodiles in clear water

Such a dream means danger. But they didn’t touch you in your sleep, so I’m inclined to think that the danger will pass

Dream Interpretation - Dreamed of dirty water

Well... If you are upset because of the breakup, then yes... Not only is the “bad course” of things,... Also what’s in the soul... Muddy, dirty water is a sign of depression and troubles .

Dream Interpretation - Lots of water

In life you climb to the top, you want to achieve a high position. Well, you have too many ambiguities in your goals, you don’t see the very essence of what you want. Set your priorities, starting over. And a friend will help you with this.

Dream Interpretation - Underwater

The dream shows the volume of the Dreamer's unconscious emotional sphere and her susceptibility to long-term emotional states (emotional dependence on others, going headlong into emotions - the Dreamer under Water, like the Grandson). To pull the Grandson out of the Bath Water and Call the Grandson by Name, but to understand that she herself is under water means the need to separate consciousness from emotions, realize one’s social status and designate one’s personal sphere, which the Dreamer practically does not have. The dream Hints at distinguishing between one's own and others' emotions and gaining one's own isolation and independence.

Dream Interpretation - Storm, window, water

To be a witness or a passive participant in some events that entail a flow of violent, possibly uncontrollable emotions (other people's or one's own): anger, hysteria, despondency, regret. If it is inevitable that an undesirable situation will occur, one should show composure and discriminating consciousness (seeing things as they are), realizing that in some cases reality does not depend on the will of an individual person. And you should try to use what is happening on the screen of your mind (in the laboratory of your consciousness) as a lesson and gain the necessary experience through analytical work.


I dreamed that I was in an apartment from the ceiling and water was flowing down the walls.



If water in your dream flows from a place where it should not flow, then a lot of grief and problems await you. Scooping up this water in a dream is a bad omen. The more water you scoop up, the worse the meaning this dream will have and the longer your misfortunes will last. It’s good to see in such a dream that the water suddenly disappeared or dried up, because then the unfavorable period will quickly end and everything will be fine.

Alex Ievdochenko

some difficulties, struggle


gossip around you


Horrible dream. . This means that your enemies have surrounded you and can lead you to hunger and wandering. A friend of mine had this dream and was deprived of her apartment. . Do not despair, he who is forewarned is forearmed. Think 3 steps ahead and protect yourself from everything at once. Sit down and think about what and where you can lose. And if your health is bad - (if you are baptized) order yourself a magpie for your health in church

A ceiling in a dream, according to the dream book, is a symbol that predicts the limit of the sleeper’s capabilities. Do you want to determine for yourself what the ceiling is for in your dreams? Remember in great detail what he looked like. For example, if it hangs very low and puts pressure on you, it means that in reality a large burden of problems has fallen on you. If, on the contrary, you dreamed of a high ceiling with unusual aesthetic elements, it means that in reality you are experiencing an unprecedented spiritual uplift.

A snow-white, smooth and even ceiling is, first of all, a symbol of peace and tranquility. Cracks on the surface are evidence of your repentance. But global destruction of the ceiling covering can portend anything, from the reset of frameworks and restrictions to global catastrophes. Also, a dream may contain a hint: exactly when you can take decisive action, and when it is better to wait.

So, if you set out to find out what the plot you saw in your dream might mean, then first of all remember what exactly the surface of the ceiling looked like. Dream books explain that fresh renovations and a tidy surface are considered a very favorable sign and portend changes for the better.

There is another version of interpretation. Some dream books are sure that a ceiling in a dream always predicts the appearance of an influential patron in your life, who will relieve you of some of your worries and protect you from many problems and troubles.

Leaking ceiling

Why do you dream that your ceiling is leaking? The dream book is sure that if in a dream you try to complain about a problem that has arisen to the relevant services, then in everyday life many disagreements will arise with the people around you.

If in a dream you dreamed that cloudy, dirty or rusty water was dripping from the ceiling, then, according to the prediction of Nostradamus’s dream book, serious problems threaten in reality. True, the interpreter does not explain what type they will be and how they can be prevented.

Why do you have a dream in which water is pouring from the ceiling? If the water was clean, then you have nothing to fear. The plot you see can be considered a favorable sign.

If in a dream water flows from the ceiling directly onto you, then in reality you can finally start a family. If you already have a permanent partner, then in this case everything will work out well.

Why else dream that the ceiling has deteriorated and leaked? According to the dream book, you should give vent to your own emotions. Without emotional release it will only get worse.

I saw it wet ceiling? The Dream Interpretation believes that in reality there are many envious people who are constantly weaving intrigues behind your back and doing everything possible to harm you.

The interpretation of what it means to dream of seeing the ceiling flooded in a dream, and even knowing the culprit by sight, indicates that very soon you will have a serious conversation with this character in reality. The dream book insists on this prediction even if this person is not your friend or neighbor. In addition, he predicts that you will be able to successfully negotiate and achieve significant privileges for yourself.

The modern dream book has its own opinion about why you dream of a flooded ceiling. In his opinion, you should be careful in terms of financial transactions and avoid waste. In addition, you need to be more careful than ever; the tricks of scammers are becoming more cunning from year to year.

Predicting what a current ceiling means in a dream often portends bitter disappointment. Most likely, one of your friends will disappoint you soon. Or you will greatly upset the person who sympathizes with you.

To see a leak from the ceiling in a dream and dance through puddles with joy is, of course, a very original plot. However, there is an interpretation for it too. So, Hasse’s dream book insists that nothing is impossible for you now. All projects and endeavors will be successful, so you shouldn’t sit idly by.

Have you seen a leaking ceiling? According to the dream book, a time of problems and troubles will come in your life. However, if you want, you can overcome everything.

Collapsed ceiling

Did you dream that the ceiling had collapsed and cut off all escape routes? The dream book is sure that you will soon find yourself in a serious situation that will worsen an already difficult situation for you. The interpreter recommends being mentally prepared for difficulties and determined to overcome them.

Why do you dream of a falling ceiling? Similar plot may cause failure of planned activities. This time everything will be against you - both a combination of circumstances and the intrigues of ill-wishers.

When a ceiling collapses in a dream, you should be wary. After all, this dream is a warning. Soon you will start big problems on duty. The dream book believes that you should avoid all kinds of conflicts at all costs. Also, don't try to take the initiative. Now is not the right time for this, and the relationship with higher management is not conducive for this.

Did you dream that the ceiling collapsed? The dream book is sure that now you should lie low. You should not take any action or go against the circumstances. It is better to wait for a more suitable period.

Why do you dream of a collapsed ceiling that you decided to fix? Not everything in your life will turn out badly. In some cases, the dream book insists on changes for the better. Perhaps one of its members, who was absent for a long time or was considered missing, will soon return to the bosom of the family. But this is far from the only option developments of events. The dream book believes that in your reality some event will happen that will change your life for the better.

A hole in the ceiling, according to the dream book, is a symbol of the fact that you repent of what you have done or, on the contrary, of your inaction. But one way or another, you will not have such an opportunity to improve your life again.

A hole in the ceiling can identify all your subconscious fears. Or such an episode in a dream may reflect some task that you did not complete and postponed for the time being.

Are you wondering why you dreamed about a collapsed ceiling? The dream book is sure that in reality you are in serious danger. Try to be careful for a while and not participate in risky activities.

The interpretation of what a fallen ceiling may mean in a dream is based on banal human envy. There are probably many enemies and ill-wishers gathered near you who have not yet revealed their real faces. Remember this and be careful.

Did you dream that you were looking at the ceiling in a dream and comparing the crack on it with your offense? You probably regret what you did and would like to correct the mistake. What are you waiting for?

According to prediction Ukrainian dream book, if in a dream the ceiling fell in a room where there were people, then you should beware of the worst. For characters hit by debris, the dream book foretells death.

Ceiling repair

Did you dream about ceiling repairs? In reality, you will be able to significantly expand your own capabilities and gain influence in many areas of life.

Why did you dream about repairing the ceiling? The dream book is sure that now you can easily regain what you have lost. To do this, you just need to try a little.

If in a dream you happened to paint the ceiling with someone else’s hands, it means that in everyday life you will shift some of your problems onto other people.

If in a dream you had to whitewash the ceiling yourself, then in reality you will be involved in paperwork, from which there will be no way to get rid of it. But try to influence her. If you wish, you can cope with all the troubles.

The Mayan Indians also have a prediction for why they dream of whitewashing the ceiling. Soon you will meet a new love. If you believe in omens and want to somehow speed up the course of events, then touch the door frame with your lips when you pass by.

The dream book explains in detail what it means to wash the ceiling in a dream. In his opinion, a person from your inner circle will soon experience a problem that could affect you too. In addition, the interpreter is confident that you should offer your help to those in need. After all, this could happen to you too.

Other interpretations of sleep

The height of the room, according to the dream book, should be associated with the dreamer’s social position. If you dreamed of a high ceiling, then in reality you are probably quite happy with your status.

Have you seen a house with high ceilings? If in a dream the ceiling seemed too high to you, then most likely in everyday life you are not fully realizing your own capabilities and are capable of much more. Self-doubt must be overcome.

Seeing a low ceiling in a dream is a less favorable sign. Surely in real life you feel very tired and unable to solve your problems. Try to calm down and put off making serious decisions for a while. Believe me, everything will get better very soon.

Did you dream of a cobweb on the ceiling? This story should be considered a warning. Serious problems are hidden behind the apparent prosperity.

Did you dream of a spider on the ceiling, which, however, did not scare you? In reality, everything will be fine. And if in a dream you saw mold on the ceiling, then in reality you must compare your strengths with your desires. There is a high chance that you are overconfident and do not understand your real capabilities.

Do you dream of blood dripping from the ceiling? The interpretation of this plot is very ambiguous: it can foreshadow with equal probability the return of one of your loved ones to the bosom of the family or an outbreak of uncontrollable passion that can provoke a lot of problems and troubles.

Miller has his own opinion regarding the dreamed ceiling in a dream. In his opinion, such a plot is a harbinger of serious changes in the life of the sleeper. Most likely, you will soon have an influential patron who will provide timely and tangible support.

Did you see a ceiling in a dream? Remember all the details. The most significant is appearance surfaces. Therefore, if you were able to look at it and even remember it, you will probably find the clues you need in the plot you saw.

According to the Mayan dream book, if in a dream you were able to walk on the ceiling, then in reality everything will turn upside down for you. Do you want to avoid unpleasant consequences? Place your shoes in the corners of your room.

If in a dream you happened to fly under the ceiling, then you will soon feel the awakening of your inner spiritual strength, which will significantly expand your opportunities in life.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday 02/21/2019

Dreams that appear from Wednesday to Thursday have great importance. There is a high probability that this particular night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem...

dream interpretation: water dripping from the ceiling

This dream book says that a wet surface, in this case the ceiling, is an indicator that there are quite a lot of people in your environment who wish you harm or feel a sense of envy towards you. But don’t worry, because they won’t be able to cause you significant harm. With the exception of various rumors, gossip and similar dirty tricks, which may negatively affect your reputation.

Vanga's Dream Book

water dripping from the ceiling according to the dream book

If you dreamed that your house was being flooded, water was pouring from the ceiling and walls, your neighbors were flooding you, or there was a flood, then this means that you will be faced with a huge flow of news. This dream does not promise anything ominous, despite the content. If you had such a dream, it means positive changes in life are just around the corner. Which can change you and your attitude towards the world around you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

water dripping from the ceiling in a dream

In this dream book, the interpretation of water from the ceiling means that in your close surroundings Many enemies have appeared and you will have to overcome obstacles that you had no idea about and did not expect to appear. If water flows from the ceiling down the walls, this means that they will interfere in your life without special permission, or you will feel deprived of protection.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

dreamed of water dripping from the ceiling

If you dreamed of a flood, it means that your plans will not come true. As a result, you will experience severe stress. Because of this, you will experience fear of difficulties and endure many disasters.

Slavic dream book

water dripping from the ceiling in a dream

According to this dream book, if a house or apartment is flooded and water is pouring from the ceiling, then this promises you problems in the family, the solution of which will require maximum of your efforts and time.

Seeing water pouring from the ceiling in a dream. What does this dream warn about?

The dreamed ceiling symbolizes the limit of the dreamer's capabilities. Therefore, the appearance and events that happen to this surface in a dream directly affect various joyful and not so joyful incidents in real life. For example, a low ceiling in a dream represents a burden of problems, and a high ceiling represents activity and emotional upsurge.

Photo gallery: Water is pouring from the ceiling: the broadest interpretation of dream books

Why do you dream about the ceiling?

As mentioned above, the interpretation of a dream depends on its appearance. Let's look at these values ​​in more detail.

  • A white and smooth surface foreshadows peace and tranquility that will come into the dreamer’s life.
  • Cracks in the ceiling show that a person feels a sense of shame and repents for past mistakes and is ready to correct them.
  • Emergency situations and destroyed surfaces can be interpreted in two ways: the collapse of hopes and a huge tangle of problems, or the disappearance of too strict frameworks and restrictions that prevented the dreamer from achieving what he wanted.
  • If you dreamed of a ceiling after a fresh renovation, then it is likely that the dreamer will soon have a powerful patron who will provide him with reliable protection.

Water from the ceiling

Such dreams occur quite often, and in various versions. We bring to your attention the widest list of interpretations.

  • The dreamer's complaint about a leaking ceiling indicates that in reality he will quarrel with the person to whom he told about his problem. If in a dream you contacted some authority, then you should expect problems from there in reality.
  • If dirty water drips from the ceiling, it is believed that trouble is approaching a person, and from a completely unexpected direction, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to take measures in time to prevent the danger.
  • A dream in which clear water is pouring from the ceiling indicates that only joyful and positive events await a person in the near future.
  • If rain from the roof falls directly on the dreamer, then he should expect positive changes in his personal life. Singles will meet their match, and those already in a permanent relationship will find new joys in them.
  • A wet ceiling with rare drops indicates that a person is at the limit of his emotions. He simply needs to rest and free himself from accumulated moral problems.
  • Miller’s dream book says that a wet surface indicates that many enemies and envious people have appeared in the dreamer’s environment. They will not cause serious damage, but various petty meannesses and untrue rumors can negatively affect your reputation.
  • If in a dream you know exactly who flooded you, then in reality you will have a very serious conversation with this person, but if the water was clean, then the negotiations will be successful.
  • It’s rare, but it still happens that the dreamer is very pleased with the leaking roof and begins to run briskly through the resulting puddles. In this case, in reality you need to start taking action. Actively take on the most daring projects, as a real streak of luck has come for you.

Ceiling and emergencies

  • The collapsed top of the room has blocked your exit from the room - expect big troubles that will shake your position in society.
  • For those who pay more attention to their career, a falling ceiling means that a person may fall out of favor with his superiors due to his ill-considered actions.
  • Among positive values dream books mention the return home of a relative who has not been in touch for a long time and cardinal and unexpected changes for the better in all areas of life.
  • Repairing the ceiling indicates that the dreamer will soon have the opportunity to expand his horizons and reach a new level of development.

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According to the dream book, a ceiling in a dream often symbolizes the limit of possibilities. Appearance also helps to understand why this eternal antipode of gender is dreamed of. If it hangs so low that it creates a feeling of heaviness, the dream symbolizes the burden of problems pressing on you. Tall and aesthetically attractive, on the contrary, personifies emotional uplift.

A snow-white, flat and smooth surface in most cases is a harbinger of peace and tranquility. The cracks reflect the dreamer's repentance for previously committed offenses or mistakes. Accidents and destruction can have several interpretations: from an impending disaster to getting rid of restrictions that interfered with life. Sometimes the plot contains a hint whether to begin implementing plans immediately or to wait.

If you dream of a ceiling, pay attention to the appearance of its surface. The presence of fresh renovation and cleanliness means that what you saw in a dream is a good sign.

There is also this interpretation of the dream: a dream about a ceiling foreshadows the patronage of an influential person. In this case, the dream symbolizes reliable protection.


When you complain to someone that your ceiling is leaking, the dream warns of possible disagreements with this person or the authority if in a dream you contact public utilities.

If water is dripping from the ceiling, and the drops look cloudy, dirty or rusty, Nostradamus’s dream book believes that the dreamer is in danger of trouble, although he does not specify where the wind is blowing from and how quickly they can be neutralized.

Paradoxically, a dream in which water pours from the ceiling is often positive. The plot of the dream takes on good meaning provided that the water is clean.

When water flows from the ceiling directly onto the dreamer, the lonely person will have a chance to arrange a personal life and start a family. Those who are already in a permanent relationship are also unlikely to avoid changes for the better.

If you dreamed about how the ceiling leaked, the dream book reminds you that sometimes you just need to give vent to your emotions. A dream in this way lets you know that the dreamer simply vitally needs emotional release.

A dream about a wet ceiling indicates that the dreamer has a lot of envious people who are just waiting for an opportunity to do a minor dirty trick or start a bad rumor, in other words, to tarnish your reputation.

When you not only see how the ceiling was flooded in a dream, but also know exactly who did it, the dream book warns about serious conversation with this person, despite the fact that he is not actually your upstairs neighbor. Knowing that you are right will help you negotiate brilliantly.

Interpreting why you dream of a flooded ceiling, the Modern Dream Book advises you to be careful with your money. The likelihood of large, expensive and unnecessary purchases during this period is especially high. This is a rather slippery period of empty promises and advertising gimmicks, try not to get hooked.

What a current ceiling means in a dream often turns out to be a harbinger of severe disappointment. The action or thoughtless statement of one of your friends will greatly upset you. It is possible that you yourself will become the cause of disappointment for the person you care about.

It happens that a leak from the ceiling in a dream can make the dreamer so happy that he starts dancing through the puddles barefoot, exposing his palms and face to the murmuring streams. In such cases, Hasse’s dream book states that a period has come when you can handle everything, so now is the time to act.

If you happen to see a leaking ceiling in a dream, the dream only warns of possible troubles, which does not mean that they cannot be avoided, especially if you listen to the recommendations of the dream book.

Emergency situations

If you dreamed that the ceiling had collapsed, cutting off all the paths to the exit from the room, shaft or any other room, the dream book warns of possible unforeseen circumstances, which can significantly worsen your already precarious situation. If you cannot foresee troubles, try to at least mentally prepare for them.

What you dream of about a falling ceiling can seriously interfere with your plans and significantly complicate their implementation. Obstacles can be either an unfortunate combination of circumstances or the actions of ill-wishers who, as it turns out, have been waiting for an opportunity for a long time.

If a ceiling collapses in a dream, the dream often serves as a warning that in the near future you risk falling out of favor with your superiors. The dream book advises avoiding conflicts at work and refraining from initiatives until a more favorable period arrives.

When you see in a dream that the ceiling has collapsed, the dream book believes that this moment you are going through an unfavorable period, which is best to wait out without taking active action. You're not in right now in better shape, and a combination of circumstances threatens to work against you.

When interpreting what a collapsed ceiling means in a dream, the dream book also mentions positive meanings. For example, a family member who has long been considered missing may unexpectedly return home. It is also possible that another, no less incredible event will happen that will change life for the better.

A dream about a hole in the ceiling often reflects the dreamer’s regret for past misdeeds or, on the contrary, repentance for inaction, as a result of which wonderful opportunities were irretrievably lost.

A hole in the ceiling sometimes symbolizes the dreamer's secret fears, what he is most afraid of coming face to face. Often this is a reflection of some important matter, shelved, which sooner or later will certainly remind you of itself.

Why do you dream about the collapse of the ceiling, sometimes it serves as a warning about a serious danger threatening you. The dream book strongly recommends avoiding dangerous situations in the near future and not taking unnecessary risks.

What you dream of about a fallen ceiling may be in one way or another connected with the manifestation of envy. It is quite possible that there are many people around you who envy you, not daring to show their true colors. Maintaining external decency does not mean that you don’t need to beware of secret envious people.

If in a dream you look closely at the ceiling, a crack on it reflects a mistake or misdeed that you greatly regret in reality. Perhaps the memory is making itself felt because now is the time to correct the mistake.

The Ukrainian dream book gives the most pessimistic forecast, why dream that the ceiling fell in a dream, and at that time there were people in the room. Those caught in falling debris are not destined to survive.

Repair, whitewashing and maintenance

A very favorable dream – ceiling repair. In a dream, this action symbolizes the expansion of your capabilities and spheres of influence, which you will soon be able to experience in reality.

When you have to repair a ceiling in a dream, the dream book reminds you that now is the time to take revenge and regain the positions you once lost.

If in a dream you had the opportunity to paint the ceiling with someone else’s hands, the dream book promises that in reality you will be able to shift the solution to your own problems onto someone else’s shoulders.

If you happened to whitewash the ceiling in a dream, the dream book warns that there will be lengthy paperwork ahead, the course of which you will only be able to influence to a small extent. The dream promises a lot of troubles, which you, however, will cope with very successfully.

Interpreting what dreams of whitewashing the ceiling mean, the wise Mayan Indians had no doubt that the dreamer would expect new love. To ensure that the dream came true, the Indians advised touching the door frame with your lips every time you passed by.

What a white ceiling means in a dream may not make the dreamer very happy: someone will bring bad news to your house. At the same time, the dream book claims that you are the one who can fix everything.

Explaining why you dream of washing the ceiling, the dream book reminds you of the good old truth that there is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune. What is currently happening to someone around you may, to some extent, affect you.

Various interpretations

The height of a room in a dream represents your self-esteem. It is not surprising that everything about a high ceiling is associated with your position in society. This is how you see your rank and status.

If you dreamed of a house with high ceilings, which in the dream are even too high, the dream book explains that the dream is trying to open your eyes in this way. It turns out that in real world you are capable of more and needlessly underestimate your capabilities.

You feel that you are unable to cope with the problems that have befallen you at the same time - this is why you dream of a low ceiling. In such cases, it is recommended to postpone solving important issues until more favorable times, since you are not in the best shape and mood right now.

If you dreamed of a cobweb on the ceiling, the dream book does not recommend ignoring what you saw in the dream. The dream warns that in reality not everything is as smooth as it may seem at first glance.

If the dream of a spider on the ceiling did not frighten you at all in your dream, the dream book claims that the creative forces of the Universe are on your side. Therefore, happiness is just around the corner.

When you see mold on the ceiling in a dream, the dream book urges you to once again soberly assess your capabilities. It is possible that you overestimate your strengths, which is why you risk getting into an unpleasant situation or finding yourself in a stupid position.

Blood dripping from the ceiling is a very ambiguous subject. The dream book mentions in the interpretation the return home of someone close, whom they no longer hoped to ever see. A dream may be a harbinger of sudden and uncontrollable passion that can cause trouble.

According to Miller’s dream book, a ceiling that for some reason attracted your attention in a dream, in reality may turn out to be a harbinger of a strong patron or receiving unexpected, yet tangible and timely support.

It is unlikely that anyone will be able to not only see a ceiling in a dream, but also remember this detail of the dream without apparent reason. Without a doubt, this is a significant detail; the appearance of the surface may contain the necessary clues.

The Maya dream book claims that if you walk on the ceiling in a dream, then in reality everything will turn upside down. Shoes placed in the corners of the room will help neutralize the consequences of what you saw in your dream.

The dream book secretly tells the dreamer who is lucky enough to fly under the ceiling in a dream that a certain spiritual force is awakening in him, which will open up new opportunities for him and significantly expand his horizons.

People dream of various visions. But the ceiling seen in a dream discourages many. According to the dream book, the ceiling represents the limit of human capabilities.

But in order to more accurately decipher the dream, it is worth remembering all the details:

  1. See how the ceiling is hanging over the keeper of sleep. This vision symbolizes the moral fatigue of the sleeper. He has taken on too many responsibilities on his shoulders. The abundance of affairs and problems exhausts him mentally and physically. A low ceiling in a dream indicates that the dreamer should take a break and rest.
  2. See high ceiling in night dreams. This dream represents a person’s emotional upsurge. A period has come in life when the dreamer is confident in his own abilities. It seems to him that he can do everything.
  3. See how the surface leaks. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of drops and water:

    If the water is cloudy, dirty or has an unpleasant odor, then the dream promises problems.
    If the water is clean and clear, then you should expect trouble.

  4. See how liquid pours from above. This sign prophesies favorable events.
  5. Water flows from above. If liquid flows onto the head of the dream keeper, then such a sign is interpreted in two ways:

    News awaits the dreamer.
    Flowing water prophesies the creation of a strong family. The sign indicates that a person has found his destiny and his soulmate is exactly the person with whom he will live his whole life.

  6. See on the surface traces of a leak. This dream indicates that the dreamer does not give vent to emotions. His emotional restraint will provoke him to commit rash acts.
  7. behold wet walls and ceiling. This dream indicates that the keeper of the dream has envious people and ill-wishers. You should look for these enemies among your friends. It is worth carefully analyzing your circle of acquaintances and remembering in detail all the actions they have committed.

    The night plot indicates that the envious person in the past committed an action that could expose him. If you don’t expose an ill-wisher in time, he will do a lot of nasty things to a person that can ruin his career and discredit him in society.

  8. See flood. The meaning of what you see depends on who flooded the room:

    If the culprit is a familiar person, then in reality the dreamer will have a misunderstanding with him. This misunderstanding will develop into conflict and quarrel. The night plot indicates that the dreamer should prove he is right, otherwise he may have problems later.
    If the dreamer does not know the culprit, then this is a sign that he will soon have solvable problems.

  9. Flooded ceiling in the apartment portends material losses. A person should plan his budget more carefully so as not to be left without money.
  10. The ceiling of the house collapsed. This sign prophesies the onset of situations that could prevent one from achieving the goal. Situations will greatly affect emotional condition person.

    Such visions are dreamed with the purpose of warning and indicating that the dreamer should prepare mentally for difficult situations. If he doesn't do this, then a difficult situation It will lead him into a dead end and cause a nervous breakdown or the development of depression.

  11. Ceiling fell. A falling upper surface promises the onset of a difficult period in life.
  12. Surface is collapsing. This is a sign that this is not the best period in the life of the sleeper. You should squeeze it and not take active action.
    If the surface is destroyed in stages, then such a night plot predicts problems at work. A situation will arise due to which the dreamer will lose the trust of management. He may be demoted or fired for mistakes or non-compliance with requirements.

    This situation can be prevented. You should be more attentive to your work, take into account all the wishes and requirements of management, and listen to the advice of colleagues and friends.

  13. appeared on the surface hole. The hole symbolizes two interpretations:

    The first interpretation says that the vision reflects the sleeper’s regret about an action committed long ago.
    The second interpretation notes that the sleeping person regrets what he did not do in the past.

  14. Examine the ceiling surface to the desire to change a mistake made long ago.
  15. Water seeps from the ceiling. If in a vision about this the dreamer turns to one of his friends for help, then this sign foreshadows a quarrel with this person.

    If you dream of a leaking liquid dripping onto the floor, then it’s worth remembering what color it was:

    If dirty and muddy water drips, then you should prepare for trouble.
    If the water is clean, then this portends worries.

  16. Whitewash ceiling covering. Night vision foretells that the keeper of the dream will have a lot of paperwork to do.
  17. Repair surface. This night plot reflects the capabilities of the sleeper. He indicates that a person, if desired, will achieve incredible heights.
  18. Paint surface. This vision prophesies the delegation of one’s responsibilities to other people.
  19. Wash. Such a night plot indicates that you should not shy away from the misfortunes of other people. It is necessary to provide help to outsiders, because this grief can also affect the dreamer’s family.
  20. I dreamed about it web up. Beneath the illusion of goodness lies deception and betrayal.
  21. I dreamed about it spider. This is a good omen, symbolizing good luck.
  22. See mold. This is an indication that it is time to realistically assess your capabilities.
  23. See how blood dripping. Rain of blood symbolizes the appearance of a passionate lover.

Other interpretations

In many little-known dream books, ceiling situations are described in different ways:

  1. Leaky surface predicts strong disappointment. The cause of disappointment will be the rash act of a loved one.
  2. See flood from above indoors. If a person was happy about this phenomenon in a dream, then this is a sign that now he can do everything. He feels confident and eager, so he should start achieving his goal.
  3. Dripping water on top symbolizes the onset of trouble.
  4. See collapsed surface. If the dreamer did not see the process of falling itself, then this is a good sign, marking the return of a long-departed relative.
  5. See the hole on the top surface. This night plot reflects the dreamer’s fear. He worries that he will face his fear.
  6. Collapse coating warns of danger. This is a sign that you should wait dangerous species sports and communication with unfamiliar people.
  7. Fallen ceiling covering indicates the presence of envy on the part of colleagues and acquaintances.

To decipher the dream, it is worth remembering not only the situations occurring in the vision, but also the appearance of the ceiling:

  1. See a surface without flaws. A flat ceiling symbolizes peace. The person is in a calm state. A smooth, crack-free surface represents the dreamer’s internal emotional state.
  2. The cracked surface represents the dreamer's pangs of conscience for the mistakes he has made. In the past, the person made a wrong decision that he regrets. The dream indicates that there is no need to regret, because the past cannot be corrected.
  3. A repaired ceiling predicts good luck in all endeavors.

    The second interpretation says that if you dreamed of a ceiling after renovation, then this is a harbinger of the appearance of a patron. An influential person will appear in the dreamer’s life who will help him in his career. The patron will remain in the life of the sleeper for a long time. He will turn out to be a loyal friend and protector for him.

Interpretation based on the color and appearance of the ceiling:

  1. White. This sign prophesies bad news.
  2. Black. The dream promises an unpleasant conversation.
  3. High. High walls and a wide ceiling indicate that you should “take off your rose-colored glasses.” You need to stop trusting people, they deceive and bring vanity and misfortune to your home.
  4. Short. Low walls and a narrow ceiling surface indicate that the sleeper cannot cope with his own problems.

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    I dreamed that in some apartment that felt like mine, but with a different interior, water was flowing in the bathroom from the ceiling, some plastic panels collapsed, light bulbs began to fall from the ceiling directly into the water, the water did not hit me, I was looking from the side and the water did not flow outside the bathroom, although apparently the bathroom was flooded a meter from the floor... I called my mother to show her, and quickly called a master to fix the plastic panels and lights in the bathroom... the next moment is the master (male aged) stands in the kitchen and talks to someone, I feel like it’s my mother (but I didn’t see them, I only heard them) and it seemed like the conversation was about quickly fixing problems with the plumbing... help me decipher, otherwise all the interpretations are somehow wrong very suitable... thanks in advance

    Hello Tatyana! Today, from April 8 to 9, I had a dream. That in the room, water first drips from the ceiling and then flows in a stream from the ceiling. I put the bucket down. I see the same problem elsewhere. The room was bright, I would say the sun was shining. There was no one else in the room. And before it was also the same dream. But there was a very large room with a large staircase going up. It was also as bright as the sun. There were a lot of people. I feel it but don't see it. Suddenly water poured down from above like a stream. We all ran upstairs.

    We recently renovated our kitchen. and I dream that the neighbors upstairs are flooding us. water is dripping from the ceiling, there is a muddy puddle on the floor. It also oozes down the walls. I get ready and go to the neighbors, but then I wake up.

    Good afternoon Today I had a dream that water began to drip from the ceiling of my parents’ private house. I couldn’t understand the reason for this and was very worried. I remember that in this room my classmate was sitting on a chair and for some reason she bowed her head and was silent. I I ran out into the street to tell my father. But I saw that my father and my older brother were restlessly running towards the summer kitchen because it seemed to them that there was a fire there, but it turned out that it was a false alarm. There was not even smoke. That’s how my dream ended without a logical end

    I've been having the same dream for several months now. It’s like water is flowing from the ceiling down the walls of a house. At first I had dreams where there was little water, it just flowed down the walls and that’s it. Today I had a dream where it was as if the ceiling had broken through and a wave gushed out from above. I began to hastily pick up all the valuables that were flooded; the water was almost up to my knees. then I decided to somehow collect this water, the water was crystal clear, you could see everything that was on the floor, while I took a rag the water became very little. then I woke up. you know what worries me is why this is not the first time I have had this dream, and every time it gets worse.

    My boyfriend came to me, he was sick, I took his temperature, then we were getting ready to leave, I went into the toilet before leaving, some guy began to break in on me, I thought he was drunk, but then I saw it like a book and it said that he was not I’m drunk, it’s just that such people are possessed by evil spirits, then I see how my friend and I are sitting on my grandmother’s bed in the same house, it was raining outside the window and it started dripping from the ceiling on us, a little but it was dripping, I put a basin, then asked my friend where She didn’t know my boyfriend, he disappeared, and on the street under the window I know that the car and the man who was breaking in on me were still standing. then I woke up. everything happened in my grandmother's house.

    Today, on the night of September 25, I had a dream in which I saw water starting to seep from the ceiling in the hallway of my apartment. I am going to front door to find out what the problem is (that the neighbors flooded), I start to open it and right from the ceiling and from above from the cracks of the door, water pours down on me from top to bottom quite strongly, clean, I quickly close the door so that water from the crack does not get into my apartment. Then I go to the room (everywhere is dry) and go to bed.

    I dreamed that I was seeing my husband off to work and felt that a drop was falling on me from the ceiling. My husband feels the same thing, we raise our heads and see that water is accumulating on the ceilings and falling down in large drops. Interestingly, the water is transparent and I don’t feel it on the floor. In the dream, I run to one room, to another and I also see wet streaks on the ceiling, I try to dial the number of the Criminal Code and I understand that they are having lunch. Today I told my son my dream, and it turns out he also had a similar dream. He lives separately with his family. A strange dream. what could it mean?

    My husband, two of his friends and my father-in-law were sitting in the room. It started dripping from the ceiling. I told my husband that water was dripping, he said that there were problems on the roof. Friends and husband were sitting nearby, father-in-law was sitting alone at the table. it all happened in the kitchen

    I dreamed that in the corridor red water began to drip from the ceiling, then it started pouring more heavily. I thought it was blood. I went from the kitchen into the corridor, I saw broken shards of my dishes: plates, cups. I went out into the entrance and began to climb the stairs to the neighbors upstairs. On the stairs, the passage is blocked by radiators and something else. I go further and here again red water pours from the stairs. With difficulty, but still she reached the neighbors' door. I realized that someone had been killed there, and I woke up in fear.

    Hello. I was sitting on the floor and it seemed to me that a drop fell on me. Didn't pay attention. Then it happened again and I looked at the ceiling. I have it in a stretchy dark fuchsia color, there was clear water thin layer. drops fell very rarely. I remember that I once looked behind the ceiling and was surprised by the design. I went downstairs again and it seemed like a fabric appeared on the ceiling with a small hole in the seam on the huge ceiling. I thought I needed to sew it up. I don’t remember further.

    Hello! I don’t have dreams often, but for the second time in a month I dreamed that I was flooded by my neighbors. There is little water, just a little on the floor, and there are stains on the ceiling, but in the room the stretch ceiling is light and I didn’t seem upset, but in the bathroom it’s kind of strange - like there’s a wooden frame and peeled wallpaper. And the wallpaper on the walls has peeled off a little. A neighbor came to me, I cursed, I said, a roll of wallpaper costs 3.5 thousand, and she sat down and wrote something in a notebook. And I almost cry from grief...
    And why would this be???

    Hello, I dreamed that I was at home with my mother and my boyfriend, suddenly I look at the ceiling and see some things there, as if they were filling a hole, suddenly water poured on my head, a lot of water, I’m running from it, as if it was following me, and when it stopped pouring, it didn’t last long, I looked back and saw that my young man was already standing next to me and looking at all this and my mother was sitting and laughing. I was all wet from head to toe, the water flowed clean. Help please, this dream really hurt me

    Hello, I had a dream in which there was water on the ceiling at a level of half a meter from the ceiling, it somehow held on and did not pour down, but for some reason I did not pay attention to it, I was surprised that many small fish swam in this water and medium size. I very rarely have dreams. I couldn't find an explanation on the Internet. Can you tell me what this could mean? Thank you!.

    I was in bed in my room with my loved one. Suddenly he drew my attention to a large crack in the ceiling and water was dripping from it. For some reason this did not surprise or upset me; I remember that in the dream it was even funny to me.

    In a dream I saw myself holding a baby in my arms. A little boy. I went into the kitchen with him and saw water pouring from the ceiling. A woman I knew stood next to me. I asked her to look after the child and I began to clean up the water. the water was clean.

    I walked up to the sofa and saw puddles of clean water on the bed. I decided that it was the dog who had misbehaved. I called my husband and then I saw that it was dripping from above. I indignantly stated the fact that we were flooded by our upstairs neighbors (although in fact we live on the top floor). I went to them to find out. It turned out that two middle-aged women I didn’t know lived there, and something told me that they weren’t very prosperous, they seemed to be drinking. I threatened them that I would draw up a flood report with the housing and communal services representative and file a lawsuit, after which I returned home.

    Hello. I dreamed in the morning of May 15 that clean water slowly began to drip from the ceiling. First a few drops, then stronger. Water dripped in a straight line in two places. Approximately a line - about a meter. I was worried, but not too much. I wanted to go to the upstairs neighbors. I opened the door, and there was a man nailing a wooden board to the wall near the door. I leaned on the doorframe, I felt sad. I woke up slightly alarmed. I fell asleep. And again the same dream. But in the dream the water line did not increase. I didn't see the floor. Please help me interpret the dream. Thank you in advance)

    I woke up, got up and saw that the entire part of the ceiling was wet from water, I saw a dry corner, and saw 2 drops of water fall on the floor, I went to find out the cause of the flood, but didn’t get to the end, I woke up.

    I dreamed that I went into my son’s bedroom (he had just hung wallpaper) and I saw water oozing from his ceiling, apparently from the radiator from the neighbors, and leaving rusty stains on the top of the walls, on the wallpaper and the ceiling. What was also surprising was that the ceilings were very high and the wallpaper was not pasted to the ceiling, but much lower than the ceiling, there was no water on the floor, it dried up immediately, I called him, but he was not upset and said that he would not redo anything, he would leave everything as it was. The dream was very upsetting. It’s been a month since his girlfriend left him, he lived with her for 9 years and is going through separation and I’m worried. Thank you….

    from the ceiling - painted with white paint - water dripped from a black hole, grinding dust into the floor with a brush0, I dreamed that my son was still small and I was putting him in bed, my mother-in-law dreamed of my husband’s brother, several women who screamed loudly, and kicked them out. The bathroom floor is flooded muddy water and the water in the bathroom is also cloudy. I didn’t dream about the house..

    I dreamed that I turned on the tap and there was water everywhere on the floor, from the ceiling, from the walls......but I didn’t drown in the dream....I even felt somehow pleasant......the water was not cold, it was crystal clear..... clean….it was around me…..but the furniture was not damaged

    Hello. I dreamed that my friend and I were first standing in my entrance and water was pouring heavily from the roof (I live on the top floor), then we went into my apartment, there was water flowing from the ceiling like heavy rain the color is approximately like sea water with a blue tint, but then a different color (darker) and in a panic I say that I will climb through the hatch onto the roof and lay down roofing felt (roofing material). House 10 floors.

    strangers man and the woman and the man seem to live with me in my house, I go out into the hallway, water is flowing from the ceiling, there is no wallpaper. gray walls. the man is about to leave and says if you want to stay with your husband, decide for yourself

    Hello, my name is Evgeniy. The dream was like this - apparently the neighbors forgot to turn off the faucet, I looked at the ceiling, not to say that it was flowing a lot, but apparently the wallpaper in some places was already wet and drops began to appear, I went to the neighbors upstairs to the apartment, opened the door, it was huge recently received or bought it and did some expensive repairs there, but the repairs needed to be done were quite big.

    Hello. I dreamed of a 2-story house, as if we had built it or were selling it. On the first floor, the suspended ceiling suddenly partially breaks under the weight of water; there is practically no water or debris. An acquaintance of ours comes in (now he is completely hopeless in a coma) and asks my husband to take him somewhere. The husband categorically refuses. Yura (the patient leaves) together with his wife without resentment that my husband does not want to help. I worry in a dream, I ask my husband not to refuse the dying man. And I wake up.

    I dreamed of a former common-law husband, he came with the one who took him away from the family. (they are now living together in real time). In the dream, she wanted to give it back to me, but I didn’t want to accept it, we pushed it to each other for a long time and in the end, I kicked them out. Then I dream that I wake up and water is dripping from the ceiling, but only in one place, between the bed and the wall, one drop at a time. The water is clean and there is no water on the floor (I don’t see it on the floor in my dream and I’m very surprised by this ) . Then I see a slightly wet wall, water-blurred wallpaper and a slightly wet ceiling, but this is not in the place where the water is dripping. And where it drips, is everything dry around this drop? Why did I dream about all this?

    I dreamed that I was at home having dinner in my bedroom and turning my head to the phone, I realized that it was in the water. I take it apart and tell mine ex-girlfriend about this, simultaneously looking for a source of water. he was nearby in the bedroom. Raising my head, I clearly see that the wallpaper and special corners along the seams on the ceiling have come off and they are full of water. literally the other day it was raining heavily, so I connected these two events and went outside to call the landlord to talk about it. it was as dark as evening outside. I have a clear dream, I live in a townhouse. that's all.

    Hello! I dreamed that in the apartment we live in, hot water started pouring down like rain. At that time, today was my mother-in-law’s birthday and in my dream we celebrated it in this apartment (we live together) there were a lot of guests whom I don’t know. And I also remember that I had nothing to wear, what a dress. In my dream I also saw a guy who attacked me and wanted to kill me. but I overcame him)) well, somehow. Thank you)))

    I dreamed: In the morning I wake up for work, and in the corridor and in the hallway water is pouring from the ceiling, the floor is in water, it looks like the neighbors have flooded. I jump out into the entrance to the stairwell, and everything is pouring there too. My work colleague is running around there, fussing. I asked her to help me remove something heavy from above. And running past the nursery, I noticed the window. We have acacia growing there. And outside the window there is a storm with rain and strong wind, the wind is bending the acacia tree, the window is flooded with rain. And I decided that my daughter would not go to school today in such bad weather.

    Hello! Water was flowing from the ceiling in several places above the bed. And my husband and I rushed to remove everything from the bed and place containers under the water that was pouring from the ceiling; everything on the bed was wet.

    I dreamed that rain was pouring from the ceiling, a lot of water all over my house. I looked and thought maybe the roof was leaking. The lights in the rooms were on and I needed to turn off the lights, I was afraid that I would get an electric shock. then she went into another room. water poured throughout all the rooms. The water was clean
