Intensive general military training course during the first contract. Contract workers do not survive the “school of survival”

The task of intensified training of military personnel serving in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces on a contract basis is formulated somewhat paradoxically. On the one hand, voluntary service increases professionalism, but on the other, the “professionals” themselves will have to be trained. This situation is explained by the fact that professionalism, often in demand in all law enforcement agencies, is associated not with military training, but with professional activity civilians with military qualifications.

It is no secret that a huge number of contract soldiers in our army did not even undergo military service. First of all, training courses are aimed at this category of military personnel. And it wouldn’t hurt experienced fighters to go through a training program, which the participants called among themselves a survival school.

For the first time, there was talk of introducing an intensive military training program back in 2012. According to a preliminary plan, it was decided to organize courses not only for new arrivals, but also for those who have been engaged in military craft for several years. Naturally, these courses should have been filled with physical exercises, classes in military training, self-control training and special exercises aimed at suppressing fear, panic, and stupor. The duration of training is six weeks.

Survival school - first combat experience

Many people mistakenly believe that a survival school for contract soldiers is a set of classes in inhumane conditions, where the real main task of a serviceman is to preserve life. Fake sources report deaths during the “school.”

We hasten to assure you that this is not at all the case, because the life and health of a serviceman is important for the state. The term is formulated based on the fact that the course is dominated by methods of behavior in difficult conditions and emergency situations.

It is quite difficult to unambiguously describe the public’s attitude towards innovations in the army. Many saw here a note of humiliation, violation of human rights and even a crime. Excellent combat trainees, on the contrary, believe that everyone must go through this, otherwise there is nothing to do in the army.

The intensive training program has been successfully tested in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, and to date, regulatory documents have been prepared establishing the procedure and obligation for its development. As planned, absolutely all contract soldiers, including women, participate in the training. Refusal to participate in the courses is tantamount to a report, since in the near future the citizen will be forcibly dismissed from the ranks of the Armed Forces as not having professional qualifications. promises the same outcome.

Statistics on the results of passing the survival school are replete with deplorable values. Among all the military personnel, a certain part turned out to be unfit for service based on the results of a medical examination. Some did not meet the allotted standards. There are also those who wrote a letter of resignation or refused to undergo training. The percentage of those who completed the course is dominant, but practice has shown that in the army ranks with physical training, not everything is so smooth.

What's included in the program

The basis of the intensive training program is combined arms exercises. The course is characterized by high physical and psychological stress and ends with passing standards. In general, the training intensity is comparable to that of paratroopers or special forces units. Six months of intensive training is more than enough to prepare a soldier even from a civilian who has no military experience.

The survival course for contract soldiers in 2018 will include fire, medical training, tactics and strategy, and chemical defense exercises. Physical exercise are carried out at the test site. The soldiers will have to spend a good portion of their time in the “fields” (as military personnel call the training ground), so they will live in tents. This “Spartan” way of life not only leads to the development of endurance, but also strengthens the spirit and promotes team unity.

Planned results:

  • after completing the training course, military personnel must be able to set up a field camp and camouflage it;
  • be able to apply acquired counteraction skills various types attacks;
  • know theoretical material on combat tactics;
  • be able to react to different situations.

The forced march is considered the final part of the test. Despite the fact that it is carried out on foot, and many believe that they can cover any distance without preparation, this stage turns out to be one of the most difficult. The fact is that during a forced march the serviceman is fully equipped, which means tens of kilograms excess weight. In addition, the route itself is designed in such a way that combat conditions are simulated. The length of the route reaches 150 km. Due to the features female body the command is forced to meet them halfway. The requirements for running and marching are significantly reduced.

The psychological component of the school of survival is that every fighter must understand his purpose. Still, treating the army as a way to earn money is not welcome. It is not necessary to defend the Motherland for money, and it is not for money that one will have to give one’s life for it. Anyone who disagrees with this is not breaking the law, but must reconsider before putting on a soldier's uniform. It goes without saying that citizens who are chasing the “long ruble” are being eliminated. It is unlikely that they will agree to undergo such tests for free. Therefore, we can say that, on the whole, the intensive training program lives up to the expectations placed on it.

Disadvantages of the Intensive Training Program

It just so happens that in Russia any law must have a certain time to “run in”, not to mention the program. There were some nuances when organizing a survival school. As can be seen from the program, it consists of several stages. Not a single stage is carried out with the proper degree of objectivity. Beginning with medical examinations, cases of bribery are ubiquitous.

Many soldiers who prove their right to serve under a contract face injustice as a result. They are saved only by the lack of competition, because the candidate must meet the standard. But corruption is a headache for the entire state, so the ways to eradicate it must be centralized.

A significant drawback that does not go unnoticed is the rather weak material support. Already at the preparatory stage, a serviceman is required to purchase equipment. If there is no motive for this, the amount will seem excessively high. The state has not yet regulated the financing mechanism, since such events in the regions only recently accepted the status of mandatory

In other questions, “School” received positive reviews. Many have actually learned quite useful lessons that help them in their daily activities. Let’s face it, most contract soldiers view courses as a necessity, but for an ideological soldier who dreamed of devoting himself to a sacred profession, it became in a great way test your own strength, willpower and spirit.


Combat Training Directorate of the High Command

Ground Forces

intensive combined arms training

with a "survival" course
(for military personnel admitted to military service by contract)



This Program was developed by the Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Ground Forces and is intended for training in military training units of military personnel who entered military service under a contract (who have previously completed military service).

When developing the Program, the following were taken into account: new directions in combat training of combined arms units, modern requirements for the content and scope of training tasks, requirements of the Combat Manual for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat (BUPVOB), experience of combat operations and training of units during local wars and armed conflicts.

1. Combat training is the main content of the daily activities of troops in peacetime. It is organized and conducted on the basis of the requirements of General Military Regulations Armed Forces Russian Federation, the Battle Manual for the preparation and conduct of combined arms combat, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputies, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; organizational and methodological instructions for operational, mobilization and combat training of the Ground Forces; thematic plans public and state training and organizational and methodological instructions of the Main Directorate for working with personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; orders and directives of the military district commander; instructions, courses, manuals, collections of standards, methodological recommendations and this Program.

The learning objectives are: training contract military personnel (cadets) for independent actions when performing combat missions in the complex environment of modern combined arms combat; education of high moral and combat qualities.

2 . A trained military personnel must comply qualification requirements for military professional training (military personnel contract service) approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces.

3. The duration of training is 6 weeks, with 286 hours allocated for classes in the subjects of study (30 hours (10.5%) for theory, 246 hours (86%) for practical classes and 10 hours (3.5%) reserve time).

Training sessions are held 6 days a week: 5 weeks ( 5 days duration school day - 8 hours, 1 day (Saturday and pre-holiday days) with the duration of the school day – 6 hours); 6- I'm school week ( 5 days control-comprehensive lesson (field trip) with a “survival” course, 1 day the length of the school day – 6 hours), school hour - 50 minutes. When conducting field classes or outings, the duration of the school day can be increased, without time restrictions.

Classes with personnel are organized and conducted on the scale of a training platoon (company) in relation to the daily routine (Appendix No. 1) , in specially equipped classrooms, at field facilities of the UMB, at educational and training facilities (UTF), with weapons and on military equipment. At the same time, no less 50% All field activities are carried out using personal protective equipment and night time. Night classes are planned and carried out without any restrictions.

During training with military personnel, actions are practiced that are regulated by the requirements of combat regulations, manuals, courses, a collection of standards and instructions, taking into account international obligations Russian Federation, the requirements of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and the “Manual on International humanitarian law for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

When conducting classes, along with acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, by creating an appropriate environment and conditions, the following tasks must be solved: psychological training of trainees; their readiness to overcome the dangers and difficulties of a combat situation; developing the ability to withstand high neuropsychological and physical exercise that may arise during preparation and during combat. This is achieved by introducing into the course of the training elements of tension and surprise, danger and reasonable risk inherent in a real combat situation, repeated training of cadets in performing the learned techniques and actions, and instilling confidence in their commanders, weapons, military equipment and protective equipment.

In addition to full-time commanders, management and headquarters officers of the training battalion, heads of branches of the military and services of the training military unit (district training center) should be involved in conducting classes with cadets of training units.

The commander of a training company, when drawing up a schedule of classes for a week, is given the right to clarify the number and numbers of standards recommended by this book of the Program for testing during classes, taking into account the fact that by the end of training each cadet must be assessed based on the results of fulfilling all standards defined Collection of standards for combat training of the Ground Forces.

4. Combat training planning carried out by headquarters based on the decision of the commander, with his personal participation.

Taking into account the tasks of training cadets, when planning combat training, the head of the district training center, commander of a military training unit, commanders of training battalions are required to make a decision to clarify the training time for each subject of training for training units and command training of sergeants: in the training center and training military unit - in writing, as an attachment to the training plan; in the training battalion - in thematic calculation of hours.

The decision is made on the basis of orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, his deputies, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces; organizational and methodological instructions for operational, mobilization and combat training of the Ground Forces; thematic plans for public and state training and organizational and methodological instructions of the Main Directorate for working with personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; orders and directives of the military district commander; instructions, courses, manuals, a collection of standards, methodological recommendations, this Program and the capabilities of the educational material and technical base.

When planning combat training, the following are developed:

at the district training center (military training unit)– a preparation plan for the academic year with appendices and a calendar plan of main events for the month; summary schedule for the month;

A heated debate has flared up in the press and on the Internet regarding the innovation of the domestic Armed Forces - “survival courses”. Some call them “humiliating” and “illegal”, some say that “women terminators will serve in the army”, some say that it’s all fiction, and some say it’s idiocy. Some of the negativity expressed about a completely sensible innovation is probably justified. But first things first.

What we call “survival courses” are six-week sessions of intensive combined arms combat training. Now they will become mandatory for all contract soldiers and sergeants, both those entering service and those who have been serving for a long time. This applies not only to military personnel of units who must directly lead fighting“in the field” (motorized infantry, airborne forces, MP, etc.), but also all specialists of the Armed Forces, not excluding technical specialists and female military personnel. Failure to complete the course or failure of the examination part may become grounds for contract soldiers to be dismissed from the Armed Forces as not meeting the requirements for professional military personnel.

Actually, this is what happens. The head of the press service of the Eastern Military District recently announced that based on the results of the second series of these courses, another 350 military personnel will be dismissed. In the Southern Military District this summer, almost a thousand military personnel did not complete the course. What’s interesting is that a number of them wrote reports refusing to take part in the training camp even before it began, and some were eliminated at the medical examination. That is, not everyone left the training camp early, unable to withstand its severity.

Now to the courses themselves. This is truly combined arms training, which, it would seem, is not directly related to representatives of the Air Force, Air Defense (Aerospace Defense), communications, Navy, and technical and operational units. The intensity of the course and the load on those taking it are really very high. Although this, of course, depends on the conditions of the specific training unit. But in general the course is universal for everyone training centers. It includes very intense physical training and no less intense combat training: fire, tactical, medical, engineering, chemical warfare, etc., which is carried out both as training and with passing standards. The course is accompanied by numerous “field trips” - to training grounds. And it ends with a long march (about 50 km) in conditions as close as possible to combat (as far as possible in training). Food - dry rations, stealth march and camouflage, setting up a field camp, guarding and actions against the “survivors” - “training sabotage groups”, practical training in the tactics of small units, physical fatigue and the absence of a stall around the corner - everything is like in American films, but - for "G.I. Jane". Well, final exams in physical training and combat disciplines.

In general - nothing beyond the scope of general combat training ground forces, with the exception of the high intensity of classes and the real consequences of failure to pass the standards - no. The standards themselves take into account five age categories. The course for women has minor differences, but overall it is quite passable. For example, in the Eastern Military District, out of 1.5 thousand “surviving” ladies, including those of the so-called “extra age limit”, only five dropped out early. In essence, this is a course for a young fighter, only put at a qualitatively high level and not including drill training and performing internal service - this is enough in units - pure combat training with high intensity training. Actually, “survival” should include some everyday restrictions on “exits”, physical activity, and sad prospects in case of training that does not meet the requirements of the Armed Forces. That is, everything that usually serves as an excuse for low level general combat training in some units - discrepancy between personalities. composition of the “ideal”, objective difficulties, the “complexity” of training in a specialty, leaving no time for general training, etc. - are simply not taken into account here.

Do military personnel of “non-combat” units (sailors, signalmen, technicians, etc.) need this? In my understanding - yes.

Firstly, since there cannot be “non-combat” units, and real combat operations may require a soldier of any specialty and gender to act while lying in the mud with a machine gun, and not pressing buttons or turning a steering wheel and a wrench. And poor preparation and complexity of specialization, as well as age and health status, in such a situation will not become an excuse to the enemy. To consider such a situation unlikely means to “serve your service,” and not to prepare for war, for which any military man studies in peacetime.

Secondly, since the requirements for suitability for service in any unit presuppose a certain physical fitness and the absence of health contraindications. And also the readiness to defend the Motherland not only in one’s specialty, but also to “steadfastly and courageously endure all hardships and hardships.” military service“, since the service itself presupposes these hardships and deprivations.

Thirdly, since the advantage of voluntary manning of the armed forces over compulsory recruitment presupposes a qualitative difference in the level of training and professionalism. Certainly, main reason increasing the share of contract soldiers is the difficulty of mastering modern military equipment. Training a professional is difficult during conscription service. Rotation in the unit of those being transferred to the reserve and young conscripts makes general level training is “average”, and combat readiness is insufficient. However, a professional who receives a salary for his knowledge and skills and comes on duty as if it were a job, must remain a military man, and not just an employee.

He must understand that he has chosen a profession associated with the risk of life and the willingness to sacrifice his life not for a salary, but for the Motherland - this is the only thing that distinguishes a military profession from any civilian one. A salary only provides a decent standard of living for someone who is ready to give their life. And if the person signing the contract does not understand this and considers the service to be just a good job option, it means that he chose the job wrong. Therefore, I am embarrassed to listen to some who are preparing to “survive” talking about the idiocy and pointlessness of the course for a “super specialist” who “is supposed to be on duty at a communications center, and not crawl through the mud.” So you can be on duty at any civilian job, which is generally free from many military features and does not require good specialist strain to maintain physical fitness and sacrifice comfort from time to time.

Now about the problem of the courses, which is more real than discussions about “female terminators” and the fears of those who have relaxed a little while on duty at the consoles for their health and future inconveniences. In general, the host side of the training centers is quite loyal to its cadets. Let's say, by giving a little rest on the way out to an overly exhausted training platoon, they are unlikely to reduce the overall load and benefit from the courses. Moreover, the load is really very high, and the goal of the training is not to weed out the “unsuitable,” but to provide high-quality combat training, the intensity and conditions of which bring the cadets as close as possible to the situation of real combat operations. But when they start collecting money for passing exams, hinting that exams can be taken in different ways, and with “F” marks, dismissal from the Armed Forces looms - this is the first step towards profanation of the very idea of ​​“survival courses”. This “business” is practiced at the platoon level and is often provoked by the overly frightened “survivalists” themselves.

Those who are going to the training camp should not fall for it. Firstly, because there is NO installation for screening! Even despite the cheerful assurances of the host party about how many of those who arrived will not be able to pass, one must understand that they also watched films about American sergeants, and they want to put them in a serious mood right away. Secondly, since all failed standards can be retaken by the certification commission. And the majority of those who will actually be fired because of the courses are either those who wrote reports in advance, or after the first strains to which they were not accustomed in the service, or desperately trying to get through the medical line, or truly unfit for the profession - frankly speaking, such are among their colleagues everyone will remember.

Another problem is equipment. No one provides those leaving for the training camp with clothing and will not compensate for what they bought with their own money. To be fair, I want to say that those who came to the training camp with the required equipment have more difficulties than those who took care of comfortable and light shoes, a duffel bag with wide straps, a light sleeping bag, a change bag, etc. However, much of what is already bought for service on one’s own is not provided for by any clothing allowance. One can only hope that some measures will be taken to improve this situation over time. But for now it’s better to rely on yourself.

In conclusion, I would like to wish those who are preparing to “survive” good weather and patience! You will definitely have something to remember.

In May 2012, in funds mass media information has appeared that A new intensive training program for military personnel is being introduced in the Russian armed forces who serve in the ground forces. This program is popularly called “ survival courses ", since it includes complexes special exercises aimed at overcoming fear, as well as mastering methods of self-control and self-regulation.

The program lasts six weeks. It was approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Colonel General Alexander Postnikov, who is confident that it will help add a certain element of reasonable risk and surprise to the military training process.

According to Colonel Sergei Vlasov, the new course included the basics of survival, which include knowledge of how to survive in various climatic conditions, at different temperatures, the influence of high altitude on the human body, as well as methods of self-control and self-regulation.

Less than six months later, loud controversy broke out in the press and on the Internet regarding the appropriateness of introducing a new training program. Many are sure that such “survival courses” are humiliating and illegal, many call them absurd, and some do not believe that such a thing actually exists. But first things first.

First of all, it should be noted that, starting in May of this year, intensive training has become mandatory for all contract soldiers, both those who have just come to serve and those who have been undergoing it for quite some time. Moreover, this course is also mandatory for technicians and even female military personnel. If a soldier refuses to take the course or fails the course, this may be sufficient grounds for his dismissal from the armed forces due to failure to meet the requirements for professional military personnel.

In fact, this is exactly what happens. Since the introduction of the program, more than a thousand contract soldiers have not completed survival courses, or have refused to take them. Now this figure has increased by another 350 people. In addition, approximately a thousand military personnel wrote reports refusing to take the course, and another number of military personnel simply did not pass the medical examination.

As for the program itself, this is a general military training course, which at first glance has very few points of contact with air force, forces air defense, naval units, communications units or technical specialists. However, and the intensity of the program and its loads are extremely high for everyone taking the course. Even though this to some extent depends on the conditions of the training unit on the basis of which it takes place.

The course includes, in addition to intensive physical training, fire, combat, medical, tactical, engineering, and chemical training. Most of the course takes place on training grounds.

At the end of the course there is a large forced march of 150 km, the conditions of which are as close to combat conditions as possible.

During this time, the military personnel eat dry rations, master camouflage skills, methods of setting up field camps, the skills of operating against the enemy, and undergo practical training in the tactics of conducting small-scale operations. military formations, overcome artificial and natural obstacles.

After completing the course, everyone takes final exams in combat and physical training . As for the course for female military personnel, the course for them is slightly modified. So, for example, they must overcome a 3-kilometer forced march in 15 minutes. In addition, there is a psychological test - the so-called “tank run-in” - you need to withstand it, not be scared, skip it, and then knock it out. In addition, women must also pass first aid exams. medical care in the field.

By and large we can say that new program training is nothing more than a course for a young fighter, only taken to a higher professional level, which consists exclusively of practical combat training.

Directly related to the course of survival is heavy physical activity, especially for women. After all, most of them are already well over 40, and after a 5-kilometer forced march they may suffer from high blood pressure. In addition, if a woman is of a fragile build, then lifting a backpack with all the necessary components (armored helmet, sapper shovel, gas mask) will not be an easy task.

Among the military personnel themselves, there are also different opinions about whether this survival course is needed by everyone, or whether it should be limited to exclusively combat units.

Some (in particular, the Marines) argue that this program is not a survival course at all - but rather a course for a young fighter who has nothing to do with the basics of survival in extreme situations. According to others, this is clean water It is absurd to force pilots or sailors to climb under tanks or overcome enormous distances in forced marches. After all, for that matter, the ground forces will not be able, if necessary, to prepare an airplane for takeoff or a ship for departure.

Therefore, it is either necessary to introduce an additional course for the ground forces to master these skills, or cancel the existing survival course for the air force and naval forces. Everyone should do what they are trained to do.

But, if you delve deeper into the essence of the problem, then there cannot be non-combat formations in the armed forces, because in real combat conditions the situation may develop in such a way that you will have to fight off the enemy while lying in a trench with a machine gun, and not sitting at the controls of an airplane or with a wrench at the ready. And then neither the state of health, nor the type of military service, nor age will matter much.

In addition, any branch of the military requires its fighters to have certain physical and combat training, so the “survival course” will only help improve their level.

It must also be said that the new program makes it possible to staff the army with highly professional specialists. It identifies those who came to the service only for the sake of good material benefits and do not understand why crawl in the mud and study military affairs, if they can sit somewhere at a communications center or at the headquarters of a unit.

However, do not think that this program is ideal.. There are also certain problems here, thinking about solving them is much more important than discussing the feasibility of it in general. If the course already exists, then it is better to think about how to increase its effectiveness.

First of all, it is necessary to combat such a negative, but, unfortunately, widespread phenomenon as paying for final exams. This is often practiced at the platoon level and in most cases is instigated by the soldiers themselves, frightened by the prospect of failing the course. But if they start hinting at “financial support” of the course, you should not agree meekly, because, as a rule, those who voluntarily wrote a report before starting it, or those who did not pass the medical commission, are eliminated. And in the case where the military would drop out during the course, there really is very little.

Another serious problem is equipment., or more precisely, purchasing it at your own expense, which no one will compensate for later. But if you have to choose between what the state can offer and what you can buy yourself, then, undoubtedly, it is better to go with the second option. And hope that over time the situation will change for the better. Unlikely, of course, but still...

It is quite possible to assume that the tightening of requirements for contract military personnel is related to the law that was adopted at the beginning of 2012. According to him, a significant increase is planned soon Russian army. Depending on the position and length of service, an ordinary contract soldier will receive about 25-35 thousand rubles, and in some cases – up to 42 thousand. In addition, it is also planned to increase compensation for rental housing.

Such conditions, according to the military leadership, will cause an increase in those willing to serve. Therefore, in addition to the appropriate age (19-30 years), the presence of a complete secondary education, the absence of physical and psychological contraindications, and positive results of tests for professional aptitude, the course for survival will become one of the factors in the selection of those who joined the army by vocation.
