Roshen Lenkoransky was killed. The possible customer of the murder of Grandfather Hassan could have staged his own death

Thief in law Rovshan Dzhaniev - Rovshan Lyankoransky

Rovshan Dzhaniev (Lenkoransky) was born on January 27, 1975 in the suburbs of the Azerbaijani city of Lenkoran with the exotic name Ruka-vyzhor (or Gilak-makhhalla). The Dzhaniev family belonged to the Talysh people. His mother was a housewife, who took care of Rovshan and his brothers and sisters, and his father Rafik worked as a policeman. Rovshan was very proud of his father and dreamed of following in his footsteps. But life made its own adjustments to these plans.

Dzhaniev Sr. enjoyed great authority among his fellow countrymen - everyone knew about his integrity and fearlessness. Including members of one of the Azerbaijani criminal groups that began to actively multiply in. The bandits, who were tracked by the fearless crime fighter, tried different methods - they offered the policeman a substantial bribe, and upon receiving a refusal, they intimidated him for a long time. But Rafik remained adamant and continued collecting evidence of their crimes.

The prospect of being behind bars did not please seasoned criminals, and they decided to take radical measures: they sent a killer, who in 1992 ambushed Rafik and shot the intractable law enforcement officer. Colleagues of the murdered man vowed to apprehend the killer, which they did in 1996. It was not difficult to prove the murderer's involvement in the liquidation of policeman Dzhaniev - and he soon found himself in the dock. At the hearings, the accused behaved arrogantly and defiantly: he was sure that his accomplices would eventually “get him off” anyway.

In his insolence, the killer went so far that, seeing members of Dzhaniev’s family sitting in the hall, he began to pour out threats - they say, I’ll come out and cut you all down. These were his last words— 21-year-old Rovshan jumped up from his seat. Snatching a pistol from his pocket, the young man opened fire: four bullets hit the defendant, and he died before the ambulance arrived. The avenger was immediately subdued and taken into custody.

Rovshan Lenkoransky

Some time later, the trial of Dzhaniev Jr. took place in the same hall. Taking into account all the circumstances of the tragedy, they gave me the minimum - only two years in prison. This is how Rovshan ended up behind bars for the first time. Despite the fact that he was the son of a policeman and the killer of a bandit, the prisoners did not touch the prisoner, appreciating his action.

Once released in 1998, Rovshan gave up all hope of becoming a law enforcement officer: with a criminal record, and even under such a serious charge, it was impossible to get into law enforcement service. But the other side of the “barricades” accepted the newcomer without any problems; Dzhaniev learned to live by the new rules throughout his two years of imprisonment. Protection schemes, showdowns with competitors - all this became Rovshan’s life’s work. In criminal circles, he received the nickname Rovshan Lenkoransky - after the name of almost his hometown.

A clash with one of his opponents, the criminal authority Karamat Mamedov, almost cost the authority his life. The meeting of enemies took place in June 2000 in a park in Baku. After a small verbal altercation, Rovshan Lenkoransky exactly repeated the scenario from four years ago: he took out a pistol and began shooting at Mamedov. However, the latter’s guards reacted instantly - they attacked the shooter and beat him half to death. Rovshan Lenkoransky ended up in a hospital bed with a serious traumatic brain injury. The beatings did not pass without consequences for him: doctors diagnosed the authority with a mental disorder.

In this regard, the shooter avoided imprisonment: he was only charged with illegal possession weapons and sent for compulsory treatment to psychiatric clinic, from where Rovshan Lenkoransky soon escaped safely. It was risky to remain in Azerbaijan - and the authority went to Moscow. He did this in a very timely manner: just a few days after Rovshan Lenkoransky’s departure, he was put on the national wanted list.

Rovshan Lankaran thief in law

Arriving in the capital of Russia, Rovshan Lenkoransky immediately became friends with his criminal fellow countryman - thief in law Mirseymur Abdullayev (Seymur Nardaransky), who headed the Azerbaijani criminal community. In 2001, thanks to the patronage of Abdullaev, Rovshan Lenkoransky was crowned by him and another thief in law, Chechen Artyk Dabchaev (Artik).

Thief in law Mirseymur Abdullaev - Seymur Nardaransky

By the way, the fates of both “godfathers” turned out to be sad: both Artik and Seymour Nardaransky died at the hands of killers within a month of each other in 2003. After the death of Seymour, who was shot in one of the capital's nightclubs, Rovshan Lenkoransky took his place and headed an ethnic criminal group.

Thief in law Artyk Dabchaev - Artik

The new status gave him new opportunities. Rovshpn Lenkoransky created a group of highly qualified killers, ready to eliminate any enemy of their master. One of the first tasks for the killers was to eliminate the leader of the Azerbaijani group from St. Petersburg, dissatisfied with the growing power of Lankaran, Elchin Aliyev. Soon after Aliyev’s death, Rovshan Lenkoransky was arrested on suspicion of ordering the St. Petersburg authority. However, direct evidence of his guilt was never found, and therefore the criminal prosecution of the authority had to be stopped.

Meanwhile, the thief in law had more and more ill-wishers and envious people - after all, Rovshan Lenkoransky managed to take control of almost all the vegetable bases and points selling herbs, first in the capital, and a little later throughout Russia. It is known that in Yekaterinburg alone Lenkoransky’s profit reached several tens of millions of rubles a year.

Such a monopoly was not to the liking of other contenders for the “vegetable kingdom.” For example, to the Azerbaijani authority Ilga Huseynov, with whom Lenkoransky sent his full-time liquidator (Nazim Khromoy) to deal with him. At the meeting, which took place in September 2003, Khromoy did not discuss for long and, taking out a pistol, began shooting at Huseynov and his three accompanying people, two of whom still managed to survive. His fellow countryman, thief in law (Lotu Guli), who later became worst enemy"Vegetable King"

Rovshan Lenkoransky vs Ded Hasan

Meanwhile, Azerbaijani law enforcement officers did not lose hope of catching Lenkoransky, and in 2008 luck smiled on them: a signal was received from their Ukrainian colleagues that thief in law Rovshan Lenkoransky was detained in Kyiv. He was arrested for 40 days and began preparing documents for extradition. However, the authority’s lawyers, having contacted the relevant authorities, managed to obtain refugee status for their client, proving that he was allegedly subjected to pressure in his homeland.

However, a year later - in December 2009 - thanks to the efforts of employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Lenkoransky was finally transferred to Azerbaijan, where he immediately ended up in the dock. Despite the fact that the prosecutor's office demanded 12 years in prison for the accused for illegal possession of weapons, the court sentenced him to two years and nine months in prison. As it turned out, Rovshan Lenkoransky managed to serve it while the preliminary investigation was underway. Thus, after the verdict was announced, the authority was released.

He did not stay in his homeland and went back to Moscow. There, Rovshan Lenkoransky began to rapidly develop the main conflict of his life - the confrontation with the criminal “patriarch” Aslan Usoyan (). There is a version that it was Lenkoransky that Khasan called the mastermind of the unsuccessful attempt on his life, which occurred in 2010 on Tverskaya Street. On the day of the incident, Rovshan Lenkoransky himself was detained by operatives at the Kyiv railway station, where he arrived by train from Moscow. But Usoyan’s supporters ultimately did not believe such a vague alibi.

Thief in law Ilgar Dzhabrailov - Danabash

The peak of the conflict between thieves came in 2011-2012, when Rovshan Lenkoransky decided to take control of the vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo, the patrimony of Khasan’s people, which brought in an annual income of nine billion rubles. During a new round of war in the spring of 2012, one of the first to be eliminated was the person in charge of the Hassan security service (Danabash). With the murder of Dzhabrailov, which took place on Presnensky Val Street, Rovshan Lenkoransky seemed to show Hassan that he could get him too.

Realizing that Khasan has enormous influence, Rovshan Lenkoransky hastened to enlist the support of the main opponents of the thieves' general. They became the authority (Taro) and his “right hand” (Sukhumsky). True, Rovshan Lenkoransky almost had a quarrel with the latter because of an incident in June 2012 in the UAE. Then Rovshan Lenkoransky was on vacation in Dubai, where he met with Merab’s brother Levan to discuss pressing problems.

But the conversation suddenly turned into a quarrel, and Rovshan Lenkoransky tried to slap Levan in the face. He, in turn, grabbed a knife lying on the table and stabbed his opponent in the stomach. The wound in the end turned out to be not serious, but Lenkoransky’s relationship with Sukhumsky deteriorated greatly - in the conflict he sided with his brother. It took Rovshan Lenkoransky a lot of time to resolve the conflict with Sukhumsky, for which he even gave Merab a luxurious cottage in France.

In September of the same year, Rovshan Lenkoransky survived an attempt on his life, but its details remained under a veil of secrecy. Relatives, who were approached for comments by journalists who learned about the incident, confirmed the information, but refused to discuss the details.

Meanwhile, at the end of 2012, on the territory of the disputed vegetable warehouse in Biryulyovo, open clashes began to occur between Lenkoransky’s people and Hassan’s supporters. The latter, despite the attempt on his life and the death of the faithful Dzhabrailov, categorically did not want war with the Azerbaijanis: the memories of the confrontation were too fresh, from which Hassan, although he emerged victorious, paid a very high price for it. However, there was no way to come to an agreement with Rovshan Lenkoransky peacefully... At the beginning of 2013, on the threshold of the Old Phaeton restaurant on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street in Moscow.

Wrestling of Rovshan Lenkoransky

Lenkoransky was among the most likely customers of Hassan’s murder almost immediately: he headed the so-called “hit list” of those whom the authorities grieving for Usoyan promised to take revenge on. Moreover, Hassan’s supporters believed that Rovshan Lenkoransky acted not alone, but in conjunction with Taro. There was a version that it was the latter who gave the go-ahead to eliminate the main competitor, entrusting this to Lenkoransky. And he, in turn, sent his liquidators to the case. The fact that Rovshan Lenkoransky was under suspicion is indirectly indicated by the imminent execution of his “ right hand" - Rufat Nasibov, who was shot dead on January 28 in one of the cafes in the capital's Otradnoe district. It was Nasibov who was considered the head of Lenkoransky’s group of hired killers.

Upon learning of Nasibov's death, his boss left Russia and went to Turkey, believing that he would be safe there. However, in February of the same year, the criminal community was shocked by the news - Rovshan Lenkoransky was shot in Istanbul. But before the enemies had time to rejoice at the death of the authority, he “resurrected”: it turned out that the information about the reprisal against him was a “duck”. Lenkoransky’s brother Emil, whom the media approached for comments, spoke rather sharply on the topic of his relative’s involvement in the assassination attempt on Ded Hasan.

“Rovshan has nothing to do with the death of Aslan Usoyan (Ded Hassan), and this is well known to respected people,” he said. “What is being attributed to him is an invention of the police, who, apparently, are pursuing their own specific goals and are deliberately escalating the situation.

Rovshan Lenkoransky himself, through his proteges, continued to control the vegetable business in Russia, and also acquired wholesale warehouses in Germany - in Berlin, Hamburg and Munich. In addition, he controlled a chain of hotels in Italy. Rovshan Lenkoransky invested part of the proceeds in real estate: he became the owner of six luxurious mansions in Europe. However, to divert attention, all the cottages were registered to relatives of the authority.

While Rovshan Lenkoransky was settling into life in Istanbul, in Moscow Hassan’s supporters deprived him of his thieves’ status. 34 thieves in law put their signature under the “malyava” (thieves’ message) with the following content (spelling and punctuation preserved):

“The thieves' run to the Thieves will spread forever! Peace, prosperity and prosperity to the Thieves and Our House from the Lord God! We welcome you, respectable people and who sincerely support Vorovskaya’s progress and Vorovskaya’s life. We Thieves with this run-through are informing you, prisoners, regarding Rovshan “Lenkoransky” and Gia Uglav “Takhi”, that they are **** (girls with low social responsibility), leading people into fornication in our house and sowing confusion among people. Prisoners, take into account those who will contribute to them and similar evil spirits, both in their actions and in their image, there is the same essence of a person that they **** (girls with low social responsibility), with whom everyone a prisoner considered to be a decent prisoner must act accordingly. We will limit ourselves to this, wishing you all the best from the Lord God, warmth and unity, may Our House prosper.”

Murder of Rovshan Lenkoransky

The last attack on Rovshan Lenkoransky was carried out on the night of August 18, 2016 in the very heart of Istanbul - on Barbados Boulevard. On this day, the thief met with his “brothers” in the Istanbul criminal chain: criminal authorities, including thieves in law (Tsripa) and Roin Uglava (Matevich), discussed their affairs in the bar of one of the Turkish hotels. The arrest of the leader was on the agenda underworld Russia Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro Molodoy), which happened a month earlier: according to some reports, Rovshan Lenkoransky planned to take advantage of this circumstance to take a leadership position in the thieves' community. The clock showed well after midnight when the authority, in the company of two companions and a personal driver, got into a Range Rover SUV; The guards were supposed to follow.

However, for unknown reasons, the escort vehicle was a little late, which ultimately saved the lives of the bodyguards inside. They only witnessed how the road to the SUV was blocked by three unknown men in masks, who immediately opened heavy fire from Uzi submachine guns.

Seeing the Range Rover turn into a sieve before his eyes, the driver of the escort car sharply backed up, and his passengers began to call an ambulance. By the time the carriage arrived at the hospital, Dzhaniev’s driver was dead, and in Lenkoranskoye himself, who had received five bullet wounds (one of them in the eye), there was barely a glimmer of life. Rovshan Lenkoransky took his last breath on the operating table: closer to the morning of August 18, the heart of the criminal “general” stopped forever.

Photos from the scene of the murder of Rovshan Dzhaniev

The fact that it was Rovshan Lenkoransky who was killed did not immediately become known: when examining the things belonging to the deceased, law enforcement officers found a passport in the name of a certain Rovshan Aliyev. A little later it turned out that a passport with the same data was found in 2013 in the apartment of Rovshan Lenkoransky, located in Baku. The identity of the authority was confirmed by relatives who arrived for identification.

In the circle of enemies

It was never possible to find out who was behind the murder of the “vegetable king” of Russia. Along with main version- revenge for the death of Grandfather Hassan - there are several others. According to one of them, Rovshan Lenkoransky could have been “ordered” by one of his many enemies, and the crime itself was not a vendetta for Hassan. It is known that soon after the arrest of Shakro Molodoy, Rovshan Lenkoransky and Merab Sukhumsky, who was released from prison, seriously took up everyone who signed the “run” to deprive Taro of the thieves’ title. Literally a month before the death of Rovshan Lenkoransky, his henchmen seriously beat one of the signatories, thief in law Georgy Sorokin (), who unfortunately settled in Istanbul.

It is curious that, just like with Tashkentsky, supporters of Rovshan Lenkoransky were going to do with one of the main Slavic thieves in law, (Pichuga), about which they even notified the latter through word of mouth. However, all plans were ruined by the death of Lenkoransky, and in his circle there was a rumor that Pichuga had not forgiven the rebellious thief for his insolence. However, this version remained at the level of speculation.

Thief in law Alibala Hamidov, nicknamed Goja of Bakinsky

Supporters of the crime boss Alibaly Hamidov (Lotu Goja), who was killed three years earlier, could also get even with Rovshan Lenkoransky. Allegedly, one of the liquidators who sent Alibala to the next world was Lenkoransky’s regular killer. This version was supported by the fact that Alibala was an ardent enemy of Rovshan Lenkoransky and was involved in depriving him of his thief title.

It was decided to bury Rovshan Lenkoransky in his homeland. In addition to his relatives, the arrival of the coffin with the authority’s body was awaited by thousands of his fellow countrymen, who were preparing to see off the criminal “general” in last way. By the way, despite the specific activities of the thief, many residents of Lankaran were grateful to the deceased for the help they once received - the authority easily resolved conflicts and did not skimp on monetary donations. He found his last refuge near his father’s grave at the Sardykhal cemetery in his native Lenkoran.

...A year after Lenkoransky’s death, the grand opening of a monument to the thief in law took place at the churchyard: a statue in full height ordered in India and delivered in transit through Turkey by the relatives of the deceased. The decoration of the burial place of this authority is considered one of the most luxurious today.

The grave of Rovshan Lenkoransky is not only not inferior, but even surpasses the monuments of the main authorities of all former USSR- Grandfather Hassan and (Japanese).

The thieves' status of Rovshan Dzhaniev (Ravshan Lyankoransky) was called into question. The thieves did not deign to invite him to the meeting

Rovshan Dzhaniev, one of the most influential young thieves in law, according to sources, was killed tonight. The murder of Dzhaniev, who had the nickname, took place in Turkey, where the thief lived Lately. He was just near his SUV, which has registration number 90-ND-011, when he was attacked by killers.

The thief in law was returning from a meeting in one of the hotels on Barbaros Boulevard when the killers attacked. Dzhaniev received numerous bullet wounds. The driver inside the car also died along with him. First, information was received that Dzhaniev was in serious condition in a hospital in Istanbul. Then one of the relatives of the crime boss confirmed to the media that Rovshan Lenkoransky had died.

In criminal circles, they doubt that Dzhaniev killed. Some sources say that this is possibly a tactical move caused by activity in the criminal world after the arrest of Shakro Molodoy. Moreover, if we take into account the fact that there were already cases when Dzhaniev spread rumors about his alleged death.

On this moment there is no 100% information about the death of the thief in law, confirmed by official bodies. Although close relative Lenkoransky, deputy Fazail Agamaly confirmed the news of the murder: “I tried to get information. Although with difficulty, I was able to find out. It’s a shame, he was a worthy son.”

At the same time, Rovshan’s brother Namik Dzhaniev flew to Turkey from Azerbaijan. Now he is in Turkey, where he is preparing documents for the delivery of the body to Azerbaijan. Currently, preparations for the funeral are underway in Lankaran, where Lenkoransky once lived. Mourning the ceremony will take place in the Dzhanievs’ house in the Kichik Bazar quarter. He will be buried at the Sardakhli cemetery in the same block.

One of the most famous “authorities” of the Russian criminal world, who has been suspected for several years of involvement in perhaps the most notorious murder of the 21st century ( we're talking about about the reprisal against the patriarch of the post-Soviet mafia Aslan Usoyan - Ded Khasan), - Azerbaijani Rovshan Lenkoransky was killed in Turkey. This is what Istanbul newspapers write. However, members mafia groups They treated this information with distrust, because shortly before this he had already been “buried” once, and then “resurrected”. Of course, it is difficult to determine what really happened and whether it is true that Rovshan Lenkoransky was killed. Or is he still alive?

The story of a murder

This happened in the center of Istanbul, on Barbados Boulevard. A machine gun burst was heard in the night. A Range Rover stood alone in the middle of the street, and some people in masks were firing at it. The SUV had Azerbaijani license plates. After the shooting he was like a sieve. The frontal part and the right, passenger part were especially damaged.

When police arrived at the scene, the men sitting inside the car were still breathing. One (later it turned out that this was Rovshan Dzhaniev himself) was shot through the eye, and the second, the driver, had multiple wounds and died an hour after the incident. Following him, the passenger also died.

After identification, it turned out that it was the same famous and influential Rovshan Lenkoransky - “thief in law” - who was killed. But by whom and on whose order? All this needed to be found out. The work of the investigation was hampered by the fact that in the documents found on him there was another name - Aliev.


Police at the scene found a machine gun, hundreds of shell casings and two pistols. The Turkish police, who found documents in the jacket pocket of one of the men in the name of Rovshan Aliyev, a businessman of Azerbaijani origin, had no reason to think otherwise. Nevertheless, the investigation continued. Rumors soon spread that the name indicated on the passport was fictitious, and that the man with the shot eye was none other than the famous Criminal authority Rovshan Dzhaniev (Lenkoransky).

His identity was established by his friends, as well as by member of the Azerbaijani parliament Fazair Agamali. He reported that as a result of a search of Rovshan Dzhaniev’s apartment in Baku in 2013, employees of the GUPBOP of the Republic of Azerbaijan found a false passport in the name of R. Aliyev with a photograph of the “thief in law.” Now that the identity of the murdered man had been established and there was no doubt about how Rovshan Lenkoransky was killed, the police only had to find out the name of the customer.


The day after the murder, a meeting of thieves in law took place in Moscow. They, naturally, discussed the Istanbul incident. Many of them expressed doubts about the fact of the murder and death of Lenkoransky. After all, this is not the first time that he “died” and was resurrected after some time. Someone even put forward a version that he was able to survive the shootout and started the rumor about his death. It is no secret that after the murder of Ded Khasan, it was Dzhaniev who was considered the main mastermind of the murder. Naturally, the hunt has been going on for him for 3 years.


The most interesting thing about this case is that law enforcement officers do not want to connect these two murders with each other. According to their assumptions, the incident was provoked by disagreements that arose in the world of thieves after the arrest of a crime boss nicknamed “American” (aka Andrei Kochuykov).

In addition, they do not agree with the version of faking death. After all, after Rovshan Lenkoransky was killed, and information about this was leaked to the media, he flew to Istanbul brother. But this cannot be 100% proof: brothers always support each other and could come to an agreement.

Details about how Rovshan Lenkoransky was killed

Although this story is shrouded in mystery, there are several interesting facts. It turns out that a few hours before Rovshan Lenkoransky was killed, he met with other “thieves” in one of the luxury Istanbul hotels. The investigation even knows their names: Georgian authority Tsripa (Temuri Nemsitsveridze), Matevich (Roin Uglava) and Dato Churadze.

There is an assumption that Dzhaniev came to the meeting to strengthen his position in the world of thieves and take the place of Shakro Molodoy, who was imprisoned in Lefortovo a month earlier. Ravshan came to the meeting with three associates, also Azerbaijanis, who are listed as his “personal killers.”

After the meeting, he and his driver, some unknown person, who is said to be Rovshan’s classmate and a Turkish citizen, were driving in a Range Rover, and then unknown masked men blocked their road and began shooting from a submachine gun and automatic

By the way, they were followed by a car with security. However, she fell behind a little and did not come under fire. An ambulance that arrived at the scene took the wounded to the hospital. The driver died on the way, and his boss, still alive, but with a shot through his eye, was taken to intensive care. A few hours later it was announced that Rovshan Dzhaniev (Lenkoransky) had been killed.

August 18

During the investigation, several hypotheses were put forward. According to one, what happened could be connected with revenge, but not for the death of Ded Hasan, but of Alibaba Hamidov, who was killed exactly 3 years ago, on the same day. Moreover, it was assumed that the killer was Goji Bakinsky, one of Lenkoransky’s three killers.

Everyone knew that Rovshan and Alibaba were enemies. They say that Hamidov was among those who were present at his “re-coronation”, and then disseminated this information in the circles of convicts in Baku.

Brief biography of Rovshan Dzhaniev

He was born in the city of Lankaran in 1975, in the family of a policeman. When he was 17 years old, his father was killed by members of a large criminal gang. Then there was a trial, and Rovshan shot his father’s killer right in the courtroom. According to eyewitness accounts, the defendant began to threaten the Dzhaniev family and vowed to wipe them off the face of the earth. Naturally, the son of the deceased policeman was detained, but the sentence was more than lenient - 2 years in prison.

A few years after his release, Dzhaniev was again detained at the scene of the crime. This time he shot at the crime boss Karamat Mamedov. However, he survived, and Rovshan was severely beaten right next to the victim’s body. As a result, he suffered a severe head injury, which, according to those close to him, led to the development of mental illness, and he was sent for compulsory treatment.

After he left the mental hospital, in order to avoid criminal wars, he went to the Russian Federation, where he received Russian citizenship. His “coronation” took place in 2001 in Moscow. In his native Azerbaijan, he was put on the wanted list.

Rovshan Rafik oglu Dzhaniev(Azerb. Rvn Rafiq olu Cniyev; January 27, 1975 - August 18, 2016) - crime boss, thief in law, nicknamed “Rovshan Lenkoransky”.


Initial period

Rovshan Dzhaniev was born on January 27, 1975 in Azerbaijan in Lankaran in the family of a policeman. When Rovshan was 17 years old, his father was killed by representatives of one of the criminal groups operating in Azerbaijan. In 1996, his father’s killer, Rovshan Guliyev, found himself in the dock. During the court hearing, he began to threaten members of Dzhaniev’s family with violence. Rovshan Dzhaniev, who was in the courtroom, took out a pistol and shot the criminal. The court, taking into account his state of mind and taking into account his sincere repentance, sentenced Dzhaniev to two years in prison. After serving his sentence, Rovshan was released.

June 26, 2000 in Baku on the territory National Park Dzhaniev shot and seriously wounded thief in law Karamat Mamedov. He was caught and severely beaten, resulting in a traumatic brain injury and mental illness. The victim’s life was saved, and Rovshan Dzhaniev was sent for a psychiatric examination on August 4. Doctors showed that he needed compulsory treatment. In this regard, in October of the same year, the investigation was suspended, and the case was sent to the Serious Crimes Court for a decision. By court decision, Dzhaniev was subject to treatment and was sent to a psychiatric clinic. He later disappeared. In 2002, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan put Rovshan Dzhaniev on the international wanted list.

Thief in law "Rovshan Lenkoransky"

It is believed that Rovshan was crowned by the authoritative Azerbaijani thief in law Mirseymur Abdullayev (“Mirseymur”). The latter was shot dead in 2003 in the Cave cafe on Shchelkovskoye Highway. After the mysterious murders of other influential Azerbaijani thieves in law - Hikmet Mukhtarov ("Hikmet Sabirabadsky") in 2006 and Chingiz Akhundov ("Chingiz") in 2007, as well as the imprisonment of thieves in law Bakhysh Aliyev ("Vakha") and Vagif Suleymanov (“Vagif Lenkoransky”), Rovshan began to control the business of Azerbaijanis in Moscow from April 2006. In addition, he was credited with the murder in 2003 of the leader of an Azerbaijani organized crime group in St. Petersburg, Elchin Aliyev (“Elchin Yevlakhsky”), and on suspicion of this crime, Dzhaniev was arrested in December 2004 in Moscow, but he managed to escape on his own recognizance.

On February 13, 2008, Rovshan Dzhaniev was detained by law enforcement agencies in Kyiv. The Shevchenkovsky District Court of the capital chose a preventive measure for him in the form of arrest for 40 days. While he was in a pre-trial detention center awaiting extradition to Azerbaijan, where a criminal case was opened against him, the State Committee on Nationalities and Religions received a request from human rights activists to grant Dzhaniev refugee status “in connection with persecution in his homeland.” In June of the same year, Dzhaniev received asylum in Ukraine.

On December 3, 2009, employees of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Kyiv again detained Rovshan Dzhaniev. The Goloseevsky District Court of the city chose a preventive measure for him - detention for up to 40 days. On December 12, he was extradited to Azerbaijan. The prosecutor's office charged him under Art. 228.1 (illegal possession firearms and ammunition) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. On January 29, 2010, the trial against Dzhaniev opened in Baku and ended in March of the same year. The state prosecutor demanded for him a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 12 years, but the court sentenced him to 2 years and 9 months in prison, but due to the fact that this period was served by Dzhaniev during the preliminary investigation, he was released in the courtroom. Soon Dzhaniev left Azerbaijan.

Having moved to Moscow, Dzhaniev began to quickly increase his influence among Azerbaijani crime bosses. Some of them - Bakhysh Aliyev (“Vakha”), Nadir Salifov (“Lotu Gulu”), Yusif Aliyev (“Yuska Shamkirsky”), belonged to the clan of an influential representative of the criminal world, thief in law, Aslan Usoyan (“Grandfather Hassan”) . According to NEWSru, since 2009 Rovshan has been trying to oust Hassan’s Azerbaijani henchmen from the wholesale greens market in Moscow. Usoyan himself was at that time in protracted conflict with a clan of Georgian thieves in law led by the leader of the Kutaisi criminal group Tariel Oniani (“Tarot”).

The man behind the assassination attempt and possible murder of crime lord Aslan, also known as Ded Hasan, has been killed in Istanbul, Turkey. This became known on August 18. On Thursday night, on Istanbul's Barbarossa Boulevard, unknown persons fired at a Range Rover in which a businessman from Azerbaijan was traveling. The car driver and passenger were seriously injured. Turkish police in the Besiktas district of Istanbul later told Azerbaijani news site that the passenger died in hospital. The driver, according to some sources, is in intensive care with serious injuries, and according to others, he also died.

A passport bearing the name was found at the crime scene. A media source familiar with the situation said that real name the deceased passenger was Dzhaniev and that he was a famous thief in law nicknamed Rovshan Lenkoransky. Aliyev is his fictitious surname, which is confirmed by information from the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of Azerbaijan from 2013, when a search was carried out in Dzhaniev’s apartment in Baku. Then documents were discovered in the name of Rovshan Aliyev with a photograph of Dzhaniev.

Deputy of the Milli Majlis (Parliament of Azerbaijan) Fazail Agamaly, who is a relative of Rovshan Dzhaniev, confirmed the death of Lenkoransky to the Azerbaijani media. They also report that they are preparing to send the authority’s body by plane to Azerbaijan. The funeral of 41-year-old Dzhaniev will take place in the city of Lankaran.

According to the concepts of the thieves' world, Dzhaniev was considered a fairly young criminal authority.

Dzhaniev's neighbors in his hometown they say that Rovshan's brother flew to Turkey as soon as he learned about the attack. The interlocutor of the Novosti-Azerbaijan agency said that Dzhaniev was very careful person: “Even when he was in prison, he refused prison food due to possible poisoning. A retinue constantly traveled with Rovshan - mainly his own relatives, as well as relatives of the crime boss Ali Fantomas.”

The biography of Rovshan Dzhaniev could well become the basis for the script of an action-packed action movie. He was born in the Azerbaijani city of Lankaran in the family of a local policeman. B worked and dear uncle Dzhaniev, reports the Novosti-Azerbaijan agency. When the teenager turned 17, grief struck the family: representatives of a local criminal group shot his father. In 1996, his killer was arrested.

Right in the courtroom, during the hearing, Dzhaniev pulled out a pistol and dealt with his father’s killer.

Investigators and judges believed that Rovshan committed this crime because of difficult mental experiences, so he was sentenced to only two years in prison. The convict served this sentence in full. Upon his release, Dzhaniev came into conflict with the Azerbaijani criminal leader Karat Mamedov and seriously wounded him with a pistol. Mamedov’s acquaintances then tracked down and severely beat Dzhaniev, as a result of which he received a traumatic brain injury and began to suffer from mental illness. Later, the court ordered compulsory treatment for him, but Dzhaniev disappeared from the hospital and disappeared from the information field for some time.

They heard about him a few years later, when Rovshan had already received the nickname Lenkoransky and the status of “thief in law.” In 2003, after the murder of a number of leaders of the Azerbaijani underworld, Dzhaniev began to control a significant part of their business in the Russian capital. In his area of ​​interest, according to data The media included control over the trade in greens, vegetables and fruits in Moscow markets. Lenkoransky was repeatedly detained on the territory of Russia and Ukraine, but each time he managed to either be released immediately or do so much faster than expected. Once he was extradited from Kyiv to Baku on suspicion of murder, but there the court sentenced him not to 12 years in prison, as the state prosecutor requested, but to only two years and nine months.

In 2010, Rovshan Dzhaniev’s influence among Azerbaijani authorities in Moscow increased. For the right to control them, he entered into a fight with the powerful thief in law Aslan Usoyan, also known as Ded Hasan. Since 2009, Lenkoransky has been trying to oust Ded Hassan’s people from a number of wholesale markets in Moscow, but Usoyan categorically disagreed with this.

They failed to reach an agreement, and a real war began between the two criminal leaders.

In September 2010, Dzhaniev’s man, Vagif Tukanov, was killed. Two weeks later, on September 16, an attempt was made on Usoyan himself in Moscow. On Tverskaya Street, the attacker shot the authority figure several times with single shots from a Kalashnikov assault rifle when his victim entered the entrance. 72-year-old Ded Khasan was then taken to the Botkin hospital.

Dzhaniev was on his way from Moscow to Kyiv during these events. At the railway station of the Ukrainian capital, he was detained by police. According to the head of the Kyiv Organized Crime Control Department, during the inspection at Lenkoransky, three fake passports were discovered: the first and second (foreign passports) in the name of a non-existent citizen of Ukraine and the third - a citizen of Azerbaijan under a different name.

Usoyan said at one of the gatherings of criminal leaders that the attempt on his life was ordered by Rovshan Dzhaniev,

and his trip to Ukraine at that moment was an attempt to provide himself with an alibi.

Two years later, an attempt was made on Dzhaniev’s life in Dubai. With three stab wounds he was taken to intensive care. Upon leaving the hospital, they tried to kill him again, and again failed. In the same year, a message (“malyava”), signed and distributed throughout the colonies by more than 30 “thieves in law” (including ten Azerbaijani) from the Usoyan clan, circulated in the criminal environment, according to which Rovshan Dzhaniev was deprived of the status of “thief in law” .

In October 2013, Azerbaijani thief in law Bakhish Aliyev (Vakho), who is one of Ded Hasan’s supporters among the Azerbaijani criminal environment, was detained in Ukraine. At his request, he was extradited to Turkey. However, according to media reports, in Istanbul he encountered Dzhaniev’s people, who at the end of 2012 beat him almost to the point of unconsciousness. Aliyev had to renounce his decision regarding Dzhaniev’s non-thief status and recognize his current status as a “thief in law.” In January 2013, Usoyan was killed in Moscow as a result of another assassination attempt.

Already in February 2013, Turkish newspapers wrote that another attempt had been made on Rovshan Lenkoransky and that he was in one of the Istanbul hospitals in critical condition. Cousins Dzhanieva, in a conversation with journalists, then stated that the information about their relative’s condition did not correspond to reality and that he had nothing to do with the murder of Aslan Usoyan.

However, representatives of Ded Hassan’s clan openly claimed that they were hunting for Dzhaniev.

However, as the media later learned, the leaders of one of the Chechen groups, as well as people from an Azerbaijani criminal group that had a long-standing conflict with Dzhaniev, decided to eliminate him.

It is noteworthy that three years ago on the same day in the same place - Barbarossa Boulevard in Istanbul - another Azerbaijani crime boss, 40-year-old thief in law Alibala Hamidov, also known as Goja Bakinsky, was killed. At the same time, both Gamidov and Dzhaniev were at enmity with Ded Hasan’s group.
