What awaits the snake in the year of the fiery rooster.

Svetlana Rozhenko

At first, it may seem to the Snake that the cocky owner of the year treats her with coolness, but this is only an illusion. The Rooster will just look closely at his scaly ward for some time, and then, having discerned her wisdom and tact, he will shower her with gifts from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. Curious what changes await the Snake in 2017 for the Rooster? Horoscope to help!

Love and family: horoscope for 2017 for the Snake

Sensing the first rays of the April sun, single Snakes will rise on their tails and begin to perform a bewitching dance of love, hypnotizing all members of the opposite sex without exception. Or rather, the asps will have the opportunity to conquer and rule, since 2017 will endow them with truly irresistible charm, but not every Snake will take advantage of this. And he will do the right thing! It is better for reptiles not to waste themselves on random relationships, but to patiently wait for real feeling. But wait actively - travel, go to exhibitions and movies, make dates. Give the Rooster more chances to push you into your future Destiny.

True, the Serpent who is lucky enough to meet his love will face a fly in the ointment in the form of disapproval from his relatives. Use your inherent diplomatic skills and be patient: sooner or later your loved ones will recognize your choice as the right one.

Peace and idyll await family reptiles, provided that they do not spare warmth for their partner. Respond to your spouse’s calls for help, listen to the advice of your significant other, and discuss emerging problems gently and in a timely manner. It is especially important to maintain harmony in the second half of the year, when the hearth begins to sparkle and crackle from quarrels breaking out out of nowhere. Don't be tempted to rip off your satellite nervous tension, and the Rooster will bring your couple even closer.

It is very important for parents to try to establish trusting relationships with their children, otherwise their offspring will bring them a lot of grief this year.

For Snakes, eager to crawl to the top of their careers, the best time to prove themselves will come in January and will last throughout the first third of the year. The partners will not let you down, things will get better, and any fall, if it happens, will lead to a new take-off. Keep in mind that without a timely friendly shoulder, you will have a hard time, so do not waste time creating friendly relations with colleagues. But don’t try to be too frank! Be nice and friendly to everyone... and don't get into the thick of things. Calmly hone your skills and confidently crawl towards your goal.

IN financially The year is very promising - you will be able to afford not only bread and butter, but also caviar. Do not be afraid from time to time to moderately indulge yourself with unreasonable, but such pleasant excesses. You need to increase your capital, not squander it. In August, a period of successful investments will begin and... a time of increased risk of falling for scammers. Invest money only after consulting with a person whose opinion you trust.

  • Try not to change your job. It will be difficult for you to establish yourself in a new team in 2017.
  • Don't lend. Is there an opportunity to help a friend or relative in need? Do it for free. Shocked by your generosity, the Rooster will return everything in full.
  • In the summer, pay attention to your well-being. Significant problems is not expected, but prevention will not hurt.

Snakes should remember: “Everything that is done is for the better.” If some projects fall through and your friends disappear from your horizon, it means you didn’t really need them. It is Fate that is actively clearing a place for happiness in your life.

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Many Snakes will be able to look at the world, look at it with a fresh look, free from old illusions and childish naivety, and clearly see what is happening in reality, grasp true essence what's happening. The new perception will allow them to make only smart decisions based on a solid foundation.

The Snake should prepare in advance for one thing - the need to somehow come to terms with the expectations and energy of this year’s patron. Already in the very first months, the Snake will have to roll up his sleeves, gather his thoughts and activate all his strength and resources before the start of the battle! At first, there will be few reasons for joy in the Snake’s life, because the atmosphere of this year will seem unusual to her. Everything will be new and unfamiliar to her, and because of this, she may make a lot of rookie mistakes. But very little time will pass, and the Snake will quickly adapt to the new circumstances created by the Fire Rooster; she will be freed and able to enjoy the ease of being, truly enjoying life.

This year, some people in your social circle will turn out to be real Judases, and you will break off relations with them. At first glance, it may seem that only negative events occur in the life of the Snake - betrayal of friends, dismissal from work, forced need to study, etc. However, in fact, everything is for the better: your treacherous friends actually prevented you from developing and stood in your way to prosperity, your job had no future and did not give you a chance for a comfortable existence, and education and new knowledge will help you achieve outstanding results in some other areas of activity will allow you to discover new talents in yourself and hone the abilities that Fate endowed you with at birth.

No doubt, this year you will have to go through several turning points, which can be both pleasant and painful - but in the end it will be much easier than leaving everything as is and continuing to carry this heavy burden on your fragile shoulders. Not only Snakes, but also representatives of all other signs from time to time have to do general cleaning in your life, get rid of bad habits, say goodbye to those people who no longer need you, quit your job old job for a new, promising position with more high salary, look for new acquaintances and make new friends, expand your circle of friends and visit new cities and countries. It is quite difficult to adapt to changes and let them into your life, but the degree of depth and breadth of our life depends on these changes. Snakes must remember that life is dynamic. It cannot constantly remain in a state of stagnation - it is simply impossible. The passage of time cannot be stopped, and every second a person either moves forward or retreats back - there is no other way.

Radical changes in the life of the Snake will begin from the very first day of the reign of the Fire Rooster. That is why representatives of this sign should show more attention to the feelings and desires of close friends and relatives who give them support. Work, many different events, new friends and travel, business trips and everyday routine - all this can have a bad effect on the atmosphere in the Snake family. Snakes should show more condescension and tolerance towards people living under the same roof with them. Indifference is inappropriate here - show care and do your best possible efforts to play an active role in resolving family problems. From time to time it is worth surprising your loved ones with small gifts. This strategy will not only strengthen your relationships with your loved ones, but will also allow you to gain confidence that your loved ones will always support you. Moreover, timely advice from family members will be useful in business - it will help Snakes make an important decision at the right time.

Lonely Snakes should not impose their company on members of the opposite sex simply to avoid loneliness. This year's patron, the Rooster, will gradually and smoothly deal with this problem - already in the second half of the year the Snakes will meet their fate. Do not forget that you will have to put in effort in order to achieve something in the end, and what just falls into your hands, as a rule, does not have much value. That is, if you want to meet a decent and decent partner, you yourself must become decent and decent - work on yourself, on your manners and habits, etc. and so on.

But if you don’t want to change anything about yourself, or you’re simply lazy, you shouldn’t expect your handsome prince or princess to appear next to you. You will most likely attract people with the same flaws, and you will have a hard time in these relationships - much harder than you would have if you were alone. That is why you should not be lazy - make an effort and work on your mistakes and weaknesses so as not to meet them in your potential life partner.

Homebodies must remember that when partners are constantly together 24/7, their relationship can become boring and stale, and the foundation of the relationship can crack. In order to avoid breakups and constant quarrels, it would be better to at least sometimes rest and spend free time apart. No, you shouldn’t go crazy and go all out, but still, every person needs personal space - he has the right to his own opinion, his own hobbies and his own friends. Only in this case will your partner remain an interesting person with whom there is something to talk about.

The professional side of the Snake’s life this year will be quite contradictory and eventful. She will have to work hard, take full responsibility and at the same time do everything right, because further development depends on the results of this work. People born in the year of the Snake are intellectual and smart, they are distinguished by wisdom and balance, and also have outstanding communication skills. Snakes are incredibly sociable and at the same time cunning and capable of deception. That is why in the year of the Rooster they can expect special success in such fields as science, economics, medicine, sociology and politics. Representatives of creative professions can expect increased inspiration and increased energy levels, which will activate their creative potential and push them to find new original solutions. New opportunities, support, luck and favor of the Rooster - all these factors will be needed by the Snake in order to achieve its goals and bring all its plans to life. She will have to put all these pieces together and put them into practice. Yes, of course, she will have to work hard, but the results of this work will amaze the imagination!

Year of the Rooster for the Snake (Chinese horoscope)

Born 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989 and 2001

In the Year of the Rooster 2017, everyone born in the Year of the Snake will go through the completion of a cycle. The processes will also affect professional activity, and personal life. The circumstances of this period will be such that the Snakes will have to close projects and end relationships. In this case, everything will proceed against the backdrop of the most severe saving of internal energy. In other words, Snakes will not fuss to continue or restore some process, even if they potentially have the strength and time for this. Personal connections will freeze at the point of change, they will be re-evaluated to end or go to new round development.

Business interests in 2017 will be in the zone of building and adjusting long-term plans. Regardless of the state of current activities, which may go on as usual, Snakes will work on mistakes and try to cope with their weaknesses. It is curious that this work will become spontaneous, often not fully realized. This is how the energy of the year will influence the Snake. The result may be mastery of the method strategic planning for the long term, as well as the inclusion of new knowledge and skills in the professional baggage. Those whose work activities are commercial in nature will have a lot of attractive opportunities to organize throughout the year. own business or on building a personal sales policy. Those engaged in scientific and research activities will be busy from February to July analyzing their intermediate results. The findings will delight you and force you to begin reorienting the entire search process to operate in new conditions. The Year of the Rooster will be for everyone without exception. favorable period for meetings with investors, sponsors, business partners. Activity in this area will help you find common ground, convince and attract people to your side. In the fall, the time will come to equalize relations in the work team with colleagues and subordinates. The Snakes will need to make efforts to form a team for their upcoming projects. The results of this work will be highly appreciated at the end of the year.

Material wealth will be under threat in mid-2017. This period It will begin with the fact that the Snakes will have to make a difficult decision: to pay off their debts or agree on their restructuring. Both options will seem reasonable and will cause the Snakes many unpleasant moments until they make their final choice. In the first half of the year, the Snakes will find themselves in a situation where they will urgently need free money. In May-June they will face unexpected expenses. To avoid hopeless and delicate situations, Snakes are simply obliged to clearly control the state of their financial affairs and not take on new financial obligations, no matter how they are rushed into making a decision and no matter how many mountains of gold they are promised. Circumstances will become clearer at the end of July. It is at this time that the Snakes will clearly see their future and will be able to calmly plan the upcoming budget. Almost everyone will find expense items that can be reduced or eliminated altogether. Some will have to change their place of residence, the rest will receive an offer in December new job with the prospect of an increase in salary.

Health in 2017 The Snake will not let you down. Throughout the entire period, they will recover incredibly easily. Especially if they forget about the risks and do not do frivolous things. From April to June inclusive, there is a high probability of myositis and sprains, you should avoid drafts and temporarily abandon the beautiful, but uncomfortable shoes. Athletes can rely on their will to win. It is this feeling that will help them concentrate and not make mistakes in the process of preparing for competitions. It is important to direct your energy in the right direction, and this will definitely lead to the reward you were hoping for. The stars will support all justified risks, especially from August to October. True, this statement does not apply to illegal actions. Although doping will not be detected during testing, the result of its use will be exactly the opposite of the expected result. In general, regardless of the state of fitness of the body, all Snakes tend to be cautious about what can affect their health. However, potential dangers cannot be completely avoided. In 2017, overexertion, stress, and accidental injuries are possible. The Snakes will be able to fully recover only in November-December. True, only if they do not put too much strain on the liver. From strong alcohol, fatty foods and some medicines during this period it is best to refuse.

In the year of the Rooster, Snakes will be able to keep their emotions under control, and this will help them understand a lot about themselves and those around them. The circumstances of the year will be such that the Snakes, perhaps with surprise, will understand what they are really capable of for the sake of their goal. Friends and colleagues will be delighted and shocked. Many will say that the Snakes managed to jump in over their heads. Against the backdrop of external achievements, they themselves will feel weak and unprotected in the face of the vicissitudes of fate. For this reason, they will seek protection in the family, especially in the period from February to July. And if it is necessary to carry out some radical transformations in order to create emotional security, Snakes will do anything to protect their rear. This will be the time to face the truth, and none of the Snakes will look away.

Year of the Snake (by element of year of birth)

Green Snake (element of the year Wood) - 1965
Red Snake (element of the year Fire) - 1917, 1977
Yellow Snake (element of the year Earth) - 1929, 1989
White Snake (element of the year Metal) - 1941, 2001
Black Snake (element of the year Water) - 1953, 2013

Year of the Monkey for the Snake (1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

For the Snake, as for most signs of the eastern zodiac system, 2017 will be the year of the Rooster. turning point in life, because in these twelve calendar months a whole series of events will occur, a combination of circumstances that will radically affect how things will turn out future life representatives of your zodiac sign. In general, although the changes in life will be drastic, they will be of an exclusively positive and positive nature. Many Snakes will be able to look at the world around them in a new way, without previous illusions and childish naivety; they will clearly see only real and truly existing things, and accordingly, the decisions they make will be justified and appropriate.

The only thing the Snake should prepare for in advance is to come to terms with the demandingness and energy of the Rooster, the patron saint of this year, since from the first months the Snake will have to strain itself, gather its thoughts and strength, and go into battle! At first, there will be little to please the representatives of your Chinese horoscope sign, because for the Snake everything will be a wonder, everything new, unknown, and hence numerous mistakes due to inexperience. But very little time will pass before the Snake quickly adapts to new circumstances, adapts to the conditions that the Rooster will create, and will already live freely and at ease and enjoy its life.

In the year of the Rooster from your close circle Several people will leave who will turn out to be Judases. At first glance, it will seem that all the events that happen in life in the Snake have some kind of negative connotation - friends betrayed, fired from work, forced to study, and the like. But in the end, everything looks completely wrong - traitorous friends interfered with your development and prosperity, the work was unpromising and took away the chance for comfortable existence, and new knowledge and training will help you achieve excellent results in a completely different direction, discover new talents and polish the abilities that fate awarded you at birth.

Of course, turning points will need to be experienced, perhaps it will be unpleasant, painful, but, in the end, much easier than leaving everything as it is and carrying this burden on your fragile shoulders. Every person, and not just the Snake, needs from time to time to carry out general cleaning in his life - to eradicate bad habits, let go of unnecessary people, give up your usual job in favor of a more promising and higher paid one, look for and make new acquaintances, friendships, expand your social circle and the number of picturesque places you have visited. It is very difficult to tune in to changes and let them into your life, but the depth and width depend on this life path. Snakes should remember that life is dynamics. There is no static in it and cannot be. Time runs inexorably, so every second a person either moves forward or rolls back. There is no third one, unfortunately.

The life of the Snake will begin to radically transform from the first days of the reign of the Rooster. Therefore, representatives of your sign should be more attentive to the feelings and desires of their family and friends who provide support. Work, a series of events, new friends, acquaintances, business trips, routine, all this can affect relationships in the Snake family in a negative way in the best possible way. Therefore, the Snake should be more lenient, caring, and not indifferent to its household members, try to take an active part in solving household issues, and from time to time surprise and delight with small gifts and surprises. This behavior will not only maintain strong relationships with people you love and hold dear to your heart, but will also allow you to acquire a reliable support group. Moreover, many important business decisions will be made in a timely and correct manner solely thanks to participation in this process family members.

Lonely Snakes should not impose their company on representatives of the opposite sex just to escape from loneliness. The Rooster, patronizing this year, will successfully resolve your problem and the Snakes will meet their fate in the first half of the year. Do not forget that in order to have something, you need to put a lot of effort into it. And what falls into your hands, as a rule, is of no value. Therefore, if you want to see a worthy person next to you, become one yourself, work on yourself, your manners, speech, habits. But if it is very difficult for you to re-educate yourself, or you are simply lazy, then you should not count on the fact that the person of your dreams will be nearby. Most likely, you will only attract people who have the same flaws as you. And in such a relationship it will be twice as difficult as in splendid isolation. Therefore, do not be lazy and try to work on your mistakes and shortcomings in order to exclude the presence of such in your potential life partner.

Homebodies should remember that relationships can become stale, gloomy and shaky. This can be a consequence of constantly being in each other's company. To avoid divorce and quarrels, it is better to prefer relaxation or spending time separately from each other. This does not mean that you should go to great lengths, but each person should have his own personal space, his own opinion, his own hobbies and his own friends. Only then will he be an individual and simply an interesting person with whom there is something to talk about.

The professional side of the Snake’s life will be quite varied and eventful. There is a large amount of work to be done, and to be done correctly, accurately, and with full responsibility. Further developments will depend on the results of this work. Snakes are intelligent, wise, balanced people who are distinguished by increased sociability, sociability and resourcefulness. Therefore, the year of the Rooster for the Snake will be the most successful in such areas as science, economics, medical practice, sociology and politics. Representatives of creative professions during this period will experience a surge of inspiration and energy, which they will embody in their creativity and in search of creative solutions. The Snake will have everything it needs to achieve its goals and realize its plans - opportunities, support, luck, and the favorable disposition of the Rooster. The snake just needs to put it all together and put it into practice. Yes, of course you will have to work hard, but the results will be amazing!

Along with the horoscope for the year of the Rooster 2017 for the Snake, the site provides information about the Chinese horoscope sign Snake with detailed description and the characteristics of this sign in Eastern astrology.

People born in the year of the Snake are wise and sometimes mysterious. They strive for better life, have exquisite taste and a subtle sense of humor. They know their worth and sometimes look down on others a little. They are sociable, open, incredibly interesting conversationalists.

Those around them get the impression that Snakes know everything, that they have vast life experience. But the Snakes themselves are rarely interested in other people’s opinions. 2018 will be a busy year for the Snake, full of various interesting events. However, feelings of self-doubt and anxiety will accompany this eastern calendar sign.

High self-esteem often becomes the cause of various problems in both men and women - Snakes. You should not be dismissive of advice from others. Among your friends there will definitely be people who are no less smart and thoughtful. But Snakes are stubborn and most often act as they see fit. Snakes are great friends. They will always support and listen loved one, at any time of the day they will come to the rescue.

Year for women

What will the Year of the Dog be like for those born in the Year of the Snake? Chinese horoscope for 2018 promises that the year of the Dog for Snakes - women will be full of a variety of events. You will have to work hard and work hard to achieve what you want. You will often doubt the correctness of your actions - this applies to your personal life, professional activities, and finances. The snake should not lose confidence in its abilities and remain wise in everything.

For Snake lovers in 2018, times may come when doubts arise regarding the “second half”. Those who are building a career may face obstacles along the way. In the Year of the Dog, conflicts with children are possible in the family due to differences of opinion. Don't be upset if you can't sort everything out right away. The main thing is to analyze each situation and accept right decisions. Don't neglect the opinions of your loved ones. Remember that they also always want to support you and help you in a given situation.

In 2018, the female Snake also expects many pleasant surprises, new things, have a nice meeting, dating interesting men. However, be careful and pay attention to the behavior of your new acquaintances. If you notice that something is wrong in a man, then do not neglect your inner voice. The horoscope for 2018 advises Snakes to trust their hearts and their intuition.

For men

The horoscope for 2018 advises Snakes not to be afraid to turn to friends for help. Continue to dream, make plans for the future and, of course, do everything to ensure that they come true. In 2018, Snake men will have to put aside their arrogance and learn to listen to other people.

For Snakes, this is exactly the period when you can begin to change and look at the world around you more simply. You shouldn’t be scattered and strive to make absolutely all your dreams come true. Clearly set your priorities, decide what is more important to you, and start from there. Walk towards your goal slowly, without haste. Having achieved it, move on to the next one.

The eastern horoscope for Snakes for 2018 advises men to be more attentive to signs and symbols. Perhaps the Dog wants to tell you something. And don’t let difficulties stop you. Feel free to solve the problem, think, consult with loved ones. You are strong enough and a wise man and be sure to cope with any obstacle that comes your way.

Love horoscope

The horoscope for 2018 for the Snake reports that in terms of love, the year of the Dog will be very eventful. Representatives of this sign must be vigilant and careful when communicating with unfamiliar people. Perhaps among them there will be someone who wants to deceive you or harm you in some way. Try to meet people with whom you have mutual acquaintances. Make inquiries, ask what the representative of the opposite sex you like is doing.

In family Snakes, conflicts with their spouse may become more frequent. But wisdom, restraint and the ability to control the situation will be your best helpers in such situations. Snakes should make compromises, avoid sharp corners, take into account their loved one, and then your relationship will definitely improve. Remember better times that connect you with your spouse, how you met, first kisses, romantic moments... They always help you forget everything negative.

The horoscope for 2018 advises women born in the year of the Snake to take a break from themselves and think about their loved one. If before this you received more than you gave, then try to change your behavior. In 2018, Snakes should try to pay more attention to their loved one and do something nice for them. Consider his opinion, consult with him. This is very important for a man. He should feel strong, smart and needed by you.

If Snake women like a man who is not free at this stage (he has a wife or fiancee), they should refuse active actions. Let him figure out his relationship on his own. If you are so fired up with desire that you cannot do anything about it and still take him away from the family, then perhaps in the future you will suffer the same fate as your current rival. In such a situation, Snakes should avoid unfree men.

Single men - Snakes can be sure that there will be a lot waiting for them in 2018 interesting meetings, one of which may become decisive. There are high chances that Snakes will be able to meet the main person in their lives and strong feelings will flare up between them.

In 2018, Snakes are not recommended to interfere in the personal lives of their friends. Don't force your opinion on them, it could have a bad effect on your relationship. Just calmly and without categorical expression express your point of view. Men born under the symbol of the Snake are very sensual, romantic and passionate. For them, love occupies the most important place in life. But character, arrogance, and excessive self-confidence sometimes become the cause of quarrels and conflicts between lovers. The Snake horoscope for 2018 advises you to take your personal life seriously and preserve love at all costs.

In 2018, you should not commit rash and frivolous actions. Don't let resentment control you. Analyze the situation and only then make decisions and draw conclusions. In the year of the Dog everything possible troubles will occur mainly through the fault of the Snake itself. The main causes of all problems for Snakes in 2018 will be:

  • Conceit.
  • Inability to compromise.
  • Reluctance to listen to other people's advice.
  • The desire to do everything your own way.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Selfishness.

Financial horoscope

The financial horoscope recommends reconsidering the things you have started and clearly thinking through the plan that the Snake has outlined for 2018. You shouldn’t make serious decisions hastily and quickly agree to even the most profitable offer until you are 100% sure that you really need it. Consult with competent people and trust their professionalism. In 2018, in money matters, Snakes should not rely only on their mind and intuition.

The 2018 horoscope predicts that a busy period awaits you from January to June. You will be busy, some financial difficulties are possible. But the second half of the year will be quite successful. You may receive a large sum of money. Be more economical, spend your savings only on those things that you really need and will be useful. In the Year of the Dog, you will have a great opportunity to finally pay off your debts.

People born in the year of the Snake usually have a very smart and rational approach to financial affairs. But many temptations await you, so be vigilant and careful in your decisions. Handle money carefully. Invest them wisely. Do not let others know about your affairs, do not tell them about your achievements. Only you and the people closest to you should know about your plans and ideas.

Work horoscope

The work horoscope for Snakes in 2018 does not recommend that they change their place of work. Try to prove yourself to your current boss with the best side. If you use a creative approach wisely and approach your work with great responsibility, then perhaps you will have a chance to advance in your career. If you go with the flow and wait for others to do everything for you, then don’t expect much change.

The Snake in the year of the Dog must be active, purposeful and know exactly what it wants and what it strives for. During the working day, perform your functions as much as possible, do not be distracted by trifles. Be bolder in 2018. If you have any doubts or difficulties, do not hesitate to seek help or advice from your colleagues. Use your full potential, be creative in solving any problem, be extraordinary. Your boss will certainly appreciate this and will keep in mind your active participation in work in the future.

The forecast for 2018 tells the Snakes that there is no need to rush to accept serious offers. Perhaps you have been wanting to open your own business for a long time. In the Year of the Dog, be extremely careful and vigilant. Before doing anything, Snakes should consult with competent people who will guide you in the right direction and help you draw up a business plan.

Chat with your colleagues, save with them a good relationship, avoid conflicts, make concessions, be positive and pleasant interlocutors. Don't expect easy money in 2018. Only those who work and earn honest work, will receive from yellow dog approval and praise.

Health horoscope

The Year of the Dog will be quite favorable for Snakes in terms of health. You will feel good, almost nothing will bother you. You will get rid of existing ailments and will be full of vital energy. The horoscope for 2018 only recommends that Snakes monitor their diet and include only healthy foods, do not abuse fatty and spicy foods. Strengthen your immunity. Visit the gym, buy yourself a pool membership. Lead healthy image life.

The health horoscope for Snakes promises that if you eat right, eat foods rich in nutrients and vitamins, then even in the coldest time of the year you will be able to avoid colds. Despite the fact that astrologers recommend Snakes to work hard, do not forget that you should take time to rest. There is a time for everything, and if you can set up a routine correctly, you will be less overtired.

Forecast for all zodiac signs

What does the Year of the Dog have in store for all zodiac signs born in the Year of the Snake?


For Aries, the Year of the Dog will be very successful. They will always be lucky. They will enjoy success with the opposite sex. Aries - Snakes will be able to pay off debts. There will be a great chance to advance in your career. Representatives of this zodiac sign, born in the year of the Dog, will always and everywhere be welcome. If there is any uncertainty in your life, let go of the situation, do not rush things. Everything will work out on its own. 2018 will be favorable time for the birth of a child.


For a representative of this zodiac sign, the Year of the Dog will be successful in money matters. Financial difficulties will be left behind. The horoscope for 2018 states that Taurus will have success in their professional activities. However, astrologers recommend not to be arrogant and to brag less about your achievements. Keep everything to yourself and don’t let everyone in on your personal life. Try to spend your money wisely.


For Gemini, the Year of the Dog promises to be eventful and complete. happy events. Many pleasant surprises await representatives of this zodiac sign. Astrologers advise Geminis to be more active at work, take initiative and fulfill all their duties responsibly. This is important in order to avoid conflicts and dissatisfaction on the part of superiors.


In 2018, this zodiac sign will have a chance to finally relax. The Cancer woman worked hard enough all the time last year and was pretty tired, both physically and mentally. Don’t spare money on yourself, give yourself gifts, buy what you’ve been dreaming about for a long time. In terms of love, Snakes are recommended to pay more attention to their beloved, pamper him and arrange romantic evenings. This will strengthen your relationship and add sparkle to it.

a lion

For Snakes - Leo, 2018 will be a happy year. The dog will support them everywhere and in everything. Luck and success will accompany Leos everywhere: at work, in business, and in their personal lives. If you have been single until now, then in the year of the Dog you can meet the one and only one. If you have a loved one, then your relationship will become stronger and reach a more serious level.


Snakes - Virgos will have good luck throughout 2018, although there will be downturns. Remember that any trouble is only a temporary phenomenon. Be more energetic, active and positive. Spend more time with your loved ones, do something nice for them. In relationships, try to give more than you receive. The Year of the Dog will be a favorable period for you to renew your relationship. If you have previously been in a quarrel with a loved one, but want to return to communication with him, then do not be afraid to take the initiative and compromise.


For Snakes - Libra, 2018 will be favorable financially. You will have the opportunity to implement cherished dream and buy what you have long dreamed of. It could be an apartment, a house, country cottage area. You are used to working hard, and this is a big plus. However, do not forget about your family and friends. Pay attention to them, spend more time with your children.


Astrologers advise Snakes - Scorpios not to be afraid of financial difficulties and possible failures in their personal lives. Be careful with people you don’t know well, don’t let them in on your plans, and don’t lend them money large sums money. In 2018, Scorpios should not spend money left and right. Be more economical and buy only the things you need. You will be luckier in love: you will be successful with men and, perhaps, get married.


Snakes - Sagittarius in 2018 should be more responsible at work. Don't rely on someone else to do your work for you. Don't look for easy ways and avoid taking part in adventures. IN family life compromise and try to give in to your loved ones. Don't be too selfish. In your personal life, everything will take its course. A lot will depend on you. Before making big decisions, think twice. The horoscope for 2018 advises Snakes to listen to their inner voice.


The horoscope for 2018 promises that in the year of the Dog the Snake will often be in the spotlight. You will enjoy incredible success with the opposite sex, and people will often confess their love to you. But don't forget about your responsibilities. Remember that there is a time for everything. Make time for work, friends, family members. Lead active image life. If you still haven’t met your “soulmate,” then most likely 2018 has a pleasant surprise in store for you.


The horoscope for 2018 advises Snake-Pisces to try to be more sociable and open. Don't be afraid of new meetings and acquaintances. Go on dates, spend more time with friends. The Year of the Dog will be very successful and successful for you. Everything will be stable at work. Your health will not bother you, you will feel good all year. On a personal level, it is possible to meet the main person in your life. How your relationship turns out in 2018 will depend on both of you. Author: Irina Polesova
