Flower by date of birth and year. Smart as a daisy: the most accurate flower horoscope

Flowers one of the oldest ways self-knowledge, because they were always much closer than the stars. Ancient people were attracted not only by the healing properties of plants, but also by their ability to influence human destiny. Find out under the auspices of which flower you were born and what it can tell about your character.

If you were born:

This mysterious flower is a symbol of warmth; it grows in mountain meadows. A person born under this flower is distinguished by diligence and hard work. Such people rarely have conflicts with their superiors; they are loved for their modesty and diligence.

These are sympathetic and kind people, always ready to help, they are wonderful friends who are always appreciated.

Thistles are positive people and great friends and spouses. Excellent workers who never stop there, often simply forgetting about rest. Such zeal can have consequences; people born under this sign often suffer from hypertension. They are eager to show themselves and put other people’s work on their shoulders, the whole point is that sometimes thistles are simply not noticed.

Immortelle has an amazing amount of vitality and energy. Such people are ready for difficulties and overcoming them, they never lose heart, and are able to support those around them. They can start from scratch and rise very high. People born at this time are particularly elegant, they have a subtle sense of style, and always follow fashion.

People born at this time are very refined in nature, they demand the best and value comfort. When choosing between work and play, mistletoe will prefer relaxation. They have a lot of fans and fans, these are real heart conquerors. Mistletoe women find it difficult to make friends because she is perceived as a rival, the problem is that she has no equal. People born under this sign should play sports, this is a way to maintain health and protect themselves from bad habits.

Bellesses are rebellious natures, it is difficult to approach them, and winning a belladonna woman is an extremely difficult matter. Men born under this sign are very hardworking and, as a rule, very wealthy. People of this flower usually create strong families, but sometimes in pursuit of a career they destroy relationships with their loved ones.

Extremely vulnerable individuals. Mimosa is always haunted by the feeling that their work has been underestimated as it should be. In order to receive an assessment that seems adequate to them, they are ready to devote themselves entirely to work. But often, instead of rewards, they get health problems.

Once caught in a poppy network, it is almost impossible to get out of them. Unpretentious and bright, poppy can surround itself with like-minded people, becoming informal leader and set the tone for absolutely everything. People born at this time love to enjoy life, they should be careful with gambling.

These are mysterious and sophisticated personalities. Lilies love flirting, they are unusual and different every time. There are many conflicting rumors around them, most often the reason for this is their secrecy.

Nondescript flowers bear little resemblance to people born at this time, because their main qualities are determination and perseverance. They are able to find a way out of the most hopeless situations. Those born under this flower often experience stress, which can lead to chronic headaches.

The main feature of magnolia is the desire to be first in everything, but the desired result is difficult to achieve if you do not listen to the opinions of others. They love to work and know their worth. They are very selective when communicating with people; they often seek to meet only the right people.

The man is a hydrangea, with a broad nature, you can meet him at a holiday or a noisy party. These are generous and generous people who have a huge number of friends and acquaintances. They have good health, but they should monitor their eyesight.

Dahlia is highly dependent on its environment; sometimes people think that two personalities coexist in it. Almost always these are talented and gifted people, but no one may even know about it. If things are going badly for dahlias, then you should stay away from them, they do not accept help and often react aggressively.

These people combine excellent qualities, spiritual beauty and an inquisitive mind. But they are too gullible and naive; scammers often take advantage of this. At the same time, success awaits lilies of the valley in their career.

People with a complex character are too suspicious and distrustful. But at the same time, these are all vulnerable and sensual natures. They are always waiting for a trick even from those closest to them, but in fact they need their protection.

It is difficult to decipher whether daisies are indifferent or in love. These are cunning natures, capable of manipulating people, even using other people's secrets to do this. Most of all, chamomile is afraid of loneliness and tries to surround itself with people.

People born at this time are wonderful spouses, their families are strong and friendly. What they value most in life is support and reliability. The bell must carefully monitor its health and not neglect the advice of doctors.

At heart these people are bold romantics, ready to travel, but in life they are often quiet people who prefer to stay at home. The life of people born under this sign is stable, it is characterized by simplicity and tranquility.

Tulip men are very loving, they are real heartthrobs. Women are energetic and have high self-esteem. People born at this time value freedom most of all, they are open and truthful. Relationships with them are often not easy.

Water lilies are distinguished by tolerance, they are tolerant of people and simple-minded, they have many completely different friends. Not everything works out in life, but they never lose heart. The main thing for them is family, there should be a lot of children, the water lily has enough patience for everyone.

The violet person is very friendly, his main quality is kindness. This good friend and a partner, you can rely on him, he will not let you down. Violet has difficulty getting along with people and is difficult to influence; she always goes her own way.

Initially, it seems that it is impossible to approach the rosehip, it may seem harsh and even aggressive, but this is not so, all these “thorns” are needed only for self-defense. And only close people know the real him. Rosehip people are distinguished by good health; they rarely go to doctors.

Always move forward and never look back is the motto of people born in early August. The sunflower has something to tell about itself, but there is something for a friend useful advice. People born under the symbol of this flower are predictable, they think soberly and set themselves only feasible tasks.

Rose is the queen of flowers, and a person born at this time strives to be the first in everything. Intrigues are being woven against her, they want to move her from her intended path, but as a rule, no one succeeds. If you offend a rose, you will have to face “thorns”; it can hurt both in word and deed.

The delphinium person is very demanding of those around him, but at the same time he himself does not live up to his ideals. These are modest people who are used to relying only on themselves; it is easy for them to sit on their necks. In order to achieve success in life, the delphinium should learn to fight back and say no more often.

Gvozdika is distinguished by her ability to speak directly; she never hides the truth for which she is ready to fight to the end. At home it's undisputed leader and ideologist. People - carnations - spend a lot of time on their careers, most of them are workaholics.

Born leaders capable of creating a friendly team. Asters are true optimists, they are not afraid of difficulties and boldly look into the future. Their home is nice and cozy, and an idyll reigns in the family. Astra easily finds a life partner.

Nature has endowed people of this flower with a penchant for exact sciences and an analytical mind, this is an irreplaceable worker - a generalist. Heather is beautiful both internally and externally. A great friend, he loves to have guests in his house, and in marriage he is faithful and caring.

A person under the auspices of camellia often seems defenseless, but this is not so, in fact he does not sit still, he is full of ambition and is not afraid to make dreams come true. Camellia combines sophistication and courage.

Lilac is a symbol of dawn, youth, freshness. Likewise, a person who was born at this time has limitless energy and vitality, he is ready to devote himself to one goal. Lilac is sure that she has no enemies, and this is certainly not the case. Lilac is endlessly windy and suffers from permanent shift feelings.

A person born under this sign is always immersed in work, he is haunted by the fear of not being able to do something important. Freesia evokes sympathy, but despite a large number of fans and admirers are in no hurry to make a choice. Suffering from his straightforwardness.

People who are patronized by this flower are mysterious and enigmatic; they do not open up even to close people. The orchid is patient; it knows how to wait. It is worth thinking about your health, as diseases can become chronic.

Peony is characterized by intemperance, his main mistake is that he does not know how to remain silent. Don't tell everyone about your plans. The python treats people condescendingly, is promiscuous in relationships, and this often interferes with it. Peony has excellent health; there are many athletes among the people of this flower.

If you take control of a gladiolus, then it can achieve a lot; its most important quality is diligence. There are no obvious geniuses among people born at this time, all because they devote most of their lives to searching for themselves. Gladioli are incorrigible romantics and dreamers.

Dandelion is used to shocking the public; his outlook on life is unusual and progressive. He cannot live without the attention of others. In love, he is always open and straightforward, does not tolerate omissions in relationships, and usually completely surrenders to a wonderful feeling.

The Lotus rejects everything extravagant; it never goes beyond the bounds of decency. The lotus man looks neat and well-groomed. Well organized, both externally and internally. This is a devoted friend and family man.

A person born under the auspices of edelweiss has a calm temperament

The flower horoscope arose thanks to the Celts. They noticed that plants have their own special energy that affects humans, and that each time period has a patron plant. It gives people born in a particular period their healing power and influences their character traits.

The healing properties of plants have been known since ancient times. People have used herbs and flowers in different ways:

  • collected, washed, dried and prepared decoctions;
  • hung at the threshold to protect the house from dark forces;
  • carried with them in special ammo or sachets to protect against illnesses and evil.

The creators of the first flower horoscopes were the Druids; they determined their own mascot flowers for each person. The Slavs and the Mayans believed that if a flower was picked, dried and always carried with you, it would protect against the evil eye and troubles.

The knowledge of the Celts, Druids and other civilizations has survived to this day: today you can easily recognize your personal horoscope flowers by zodiac sign and date of birth.

Flower according to horoscope

Each zodiac sign has:

  • your constellation;
  • unique flower.

Here are the plants that correspond to each of the representatives of the zodiac circle:

  • Aries - Pomegranate, Azalea, Geranium, Begonia.
  • Taurus - Gloxinia, Violet, Cyclomen.
  • Gemini - Asparagus, Cirrus Palms, Fern, Ivy, Tradescantia.
  • Cancer - Agave, Aloe, Mason's Begonia, Peperomia, Fuchsia.
  • Leo - Impatiens, Chinese rose, Camellia, Calla, Geranium.
  • Virgo - Aster, Aucuba, Asparagus, Birch, Dracaena, Philodendron.
  • Libra - white Azalea, Hydrangea, Croton, small-flowered Chrysanthemum, Capsicum, Schlumbergera.
  • Scorpio - Dracaena Dragon, Oleander, desert cactus.
  • Capricorn - Money Tree, Dracaena fragrant, rubbery Ficus, Yucca ivory.
  • Aquarius - tricolor Maranta.
  • Pisces - Fragrant Geranium, Magnolia, Umbrella, Orchid.
  • Sagittarius - Bonsai, Lemon, Ficus sacred, Mother-in-law's tongue.

Patron plant by date of birth

In addition to the fact that each zodiac sign has its own patron flowers, there are also mascot plants based on date of birth:

Each plant has its own character and virtues, which it imparts to a person born under its auspices.

From gentian to mimosa

Gentian Yellow symbolizes the sun and warmth, characterizes a person as persistently achieving his goal through perseverance and hard work. As a rule, bosses like such people. A person of this sign is characterized by: responsiveness, diligence, modesty and shyness. He does not like noisy companies, is a little hidden and reserved, does not know how to gossip at all and willingly lends money. This wonderful friend, faithful spouse, loving father (mother).

Thistle is characterized by activity. They are big talkers and very fussy, constantly demanding attention, and only true friends will be able to appreciate them, discerning kindness and self-sacrifice in them, because not everyone is destined to understand their fiery activity. Sometimes they are aggressive, but behind this aggression lies a vulnerable and reliable nature. These are the best friends, devoted parents and spouses and responsible employees.

People of the Immortelle sign do not like excesses, they always look after health and fashion, and play sports. Very elegant, their appearance often provokes the envy of others, while this only helps them defeat their ill-wishers and strengthen their own spirit. These are people capable of starting from scratch and achieving great success, surviving in the most difficult situations and don't lose heart. The marriage of an Immortelle is distinguished by its strength, while requiring constant mutual understanding and common interests.

Owners of the Mistletoe plant are mysterious and very charming, their nature is refined and requires only the best. They like to relax and do not bother themselves with work, they are interesting, enjoy the attention of the opposite sex and have many fans and fans, are rarely alone, and are capable of any action in the name of love.

People born under the Belladonna sign have a beautiful appearance that matches their inner beauty. Their ability to understand people in the first minutes of communication indicates the presence of a subtle mind, however, from a feeling self-esteem they do not get along with all people, but once they become friends, they do not abandon their friends; hardworking, conscientious, and easily make a career.

Mimosa - very delicate flower, therefore its owner is a vulnerable and touchy person, distinguished by increased sensitivity, accustomed to sacrificing himself. This is a hardworking and responsible employee who does not know sick leave or vacations, and expects praise and encouragement from his boss; capable of depression, which he used to console with alcohol. To maintain morale requires attention and admiration from others.

From poppy to dahlia

Mac's beauty is intoxicating, people of the opposite sex easily fall into his web, and sometimes it is impossible to get out of these webs. This is an unpretentious and very bright person in every sense of the word, capable of winning the minds of people and acquiring like-minded people. He doesn’t stand out much in the team, but he knows how to set the tone for everything and resolve any conflict, to family life does not strive and delays marriage as far as possible, thereby risking being left alone in old age.

Lily is a moon flower. This is a man with a secret that can only be solved during the full moon. He is characterized by deception, masquerade and flirting, however, he knows how to be happy. Lilia has difficult relationships with relatives and friends; it is impossible to force this person to do anything. If you fulfill all his wishes, he will sit on your neck and begin to command. Sometimes it is better to put such a person in his place, and then be with him “on equal terms”, because this is the only way to improve relations.

Despite the fact that Foxglove is an inconspicuous and pale flower, people who relate to it are distinguished by their determination. Just their appearance in the team is enough and the atmosphere will be heated to the limit, and everyone around them will be charged with crazy energy. It is difficult for such people to create a family because of the constant desire to lead, but if the couple is made up of a person who gives in to this, the family will be strong.

People of the Magnolia sign are ambitious, stubborn and always want to be first. However, due to the reluctance to listen to other people, relationships with others do not work out. Magnolia knows her own worth, to expensive things treats her as the closest and most necessary person, is selective in her choice of friends and communicates only with the right people.

Owners of the Hydrangea flower are generous and generous people who love to gather guests and spend time in a festive atmosphere. They are pleasant to talk to and if they make a kind gesture towards someone, they do not demand anything in return. In a series of friendly parties, they can forget about work and their responsibilities; they hear from spouses that they spend too much and risk losing their partner due to constant absence from home.

Dahlia is very demanding both of himself and of those around him, he is an esthete in everything, and spends a lot of time in the theater, at concerts and exhibitions. Many consider such a person to be a bore, which is why he does not have much success in communicating with others. Finding himself on a streak of bad luck, the owner of the flower shows his inadequacies. best qualities and is capable of cynicism, often relies on chance and has no control over the situation. It is difficult for such a person to achieve what he wants, since he is overly emotional and forgets about self-control in anger; may be married several times.

From lily of the valley to tulip

People of the Lily of the Valley sign consist of only virtues: modest beauty, a generous heart and an inexperienced mind. They often do charity work, live modestly, and love children. These are the most affectionate parents and loving spouses, however, they are not able to forgive betrayal, they are so sensitive.

Life often treats purslane owners unfairly; a person knows that he deserves a lot, but he is unlucky in life. He is a reserved, cautious, slightly boring loser who is distrustful of others and expects a trick from everywhere. It is difficult to build a relationship with Portulak both at home and at work, he demands to be protected and appreciated, even when nothing works out for him, but if you prove your devotion to him, he will carry his passion in his arms, and good and to a just man he will give his last shirt.

Owners of Chamomile are different complex character: They show themselves to be honest and open, but in reality they hide their true self. They are cunning, capable of meanness and using information for personal gain; They strive to inspire trust in the interlocutor, in this way calling him to frankness, attracting the partner with a certain charm and elusiveness. In a relationship, love is either present or not; if not, the lack of love will not prevent you from living with an unloved person for a long time, if the owner of the flower is constantly cherished and pampered.

Bell always seeks support in life and welcomes the reliability of relationships. Family is the most precious thing he has. These are people who do not like change, are ready to build a house and live happily in it for a long time big family however, everything must be according to their rules; love comfort and are more welcoming handmade rather than the operation of technology; Monogamous, therefore, in the event of separation from their lover, they risk being left alone.

The “carrier” of Daisy is a homebody and quiet person. He is observant, not bold or romantic, loves to gossip and can’t find a mate. However, he doesn’t want to change anything in his life; he’s ready to communicate with neighbors and school friends for years; has a beautiful appearance; in a critical situation is ready to take a bold action.

If Tulip is a man, he is the most romantic Don Juan, if a woman is an energetic lady with great doubts who demands attention and deeds. IN general meaning the owners of this flower are truthful and open people who know the price of freedom. These are wonderful parents who first build a career and then start a family, so their children, as a rule, are late.

From water lily to delphinium

People born under the sign of Water Lily have very diverse characteristic features. Their interests are varied, they have a large circle of friends. They are friendly and tolerant, respect the opinion of every person, try to understand the most difficult situation; At work they easily become leaders, but they do not like to boss people around. The goal of their life is a family and many children, and to this they are ready to give all their warmth and care.

Violet loves everyone who surrounds her, she is capricious, spoiled and demanding of herself. These are the owners beautiful appearance who believe that working all your life is great stupidity; good friends and devoted spouses, but relations with relatives leave much to be desired, especially misunderstandings with the mother.

It’s not for nothing that Rosehip has another name - “wild rose”. The owner of this flower is very obstinate and constantly protects himself and people close to him from ill-wishers and evil; he is brave and courageous, kind and sincere, his family lives in abundance and knows no problems. This is a good spouse, an avid traveler and an excellent negotiator.

Owners of the Sunflower flower are hardworking and persistent, they make a career early and if they have already achieved the desired position, they will never give it up; They accept failures painfully, they are capable of being in deep despair, but they know how to fight them. Sunflower has many friends, a cozy house in which many people constantly gather, because he is the most friendly and hospitable host.

Rose is the queen of all flowers, she is used to being first in everything and is too demanding of herself. The owners of this flower are difficult to understand, but the opposite sex loves them, because for love they are ready to give everything they have; have many envious people and constantly become victims of rumors, they know how to deal with troubles and will not let their family be offended.

Owners of the Delphinium flower are modest and completely undemanding, but only to themselves; They are used to doing everything with their own hands, they are kind and trusting. It is easy for them to sit on the neck, however, they are very sensitive and if they have exposed insincerity, they will reward them with a bad attitude for the rest of their lives. It is useless to argue with them, they do not understand reasons and arguments; are able to make a marriage happy, despite the fact that it is very difficult for them to find a soul mate.

From carnation to freesia

The owner of the Carnation is a fighter for truth, sometimes to his own detriment, he protects all the offended and humiliated, he is ready to go into battle as soon as the opportunity arises and woe to anyone who stands in his way. This is an undisputed leader and hard worker, strict in the family, not afraid of change and difficulties.

People born under the sign of Astra are great optimists. They look forward with confidence and move towards their goal; They know how to lead a team, have a cheerful disposition and charge the atmosphere with their sparkling energy. Their home is always joyful and cozy; They are caring and cherish harmonious and trusting relationships with others for a long time.

Holders of the Heather flower are distinguished by their sophistication. These are specialists in their field, have an ability for exact sciences and know the value of their skills; want to achieve excellence in almost all industries. These are irreplaceable friends, good conversationalists and wonderful family men.

Owners of the Camellia flower are distinguished by their organization; they do not stop halfway and do not pay attention to obstacles; they take many risks, but carefully consider their actions and consider the consequences. They feel the taste of life and surround themselves with exquisite things, they try to choose a partner based on their interests, which is why their work colleagues often become their wives (husbands).

Lilac is a symbol of youth and freshness. People of this sign are young at heart and are able to turn the head of a fan no matter how old they are. They adore the state of being in love, but they have been looking for love for years; They are rarely happy in marriage, hate lies, and are friends with people of different ages.

The owner of the Freesia flower is afraid that he will not have time to do a lot of important things and is ready to work from morning until late evening; enjoys sympathy among others, but is in no hurry to make a choice regarding Serious relationships, given that he spends a lot of time at work, he is ready to have an affair with a co-worker (employee).

From orchid to edelweiss

Orchid owners are mysterious and enigmatic, patient, can wait a long time, but will definitely take what rightfully belongs to them; They are ready to maintain a close relationship with their partner for several years and not rush to register their marriage. Orchid wants to live for herself, so she is in no hurry to get married.

Peony is too talkative, will reveal all his plans and will not be afraid of ill-wishers. This is an easy-going, calm person who loves to work and enjoy his own achievements; those around him are surprised at his endurance. The owner of this sign is an excellent athlete, always keeps in shape, believes in his own strength, is lenient towards people and is promiscuous in his relationships.

Owners of the Gladiolus flower are very efficient and capable of achieving a lot in life. There are no obvious geniuses among them, since they take on one thing at a time, then another, they are constantly looking for themselves; romantics, dreamers, have difficulty making decisions and completely trust their soul mate.

Dandelion owners cannot ignore the attention of others, they are constantly among friends, easy to communicate, and always fashionably dressed. They are able to express interesting ideas and make decisions without coordinating them with management, with confidence in their own correctness and literacy. These are frank and straightforward people who can indulge in feelings without thinking about the consequences; They value people and do not forgive betrayal.

Lotus is a symbol of purity and faith. The owner of this flower is neat, loves the classics, thinks progressively, is internally organized, efficient in everything, and is a little conservative in the family.

The owner of Edelweiss is a good friend who you can always rely on. This reliable person with a calm temperament, who monitors the “weather” in relationships, is sometimes unbalanced, loves freedom, always thinks soberly and assesses the situation realistically; he speaks the truth to his face and learns throughout his life love and correctness.

Amulets have been popular at all times. Our ancestors knew that many plants can protect from troubles, cure illnesses and bring good luck into life. It’s not difficult to calculate your destiny number and find out which flower will be your talisman. Add up all the numbers of your date of birth, bringing them to single digit number: 01/08/1987 = 0 + 8 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 34 = 3 + 4 = 7. The resulting number will be the code by which you will determine your amulet flower.

Number 1

Number 7

The orchid is responsible for fertility, and also combines masculine and feminine energy. The flower will be an excellent talisman, allowing you to “dodge” lies and betrayal. The plant helps to get rid of internal negativity and prevents indulgence. If you need protection from manipulators, carry the flower with you. You can get rid of bad habits by keeping a live orchid at home.

Number 8

The number eight in the fate code distinguishes cheerful people who are used to achieving their goals. A delicate chrysanthemum will be an excellent amulet for them. This flower increases life expectancy and helps avoid negativity life path. Dried chrysanthemum petals will allow you to easily avoid communicating with people who bring suffering and bad mood.

Number 9

Cyclamen will become excellent amulets for people with a nine in their fate code. They help release hidden abilities and also awaken intuition. Thanks to the influence of cyclamen, it will be easier for you to find the truth and refuse to communicate with negative people. In addition, the flower attracts happiness into the house, so the plant will become an indispensable resident on your windowsill. Placed in the bedroom, it prevents the other half from cheating.

Experts on the site recommend not limiting yourself to one single talisman. Use the knowledge of astrologers to choose the ideal protection for yourself according to your Zodiac Sign, and then your life will sparkle with new bright colors. We wish you good luck and success in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Few people know, but in addition to zodiac symbols and signs Eastern horoscope, each person has his own patron and in flora. The flower horoscope, which is the heritage of the Druids, provides, although not a complete, but quite reliable description of the personality. This prophecy was considered forgotten, but in Lately becoming popular again. This horoscope will help you choose a reliable amulet, and can also be a reason for original congratulations. And in this article we will talk about what the most important monument of Druid culture is, and what it predicts for each of us.

Each plant is unique, and therefore the Druids, who once inhabited the north-west of Europe, began to transfer this sacred meaning to people. The result is a horoscope - a body of knowledge that allows one to determine certain character traits of a person, as well as his compatibility, by date of birth.

The horoscope, based on which the Druids took varieties of flowers, is presented in the form solar year. In turn, it is a circle of 360 degrees. This circle is divided into 36 segments, each of which is equal to 10 degrees and symbolizes a specific flower.

You can find out which flower horoscope is suitable for a particular person by comparing his date of birth with the classification of plants proposed by the Druids. In particular, you need to know the month, as well as the day of his birth, in order to be able to use a flower horoscope and determine his character and compatibility.

This horoscope can be used for several purposes at once. So, for example, using the ancient Druid prophecy, you can find out:

  • person's character;
  • compatibility;
  • congratulation text for a particular flower.

Description of the horoscope for each flower

  • Patron of those born from January 1 to January 10 is Gentian

People whose flower patron is Gentian need to learn independence. They lack perseverance, patience and the ability to defend their own opinions in achieving their goals. They are shy by nature and have a couple of true, loyal friends. Their compatibility will be good with those in the horoscope who are not demanding.

  • For those who were born from January 11 to January 20, the patron saint is Thistle

These people are always energetic. At the same time, they are absent-minded, insufficiently organized, and talkative. This often interferes with their compatibility with the more introverted people around them. Thistle always remains faithful in love and business relations. Such a person is kind, polite, and an excellent family man.

  • For those whose name day is from January 21 to January 31, Immortelle is suitable

Such people, according to the horoscope, are especially popular, as they always try to look attractive and well-groomed. They are very mysterious and at the same time modest, which increases the attraction to them. Such people know how to be content with little and appreciate what they have.

  • Mistletoe is the patroness of those born between February 1 and February 10

Those whose date of birth falls during the reign of Mistletoe are distinguished by curiosity, which sometimes goes beyond what is permitted. IN business sphere they are conservative and well-organized, which helps increase compatibility with partners and helps expand the scope of communication. In view of beautiful name flower, for such people there are very original congratulations in verse.

  • Patron Saint Bella for those born from February 11 to February 19

They are characterized by inner beauty and fortitude. In addition, these individuals are almost always attractive, attractive, and intelligent. Highlights this horoscope sign unique quality- form the right impression about a person at the first meeting with him.

  • Those who came under the auspices of Mimosa were born between February 20 and February 28

Such personalities are quite gentle, kind, and sensual. They are easily vulnerable, often susceptible to nervous breakdowns, disorders, and depression. Many Mimosas are characterized by femininity. Therefore, the flower horoscope indicates careful attitude to such people.

  • Mac is suitable for those born between March 1 and March 10

Like the Macs, the people who came under their protection are amazing. They are beautiful, optimistic, and know how to enjoy the moment. However, the horoscope of flowers promises many challenges throughout their life.

  • Lilies – from 11 to 20 March

Charming flowers and mysterious people. They are beautiful and secretive, they know how to keep secrets. But in love they are not constant - monotony does not suit them. For such flower people there are very beautiful congratulations happy birthday in verse according to the subtleties of the horoscope.

  • March 21-31 is Foxglove

Both the plants themselves and the people who come under their protection are considered very delicate, almost fragile. As the Druid horoscope says, such individuals need to be protected from harm. At the same time, they will easily achieve their goal.

  • Magnolias correspond to the period April 1-10

A color horoscope based on date of birth promises generosity for these individuals. Without any problems, they will lend a shoulder at the right moment, lend a helping hand and at the same time will not demand anything in return. They are sincere, fair, but flighty.

  • Hydrangeas are born between April 11 and April 20

Like magnolias, they are generous and kind. Apart from this, such people are patient and diligent in business. In terms of family, they are loving and sincere individuals, good family men.

  • Dahlias are people born from April 21 to April 30

For such persons the horoscope is very positive. He characterizes Dahlia as hardworking, honest, and demanding. Such people often easily conquer more and more heights.

  • The patron saint of people born from May 1 to May 10 will be Lily of the Valley

These flower people are very sensitive. The horoscope indicates their main traits - efficiency and generosity. The most beautiful name day congratulations in poetry and prose are prepared for them.

  • Purslane is the patron saint of those who celebrate name days on May 11-21

These are diligent, sociable, distrustful individuals. Their horoscope is very modest, and their compatibility with other people is average.

  • Daisies - people whose name day falls on May 22-31

Very attractive and modest people. Often, due to their gullibility, many use such people to achieve their own goals.

  • June 1-11 – Bells

People who do not like change. They have their own comfort zone, which they rarely leave. Very independent people who are used to achieving everything on their own. In love, as the horoscope says, they are monogamous.

  • Those born on June 12-21 will be favored by the Daisy

The flower horoscope for this person’s date of birth suggests that daisies are attractive, shy, but at the same time very eccentric and spontaneous.

  • Tulips patronize those born from June 22 to July 1

These people prefer independence, value freedom and do not communicate with those who try to limit or control them. In love they are multifaceted and passionate.

  • July 2-12 – Water lilies

These individuals quickly know how to adapt to new conditions. They will easily adapt to any circumstances, but will not feel comfortable everywhere. They love sincerely and for a long period.

  • From July 13 to July 23 – these are Violets

Violets are quite spoiled. If you believe the horoscope, these individuals do not so much want as they demand attention. Therefore, their compatibility, as the flower horoscope says, is not positive with everyone.

  • The period July 24 – August 2 is dedicated to Rosehip

These individuals are closed, proud, and aggressive. They are straightforward and demanding. Rose hips demand the same qualities from those around them.

  • August 3-12 – Sunflower

All sunflowers are successful in their careers. By a certain age, they occupy high positions and at the same time remain quite modest. They always have a lot of friends and acquaintances.

  • Roses – August 13-23

The flower horoscope for roses indicates that these people are very purposeful. They, no matter what, achieve their goals. Marriages among “roses” turn out to be strong and happy. In addition, there are very beautiful congratulations for their name days.

  • Delphiniums are the patrons of those born between August 24 and September 2

These flower people are independent in everything, they try to get by without the help of strangers. They are very diligent and hardworking. For their beloved, they will be a faithful life partner.

  • Carnations – September 3-11

Carnation personalities are by nature leaders, critics, and very straightforward, which almost always adversely affects their compatibility. Others often perceive such people as aggressive dictators.

  • Asters – September 12-22

These people are harmonious, have intuition, and thanks to the fact that they listen to it, they have almost everything they want. These members of the flower horoscope are almost always socially active and sociable.

  • Those born between September 23 and October 3 under the auspices of Heather

Representatives of this symbol are beautiful in everything. They are smart, kind, always ready to help, good family men.

  • Camellia is the patroness of those whose name day falls on October 4-13

Camellias love beauty, so they try to surround themselves beautiful personalities and objects. They are willing to take risks if there are worthwhile things at stake.

  • October 14-23 – patron saint of Lilac

The horoscope can characterize such persons as energetic, diligent and amorous. They believe in luck and therefore cling to every opportunity provided by fate. There are very beautiful and relevant birthday greetings for lilacs.

  • Freesia rules from October 24 to November 2

The horoscope for these flowers promises them many difficulties in life, but people will be able to cope with all of them if they do not lose heart. Freesias are workaholics who are characterized by diplomacy and punctuality.

  • Orchids – November 3-12

Orchids are beautiful, mystical and mysterious. These representatives of the flower horoscope keep many secrets within themselves. Secretive and patient, they are considered excellent partners for business and family.

  • Peonies – November 13-22

Peony people, as a horoscope sign, are quite viable, very active, and diligent. Many of them become famous cultural figures and athletes.

  • November 23 – December 2 – Gladioli

Ordinary individuals who do not have pronounced traits or talents. They love to travel. Often it is gladioli that are revealed as romantics.

  • December 3-12 – Dandelions

People who love the sun, warmth and light. They are more active and kind when they are treated with warmth. They do not admit lies, so they never forgive betrayal.

  • December 13-22 – Lotus

Lotus flowers have long been considered symbols of purity. Representatives of this symbol and horoscope sign are always neat and attractive. They are smart and monogamous.

  • For those whose name day is December 23-31, Edelweiss will be the patron saint

These are disorganized people who do not like control, specific frameworks and schedules, although those around them are taught consistency. Such individuals are mainly careerists. Many of them are very devoted and faithful, especially in marriage.

Incredible facts

Every girl is truly a delicate flower.

Or poisonous and prickly, regardless of what zodiac sign she was born under.

Read our flower horoscope to find out what kind of flower you are.

Be careful, because it is almost impossible to resist a poppy girl, but still, you should not immediately entrust your destiny to her. The poppy girl is very contradictory and mysterious; she often doesn’t know what she needs, and she doesn’t strive to find out, because it won’t be interesting!

These girls are very mysterious in nature, they know how to bewitch absolutely anyone, even by casually throwing out one or two phrases. What Lilia really feels remains a mystery even to those closest to her. Therefore, loved ones have no choice but to come up with their own conclusions, which most often turn out to be false. Lily is amused by this.

Flower horoscope

Athlete, activist, Komsomol member and simply beautiful. This girl is uncompromising and decisive; she could be an excellent leader if she did not take responsibility for those individuals whom she leads. Without such ballast, Foxglove will be able to fly up at tremendous speed, sweeping away all life's troubles in its path.

This woman is very impressive; she needs the attention of people around her like air. From the outside, she may seem quite frivolous, because frequent parties and short novels make her believe so. And Magnolia, meanwhile, is like a real eminence grise, thereby imposing his will on those around him.

From the outside it may seem that such a woman is typical representative extrovert. Her motto in life is: "Let's have fun!" However, all the people who are regularly near Hortensia do not at all disturb her inner loneliness. At the same time, she is quite comfortable in this state. She prefers to think good things about people and doesn't like being disappointed in them. For this reason, only selected people, or no one, are very close to her.

The Dahlia woman seems quite contradictory to many people around her, some even consider her hypocritical. In reality, she is simply a multifaceted personality. At the same time, she is incredibly modest and honest. Well, is it really her fault that the kingdom is too small and has nowhere to expand?

The Lily of the Valley woman is a dreamer and visionary; she likes to spend most of her time in her inner country, where unicorns and tame rabbits live. Concerning real life, then here she prefers to be more of an outside observer than a direct participant. What for? Everyone will come and give what they need. Which is interesting, because they actually come and give.

Flower horoscope by date

This woman has a very explosive character, she is a pessimist and always expects some kind of catch from life. That is why she begins to strike for defeat in advance, before anything has started. As a result, usually nothing begins, because this flower has all the moves written down, and for any force majeure she has not only a plan “B”, but “C”, “D” and “D”.

This woman is kindness itself. She is incredibly sweet, charming, a little absent-minded, and simple-minded. Chamomile is naive and unpunctual. This one seems so. In fact, she is a real quiet pool in which devils with halos live, because such a woman only pretends to be naive simplicity, but not at all in order to harm anyone, all because of the love of art.

Bluebell is very conservative, he doesn't like change, and he has absolutely no desire to try or learn anything new. Such women want to choose a business for themselves once and for all, loved one and home. After the choice is made, with incredible persistence and zeal they try to improve everything in order to bring it to an unattainable ideal. The most interesting thing is that she succeeds.

This woman is very serene and friendly. She knows how to see something good in any person, and she wouldn’t hurt a fly. Daisy is kind and sympathetic, a real sweet cat. She is so sweet that all the villains stay away from her, because with her goodness she poisons their situation.

This woman is incredibly lucky: she never limits herself in anything, but she does not receive blows from fate, or rather, she cleverly avoids them. Tulip never gets tired of extreme sports, which is why she starts a family quite late, but almost always successfully. The children of such a woman live carefree and serene until they become parents themselves, because Grandma Tulip can take her grandchildren for the weekend and quickly go on a trip around the world. What's wrong with that?

Water Lily is a woman with a light character; she knows that everything will be fine, therefore she does not worry about failures and does not carry the burden of disappointments on her shoulders. She is a selfless person, so those around her sometimes use her as a vest that can absorb an ocean of tears. However, this does not bother her at all, since she really loves people. Yes, she's just a saint.

Flower horoscope by date of birth

Violet is a very harmonious person who is firm in her beliefs, but is not at all aggressive. She is friendly, but does not trust more than necessary. She is a talented person, but creative crises pass her by. She is demanding, but not at all a bore, she is principled and honest, but she will not broadcast from an armored car. In a word, a pioneer is an example to all the guys.

Rosehip is outwardly aggressive, uncompromising and stubborn. Inside she is a vulnerable and sensitive flower. All such a woman needs is freedom and peace, and also that no one encroaches on her cookies. Then she can become caring, gentle and even flexible.

This is an impenetrable woman, she can grow not only through asphalt, but also through a titanium plate. Under any circumstances, a sunflower will find its place in the sun, and will not lose its vitality in any conditions. The most important thing in her case is to be valuable in the eyes of others, or rather, to even say that she expects praise from them.

This woman is a queen. She is convinced that she is special, and also that those around her are simply obliged to treat her with the appropriate level of respect. Such a woman actually has many advantages, but she still strives to exaggerate them. Just in case. She would be unbearable if she didn't know how to be truly grateful. She does it sincerely. Moreover, she does it in such a way that the person himself wants to do her a favor, because it will be credited to him with very high interest.

Such a lady is very demanding of the people around her, but quite lenient with herself. She sincerely suffers, observing the imperfections of this world, but does not notice her own shortcomings, because it will do. Big deal. But on the other hand, such women have only one very serious drawback - laziness. Then, when she is not too lazy to do something, she is able to move mountains one or two times due to the fact that she is talented and smart. Due to this, she also manages to perfectly imitate vigorous activity when laziness comes upon her again.

Carnation is the most ardent fighter for justice and truth teller. She is not afraid to look harsh and says what she thinks to her face. The problem is that such a woman always thinks the same way, since she measures the people around her by her own standard. She can’t wrap her head around the fact that every person is unique. Fortunately, as a rule, such a woman manages to find a person who completely shares her life values. She finally stops doing good and doing good.

This woman is very charismatic, she has a great sense of humor, and even five minutes of communication with her is enough to recharge your energy for the whole week ahead. She has an excess of vitality, which she easily shares with others, because she herself has nothing to spend this excess on. In her life there are no unnecessary people, unnecessary things and unnecessary things to do. She easily and without regret gets rid of all the garbage in her life.

Flower horoscope for women

This woman is a real walking encyclopedia. She is very erudite and smart, but at the same time she is extremely afraid of losing control over herself and changing her way of life. Such a woman has a tendency to reflect, therefore, as a rule, she directs her irrepressible passion for complete control in a completely safe direction: to work, for example. It's good that it doesn't affect others.

Camellia has a rich imagination, incredible artistry, a brave heart and a sense of adventure. This rather explosive mixture could get her into trouble, but she does an excellent job of calculating forces. Therefore, everyone around her envy her, because it seems to them that all the benefits are brought to her on a silver platter with a beautiful border. In fact, this is not true. Benefits may be brought, but such a woman creates all the beauty herself. This is her favorite activity.

This woman is flighty and amorous, she changes fans like gloves. Many believe that she is childish, sees life through the eyes of a child and expects from her an endless holiday with candy and carousels. In reality, such a woman simply knows how to look at life’s troubles with ease. Just think! On Wednesday, a truck loaded with marshmallows is sure to overturn on her street.

He's also a puppeteer and manipulator. Someone else's will for such a woman is ordinary plasticine, from which she makes what she pleases. Freesia usually wants to be on top in any situation and constantly win. It is useless to fight with such a woman, since she will easily bite your head off and will not even ask your name. Loving her is quite difficult, because her true feelings are a secret behind seven seals. It is impossible to be friends with her, because there are only two opinions: hers and the wrong one. The most correct way is to become the object of her love, then you will see the sky in diamonds and receive other interesting buns from her.

This woman has mystical thinking, she sees lessons of fate, signs and magical omens in everything. Interestingly, she almost never makes mistakes. This is probably due to the fact that she does not recognize authority for anyone and always behaves as she thinks, focusing on logic and common sense. But at the same time, he will never forget to let in a little mystical fog.
