Where is the best place to relax in Vietnam? Tours to the island Con Dao for every taste Where is the best place to go in Vietnam in March

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And one more feature of Vietnam: there are no good and bad seasons.

Vietnam resorts for all types of holidays

To relax on the beach it is best to choose southern part Vietnam. These are the resorts of Phan Thiet, Vung Tau, Nya Chang, o. Fukok. And for those who don’t like heat, we can recommend the resorts of Danang and Hoi An. Resorts in the northern part are in demand all year round, especially on Ha Long Bay and the capital Hanoi. Ha Long Bay is a marvelous work of nature and a world heritage. Halong is three thousand rocks and islands of unsurpassed beauty Coral reefs, vast mangrove forests, picturesque lakes, and, of course, luxurious sandy beaches.

Every vacationer is ready to go on a journey to find himself in one of the caves of the bay and feel like in a fairy tale.

Lovers of stormy and active rest choose the Nha Trang resort, since in just an hour you can fly to Ho Chi Minh City, and there you will find nightclubs, massage parlors and best beaches countries.

Nha Trang in early and mid-March is ebullient resort life. Open on the shore a large number of restaurants, cafes and bars, in addition to this exotic cuisine consisting of seafood, which are very cheap.

The city of Hanoi is an amazingly beautiful green city, a stay in which is like a fairy tale. Here you can visit the weather of Chang Coc - the symbol of Hanoi, see puppet show on the water, see the Lake of the Returned Sword, and also go to the village of Lemat, where you can try snake dishes.

To Vietnam - for health!

Diving lovers will be captivated by the richest undersea world warm sea and low prices for equipment and all types of services. Many tourists come here to improve their health, as they have heard about the miraculous properties of healing clay and unconventional forms of treatment by local healers. Proper use of tinctures made according to unique recipes from rare herbs and bird's nests, actually work wonders.

Many hotels have massage rooms and SPA complexes where you will be offered spa services according to low prices.

If you are going on vacation with your children, then take a ticket at the end of March to the resort of Phan Thiet, which will give you a quiet and relaxing holiday. Children are loved and idolized here and a lot of children's entertainment is offered.

Weather in Vietnam in March (statistical data until 2019)

In spring it is very expensive on the coast warm weather with rare rains. The temperature in March is mostly “+30°C”. Water temperatures are “+25” degrees Celsius. According to reviews from tourists, Vietnam is a country where you want to come again and again!

- these are long clean snow-white beaches and warm gentle sea. Beautiful bays and islands. Rice fields and coconut trees. Blue mountain peaks. Mysterious jungles, ancient temples. Tombs of numerous emperors of the Nguyen dynasty.

Vietnam is friendly people. Polite hotel staff. Comfort, good cuisine, a huge amount of exotic fruits. Specific, noisy in Eastern markets with a variety of seafood products.

Air and water temperature in Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and other popular resorts

March here is hot and sunny in the south of the country and cool and comfortable in the north. At the same time, it is interesting that night temperatures throughout the country almost the same - about 18-22 degrees Celsius.

In the north, for example, in Hanoi, the temperature during the day is only 18-23 degrees. In Ha Long Bay the water temperature is 22 degrees, the air temperature is 22-26. Northern Vietnam is often foggy in March.

In average Vietnam at this time it is already quite hot. So, at resorts near Da Nang the air warms up to 23-28 degrees. Somewhat cooler in mountainous areas. The sea here is warm, 24-25 degrees.

In the south it is hot and very dry. At Phan Rang resort The thermometer rises to 27-30, and the water warms up to 26 degrees.

Such southern cities, How Danang and Nha Trang, beach season in full swing. Dry and very warm, during the day the thermometer shows from 27 to 30 degrees. Water temperature 24 degrees.

There is little precipitation everywhere at this time. It rains rarely and ends quickly.

In Ho Chi Minh City in March, the thermometer often creeps past the mark of 32 degrees.

On Phu Quoc Island the water is already 28-29 degrees. On Con Dao Island the sea is a little cooler, 25-27, the air is not lower than 30 degrees.

At noon in Phan Thiet it usually reaches 30 degrees and is very dry. The water is also very warm - 23-25 ​​degrees.

Weather in Nha Trang in early March - in the following video:

Features of rest at this time

Where is the best place to relax?

Seasonal fruits

Vietnam amazes with the abundance of fruits that are grown here almost all year round. In March mango season begins which lasts until . There are a large number of varieties of them here. Seedless mangoes are especially popular among tourists.

Papaya is one of the favorite fruits of the Vietnamese. In March, his season is also just beginning.

They grow here a wide variety of citrus fruits, which ripen almost all year round. Guava also bears fruit all year round.

What clothes should I take with me?

Shorts, tank tops, T-shirts and light skirts will form the basis of your wardrobe for a trip to Vietnam at this time. But still, it may not be superfluous, especially in the north, to wear a light jumper or jacket in combination with jeans. They can also be useful for an evening walk.

Don't forget about the hot sun, so you need to think about how to protect your shoulders and arms from burns.

To do this, you can prepare thin blouses, shirts with elbow-length or three-quarter sleeves, as well as all kinds of scarves, scarves, and capes. You can't do without hats. It is better if they have wide brims to protect your face from the sun.

What to do on vacation?

For lovers extreme recreation A tour along guerrilla trails and hidden holes and caches of Vietnamese soldiers built in the jungle during the war is ideal. Various excursions will also be interesting.


Where is the best place to relax in Vietnam in March?

When winter ends, you immediately want sun and warmth. But, unfortunately, in our country, after winter comes spring, which begins to warm only in May. Where to relax on the beach in March? We recommend going to Vietnam and its resorts. Moreover, there is already an answer to the question of where is the best place to relax in Vietnam in March. Reviews from tourists about Vietnam in March helped compile a ranking of the most best places for beach holidays and holidays with children. And we will also show you weather tables. And with its help, you yourself can determine for sure. Where you will be more comfortable.

And so, the weather in March in Vietnam in all its regions is hot and dry. There is not a single place where it rains for more than three hours. And if it suddenly rains, then after it the sun will certainly come out and everything will be just as rosy.
It’s a little cooler in the northern part of the country, in the mountains. There the rest is more comfortable and relaxing. But after cold winter I don’t want to be in the shade anymore, I want to be in the sun!
Let's choose a resort to enjoy your vacation and not regret the trip after.

The beautiful Halong Bay has been welcoming tourists since the beginning of March. The air temperature here is 20 degrees. It's still cool to swim, but it's time to sunbathe. And every day the temperature will only rise. Already in mid-March you can take a dip in the water and enjoy the hot weather.

A place called Hoi An is one of the hottest in March. During the day the air warms up to +28 degrees. And at night it does not drop below +20 degrees. So this is a great time to warm up your bones after winter.

Nha Trang is a holiday destination in March. The air is hot, thermometers show 29 degrees Celsius. And the water is already warmed up to +26 degrees. There is almost no rain, it is always sunny and without clouds. And the beaches are crowded with tourists.

By visiting Ho Chi Minh City in March, you will find yourself in Africa! The air at the resort is warmed up to +34 degrees. And the water is already boiling and reaches +29 degrees! You can swim here even at night, as the air will be hot and the water will not cool down.

Spend your holiday in Vietnam in March and you are guaranteed to have fun and a wonderful tan.
And then the promised air and water temperatures at popular resorts in Vietnam in March. Take a look and choose your resort!

What is the weather like in March in Vietnam and types of recreation?

The weather in Vietnam in March is hot and dry throughout almost the entire country. The month is really hot. It can only be called warm in the mountains northern Vietnam. Beach holidays are available on almost the entire coast of Vietnam. More precisely, at all sea resorts that are located south of Shamshon. If you don’t like sitting in one place for a long time, then you can take a trip to several beach resorts in Vietnam. The weather in March contributes to this.

Let's take a closer look at the weather in the main regions of the country.


In the north of Vietnam in March, the weather is dry without rain, as is the case in the rest of the country. Precipitation in March averages 50-60 mm. In the first half of March, temperatures in the north are not very high, but gradually increase towards the end of the month. By the end of March, warm temperatures have already set in, and sometimes hot weather. On average, the temperature is in the range of 18-22 degrees Celsius.

In Hanoi, precipitation in March ranges from 5 to 50 millimeters. It rains 2-3 days a month. The temperature is consistently in the range of 18-23 degrees Celsius. Air humidity is approximately 78 percent. Over the entire history of meteorological observations in March, the air temperature in Hanoi dropped to 7 and rose to 37 Celsius. In general, the weather is moderately warm and dry.

The water on the coast of Cat Ba Island and Halong Bay is not yet suitable for swimming. Its temperature is 22 C. The air here warms up to 25-26 degrees. But the weather in March is favorable for boat trips. Beach resorts Kyalo and Shamshon are not yet filled with tourists, but people have already been swimming here since the second half of March. The water is already warming up to 23-24 degrees.

In the mountains in the resort of Sapa, the temperature in March varies from 11 to 18 Celsius. The sun shines here at least 5 hours a day. Precipitation falls up to 120 millimeters during March. The humidity at this time is about 85 percent, but this is not noticeable based on the weather. As weather forecasters say, Sapa is the place in Vietnam where you can see four seasons in a day. In March, tourists here climb Mount Fansipan, go trekking and go on excursions.


Warm and even hot weather sets in in the center of Vietnam. In March, about 100 millimeters falls here. That is, it rains periodically for short periods of time. The air warms up to 23-28 degrees. In the mountains central Vietnam a little colder. Sea water temperature is 24-25 Celsius.

Tour operators in Russia often already offer tours to central regions Vietnam in March. In this region of the country, resorts are located close to each other and there is no difference in weather between them. These are Danang, Hoi An, Hue, Phong Nha-Kebang. South of Hai Van Pass (Hoi An and Da Nang) can be a couple of degrees warmer than in the north.

The air in Da Nang in March already warms up to 21-37 degrees. There were years when the temperature dropped to 11 and 37 Celsius. Precipitation is no more than 30 millimeters, and the average humidity is 83 percent. The sun shines about 6 hours a day. In general, the weather is conducive to a normal beach holiday.


March, like the previous 2 winter months, is the dry season in southern Vietnam. There is practically no precipitation here. The water temperature on the coast is around 27-29, and the air temperature is 30-32 degrees Celsius.

The weather in Nha Trang is dry and hot. This period is the peak of the dry season. At night the temperature is 22, and during the day up to 30 degrees. The water in the bay warms up to 26-27 C. The wind and sea are excellent for diving. In and around Vinh Ha Bay the weather in March is almost similar to that described in Nha Trang.

The same can be said for the weather in Phan Thiet. Sea water 27, air ─ 30 C. The sun shines for at least 6 hours a day. The wind in the bay is conducive to kiting.

March in Ho Chi Minh City ends the dry season and the precipitation here is 50-140 millimeters, or maybe not at all. The air temperature remains at 23-33 degrees. Air humidity in March is about 70 percent.

The dry season also continues in Fukuoka. There is practically no rain. Maximum 5 days in March when it rains. Air humidity reaches 75%. The air warms up to 31, and the water to 29 Celsius. In the entire history of weather observations in Fukuoka in March, the temperature once dropped to 15 degrees.

On the coast of Con Dao Island, the weather in March is perfect for a beach holiday. Here the temperature stays at 24-30 and there is practically no precipitation. Water 27 degrees.

Weather in March in Vietnam cities

Below is a table with air and water temperatures, humidity and precipitation for different cities in Vietnam.

CityAir temperature, CSea water temperature, CAir humidity, %Precipitation level, mm
CityAir temperature, CSea water temperature, CAir humidity, %Precipitation level, mm
Bien Hoa25-33 - 58 52
Vung Tau26-29 26 71 26
Danang21-26 24-25 81 142
Duong Dong27-28 27-29 74 108
Can Tho25-33 - 63 89
Qui Nhon23-27 - 79 102
Long Xuen25-33 - 62 90
Nam Dinh19-23 - 84 85
Nha Trang23-27 26-27 76 118
Ratsya25-32 28 65 119
Phan Thiet24-31 27 63 21
Haiphong18-21 22 84 81
Hanoi18-23 - 82 84
Ho Chi Minh City25-33 - 60 41
Hue22-27 24-25 77 88
Con Dao26-27 27 81 38

Types of holidays in Vietnam in March?

Excursion program

There are a lot of places in Vietnam where you can organize excursions or visit these places on your own. Moreover, Vietnam has many must-see attractions. And the weather in most cases will not prevent you from seeing these places. Almost all regions of the country have their own historical and cultural attractions. Almost all cities have their own characteristics that cannot be confused with others.

Da Nang has mysterious cave temples and the Marble Mountains. Fantjecht is surrounded on all sides by sand dunes. Near Phan Thiet there are natural wonders and traces of the planet's lost civilizations. In addition, this resort is popular among golf lovers. In particular, there is a very prestigious golf club called Ocean Dunes. Its courses have 72 routes and 18 holes.

Excursions in the mountainous Da Lat, “Vietnamese Switzerland”, will reveal to you beautiful waterfalls, beautiful gardens, clean lakes and pine forests. This city also has a French Quarter, great for leisurely strolls. There's even a miniature Eiffel Tower there.

In addition, in any region of Vietnam there are a lot of clothing markets, seafood and coffee shops. In many cities you can try spa treatments and healing springs. In addition to a beach holiday, you will find a lot of entertainment here for every taste and budget.

The return of the sun to the northern hemisphere will determine the weather in Vietnam in March. This will be manifested by the beginning of an increase in precipitation at the same temperature values. But despite this, March remains a very suitable month for a beach holiday, because... There will be no significant increase in rainfall, and its gradual increase will begin only in the second half of the month.

Weather in Nha Trang

Weather in Mui Ne

In Mui Ne the weather is similar to the weather in Nha Trang, but still the temperature is slightly higher. The same goes on here high season, which started earlier. Diving and kiting lovers come here from all over the world. Do you like these sports? Then you should definitely plan a trip to Mui Ne for March.

  • During the day +33°С
  • At night +23°С
  • Water +27°С

Weather in Phan Thiet

In Phan Thiet, as throughout Vietnam, the high season continues. The temperature attracts lovers of beach, active and excursion holidays. Temperatures are constantly rising, heading towards their peak in May. Phan Thiet is very popular this month, so you shouldn’t hope for a secluded holiday. Even though it gets chilly at night, air conditioning in the room is still a necessity. The South China Sea warms up well, making swimming comfortable for both adults and children.

The weather is always clear; out of 30 days, only a few can be cloudy and only 1 day can be rainy. Daylight hours last about 12 hours. Despite high temperature days remain windy, easing towards the end of the month.

  • During the day +33°С
  • At night +23°С
  • Water +27°С

Weather in Fukuoka

Phu Quoc has traditionally remained one of the best resorts for a relaxing beach holiday. The water is still the same clear and warm, the sun is still shining, giving way to gloomy weather only a couple of days a month, and tourists never cease to rejoice, lying on the soft sand or lying on a sun lounger under a palm tree. The only thing that might upset you is the hotel prices, but it’s worth it, believe me.

  • During the day +32°С
  • At night +27°С
  • Water +29°С
  • Precipitation 42mm

Weather in the center

Resorts in the middle part, including Danang, Hoi An And Hue They are ready to welcome tourists with their beautiful weather. Precipitation is rare in the form of short heavy rains after which everything dries out very quickly. average temperature reaches 27 degrees, but the water warms up to 25. The weather is very comfortable. As you move closer to the mountains (in the area of ​​the Bana Mountains), a temperature drop of up to 23°C will be observed.

Weather in the north

The days are quite dry and there is no significant precipitation. The temperature remains at the same level until the middle of the month and begins to rise in the second half. The long-awaited heat comes, the rest becomes comfortable.

Especially beautiful in March Ha Long, it's time for sea excursion trips. The water is clear and clean, but not yet very comfortable for swimming due to the low temperature. The average daily temperature is increasing every week.

Hanoi just like Halong cannot please beach holiday, but this time is most suitable for visiting sights and excursions. There is almost no rain, the weather is dry except for a few days a month. By the end of the month it becomes warmer by several degrees and the opening of the swimming season begins.

  • During the day +26°С
  • At night +20°С
  • Precipitation 32mm

Going to Vietnam in March Be sure to check the current weather forecast, because... average values ​​from year to year may differ from the current weather.
