Chrysanthemum artillery. Anti-tank missile system "Chrysanthemum"

Serial production and deliveries of self-propelled anti-tank missile systems of the 9K123 "Chrysanthemum" family continue. This equipment is capable of carrying several types of guided missiles designed to hit a wide range of targets. In addition, the complex has a number characteristic features, which can significantly increase its combat potential. To date, the troops have already received a certain number of Khrysantema-S ATGMs, and the industry continues to build new combat vehicles.

The development of the Chrysanthemum project began in the mid-eighties. The main task this project, the creation of which was carried out by specialists from the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (Kolomna) under the leadership of S.P. Invincible was the design of a self-propelled missile system capable of destroying various targets, primarily enemy armored vehicles. Soon the main features of the appearance of the new equipment were determined and the composition of the complex was formed.

As part of the new project, a number of products for various purposes were developed. The 9K123 ATGM includes a self-propelled combat vehicle with a launcher, several variants of guided missiles, service vehicles, etc. A set of tools is also provided for training operators of anti-tank systems without the use of real military equipment and missiles with warheads. A significant part of the components of the Chrysanthemum complex is built on the basis of existing equipment. In addition, there is high degree unification of some means that facilitate their use by the troops.

Fighting machine 9P157. Photo

The main element of the 9K123 "Chrysanthemum" complex is the 9P157 combat vehicle. The chassis of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle, suitably modified, was chosen as the basis for it. To perform new tasks, the base chassis lost a number of components and assemblies, receiving new instruments and devices instead. At the same time, the main design features, characteristics, etc. are preserved. Mastering a new “specialty” did not in any way affect the capabilities of the existing chassis and did not lead to a change in the main characteristics.

The 9P157 vehicle has a combat weight of 19.4 tons and is equipped with a UTD-29 diesel engine with a power of 500 hp, which allows it to reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. The required mobility is also achieved using the existing chassis with individual torsion bar suspension of the road wheels. If necessary, the vehicle can cross water obstacles by swimming. The water-jet propulsion accelerates it to speeds of about 10 km/h.

The chassis retains the armor of the basic BMP-3, which allows the 9P157 to operate at the forefront and protects the crew from enemy fire. Inside the front habitable compartment of the hull there are workplaces for the driver and commander-operator. Behind them is a fighting compartment with a launcher and systems for storing transportable ammunition. The stern is reserved for the engine and transmission compartment.

Launching a rocket by a combat vehicle. Photo

In the central part of the body there is a lifting launcher with fastenings for two transport and launch containers with missiles. In the stowed position, the unit is lowered and retracted inside the housing. In addition, recharging is carried out in the same way launcher. The design of the launcher allows for horizontal guidance within a sector 85° wide to the right and left of the longitudinal axis and vertical guidance from -5° to +15°. Also located outside the hull is a lifting boom located on the starboard side. To load ammunition, missile containers are placed one at a time on the boom, after which, at the command of the crew, it independently loads them into an automated stowage system.

The Chrysanthemum ATGM combat vehicle is equipped with a drum ammunition storage system that can accommodate 15 containers with missiles different types. Depending on the intended combat mission, the vehicle's ammunition load can consist of missiles for various purposes. During reloading, the drum magazine automatically finds a missile of the type specified by the operator and brings it to the launcher mounts. The drum design of the stowage allows you to significantly speed up the process of searching for ammunition and reloading in comparison with other systems for similar purposes.

The 9P157 machine carries a combined control system missile weapons, consisting of two separate components. Depending on the situation and the ability to detect targets, the crew can search for enemy equipment and objects using optical-laser or radar systems. The same equipment is also used to control the flight of missiles after firing. The presence of two separate guidance systems allows the 9K123 complex to simultaneously fire at two different targets. In this case, tracking the target and generating commands for the missile is entrusted to the automation of the complex. The radar antenna and optical-electronic unit are located on the roof of the building.

Model of the combat vehicle's ammunition rack. Photo

For use by the Chrysanthemum complex, four guided missiles of a similar design were developed - 9M123, 9M123-2, 9M123F and 9M123F-2. The first two products are equipped with a tandem cumulative warhead with the ability to penetrate up to 1000-1100 mm of homogeneous armor behind dynamic protection. The 9M123F and 9M123F-2 missiles carry a volumetric detonating combat unit, equivalent to 13.5 kg of TNT. All types of missiles have a maximum diameter of 155 mm and are placed in transport and launch containers 2.3 m long. Weight Limit TPK with rocket - 62 kg. The missiles are capable of attacking targets at ranges of at least 400 m. A laser-guided product has a firing range of up to 5 km, and a radar-guided product has a firing range of up to 6 km. In flight, the rockets reach speeds of up to 400 m/s.

The warheads of both missiles are placed in the head part of the high aspect ratio body. The central part of the body is given over to the solid fuel engine. In the tail section there are wings with a span of 310 mm that can be folded out in flight and rudders. Also, the tail of the hull is given over to the placement of control equipment that communicates with the control systems of the combat vehicle. The missile is controlled via a radio channel or using a laser beam. Modifications 9M123 and 9M123F use laser beam guidance; products with a two in the designation use a radar system.

As additional weapons For self-defense, the crew of a combat vehicle can use one 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. This weapon is mounted in the front part of the hull on the left side and serves as a forward-facing weapon. The machine gun is controlled from the crew's workstations. The weapon's ammunition is located within the protected housing.

Model of the 9M123 rocket and its transport and launch container. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The 9K123 "Chrysanthemum" anti-tank missile system includes several auxiliary equipment on self-propelled chassis. To implement Maintenance For the 9P157 combat vehicle, it is proposed to use the 9V945 inspection and verification vehicle. Missile maintenance should be performed by a 9V990 machine and 9V946 equipment. This equipment is built on the basis of existing wheeled vehicle chassis used by the troops.

For the purpose of training the crews of the 9K123 complexes, a set was developed various means. The main element of the training systems is the 9F852 simulator. In addition, a practical version of the 9M123 missile with an inert warhead has been developed. Several versions of guided missile models are produced in different configurations for various purposes. Finally, future operators should use a set of training posters with all the necessary information when training.

Combat vehicles of the Chrysanthemum complex are capable of performing combat work both independently and as part of units. The ability for one vehicle to simultaneously fire two missiles at different targets significantly increases the potential of ATGMs. Provides detection of various targets at ranges of up to several kilometers with automatic tracking of the specified object. It is possible to fire at ground targets moving with at different speeds. The ability to attack low-altitude, low-speed air targets is also stated. The maximum speed of an attacked ground target reaches 60 km/h, and of an air target – 340 km/h.

Unified missile container. Photo

Missiles are launched by a combat vehicle with a stop. If salvo firing is necessary, two missiles are launched sequentially. After launching the missile, the operator can reset the empty container and return the launcher inside the armored hull to reload. When two missiles are launched sequentially, they are controlled through different channels, using a laser or radar. In this case, the corresponding equipment units independently track their targets and generate commands for the missiles.

By the mid-2000s, KBM designers developed a project to modernize the 9K123 Chrysanthemum self-propelled ATGM, which received the designation 9K123-1 Chrysanthemum-S. As part of the new project, an updated version of the combat vehicle with improved characteristics was developed. In addition, it was proposed to use new elements of the complex that were absent in the basic version of the project.

The combat vehicle of the Chrysanthemum-S complex received symbol 9P157-2. It is a modified version of the old 9P157 with a different set of special equipment. The body, power plant, chassis and other chassis elements remain unchanged. The composition of the crew also remains unchanged. The retractable launcher, which interacts with the automated stacking based on the drum magazine, has also been retained. The main overall and weight parameters, as well as the mobility of the 9P157-2, correspond to the characteristics of the 9P157 vehicle of the 9K123 base complex.

The instrument compartment of a laser-guided missile. Photo

The avionics complex has undergone noticeable changes. The basic principles of target detection and missile guidance using laser and radar channels remain the same. At the same time, however, new elements of on-board equipment with improved characteristics were used. As a result of such modernization, the main features of the operation of the equipment do not change in comparison with the basic design. At the same time, an increase in some characteristics and parameters was obtained.

It should be noted that it was the modernization of the on-board equipment that led to the appearance of some visual differences that make it possible to distinguish between the Chrysanthemum and Chrysanthemum-S systems. The self-propelled ATGM of the updated model has a larger armored casing of the optical-electronic system in the front part of the roof, equipped with hinged doors. Others external differences two samples are insignificant.

The upgraded Khrizantema-S ATGM retains full compatibility with existing guided missiles of the 9M123 family of all versions. Thanks to this, the target destruction characteristics remain at the same level. Using a missile with a cumulative warhead, a combat vehicle can hit armored vehicles with protection at the level of 1-1.1 m of armor, and a product with a volumetric detonating warhead causes damage equivalent to 13.5 kg of TNT.

Combat vehicles 9P157-2 of the Chrysanthemum-S complex. Photo

It is alleged that the new 9P157-2 combat vehicles with existing missiles have high combat effectiveness and are capable of fully resisting relatively large enemy formations. Thus, it is mentioned that a platoon of Chrysanthemum-S complexes, consisting of three combat vehicles with an ammunition load of 15 missiles each, is capable of successfully repelling an attack by enemy forces in the form of a company of 14 tanks. In this case, at least 60% of enemy equipment will receive damage that will not allow it to continue combat work.

Based on the 9P157-2 combat vehicle, several new types of special equipment were created designed to coordinate collaboration several self-propelled anti-tank systems. The 9P157-2 platoon should be controlled by the platoon commander's 9P157-3 vehicle. At the battery level, control is proposed to be performed using the 9P157-4 machine. This equipment, like combat vehicles, is based on the BMP-3 chassis, but instead of weapons it carries a turret with machine gun armament and a set of detection equipment. The task of command vehicles is to monitor the situation, issue target designations and perform general coordination of the joint work of several Khrysanthem-S complexes. The crew of the 9P157-3 and 9P157-4 vehicles consists of three and four people, respectively.

For the updated complex, a a new version control and testing machine 9B990-1. A set of 9V981-1 test equipment, designed to service missiles of the 9M123 family, is mounted in a special van body on a vehicle chassis. Using a set of connectors and cables, the equipment of the 9V990-1 machine is connected to the rocket, after which the operation of the latter’s systems is checked.

Battery commander's vehicle 9P157-4. Photo

It is proposed to check and troubleshoot all combat vehicles of the Chrysanthemum-S complex using the 9B945-1 inspection machine. This machine, based on a multi-axle truck chassis, is capable of studying the state of systems of self-propelled missile systems and identifying problems with the accuracy of an individual unit. If problems are detected, the problematic unit can be replaced with a corresponding product from the spare parts kit carried by the inspection vehicle.

IN existing form The 9K123-1 Khrizantema-S self-propelled anti-tank missile system is produced on the basis of a tracked armored chassis. The auxiliary equipment of the complex, in turn, is based on trucks. It was previously mentioned that this system can be installed on other media. To install all the necessary components of a combat vehicle, a chassis with a carrying capacity of at least 3 tons is required. In addition, the possibility of installing the 9K123-1 system on boats with the appropriate parameters was considered. As far as is known, such ideas have not gone beyond the preliminary proposal stage.

Most of the work on promising anti-tank missile systems was carried out in difficult times for the country and the defense industry, which is why the 9K123 “Chrysanthemum” project was completed only by the beginning of the 2000s. Soon after this, the complex, which passed all the necessary tests, was accepted for service and entered mass production. The assembly of serial combat vehicles and other equipment of the complex was mastered at the Saratov Aggregate Plant.

Test and inspection vehicle 9V990-1 while working with a guided missile. Photo

During the same period, work was completed on the 9K123-1 system, which is distinguished by greater novelty and advantages in some characteristics. Completion of the development of the new project made it possible to begin the next update of the equipment fleet using the Chrysanthemum-S systems. To date, according to various sources, the Russian armed forces have received up to several dozen such complexes, including combat vehicles, auxiliary equipment and training equipment.

According to available data, the Chrysanthemum-S complexes have already become the subject of export contracts. So, in 2010, these systems and ammunition for them were ordered by Libya. Until 2013, Russian industry delivered to the customer 14 9P157-2 combat vehicles and 650 9M123 missiles of various modifications. In 2014, another contract was signed for the supply of similar equipment. Azerbaijan ordered 10 9K123-1 ATGMs. Information about other orders and deliveries is not yet available, which may be due to a temporary lack of interest from potential buyers.

As part of the Chrysanthemum project, the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau developed two versions of self-propelled anti-tank missile systems, differing in some features and combat qualities. In addition, it is argued that the modernization potential of the system has not yet been exhausted, and this could lead to the emergence of new versions of the 9K123 complex, built using new combat vehicles, other test equipment and improved guided missiles. However, there is no information yet about the existence of a modernization project or the development of such plans.

Production of the 9K123-1 Khrizantema-S anti-tank missile systems continues, new technology transferred to various ground forces units. Thanks to these supplies, the army receives a modern means of combating enemy armored vehicles, capable of having a significant impact on the situation on the battlefield. The continued production of such equipment is an important element of the current program of rearmament and modernization of the military equipment fleet.

Based on materials from sites:

The Chrysanthemum complex is designed to destroy modern and future tanks of any type, including those equipped with dynamic protection. In addition to armored vehicles, the complex can hit low-tonnage surface targets, hovercraft, low-flying subsonic air targets, reinforced concrete structures, armored shelters and bunkers.

The distinctive properties of the Chrysanthemum ATGM are:

    high noise immunity from radio and IR interference,

    simultaneous guidance of two missiles at different targets,

    short flight time due to the supersonic speed of the rocket,

    Possibility of round-the-clock use in simple and adverse weather conditions, as well as in the presence of dust and smoke interference.

The "Chrysanthemum" ATGM was developed at KBM (Kolomna). "Chrysanthemum-S" is the most powerful of all currently existing ground anti-tank systems. Long range of effective fire in any combat and weather conditions, security, high rate of fire make it indispensable during both offensive and defensive operations of ground forces.


The main feature of this ATGM is the ability to destroy enemy armored vehicles on the battlefield without the need for optical and thermal imaging targeting. "Chrysanthemum-S" is equipped with its own radar station operating in the radio wave range - 100-150 GHz (2-3 mm waves). The radar provides target detection and tracking while simultaneously controlling the missile during guidance. The process of tracking and control is carried out automatically, without operator participation. Thanks to the presence of an additional laser guidance system for ATGMs, the operator can fire in one gulp, simultaneously at two different objects, using different aiming channels.

The 9M123 rocket is built according to a normal aerodynamic design. Aerodynamic rudders, placed perpendicular to the plane of the engine nozzle axes, and their drive are located in the tail section of the rocket. The wings of the rocket are structurally similar to those used on the rocket of the Shturm complex and are located in front of the nozzle block.

The missile can be equipped with various types of warheads. The 9M123-2 missile (see photo 1, photo 2) is equipped with a powerful over-caliber tandem warhead with a diameter of 152 mm and penetrates armor with a thickness of 1,100 -1,200 mm behind the dynamic protection. There is an option to equip the missile with a high-explosive (thermobaric) warhead, in which case it is designated 9M123F-2.

Created on the basis of the BMP-3 chassis, the 9P157-2 combat vehicle with a crew of two carries an ammunition load of 15 9M123-2 or 9M123F-2 missiles in transport and launch containers (TPC). It has high maneuverability and increased maneuverability, is equipped with means of collective and individual protection against weapons of mass destruction, and overcomes water obstacles afloat with the help of 2 water-jet propulsors at a speed of 10 km/h without prior preparation.

Along with a retractable launcher for two TPK with missiles (see photo), a radar antenna is also located closer to the left side (see photo). The selection of missiles needed to carry out a combat mission from the ammunition stowage (see photo) is carried out automatically at the operator’s command. All processes associated with transferring the launcher from the traveling position to the combat position and back, loading and reloading are fully automated and carried out by the operator using a special remote control at the workplace.

Three Khrysantema-S combat vehicles are capable of successfully repelling an attack by a company of fourteen tanks. It is possible to operate several combat vehicles against one or several closely located targets.

The divisions of the Khrizantema-S complex include:

    commander's combat vehicle (BMK) 9P157-4, which provides early detection and recognition of targets, determination of their coordinates and distribution of targets between linear vehicles with the issuance of target coordinates.

    maintenance tools:

    • 9V945 for servicing the 9P157-2 combat vehicle;

      9B990 inspection and testing vehicle for testing missiles;

    educational and training facilities - simulator 9F852.

The 9F852 simulator is designed to train combat vehicle operators, maintain and improve their professional skills. The simulator consists of: simulators of the operator's console 9P157, units of the product 1L32, control panel 1V150-1 of the product 1K118, combined optical control device of the product 1K118 from the BM 9P157, switching unit. The switching side microcontroller performs data exchange between the PC and control panel equipment simulators. “Launches” of missiles are accompanied by visual and sound effects accompanying firing from a combat vehicle, the sound of a missile descending, smoke interference from the rocket engine, as well as the sound background of the “battle.” On the screen of the video monitor of the visual situation simulator, a three-dimensional color image of targets (such as a tank, infantry fighting vehicle, helicopter), an aiming mark, a rangefinder and goniometric scales are formed.

Characteristics of tasks for training in optical-beam and combined operating modes

    group goals - two or three in a group;

    speed of ground targets - from 5 to 60 km/h;

    types of target movement - flank, frontal, oblique, "snake" over moderately rough terrain.

    Characteristics of tasks for training in radar operating mode:

    group goals (from three to five in a group);

    speed of ground targets - from 10 to 60 km/h, air targets - up to 340 km/h;

    types of movement of ground targets: flank, frontal, oblique, “snake” over moderately rough terrain, column of moving point targets on a given edge.

The Khrizantema-S complex is multifunctional and can be placed on carriers with a carrying capacity of at least 3 tons. It is also possible to deploy the complex as an anti-ship weapon on boats.

Modern conflicts inevitably affect the development of military equipment. Missile and anti-tank weapons in this sense have always been the real “tip of the spear” - it was on it that the most advanced technologies were honed. However, the “fire and forget” concept comes to the fore in the development of such weapons, increasing the chances of completing a combat mission without risk to the operator or equipment. Preparing to shoot From the very beginning of work on ground anti-tank systems, the developers were faced with seemingly insurmountable problems. In fact, in one hull it was necessary to combine an all-terrain vehicle with armor, thanks to which the crew could survive under fire and escape from fire. "Chrysanthemum-S" among self-propelled systems for combating enemy armored vehicles and fortifications throughout for long years remains the best in its class.
Various methods of detecting and locking on a target, high mobility and the BMP-3 base, thanks to which the Khrizantema-S can overcome even water obstacles and still shoot, and, of course, the guided missiles of the complex themselves, which can be used in any weather and at any time days. Experts note that in terms of its effectiveness and combination of qualities, today the Chrysanthemum-S complex has no analogues in the world. However, the experience gained as a result of decades of work, the study of conflicts, and analysis of the use of domestic and foreign anti-tank systems against armored vehicles and enemy fortifications have shown that increasing the range and power of ammunition is impossible without serious and in-depth work on the entire complex.

Rule " long arm“In this case, it should continue to work - after all, one of the qualities for which experts value the Chrysanthemum is the ability to hit tanks at a considerable distance, including equipment equipped with dynamic protection units. However, the Chrysanthemum, like any ATGM operating on the line of contact with enemy troops, remains limited in its direct shot range. This feature is characteristic of all anti-tank systems, and most manufacturers around the world have not yet decided to radically change the current state of affairs. The same cannot be said about the specialists of the Tula KBM, who developed the Hermes anti-tank missile system, which is unique in almost all key indicators.
First tactical
The Tula “Hermes” is difficult to fit into the rather narrow framework and categories by which modern anti-tank systems are measured. In terms of its characteristics and operating modes, this “anti-tank” can more likely be classified as a tactical missile weapon than as a means of combating armored vehicles and protected objects. The main difference between the Tula ATGM is the firing range - the complex is capable of operating at targets located at a distance of 90-100 kilometers. The main difficulty in firing anti-tank missiles at such ranges has always been target designation - it is difficult to determine the coordinates of a target that is located at a considerable distance.
To determine the coordinates of the target and carry out its capture, the developers included a special radar in the complex, and to obtain coordinates with an accuracy of up to a meter, Hermes can use data from a drone. After the target search and tracking have been successfully completed, perhaps the main highlight of the complex, the “smart” supersonic missile, “emerges” from the transport and launch container at supersonic speed. Almost all domestic anti-tank missiles of the previous generation attacked a target within visual range in a straight line.

The Hermes ATGM missile differs from its predecessors in that it flies faster and, when approaching the target, makes a “slide”, approaching the target from above. Unlike portable domestic anti-tank systems, which are controlled by the operator, or land-based ones, which operate with a range limitation, it is in the Hermes ATGM that the “fire and forget” principle is fully implemented. Among other things, Hermes was made truly universal: the complex can be mounted both on a land chassis and on other types of carriers, including aviation and marine ones. The main secret of the complex still remains the ability to work in the “high-precision” mode anti-tank artillery", when the missiles of the complex can hit not only isolated or moving targets, but also a tank group on the march or while stationary. The developers themselves, and especially the military, do not provide such information, but experts are unanimous in their assessments - this is what the Tula "Hermes" "is quite capable, which means that the term "anti-tank rocket artillery" is quite applicable in this case.
New anti-tank chapter

Experts note that it has every chance of becoming a new chapter in the development of unique technologies and tactics of anti-tank warfare. It should be noted that the right moment has been chosen for the development of a new self-propelled ATGM, significantly superior in capabilities to the Chrysanthemum, known to all specialists. Russian industry and design bureaus already have sufficient experience in the creation and production of modern missile weapons, the element base is constantly being improved, modern optics and reconnaissance equipment are appearing, and most importantly... there is already a platform on which such a complex can be mounted. According to independent military expert Alexei Khlopotov, the “fire and forget” operating principle in the context of creating promising technology is not used by chance.

“This principle is implemented primarily in order to increase the survivability of the vehicle on the battlefield. That is, as soon as the rocket “came out” of the container, the vehicle can be removed from its place. The crew does not need to wait for a hit, highlight or otherwise sight the target. The smart ammunition will do everything itself,” the expert noted. It is not yet known for certain which of the developers will be engaged in R&D on new “smart ammunition”, but the scale of introduction of modern equipment for electronic warfare and suppression precision weapons indicates that new missiles for anti-tank complex will have to be able to hit targets in an extremely difficult combat situation.
Military expert and editor of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine Alexey Leonkov also expressed his assumptions regarding the ammunition of the promising ATGM. In an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, the expert shared the idea that an important chapter in the work on the new complex could be increasing the power of ammunition. “Dynamic protection systems are constantly being modernized, and active protection systems can withstand shelling. In this regard, the approach to refining or creating new anti-tank missiles capable of penetrating the protection of modern and future armored vehicles seems completely justified, and, most likely, this direction will become one of the main ones in the course of work,” he explained.

Another important area is the choice of platform on which the promising self-propelled ATGM will be placed. For the Chrysanthemum-S, the developers chose the lightweight BMP-3 chassis, and the new self-propelled complex should turn out at least as good. “The feasibility of choosing a particular platform for deployment, of course, will be determined by the customer. But such a complex can be placed almost anywhere. The Armata, Kurganets, and even Boomerang platforms are suitable for these purposes,” noted military expert Alexey Khlopotov. And although experts do not express a consensus as to whether it will be a heavily armored vehicle or light equipment capable of quick forced marches, they agree on one thing - the technological level and experience in the development of such weapons already at this stage make it possible to create completely unique sample weapons. According to experts, already proven solutions and modern means of monitoring the situation make it possible not only to build a vehicle to fight enemy tanks on the line of contact, but also to create a modern “missile tank” capable of “knocking out” enemy equipment long before enemy tanks or infantry fighting vehicles will find themselves within firing range and begin to pose a threat.
Analyzing the prospects for using such developments, experts explain that, most likely, specialists and developers will also have to resolve the issue of integrating such equipment into an automated troop control system. Experts are confident that if this issue is given adequate attention, then, using external target designation, such equipment will be able to partially take over the responsibilities military air defense, and, if necessary, will fire missiles at enemy helicopters, using one launcher Various types combat units.

MOSCOW, November 7 – RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. The latest anti-tank strike systems, modern ammunition for man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), powerful torpedoes - these and others promising weapons began to enter the troops in 2016. Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia, Army General Pavel Popov, noted that such successes were achieved due to the close cooperation of the department with the Rosatom concern. He added that it has already been possible to work on more than one and a half thousand scientific and technical projects of potential interest to the Armed Forces. And since 2012, more than 300 innovative models have been introduced in the interests of the army. For more details about the latest military innovations mentioned by General Popov, see the RIA Novosti material.

Armor-piercing argument

Upgrading ammunition can give a new lease of life to even outdated or aging weapons. A striking example - anti-tank grenade launcher RPG-7, adopted for service Soviet army back in 1961. Its standard ammunition, the PG-7V round, penetrates only 260 millimeters of armor. This is often not enough to fight modern armored vehicles, “hung” with dynamic protection screens. At the same time, the much “younger” tandem cumulative grenade PG-7VR “Resume”, released for the same weapon, confidently “takes” up to 650 millimeters of armor and effectively penetrates defenses. There are many similar examples of successful modernization. As Pavel Popov emphasized, since 2016, modern ammunition for the Khrizantema and Shturm anti-tank missile systems (ATGMs), Igla MANPADS, as well as torpedoes of the Package and Physicist-1 series have been created and introduced into the troops.

Despite the fact that the Chrysanthemum was first introduced in 2005, over time this car has undergone major changes. The troops today have about 30 complexes of this type. The ATGM is mounted on the chassis of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle, which allows it to operate on the battlefield in a single formation with tanks. The modern modification of the "Chrysanthemum-S" is capable of firing at targets with two types of ammunition: the 9M123 missile with a tandem-cumulative warhead and the high-explosive 9M123F. Two missiles can be on the launcher at a time.

Both types of missiles can destroy targets at a range of 400 to 5,000 meters when guided by a laser beam and from 400 to 6,000 meters when guided by a radio channel. The speed of hitting ground targets is up to 60 kilometers per hour, air targets - up to 340 kilometers per hour. The armor penetration of a missile with a cumulative warhead is from 1000 to 1100 millimeters behind dynamic protection. This is more than enough to hit the turret head-on, for example, the American M1A2 Abrams in the latest modifications.

The Russian Federation and the UAE are preparing to sign a contract for the supply of Khrizantema-S ATGMsFor the first time, the Chrysanthemum-S ATGM was presented to the top leadership of the United Nations Arab Emirates as part of the closed part of the exhibition of weapons and military equipment "IDEX-2015".

The predecessor of the "Chrysanthemum" in the army is the self-propelled ATGM "Sturm-S", which has been in service since 1979. Its latest modification, Shturm-SM, is capable of firing all variants of the “land” version of the Ataka missiles with armor penetration up to 800 millimeters. However, strike weapons are not the only thing that the Russian “Chrysanthemum” and “Sturm” are strong at. Both vehicles are integrated into a single complex of automated control systems for anti-tank formations (CSAU PTF). This combat network allows you to coordinate the actions of self-propelled ATGMs on the battlefield, distribute targets between them, and set priority for their destruction.

“The system significantly increases the effectiveness of artillery, anti-tank missile systems, such as “Sturm” and “Chrysanthemum”, as well as portable anti-tank systems, - earlier. - With its help, automated control of anti-tank formations is carried out, interaction with higher points is carried out. "The means allow reconnaissance and surveillance of the terrain, and the issuance of target designations for weapons. Data transfer and command issuance are carried out in a protected mode in a matter of seconds."

Catch a torpedo

Information about plans to modernize the Igla man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems has not yet appeared in the media. The most recent modification of the weapon is the Igla-S, which was put into service in 2001-2002. Unlike earlier versions, this MANPADS has improved characteristics and new capabilities. A skilled fighter with an Igla-S can destroy even a drone or a low-flying cruise missile at a range of up to six kilometers. Probably, further work for the modernization of the complex are designed to “bring up” the Eagle arsenal available to the troops to the level of the most modern Russian MANPADS"Verba", which is capable of hitting air targets with a 9M336 missile at a distance of more than six kilometers and at altitudes of more than four and a half thousand meters.

As for the Package-NK complex mentioned by General Popov, it is a unique ship defense system of its kind. Designed to destroy submarines in the near zone, as well as to destroy “incoming” torpedoes. "Package-NK" operates in offline mode. It independently issues target designation for a torpedo attack on an enemy submarine, transmits target coordinates to anti-torpedoes, conducts pre-launch preparation of combat weapon modules, and also controls launchers. The operator of the complex just has to press a button.

"Package-NK" - for real innovative look weapons. It is part of the onboard defense systems of the most modern Russian corvettes of Project 20380 (Steregushchiy, Soobrazitelny, Boikiy, Stoiky, Sovershenny), as well as frigates of the far sea zone of Project 22350 (the lead one is Admiral Gorshkov ). "Package-NK" significantly increases the "survivability" of Russian ships and makes them virtually invulnerable to single enemy torpedo attacks.

“Physicist,” on the contrary, is a purely offensive weapon. This universal deep-sea homing torpedo (UGST) can hit a record 50 kilometers. The caliber of the ammunition is 533 millimeters, the weight of the warhead is about 300 kilograms. This is more than enough to disable a surface ship of any type (if, of course, you hit it successfully). To target the target, an active-passive hydroacoustic system is used with the ability to identify the wake at a distance of 1.2 to 2.5 kilometers and the response range of a proximity fuse from two to eight meters, depending on the type and size of the target. The possibility of telecontrol is provided with a total cable length of about 30 kilometers. The ideal weapon for an underwater ambush.

It is planned to equip all Russian submarines and surface ships with the “Physicist”, which are carriers of the older USET-80 with an effective firing range of 18-20 kilometers. Thus, the striking capabilities Russian fleet in the field of torpedo armament will more than double.


The Russian complex 9K123 "Chrysanthemum-S" began to be developed in the mid-80s. The main developer of the complex was the Kolomna Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau, headed at that time general designer S.P. Invincible. The complex was first publicly shown in July 1996.

All-day, the all-weather, multi-purpose missile system "Chrysanthemum-S" is designed to destroy modern and promising tanks, including those with dynamic protection, small-scale surface and low-flying subsonic air targets, reinforced concrete defensive structures, as well as manpower located both in shelter, as well as in the open area.

Its distinctive features are:

Possibility of firing day and night in any weather conditions;

Combined control system: in automatic mode using radar guidance in a millimeter-wave radio beam and in semi-automatic mode with missile guidance in a laser beam;

Simultaneous firing of two targets;

Short flight time and high rate of fire.

The launcher is located on the 9P157-2 combat vehicle, created on the basis of the BMP-3. This choice predetermined high mobility, excellent maneuverability and maneuverability, the ability to overcome water obstacles immediately, without prior preparation, good security and at the same time allowed to preserve air transportability complex.

One of characteristic features complex "Chrysanthemum-S" is that the main means of detecting and tracking a target was a millimeter-range radar station (100 - 150 GHz), located next to a retractable launcher on two transport-launch containers (TPK), closer to left side.

In the stowed position, the radar is retracted inside the housing.

The radar provides detection and automatic target tracking, with simultaneous automatic missile control. This entire process is carried out without operator participation.

The operator of the Khrizantema-S complex solves the problem of searching and identifying enemy objects. After locking on a target for auto tracking, its role is reduced to monitoring the launch process and evaluating its results. This, in turn, makes it possible to achieve multi-channel action of the complex on a target in conditions of good visibility. After launching the first missile using a radio channel in automatic mode, the operator can move on to tracking another target by firing a second missile at it, guided by a laser beam in semi-automatic mode.

The selection of missiles from the ammunition stowage, transfer of the launcher from the traveling position to the combat position and back, loading and reloading are carried out by the operator using a special remote control, without leaving the workplace.

The ammunition load of the Khrizantema-S ATGM consists of four types of ATGMs in the TPK: 9M123 with laser beam guidance and 9M123-2 with radio beam guidance, with an over-caliber tandem - cumulative warhead and 9M123F and 9M123F2 missiles, respectively with laser and radio beam guidance, with a high-explosive (thermobaric) warhead.

The aerodynamic design of the rocket is “normal”. The rudders are placed perpendicular to the plane of the engine nozzle axes, and their drive is located in the tail section. The wings are located in front of the nozzle block. In the transport position, the wings, rectangular in plan and curved in an arc towards each other, cover the rocket body and occupy a flight position under the action of a spring mechanism after leaving the container.

The development of the tandem cumulative warhead was carried out by the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF. As the specialists of this center assure, the ATGM of the Chrysanthemum-S complex has the maximum armor penetration among domestic analogues.

In addition to the 9P157-2 combat vehicles, the units of the Chrysanthemum-S complex include a commander's combat vehicle (BMK), a 9V945 control and testing vehicle, a 9V990 control and testing vehicle and a 9F852 simulator.

The BMK is designed for early detection and recognition of targets, determining their coordinates, distributing targets between combat vehicles, indicating the target coordinates. Simultaneous operation of several combat vehicles against one or several nearby targets is possible.

The 9V945 inspection and testing vehicle, based on the ZIL-131 all-terrain vehicle, is intended for maintenance of the 9P157-2 combat vehicle, and the 9V990, based on the GAZ-66, is intended for testing the complex’s missiles.

The 9F852 simulator includes various components and blocks of a combat vehicle, which make it possible, using a PC, to simulate the work of an operator in conditions as close as possible to combat ones. “Launches” are accompanied by visual and sound effects that correspond to real ones during live fire, the sound of a missile exiting the TPK, and smoke interference rocket engine, battle sound effects. At this time, a three-dimensional color image of targets, an aiming mark, rangefinder and protractor scales, etc. are formed on the screen of the visual environment simulator. All this helps maintain and improve the operator's professional skills without wasting expensive missiles.

It is assumed that three combat vehicles of the Chrysanthemum-S complex can repel an attack by a company of tanks (14 units), and at least 60% of the targets will be destroyed. The missiles with high-explosive warheads included in the ATGM ammunition further expand the possibilities of its use.

The Khrizantema-S complex is by far the most powerful anti-tank ground complex and can be considered as a highly effective means of combating armored targets in a difficult jamming environment. The ATGM of the Khrizantema-S complex will effectively combat the latest tanks developments of the first decade XXI century. Missiles with increased launch range and increased power are already being developed.

Serial production of the 9K123 "Chrysanthemum-S" complex has been established at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Saratov Aggregate Plant". It is expected that the first complexes will begin to enter service with the troops in 2005.

Video of the Khrysantema-S ATGM - ATGM "Chrysanthemum"

and one more video - ATGM "Chrysanthemum"

MAIN performance characteristics of the 9K123 "CHRYSANTHEMA-S" ATGM

Maximum launch range of the 9M123 ATGM:

5000 m

Maximum launch range of the 9M123-2 ATGM:

6000 m

Minimum launch range:

400 m

Rocket weight in TPK:

54 kg

Rocket launch weight:

46 kg

Weight of cumulative warhead:

8.0 kg

Weight BB:

6.0 kg

Maximum rocket diameter:

152 mm

Maximum rocket length:

2.04 m

Maximum wingspan:

0.31 meters

Rocket engine:

solid fuel

Average rocket speed:

about 400 m/ With

Maximumarmor penetration tandem cumulative warhead ( homogeneous armor for NDZ at a meeting angle of 90 0):

1250 mm

Transportable ammunition on the launcher:

15 missiles

PU crew:

2 people

Chassis base PU 9P157-2:

BMP - 3

Combat weight:

less than 20 tons

Diesel engine power:

500 l. With. (660 l. With .)

Maximum highway speed:

70 km/h

Maximum speed on dirt road:

52 km/h

Maximum speed afloat:

10 km/h

Highway range:

at least 600 km

Accepted for service:


"Chrysanthemum-S" with TVP 1K118T

Another novelty of the exhibition in Nizhny Tagil was the display of the improved Khrysantema-S complex.

The combat vehicle of the 1P157-2 complex is equipped with a new multi-channel thermoteleusinian control device 1K118T developed by NPK Fotopribor (Cherkassy).

The 1K118T control device is designed to search, detect and recognize ground targets in day and night conditions, including unfavorable conditions and formation of a laser-beam field for guiding a guided missile to a target. Consists of television (TV) and thermal imaging(TPV) surveillance channels, laser-beam missile control channel. It is used in the fire control system of the Khrizantema-S anti-tank complex. Differences between 1K118T and 1K118:

  • using a television channel instead of a sighting channel. This makes it possible to place the operator at a distance from the guidance device and eliminates the possibility of laser radiation damaging the operator’s eyes.
  • thermal imagingchannel for use at night and in difficult visibility conditions.
  • measuring the range to a target using the “base on target” method electronically, which is 5 times more effective in terms of accuracy of visually determining the range visually using rangefinder scales.

Photos and details in the material -Arms Exhibition "Nizhny Tagil-2011" (REA-2011) - modernized T-90SM tank, BMP-1M and "Chrysanthemum-S", and machine 9P157-4 for controlling the battery of the 9K123 "Chrysanthemum-S" missile system, BMD-4M ( Bakhcha-U) - .


Modernized "Chrysanthemum-S"

After the events of 2014, Russian developers abandoned a number of Ukrainian components; the TVP developed by NPK Fotopribor (Cherkassy) was replaced by the Belarusian 1K118P (JSC Peleng).

Now without Ukrainian components - 1K118T and a number of other components. They did it very quickly, apparently the Belarusians prepared in advance (1K118P).
