Beautiful knees. How to make your knees beautiful at home: exercises and folk remedies (masks and wraps)

Legs, like the face, are a woman’s adornment and require additional care. It’s a pity that nature hasn’t endowed everyone with ideal, straight, long legs that can be flaunted, but the situation can be corrected with some effort.

Knees are often overused and not properly cared for, so they can lose their attractiveness and become serious illnesses. To avoid such consequences, pay more attention to your knees, try not to overload them and take care of the skin. After all, the skin in these places requires special hydration and nutrition, since it does not have sebaceous glands, which means it is dry. But subcutaneous fat, which forms on the knees and hangs in the form of unsightly wrinkles, can only be eliminated with the help of diet. How to make your knees beautiful? We'll talk about this further.

To have beautiful knees, you must have healthy legs.

Knee exercises

For improvement appearance your knees, you need to do certain exercises. By systematically repeating these exercises, you will become more beautiful, slimmer, your skin condition will improve, blood vessels, joints. What needs to be done for this?

  • Rotation.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees slightly, place your hands on one knee and slowly rotate it, increasing the amplitude. Do 10 repetitions on one knee and the other on both sides. After this, put your feet together and perform circular movements with both knees, first in one, and then in reverse side also 10 times.

In this position, rotate your knees

  • Flexion.

While lying on your back, lift and bend your legs at a right angle. Perform movements that imitate pedaling a bicycle, stretching your legs away from you as much as possible and pulling them towards you. The best exercise machine for your knees is a regular bicycle or exercise bike.

  • Squats.

Many women underestimate this exercise, but it can improve the shape of your knees and legs in general, especially in the hip area, and also have a great effect on your joints.

When taking different positions during exercise, take a break to avoid overstraining your muscles.

  • Deviations.

Kneel down, keep your back straight, slowly lean your torso back, while feeling the tension in the muscles above your knees. Get to extreme point and return to the starting position. To start, perform 10 repetitions and then increase the number to 30 in three sets.

  • Jumping.

Stand in a straight position, jump with both feet to the sides, and jump back, crossing your legs when landing. Repeat the movement, alternating the leg in front.

Stretch in this position after exercise.

For ideal results, you need to do these exercises for 15 minutes a day several times a week, and you will see an improvement in your appearance and general state your knees.

Cosmetics and massage

Beautiful knees are not only physical exercise- your knees need additional cosmetic care and massage for better blood circulation, for skin elasticity, and to get rid of excess fat.

A little massage for skin tone

The most commonly used products for knee care:

  • Skin whitening.

To lighten darkened and rough skin, use a salt scrub. It is easy to prepare at home. To do this, you need to mix two tablespoons of honey and salt, add a teaspoon of castor oil and rub the skin on your knees with this mixture.

You can also use kefir. Mix a few tablespoons of it with two teaspoons of cucumber juice, add a few drops of lemon juice. Rub this balm on your knees light movements while massaging the knee joint.

  • Skin softening.

To soften the skin, you can use the same kefir in combination with a wrap. To do this, you need to mix a few teaspoons of eucalyptus oil with a few tablespoons of kefir and rub this mixture into your knees, then wrap them with film or polyethylene. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then rinse off warm water. After such a compress, the skin will become smooth and soft.

  • Skin moisturizing.

For such purposes, it is better to use masks on vegetable oils. Masks made from olive and linseed oil in equal proportions with the addition of the juice of half a lemon. This mixture must be rubbed into the knees for 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water and lubricated with a rich cream.

  • Give shape.

In order to improve the shape of your knees and get rid of excess fat, you can use various modeling creams in combination with massage. This technique will change the shape of the knees and give the skin elasticity and firmness.

Follow these tips and your knees will stay healthy and look attractive longer.

  • For proper blood circulation and uniform load on the limbs, wear high-quality comfortable shoes of a suitable size, wear heels less often to avoid problems with blood vessels (swelling, varicose veins);
  • If knee pain is caused by diseases of the joints and blood vessels, then you need to cleanse yourself of salts, the following remedy will help: a crushed mixture of a head of garlic, lemon, half a celery root and a teaspoon of honey, eat a teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach;
  • Eat healthy, avoiding excess cholesterol, salt and fat, which tend to be deposited throughout the body, including the knees, changing their shape.

So to save perfect beauty knees need to be taken care of not only them, but also pay attention to the whole body, while eating right, playing sports, and taking constant skin care. If you do this regularly, you can only admire your legs.

You can make your knees beautiful with a set of exercises that can be easily done at home. All you need is a step platform and a pair of dumbbells.

Knees, just like the face, can reveal age and physical fitness. Not every woman decides to wear a short skirt and shoes, preferring to hide the fatty overhangs above the knees under trousers.

However, the problem is easy to solve. And for this it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with long workouts in the gym. It is enough to devote only 15-20 minutes a day to classes and within a month you will be able to flaunt in a skirt and catch the admiring glances of passers-by.


The first and simplest exercise involves rotating your knees. You need to stand straight with your heels and knees together. Lean forward slightly, clasping your knees with your palms and performing a large circle with them, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat 15-20 times.


The best exercise for the legs, including the knees, is squats. There are several different techniques for performing this exercise, but for beginners it is best to start with a half squat.

After a few days of training, you can pick up dumbbells or use 1.5-liter water bottles for this purpose.

At first, it is better to train with a chair: stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and holding dumbbells or bottles in your arms extended downwards. Raising your arms and placing them in front of you, lean forward slightly and lower yourself into a squat until your buttocks lightly touch the chair. Return to the starting position and do 3 sets of 10-13 reps.


Stand near a wall or some other support and raise your leg up so that it makes a right angle with the floor level. Perform 15-25 knee bends. Repeat the exercise for the other leg. Now try to do it while standing on your toes. In this case, it is recommended to raise the leg not only forward, but also to the side and back.


Kneel down, keeping your back straight. On the count of “ones,” slowly tilt your torso back, feeling the stretch in the muscles above your knees. Having reached the most extreme point, when it is no longer possible to maintain balance, return to the starting position. For beginners, perform only 10 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 30 and performing in three approaches.


Exercise "Plie" gives good load on the inner thigh. To perform it, you need to stand straight with your feet wider than your shoulders, pointing your toes to the sides, and placing your hands on your belt. Without bending your back, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Now rise slightly and return to the lowest point again. Perform 3 sets of 15-20 times.


To perform this exercise, you will need a step platform or some other elevation. Place your right foot on it and leave your left foot on the floor, lifting your heel off the floor. Keep your arms extended along your body. On the count of “one”, stretch them forward, squat in a half-squat and completely transfer your body weight to your straightened right leg, as when walking up the steps. Lift the left one off the floor, straightening the body. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg. After resting, perform two more sets of 15 reps.

Slender legs are hips without annoying pads in the knee area that hang over the cup and spoil the look in skirts. The appearance of the knees is determined not only by the shape of the bones, namely the patella, but also by the muscles.

What do you need to be slim?

For slender knees you need four conditions:

  • so that the muscles are present and form smooth transitions;
  • so that there is no fat accumulating around the knees and above it;
  • so that the muscles work and help burn fat;
  • proper nutrition with a slight calorie deficit.

A calorie deficit is the key to any weight loss. It is achieved by avoiding harmful foods and physical activity.

How to make your knees beautiful at home?

Exercises for beautiful knees include:

  1. formation of the muscular framework for beautiful shapes and elasticity;
  2. burning excess fat.

To ensure a double effect - strengthening muscles and burning fat - training is carried out in a circular format. Five or six exercises in a complex are repeated one after another a certain number of times with minimal rest breaks.

You should not hope that swinging your legs or squeezing a ball while sitting on a chair will help make your knees perfect and remove fat pads. To burn body fat, you need to waste energy, sweat and feel sore. Believe me, after two weeks of training, the body completely gets used to the load.

The following set of exercises will help make your legs in the knee area slimmer:

  1. Squats - performed without dumbbells for beginners. Stand up straight, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes slightly to the sides. Imagining that someone is pulling the pelvis back and down, lower yourself to maximum depth without lifting your heels off the floor;
  2. Lateral lunges are essential for burning fat on the inner thighs. Take a wide step to the right side, squat down, moving your pelvis back so that your knee does not move in front of the toe line, return to the starting position;
  3. Jumping with cross leg movement. Stand up straight, jump with both feet to the sides - wider than shoulder width, then jump back and land with your legs crossed. Repeat the movement, alternating the leg that goes in front;
  4. Plie squats with a spring. Place your feet much wider than your shoulders and point your toes out to the sides. Squat down to parallel, spreading your legs wide apart, make three springing movements, straighten your legs;
  5. Plank with knee bend and leg lift. Stand in push-up position, straighten your body in one line from your feet to the back of your head. Raise your right leg above the floor and bend it at the knee, bringing it closer to your stomach. Return to the starting position, repeat the same thing - lifting and bending left leg;
  6. Stepping onto a chair. Stand in front of a chair (step platform), take a step with your right leg, straighten it at a height, bring your left leg to your stomach, lower back with your left leg.

To make your knees beautiful quickly, you need to perform the exercises 10-20 times without rest and in a circle. You can increase the load using interval fat-burning training: each exercise is performed for 30-50 seconds with a rest interval of 10 seconds. In total, you need to do 3-4 laps, aiming to burn 200-300 calories per workout.

What can and should you eat?

To do beautiful knees, exercise, as for regular weight loss, should be combined with proper nutrition, but not a diet.

Fat is lost only when the body receives enough calories to maintain muscles, but at the expense healthy products– not store-bought semi-finished products, but cooked and lightly processed ones.

The process of losing weight in your legs is impossible without proper nutrition. Hips and buttocks are hormone-dependent areas where fat cells have many receptors and therefore easily increase in size.

You can remove fat from problem areas by removing saturated fats from your diet:

  • pork, fatty beef, lard;
  • margarines, mayonnaise;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products with palm oil and margarines;
  • you will have to reduce the sweets, leaving dark chocolate with 70 percent cocoa or higher;
  • you can eat two spoons of honey and two fruits a day.

You need to make your food consumption regular and orderly: three main meals and two snacks.

It is necessary to take care of the strength and health of your knee joints so that your mobility does not decrease with age. We often take healthy knees for granted and fail to notice impending problems until everyday activities, such as lifting heavy objects or climbing down, become painful. Try following the steps below to strengthen your knees so you can stay active for as long as possible.


Part 1

Knee health

    Learn the Basics anatomical structure knee The knee is the largest joint in the entire human body. It is formed by the lower end of the femur, the upper end of the tibia, and the patella (kneecap). These bones are connected by ligaments and cartilage, including the meniscus, which acts as a shock absorber at the junction of the femur and tibia.

    Be aware of the most common knee injuries. The knee is one of the most stressed joints in the human body, making it susceptible to a variety of injuries. The more you know, the easier it will be to avoid situations that could lead to new injuries or aggravate existing ones.

    • The iliotibial band (IT) is a band of denser muscle tissue that runs from the hip joint to the knee joint on the outside of the leg. PBT helps maintain knee stability during physical activity. As a result of too much stress, it can become inflamed and cause pain (the so-called PBT syndrome). Runners, hikers, and physically active people often experience this type of injury.
    • The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is often injured while running, jumping, or landing poorly. Other ligaments can also be damaged.
    • The meniscus acts as a shock absorber that protects the knee from bone impacts and can be easily torn when turning, rotating, or braking.
  1. Learn how the knee is affected by other parts of the leg. Quadriceps, popliteal and gluteal muscles act as stabilizers of the knee joints. It is important to keep these muscles in good shape to promote knee health and protect them from injury.

    Part 2

    Exercises to strengthen your knees
    1. Strengthen PBT. Before you begin your workout, spend some time stretching and warming up your PBT. This will help strengthen your knees.

      • Stand up, place your left foot in front of your right and raise your arms above your head. Tilt top part torso to the left as much as possible, so as not to bend your knees. Then switch legs and repeat the same thing: place your right leg in front of your left and lean to the right.
      • Sit on the floor and stretch your legs in front of you. Place one leg on top of the other, bring your knee as close to your chest as possible and hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise with the second leg.
      • Walk a little before doing the main exercises briskly to knead and warm up the PBT.
    2. Perform recovery exercises after surgery. If you have had knee surgery or knee replacement, you may need special exercises and stretches to increase your range of motion. Ask your doctor when you can start stretching exercises after surgery. The following exercises are usually recommended:

      Train your quadriceps muscles. These muscles are located on the front of the thighs. Strong quadriceps muscles strengthen your legs and improve mobility. Do exercises to develop these muscles.

      Strengthen your hamstrings and the muscles that are located on the back of your thighs. Stretching these muscles daily and exercising them at least twice a week will help relieve knee pain and increase mobility.

      Strengthen your thighs and buttocks. The hip flexors and buttock muscles also play important role and provide leg mobility. Strengthen these muscles to avoid putting too much strain on your muscles. knee joints. In addition, many exercises for the hips and buttocks also strengthen the hamstrings and muscles.

      Try doing restorative exercises that tone the muscles throughout your body. If you have weak muscles legs, this will also negatively affect the condition of the knees.

      • Yoga exercises are accompanied by low loads and increase the tone of the leg muscles.
      • Swimming is also a great and safe way to strengthen your legs and knees and increase their flexibility.
      • Walking and cycling keep your legs and knees toned and prepare them for more challenging activities.
    3. Be careful when performing jumps. Jumping, such as jumping rope, helps strengthen your leg muscles, but if done incorrectly, you can damage your knee. If you do decide to do such exercises, learn to do it correctly. When landing on straight legs, the knee joints experience high pressure, which may result in injury. To prevent injury, land with your legs bent and your shins vertical. If you don't keep your shins vertical when landing, you can get injured - try not to jump in this situation.

Knee exercises

Basic knee care

The skin of the knees is often rough and rough. The kneecaps become deformed with age, and fatty deposits form around the joints. The skin becomes dry and rough due to the fact that there are not enough sebaceous glands in this area of ​​the body, which means there is no natural protection. Knees suffer from heat, cold, sun, wind, and other harmful influences environment. Upper layer In the absence of proper care, the skin becomes literally keratinized. This is why you should never forget about your knees. Paying attention to the care of this area Special attention By getting your legs in order, you will be young and beautiful.

To maintain the youth and beauty of your knees, you need to monitor the overall health of your feet. To do this, you should pay great attention to the selection of shoes. It should be comfortable, made of high-quality natural materials.

When there are no problems with the legs, the gait will be attractive and sexy without high heels

Special set of exercises

This complex includes several simple exercises that you can easily do throughout the day, even if you are away from home.

1. Place your feet together. Bend your knees slightly. Bend forward. Place your palms on your knees. Perform several rotational movements, first in one direction, then in the other direction. After this, place your feet shoulder-width apart and repeat the exercise in this position.

2. Stand near a support, for example, it could be the back of a chair. Raise one leg, straightening it at a 90-degree angle. Extend and bend your knee. Turn around and repeat the exercise on the other leg. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise while standing on your toes. You will immediately feel how the load has increased. Do the exercise 10-15 times in 2-3 approaches.

3. Stand at a support. Slowly rise up onto your toes and lower yourself 15–18 times. Perform the exercise first on one leg, then on the other leg.

Stop if you feel discomfort in the lower leg area

4. Regular stretching helps improve blood circulation in the legs, restoring mobility to the knees. To do this, stand near a wall. The distance should be about 15 cm. Place the palm of your left hand on the wall. Grab your ankle right hand. Try to stretch your leg as much as possible and gently pull it towards you. Lock in this position for 10–12 seconds. Repeat the exercise on the other leg.
