The liger is the largest cat. The biggest cat on earth is a liger

The liger, this little-known hybrid, is the largest cat in the world. On average, an individual liger weighs from 300 to 370 kg and can reach up to 4 meters in length and up to 2 meters in height. This huge cat is almost twice the size of the largest lion.

As you can guess from the name, a liger is a mixture of the two largest felines - lions and tigers, namely a male lion and a female tiger. What’s interesting is that if the father is a tiger and the mother is a lioness, then a completely different animal will be born, the so-called “tiger lion,” which is much smaller in size than a tiger. This happens because in male lions the genes responsible for growth are more active than in lionesses, but in tigers the opposite is true - genes that inhibit growth are less developed in females. That is why ligers grow to such incredible sizes; the gene that inhibits growth is suppressed in them. By the way, ligers grow throughout their lives.

Externally, ligers are more similar to tigers than to lions: they do not have a mane, and characteristic tiger stripes are visible on their bodies, albeit very pale.

You can meet ligers only in captivity, because... in nature, lions and tigers live in different geographical areas: lions are in Africa, and tigers are only in Asia. However, even in captivity these huge cats are very rare. Now there are about 25 individuals in the world. Like many other feline hybrids, ligers cannot procreate - almost all males are sterile, but most females are capable of bearing offspring.

Despite their enormous size and rather terrifying appearance, ligers are not aggressive and are even friendly towards humans. They love to play and be spoiled like domestic kittens. These cats also know how and love to swim.

The largest liger is a male named Hercules. He was born in 2004 in America. Now he weighs 420 kg, his body length is more than 4 meters, and his height is more than 2 m, while Hercules continues to grow.

Ligers are extremely rare, but interesting view Living creatures. This name was given to the hybrid of a lion and a tigress. Ligers and tigers, by the way, are not one species, but opposite crosses. There are several hundred individuals in the world. All of them live in captivity, because in natural environment these species almost do not overlap (with the exception of a small patch of jungle in western India). The first mention of this species refers to end of the XVIII century, but the term “liger” itself was coined at the beginning of the 20th century. Externally, ligers look like lions with blurry stripes. The most interesting facts about the largest cats in the world - in case you want to have such a cutie at home.

  • 1 History of the origin of ligers
  • 2 Main characteristics of ligers
  • 3 Appearance and personal qualities
  • 4 Ligers in wild conditions
  • 5 Tigers
  • 6 Liligers and other hybrid hybrids
  • 7 Mental health problems
  • 8 White ligers
  • 9 Rocky the Liger
  • 10 Liger controversy

History of the origin of ligers

First image of ligers

In the last decade, ligers, as they say, are “in trend”: TV shows are being made about them, rich people dream of getting a copy for their home collection. A ton of rumors and conflicting information have haunted ligers for several centuries, but their true origin is still shrouded in darkness. The first mention of a hybrid of a lion and a tigress was found in scientific works French biologist Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire. In 1798, the scientist depicted ligers in his work on the flora of India. This means that by that time the British authorities were breeding native animals for zoos throughout the British Empire. Around this time, others in the scientific community began to actively discuss selection and crossbreeding within the cat family. In 1837, two ligre cubs were presented to King William IV and Queen Victoria.

Later, in 1897, three more liger cubs were born in captivity in Hamburg (Germany). However, the hybrids have not yet received an established name and they have not been identified as a new subspecies. Ligers received their name only in 1902. That's what biologist A.H. Bryden called them. He first used the term in scientific articles in the magazines “Animal Life” and “World of Nature”. Ligers appeared at the Bloemfontein Zoo in 1935. Since then, they can be seen in many zoological exhibitions around the world, but most of these wonderful hybrids are in the United States of America.

Main characteristics of ligers

As already mentioned, the liger is the result of crossing a lion and a tigress. Now there are about 200 representatives of the subspecies in the world. Due to the small population, it is difficult to work out average characteristics, but some data can be given with confidence: weight - from 400 to a monstrous 680 kg (for comparison, medium tiger and a lion weighs no more than 200–300 kg). The liger can reach a length of almost 4 meters, making it the largest cat in the world. By the way, the width of the mouth of this hybrid is the same as the distance from one shoulder to the other in a man of normal build.

Since liger cubs are larger than ordinary tiger cubs, they are born using C-section(so at two months, ligers weigh 7 kg, while tiger cubs weigh no more than 4 kg). As ligers mature, they gain half a kilogram per day. Previously, it was believed that these hybrids grow throughout their lives (for the same reasons as in giant people - due to disruption of the pituitary gland). However, recent studies have shown that ligers, like other members of the cat family, stop growing by the age of 6 years. But the descendant of lions and tigresses has another problem: ligers are prone to obesity, since their appetite is difficult to satisfy (this cat can eat up to 50 kg of meat at one time). To prevent the cat from suffering from excess weight, caretakers limit feeding to 10–15 kg of meat. It is also known that most of the ligers living today are the result of random matings of tigresses and lions living in the same enclosures. Another interesting fact: ligers are the second largest predators in the world (after the southern elephant seal).

All bears (including the polar white) are omnivores, so they cannot compete with ligers in their bloodthirsty craving for meat.

Appearance and personal qualities

The liger Hercules and his trainer

Lions and tigers belong to the same family, but live in different environments and behave completely differently. Ligers incorporate the features of both representatives: the powerful and muscular body of a lion, the distinct stripes of a tiger. Male ligers can also grow a mane, but it is not as full and impressive as that of lions. The roar of ligers also has characteristics of both species and can really be impressive.

Ligers are social creatures, so they feel better together with other members of the cat family (but can also become proud loners). Ligers are excellent swimmers and love water. Unlike their wild ancestors, ligers remain relatively calm throughout their lives. However, this does not mean that anyone can approach them without fear - they only recognize those people whom they have seen since birth. They may well perceive everyone else as a steak with legs.

Ligers in the wild

A couple of ligers in the zoo

There is not a single confirmed fact of the existence of liger in wildlife: All evidence is either fake or an inaccurate interpretation of evidence. However, in the past, when lions and tigers lived over much larger areas and often crossed paths, people in India reported "giant brown cats." It may well be that these were wild ligers. Therefore, the existence of hybrids in the jungle cannot be completely ruled out.

Currently, there is debate among scientists about whether ligers can live in the wild. Some biologists passionately argue that the species is not adapted to conditions in the wild, while others argue: India, the central part of the USA and South America are the ideal place for this huge cat to live. If we compare ligers with saber-toothed tigers or cave lions who lived during the last ice age, then we can say with confidence that hybrids will feel good in these habitats. A liger can easily track and catch up with prey, reaching a crazy speed of 100 km/h. Ligers can find their niche by eating both large game and smaller predators (that is, almost everything there is).

But not everything is so smooth: wild ligers will not be able to find enough food for their huge carcass. In addition, it is far from certain that the giant will not exhaust itself while pursuing its prey. According to other data, male ligers are sterile, so they will not be able to contribute to the continuation of the family. However, this still needs to be proven.


Tiger lion in the zoo

It would be a little unfair not to mention the tigrolves, cousins ligers Lions and tigers are so close in DNA that they can easily interbreed and produce offspring. Ligers are the cub of a lion and a tigress, and a tigress is the result of crossing a tiger and a lioness. There are much fewer tigers, since very rarely does a lioness allow even a seasoned tiger to approach her. Also tigrolves don't grow that big colossal sizes, therefore not so in demand among the public. However, at the beginning of the 20th century, zoologist Gerald Eales reported that he saw tigers in India much more often than ligers (this may well be a figment of the scientist’s imagination, but at the same time it may mean that tigers are a more viable subspecies).

In any case, tigers combine the characteristics of both parents. The main difference between the two hybrids is size: tigrols are no larger than the average lion. They also have tiger stripes and males can grow a mane. Weight is about 200 kg and height can reach up to three meters.

Liligers and other hybrid hybrids

Liligger family with tiger

Hybrid females cannot give birth to offspring from hybrid males, but they perfectly bear offspring from lions or tigers. Moreover, in each subsequent generation, hybrids will have fewer and fewer traits from another species, since the male’s chromosomes provide 75% of the genotype of the offspring. The difference in appearance can also vary depending on the species of tigers or lions. On this moment Not a single successful mating has been recorded between ligers or tigers.

Moreover, lions are much closer to jaguars and leopards than tigers: common ancestor first separated from the general family approximately 4.3 million years ago, while the ancestor of tigers and leopards became an independent species about 3.9 million years ago. Moreover, lions became a unique species only two million years ago, while tigers became isolated about 3 million years ago. This means that lions and leopards have more genes in common and their offspring are resilient. This hybrid is called "leopon". Crossbreeding between leopards and jaguars, as well as between lions and jaguars, is also possible.

Mental health problems

As already mentioned, male ligers are sterile. In addition, since hybrids of lions and tigers have the behavioral characteristics of both species, they have serious mental disorders. Ligers can also inherit the “vocabulary” of both parents, which leads to conflicts with their closest relatives. Ligres may experience stress because they will simultaneously want to be in society with their lioness sisters and want to hunt alone. Such conflicting desires can really drive an animal crazy.

Also if it is likely that the “pure-blood” mother will be embarrassed by the behavior of the half-breed cub and will not recognize him. Then small predator doomed to death (if his mother is not replaced by specialists from the zoo). In any case, playing with genes means that ligers need special care.

White ligers

Real luck - to see white lion or a tiger. Imagine what it's like to watch a white liger! There are currently 4 white leagues in the world and they all live in South Carolina. Their names are known throughout the world: Odin, Yeti, Samson and Apollo. Their parents are the lion Ivory and the white tigress Saraswati. There are rumors that South Korea They have their own white ligers, but the information is not confirmed by any fact.

There are about 300 white lions and 1,200 white tigers in the world. On the other hand, people would like to see completely black huge cats. And although black tigers exist, there is not a single black lion (all photos on the Internet are fake). Based on these data, it is extremely difficult to expect that humanity is waiting a large number of black ligers.

Rocky the liger

Although ligers are quite peaceful creatures, their instincts cannot be underestimated. In 2008, Peter Gets, a caretaker at a sanctuary in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, broke the rules and entered the cage of a liger named Rocky without an escort. Moreover, the predator was usually fed through a powerful grate. As a result, Rocky attacked a park employee. Despite bleeding heavily, Peter was able to escape the cage, but died from his injuries the next day in hospital. At the time of his death, Getsu was 32 years old and had already been working with animals for a year.

Rocky had lived in the park for 10 years before the incident. Lori Yensin, the owner of the reserve, said that Rocky had previously been a calm and very kind creature. However, the slightest wrong movement or sound from Gets could signal a threat to the liger. A dispute arose about euthanizing the hybrid. Nevertheless, Rocky lived until 2014 and died of natural causes. He became the only liger in the world to kill a man.

Liger controversy

As you might expect, there are many people who are concerned about the existence of huge feline hybrids whose behavior cannot be predicted. The main argument is the fact of breeding only in captivity. In addition, ligers are prone to diseases and mutations, as well as emotional problems and mental disorders.

Other people are outraged that two species are being forced to mate to produce hybrid offspring. On the island of Taiwan, such crossbreeding is prohibited by law. The large size of a liger (even an embryo) is also a threat to the mother of the future hybrid.

The controversy continues, but in order for one side to win, it is necessary to increase the number of individuals. And this, as mentioned above, is extremely difficult.

This is not to say that interspecific crossing is something bad. However, “playing God” can lead to consequences for which a person is not prepared. Unfortunately, people very often do not think about this. Maybe we should start?

A liger is a hybrid of a lion and a tigress. This animal is the largest cat in the world, as it reaches a height of three meters. However, such “nuggets” do not appear in the wild often, because the habitats of tigers vary. That is why such hybrids are exotic clean water! They appear relatively infrequently and for the reason that between these representatives various types cat family“love attraction” occurs quite rarely in nature, if at all.

At the moment, there are no more than two dozen ligers in the world.

Ligers, for the most part, appear in those zoos where often both lions and lion cubs are in the same place. Little liger cubs are adorable and rare creatures that quickly turn into real crowd favorites!

Neither a tiger nor a lion

The appearance of the liger is not so clear. This hybrid incorporates traits from both the mother and father. The liger looks like a giant-sized lion with blurry tiger stripes on its sides and back. Male ligers, with rare exceptions, have virtually no mane, but unlike lions, they know how and love it very much.

The length of ligers reaches four to five meters or more. Moreover, their weight sometimes reaches three hundred kilograms, which is a third more than that of large lions. The largest living liger is Hercules. His weight is four hundred kilograms! The Guinness Book of Records contains an entry about a liger weighing almost eight hundred kilograms. He lived in the 70s of the last century in one of the parks in South Africa.

Ligres can give birth, which is very unusual for hybrids. Male ligers are sterile. The “fathers” can be either a full-fledged lion, or a mature lion and ligress. It is worth noting that tiger-lion hybrids are not very large.

Ligers and society

Crossbreeds with lions cause mixed and even negative reactions from the public and animal activists. According to video footage filmed by the American company Animal Media, the little liger cubs are genetically crippled wild cats. They are susceptible to cancer, neurological disorders, and arthritis.

The very first liger in Russia was a Novosibirsk hybrid of an African lion and a Bengal tigress named Zita-Gita. The color of her fur is that of a lion, and her muzzle and tail are that of a tiger.

A little about tigons

Tigons (or tigrolves) are a cross between and. Such “nuggets” simply do not exist in nature. All this is the result of artificial breeding of wild ones. The tigon's appearance certainly makes it similar to the liger. This hybrid also combines the characteristics of both mother and father. For example, tigons have spots on their skin, like a mother lioness, and stripes on their sides and legs, like a father tiger. It is worth noting that the potential scruff of a tigon will a priori always be slightly shorter than the real mane of a lion. In addition, such a hybrid is significantly smaller in size than tigers and lions, and its weight does not exceed 150 kg.

The animal world is rich in its diversity, but people never tire of experimenting, creating new species of animals. Sometimes this has a practical meaning, and sometimes it is done simply for fun, in order to get a new unusual animal. Most often, human-created hybrids do not take root in the wild, but there are also counter examples. This story will be about the most amazing representatives of fauna created by man

Liger and tiger lion

Liger (Male lion + Female tiger)

A liger is a cross between a male lion and a female tiger, while a tiger lion is a cross between a male tiger and a female lion. Ligers are the largest felines in the world. Tigers, on the other hand, have a tendency towards dwarfism and are usually smaller in size than their parents. Males of ligers and tigers are sterile, while females can sometimes bear offspring. At the American Institute for Protected and rare species in Miami, for example, there lives a liger named Hercules, whose height is 3 m. He, like tigers, loves to swim. Ligers do not have a gene that inhibits growth, so they grow throughout their lives and very soon become twice the size of both parents. These are now in several zoos and circuses in America. They have an affectionate nature, cat-like habits and an authentic lion's roar. For the most part, they are as infertile as mules, but in 1989 a sensation occurred - the second generation was born...

Tiger lion (Male tiger + Female lion)

The tigrolion, or tiglon, is the most common hybrid found in captivity - a cross between a male tiger and a female lioness, called a tigrolion. Tigers and lions are genetically very close.

Saarloos Hound or Wolf Dog (Dog+Wolf)

A hybrid obtained from a German shepherd and a wolf. The behavior of wolf-dog hybrids is unpredictable. In order to tame an animal, training is required. Although the temperament of the Saarloss Wolfdog is smoothed out in it German Shepherd, she easily runs wild, she is characterized by unbalanced behavior and a tendency to wander. This breed exhibits hunting instincts from the wolf - the Sarloswolfhond hunts small game. As a rule, Sarloss dogs do not bark, only occasionally howling like wolves. The hunting instinct is well developed: these dogs hunt in a pack, and thanks to their excellent sense of smell, they not only follow the animal’s scent, but also chase it “with their sight.” Movements are typical for a wolf: light, wide and smooth; the dog imperceptibly moves from one gait to another. This is a fast animal, capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour.

Domestic Tamworth pigs are crossed with wild hogs to produce what are known as Iron Age pigs. These hybrids are more tame than wild hogs, but not as pliable as domestic pigs. Usually the meat of these animals is used to make special varieties of meat products.


The result is the crossing of a zebra with a horse, donkey or pony. Zebroids are preferred to regular zebras for practical reasons, for example, they are much more comfortable to ride. However, zebroids have a more unpredictable personality and are difficult to deal with. In addition, hybrid zebras rarely survive more than a few days, as they are born sickly and underdeveloped. But, for example, the “Zebrosel”, born in August 2003 in a Japanese zoo, was healthy, although he would not be able to have offspring.


It is a hybrid of a camel and a llama. They are born as a result of artificial insemination, since differences in animal sizes do not allow natural reproduction. Camels usually have short ears and a long tail, like a camel, but a cloven hoof, like a llama. And most importantly, camels do not have a hump.

Arctic grizzly

It's a cross between a grizzly bear and polar bear. Despite their genetic similarity, in nature these two species avoid each other. Recently, American hunters shot and killed a bear in Canada that turned out to be the first hybrid of a grizzly bear and a polar bear discovered in the wild.


Leopard is the result of crossing a male leopard with a female lion. The head of the animal is similar to the head of a lion, while the rest of the body is more reminiscent of a leopard. Leopards are larger than normal leopards and love to climb trees and splash in the water.

It is the result of crossing the golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus) with the diamond pheasant (Chrysolophus amherstiae) and has a unique plumage color.

orca dolphin

This is a rare hybrid of a bottlenose dolphin and a small black killer whale. Only two specimens live in captivity - in marine park in Hawaii. The size of the orca dolphin is somewhere between the sizes of the original species. The first hybrid was an orca dolphin named Kekaimalu. Its mixture is visible even in its teeth: the bottlenose dolphin has 88 teeth, the killer whale has 44, and Kekaimalu has 66.

Hybrids of hybrids

We are talking about crosses between a male tiger and a female liger/tiger lion or a male lion and a female liger/tiger lion. Let us remind you that female liger and tiger lion can give birth to offspring. Such second-level hybrids are extremely rare and are mostly privately owned.

This article describes animals such as the liger and the tiger lion. You will find out what they are distinctive features and similarities.

Few people know that in the world there are not only tigers and lions, but also their hybrids - ligers and tigrolves.

  • It is impossible to find such animals among the natural flora and fauna, since lions live in Africa, and tigers are Far Eastern animals and inhabitants of India.
  • But in wildlife parks, due to the fact that there is always not enough space for animals, baby tigers and lions are placed in common cages.
  • These “kittens” grow, develop, and when they grow up, they have offspring.
  • Cubs are born to 1-2 out of 100 mixed couples. Babies usually look like their fathers.
  • Read the article to find out how the hybrids of these big “cats” are correctly called.

Mixture, hybrid of a tiger and a lion: what is it called?

- this is a mixture of genes of a lion and a tigress, and tigon or tigerlev- This is a mixture of a tiger and a lioness. Ligers are considered a more common species than tigers. Ligers and tigers are little-known crossbreeds, as they can only be found in natural parks and circuses. These are the largest representatives of the cat family.

Who is a liger and a tiger lion?

It was described above that a liger is a mixture of a male lion and a female tigress, and a tigrolev is a mixture of a male tiger and a female lioness.

  • Liger and tiger lion almost 2 times the size of the largest lion.
  • can reach up to four meters in length and two meters in height. The weight of such an animal is from 300 to 350 kilograms.
  • It is worth noting that ligers are found larger than tigers, since male lions have more developed genetics responsible for growth than lionesses. These genes are passed on to the young.

This is why ligers reach such enormous sizes. They have almost no gene that inhibits growth, which is why ligers grow throughout their lives.

Tigrolev - a hybrid of a tiger and a lioness: description, photo

Tigon or Tigrolev is a mixture of a male tiger and a female lioness. Tigers have characteristics of both of their ancestors:

  • lioness spots
  • male tiger stripes
  • mane - if there is one, it is small - shorter than that of a real lion
  • big sizes, but not the same as ligers - weight up to 150 kilograms

Males of this species cannot have offspring, but females give birth to beautiful babies when crossing with both tigers and lions. At the same time, new hybrids are formed - unique and interesting. Here are a few more interesting facts about tigrolves or tigons:

  • Tigrolvov almost impossible to find even in natural parks.
  • This is explained by the fact that tigons are often born prematurely and die without living even a few hours.
  • In addition, male tigers do not interbreed well with lionesses, since the males do not pay attention to the behavior of female lions during the mating period.

These hybrids are not as popular as ligers. This is because tigons are smaller. Sometimes they don't grow bigger than their parents.

Liger - a hybrid of a lion and a tigress: description, photo

As mentioned above, ligers are a more common type of “cat”.

  • Wool has an orange-golden color.
  • Faint stripes on the back and sides, and spots on the belly, indicate that the cub’s father is a lion. After all, lion cubs are born with such spots.
  • In a male liger a mane may grow back, but not much.
  • Growl resembles the roar of a lion.
  • These animals are impressive in size and weight.. If the male stands on hind legs, then his height will be 4 meters and weight up to 350 kilograms. Ligers swim well.

Despite their large size, these “cats” are very playful and not at all aggressive, and even too friendly towards humans. However, it is better not to trust this animal too much when you are nearby, because it is still a predator.

Ligers named Vulcan, Hercules: who are their parents?

The largest individual liger is a male named Hercules.

  • His place of birth is America, date of birth is 2004.
  • Currently, the weight of this liger reaches 420 kilograms, its length is more than 4 meters, and its height is more than 2 meters.
  • Hercules continues to grow to this day.
  • Now Hercules is located in the Jungle Island Animal Park in Miami.
  • Despite its impressive size, this animal remains active and playful, and can reach speeds of up to 90 km/h.
  • Hercules is one of the four cubs of the lion Arthur and the tigress Ayla, as well as the liger Vulcan.

Vulcan, another representative of the liger, lives at the South Carolina Institute for Rare and Endangered Species. It is slightly smaller than Hercules, but is considered one of the largest ligers. His parents are also the lion Arthur and the tigress Ayla, who were born at the Institute of Rare Animals.

Tiger lion and liger: what are the differences?

From the material written above, it is clear that the main difference between a liger and a tiger is in size and weight.

  • larger and more massive animals than tigons or tigrolves.
  • prone to gigantism, since their gene responsible for growth is suppressed.
  • In a male liger a mane may grow, but of a small size.
  • Liger growl resembles the roar of a lion.
  • At the tigerlv's there are spots like a female lion and stripes like a male tiger.

An ordinary person can barely distinguish these animals outwardly, but a specialist will definitely be able to discern the difference. Although, if the “kitty” has an impressive size, then we can say with confidence that this is a liger - the largest representative of this species on earth.

Video: The biggest cat in the world! Hybrid of a lion and a tigress. The series is animal hybrids.
