People born in the year of the pig. Characteristics of people born in the year of the Pig

Nata Karlin

Taurus people born in the year of the Pig are ossified conservatives who adhere to a measured lifestyle and always follow their own, well-known and thoughtful path. It is almost impossible to force them to take a step away from their own stereotypes and beliefs. They think about their upcoming action for a long time, as a rule, as a result of not undertaking it, but continuing to live “as usual.”

The Taurus man, born in the year of the Pig, always criticizes everything and everyone. He is always dissatisfied with those around him, the system, orders, morals and other aspects of society. But all this is an entourage, feigned severity and dissatisfaction.

Deep down, Taurus-Pigs are very kind, peace-loving and sentimental people.

They are dreamers and romantics, for whom the concepts and laws of the world around them seem evil and alien. Finding compromises with this reality is almost impossible for them. They surround themselves exclusively with close and dear people who turn a blind eye to many negative traits of their character.

Taurus-Pigs (Boars) contain incompatible qualities. They are inherent naivety and pragmatism, banality and wisdom, lyricism and ossification of views. At their core, Taurus-Pigs are universal, as they have different interests and can find themselves in any field: from visual arts to construction and politics.

Taurus people born in the year of the Pig are ossified conservatives

Characteristics of a Taurus-Pig (Boar) man

The Taurus guy in the year of the Pig strives for wealth all his life. He knows exactly what benefits money promises him and works tirelessly, trying to earn as much as possible. Having already achieved a position in society and prosperity, the Taurus-Pig man becomes extremely complacent and friendly. In public, he tries to seem like a guy who is easy to fool or simply impose his own opinion on. But this is just for show, don’t be fooled by this mask. He can concede in small things in order to allow his opponent to develop his ideas further and hear his true opinion, but in large things that concern his personal (especially financial) interests, there is no point in waiting for a compromise.

Endowed with subtle intuition, The Taurus-Pig man very easily recognizes the moods, secret plans, plans and intentions of other people. However, he pays attention only to what may be good or bad in relation to him personally. The rest is not important to him. By nature, he is a principled egoist in the company of strangers.

The external calm of the Taurus-Pig man can sometimes be deceptive. On the outside he can be calm while on the inside he is seething with anger. What exactly he is so angry about, only he knows, and it is better not to ask him about it.

A man of this combination of signs shows his tough character only in rare cases when patience comes to an end

At these moments, it is best to listen to him silently, without interrupting, without commenting or expressing your own emotions in any way. Taurus Pig Man represents not wealthy nobles, but hard-working kulaks who were able to move mountains, but they could earn money solely through their remarkable hard work. Those who walk through life next to such a person always feel a stone wall and reliable support in front of them.

The weakness of Taurus-Pig men is that they are very stubborn. They always defend their own point of view in everything, without taking into account any arguments of their opponent. The extreme degree of narcissism and complacency of these people ultimately leads to the fact that they can be left alone with their own opinion. People around them simply stop communicating with them.

The weakness of Taurus-Pig men is that they are stubborn

Characteristics of Taurus-Pig (Boar) women

The Taurus girl, born in the year of the Pig, is an extremely sentimental person and receptive to other people's opinions. She can make concessions, as required by close people, and is always the center of attention of the male team, thanks to her shyness and peacefulness. I want to take care of her and pamper her. The character of the Taurus-Pig woman is flexible, her disposition is balanced.

However, all this is a pretense. In business and career, these ladies achieve significant success thanks to their strong-willed decisions and specifics. They do not deviate one step from the rules and discipline; they keep a tight rein on their subordinates. Sometimes Taurus-Pig women allow themselves to relax, but these cases are extremely rare and, as a rule, do not occur in public. In business and at home, the Taurus-Pig woman is two completely different people. It is simply impossible to constantly combine a lot of contradictory traits. Therefore, only single women of this combination of signs can realize themselves in their careers.

Just like for a man, for a Taurus-Pig woman, the material side of life plays an important role

She always makes good money, while trying to make sure that her husband, even if he did not earn a lot, did not feel disadvantaged in the role of breadwinner. A woman of this sign always strives to find a profitable business for her husband, and this is her principled position.

The weak side of the character of Taurus-Pig women is that in their desire for a comfortable life, they simply forget that there are simple human joys in the form of trips to the zoo with children, walks under the moon, etc. They are more and more strive to prove their worth to others, choosing the most flashy and expensive outfits, buying luxury cars and yachts.

Another disadvantage of Taurus-Pig women is that the suffering of other people is alien to them. We can safely say that they can be extremely cruel both towards strangers and relatives.

Taurus-Pig women are alien to the suffering of other people

Love compatibility for Taurus in the Year of the Pig

The first thing that attracts a partner to a Taurus-Pig man is his mystery. Girls always like to think for a man themselves and draw conclusions in their favor. They immediately begin to charm the guy with this combination of signs, trying to take possession of what other ladies did not get. A confident, calm and wealthy young man - tasty for every husband seeker.

The beloved woman always dominates in relationships with a man of this combination of signs. She completely occupies his thoughts, soul and body. IN family relationships They good partners. It’s always good, simple and calm with them. If you approach him with the right attitude and pure intentions, then more faithfully and more reliable than a person can not found.

Children are very easy for a Taurus-Pig man to find mutual language. He feels free with them and has the same rich imagination

Once in a children's group, they simply become the kids' idols.

The Taurus-Pig woman is reliable and responsible in any life spheres, especially when it comes to love and family. Usually, if they choose the man of their dreams, they strive to get him in every possible way. They are realists who stand firmly on their feet and are always extremely persistent in their desires.

IN love relationships The Taurus-Pig woman is very patient and balanced. If she fails to command her husband, she transfers her educational measures to her offspring. However their dictatorship cannot be called the most cruel, but rather correct and necessary. At their core, these are very kind women who try to embrace all their relatives and loved ones with warmth and care.

Compatibility in love for Taurus people born in the year of the Pig, according to the eastern horoscope, can be to the maximum extent with the Rabbit, Rooster, and Goat. It is not advisable to have affairs with those born in the year of the Snake, Dragon and Dog. According to the Western horoscope perfect compatibility in Taurus-Pig people it is possible with Capricorn and Scorpio. Beautiful friendly relations can be lined up with Taurus and Aquarius, although in terms of love these are not the best candidates. It is difficult for Taurus to build relationships on all fronts with Virgo and Pisces.

Minimum Compatibility
According to the eastern calendar Goat, Rooster, Pig, Rat, Cat (Rabbit)Horse, Monkey, Bull, TigerDragon, Dog, Snake
According to the Western calendar Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo, GeminiCancer, Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, AriesVirgo, Pisces

Full characteristics of a Taurus child born in the year of the Pig

A Taurus girl or boy in the year of the Pig basically acts as the eastern horoscope prescribes for him, that is, like a pig. Only this is not an adult and aggressive boar, but absolutely charming, rosy-cheeked and mischievous pig. His antics and funny pranks cause only tenderness in adults. It is absolutely impossible to be angry with him for a long time, he will definitely do something that will make you laugh at the top of your lungs, instead of scolding him for disobedience.

Taurus-Pig children are reliable and loyal friends

In the house, the Taurus-Pig child is a real mother’s assistant. He always knows the place of every thing and will definitely put things in order in a way that no one else in the household can do. These children unhurried, clumsy, extremely balanced and calm. They study well at school, but achieve success solely through diligence, perseverance and cramming. One can only envy the friends of these kids. Next to them is the most devoted and reliable person in the world.

November 3, 2017

Chinese (Eastern) horoscope of the Pig (Boar)

(born 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

Chinese name for Pig: Zhu
Twelfth sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day under the control of the Pig: 21:00 - 23:00
Corresponding Western Zodiac sign:
Element: Metal
Polarity: Negative

Positive traits:
Pig- generous, tolerant, respectful, honest, cheerful, pleasant, caring and reasonable.

Negative qualities:
Pig- naive, selfish, easily susceptible to mood swings, stubborn and loves flattery.

Main features of the Pig:

IN Chinese horoscope Pig symbolizes courage, prosperity and nobility. Pig's childhood will be calm, peaceful and secure, youth will be burdened with many emotional difficulties, and maturity with family problems. Pigs You will have to make an effort to achieve emotional stability. But they will be able to enjoy a good life in old age.

Pig- the most honest and impeccable of all the animals of the Chinese Zodiac. How Pig, you enter this world with a chest full of such slightly old-fashioned notions as generosity, altruism, forbearance and tolerance, seasoned with optimism and a remarkable faith in the ability of humanity to improve. Needless to say, predators will immediately pounce on you, trying to turn you into mincemeat. Therefore, people tend to believe that you are naive, gullible, arrogant and quite stupid.

We need to be clear here. you, how Pig, is quite easy to fool, but only in the sense that you prefer to see the bright side of everything. You try to put yourself in other people's shoes and understand the most immoral actions. You believe that there is always a weak, but pure flame of kindness burning somewhere. He should be protected and supported.

Pig Women trusting by nature, but demanding and very picky. They can be quite jealous and possessive, expecting their partner to be just as honest and loyal in their feelings. This is one of the reasons why you take great care in choosing a mate. When you are satisfied and happy in your relationships, you are very reliable, calm and optimistic.

Pig happy when she has money. If you don't earn it yourself, you will find someone who will give it to you, and you are sure to be quite rich in the end. If you prefer to handle your own affairs, you become a real money machine. With the slightest effort, money will simply flow in your direction. You will never be short of money.

You are kind and caring, but tend to be persistent and intense. At the same time, you are enterprising, so you are not as lazy as you might seem.

Fate (luck)
You were born under the sign of luck and fortune, this is the most favorable chinese zodiac sign. You lack self-confidence; if you eventually acquire it, you will have good luck all your life.

You can become very rich by bringing joy to the people around you.

You love people and are ready to serve them. Work that involves people is something you would like to be involved in. You are conscientious and a good worker.

Social life
You love parties and any kind of meetings. You are a happy and pleasant person, eager to take part in a wide variety of activities.

Business is something in which you can show a strong grip. Your efforts are commendable. In addition, you know how to persistently pursue your goal and achieve its implementation.

You are very romantic and not indifferent to opposite sex. Since you were born under happy sign, you have a great chance to meet the love of your life and love for real.

Your parents care about you. Your childhood passes without problems, in complete harmony.

Brothers and sisters
You may have a good relationship with your siblings, as long as you don't make demands they find difficult to accept.

You love sex, so you will have many children. Fortunately, you understand that your children need care and love, and are willing to make sacrifices if necessary.

You love to travel and have a passion for seeing what's beyond the mountains. Travel will take you to faraway places you have dreamed of.

You are in good health, but if you are not careful, you may have weight problems. Pigs love to eat and cannot resist eating something tasty.

Whatever you do, you will make money simply because you are lucky.

You are generous and enterprising. Your luck and charm will help you achieve a lot in life. Any job that involves working with or caring for people could be your destiny.

someone might be waiting for you a good life, full of joy and satisfaction, but it is better to try not to be greedy and not get carried away with drinking. If you don't do this, you will find yourself in a very difficult situation.

Pig (Boar) - the twelfth sign of the 12-year eastern cycle, or Chinese calendar animals. It is associated with the energy of “yin” and “yang”. Its element is “water”. The corresponding zodiac sign is Pisces.

The pig symbolizes:
honesty, integrity, thoughtfulness, determination, peacefulness, sociability, sensitivitynaivety, slowness, categoricalness, idleness, superficiality

Table of the years of the Pig (Boar)

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of the Pig give a general idea of ​​the sign, introduce it to its positive and negative qualities. It helps to get to know people born in the year of this animal better and to understand the peculiarities of building their personal relationships and careers.

Character traits

Positive. Honesty and directness are the basis of the Pig's character. Her calm, balanced disposition and reasonable approach to everything attract others. She performs well both at work and at home.

Main positive character traits:

  • honesty: The Pig does not look for workarounds and cunning tricks, so you can always rely on it; achieves everything in life through his labor; It is always a pleasure to deal with her in business, as she never “stabs in the back”;
  • directness: her “yes” means “yes”, and her “no” means “no”, and the Pig expects the same from those around her; at the same time, she does not cross the line and knows how to maintain a balance between directness and harshness;
  • thoughtfulness: The Pig thinks first, then acts; She successfully applies this approach in all areas of life and achieves a lot with its help, especially at work;
  • determination: after the Pig makes a decision, it stops at nothing and goes to the end; this quality allows her to always bring what she starts to its logical conclusion and receive well-deserved laurels;
  • peacefulness: does not tolerate conflicts; often acts as a peacemaker in quarrels; knows how to forgive others for their shortcomings; in unpleasant situations always acts more reasonably than everyone else; Peacefulness and sociability make the Pig a wonderful friend.

Negative. The Pig has few shortcomings. Most of them - back side her merits. With sufficient support from loved ones, she can easily cope with her negative qualities. It is better for her to always consult with others and not make decisions on her own.

Negative character traits:

  • naivety: The Pig is honest and expects the same from others; therefore she is easy to deceive; she often becomes a victim of scammers;
  • slowness: never makes hasty decisions; prefers to think everything over and only then act; therefore, matters are not resolved immediately, but after developing a clear “action plan”;
  • categorical: The Pig is principled; she divides the world into “black” and “white”, “good” and “evil”; therefore, she has no half measures, she always thinks and acts directly and categorically;
  • idleness: loves entertainment and have a fun life; can easily become addicted to bad habits- alcohol, smoking; she likes to spend money, so even though big earnings can “lower” it “below zero”;
  • superficiality: The Pig often takes on many things; she strives for knowledge, but lacks orderliness; although she seems to be knowledgeable in many areas, in reality she may turn out to be an amateur.

Love and relationships

The pig chooses a life partner similar to her in character. She surrounds her chosen one with care and well-being, tries to please him in everything. At the same time, if the Pig’s passion remains unsatisfied, then after a while it seeks pleasure on the side.

She is capable of doing everything for the family, even giving up a dizzying career. She loves children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Career and profession

The Pig has enormous working potential. She is energetic and always finishes what she starts. At the same time, he never gets down to business without thinking through all the nuances. She has few “punctures” and problems in her work. For this, her superiors appreciate her.

The pig easily walks up the career ladder. Good luck accompanies her financial affairs. She often receives bonuses and highly paid positions. He achieves everything through his own work and never goes overboard.

Recommended professions. The Pig, with its honesty, desire for justice and peacefulness, is suitable for professions in the field of working with people, as well as creative professions where its sensitivity is used. She successfully works as an actor, artist, writer, doctor, and social worker.

Years: 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, 2043

People, born in the year of the Pig, kind, sympathetic, polite and gallant. They are true friends - they will never betray their comrade and will always stand up for his defense, so they have a lot of friends, many of whom, by the way, often take advantage of their gullibility for selfish purposes. After all, the Pig is a rather naive and defenseless person by nature. She is very easy to offend. Because of this, some consider her weak-willed, but this impression is deceptive. This sign has a strong and self-possessed character, so if pride is hurt, then the Pig is able to stand up for itself, turning into an angry Pig, sweeping away everything in its path.

A pig, getting to know someone, notices in a new acquaintance only positive features character, therefore he immediately warms to him, surrendering to the new friendship with both soul and heart. For this reason, many are drawn to her, because she sees in a person a lot of advantages that he himself was not aware of. Moreover, representatives of this sign have an easy-going character - for the sake of maintaining excellent relationships, she is ready to agree even on issues on which she has a different opinion. She's a good listener. However, if the dispute concerns personal issues, then she passionately expresses her opinion and no one can stop her.

People born in the year of the Pig according to the eastern calendar do not have a developed spirit of competition. They are not used to asserting themselves at the expense of others; for the Pig it is very important what those around them think about them. Therefore, she always weighs the pros and cons before doing something - it is important for her to feel that her actions will not harm anyone. She's smart, but that's beside the point life situations– always believes what she is told, is simple-minded and devoid of hypocrisy. Her sincerity disarms her opponents. Although sometimes Pigs allow lies for the greater good or for self-defense.

For all its spiritual purity, outwardly many Pigs are quite sloppy, which is very harmful to them, since dirt creates a danger for them. Pigs are lazy people, so they often indulge their weaknesses, which can cause them to have intimate problems - promiscuous relationships can cause illness, gluttony - they cannot stop even for the sake of a beautiful figure, but beautiful body always a priority for them. The reason for giving up can be mental trauma or stress. However, it is quite difficult to break the purposeful and powerful Pig - for the sake of the set goal, she is ready to do anything, she is not afraid of any obstacles.

Pigs are people of few words, but once they start talking, it is impossible to stop them until they have fully expressed themselves, but their talkativeness often depends on the interlocutor. Therefore, some consider people born in the year of the Pig to be silent, and some consider them to be talkers who never shut their mouths.

People of the Year of the Pig in everyday life. As for everyday life, Pigs have a big drawback - they are wasteful - their clothes should always be branded, but not always good quality. Although they often have beautiful things in their wardrobe, they have too much unnecessary trash they are invisible. And yet, despite the inability to save, these people always have money for tomorrow, since confidence in the future is very important to them.

Business qualities of people born in the year of the Pig. Pigs have excellent business qualities - they skillfully create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere in the team, even when occupying a leadership position. They make excellent managers who successfully balance between superiors, showing their intelligence and hard work, and colleagues who can always ask for help, knowing that they will not be refused. They will always share their ideas, even to their own detriment, and they are full of ideas because they read a lot, remembering only the necessary information.

As for creativity, these people, alas, cannot boast of it. Professions such as doctors, musicians, librarians, lawyers, scientists and gardeners are suitable for them.

Love for those born in the year of the Pig. Love in the life of a Pig comes first after friendship. They are caring and gentle people, full of romance and sensuality. They make excellent partners, even despite their jealous nature. But it is very difficult for this symbol to fall in love: it takes time to be convinced of your feelings. When they are confident in their sympathy and see the response, then for the sake of their partner they are ready to do anything, even forgive his shortcomings.

Quite often, their other halves take advantage of the naivety of Pigs, but having found out about this, she will punish her offender and short term will be able to pull himself together to start all over again.

In the lives of people born in the year of the Pig according to the eastern calendar, love disappointments are rare; they are always looking for those who are on the same wavelength as them. However, the Pig partner needs to be courteous and not demand constant confirmation of her feelings from her other half, born in the year of the Pig; she may feel driven into a cage from which she will definitely want to get out.

A family of people born in the year of the Pig. Even in childhood, the Pig is looking for someone he can take care of, this can be younger siblings, pets or friends. With age, the desire to care will only increase, so they usually live in the same house for several generations so that they can take care of their elders. Among them there are many parents with many children; children in the life of this sign take first place after their marriage partner, which greatly offends him.

Children adore their parents born in the Year of the Pig because they will always listen and understand. They make wonderful grandparents - they allow their grandchildren almost everything, for which their grandchildren love and appreciate them very much. Quite often, Pigs become the closest people to their children and grandchildren, whom they trust even with their secret things.

Health of those born in the year of the Pig. This sign in at a young age rarely cares about health, so he often gets sick. In addition, Pigs are risky people, which is why fractures of limbs are common in their lives. But over time, having started a family, they become more attentive to their body, as they become aware of responsibility for their loved ones and relatives.

Characteristics of the Water Pig (Boar)

People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) of the Water element are cunning and calculating, but diplomatic and restrained in showing their emotions. Attentive to others (many consider them their own true friends), but as long as they need it. Gradually, in order not to offend anyone, they reduce the connection to “no”, but at the same time they care about the feelings of the other person and try not to offend him.

As for love relationships, they are short-lived, since by nature Water Pigs are amorous, so they often change partners, but in mature age they still create strong family. To achieve a goal, they are ready to sacrifice their principles; they are flexible and pliable, avoiding conflicts and quarrels. They change their occupation several times in their lives.

Characteristics of the Wooden Pig (Boar)

People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) of the Wood element are quite emotional. There are always many friends and like-minded people around them, because with them - as if behind a stone wall - they will always stand up for the defense of those they love and respect. Wood Pigs prefer to manage relationships rather than be controlled, otherwise they will try to escape from a difficult situation.

They make excellent leaders who skillfully manage not so much power, but rather the ability to find a common language with everyone.

There may be problems in love if the partner begins to put pressure on the Tree Pig. You need to behave carefully with him and be attentive to his mood. And it is very changeable, often depending on external circumstances.

Characteristics of the Fire Pig (Boar)

People born in the year of the Pig Fire element, have a risky nature. In life they are leaders and never sit still. They are always surrounded by many friends and colleagues who appreciate the Fire Pig for its enthusiasm.

These people are rebels in life, have a wonderful sense of humor, so from the outside it seems that they go through life easily, and all troubles are not serious for them. However, this is not at all the case; among them there are many mentally vulnerable people.

The Fire Pig (Boar) loves to play relationships, but this happens until he comes into her life real love. For her sake, they are ready to do a lot - parting with a previous partner, abandoning profitable work and a calm life.

Characteristics of the Earth Pig (Boar)

People born in the year of the Pig of the Earth element are calm and balanced. They always clearly set goals for themselves, weighing all the pros and cons. They always achieve what they want through persuasion, avoiding conflicts and assertiveness.

Earth Pigs (Boars) are loyal to their friends and marriage partners. They never panic in a critical situation - they will help others get out of it too. You can rely on them for everything. They are optimists and bestow their positive energy on those around them.

It’s always easy with them, since the Earth Pig does not have a double bottom, has a pure soul and kind hearted. Many friends take advantage of the Earth Pig's kindness and dependability, but this happens as long as the Pig herself wants it.

Characteristics of the Metal Pig (Boar)

People born in the year of the Pig of the Metal element are outwardly charming and attractive. It is pleasant to communicate with them, because they simply attract you like a magnet, thanks to their erudition.

They do not know how to compete, so when they see an obstacle, they move away from their goal, depressed, or get angry, destroying everything in their path. Quite often, because of this character trait, Metal Pigs (Boars) lose loved ones and friends.

Possessing charm, the Metal Pig finds it very difficult to get along with the opposite sex, since she is a rather touchy person who does not know how to ask for forgiveness and forgive insults. Among people born in the year of the Metal Pig there are many journalists and teachers.

Find out online which year with which animal Eastern horoscope corresponds, its color and element can be found on the page.

Pig is the 12th sign Eastern calendar, which combines advantages and disadvantages previous years. People born in the year of the Pig believe in human kindness, and they themselves are such. Honest and respected people are born under this sign, whose energy is overflowing.

Each year corresponds to five elemental elements - wood, fire, earth, water, metal. The horoscope sign will correspond to the element of the year, and the person will acquire character traits from his animal and one of the five elements.

So, those born in the year of the Pig, what years of birth and elemental elements correspond to them:

Now it's 2018 - this is the year of Yellow Earth Dogs. The Year of the Pig will begin in 2019. The corresponding element to the sign is earth, the color is yellow. That is, 2019 is the year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

Next years of the Pig:

  • 2031 - Metal Boar;
  • 2043 - Water Pig.

Character of men born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of men born under this sign presuppose the presence of such qualities as straightforwardness and determination. Pig men are accustomed to achieving their goals. They act openly, but do not harm others. They declare their intentions openly and are not afraid of competition and enemies.

Men of this sign are distinguished by ease of communication. He does not raise his voice, always watches what he says and knows how to listen to his interlocutor. Such qualities help him make new acquaintances and profitable connections. But he has few real friends. Due to his trusting nature, he often falls for deception, so he tries to maintain relationships that have been tested by time and situations.

In relationships with women, he behaves like a gentleman. Knows how to look after beautifully. He won’t cheat on his beloved, but she can.

Love relationship

Such a man completely devotes himself to the relationship, takes care of his soulmate, spends time with her free time. He is able to solve any of her problems.

It is difficult for a Pig man to build strong relationships at a young age. He trusting and generous, so maybe for a long time live with a girl who will take advantage of his noble character. There is a lot of betrayal in the fate of such a man, which leaves an imprint on the guy’s heart.

After disappointments and insults, a man will meet his other half, who will appreciate his qualities. If a man falls in love with a girl, he will not delay the wedding. This family sign, whose first priority is his wife, children and a cozy home.

Career and work

The Pig man is a real workaholic. This person does not know how to hack or perform work at a low level. Therefore, his superiors do not need to double-check his work performance.

A man of this sign cannot be called a careerist. A promotion at work will please him only if it brings additional profit. He will not become the head of a department for the sake of prestige.

Such a man is making progress honest work . He has no problems with finances or conscience. If, besides him, several other people are vying for one position, then Kabana will not use dishonest methods of struggle.

Character of women born in the year of the Pig

The characteristics of the Pig woman are distinguished by such qualities as complaisance, gentleness, and good nature. Representatives of this sign do not like to argue and agree with their husband on everything. Therefore, of them turn out ideal wives who value comfort and tranquility in the home. She sincerely cares about her family and doesn't expect anything in return. This woman will never remind them of how much time and effort she spent on them.

For such a woman, family is an important component of life. She creates comfort in her home, but is not pedantic. She loves her children and husband very much.

A Pig woman should not cheat, in which case she will release all her anger on her rival. She will not act from behind, so she will not follow her husband.

Pigs are kind to others and trust them, but people only take advantage of these qualities. Over time, Pig girls grow stronger and develop a sense of justice. From this moment on, she is able to protect herself, her children and her right to female happiness.

In love and marriage

These are shy and reserved natures. If the girl doesn't I'm sure of the guy's love, then she does not confess her feelings to him. In a love relationship, a girl lacks cunning, she does not know how to lie. But she knows how to talk to her loved one about relationships.

Girls of this sign are romantic and tend to idealize their partner and feelings for him. If the relationship doesn't go the way she imagined, she may feel despair and depression.

The Pig Girl does not know how to receive quick solutions. She always doubts and runs options of events several times in her head. But if she made a choice, even if it is incorrect, it will not be possible to convince her.

Family is very important for girls. They will not start a relationship unless it leads to marriage.

Professions and career growth

The Pig woman has inner strength that helps her achieve good results in a career. They can become good leaders, but they will not achieve great results in their careers, because they do not know how to lie and be cunning.

The Pig Girl always knows what she wants and achieves it. Her goals are realistic, so they are achieved accurately.

As a boss, she shows herself perfectly - she consults with her subordinates, forgives them for many shortcomings in their work, and does not terrorize them strict rules. Such a person will do the same job as everyone else.

Pig woman loves Tasty food. Therefore, it can achieve good results in restaurant business. Other professions suitable for her:

  • Doctor;
  • Scientist;
  • Architect;
  • Writer;
  • Poet.

Those born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by their straightforward and good-natured character. For them, family and children always come first.

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