Mandala: its features and influence on humans. Mandala - what is it and why is it needed, types and meaning, how to decorate and use it with photos

Mandalas are most used in Buddhism or Hinduism as religious or esoteric designs, similar to geometric figures of various structures, flat or three-dimensional, characterizing divine presence and influence.

Indeed, if you draw, paint or look at a mandala, you can feel a decrease in nervous tension and mental relaxation. And also use it to attract love, money or happiness.

What is a mandala

Mandala is what Buddhists call a map of the Cosmos or a model of the Universe, translated from Sanskrit as “Circle”, symbolizing the harmony of man with the Universe. It is round in shape (the outer circle is the Universe), a square is inscribed in it, symbolizing parts of the world, then a circle is inscribed in the square - symbolizing the inner world of man.

A lotus is placed in the inner circle or divided into segments. Circle-square-circle-segments (lotus) - everything has its own natural beginning, characterizing objects and human life. The circle is planet Earth, the square is the 4 cardinal directions, the circle is the Sun.

The origins of religious designs come from Indian religious practices and also have the same roots as other Indian art, rangoli. Previously, Indian temples were built in the form of mandalas, which are divided into different levels of the Cosmos, helping to overcome one’s EGO to absolute spirituality, gradually moving from level to level.

Smashing the base “temptations”, the passions of your psyche, for the sake of enlightenment. In esoteric literature, the mandala is understood as a single whole, the beginning and the end, male and female, the unification of matter and spirit. Also in many countries, architectural structures were made using this technique - in China, Mexico, Japan, Egypt.

Patterns were used not only in eastern religions; traces of their presence are also present in Slavic culture - after all, they mean the establishment of a spiritual connection with God. Thus, you can see that many icons are made using a similar technique and differ in purpose:

  • God's Eye;
  • images on stone, wood, dishes or metal;
  • monthly words.

They were used not only in everyday life and for religious activities, but were also worn as a talisman.

Mandala allows you to achieve inner harmony. The image can be not only on a sheet of paper, but also embroidered on fabric, knitted made from sand or other materials. Modern esoteric specialists and psychologists use in their sessions both programming and influence on a person or color therapy to reveal internal potential and thereby obtain a psychotherapeutic effect.

Meaning of colors

A mandala made in various colors or combinations thereof can mean different concepts and the state of a person’s soul inherent in him at the current time. To unravel the meanings, you need to know the basic rules of composition and its symbolism:

  1. The outer circle, made in color, means the current moment of life, which the person places the most emphasis on, takes the most attention or is an exciting issue. This is the key to unraveling a person's interaction with other external stimuli or other people.
  2. The square is usually divided into 4 parts, top part filled with color is an awareness of the processes and events occurring in life. The lower part is unconscious behavior or internal processes that occur at a subconscious level. The right side is the male energy, the left is the female side and their relationships and mutual influence, as well as the right and left-hand side symbolizes the transition from the unconscious to the conscious and vice versa.
  3. The central (inner) circle – possible ways to solve problems and improve the internal state.

It is necessary to first examine the entire drawing as a whole and highlight the areas that are most painted over or induced - these are where the problem lies, or these are the parts that occupy the most attention for a person.

The mandala can be drawn not just one, but over the course of several days, different ones, then you should watch the progress of changing colors and look for sectors of uncertainty, they will constantly change color from dark to light or from bright to pale.

The main meaning of colors and their shades:

  1. Red– the color of strong energy, fire, strength, hatred, beauty and strong love, blood, wounds, relatives.
  2. Orange has similar energy to the color red, but less pronounced, and also characterizes creation, liberation from unnecessary things, and sexual energy.
  3. Yellow- the color of the sun, changeability, joy, the beginning of life - like a chicken hatching from an egg.
  4. Gold– the color of success, victory and cash flows, power and might.
  5. Green– health, harmony, balance, wisdom, tranquility, unity with nature.
  6. Blue- a symbol of the Gods, compassion, boundless love and loyalty, as well as motherhood.
  7. Blue– the color of relaxation, tranquility, creativity, meditation, sublimity and depth, the color of the sky and water.
  8. Violet- characterizes melancholy, lethargy and at the same time means rebirth, a transition from the old to the new.
  9. White characterizes purity, innocence, healing.
  10. Black- a symbol of depression, oppression, serious condition, illness, death, but at the same time, in combination with other, more joyful and warm colors, symbolizes creative energy, rebirth or deep internal changes.

The uniform distribution of colors, especially in pastel colors, symbolizes the balance of a person’s external and internal energy.

Coloring pages - mandala

While coloring any kind, you need to calm down and try to concentrate on an exciting question or problem; if you concentrate correctly, then in a few seconds or minutes questions, answers, and logical thoughts will begin to pop up in your thoughts. At the same time, it is good to listen to relaxing music: classics, sounds of nature, meditation melodies.

You can color the drawings using any convenient means: pens, liners, felt-tip pens, paints, pencils or combinations thereof.

The mandala can be painted with colored sand; first you need to draw it on a flat, level surface.

By coloring drawings you can make a wish and visualize its fulfillment in detail, this method helps to achieve the desired results.

Therapeutic mandala – anti-stress

By painting different views, a person relieves stress, nervous tension, and also, thanks to daily 15-20 minute breaks for drawings, you can solve many problems:

  • impatience;
  • irritation;
  • aggression;
  • age-related crises in children;
  • conflict;
  • hyperactivity;
  • development of fine motor skills.

A particularly good effect is achieved if the drawings are painted with your fingertips, dipping them into paint, and you can also apply glue to different zones and pour colored sand, it will stick to the drawing.

Types of mandalas for fulfilling your plans

There are different mandalas that help in different life situations.

Mandala for wish fulfillment

You need to focus on your desire, decide on a color that will match what you want. After filling each corner of the picture with color, it must be hung in the area that symbolizes the desire: family well-being- in the kitchen or in the bedroom, for the birth of a child - above the bed, for a career - in the workplace. If the location cannot be determined, then position it so that it is visible as often as possible.

To attract love

Mentally imagine your chosen one or chosen one, endow him with the traits that you want to see in your loved one or to establish love relationship, list all the positive and negative traits loved one and remember all the pleasant and unpleasant moments of life together. It is even possible to color together to find balance in the relationship. Colors should be chosen, those that characterize love, the birth of a new thing: red, green, yellow, their tones and shades.

To attract health

It is necessary to draw a mandala with corresponding lines to the organs or parts of the body and color it with colors that symbolize health or healing.

  • triangle(red, orange) – cardiovascular system;
  • circle, spiral, waves(blue, cyan, yellow) – genitourinary system;
  • square(yellow, orange, brown) – gastrointestinal tract;
  • straight lines, arcs(red, yellow, green) – musculoskeletal system;
  • rhombus, star(green yellow) - nervous system, brain activity.

For happiness

Get ready to color, and most importantly, while painting, list what you need to become happy or answer the question: what makes me happy?

To attract money

Such a mandala can be placed in a wallet or safe, on workplace, the main thing is to formulate while drawing where and how the cash flow should come to you.

Mandala for children

Coloring pages in the form of a mandala for working with children help solve many problems, as well as develop fine motor skills, teach drawing, coloring, finding frames and increase attention, perseverance, sense of color combinations and spiritual development, and also acts on children as art therapy.

You can start drawing or coloring mandalas as early as 1 year old, starting with the simplest ones. You can color them not only using paints or pencils, but also plasticine, and also make applications in a similar theme, at the same time learn how to cut with scissors and use glue.

Before you start drawing, you need to decide what exactly you want to depict, what it is intended for and how it will be performed. Get ready, choose a place and environment, turn on some light music and start drawing. For the drawing, prepare a ruler, compass, pencils, crayons, pens, paints, a sheet of paper, a protractor, and an eraser.

Drawing process:

  1. We draw a large circle - this is the outer circle, the border of the mandala.
  2. Draw a square in the circle.
  3. We find the center in the square and use a compass to draw a circle.
  4. In the space between the circle and the square, you can depict other geometric shapes, lines and their intersections, spirals, hearts, circles and other shapes.

The main rule is that the design should be symmetrical, and it is better to fill it out starting from the center. The more circles you put on the drawing, the more meaningful and interesting the picture turns out. It is important at this time to immerse yourself and try to meditate.

After finishing drawing, you should choose the colors in which the drawing will be painted.

If you can’t draw, you can use online programs for drawing a mandala.

The use of a mandala helps a person in self-knowledge, balances, relieves psychological stress, helps to focus attention, resolve intrapersonal conflicts, and understand spiritual truths. Modern designers interior designers often use ideas with the placement or introduction of mandala images into the interior, following fashion trends.

Most people are accustomed to living according to the principle of least resistance, receiving from life only what it itself gives them. But it’s quite possible to change your reality in better side, program yourself for happiness, love, success and health. Mandalas - sacred symbols that bring you closer to what you want - will help a lot with this. In this material we will talk about the mandala of love.

The mandala (in this word it is necessary to pronounce the accent on the first letter “a”) is a magical instrument actively used by adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism. If you translate this word from Sanskrit, it will mean “circle,” although translation versions such as wheel, cycle, ritual and prayer are often also found.

The mandala is a complex geometric pattern symbolizing the connection of the macrocosm and microcosm. In Buddhism, as well as Hinduism, the mandala is depicted as a sphere - the habitat of gods and Buddhas. You can come across another name for the mandala: “map of the cosmos” or a model of our universe, which allows us to better understand the surrounding reality.

The most popular mandala design is an outer circle within which a smaller square fits. And another circle is often included in the last one. Often the inner circle is divided into details; it can also be depicted in the form of a lotus (a divine flower that is oriental culture pay special attention).

This inner circle represents a drawing of the sphere of residence of divine beings. The outer circle symbolizes the Universe, and the square in the middle orients it in the 4 directions of the world.

In the process of creating a mandala, each of its drawings is filled with the energy of the person performing this manipulation. Mandala images are found in most Buddhist and Hindu temples.

You may hear believers in the East refer to the mandala as a “frozen prayer.” This is due to the fact that it acts as an expression of a person’s soul when he creates this image.

How the mandala is decorated

It does not play a significant role for what purposes you create a mandala. It is important that you do this according to all the rules. In any case, the sacred image will be multi-colored, so you will need to stock up on the necessary stationery:

  • pencils;
  • pens (ballpoint, gel, oil);
  • felt-tip pens;
  • paints;
  • liners (felt-tip pens with the finest tip from 0.1 mm);
  • rapidographs (pens with a special tube for ink).

Mandala of love and happiness

The mandala of love and relationships has a special meaning and energy. It is used in cases where they want to attract this bright, sublime feeling into their life. But it also makes it possible to strengthen existing relationships.

The love mandala is depicted as a sacred circle with certain symbols inside. Each of the symbolic drawings has a specific charge of energy. When you decorate a drawing, a special burst of energy occurs, making it possible to fulfill the desire of the person who creates it.

Symbolic signs and colors of the love mandala

Mandalas are very diverse. Thanks to the available variety of their options, it becomes possible to select a pattern to realize various desires in different areas life.

If you need to attract love to a woman, you should use round patterns. And for representatives of the stronger sex, it is better to give preference to zigzag lines, triangles, rhombuses, and creases.

  • Squares – are responsible for calmness, balance, fundamentality;
  • Flowers symbolize a pure soul, tenderness, and mutual attraction of partners to each other.

At the same time, the color variations of the drawings also differ; we will talk about them in more detail later.

As a rule, the choice of color should be made based on your individual preferences. But there are certain characteristics of each color, namely:

  • if you want to attract tender love into your life, give preference to pastel, unobtrusive colors: soft pink, lavender, dim blue.
  • passionate love will be ensured by the use of bright and rich colors: red, crimson, purple and cherry, as well as orange and yellow. These are all colors of power, possessing the masculine energy of Yang (responsible for aggression, excessive activity, seductiveness, sexuality that excites the mind). This is a type of active energy that helps realize your inner potential. It also fills you with vigor, warmth, and calls for active action.
  • in order to harmonize existing relationships in which there is discord, they focus on confident colors, but not too flashy (blue, green, brown).
  • In order to significantly reduce the degree of anger and aggression in a relationship, give preference to cold and calm color variations that successfully cope with negativity (gray, yellow, turquoise).

How does a mandala work to attract love?

When you have established for yourself which types of love you want to attract into your life (or change your relationship with your loved one), you can begin the ritual itself.

The most suitable time for this will be the evening - it is at this time of day that it is recommended to plan or strengthen love relationships.

Morning symbolizes a new beginning and allows you to attract a new feeling into your life. Half a day is characterized by stability, as well as the elimination of negativity in love relationships.

Working with the mandala is done as follows:

  • you need to take the position that is most comfortable for you;
  • there should be sufficient lighting in the room so that it is convenient for you to work with the mandala drawing;
  • to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this action as much as possible, you need to use aromatic oil;
  • a lit candle allows you to achieve a positive energy vibration, which is exactly what is needed when attracting love;
  • you just need to put the image of a mandala next to you and look at it;
  • at the same time, visualize the image of your loved one (if you have one), but otherwise just imagine what kind of man you would like to attract into your life;
  • start decorating the pattern, starting from the central part and gradually moving towards the edge;
  • when some time has passed, you will feel that your well-being has improved, you will feel that you are filled with positive, fresh energy.

The process of decorating a mandala is very similar to meditation in terms of inner sensations. Due to methodical movements, the train of thoughts is streamlined and the body is completely relaxed. A person is cleansed of negative energy, and instead of it, love spells begin to actively operate.

Mandala for loneliness: for marriage and love

The use of this type of mandala represents a kind of “push” that a person needs in order to gain sufficient courage to realize his plans.

A mandala for marriage helps to accumulate a sufficient amount of the desired type of energy and begin to radiate it into the surrounding space, this is especially important for the fair sex. With the help of a mandala against loneliness, a woman or girl will always feel confident in her feminine power and attractiveness, and in the very near future will find the desired happiness in love.

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This is sacred in the cultures of peoples different countries a symbol that helps a person get closer to what he wants. Coloring or weaving a mandala is a meditation, therefore it adjusts the consciousness in a positive way, bringing a person happiness, love, financial well-being, etc. The drawing is a two-dimensional image on a plane or has a relief, three-dimensional shape. The magic circle is carved from stone or wood, embroidered on fabric using colored powders, drawn on sand, and woven with threads.

What is a mandala

This is one of the sacred symbols, which is a geometric pattern. When literally translated, the word "mandala" means "circle" or "circle". The symbol looks like a square inscribed in a circle and decorated with many decorative elements and patterns. Each figure and ornament is arranged symmetrically. While creating a drawing, a person is immersed in a state comparable to the practice of meditation; the image accumulates the positive energy of the creator. This explains why many Buddhist and Hindu temples are decorated with such symbolism.

The word “mandala” appears for the first time in the Rigveda, meaning “space”, “circle”, “totality”. Buddhists believe that the first symbolic image was created in the 8th century by the founder of the Vajrayana, Padmasambhava, who used this ritual geometric object to invoke the deity. Padmasambhava created a mandala and prayed continuously for 7 days, after which a deity descended into the center of the sacred circle to fulfill his wishes.

In the east, the symbol is very sacred: it is recognized by Buddhist and Hindu followers. The monks draw a sacred circle, seeing in the image not just figures or patterns, but an object of worship, symbolizing the structures of the Universe. Creating a mandala helps a person open the subconscious and establish harmony with nature. To achieve such a result, you need to be passionate about knowledge. inner world, develop spiritually, be able to meditate.

Mandalas and their meaning

In Eastern countries, the symbol is considered sacred; its image can be found on walls, ceilings, and floors. A circle filled with patterns is drawn during religious rituals, including the Kalachakra initiation. Sand paints are used for this. The destruction of the sacred drawing completes the sacred ritual. What does a mandala mean in a particular culture?


In Buddhist culture, the meaning of a mandala has a sacred meaning. This image came into Buddhist practice from ancient Indian mythology, having received a slightly modified meaning. The ritual symbol appeared in India several thousand years ago and was used as an auxiliary tool for meditation. In Buddhism, images are used in sacred rituals, symbolizing the field of certain saints and bodhisattvas, their habitat after emerging from endless rebirths.

While contemplating the image, Buddhists at the mental level come into contact with the deities in the center of the picture, moving to the highest stage of meditation, becoming one with the cosmic Absolute. Modern psychologists suggest that drawings serve as a tool for internal transformation and self-improvement of people. By looking at or creating a sacred symbol, Buddhists achieve peace of mind, get rid of problems, restore their own strength, and recover from illnesses.


One of the tools for understanding man and the world is bringing different phenomena to a single measure, which is a number. With its help, you can connect seemingly incompatible things, for example, a person’s date of birth and the words he speaks. The numerical symbol of integrity allows you to see how speech works and use it consciously. This will make life more joyful, happier.

Even ancient philosophers adhered to the idea that everything in the world can be expressed in numbers, which at the same time are filled with magical meaning. Modern scientists also talk about similar things, who express the idea that everything that exists in the Universe represents energy flows and information that can be expressed in numbers. The vibration they create affects a person’s life, which is studied by numerology.

This pseudoscience draws all the information it needs to study from a mandala - a drawing of fate created individually for each person. Using this technique, you can trace your life path and identify hidden opportunities. Such knowledge helps to correct shortcomings and use existing abilities, which will provide the opportunity to more successfully solve the tasks set by fate.


According to one version, woven Indian mandalas in the form in which they exist now come from South and Central America. It is known that such symbols were woven by the Huichol Indians living in the territory of modern Mexico. During the colonization of America, many valuable skills in the art were forgotten, and today weaving is hardly remembered. The Indians themselves called such products “God's eye.”

Even children could weave the most primitive patterns: their products were hung in a prominent place, since it was believed that the mandala made by children brings prosperity to the house, through it God protects the family from misfortunes. A wise Indian, the leader of the Dakota tribe, said that everything done by the Power of the World is done in a circle - the sky, the earth, birds' nests, the sun, the moon are round, etc. The seasons also replace each other and are constantly repeated, forming a circle. Thus, the mandala symbolizes the cyclical nature of all living things.


On the path to self-improvement important role plays an understanding of the structure of human essence. For this there is mandal yoga, which is a type of exercise that combines asanas, vinyasas, mantras and mandalas themselves. The result of these actions is the formation in space of a complex geometric figure oriented to the cardinal points. In the center of the symbol is a practicing person and, if the technique is performed correctly, he feels new unusual feelings located at the level of energy channels.

Mandala for coloring

A magical diagram used in Buddhist and Hindu practices. Creating and coloring a sacred drawing can harmonize a person’s inner state and give strength. The work requires the ability to contemplate and visually perceive the world. The goals of the practice are different: a mandala of love and happiness, material wealth, health, etc. can be created. The drawing is a circle, inside of which there are triangles, other figures and patterns arranged symmetrically. The elements are painted in different colors, which is considered a form of art therapy.

Why are they needed?

Modern publishing houses offer collections of meditative coloring books for sale. What are mandalas and why are they needed? Simple graphic drawings, with the right approach to the creative process, help improve family relationships and attract love to own life, get rid of diseases and achieve other goals. Coloring diagrams and patterns will help your child learn to concentrate and figure things out independently. own feelings. Herals and mandalas are a tool for developing thinking, setting and achieving goals.

How to color

Tibetan monks draw real mandalas with colored sand on a flat surface for 2 months. This process is a means of meditation. When the drawing is completed, the sand is blown off and a new one is started. No matter what your goals are when creating color mandalas, it is important to know how to do it correctly. The sacred symbol is always multi-colored, so for the technique you will need paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.

You need to color the drawing from the center to the edges, because this way the drawing will come out organic and the colors will not be smeared by hand. Absolutely used when drawing different colors, each of which matters. An example of deciphering popular shades for creating a picture:

  • yellow – prosperity, happiness, joy;
  • red – love, passion, life;
  • black – darkness, danger, despair;
  • green – understanding, support, desire to help;
  • orange – emotionality, ambition, controversy;
  • blue – conflict, mysticism, fear, intuition;
  • lilac – well-being, emotions, worries;
  • violet - emotional dependence;
  • light green – weak energy field;
  • blue – water, sky, source of life.

How to use

To meditate, take a comfortable position, you can light candles, incense, and turn on quiet, calm music. Clear your mind of thoughts and worries, look at the center of the image, but do not focus your gaze. Listen to your inner state without analyzing or evaluating what is happening. As you continue to perceive any feelings, concentrate your attention on them to achieve maximum intensity of these sensations. How to color mandalas? Meditative coloring can take from 5 minutes to an hour; you need to stop the process if you feel tired.

The circle symbolizes the cosmos and is an ancient symbol of peace used in different cultures. Sacred symbols are used for many purposes, including:

  • amulet, protection of a person, home;
  • healing the body, healing from diseases;
  • energy filling;
  • meditation, purification of consciousness, subconscious;
  • raising money;
  • finding love, family happiness;
  • development of character qualities (elimination of negative ones, activation of positive ones), etc.

For women

Coloring mandalas brings sacred energy to a person and influences the outcome of many events. Thus, the figure acts as a tool for getting what you want through meditation. With the help of such technology, plans can be easily realized and dreams come true. Beautiful mandalas for marriage are capable of accumulating and exuding the beneficial energy of a woman. Such drawings are needed so that the girl does not lose confidence and gains family happiness.

For luck

The mandala of happiness awakens the spirit of integrity, helping to feel the joy of life, establishing peace of mind person. Contemplating the finished painted drawing, the mind tunes into a positive mood, attracting more into a person’s life happy moments. In addition, the image brings the effects of satisfaction and inner peace, helping to love and accept oneself.

For love

The symbol of relationships carries a special meaning and energy; it is used when they want to attract a bright feeling of love into life. In addition, individual symbols help strengthen existing relationships. While painting the figures, a strong energy surge occurs, making it possible to fulfill the dreams of the person who creates the mandala.

To fulfill a wish

This is a very powerful technique for fulfilling your plans and desires. By creating a magical image, a person imbues the drawing with positive energy, freeing himself from uncertainty and doubt. The completed bright picture is kept in a visible place where the image often catches the eye. Every time you pass by a drawing, you should focus on it and think about what you have in mind.

Family Mandala

Before performing the technique, think about your ideal family relationship, whether it will be passionate or calm. If desired, having tuned in to the desired mood, draw a mandala using universal signs or creating individual symbols. Favorable colors for the family are red, white, blue, purple. If you don't want to draw, use the ready-made template presented below. While coloring it, constantly think about feelings and love.

To attract money

The image should be created with positive thoughts, while the mind is first freed from pressing problems and troubles, bad memories, and painful thoughts. If you thought about something bad while creating the symbol, it is better to burn the drawing. You should start coloring patterns from the center to the edges, intuitively selecting colors. Sacred rituals to attract money are recommended to be performed in the morning.

For good health

Certain symbols from Tibetan Buddhism carry special healing powers, their effect has been tested for centuries. Sometimes you just need to fill the finished template with color and place the work in a visible place to gain health. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to supplement the drawing of sacred images with meditations, affirmations, and reading mantras. It should be understood that this technique is not an alternative to going to the doctor, as it will not replace a medical examination, but recovery will be much faster and easier.


Mandalas are signs that can concentrate energy. With their help, you can significantly improve various life spheres. Some symbols will help single people find their soulmate. You can create a mandala in different ways, for example, from stone, threads, but most often drawings on paper are used.

How to create a mandala to attract love?

First, you need to decide on the specific purpose for which you will use the sacred sign, that is, decide for yourself which ones you want to build, for example, calm or filled with passion. You can use universal signs or create your own individual symbol, we’ll figure out how to do this now.

To work, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, a compass, and multi-colored pencils and markers. For love and happiness to work, you need to rely on your own feelings and use existing rules.

Intuition and your own feelings will tell you what the drawing should be, the main thing is to remember that the drawing should be symmetrical and enclosed in a circle.

The main symbols of the love mandala to attract a loved one:

  1. The circle is a symbol of feminine Yin energy. Provides the drawing with the following qualities: harmony, integrity, unity, sincerity and sensuality.
  2. The spiral is a symbol of movement, which indicates that everything is changing. A person can gain, lose and gain something again.
  3. Shells are a symbol of secrecy and keeping secrets.
  4. Arrows and other images with sharp angles are a symbol of the masculine principle of Yang energy. Such elements have aggressive and active energy. They can also be used as a sign of protection and attack.
  5. Eyes and ovals are a symbol of the “all-seeing eye.” It is recommended to use it to create a mandala of harmony and love, since ovals give care, guardianship and security.
  6. Square, rhombus and polygon are a symbol of a solid foundation.

These are just the basic symbols that are used in creating magical drawings.

To attract true love and a partner, a mandala must not only be correctly drawn, but also decorated.

Primary colors:

  • red, orange, yellow – active energy of movement, love and inner potential;
  • blue, violet, light blue – calm and balance;
  • green, turquoise - encourages action and leads to loss of strength (it all depends on the shade);
  • black, brown - used for restrictions or divisions;
  • white is a universal color that has a huge number of meanings.

If you don't want to draw, then use the generic diagrams below and just color them correctly. During this process, constantly think about love and feelings.

Mandalas. Magic drawings for happiness, love, good luck Voznesenskaya Vilata N.

19 Knocking on Heaven's Door

Mandalas for women and men

Mandalas of love and harmonious relationships

Protective mandalas

Mandalas waiting for health

Money mandalas

Mandalas on different cases and events

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Vilata Voznesenskaya.

In this book I have placed the most successful and effective mandalas. They have been tested by time, experience and the results of many people who have used them in practice.

Each mandala is given a name, a description of the action of the mandala, ways of using it for yourself personally and for the surrounding space.

I am sure that the mandalas I created will be useful and will serve well children and adults, young and sages, women, men, psychologists, astrologers, tarot readers, artists, designers, needlewomen, feng shui masters, poor and rich, cheerful and sad, beginners and experienced esotericists.

The most important thing is that the expected changes come in your life, your heart beats, your eyes smile, and your soul is joyful.

What is a mandala?

Mandala - translated from Sanskrit means “circle”. That is, it is a drawing consisting of circles, or inscribed in a circle.

In various other traditions, the same word means wheel, crown, rotation, whirlpool, round dance, dance, ring, rhythm, ritual, prayer, home for God.

The literal translation of the Sanskrit word mandala is “that which contains the essence,” a drawing in which there is some important content, message, idea, soul, grain, essence. By the way, the word must be pronounced with emphasis on the first letter “A”. Some people put emphasis on the second letter “A” and end up with a swear word.

Types of mandalas

There are mandalas natural origin and created by man. They can be drawn on paper and fabric, embroidered or printed, built from sand, clay, concrete, iron or carved into marble. A mandala can be made as a tattoo on a person’s body, painted on a car bumper, or left as an element of the family coat of arms.

The mandalas themselves are divided into several types and purposes:

Constant images of the deity, setting up for meditation and prayer

Such mandalas are hung in a room where a person prays or meditates, and thus the mandala helps to tune in to the desired wave and enter a certain meditative state of mind.


These mandalas are drawn in order to cope with some kind of disease. Sometimes this is the mandala of the disease itself. A person draws his illness, pulling it out of his body onto paper. The mandala must be burned or otherwise destroyed so that the disease goes away forever.

There are healing mandalas that are drawn to attract the spirit of health and the forces of life. The mandala is hung at the head of the patient or opposite his gaze so that he looks and tunes in with the energy of health.


These mandalas are drawn as amulets indoors. Their task is to stop and neutralize the flow of negative energy coming from the world.

Wells, traps

These mandalas work on the principle of a well in which you can hide something. Such mandalas “absorb” energy and retain it in themselves, like a sponge retains water.

Mills, turntables, generators

These mandalas work as transformers and converters of energy from one quality to another. Where there is little energy, it is sluggish, inactive, similar to a stagnant swamp, the mandala brings the energy of movement, activity, enthusiasm, positive mood. Where there is too much activity, chaos, aggression, nervousness, movement, the mandala will add peace, harmony, smoothness, silence and regularity.

Women's, men's, doubles

Mandalas containing feminine energy (yin), masculine energy (yang), or both energies in one design.

They tune a person to the missing vibrations, increase the production of female or male hormones in the human body. They harmonize relationships between partners, promote mutual understanding, balance of emotions and positive communication.

Application of mandalas

Mandalas are used in different areas of life and for different purposes.

Mandalas - portals - are used for meditation. When coloring, contemplating or drawing such mandalas, a person is transported mentally and energetically to certain time portals.

Shield mandalas are used for protection. They are hung indoors, in living rooms, children's rooms and bedrooms. They are also drawn as amulets and worn on the body, on clothes, and included in the design of jewelry, interiors, clothing, and accessories.

To cure diseases associated with mental trauma, mandalas-wells, mandalas-traps, and mandalas-transformers are used.

Mandalas perfectly cleanse and heal a person’s soul and mind, they can restore vision, enlighten the mind, give clarity of thoughts and feelings, excite or calm both one person and mass flows of people.

There are special mandalas that can influence the human body and organs such as the heart, kidneys, stomach, uterus, ovaries, spleen, joints, liver, bones, metabolism, regulation of mood swings, production of hormones and red blood cells.

Mandalas can influence plants and animals. Flowers can bloom more actively, trees can bear fruit, animals can’t get sick, and harmful insects can leave their place of deployment. With the help of a mandala, you can unite with the soul of any mineral, plant, animal or person.

Mandalas help to understand the past and model the future. Bring order and harmony to a person’s present and help to perceive current events more positively. Hear the melody of your own soul, decipher the voice of consciousness and subconscious.

Almost all types of mandalas can be used both for yourself personally, for your tasks, goals and desires, and for working with the surrounding space. You can also copy all types of mandalas from an existing sample, paint ready-made templates, or invent and draw mandalas yourself.

Meditation with mandala

This type of mandala work is one of the most frequently used in Buddhist culture, in Europe, the West and Russia.

General rules of meditation:

Take a sheet of paper with ready-made template or a blank sheet on which you will create your mandala. Place colored pencils, markers, crayons or paints in front of you. Focus on your thoughts, questions or problem. Take any color you like and start painting from the center, moving in a circle or spiral to the outer edges. You can finish drawing a mandala at any time when you want it, or you feel tired.

After completing the process, evaluate the extent of the problem that concerns you. It remained the same or changed, became simpler, easier, more understandable, lost its sharpness or stopped frightening you. Speak or write down all the realizations you have gained while coloring. The drawing can be burned or kept as a souvenir. Draw the mandala as many times as you need.

Draw mandalas yourself

You can color the ready-made mandalas given in this book, or draw your own.

The rules of drawing are very simple - no rules. Give yourself completely to the drawing process, to what your hand does on paper, driven by internal impulses. Trust your taste and desire to choose one color or another. Draw your own Bad mood and the good, your fears and your hopes, find color and form for your love and gratitude.

Feel free to scribble, stain a sheet of paper and put blots on it, or carefully and accurately draw out every line and dot.

At the end of the book there are several templates that you can use to draw a mandala yourself.

For those who like to draw in electronic programs, I advise you to buy an application for apple called YAMANDALA.

This is a drawing program in which templates of the author's mandalas are already given, and you can color them many, many times, experimenting with color and shape.

The cost of the application is 99 rubles.

Color, shape, number, figures used in the mandala

To make your creative process more conscious, I will give some meanings of the symbols used in drawing mandalas:

Red, orange, yellow– colors of power, masculine yang energy, aggressive, active, sexy, exciting, energy of action, movement, vigor, warmth, internal potential and thirst for action.

Blue, purple, cyan– feminine energy, yin, clear, structural, gathering into a whole, calm, balanced, delineating boundaries. Gives strength to think and act calmly and evenly.

Green, turquoise, marsh– female yin energy, depending on the shade, causes either peace and tranquility, or activity of growth and development, or decline in mood, melancholy, sadness, sadness.

Black, grey, brown– intermediate and independent colors, often color limiters, separators, developers. Depending on a person’s internal state, they can mean complete isolation from the world, withdrawal, depression, strong concentration on something specific, as well as aggression, energy, destructive impulse, action, fearlessness.

White– a universal color, it can show both the purity and silence of the inner world, and emptiness, loneliness, cold, fear and freezing of the human soul.

Figures and symbols:

Circles– yin energy, feminine, harmony, integrity, cycle, goal, place of assembly, symbol of money, coins, manifestation of the truthfulness of thoughts and feelings.

Spiral- a symbol of movement. A spiral going to the center is a drawing in, absorbing movement, like a whirlpool. A spiral unfolding into the outside world is a movement from the center to the sides, something is revealed, freed, gaining momentum. A sign of constantly moving energy, coming and going and coming again.

Shells- a symbol of drawing into oneself, clogging, closing, hiding secrets, storage.

Arrows, spikes, triangles, any sharp corners, zigzags, lightning– male symbols, yang energy, active, aggressive, protective and offensive. It cuts, indicates the target, pierces, frightens, excites, irritates, paves the way.

Eyes, ovals- a symbol of the divine eye or the all-seeing eye, which observes, protects, and maintains order. Function of protection, order, fear, calm, care, guardianship. The need for protection, protection, attention, security, or severity and punishment.

Squares, polygons, rhombuses– a symbol of a foundation, strong, solid, static, fixed. Law, truth, inertia, support, consistency.

Flowers, patterns, smooth lines- Yin energy. A symbol of peace, smoothness, fluidity, tenderness, slowness, beauty, craving for beauty.

Droplets- this is life-giving moisture, reviving life, life drips and merges into streams of long-awaited, healing energy. The droplets go to the center - the flow of energy flows from the environment to the center of the mandala. The droplets are directed outward - a stream flows out to people from the mandala or from your life.

Multi-beam stars, wings- a symbol of constant protection by guardian angels. There is always help on your way higher powers, good luck, and fate. A guiding star always shines for you.

Stories from practice using mandala

There are a lot of stories from life where my friends and I successfully use mandalas. I will tell you only two of them.

Renewal mandala

The owner of a network of laundries for students asked to establish a normal working atmosphere in the team, because employees steal, equipment breaks, customers leave dissatisfied, although the business is very promising.

Having eliminated all the legal, technical, and psychological problems in the business, she chose a mandala from those I had already drawn to harmonize the laundry space. I colored it myself and printed it in the printing house in the form large poster and hung it on the wall. The mandala was active, I would even say aggressive, in bright orange tones, with a lot of sharp corners and thorns. The energy of the mandala cleansed the space and increased the speed of money and human flow.

In the first week, the entire laundry staff quit. Then the washing machines broke down and the sewer pipes became clogged. We had to make repairs, clean the plumbing, call an equipment technician and hire new workers.

Surprisingly, everything worked out quite quickly; the repairman found in all washing machines manufacturing defect, they were handed over to the factory and received new, high-quality units as compensation. The new team was made up of young students who worked in shifts, quickly mastered their duties, and created an atmosphere of modernity, novelty, fast service and convenience in the laundry.

Six months later, the owner opened 5 more branches throughout the city. In each of the departments, a huge mandala hangs on the wall and serves for the benefit of the cause.

Cash Flow Mandala

In a Moscow glass paint store, I picked out a large set of the colors I needed. While discussing with the seller how it would be more convenient and profitable for me to deliver a purchase weighing 12 kg to my home, we got into conversation. I talked about mandalas and that I just have a mandala, recently drawn, which attracts cash flows and increases the speed of money coming and going. We decided to experiment and placed a mandala.

A month later, I looked into the store and was surprised: there were a lot of people, a crowd at the counter, everyone was buying something, asking, clarifying, arguing, the sellers were overwhelmed, there were master classes on the second floor.

The mandala plate stands right on the counter with paints and “looks” at customers. The owner of the store came out to me and told me that the mandala really works and does its job. During the summer holiday season, when sales even for milk and bread drop in Moscow, they are completely sold out.

People want to buy a product, and they don't want to leave the store.

The owner bought the mandala and gave me a lifetime, unlimited discount on all products in their store.

10 years have passed, Mandala is still working in the same store, which has significantly expanded and transformed, and I buy paints there at a very good discount.

Mandalas for coloring

You can draw directly in the book, feel free to tear out the page and use the mandala in life. You can scan the drawings and draw them many, many times.

It is possible that the existing description of the mandala and your own feelings from the drawing may not coincide, and then trust your feelings more than what is written.

It may also be that for you the same drawing will change in perception from time to time. Either it seems to you that the mandala is spinning inward, and then suddenly it is spinning outward, then it is threateningly dangerous for you, and then suddenly it has become beloved, kind and gentle. This is a sign that you are changing, and that's okay.

A very important secret of the mandala

If you look closely at the drawings, you will see that all the mandalas are not perfectly symmetrical, unevenly drawn, or not mirrored. This was done deliberately and consciously.

The fact is that there is no need to strive to draw a mandala that is ideal in shape. In any mandala there must remain some specially damaged, imperfect place or fragment. Buddhists call this “imperfect” place the GRAIN OF THE SPIRIT. It is to this place that the holy spirit descends to help people achieve harmony and new knowledge. If the mandala is 100% ideal, then the help of higher powers is not needed.

I advise you, after you paint the mandala, take and specially introduce into it a certain element of disharmony, a maximum of 5–10% of the drawing, indicate a “landing pad” for higher forces, and thereby agree that everything in this world imperfect, requires constant changes, updates, new knowledge and help from above.

Feel free and with interest to let colored drawings, patterns and ornaments called MANDALA into your life. Invite to your daily life higher powers and become more perfect yourself.

Find out how, with the help of mandalas and more, you can stop tribal wars in the family, find out your destiny, discover your talents, learn to forgive and get rid of jealousy, allow yourself to be happy, desired and loved.


I wish you interesting changes in life and successful realization of your desires!

Vilata Voznesenskaya

Protective mandalas

Mandalas drawn specifically to be a shield, fence and barrier against strong, destructive energies and emotions.

We can say that the mandala saves you from the evil eye, damage and all sorts of unpleasant wishes.

Protective mandalas can absorb energy into themselves, into the design pattern, sift negativity like through a sieve, or grind aggression like a spice mill.

1 Protection from anger, aggression and negativity from the outside world

For myself: draw from the center to the edges. If you have negative feelings, write them into the mandala pattern, circle by circle, leaving your anger or hatred on the paper.

Mandala clears the mind of internal dialogue and frees the soul from stuck emotions.

Sharp arrows excite stuck anger and cause it to emerge from the subconscious.

The shells absorb it and do not let it out. Circle after circle, anger, hatred, melancholy, resentment are cut into pieces by sharp arrows and immediately packed into shells.

For space: hang the drawing in places where people gather, anger, aggression, at the entrance to the apartment so that those entering immediately see this mandala.

The mandala stops, breaks and absorbs negative, destructive vibrations. A mandala can also excite activity and courage to be sincere and act decisively, but not destructively for oneself and others.

From time to time the mandala needs to be changed to a more “fresh” one.

2 Amulet from evil people(Mandala well/mill)

For myself: draw from the center. At the same time, remember places where you felt good, cozy, safe, and where you gained more strength and energy. For each such “resource place”, find a color and paint some elements of the mandala with it.

Color the elements in the form of pupils, remembering the people who always stood by your side, who believe in you, protect you, help you in difficult times (even if these people are no longer alive, remember them and give them a place in the drawing) . Draw the outermost, last circle with thoughts about unusual events in your life, when help came to you out of nowhere, on its own, like an unexpected joy.

Think with gratitude about these gifts of fate and color the 12 pupils-amulets. This circle is the circle of protection of your guardian angels. Ask them for help, call them into your life, mentally talk to them as if they were sitting next to you and watching you draw.

For space: mandala stops negative energies, unkind thoughts, envy, damage, evil eyes, curses, aggression and anxiety. Gives a feeling of peace, tranquility, a sense of protection and amulet.

In people prone to deception, it causes anxiety and guilt. It seems to them that the all-seeing eye of justice is watching them from the drawing.

Hang the drawing in children's rooms, bedrooms, hallways and opposite entrance doors. The mandala must be periodically changed and “refreshed”.

3 Activity and fruitfulness in business

It tunes a person’s energy and mind to activity, fruitfulness and good results in any endeavor.

For myself: Put your task, business, problem in the center of the picture. Think about it and color the mandala from the center to the periphery.

The 8 rays of the mandala are eight directions for the development of events, eight ending options, eight active assistants in the matter and eight timely new ideas for solving the problem.

The large circles of the mandala are like locators that simultaneously absorb all necessary information and release into the world the energy of action and effort expended.

Look at the entire mandala drawing as a whole, you see how much energy of action and programmed good results there are in it. Any of your even smallest efforts will be increased many times over and returned to you with generous gifts. For each of the eight rays of the mandala, you can put some kind of task, task or problem.

For space: The mandala works on the principle of a mill with buckets of water, scooping up energy from space and pouring it out, changing its quality.

Thus, the mandala increases the speed of any processes and phenomena.

Negotiations go faster, problems are solved, mood changes, the desire to be generous and positive increases, laziness and melancholy disappear. Sometimes a mandala needs to be “refreshed”.

4 Will, concentration, shield

The mandala pattern consists of sharp angles, polyhedra and triangles. That is why the mandala carries the active masculine energy of protection, order and concentration.

Imagine that the mandala is in motion, each of its parts and details separately and the whole of it are constantly moving.

Now imagine that a stream of water is directed at the mandala and it hits these moving parts, what will happen? The water will turn into splashes, and some droplets will not reach the middle of the mandala and will not fall into its center.

This is exactly how the mandala works as a shield.

For myself: Place yourself in the center of the mandala (you can paste a photo) or any person who needs protection and help, or any business, idea, thought.

Start coloring from the center outwards. Circle by circle you revive and trigger the protection mechanism; with the touch of a pencil, the mandala comes to life. Leave the painted mandala for the time necessary for your protection. Week, month or year, the mandala will work as a shield and amulet.

When you no longer need protection, take down your photo and burn the mandala.

Another option: center the idea or thought you are thinking about.

Color the next circle of squares, saying all the options for your solutions that you know or have already come up with. And then draw circle by circle and think about your ideas.

Leave the finished mandala for some time so that your ideas take shape and understandable solutions.

The mandala initiates a person to demonstrate will and concentration in solving problems or building methods of defense.

For space: works similarly to what was written above.

Money mandalas

These mandalas are special in that they contain a combination of symbols and forms that set a person up to be able to actively attract the energy of money. Seeing the pattern of these mandalas, the human brain centers responsible for interacting with the world begin to work actively, generating activity.

Money is the equivalent of the energy that you spent into the world, and it comes back to you in the form of paper symbols. Next I place mandalas that eliminate all possible problems.

After drawing a mandala, you definitely need to communicate with it for some time - look at it, carry it with you in your wallet, draw it several times, each time coloring it differently. I recommend coloring all the money mandalas in the book, each of them will include the necessary aspects of money energy for you.

Well, now about each of the mandalas in more detail.

5 Active perception of money from all corners of the world

The mandala itself is similar to a compass, pointing to all directions of the world, denoting the diversity of life and the limitlessness of life options. Take a closer look at the drawing - the mandala looks like the steering wheel of a ship; you hold your life in your hands firmly, confidently and comfortably. You regulate your actions and intentions. You are in control of your life.

Imagine that you are standing in the center of a mandala. Money is available to you from all over the world; you can reach out to it and take it. Imagine that the mandala is spinning and turning you in the right direction, like a sensitive weather vane that indicates in which part of the world there is money for you.

This mandala sharpens the “smell” for money. It will allow you to generously accept opportunities and sources of money and generously give money to the world to increase it. The mandala triggers in you the active energy of action and “allowing” money to be in your life. Now imagine that the mandala is above you, above the top of your head, like a flying saucer. It unwinds in you a whirlwind of achievements, opportunities and courage to live among money in abundance and abundance.

For space: the mandala attracts money from all parts of the world to the room in which it is located. These can be any options: gift promotions, “discount” coupons, random sales, coins or bills forgotten by someone, people who know how to make good money and invite you to be their partners, random ideas with a good monetary prospect, they pay off your debts or offer you bonus. Always keep the windows open indoors, as the energy of money “loves to walk” freely and without obstacles.

6 Money Well

This mandala helps a person to intuitively sense “money wells”, sources of money.

Look carefully at the center of the mandala, do you think the spiral unwinds into the outside world from the center, or vice versa - twists into one point?

If you see that the spiral is unwinding, it means that in your life a lot of energy goes into the world, but much less comes back - you give more than you receive, or you give energy to where you don’t need to give it.

If for you the spiral twists into the center, it means that you expect a lot from life, but give little of your strength and your work to the outside world.

For myself: By starting to draw this mandala, you will be able to harmonize the “take-give” balance, because this mandala simultaneously spins energy into the outside world, thereby giving strength to act actively in life, and pulls it back to the center, that is, into your wallet. Returns the energy given into the world in the form of money.

In fact, the mandala rotates both inward and outward at the same time. Thereby creating a balance of energy and money in a person’s life.

In general, the entire mandala drawing includes a person’s intuitive centers and sharpens the sense of smell for money. Like a hunting dog, you begin to feel “where the game lives,” act actively and just as actively get your prey back.

The painted mandala should be carried with you in your wallet or hung in the house above your desk, above your computer, or in your office.

When you come up with ideas for making money or receive business proposals - before you say your decision - look at the mandala for 5-10 minutes. Place an imaginary job or a new business at its center and see, feel in which direction the spiral will twist.

Ideally, the spiral with work placed at the center should spin in both directions, this means that the work will be monetary and profitable. If it spins only in one direction, most likely there will be “underwater shoals” in the work that will bring you disappointment.

For space: the mandala harmonizes space, evens out the overall emotional background in the room, inspires a person to actively create with good result, attracts into its aura profitable projects, good financial prospects, useful acquaintances, connections, and cooperation. Mandala is also good for health. It activates the immune system.

7 Successful, growing business

For myself: look at the drawing. What shapes do you see: triangles, squares, rhombuses, polyhedra? Find and color as many of the figures you see in the mandala as possible.

Draw from the center. Think about your favorite activity, hobby or business while coloring. Now look at how many unpainted figures remain - these are your capabilities and unseen options for action, or development prospects.

The mandala removes barriers to the perception of new information, expands the internal ability to see the world in a wide range of possibilities, sharpens the work of the mind, arouses the active masculine principle in a person for positive action and the ability to go towards the goal.

For space: brings active male yang energy into the room. Pushes to restore order and maintain cleanliness and safety. Children find it easier to keep their things clean and become more attentive to their own safety. Awakens a sense of justice, law and active creative action.

8 Unblocking the money channel

This mandala helps remove blockages in the way of money into your wallet.

It happens that you work and work, but the money goes past your wallet, to someone else. Probably the reason is that your money channel is “blocked,” like a blockage in a pipe.

Look closely at the mandala. Focus on the center of the drawing, do you see this drawing as a well that goes deep, like a pipe, and it narrows?

Or do you see the center moving towards you and expanding?

If for you the center narrows and goes deeper, it means that the money channel in some place has a strong congestion; instead of an adequate amount, grains are coming into your life. If the drawing is approaching you, then perhaps somewhere along the way there is a hole in your pocket, and all the money falls out into the “unknown”, and also does not reach you.

Ideally, the center pattern should be perceived as a constantly rotating wheel with a clear, stable center. It neither expands nor contracts, but strictly and firmly maintains its rhythm and shape.

The entire mandala is drawn so that the energy is clearly untwisted and firmly fixed.

This mandala is a stable source and a self-purifying flow.

Triangles fix this speed and do not allow the “movement” of the mandala energy to slow down.

For myself: Color the mandala starting from the middle.

Place a rolled-up banknote in the center of the picture. Leave the painted mandala lying in this form for several weeks on a table or somewhere else.

You should definitely carry this mandala with you in your wallet. It is her energy that gives stability to the money in your wallet. Protects your wallet from loss, holes and emptiness.

For space: The energy of the mandala increases any metabolic processes in the body, improves the function of receiving and giving.

Cleans space, absorbs negativity.

Gives mental acuity and resourcefulness, helps to always and everywhere hear, see or understand your personal benefit and the ability to competently distribute physical and mental strength.

9 Financial freedom

Mandala of money, wealth, business success and the ability to take and give money from all sides of the world, in any conditions and in any quantities.

For myself: eight circles symbolize the cardinal directions, in each of which you can expect an increase in money, health and creative energy. The mandala has the shape of a steering wheel and a compass at the same time. Stand mentally in the center of the mandala, take the steering wheel of your life and begin to manage.

Crescents are a symbol of rotating buckets that scoop up energy and, driving it around in a circle, give it back in a modified form. Remember water mills that “drive” water with blades.

Glue a coin or some other symbol of money into the center of the mandala.

Before deciding to start a business or the next stage in your business, mentally place your business in the center of the mandala, as if it were a living person. Look at the mandala drawing and ask yourself a question: does the decision I make (the business I open) have at least 9 options for development or prospects in the future? If it does, and you know these prospects, then most likely your decision ( new business) is worthy of attention and effort.

For space: Hang a mandala drawing in your office, above your desk, or in your meeting room. Decorate your bag or paint your laptop cover. Wherever the mandala is drawn or placed, money will flow to that place.

Large or small amounts depend on your energy level and ability to give your strength and talents to the world.

The mandala also evokes a good mood, joy, positive attitude. Increases appetite and promotes gluttony. But even if you risk gaining weight, rest assured that you are eating good quality products.

The mandala “pushes” a person to change his lifestyle, to qualitatively raise it to a different level, to be a generous and multifaceted person.

10 It will be as decided

A mandala of will that can bend under the weight of circumstances, but not break. Everything that is decided will be executed exactly and on time.

Mandala is a shield and assistant in the implementation of plans, through strengthening the power of intention and steadfastness in the implementation of ideas.

To work with yourself: Place yourself in the center of the mandala. Imagine that you are standing in the center of the drawing with your feet. You have made a decision regarding something and will act only this way, not otherwise. Imagine your fears, obstacles, other people's opinions or any other circumstances that fall on you in life and ruin your plans, now falling on the mandala drawing.

Wherever these obstacles fall, the shape of the pattern is such that they roll down the corners of the pattern and spring from them in different directions, like a gymnast from a trampoline.

Nothing can interfere with the fulfillment of your will and your decision.

The mandala helps you feel the ability to discard unnecessary interference, fears, doubts that prevent you from acting and lead you astray life path and lead away from the goal.

For space: works like an air ionizer. Makes the space orderly, fresh, and prevents energies from stagnating. Meditation on the mandala pattern clears the frontal and maxillary sinuses, sharpens thinking, and gives a feeling of inner composure and invulnerability.

11 Gate of Truth

Telling the truth is both difficult and easy at the same time. It’s easy because many difficulties in relationships and solving cases immediately disappear. But it is difficult to tell the truth precisely because many difficulties and problems immediately arise in relationships and affairs. And yet we have to tell the truth and be sincere with our loved ones in difficult, sometimes critical situations.

It is believed that the courage to speak the truth and at the same time feel safe are qualities of a person’s inner strength, which are akin to a gift or grace. The truth gives a person the opportunity to remain himself and not lose his essence and uniqueness.

For myself: start drawing from the edge to the center. Each circle of the mandala is a layer of fears and obstacles through which we “make our way” to the courage to be ourselves.

While drawing, remember how many times in your life a lie saved you and how many times it let you down and got in the way.

Forgive yourself and others for the fear of being truthful, thank yourself and others for the courage to be sincere.

Find within yourself a balance between truth and lies, come up with signs, signs, signs, omens that will help you make a choice in each situation towards sincerity or towards silence.

Leave the “grain of spirit” in the mandala and ask for help from higher powers in the ability and courage to be truthful in any circumstances.

For space: the mandala radiates the energy of support and support in decision-making, in negotiations, in the moment of choice and agreement.

The mandala can be cut out, pasted on thick cardboard, response options can be written on each corner (silence, wait, truth, lie, agreement, refusal, attack, defense), put the mandala on a pin or needle and use it as an advisory compass that spins and suggests which response option to choose this moment with this person.

This helps during negotiations, litigation, meetings, long proceedings, and clarifying personal relationships with loved ones.

12 Conquest of new territories

For many people, exploring new territories, as well as making new decisions, thoughts, and different opinions is very difficult and energy-consuming. It is more familiar and easier to live in what is familiar and understandable. But it is the mastery of something completely new that brings us renewal, development, increased self-esteem and new perspectives.

The mandala helps to include the courage to enter new territory, expand your circle of friends and business partners, move or change jobs, leave your comfort zone, increase your territory of influence and secure it for yourself.

For myself: draw from the center. Mentally stand in the center of the mandala, look around, you have nine new directions in which you can develop and expand your sphere of influence.

Start coloring the drawing, as if conquering the territory that you are marking with color.

Notice what strategy and tactics you chose: do you take the entire circle at once and conquer it layer by layer, or do you do it in sectors, as if dividing a large pie into pieces?

Analyze how much you notice new directions in life, and how do you enter them? Are you satisfied with your tactics?

Remember as many times as possible when you were offered new activities, invited to study, invited to creativity or travel, invited to friendship or marriage.

How many of these proposals were you able to evaluate, consider and make a conscious decision, and how many proposals did you reject without thinking, out of fear or laziness? Which of those proposals would you choose now and pay attention to?

Write the “rejected options” into the mandala pattern. Forgive yourself for inattention and laziness and thank life for paying attention to you.

For space: The mandala activates the energy in the room, cleanses and “ozonizes”. Works as a talisman against the evil eye, against bad wishes and aggressive thoughts. Activates the liver, increases metabolism, gives a boost of vigor and positive business acumen, brings “courage” to a person’s behavior, courage that exists but is not yet known about. Gives courage to tell the truth, to be sincere and convincing.

Mandalas for health

All the mandalas given in the book have a positive effect on the body. Some activate energy and give a charge of vivacity, some calm and give the opportunity to sleep and relax. By painting these mandalas, you can very clearly and clearly feel the changes in your body. Suddenly, snot starts flowing from your stuffy nose or your intestines begin to grumble, which have not been able to empty for several weeks, you will want to run to the toilet, although you suffer from constipation, or there will be a tingling sensation in your arms and legs, and before that you felt them as if they were numb.

This section contains mandalas, the effect of which on the body has been very clearly monitored and tested repeatedly on many people. In order not to harm your health, but to help, I chose mandalas that act tactfully, gently, and do not affect the vital functions of the body.

Let me remind you that your perception of the mandala may differ from the author’s. Trust your feelings.

The mandala does not cancel or replace taking medications, dieting, healthy image life and a trip to a specialist.

13 Good appetite

Mandala is useful for people with poor appetite, or those who digest food slowly and have sluggish bowels. Color from the center.

Choose bright, aggressive, “masculine” tones: red, yellow, orange, “acid raspberry,” lemon, pistachio and lime. These colors cause increased salivation, increase stomach static, and stimulate appetite. If you color the drawing in blue-blue and green colors, then indigestion may occur in the stomach, since the energy of the mandala and the color you have chosen will enter into dissonance. Your thirst may increase, you will want to “drink and pee” (as in the famous advertisement), because the energy of the mandala activates the urinary system.

The mandala can be drawn on the plate from which the child eats, knitted a potholder according to the design, embroidered on a kitchen towel, or hung as a poster above the table. Colleagues of mine hung several versions of the “appetizing mandala” in the public canteen in a rehabilitation center and decorated the interior in colors similar to the design. An increase in appetite was observed in patients.

14 Strong bones

For myself: looking at the mandala, one gets a feeling of strength, reliability, solidity, like brickwork or a foundation filled with concrete.

The mandala ornament resembles the structure of the bones of the spine in a horizontal section. If you look at the structure of bone tissue under a microscope, you can see a very similar structure, in the form of cells that are fastened together by many protrusions and spines.

The mandala makes you feel like your bones are starting to increase in strength and strength. In this case, the channel for the bone marrow does not become overgrown, but, on the contrary, becomes clean and spacious, as nature should expect.

A mandala can also trigger a mechanism to strengthen your teeth or speed up your trip to the dentist.

One of my good friends, a dentist by profession, hung a drawing of a mandala in his office so that during treatment, patients, sitting in a chair under the doctor’s arms, could examine the ornament.

It turned out that from looking at the mandala, salivation decreases, bleeding stops faster, pain is easier to bear, patients become more patient and assiduous.

Almost all patients associate the mandala pattern with strong, beautiful teeth and the professionalism of the treating doctor.

If you place such a pattern on dishes, especially glass and porcelain, they will last longer and be less likely to break or crack.

Draw a mandala from the center. Choose any shades of blue, black, gray and purple tones. Can be done in black/white, or scarlet/black.

If you use bright, rainbow colors, the mandala will evoke a feeling of a children's party, jokes, humor and frivolity.

For space: creates the feeling of an additional brick wall or iron tie on the wall. It’s as if in the place where the mandala hangs, all the walls are much stronger, stronger and thicker. If you paint this design on cups, plates or glasses, they will break less. Drawn on clothes, bags, gloves or computers, the mandala gives strength to these things.

Mandalas for all occasions

15 The path out of the labyrinth

For myself: If you feel that you do not know how to trust the world, you are constantly afraid of everything, worry, suspect the bad and constantly wait for negative events or news, then most likely your mechanism of basic trust in the world has broken down and, as a result, trust in your partner or loved ones is broken.

I strongly advise you to seek help from a psychologist to find the causes of the “breakdown” and eliminate them. And as an aid, I suggest coloring this mandala.

You can turn on your favorite music, stock up on chocolates or any other “yummy”, climb up into a cozy chair and surrender to the drawing process. Choose any colors, draw from the center.

Imagine that you are an angel, and you have a person under your care, a woman or a man, exactly like you. With the same difficulties and joys, habits and whims, talents and fears as yours. And this man lives as if he stood in a corner, sulked at the whole wide world, turned his back to life and people, and stood alone. And you need to bring this ward of yours out of the corner and bring him back to life. What would you do?

They made you laugh, felt sorry for you, caressed you or, on the contrary, called you out and cheered you up, offered to play or called for help, forced you out of the corner or stood together and stood there. Start leading your ward out of the “corner”, pave the way for him from the labyrinth of loneliness into a world where the sun shines and there are many opportunities. You can burn the painted mandala and, if necessary, paint a new one. A mandala helps a person solve complex problems, find a way out of a difficult situation or difficult emotions.

For space: brings into the room where there is an element of play, unusualness, the ability to see events from an unusual side. Removes patterns in thinking and actions.

16 Trace of an Angel

Unusual mandala shape. Symbolizes what we leave behind on earth. In thoughts and actions, in deeds and efforts, in kind words and unfulfilled dreams.

For myself: these two feet have their own special meaning. Before coloring the drawing, choose one of the meditation options and the semantic meaning, think, remember and, feeling ready, proceed.

Option I: The left trace is what our soul lives by, our dreams, dreams, love, our inspiration. The right trace is what was done in the material world. What you implemented, performed, bought, built, who you helped, and so on.

Option II: The left trace is what people have done for you in life. How they helped you, and how much they left their mark on your life, and you, thanks to their help, left a mark on the earth. Your ability to take help and miracles from life. The right trace is how you helped people, how you helped them. What mark have you left in the lives of other people with your deeds, care and knowledge? Your ability to give your strength and energy into the world.

Option III: The left trace is the experience of living in a female body if you are a woman, or the experience of living with a woman if you are a man. Collect all your knowledge, experience, feelings, memories, experiences and sketch. The right trace is how you lived as a man if you are a man, and how you lived with a man next to you if you are a woman.

Draw from any fragment. You can come up with your own symbols and meditation options. See how different the traces you painted are from each other, and is there anything in common between them?

The finished mandala can be hung indoors or used to decorate your things and accessories. If you don’t like the drawing, you can burn the mandala and draw a new one.

For space: mandala is protective amulet for any room in which it is located. An angel's mark always means that there is a guardian angel in your life and you are safe.

17 Desire Realizer

For myself: Write down all your desires on a piece of paper. Take colored pencils and start coloring triangles, where each triangle is one of your wishes. If necessary, write in words the names of your desires.

Take a closer look, some triangles intersect with others on all three sides, and some only on two. Think about what unites your desires, where they intersect, and whether the fulfillment of one desire can attract or accelerate the fulfillment of another, neighboring one. Draw the largest circle and then color the circle in the center.

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