Socio-political organizations and movements. Political parties, public organizations and movements

Social – political organizations and movements -This

voluntary associations of people to express and implement public interests by “pressuring” public authorities. They are “interest groups”, which are diverse groups of people who have certain goals and demands for political power, which become the reason for their collective actions (trade unions, youth and women's movements, ethnic and religious groups, associations, etc.).

In modern political science, interest groups are defined as voluntary organizations created to express and represent the interests of their members in relationships both with other groups and political institutions, and within the organizations themselves. Their way of action is persuasion, advice to those who govern, informing the public and political leaders about the needs and views of certain social groups, organized actions in support of their interests, for example, strikes, rallies; social control of citizens over government bodies; influence on the adoption process political decisions.

Public organizations can be defined as voluntary associations based on the commonality of private interests of citizens. Public organizations and associations are a tool for realizing the needs, social and political interests of people. They have a wide, massive and dynamic composition of participants, large territorial and national representation. They may exist outside of political parties, but parties are always based on them as their basis. Therefore, parties always struggle to win over their allies - socio-political organizations.

The hallmarks of a socio-political organization are its broad social basis, mass character, independence, effectiveness, direct expression of the interests of the people, recognition of power and opposition to it. The social base of socio-political organizations are the masses, social groups, corporate organizations, public, national and environmental movements.

Typology socio-political organizations and movements can be presented in accordance with interest groups:

Public organizations and movements in economic sphere and the sphere of labor (socio-economic);

IN social sphere;

In the field of recreation and leisure;

In the field of religion, science and culture;

In the socio-political sphere (except for political parties);

Regional, etc.

The task of public organizations is to express, protect and realize the interests of various social, professional, age and other groups of society. Unions and associations, meetings and associations, chambers and committees, armed groups and pressure groups - these are the main types of socio-political organizations.

An important element of the political system is also social movements .

Social movements involve citizens who, to one degree or another, understand their interests and show some activity to protect them. A socio-political movement is a voluntary association of people with the aim of protecting public interests. The socio-political activity of the masses in movements has different levels, forms and degrees of action. Passive actions are highlighted - simple interest in politics” more active form speaking at rallies, participating in mass movements (strikes, demonstrations, demarches), highest form Social and political activity can be considered membership in a political party.

During the formation of a democratic political system in our society an important condition is to create a mechanism for effectively identifying, forming, coordinating and realizing the interests of various social groups and strata. This determines the increasing role of public organizations and movements in the political process. Through various public actions, such as campaigning, adoption and presentation of petitions, appeals, statements to the authorities, holding rallies, demonstrations, picketing, socio-political organizations directly influence the authorities.

As a rule, political movements adhere to a single concept and seek to solve a narrow political problem. Having achieved this goal, the movements cease to exist and are transformed into other movements or parties.

A socio-political movement, unlike a party, does not set the goal of gaining political power, although there are often exceptions in political practice. For example, the Romanian Popular Front won political power in the country. The Sąjūdis organization also came to power in Lithuania. But in essence, these movements have already transformed into parties. Social movements try to influence the authorities to achieve their goals.

· Can be carried out classification of socio-political movements. The reasons are:

· scale (local, regional, national, global).

· goal (socio-political, cultural, ethno-political, confessional, economic);

· number of participants (mass movement, elite);

· place in the political spectrum (left, right, center);

· duration of existence (“ephemeral” and “long-livers”).

In the modern world, issues of political education have acquired particular relevance and significance. “Reasoning electorate” is not just a fashionable political science theory, but also a general civilizational standard, the prospect of a modern civil society, a necessary condition for the functioning of the rule of law.

Electoral system

BIG LENINGRAD LIBRARY - ABSTRACTS - Socio-political organizations and movements

Socio-political organizations and movements

TOtest work

in the discipline Political Science

“Socio-political organizations and



Public organizations and movements are non-state entities, and movements are non-state entities that unite people according to their interests and professions. They have rich history. Already in the ancient world, along with the state, there were associations of representatives, as a rule, of the propertied classes and free citizens. They also took place in the medieval period of human history. These associations were most often based on religious ideas (knightly associations, orders of crusaders, and so on).

The purpose of this test work on the topic “Socio-political organizations and movements” is to reveal the meaning of the ideas of organizations and movements, their role in the life of civil society as a whole.

To do this, it is necessary to solve several problems, namely:

1. Describe the significance of socio-political organizations and movements.

2. Characterize the types of socio-political movements.

3. Consider the reasons for the emergence of socio-political organizations and movements.

Political parties, being the center of the political life of society, do not cover with their activities the entire diversity of socio-political processes. The activities of political parties seem to continue in the activities of numerous public organizations and mass social movements.

1. Socio-political organization and socio-political movement: general and specific

Social movements and organizations differ in many ways: in their goals, the functions they perform in relation to the interests of their members, as well as in relation to state power; at the place of activity; by types and methods of activity; by the nature of occurrence, by methods of organization, and so on.

“For example, according to the criterion of purpose, there are socio-political movements and organizations that are revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, reformist and conservative, national democratic, general democratic, environmental. By areas of activity: economic, social, national, international, religious, scientific, educational and others. By place of activity: local, regional, national, international, operating in parliament (functions and other associations of deputies), within management structures, in the system of educational and scientific institutions, in a religious environment. By the nature of occurrence: spontaneous and consciously organized; by method of organization: clubs, associations, associations, unions, fronts; By social composition: youth, women’s, professional” Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of political science: Course of lectures. Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 1997, P. 302.

No matter how diverse social movements and organizations are, all of them are one way or another called upon to perform two main tasks: a) expression and implementation of group interests; b) ensuring the participation of members of a particular group or community in the management of public affairs and self-government, and therefore, in the implementation of the principles of democracy (democracy). Hence the underlying reasons for the emergence of social movements and organizations: dissatisfaction of group needs and interests through the activities of institutions of state power and political parties, the presence of economic and socio-cultural problems that cannot be solved by the structures of power and management.

The presence of diverse social needs and interests does not in itself lead to the emergence of social movements and organizations. The factor of interests is triggered precisely when: “... firstly, the state of unsatisfactory interests is fixed in the public consciousness; secondly, certain ideas are emerging in the mass consciousness about the content of group interests and ways to satisfy them; thirdly, there is a growing need among a significant part of various groups and segments of the people to participate in making socio-political decisions related to the implementation of interests; finally, fourthly, in the presence of appropriate democratic structures in the political system. In general, social and socio-political movements and organizations arise on the basis of social group interests, subject to the development of self-awareness of certain social groups, realized in social activity related to the satisfaction of these interests” Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of political science: Course of lectures. Rostov n/d: “Phoenix”, 1997, P. 303.

In difficult, difficult times, people, imbued with ideological contradictions, first group into protest movements and organizations, then popular fronts, associations, mass movements begin to exist, and within systemic state, party, trade union and youth structures: independent trade union organizations, strike committees, various groups of deputies. Subsequently, there is an integration of movements and organizations formed both outside and inside the political system. Movements such as “Democratic Russia”, “United Front of Workers” and others are taking shape.

Habermas Jurgen, famous German philosopher, sociologist and political thinker. In his works he paid great attention to social science and attached no less importance to language. He reduced the problem of socio-political practice to the problem of mutual understanding, the language of political power, party, social groups, and so on. In his ideas or other concepts, there is a socio-political orientation. Habermas Jurgen also attached great importance to the ideological and political superstructure. He tried to find out on what principles the action of domination, abstractly represented as the relationship between master and slave, is based. Superimposing this scheme on the entire problematic public life, with its help he tried to explain the mechanisms that should ensure the preservation and stability of society.

“The main problem, in his opinion, is that the distribution of surplus product rests on the privileged assimilation of socially produced wealth by the ruling strata of society. In this case, unequal distribution must have a “legalized” appearance and be recorded in the system of legal norms. As soon as faith in the legitimacy of the existing order decreases for some reason, a force latently hidden in the system of institutions is released, which can lead to sharp social disagreements, conflicts, and crises. To avoid such a development of events, it is necessary to establish an order that should be based on an appropriate distribution of power” Political Encyclopedia. In 2 volumes T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999, S. 575..

In the 1980s, Habermas Jürgen developed ideas about instrumental and communicative action in his two-volume Theory of Communicative Action. “By communicative action, Habermas understands the influence of individuals, which is ordered according to norms accepted as mandatory. If instrumental action is focused on success, then communicative action is aimed at mutual understanding of the acting individuals, their consensus. It involves coordination of efforts”Political Encyclopedia. In 2 volumes T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999, P. 575.

Also, according to his ideas, communicative action is a means social interaction and serves to build solidarity. Throughout Habermas's theoretical activity, all such topics intersected with each other and became parts of the large-scale theory of communicative action that he created and constantly improved.

In general, the concept of “socio-political movements” covers various associations of citizens, associations, unions, fronts that are not directly included in state and party structures, but are to one degree or another subjects of political life, combining to varying degrees functions of cooperation, opposition and criticism, opposition and struggle in relation to state institutions and political parties. This concept covers a wide range of associations - from those that directly influence the adoption of political decisions, characterized by a high level of organization and structure, to purely political ones that do not have a clear organized core. This diversity poses a certain difficulty in typologizing movements, analyzing the reasons for their emergence, ideological and political position, social base, and relationships with authorities. At the same time, we can identify the most general characteristics of socio-political movements that distinguish them from parties.

The ideological and political orientation of the movements is much broader and more vague, and the goals are much narrower and more specific than those of the parties. This allows people with different political views to participate in the movement, but who support the specific political goal for which the movement is created and acts. This determines the ability of movements to acquire a large scope.

Movements, as a rule, do not have a unified program or charter. They differ in the inconsistency of the number of participants. Movements usually do not have a strong center, a unified structure, or discipline. The core of movements can be either independent initiative groups or committees or commissions created by parties. They rely on the unorganized masses and can also be supported by various public organizations and autonomous associations of certain parties. In general, the basis of movements is the solidarity and voluntariness of their participants.

Socio-political movements strive to influence power, but, as a rule, they themselves do not achieve power.

There are many types of socio-political movements:

From the point of view of attitude towards the existing system movements are conservative, reformist and revolutionary;

On the ideological basis - liberal-democratic, conservative, socialist;

By national basis- national liberation, for self-determination of the nation, cultural and national autonomy, etc.;

By demographics - youth, students, etc.;

By scale - international, regional, country, state, republic;

According to methods and methods of action - legal, illegal, formal, informal, oriented towards peaceful or violent actions.

Socio-political movements perform important functions:

They condense the interests and sentiments of wide heterogeneous sections of the population:

They set goals and develop ways to achieve them;

They are creating a large political force, focused on solving a specific political problem;

They lead mass protests, organize non-violent and sometimes violent protests.

The second half and especially the end of the 20th century are characterized by the growth and strengthening of the role of socio-political movements, which indicates the involvement of a huge number of people in politics.

There are various options for the relationship between socio-political movements and parties.

Independent socio-political movements do not enter into any relations with parties. This happens when participants in movements, having a certain political interest, are at the same time not satisfied with the activities of the parties. Many movement participants do not want to associate themselves with party affiliation at all.

The creation of some movements is initiated by a party or a bloc of parties with the aim of involving the broad masses of non-party people in the struggle for the put forward political task.

Parties can take control of movements (for example, behind spontaneous mass protests, the social environment of which is the least socially protected strata, there may be parties adhering to the strategy of destabilizing the social system).

2. Traditional and new types of socio-political movements and organizations. Their dynamics

Having achieved success in solving their problems, political movements usually cease to exist (this happened, for example, with the movement against the placement of cruise missiles in Europe and others), but in a number of cases, when the tasks put forward are too complex, their solution requires long-term efforts, access to the levers of power, political movements acquire the characteristics of a party and are transformed into it (this, for example, happened with the “green” movement). Thus, socio-political movements can be the initial stage of party formation, and, having become a party, they can retain the name “movement”. However, this is not a necessary result of the evolution of movement. Political movements do not displace parties, do not turn into a stage of their formation.

There are several reasons why people are interested in social movements and organizations. Firstly, in last years, and perhaps in recent decades, political parties are increasingly losing their authority among the broad masses and especially among young people. People sometimes get tired of doxology and political games party leaders who often use the trust of ordinary party members for their own personal interests - to get to power at any cost. People from the outside see this and do not want to join this or that party, do not want to be a bargaining chip in political games.

In addition, membership in a political party requires discipline and requires voting in elections only for the candidate of one’s own party. People, and especially young people, prefer the broad democracy of public organizations and their true self-government. A person can freely move from one organization to another, participate in any mass movement, without tying his hands to any of them.

Secondly, massive public organizations and movements attract numerous supporters into their ranks by the fact that they do not strictly adhere to any ideological concept in their activities. Ideology is the destiny of a political party. And people often do not see the benefit of any ideology. Their main contents are political problems, issues of power, and not the material interests of ordinary people, their everyday needs.

Today, mass movements and organizations are characterized by the desire to go beyond existing ideological systems and to rethink the realities modern world, put forward alternative ideas and concepts that adequately reflect the vital problems of our time.

Look for alternative development paths modern civilization forced by the current reality itself, which, according to many prominent scientists - both social scientists and natural scientists - is leading increasingly to a dead end, to a universal catastrophe: thermonuclear, environmental, food. Awareness of this expands the circle of participants in alternative movements.

Thirdly, the growing interest of the broad masses in social movements and organizations is also due to the fact that these movements quickly grasp the novelty of the social situation, respond more quickly to changing situations, and more fully take into account the everyday, immediate needs of the people in their demands. Political parties are to a certain extent bound by party ideology, which cannot change quickly; it remains stable over a relatively long period of time.

Socio-political movements and organizations, depending on their connection with the political system, can be institutionalized (formal) and non-institutionalized (informal). The first, so to speak, are recognized by the political system as its constituent element and function in accordance with a set of formal rules. The latter arise and act outside the system, according to rules not prescribed by it. These are the so-called informal organizations. However, in socio-political life everything is subject to dynamics. Mutual transformations of public organizations are also possible. Some informal movements and organizations are turning into formal and even political parties. This is the dialectic of many informal organizations in the former USSR.

“United Nations (UN) - international organization sovereign states, created in 1945 at a conference in San Francisco on the initiative of the leading government participants in the anti-Hitler coalition on the basis of a voluntary combination of their efforts. The UN was born as a result of the great victory over fascism. The foundations of its activities and structure were developed during the 2nd World War (1939-1945)” Political Encyclopedia. In 2 volumes T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999, P. 86.

In general, the activities of the UN are aimed at peaceful coexistence, at peaceful relations between states, to be more precise, there is a UN Charter, the goals of which are: maintaining international peace and security, preventing and eliminating threats to peace and suppressing acts of aggression, settling or resolving international disputes or situations that may lead to a breach of peace; development of friendly relations between nations based on respect for the principle of equality and self-determination of peoples; implementation international cooperation in resolution international problems economic, cultural, and humanitarian character and fostering respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of race, sex, language or religion; fulfilling the role of a center for coordinating the actions of states aimed at achieving these goals. The Charter also provides for the principles of international cooperation and enshrines such points as the conscientious resolution of disputes only by peaceful means.

3. Socio-political organizations and movements in Russia: history and modernity

Social organizations and movements received significant development in bourgeois society, especially with the entry into the historical arena of the working class - people freed from feudal serfdom and given freedom by law to unite in various public organizations. With the help of organized social movements of various directions, the working class achieved tangible results in the struggle to improve their living conditions, for social freedoms and political rights.

“National organizations and movements rose to a new level of development after the Second World War. They have become widespread. This was facilitated by the strengthening of the democratic trend in the socio-political life of peoples, the rise of the national-political life of peoples, the rise of the national liberation struggle, and especially the struggle for peace, against the threat of a new world war. Today, the scope of activities of public, non-governmental organizations and mass movements is such that they cover almost all aspects of life human society. They consist of hundreds of millions of people, they have a powerful influence on international relations, on the internal political processes of states” Vorobiev K.A. Political science: Textbook for universities.-2nd ed. Rev. And additional - M.: Academic Project, 2005. P. 286..

Due to the passage of time, the collapse of former ideals occurs, propaganda occurs, primarily through the media. People's worldviews also change; views on the past can change dramatically in the opposite side, because everything in life is impermanent. There was a destruction of youth organizations, primarily the Komsomol. Despite all the shortcomings in the work of the Komsomol in Soviet times, it was an organization that united young people, defended their interests, and organized young men and women for useful and interesting activities. The creation of new socio-political organizations, the solution of local and local problems strengthen the sense of mutual understanding and contribute to the growth of the authority of organizations.

Public organizations are characterized by a system of connections and the similarity of interests of its members, a way of developing and making decisions to achieve common goals. In Russia there are movements such as: LDPR, led by one of the founders V.V. Zhirinovsky, “Yabloko” (G.A. Yavlinsky), etc.

Currently, the most popular movements are: the green movement, anti-globalization, anti-war, women's, democratic youth movement and others. All these movements are international. In each country there are many mass movements on a national scale, reflecting the specific situation developing in it. Many social movements and organizations have emerged in recent years in the territory of the former USSR, including in Russia.

A characteristic feature of modern mass social movements and organizations is that, as a rule, they are either directly related to politics or indirectly influence the quality of the activities of political institutions.

Social and socio-political movements and organizations, unlike parties, are more popular in their social composition. They arise both from class and on a class-like and interclass basis. So, if the labor movement is class, then the trade union movement is interclass.

Associations and organizations arise, as a rule, spontaneously in connection with the emergence of a specific interest among citizens and the need for its implementation. This is how they arise various organizations entrepreneurs, farmers' associations, charities and other organizations. Some part of these organizations may cease to exist when the corresponding need is satisfied. However, the overwhelming majority of them become permanently active, gaining strength and authority over time.


There is a growth and strengthening of the role of socio-political movements, which indicates the involvement of a huge number of people in politics. There are various options for the relationship between socio-political movements and parties, but independent socio-political movements do not enter into any relations with parties. This happens when participants in movements, having a certain political interest, are at the same time not satisfied with the activities of the parties. The creation of some movements is initiated by a party or a bloc of parties with the aim of involving the broad masses of non-party people in the struggle for the put forward political task.

People voluntarily unite in associations (associations, unions, organizations, centers, clubs, foundations, etc.), the associations that make up civil society reflect the widest range of economic, family, cultural, legal and many other values ​​and interests of citizens. The specificity of all these associations that form civil society is that they are created not by the state, but by the citizens themselves. These associations exist autonomously from the state, but within the framework of existing laws in the state.

Thus, the activities of public organizations and movements are a real indicator of the process of establishing democratization of the political system, civil society, as well as the development of self-government.


1. Political science: Textbook for universities/Under. ed. M.A. Vasilika. - M.: Yurist, 1999.

2. Vorobyov K.A. Political science: Textbook for universities.-2nd ed. Rev. And additional - M.: Academic Project, 2005.

3. Zerkin D.P. Fundamentals of political science: Course of lectures. Rostov n/a: “Phoenix”, 1997.

4. Maltsev V.A. Fundamentals of Political Science: Textbook for Universities. - M.: ITRK RSPP, 1998.

5. Political science: Textbook/A.Yu. Melville [etc.]; M.: Moskovsky state institute International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2004.

6. Political science: tutorial for universities/Scientific editor A.A. Radugin.-2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Center, 2001.

7. Political encyclopedia. In 2 volumes T2/National. Society - scientific foundation; Hand. project G.Yu. Semigin; scientific-editor's council: prev. Council G.Yu. Semigin. - M.: Mysl, 1999.

General political movement- this is an active part of society, expresses the interests of social groups of citizens and is aimed at achieving political goals. goals.
The movement includes people who are dissatisfied with the activities of parties, who do not want to limit themselves to their norms and programs, and who do not have political interests. The difference between socio-political movements and parties:
1) the social base of movements is broader, more varied (representatives of different social, ideological, national groups);
2) have one watered. concept, goal and achieve a solution to one problem (having reached the goal, the movement ceases to exist);
3) movements are not long-lasting, like parties;
4) not striving for power, they try to influence it, “turn” it towards solving their problems (in the struggle for power they transform into a party);
5) the center of political activity is the core - initiative groups, clubs, unions;
6) the movement lacks hierarchy, permanent membership and documents (program, charter).
Mass democratic movements play a significant role in public life. Types of socio-political movements:
- socio-political, economic, environmental, anti-war, scientific (by field of activity); non-political (Red Cross, protection of monuments); local, regional, federal, interstate (according to the scale of activity);
- revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, reformist and conservative, national democratic, protest (according to goals);
- mass and elite (by number of participants); left, center and right (according to place in the political spectrum);
- professional, women's, youth (according to social composition); consciously organized and spontaneous (according to the nature of their occurrence);
- fronts, associations, unions (by method of organization); violent and non-violent (according to methods of action)

Features of social movements: large numbers, broad social base, organizational and ideological amorphousness, instability of composition, spontaneity and spontaneity of actions. The emergence of social movements dates back to the 19th century. In their formation and development, a number of stages are distinguished: the emergence of concern about an unresolved problem → formulation of goals and objectives for resolving the problem → agitation, recruitment of supporters of the movement, propaganda of goals, clarification of objectives, attraction of sympathizers → extensive activities to implement the program → stage of attenuation of the movement, goals carried out or not carried out → liquidation of the movement or its bureaucratization and revival on a new basis.

Social movements are different from social organizations. Public organization is a voluntary association of citizens based on common interests, which has a stable organizational structure from bottom to top, fixed collective membership.
Features of public organizations: presence of apparatus, structure, Charter, permanent membership, centralized leadership.
Community organizations grow out of a social movement. There are no clear boundaries between organizations and movements. Their goals, objectives, and forms of action may coincide. They have similar functions: participation in the formation of government structures, in the discussion and adoption of policies. decisions, representing and protecting the interests of citizens, exercising social control, forming public opinion.

Political parties, being the center of the political life of society, do not cover with their activities the entire diversity of socio-political relations. Along with them, such types of socio-political associations as organizations and movements also play a significant role in the political process.

These are non-state associations of people, created, just like other social organizations, on the basis of the coincidence of interests and ideals of various social groups, in order to protect and implement them.

Such associations have a rich history. Already in the Ancient world, along with the state, due to the divergence of socio-political interests, associations arose, both representatives of the propertied classes and free citizens. Public entities existed in the Middle Ages. The basis of these formations most often consisted of religious ideas (knightly associations, the Order of Crusaders, etc.).

Social and political organizations and movements received significant development in the industrial era, in the process of development market relations, as a result of the liberation of people from feudal-serfdom and the establishment of bourgeois law. The working class, which at this time became the leading force of social transformation, actively united in various public organizations, with the help of organized social movements, achieved significant success in the struggle to improve their living conditions, for socio-political freedoms and rights.

Social and political organizations and movements in modern conditions. They have become widespread and all-encompassing. This is facilitated by the establishment of a democratic trend in socio-political life, the development of the system of mass world communications, and the emergence of global problems that pose a threat to existence human civilization. The growth and importance of public, non-governmental organizations and movements are also due to the decline in Lately the authority of political parties among the broad masses of the people and especially young people, who do not perceive the demagoguery and political games of party leaders, and have a negative attitude towards the ideologization and inflexibility in the activities of political parties.

People's interest in participating in the activities of socio-political organizations and movements is also caused by the fact that they quickly adapt to new social conditions, respond more adequately to changing situations, everyday demands and needs of people, and act promptly and informally. Today, hundreds of millions of people participate in the activities of non-governmental public organizations and socio-political movements, and their influence extends to all aspects of the life of the human community, to international relations, to internal political processes in individual countries.

Socio-political organizations and movements by content, nature and goals of activity differ significantly from political parties. Basics their difference lies in the fact that they do not fight, like political parties, for the conquest of state power and participation in it; most often they do not oppose the state, but strengthen relationships with it; they are the most important channel its links with civil society. Their activities boil down to influence and pressure on government bodies in order to take into account and implement by these bodies the interests of certain social groups and solve socially significant problems.

In connection with this nature of the activities of socio-political organizations and movements, foreign political literature uses the concepts of “interest groups”, “pressure groups”, “lobbies”, etc. to designate them as social phenomena. However, in accordance with the domestic scientific tradition, the use of the concepts “socio-political organization” and “socio-political movement” is considered more acceptable.

They reflect much more strictly the socio-political nature of actually existing associations of people, their organizational-dynamic, activity-based aspect. Of course, in identifying the concepts of “interest group”, “pressure group”, “lobby” and “socio-political organization”, “socio-political movement” and the real phenomena they reflect, from a strictly scientific point of view, a certain simplicity and straightforwardness is allowed .

Socio-political organizations societies that are emerging and functioning in the political sphere, like other social organizations (socio-economic, professional-creative, amateur) are the most important element structures of modern society. Their activities are mainly related to political and legal problems public relations, problems of organization and functioning of the political process.

Social and political organizations - These are voluntary associations of people expressing the interests of a particular social group, having specific socio-political goals and achieving their implementation through organized influence on government bodies.

Characteristic features socio-political organizations are: the relationship and coincidence of interests of their members; socio-political purpose of the activity; formal or informal structure; established norms, procedures and methods of developing and making decisions; the presence of a social control system that ensures interaction between members of the organization.

In modern social life there has developed wide range socio-political organizations. The most important of them are youth, women's, veterans, educational and propaganda, patriotic, human rights organizations. The main goal activities of these organizations is the study, systematization and generalization of the socio-political interests of various social groups, presenting them to the state for consideration in its policies and practical implementation, harmonizing these interests with public interests and goals.

How organized social associations, socio-political organizations carry out such functions as the protection of the rights and freedoms of the individual, man and citizen, the development of political activity and initiative of people, the involvement of citizens in the management of public and state affairs. To realize the goals of their activities and their functions, socio-political organizations have certain resources (human, material, value) and means (institutions, media), use different strategies.

The main strategies for the activities of socio-political organizations are direct influence on government bodies and officials and indirect influence on them through political parties, influential government and party officials, and public opinion. Each of these strategies has its own specific set tactical techniques and methods of influence. Thus, influence on authorities and officials can be carried out through information, consultation, threats, bribery, financing of election campaigns, etc.

To influence political parties and public opinion, propaganda and agitation in the media, persuasion, rallies, pickets, demonstrations, hunger strikes, etc. can be used. The use of certain techniques and methods of influencing government bodies in the activities of public organizations depends on the current socio-political situation, the level of development of organizations, the maturity and activity of their members, the social severity and social significance of the problem that has arisen.

Often, to increase pressure on government institutions, to give high social significance For any specific problem, the solution of which depends on the state, socio-political organizations closely interact with political parties. Often in such situations they coordinate their actions with professional and other socio-economic organizations, with professional, creative and amateur associations of people who also play a prominent role in the political life of society.

The activities of socio-political organizations are carried out within the legal framework established by the state, in compliance with constitutional and legal norms and principles. The laws of any state do not allow the creation and functioning of public organizations whose activities involve discrediting the existing political system, calls for disruption of unity and territorial integrity countries, propaganda of war, violence and cruelty, inciting any discord between peoples.

However, this does not mean that in real life In some countries, public organizations do not arise that seek to use illegal techniques and methods of putting pressure on the state to achieve certain political goals. Such actions are usually stopped. In democratic countries they receive appropriate legal assessment, and their activities public associations who allowed them is prohibited. It is extremely rare for public organizations to act illegally.

A wide variety of socio-political organizations are involved in the modern political process in Russia. In contrast to the Soviet period, when socio-political organizations were represented by a single youth organization - the Komsomol, a small number of veteran, women's, propaganda, educational, patriotic organizations operating under the leadership of the CPSU, and which were more likely to be state than socio-political, at present There are dozens and even hundreds of socio-political organizations operating in the country.

Many have been created and operate youth organizations of various types, veterans' organizations of participants in various wars and military conflicts, emergency response, military personnel and reserve and retired employees of various law enforcement agencies, organizations of labor veterans in various fields of professional activity, significant number women's, propaganda, educational and patriotic organizations. Human rights organizations are actively functioning in Russian society, defending the rights of various social groups and individual citizens.

The activities of most modern socio-political organizations contribute to the development of social and political activity of people, the democratization of the political life of the country, and is an effective channel of communication Russian state with its citizens. However, some modern Russian socio-political organizations are still very few in number, one might say “chamber”, do not play a noticeable role in the public life of the country, and deal with private problems.

Sometimes individual public organizations commit illegal destructive actions leading to conflict situations and socio-political excesses. All this means that at present there is a need for further improvement of the organization and functioning of socio-political organizations in Russia, strengthening legal regulation their activities in order to optimize the socio-political status of non-state public associations.

In addition to socio-political organizations, an important role in political life is also played by such a variety of socio-political associations as socio-political movements. Compared to political parties, socio-political organizations, which, as a rule, operate in individual countries, socio-political movements in scale and scope can be local, national, regional and global, have a broad social orientation, focus on various socio-political ideals.

Socio-political movements - These are long-term joint actions of people, often separated geographically, aimed at achieving socially significant goals.

Main features socio-political movements are a broad social base and the diversity of social forces participating in them, mass character, spontaneity of origin, incomplete structure, diversity of styles and forms of activity.

Among modern world and regional socio-political movements, the following stand out: anti-war movements, movements for the democratization of international relations, against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, racial and national discrimination, terrorism, for human rights and freedoms, political independence and national sovereignty, environmental and anti-globalization movements. National and local socio-political movements arise regarding the state’s decision current problems, significant for the population and individual social groups of a particular country, its individual region, administrative-territorial entity.

Such socio-political movements include movements in support of state and political institutions, famous political leaders, social groups and citizens, social initiatives, development of political institutions, famous political leaders, social initiatives, movements for the resignation of parliament, government, regional and city leaders, for equal rights for women with men , against restrictions and violations of the rights and freedoms of certain social groups and entities, citizens, against infringement of the social interests of citizens in certain spheres of public life, etc. Socio-political movements different levels and character often interact with each other in very different ways and can unite into a united front.

Socio-political movements, as a rule, do not have an unambiguous, comprehensive program and clear principles of action. They are formed and developed in connection with the desire of people to realize some socially significant goal for them on the basis of such concepts as “justice”, “democracy”, “equality”, “freedom”. A movement usually consists of an initiative core (vanguard), which can be a political party, a socio-political organization, a bloc of parties and organizations, a socially active group of people and movement participants, consolidating around the core.

In their formation and development, socio-political movements usually go through three main stages. At the first stage, in response to the emerging needs of social life, the idea of ​​​​forming a socio-political movement is born, its core and activists are formed, and the goals and objectives of the movement are developed. At the second stage, the goals and objectives of the movement are promoted, widespread campaigning is carried out, and supporters are attracted among different social groups and segments of the population.

At the third stage, they formulate specific proposals and requirements for government institutions to decide social problem, are carried out organized mass actions V various forms for the implementation of the set goals and objectives. In the process of development of socio-political movements there may be various options for their evolution. On the one hand, acquiring clear organizational forms, they can transform into a socio-political organization and even a party, join the struggle for participation in state power, and on the other hand, as a result of achieving goals and objectives, or the lack of prospects for achieving them, the movement fades, disappears from the political scene.

In modern conditions, socio-political movements occupy their niche in the global political process, in the political life of individual countries, and have a noticeable impact on socio-political relations. In the 80s - early 90s of the twentieth century, a significant role in the political life of the USSR was played, for example, by popular (national) movements and fronts. They represented mass socio-political movements in support of the democratization of society, for the revival of peoples, their acquisition of economic independence and state independence. Subsequently, most of these movements evolved into political parties with a national democratic orientation.

Socio-political movements at the national and local levels also function in modern Russia . However, most of these movements are not of a mass nature, their role in the Russian political process is insignificant, and the demands and proposals they put forward often do not receive the necessary response from government authorities. The weakness of modern socio-political movements in Russia and the ineffectiveness of their actions are explained, first of all, by the insufficient level of political culture of people, the lack of strong ties between various social groups and formations of Russian society and their inadequate understanding of the specific situation in the country and region.

Social and political movements are negatively affected by the ambition and selfishness of leaders and initiative groups, the passivity of the majority of political parties and socio-political organizations, and the lack of constructive proposals on their part to resolve emerging problems. Overcoming these reasons is a necessary condition for strengthening the role of socio-political movements in the political life of Russian society.

The diversity and activity of socio-political organizations and movements characterizes the process of formation and development of civil society, the democratization of political life, the establishment and development of public self-government. The activities of socio-political organizations and movements contribute to the harmony of socio-political forces in society and influence their choice of priorities and goals of social development.

Socio-political associations are necessary element all developed social systems, an indicator of their maturity. More than 150 years ago, the French thinker A. de Tocqueville noted that “in democratic countries, the ability to create associations is the fundamental basis of social life; the progress of all other aspects of it depends on progress in this area.”

The most important types of socio-political associations in modern conditions are political parties, socio-political organizations and movements. Each of these types of socio-political associations has its own characteristics, structure, specific content, nature and purpose of activity.

IN common system social relations, political parties, socio-political organizations and movements represent the mechanism of interaction between the state and civil society, are institutional subjects of politics that actively influence political life society, content and direction of the political process. Thanks to the activities of political parties, socio-political organizations and movements designed to reflect, express and protect the diverse social needs and interests of people, the stability and effectiveness of state power, stability and progress of society are largely achieved.

Control questions

1. Define the concept of “political party”. Name the main difference between a political party and other socio-political associations.

2. Highlight the basis for the classification of political parties and name their main types. What is the difference between ruling and opposition political parties?

3. Describe the main types of party systems. Which one and why, in your opinion, is the most optimal in modern conditions?

4. List the legal norms for the organization and activities of political parties in modern Russia, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Political Parties”.

5. Name features, the main techniques and methods of activity of socio-political organizations. What modern socio-political organizations operating in Russia do you know?

6. Formulate the prerequisites and factors for the emergence and existence of socio-political movements and reveal their role in the modern world.


Volobueva A.N. Political parties in the system public authority modern Russia. - Kursk, 2005.

Duverger M. Political parties. Translation from French - M.: Academic project, 2002.

Constitution Russian Federation. - M.: Axis - 89, 1998.

About political parties. The federal law Russian Federation // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001. - No. 29. - art. 2950.

Parties and elections: a textbook // Rep. ed. and comp. N.V. Anokhina, E.Yu. Meleshkina. - M.: INION RAS, 2004.

Political parties of Russia: past and present: collection. articles //Ans. ed. M.V. Khodyakov. - St. Petersburg: SPbU publishing house, 2005.

Serebryannikov V.V. Power structures and political parties // Power, 1999. - No. 11.

General political movement- this is an active part of society, expresses the interests of social groups of citizens and is aimed at achieving political goals. goals.
The movement includes people who are dissatisfied with the activities of parties, who do not want to limit themselves to their norms and programs, and who do not have political interests. The difference between socio-political movements and parties:
1) the social base of movements is broader, more varied (representatives of different social, ideological, national groups);
2) have one watered. concept, goal and achieve a solution to one problem (having reached the goal, the movement ceases to exist);
3) movements are not long-lasting, like parties;
4) not striving for power, they try to influence it, “turn” it towards solving their problems (in the struggle for power they transform into a party);
5) the center of political activity is the core - initiative groups, clubs, unions;
6) the movement lacks hierarchy, permanent membership and documents (program, charter).
Mass democratic movements play a significant role in public life. Types of socio-political movements:
- socio-political, economic, environmental, anti-war, scientific (by field of activity); non-political (Red Cross, protection of monuments); local, regional, federal, interstate (according to the scale of activity);
- revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, reformist and conservative, national democratic, protest (according to goals);
- mass and elite (by number of participants); left, center and right (according to place in the political spectrum);
- professional, women's, youth (according to social composition); consciously organized and spontaneous (according to the nature of their occurrence);
- fronts, associations, unions (by method of organization); violent and non-violent (according to methods of action)

Features of social movements: large numbers, broad social base, organizational and ideological amorphousness, instability of composition, spontaneity and spontaneity of actions. The emergence of social movements dates back to the 19th century. In their formation and development, a number of stages are distinguished: the emergence of concern about an unresolved problem → formulation of goals and objectives for resolving the problem → agitation, recruitment of supporters of the movement, propaganda of goals, clarification of objectives, attraction of sympathizers → extensive activities to implement the program → stage of attenuation of the movement, goals carried out or not carried out → liquidation of the movement or its bureaucratization and revival on a new basis.

Social movements are different from social organizations. Public organization is a voluntary association of citizens based on common interests, having a stable organizational structure from bottom to top, fixed collective membership.
Features of public organizations: presence of apparatus, structure, Charter, permanent membership, centralized leadership.
Community organizations grow out of a social movement. There are no clear boundaries between organizations and movements. Their goals, objectives, and forms of action may coincide. They have similar functions: participation in the formation of government structures, in the discussion and adoption of policies. decisions, representing and protecting the interests of citizens, exercising social control, forming public opinion.

End of work -

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