The coolest business. The most profitable type of small business in Russia

What business to start and where to start? What business should I start? We suggest you sort everything out in order! Almost everyone wants to live well, earn decent money and become an entrepreneur. Are you increasingly wondering what kind of business you can start?

Considering the crisis and the unstable economic situation, the question “what business is profitable to run in 2015?” is extremely popular. We will reveal the answers to these questions gradually, starting from choosing a business area and ending with recommendations for specific areas. The material will be useful to both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs who are looking for new niches to start. So, let's go!

How to choose a new business area?

Finding the most profitable business today and its area is of interest to both novice and experienced entrepreneurs. You always want to find more attractive and profitable niches. Is not it? Many people believe that you need to do something for which you have the intelligence and strength. After all, today there are both rich apple sellers and poor gold sellers. And this opinion is largely true. Nevertheless, don’t be afraid of new areas, search, dare, try!

And now we give the instruction: you have a strong desire to succeed, you will succeed! The main thing is not to give up and persevere towards your goal! Take action right now!

We got distracted... Now to the point!

So which business is better to start? Today it’s no secret to anyone that a startup that sells goods or provides services that are in an affordable price category has a very high chance of making it big.

Examples of spheres:

  • niche online stores and IT projects;
  • catering establishments and food delivery services;
  • car washes, car services, spare parts, tire shops;
  • grocery and hardware stores;
  • everything that is suitable for the general population.

As an option, the answer to the question “what kind of small business is profitable to run?” can be based on the daily needs of a person. First of all we're talking about about food, as described above, or cafes.

If you are deciding what business to start during a crisis, then this area of ​​activity is more promising than, for example, a hairdresser. After all, men, on average, go to the hairdresser approximately 8-10 times a year, and come for groceries regularly - almost every day. And regardless of whether there is a crisis in the country’s economy or not, there will always be food.

How to find a walk-through place for business?

Options: near the metro, on a busy avenue near a transport interchange. Traditionally, such places have high traffic. You can try to guess, but we still strongly recommend that you approach the question carefully and analyze everything. Choosing a location without analysis is like playing a battleship.

  • Select several passage points (3-5-10)
  • Don’t be lazy to come to each of them early in the morning!
  • Leave the car with the dash cam for a day
  • Then analyze from the video how many people passed by
  • Choose the best of the points and good luck to you!

If you approach the choice of location carefully and analyze everything, the chances of success and profitability of the business increase significantly. This is no longer a guessing game. You already have the numbers in your hands. You already know exactly the traffic volume per day/week/month. Having selected 10 places, choose the one with the maximum number of people.

What is the coolest business niche?

When thinking about what business is best for a beginner to start, first find the answer to the question: what field are you a pro in? This will reduce the search circle. Start with what your soul is about, what you love and in what area you are an expert!

If you are a pro in the field of website development, then of course it will be much easier to start a business in this area or launch your own online store or commercial website.

Printed books, for example, are a declining market (-15% per year). No one is stopping a successful entrepreneur from moving from selling printed books to selling electronic content. Moreover, the digital content market is experiencing very rapid growth in the Russian Federation.

After choosing a niche, immediately place ads on boards, launch a direct message, look on the Internet for places where there is demand for this topic. The main thing is to do everything quickly. You will immediately focus on one area that is the most interesting and brings in the most money. Therefore, the question of what kind of business is profitable to do now will be clearly illustrated.

What other theme options are there?

The answer to the question “what kind of small business can a beginner start” also includes topics with auto repair shops, tire shops and car washes, because today many families have cars, and since they break down sooner or later, there is an inevitable need for repairs.

You don't need a big budget to start. Removable garage and minimal equipment. Many started from a garage/apartment/basement. We also started our businesses from an apartment and a basement.

In addition, in economically unstable times, people change cars less often and buy used cars more often, which break down more often. The business of selling spare parts is also relevant at any time, even especially during a crisis.

The ultimate goal is to launch a group of small companies that will comprehensively serve the needs of customers. For example: combine a car wash, tire service, workshop and sale of auto parts + supply vending machines with coffee and small snacks. In the future, a cafe next to your complex will brighten up the leisure time of waiting clients. No one is stopping you from teaming up with partners. Think about the topics of company groups, write in the comments, let's discuss!

Do you still want to start a business? Made up his mind? First, we recommend that you analyze the state of the market, estimate the possible profit, the amount of investment, and assume what difficulties you may encounter when developing in your chosen niche.

Just don't worry about it for too long. Too much preparation will kill all motivation.

To find out what services are profitable to engage in, analyze the service industry in your region and find out where the least competition is combined with stable demand.

When choosing a field of business, it is important that it is interesting, then it will bring pleasure, and you will devote 200% to it.

Let's discuss several areas for developing your own business.

Options: trade, services, production, intermediation, startups. There is also science, Internet projects and other more complex business models, but let’s start with the simple ones for now. If you are interested in discussing more complex areas, write in the comments, we will discuss).

Since, in general, everything is clear with trade and services (if not, let me know, we’ll tell you), we’ll focus on production.

What kind of production is profitable to engage in?

It’s worth noting right away that manufacturing is a promising area. Previously, production was considered a labor-intensive and complex process, but today, to start producing products, you do not need huge capital investments. Therefore, it remains to decide what type of business is profitable to engage in specifically in this area.

In addition, it is worth noting that thanks to the development of modern technologies, production equipment has become very affordable. You can start by ordering simple machines from China or renting equipment.

There are many production areas in Russia. At the start, while there are few orders, you can negotiate with one of the factories to rent space. It is often possible to negotiate the rental of an entire production line. It all depends on you!

Remember that you can always agree on everything! All in your hands!

The profitable business of many entrepreneurs once began with a mini-factory located in the basement. But this in no way exempts us from the need to analyze the profitability of this idea.

The results may vary. For example, in the manufacturing sector, one of the most profitable areas is the production of concrete products. To start developing this business, you need to study the legal side of the business and understand how many workers are required.

The main concerns in production: uninterrupted supply of the plant with raw materials and active sales of finished products. And of course, the key to success for any type of business, including manufacturing, is successful sales. Therefore, special attention should be paid to product sales channels and the selection of sales managers.

Business from scratch? Buy a ready-made business or a franchise?

Decide for yourself which option suits you best: develop a business from scratch or buy a ready-made one? There are disadvantages and advantages in both options: there will be significantly less worries and various red tape when buying a ready-made one, but at the same time it will cost more and there are risks.

To purchase options ready-made business franchise also applies. Here you buy a ready-made, established business mechanism with prescribed business processes. The chance of such a business to fail is minimal! For aspiring entrepreneurs. Here you almost always need start-up capital, but the likelihood of success increases significantly.

Is it worth opening a seasonal business?

When thinking about what kind of profitable business you can start, you should not ignore the seasonal one. He, provided the right choice niches will be a very profitable area. It is known that in the same grocery stores There are both year-round and seasonal products. In general, whether a business is seasonal or not is not so important. The main thing is to have a strong desire and commercial skill.

And many people have plenty of ideas - if only they had the desire and initial capital. For example, in the summer you can open a summer cafe-tent, selling light snacks and alcoholic drinks. And the main delicacy can be a delicious kebab.

Growing greens is a very popular and profitable business. Many housewives simply cannot imagine a delicious dinner without dill and aromatic parsley, and out of season it is quite expensive.

There is just a little time left until the moment when we will be delighted by the hot sun and warm breeze, when we can forget about heavy down jackets and fur coats. Therefore, it’s time to start thinking about what kind of small business a beginner can start in the summer.

Well drilling is a seasonal business, but extremely profitable. There is very good demand for this service on the Internet, and the competition is relatively small. When we created and launched a drilling website, we managed to promote it quite quickly. By switching cars to gas, we managed to reduce gasoline costs by 2 times.

Online store - modern business or utopia?

There is nothing difficult about launching an online store. It's easier than it seems at first glance. So, let's figure it all out together!

The plan for launching an online store is as follows:

  • identify and explore 2-3 niches;
  • study competitors, their strengths and weaknesses;
  • talk to potential suppliers;
  • order development or rent an online store;
  • launch a direct message to receive your first orders;
  • Further optimization and promotion of the online store will be required.

It is important to do everything quickly so as not to burn out. No need to make a second ozone or connection! It is long, expensive and unprofitable. (Ozone was unprofitable for 10 years). Competition on the Internet is growing every day. Therefore, it is important to carve out a niche. There is no need to cram as many products as possible into the site. A niche site is easier to promote.

For example, a website for HTC smartphones is much easier to promote, unlike an online store that sells everything. If you decide to sell robotic vacuum cleaners, smartphones and multicookers, make 3 separate websites. Your chances increase significantly. Yandex and Google will “love” your sites faster.

It’s a similar story when promoting a website through contextual advertising (Yandex Direct and Google AdWords). General requests (“smartphone”, “multi-cooker”) will quickly drain your budget and not produce any benefit.

It is important to start with the most targeted phrases, for example: “buy a Redmond multicooker”, “htc one price”.

What business is better not to engage in?

In addition to a profitable investment, there is always a risk of losing money and business by choosing the wrong field of entrepreneurship. For example, business owners of expensive, luxury goods are at great risk, since these items can become unprofitable. In addition, such a business requires large investments, which beginner businessmen often do not have at their disposal.

Businesses based on the sale of expensive clothing, shoes, and the production of luxury goods often become unprofitable and risky. building materials or expensive furniture. Therefore, when starting a business related to luxury goods, keep in mind that the risks will be higher. Of course, the chances of making good money here are very high!

We hope our article helped you with choosing “what small business to start.”

Add the site to bookmarks, leave comments - we’ll be happy to chat. We wish you success! You will succeed! Good luck in business!

Profitability is the main indicator by which the state of a business can be characterized. It is usually calculated as a percentage. The higher the number, the more profitable the enterprise. In addition, this means that all your initial investments will pay off in the shortest possible time. Let's look at a few examples of profitable businesses for 2018.

Fast food

Looking for profitable business ideas? Let's take a closer look at the fast food industry. In chain establishments, one cup of coffee costs approximately 160 rubles. The ingredients used to prepare this drink cost 10 rubles. In a small cafe, about 100 cups are bought per day, respectively, the owners of such a business earn up to 10 million rubles a year from selling coffee. If you are interested in what business is profitable in 2018, pay special attention to street food and drink sales.


This is the most profitable business in 2018. Issuing loans secured by property brings huge profits. In some pawnshops, the monthly interest rate reaches 20%, which means that in a year it accrues 240%. Such profitability cannot be achieved by any bank or any other financial institution.

This type of business pays off in the shortest possible time. The demand for such services begins to grow during a crisis, so pawn shops bring excellent income in any economic conditions. attract many aspiring entrepreneurs, so if you decide to open a pawn shop, hurry up, otherwise newcomers will take your place in the market.

Tennis courts

Tennis fans pay 700-4000 rubles per hour to play on the court. The price of the service largely depends on the location of the tennis court, the quality of its coverage and the range of services. Demand in this market segment is constantly growing, so Lately it significantly exceeds the supply. If you want to open the most profitable small business, try your hand at this area.

To quickly return the initial investment, you need to build an indoor court that will generate profit, regardless of weather conditions. You should not invest a lot of money in the construction of a capital building. At first, you can build a temporary structure. To increase the profitability of the enterprise, open a small cafe near the court, rent sports equipment, or organize training courses for beginners.

Antiques examination

Recently, many fake antiques have appeared on the market. The copies are made of such high quality that even experienced museum experts cannot distinguish them from the original. ? This question worries many of our compatriots. Buying antiques is a good long-term investment option, but many people are afraid to invest in antiques because they doubt their authenticity. Therefore, many private companies began to offer clients professional antique appraisal services. The income of these organizations is about 100% per annum. To organize such a business, you need to have a good understanding of antique objects or hire experienced appraisers.

Private kindergarten

If you want to organize a profitable small business in Russia, open a private kindergarten. In our country there are already many more such institutions than state-owned ones. The monthly fee for a child to attend kindergarten is 10–20 thousand rubles. Accordingly, a group of 30 children will bring 300–600 thousand rubles. If you subtract the costs of food, staff salaries and premises rental, you will be left with approximately 150–300 thousand rubles of net profit. In addition, parents pay a down payment of 25–30 thousand rubles. In some private preschool institutions This fee is charged annually.

This business has a quick payback. However, it does not require large financial investments. At the start, you will need a certain amount to purchase furniture, toys and obtain permits. According to experts, the profitability of this business reaches 100% per year. , must be in demand and profitable. A private kindergarten fully meets all these requirements.

Breeding chinchillas

This is one of the most promising types of profitable small business. Any person who has no experience in fur farming can organize such a business. Beginners can organize a small fur farm at home, since chinchillas do not require special conditions and do not emit any unpleasant odors. Since these are herbivores, breeding them does not require a large starting capital. The profitability of an average fur farm for breeding chinchillas can reach 300%.

The finished products are sold in bulk to intermediaries, who buy the fur and resell it at auctions to large enterprises specializing in sewing fur products. One skin can fetch 40–60 dollars. To earn additional income, you can sell breeding chinchillas to other breeders. , you decide. And yet, pay special attention to this profitable and very interesting line of business.

Growing greens

Such a profitable business with minimal investment Any person can organize it, regardless of his age and education. Grow onions, parsley, dill and other herbs and sell them at the market. In winter, from a greenhouse with an area of ​​5 acres you can receive 25–30 thousand rubles monthly.

The profitability of such a business can be increased by reducing costs. For example, you can use stove heating instead of gas. can be easily implemented at home. The most important thing is your hard work and patience.

Shoe shine

With the right approach, they can bring good profits. One of them is shoe shine. Many people believe that this is not a very pleasant activity, since in the past this activity was only done by poor people who could not feed their families.

But nowadays everything has changed and now no one cleans shoes manually. In order to open such a profitable business during a crisis, you will need a small premises and special equipment. The cost of one cleaning is $3. If you serve 25 people per day, monthly revenue will be 2–2.5 thousand dollars. Such a business pays for itself in 5–6 months. Its profitability reaches 50%. If you cannot understand which business is profitable during the crisis, you can safely adopt this business idea.


The possibilities that can be implemented on the Internet without leaving your home are simply endless.

Here you can do whatever you want:

  • Translation of text from foreign languages;
  • Web design;
  • SEO promotion;
  • Blogging;
  • Copywriting and more.

This question worries many citizens of our country. In fact, everything is very simple. If you have any specific skills, register on one of the freelance exchanges and offer your services. To receive good orders, you need to make a portfolio. These are, of course, little things, but you need to pay special attention to them. At first, you can complete inexpensive tasks to increase your rating and get positive reviews. Over time, you will have regular customers who will provide you with work. Nowadays, the most profitable types of business can be found on the Internet, since working online does not require large investments and at the same time brings a good, stable income.

Self-leveling floors

Among the most profitable types of small business, I would like to highlight the production of self-leveling designer floors. This direction entrepreneurial activity appeared in our country relatively recently, so there is not yet a high level of competition in this area. If you are an enterprising person with creative abilities, this is a great opportunity to announce your talent throughout the country.

At the start, you do not need to cover all areas of this activity. First, start developing designer flooring for your office space. This is the most profitable business in small town. If things go well, you can introduce other areas of work, for example, floors for country houses, apartments or public spaces. , based on innovative technologies, bring huge profits, so if you have the opportunity to get into flooring design, you should not miss this opportunity.


When answering the question of which business is the most profitable in Russia now, experts primarily highlight intermediation. This business idea is suitable for people who want to earn additional income without leaving their main place of work.

The essence of this business is that you bring the customer together with the contractor and receive a certain fee for this. Let's consider this business idea using the example of a construction company. For performing repair or construction work, the master receives a certain amount. Part of the profit is taken by the company that offered the work to the master. The scheme of work is very simple - you find qualified employees, advertise on the Internet and in the press, and wait for the client to call. One master earns 10–12 thousand rubles per week. If you hire 8-10 employees and provide them with orders, you can make a good profit. This is the most profitable business among all other areas of activity, since it does not require any cash investments.

Production of disposable tableware

Are you interested in which business is the most profitable in Russia? Our country produces $60 million worth of disposable tableware every year. Half of the total volume of these products is sold in the capital. Manufacturers of disposable products make huge profits from sales. This is one of the most profitable types of small business.

Video on the topic Video on the topic

In order to open such an enterprise, you will need production space and special equipment. The initial investment will pay off in literally a year of work. Profitability of disposable production plastic dishes reaches 70%. whether to make disposable tableware or not is up to you to decide. Experts believe that a crisis is a time of great opportunity for beginning businessmen, so if you start your own business right now, in just a year it will turn into a thriving, highly profitable enterprise.

Restoration of old furniture

can be very different. Recently, such a line of activity as restoration and reupholstery of old furniture has become very popular. High-quality sofas and armchairs are not cheap, so many citizens cannot afford to buy new furniture. To freshen up the interior a little, they hand over the upholstered furniture to the workshop for restoration. This can be done at home, for example, in your own garage, or you can do the work at a client’s home. All you need for work is a stapler, a screwdriver, a jigsaw and a sewing machine. In addition, it is advisable to have your own truck for transporting furniture. If you cannot figure out which business is the most profitable in our time, you should pay special attention to this area of ​​activity.

The most profitable businesses in the world are those involved in the production and/or sale of essential goods. However, in order to organize profitable business, you need to make a list of options by industry, evaluate the selected ideas and your readiness for implementation from a psychological point of view. You also need to consider options for obtaining start-up capital.


Analysis of main criteria

When choosing what business to do, you need to analyze the business idea according to the following criteria:

  • uniqueness of the product or service;
  • relevance for the selected location;
  • the target audience;
  • need for financial resources;
  • need for licensing.

The video describes the search process promising business idea and its analysis. Taken from the official channel of Gennady Klyushkin.

Business profitability by industry

Business profitability statistics now in 2019 in Russia and Ukraine:

Psychology of choice

To organize a profitable business, an entrepreneur must personally understand the chosen industry. Ignorance of the nuances of the work process increases the risk of the project being unprofitable.

In addition, on initial stage you need to be prepared to invest a lot of time and energy. Because of this, personal interests, family, and financial stability will fade into the background. Therefore, to avoid burnout, it is important to choose an interesting idea.

A new entrepreneur must have high level stress resistance, which will help cope with business adjustment (automation, personnel search, supply channels) and the resolution of administrative and economic issues.

Start-up capital

The following can be used as starting capital:

  • personal funds;
  • Bank loan;
  • franchise;
  • financial assistance to start-up entrepreneurs from the state;
  • investor contribution;
  • grant after winning the competition;
  • loan from relatives or friends.

Review of Cost Effective Ideas

  • concept restaurant;
  • sale of magnetic constructor;
  • mobile cafe;
  • repair services;
  • rental;
  • Training courses;
  • construction;
  • mini-hotel;
  • home business;
  • commission shop;
  • distribution;
  • cleaning;
  • manual therapy;
  • private clinic;
  • small lending;
  • outsourcing company;
  • production of frame houses;
  • beauty saloon;
  • farming;
  • pet hotel;
  • funeral services;
  • organization festive events Full construction;
  • auto repair shop;
  • laundry;
  • children's development club;
  • logistics.

Conceptual cafe

Concept restaurants are divided into:

  1. Ethnic (national). They are in demand in large cities and tourist centers. Designed primarily for tourists. The main goal of such establishments is to introduce city guests to national cuisine.
  2. Thematic. Can be opened in any place except urban settlements and villages. Their target audience is people of both sexes with average or higher incomes.

Top current ideas for a themed cafe:

  • children's and teenagers' establishment in the Harry Potter style;
  • restaurant with cats or birds (parrots, finches);
  • popular Japanese or Mediterranean destinations;
  • cafe for adherents of proper nutrition;
  • an establishment with molecular cuisine.

To organize your own business in the form of a concept restaurant in ethnic style you will need the following:

  1. Prepare detailed business plan. Ordering a project from specialists costs 200-1000 US dollars.
  2. Select the appropriate premises and enter into a long-term lease agreement or purchase the property as personal property.
  3. Form an LLC or OJSC (if there are several owners).
  4. Register with the Pension Fund and the Tax Service.
  5. Obtain permits from the SES and the State Fire Service.
  6. Make repairs and conceptual design of the premises.
  7. Hire and train staff.
  8. Purchase equipment and inventory.
  9. Order advertising.
  10. Organize a bright opening: treat you to delicious coffee at the expense of the establishment and decorate the entrance with balloons.

The funds required to launch a cafe in traditional Russian or Ukrainian styles are distributed as follows:

Conceptual restaurant in Old Slavonic style

Vending business

You need to start this type of business by installing a machine with the following assortment (to choose from):

  • coffee and other drinks;
  • sweet bars and other types of quick snacks;
  • terminals for replenishing a mobile phone or paying for utilities;
  • toys.

Costs facing the entrepreneur:

After installing several machines in different places city, you will need to hire a manager to service them. In addition to the salary, which is 10,000 - 12,000 rubles, it is necessary to take into account travel costs.

You can make money from the vending business from the first month after installing machines in crowded or crowded places:

  • the shops;
  • hospitals;
  • universities;
  • railway stations;
  • airports;
  • bus stations;
  • metro.

Vending: installation of vending machines with snacks and coffee

Magnetic constructor

You can purchase a magnetic construction set for further resale through Aliexpress or find local manufacturers.

Location of bike rental services

Training courses

To organize online training courses you need:

  • connect high-speed Internet;
  • create a lesson plan;
  • organize advertising through social networks and/or bloggers;
  • write a course program;
  • have clear diction and competent speech.

You can start a business related to training others via the Internet from scratch without financial investments, just keep track of the most promising areas.

To organize offline courses you need:

  1. Register in the Unified Register of Entrepreneurs.
  2. Rent a room.
  3. Buy computer equipment and consumables.
  4. Hire an assistant as an administrator.

One-time costs of starting a business include:


Children's thrift store in the apartment on the 1st floor


In order to make money from running an online business, you need to have communication skills and a desire to sell a certain product.

You can become a distributor by choosing an attractive company (Oriflame, NL International) and registering on the official website. Each manager is assigned a mentor who helps them get comfortable and organize their own network. Investments in this type of activity are minimal, and profit is accrued from each unit sold.


You can provide cleaning services yourself by purchasing the necessary chemicals or by opening an agency. In the second case, you will need to rent a room and invest in advertising campaign. Ideally, distribute leaflets to nearby offices and companies. Additionally, you need to consider a system of discounts for regular customers.

The costs of organizing a cleaning business are:

Manual therapy

You can work as a chiropractor in your own home by selecting and equipping a separate room. It is important to organize advertising - through your own page in social network or general practitioners in private and public clinics.

Initial costs if you have your own premises are:

Private clinic

A medical center is a highly profitable business even in a crisis and can be of several types:

  • rooms for reception by different specialists;
  • medical consultation + diagnostics;
  • reception + laboratory tests;
  • private clinic with day and night hospitals.

The relevance of the idea is based on people’s need for specialists and quality service. To implement it, you will need to choose a place with good transport links and parking space.

The target audience of a private clinic is people of all ages, both sexes, with average and above average income.

Depending on the scale of the project, the entrepreneur must do the following:

  1. Register with government agencies.
  2. Obtain a license to provide medical services.
  3. Rent or build premises.
  4. Select staff.
  5. Purchase equipment and consumables.
  6. Make cosmetic repairs.
  7. Organize an advertising campaign.

Investments in your own business can amount to:

  • from 30,000 rubles, when renting premises and concluding agreements with doctors to rent out their offices;
  • from 70,000 rubles - if equipment for laboratory diagnostics is purchased;
  • from 200,000 rubles when organizing a private mini-hospital.

Small lending

To organize this type of activity, it is important to have initial capital and premises where the microloan will be issued. Taking into account the value of the collateral in the form household appliances or jewelry, you will need a warehouse with a safe and/or security alarm.

Outsourcing company

To organize an outsourcing company, you need to decide on the type of services provided and attract the appropriate specialists.

The most popular areas for providing such services are:

  • legal;
  • accounting;
  • audit, analytics;
  • insurance;
  • IT support.

You need to invest personal funds in:

Production of frame houses

The construction of frame houses requires the following steps:

  1. Official registration.
  2. Obtaining a construction license.
  3. Search for a brigade.
  4. Purchase of materials and equipment.

Initial investments in starting a business can be:

From the moment of approval of the residential project to the moment of commissioning, it takes about 5-6 months. The houses are paid for immediately - when the contractor receives the money.

Beauty saloon

The main cost items associated with are advertising and inventory acquisition.

Initial investments may be:


In order to engage in farming you will need to purchase:

  • plot;
  • greenhouses;
  • garden tools;
  • seeds.

Initially, it is important to establish sales channels:

  • catering establishments;
  • stalls with vegetables;
  • the shops.

Investments in starting a business own plot may be:

The business pays off quickly, but it is necessary to resolve the issue of delivering crops in the autumn-winter period. Risks are associated with poor road quality combined with weather conditions.

Currently it is profitable to grow:

  • cilantro;
  • different types of salad;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • mint;
  • basil;
  • spinach.

Hotel for pets

To organize foster care, it is necessary to rent an area of ​​40 m2, taking into account the accommodation of 10 dogs (weighing up to 10 kg) or cats. Each animal will need a separate enclosure and equipment. The premises must have electricity and water.

It is important to open hotels for animals in large cities and take into account the seasonality of demand for foster care services (holiday periods). As a competitive advantage, you can offer grooming procedures - cutting nails and hair.

Initial investments may be:

Payback depends on the marketing campaign and the time of year when the hotel complex opened and is (on average) 8-12 months.

Example of pet hotel equipment

Funeral services

To organize funeral services, you will need to rent a store with a warehouse for storing equipment.

It is permissible to use the Internet or printed catalogs with the assortment of a funeral agency, purchasing goods chosen by the client upon prepayment for them. As a competitive advantage, it is enough to organize payment for services in installments and offer a discount if the order amount has reached a certain numerical indicator.

Investments in a funeral service agency can be:

Organization of festive events on a turn-key basis

To organize turnkey festive events, it is advisable to make a website and promote it through search engines. Development and content will cost approximately $1,000-2,000, but it will help attract customers and promote yourself.

To locate an office, you need a rented apartment and equip it with the necessary office equipment.

Hired workers may be absent at the beginning of the activity, but cooperation with intermediaries must be agreed in advance:

  • flower wholesalers;
  • florists;
  • photographers;
  • animators;
  • artists.

It is important to have organizational skills and imagination, which will be useful when preparing the holiday script. At first, you can perform some functions yourself, for example, create and edit a video sequence.

Investments in an agency for organizing festive events are:

Auto repair shop

You can open a car repair shop in your own garage by equipping it necessary tool and placing a sign. Before regular customers appear, it is important to invest in an advertising campaign - distributing leaflets and handing out business cards.

To start this type of business you need to invest:

The following can be used as a competitive advantage:

  • additional services - installation of a leather steering wheel cover, interior cleaning;
  • discounts - when repairing the chassis - free oil change;
  • one-day promotions - on Mondays from 9 to 18.00 free seat sanitation upon diagnosis.

Garage-based auto repair shop


Investments in organizing this type of business depend on the equipment included:

The types and number of special machines must be economically justified: for a large city in conditions of fierce competition, it is better to purchase a variety of equipment. In urban settlements, it is enough to install a washing machine and dryer.

The office space where orders are received and issued may be located:

  • separately from working area(it is acceptable to locate in another area to save on rent);
  • adjacent to the head area.

It is good to use the following as competitive advantages:

  • delivery to a specified address by a specific time (for a fee);
  • when cleaning two sets of bedding - ironing with a 50% discount;
  • cumulative discount system - from 3 to 10%.


Children's development club

You can organize a development center by renting an apartment and making cosmetic renovations taking into account the tastes of the children's audience. Registration will be mandatory, but there is no need to obtain a license (as in the case of a kindergarten).

An entrepreneur needs to think through methods for training and discipline, and then enter into agreements with suitable teachers. You definitely need to develop your own website and maintain pages on social networks.

Directions for development could be:

  • mathematics, methods of mental arithmetic;
  • art fairytale therapy;
  • preparation for school;
  • sand animation;
  • art studio;
  • English language;
  • theater Club;
  • speech therapy.

Costs to start a project may include:


To start a logistics company you will need to invest:

An entrepreneur cannot do without:

  • LLC registration;
  • relevant work experience (from 5 years);
  • specialists with practical knowledge and meeting customs officials;
  • knowledge of regulatory documents;
  • good advertising campaign;
  • convenient office in the city center.


The video presents 50 ideas for small businesses that are relevant in 2019. Taken from the To-Biz Business Ideas channel.

Starting your own business always starts from an idea: and a beginner usually tries to implement what seems promising to him. An experienced businessman puts facts at the forefront and first thinks about the question of which business is the most profitable today.

The most profitable small business

Small forms of business are characterized by obvious advantages - mobility, relative freedom and opportunities for experimentation. Large business, on the contrary, is very clumsy and bureaucratic.

The most profitable types of small business in Russia include the resale of goods with low production costs and the provision of services.

Let's look at the issue from a practical perspective, and give examples of what the most profitable small business in Russia might be in the first case:

  1. Production of pillows. Purchase of materials: 250-700 rubles per pillow. Cost of one pillow: 1500-3000 rubles. Before taxes – 300-400%.
  2. Resale of smartphone accessories. Costs: wholesale purchase from China for 150-300 rubles. a piece. Final cost of the product item: 1000-2500 rubles.

The room for maneuver here is extremely large, because goods of any group can be purchased at cost and then sold on the market for much more.

Profitable business in the service sector

In economically developed countries The service sector accounts for more than 75% of the economy in terms of the number of people employed in it. In Russia, this figure is significantly lower – less than 63%.

Profitable types of business in the service sector (according to Forbes rating)

Type of businessTrendsA comment
Catering establishment At the initial stage, the most profitable will be the establishment of a regular self-service cafeIt can be placed either in a separate building or on the territory of an enterprise.
Housing and communal services In cities, the problem of maintaining proper sanitary, hygienic and technical condition of buildings, structures and public utility facilities is urgent.If you provide the services yourself, you will be able to save on office rent. However, in this case you will not be able to provide the full range of services in this area.
Financial services Placement of machines for paying pensions, transferring money by card number, servicing bank cards, accepting utility payments, etc.The profitability of such a business directly depends on the city where it develops.

The rating is based on information about three hundred thousand individual entrepreneurs and companies; each industry was represented by more than 100 firms. A specialized consulting agency analyzed the research results from 2003 to 2014.

The following types of services can also be quite profitable:

  • tourist;
  • rent;
  • hotel;
  • security;
  • legal;
  • entertainment;
  • translation services.

Profitable types of medium and large businesses

A medium-sized business, compared to a small one, is somewhat limited in terms of profitability, but its volumes are larger, which means the final revenue is more significant. Also distinctive feature medium business is the need for initial investment.

Here are examples of the most profitable medium-sized businesses in Russia:

  • construction company: sale of building materials, furniture, plumbing, provision of construction services;
  • transport services: minibuses, cars for rent (highest income), taxis;
  • retail chains: narrowly targeted theme stores or supermarkets;
  • repair and installation services: characterized by 90 percent profitability;
  • chains of sushi bars or cafes;
  • network of pharmacies.

It would probably not be difficult for anyone to list the most profitable types of large-sized businesses:

  • oil and gas sector;
  • metallurgy;
  • banking industry.

Profitable business in the village

Residents of rural areas have no less opportunities for developing entrepreneurship than residents of cities.

A clear example of an institution profitable business The village today is a farm. Difficulties in developing such a business may arise due to the lack of a sales market, especially if the number of poultry or livestock is large. But even here a way out can be found, because if it is not possible to agree with local stores on supplies, then the products can be frozen in refrigerated chests and then sold on the market yourself.

Considerable profitability is also ensured for rural businesses based on growing in greenhouses the products needed by consumers at different times of the year. In winter, there will be demand for a variety of herbs (parsley, dill, green onions, cilantro, basil, celery), vegetables (cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes). IN summer time You can harvest potatoes, onions, carrots, and garlic, which you can then sell during the cold season.

The business of growing seedlings of raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries and blackberries is also common. Good profits will come from the production and sale of medicinal teas on the market. True, in this branch of business it is important to know the usefulness and significance of various herbal plants and their combinations.

To summarize, we note that any business will be profitable if you do it correctly and continuously. And to do this, be sure to draw up a detailed business plan: while writing it, read the results of various studies and “walk” through your competitors.

And be sure to write everything down: after a month or two, these notes will help you evaluate what you have done and maintain the consistency of your intended strategy.

Profitable small business: Video

These materials are intended for those who want to succeed in life, significantly increase their income and become rich, but do not have the initial capital to realize their dreams, who have decided to take the path of business and feel ready for this. They will help you make money using the huge opportunities of the Russian market, find the type of activity that best suits your character, your abilities and capabilities, take the first step in wide road modern business.

There are many examples of how budding entrepreneurs in relatively short period time they managed to earn tens of rubles. Of course, to achieve such a goal it is necessary to show a certain determination, perseverance and energy.

First, determine what the market needs most today, be it some services or a product. Determine what is in greatest demand and come up with the best option to meet this need according to your capabilities. Start, and the matter itself will suggest the further course of action and correct errors.

We offer you a number of simple and most effective ways earnings (activities) that do not require special investments:

Having any printing equipment, for example, a copier, or having constant access to it, you can easily earn money by fulfilling orders from organizations and individuals. Fortunately, the prices for printing services are quite high, and finding clients will not be difficult. It is enough to submit it to newspapers or post advertisements around the city. The greatest effect will be achieved by your advertisements posted in places where printing services are constantly required. These are the premises of district administrations, notary offices, banks, universities, libraries, etc.

Having earned a certain amount from this business, you can purchase more expensive and, accordingly, generating much more income, printing equipment such as a risograph. This business will always find its clients and will always remain very profitable and promising.

You can engage in the production of original layouts, that is, the design of various documents, forms and other printed materials on a computer, either as a separate type of activity or in combination with printing activities. To run this business you must have a computer and good printer, on which the quality of your work largely depends. Spend your money and buy laser printer, which, with excellent printing quality, will quickly recoup your purchase costs and will bring you a solid profit, because the production of one original layout on an A4 sheet costs from $5 and more. In order to find clients, similar to printing activities, submit advertisements to newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

Do lamination - covering documents, forms, photographs, etc. with protective plastic. The laminating machine is miniature, relatively inexpensive and will pay for the cost of its purchase within the first month of operation. Offer your services in crowded places and places where they are especially needed, for example, in traffic police departments where driver's licenses are issued, in photo salons, etc. This way you will ensure yourself a good and stable income. The approximate cost of laminating a driver's license is $1.00.

Prices for unstamped envelopes invariably rise along with increases in postal rates. You can make money by making a template, purchasing paper and starting to make them. And by hanging your advertisements in post offices or publishing them in local and out-of-town advertising and information publications, you will ensure good sales of the manufactured envelopes.

Publishing is one of the most profitable types of business. It can bring profit, depending on your capabilities, from several to tens of rubles. First, decide what you will publish. This could be a solid book of 200-300 pages or a brochure of 10-20 pages. When selecting material for a book or brochure, it is very important not to violate copyright and therefore not fall under a certain article of the law. When reprinting materials from foreign sources, be sure to provide a link to this source.

Carefully calculate the consumer value of your book and the costs of publishing it. If you do not have sufficient funds, arrange a subscription to it with an advance payment. This will allow you to collect the necessary amount to publish your materials.

Sell ​​your book among subscribers, at bookstores, through Rospechat kiosks, etc. By placing an advertisement in the media or posting them around the city, for example, at the same bookstores, you can sell it by mail.

Despite the abundance of books on the market, their sale remains a very profitable and promising business. Buy books for sale directly from publishing houses or from wholesalers, where they are sold without a trade markup, much cheaper than in city bookstores. Sell ​​them in crowded places” at the same bookstores, bookstores, by mail, etc.

Having collected a certain number of the most interesting books of various genres and adding to them books from your home collection, organize a private library and rent out books on bail. This idea is feasible not only at train stations and airports, where people while waiting for a train or plane happily while away the time reading an interesting book, but also in any friend in a crowded place. Go to your nearest library and see that despite the huge number of books on the shelves, it is almost impossible to choose something worthwhile.

If you have a two-cassette tape recorder or, better yet, a tape recorder with a CD player and have free time, start recording. By duplicating recordings of popular music and selling them in crowded places, for example, in clothing markets, near the metro, etc., or by accepting orders for recordings, you can earn good money. You will receive the largest number of orders by posting your advertisements in technical schools, universities, hostels and other places where there are a lot of young people. Selling cassettes by mail will also have a good effect. To do this, submit advertisements in newspapers and send everyone who responds to it a detailed catalog of available recordings, indicating the cost of the tapes and the terms of their shipment and payment. Buy clean cassettes at clothing markets or wholesalers.

Now almost every second family has a VCR, and video recording can also be a very profitable business. To do this you will need two VCRs. Otherwise, everything is similar to sound recording.

In the future, having earned a small capital, it is important to expand and organize small company sound and video recordings, scattered across the city at several retail outlets.

You don't even need a VCR to carry out this activity. By purchasing several dozen video cassettes (DVD, CD) with recordings of popular and new films and organizing their rental on bail, you will receive a source of daily stable income. The only condition that guarantees your success in this matter is that the repertoire of films must change periodically.

Our domestic technology, and in particular televisions, often break down and repairing them can give you a very good income. If you do not have the necessary qualifications for this, enroll in the appropriate courses and within two to three months you will feel like a specialist in the field of radio engineering and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to repair televisions. And by publishing your advertisements in newspapers, posting them around the city or spreading them out mailboxes(everyone now has a TV), you will get an excellent opportunity to test this knowledge in practice.

You can also repair other household appliances, for example, refrigerators, audio-video recorders, computers, etc. In addition, not all of our TVs are equipped with a PAL unit, low-frequency input, UHF and remote control units. By purchasing these units in radio stores, in specialized markets, or making them yourself, start installing them in TVs. It should be noted that, for example, without a UHF or LF input unit it is impossible to connect a VCR to a TV, and without a PAL unit it is impossible to see a color image, since most videotapes are recorded in this color system. Therefore, by installing these blocks, you will receive a large number of clients and earn good money.

This work can be done even without special skills in handling a soldering iron, which will come with practice. Buy schematics, detailed descriptions of assembly and setup, radio components, circuit boards, housings and other necessary materials for the independent manufacture of remote control units, PAL units, telephones with automatic number identification (AON), and Sinclair-type computers from radio stores or specialized markets. They are very easy to manufacture, assembled in a few days and are in constant demand among customers. More powerful computers such as PCs are very expensive and inaccessible to families with average incomes, and Sinclair, with its availability and low cost, allows you to get acquainted with a fascinating world in practice computer games, gain basic programming skills (as opposed to gaming consoles) and will remain quite popular. The importance of PAL blocks was discussed above, but you probably know very well yourself about the popularity of Caller ID phones.

Sell ​​your products in the same markets, at radio stores, or place an ad in periodical advertising and information publications and post them around the city. Success is guaranteed to you!

Having a personal car and knowing your city well. You will earn a lot of money by operating a private taxi service. And for this it is not at all necessary to drive around the city, looking around in search of voters. Stand in front of large stores that sell large items, such as furniture, refrigerators, televisions, etc. Delivery services are not always prompt, and often non-existent, and you can help people deliver the items they have purchased. You can “pick up” clients standing at train stations or just near the metro and at stops where public transport is poor. This work is most effective in the late evening or even at night, when transport does not run at all or runs extremely rarely.

You should not lose sight of the fact that many commercial enterprises require drivers with personal vehicles, for example, to transport goods to retail outlets in the morning and transport them back to the warehouse in the evening. This job pays very well.

Typically, the level of driving training in driving schools does not allow you to prepare well for the traffic police exam. By publishing your advertisements in newspapers, posting them around the city, near driving schools and recruiting students, you will ensure yourself a decent income. To attract the largest number of clients, set your tuition fees slightly lower than at a driving school. Give the first lessons only on quiet streets, in special closed areas, etc. And only as your student masters driving skills; drive with it to busier sections of roads, to intersections with heavy traffic. It is very important that your student is able to put into practice the theoretical knowledge of traffic rules that he receives at school.

It is necessary to take into account that only those who have at least 3 years of driving experience can engage in this business. And don’t forget to install “Training” identification marks on the windshield and rear window of your car. Perhaps you will start releasing special video courses.

Dogs can not only relieve stress and lift their owners’ spirits, but also bring income to the family. And which! The annual “salary” of an ordinary dog ​​is a few rubles. It should be taken into account that this business requires at the initial stage not only financial costs and physical strength, but also a certain mental attitude. Without this attitude, without love, care, without responsibility for the fate of your pets, there is no point in getting down to business.

Buy a puppy only with a good pedigree and carefully check the authenticity of its documents. It is best to buy from kennel clubs or at sales exhibitions that are regularly held by these clubs. Here you can compare puppies and consult with canine specialists about which puppy is most promising for breeding. Remember that only a quality puppy proper care, education and with a good attitude towards him, over time he will turn into a quality dog. And for your future business this is crucial.

It should be noted that breeding purebred cats can also bring good income.

Good income can be generated by breeding pets: hamsters, white mice, guinea pigs, etc. These small animals are unpretentious, feed exclusively on food of plant origin, reproduce with amazing speed and are always popular with children.

Breeding budgerigars is also of great commercial interest. aquarium fish. Many people who started this business live only on the income from this activity. Of course, to achieve such a result, you need to pay constant attention to your pets, have some experience and great knowledge in this matter. Read the relevant literature, consult with specialists and people involved in breeding the species of your choice, and over time you will get no less results.

You can sell pets, birds, fish at bird markets, pet stores, etc. In the future, you can open your own zoo or even a private pet store, selling not only animals, but also food for them, cages, aquariums, and various devices to care for them, etc.

Even with minimal skills in handling a camera and photographic equipment, you can get into photography. At first, it is not at all necessary to have a darkroom. You can take the film to a photo studio for processing. Shoot on the street and at home, in kindergartens and schools, at weddings and other celebrations. Deliver the photographs taken to the customer yourself or send them by mail. Recently, Polaroid cameras have appeared on the Russian market, which allow you to take pictures almost instantly. However, according to unverified data, photographs taken in this way are not of very high quality and darken over time.

Having gained some experience in this matter, you can open a private photo studio and take artistic photographs and photographs for documents. Photographer services are always needed and well paid.

Today, some people have a video camera, and if you are one of them, it makes sense to engage in video shooting.

No person can do without the services of a hairdresser. And at the same time. that prices for all types of hairdressing services are persistently creeping up, you can organize your own home hairdresser and make great money by first completing relatively inexpensive courses and receiving the appropriate certificate.

Equip your hallway with a mirror and shelves, buy necessary accessories and start with your friends and work colleagues. If your first practice is successful, the rumor about inexpensive hairdressing services will spread through your acquaintances and acquaintances of your acquaintances, like circles from a stone thrown into water, and you will not have problems with clients and, as a result, with money. In the future, you can submit advertisements to the media, post them around the city and work on call at the client’s home.

Organize a private studio household services. Work alone or with help, such as your family, in your own home or in a client's home. Clean apartments and offices, wash and iron clothes, wash windows, look after apartments in the absence of owners: water flowers, take out mail, care for pets. You can make good money by exterminating domestic insects.

If you have knowledge in the field of science, take up tutoring. Place advertisements in newspapers or post them in schools, technical schools, universities, or simply in crowded places in your city. Help your clients master the sciences, prepare them for tests, exams, and admission to universities and technical schools. You can perform various tasks, drawing work, prepare coursework and diploma projects, etc. Good income can bring compilation of a collection of the best essays, a collection of solutions typical tasks in mathematics, physics, chemistry with their subsequent sale through kiosks and Rospechat stores, through street book sellers, by mail or at the same universities.

Today, many firms and entrepreneurs enter the international market, wanting to establish business contacts with foreign partners. As a rule, the conclusion of any contract or transaction is preceded by a long correspondence and, having difficulties with the language, they need the services of a translator. Such services are absolutely necessary for people working with various publications in foreign languages, when translating various technical literature, advertising brochures, etc.

Using your knowledge of the language, you can make a good income working as such a translator. And if your knowledge allows you to communicate freely in a foreign language, work at international exhibitions, presentations, on excursions with the participation of foreign guests, etc.

Buy a typewriter with a Latin font and, in parallel with translation, draw up business correspondence abroad. It wouldn’t hurt to have a typewriter with Russian font for translation into Russian. To find profitable clients, publish advertisements in newspapers or post advertisements around the city.

Recently, many shops and wholesale centers have appeared in Russia selling “Second hand” - used clothes by weight, where for a ridiculous price you can buy quite tolerable things, among which there are also practically new ones, for example, those that have gone out of fashion in some countries But this does not mean at all that it is the same for us.

Start selling these clothes. This business is very profitable! Go to one of the large stores or wholesale warehouse and pick up a small amount of clothes to start. .I usually sell goods to wholesale buyers in bags of 25-100 kilograms and offer significant discounts. In order not to make a mistake, consult with the store (base) employees about what product is best to buy for sale and where to sell it.

After purchasing the goods, go to the market or travel to other cities, taking into account the specifics and climatic conditions of this region, and sell the clothes individually, and not by weight. The result of such trading is always the same - a good profit.

Good income can come from knitting or sewing. If you do not have hand knitting skills, buy an industrial machine. By setting a program for it, you can knit sweaters, scarves, children's clothes, etc. To do sewing, you need to have a good sewing machine. In addition to a variety of clothes, you can sew various leather products: waist belts, wallets, watch straps, etc., car covers, workwear, and make a soft toy.

You can sew or knit custom-made models, developed independently or based on patterns and drawings in specialized publications and fashion magazines. Sell ​​your items at clothing markets or take them to consignment and commercial stores.

Relatively inexpensive, small-sized and easy-to-use equipment for the production of popcorn, crispy potatoes, cotton candy and other food products pays for itself in 2-3 months of operation and can generate a stable monthly income of several rubles. In the future, having accumulated a small capital, you will be able to buy more expensive and much more profitable equipment such as a bakery or an alcohol production unit.

Having bought buns and ham in bulk, make sandwiches or, if you have culinary skills, bake pies and go to the clothing market to meet hungry sellers and buyers. You can sell your masterpieces of culinary art simply by standing in crowded, busy places in your city.

Once you've made a small fortune, buy equipment for making and selling hot dogs, hamburgers, etc. Know that feeding people is always profitable!

Organize a stall or mine-cafe selling soft drinks, ice cream, etc. In hot weather, you can earn good money by selling these products, for example, on beaches or in gardening. Buy ice cream directly from a cold storage facility or from wholesalers, and you can make drinks yourself, for example, from concentrates.

In the summer, many enterprises need kvass sellers. Earnings are a percentage of revenue. You can sell 2-3 barrels of kvass per day, earning a significant amount. You can prepare kvass yourself.

Rent a car or use your personal vehicle and organize the collection or purchase of agricultural products in areas where there is an abundance of it, for example, on state farms. You can also buy milk from the nearest state farm. By bringing these products to the city, where they can be sold, usually 2-3 times more expensive, you will earn good money.

You can organize the collection and transportation of fruits, vegetables and any other goods from other regions to your city. For example, walnuts and corn grow in the southern regions of Ukraine and Moldova; you transport watermelons from Astrakhan in August during the harvest period, etc. You will not only recoup all expenses, but also make a solid profit. In this case, in the near future you can become a major entrepreneur.

Currently, prices for most types of fish and crayfish have increased sharply and in some cases even exceed the cost of animal meat. Agree that no one will refuse to buy freshly caught fish, much less crayfish. In addition, some restaurants buy crayfish.

In the future, you can organize a point for the sale of fish products and sell fish caught yourself or negotiate with organizations licensed to catch fish on the supply of fish and fish products. You can also organize a small workshop for the production of fish products.

If you have a garden plot, you are a millionaire! In addition to the fact that the land itself is of great value, you can earn good money on “six hundred square meters”. And for this it is not at all necessary to build up a plot of land with ultra-modern heated Dutch greenhouses and grow exotic vegetables and fruits such as pineapples or kiwis for sale. The experience of gardeners shows that in the North-West region, on generally not very fertile land, it is possible to grow a crop sufficient to feed a family, make supplies for the winter, and sell the excess on the market, receiving an income of up to 10 rubles, etc. Grow potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, onions. garlic, herbs, and in good years bring strawberries, apples, currants, plums, etc. to the market.

By the way, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have your own garden plot. Take advantage of the fact that some farms allocate plots of land for rent to urban residents. In addition, you can rent part of the land from villagers.

A good income can also come from breeding and fattening pigs, rabbits, poultry: chickens, geese, ducks, etc. With relatively low labor costs, you can get a short time many different products: meat, lard, eggs, etc.

One of the most profitable and at the same time internally satisfying activities is floriculture. Start growing carnations or roses, which are the most unpretentious and are in great demand. Having earned some capital from this during the warm period of the year, build a greenhouse for the winter, even if it takes all your savings. But in subsequent years, your fortune will grow exponentially.

If you are a fan of " quiet hunt“, you can combine business with pleasure and, while walking through the forest, engage in industrial mushroom picking, for example, under an agreement with a procurement base or simply selling them at the market. In addition to the fact that you will make preparations for yourself, you will also earn good money: tens of rubles per kilogram of dried products. And there is now a great demand abroad for our mushrooms, for example, chanterelles, which, according to the latest data, are a natural anti-cancer drug. them in large quantities Finns, Poles, Dutch, and especially Japanese buy it.

In good years, it makes sense to engage in industrial procurement of berries: blueberries, forest raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries, which are also in great and constant demand.

The procurement of medicinal herbs and plants, which our land is so rich in, is also of great commercial interest. For example, linden blossoms in July. Its flowers are a valuable medicine and are accepted in pharmacies. After the rain, the linden tree completely crumbles and it is not difficult to collect, wash, dry its flowers and sell it for a certain fee. Of course, collecting medicinal herbs is a matter for a connoisseur, and if you decide to do it, first go to a specialized herbal pharmacy and find out everything in detail: how and where to start.

Wicker weaving, a traditional Russian craft, is once again becoming not only popular, but also a very profitable business. From free natural materials: twigs, branches, vines, reeds and even straw, you can make a great variety of useful and beautiful things: from mushroom baskets to elegant boxes and openwork furniture, which are very expensive - handmade!

Of course, at first, without professional skills, there can be no talk of any furniture or boxes, but you can weave basic baskets for mushrooms and for storing vegetables. If you decide to take up this trade, take a sharp knife, or even better, a pruner, and go to harvest the vines. The vine is nothing more than the well-known willow, willow, broom, etc. These shrubs grow everywhere. After cutting the twigs, peel them from the bark and dry them thoroughly in the sun. Before weaving baskets, scald the vine in water so that it is flexible and pliable. You can read what to do next and how to weave baskets in special reference books and magazines.

It makes sense to engage in other folk crafts, such as wood carving, hand embroidery, macrame, etc. These products are also in great and constant demand.

The other possible activities listed below, in our opinion, do not require further explanation. If you decide to do one of them, you can easily figure out, based on the information provided in these materials and on your own knowledge, how to organize this business and what you should do first of all to organize it.

Sewing and shoe repair; refilling and repair of lighters: watch repair; hardware repair; Production of keys; sharpening cutting tools; bookbinding; production of seals and stamps; programming; copying computer games; organizing a dating service; tuning musical instruments; winemaking; hunting; security of objects with a dog; haircut and trimming of dogs; services: massage therapist, nurse, toastmaster, bodyguard, courier, accountant, lawyer; private medical (veterinary) practice; private: shop, stall, cafe, video room, shooting range, warehouse, parking lot; car service; carwash; installation of radio devices and alarms on cars; cargo transportation: minor repairs of apartments, offices; door installation; door trim; furniture manufacturing; furniture repair; furniture upholstery; bathroom restoration; installation of cornices; linoleum flooring; parquet flooring and sanding; glazing and upholstery of loggias and balconies; construction of dachas: laying stoves; production and installation of antennas on country houses; works: painting, finishing, tiling, plumbing, carpentry, electrical installation, roofing, welding, etc.

And there are a lot of such ways of earning money (types of activity) that can be listed. It all depends on your imagination, capabilities and desires. In addition, it should be noted that these materials do not include a number of the most interesting, effective and easy to organize activities, for each of which a detailed description (detailed work methodology) has been developed.

We would like to remind you that any activity aimed at systematically generating profit is entrepreneurial and requires mandatory state registration. To legally carry out this activity, you must register with the local administration as individual entrepreneur and register with the Tax Inspectorate. Pension Fund and Compulsory Medical Insurance Funds. Registration of entrepreneurs is carried out by the registration authority on the day of submission of documents: passport, application drawn up in the prescribed form and a document confirming payment of the registration fee, the amount of which should not exceed the minimum monthly wage established by law. You can obtain more detailed information about the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur from your local administration.

And finally, a few useful tips. Try to become the real owner of your business. Start small, but yours. Of course, you can invest money in stocks large enterprise, but in this case you will not be able to influence his strategy and tactics and you will not become a hostage decisions taken. From the very first steps, draw up a specific and well-thought-out action plan, which you must write down on paper. A written text is always more accurate than the one you keep in your head. When making a plan, be quite critical of yourself, being careful not to overestimate your strengths and capabilities. Although don’t be afraid to dream - remember that any business is always a creative endeavor. Your plan must be alive, that is, it must always correspond to business conditions and people’s needs, and this means that you must constantly adjust it: cross out something, add something. We are, of course, talking about little things. But in general, the plan should be a strong and reliable framework for all your activities. He is your assistant, your tuning fork, setting you up for success!

And one last thing. Invest all or almost all of the profits from your activities into turnover, constantly expand, look for new earning opportunities. When making money from trading or other profitable business, do not try to immediately spend it on your household needs. Be patient! Having created your capital. You will be able, without harming him, to rip off small sums from him for your everyday life. It will already grow like a snowball rolling down a mountain. From time to time you can break off pieces from this lump, that is, funds for your needs. And the more com. those more pieces. In the meantime, start a small business and create initial capital.

If you haven’t found what you like, try exploring five more reasons to make money.
