Siberian mountain goat. Description and productivity of the Siberian mountain goat From the story of the unique Ibex

Siberian goat - Capra sibirica

(up to 100 cm) and massive, saber-shaped, with transverse ridges on the front side. It lives in the Altai, Sayan and Tuva mountains, at altitudes of 2500-4000 m above sea level. Prefers steppe lowlands, but is forced out by humans into rocky highlands. Apparently, about 4 thousand heads have survived in Russia.

Encyclopedia of Russian nature. - M.: ABF. V.L. Dinets, E.V. Rothschild. 1998 .

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    Siberian mountain goat- tek (Capra sibirica), a cloven-hoofed animal of the goat genus. Body length up to 160 cm, height up to 100 cm, weigh up to 100 kg; females are smaller. The horns are saber-shaped, with large knobs on the front side. The length of the horns in males is up to 130 cm, in females up to 40 cm.... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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    goat- GOAT of evil; m. 1. Male goat. K. with a beard and horns. 2. Branno. About a person who causes hostility, irritation. Old k.! 3. pl.: goats, ov. Genus of artiodactyl mammals of the family. bovids, living mainly in the mountains. Siberian building 4. unit wine... encyclopedic Dictionary

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The ancestors of domestic goats were brave conquerors of impassable rocks - mountain goats. What are they remarkable for, where do they live and what do they eat? Information about them will be presented in this article.

General information

Capricorn is an animal that is a subspecies of the mountain genus, with peculiar saber-shaped horns. Externally, Capricorns are very similar to aurochs.

First of all, this species includes ibex (very rare ibex) living on the mountain ridges (between Piedmont and Savoy).

The subspecies in question also includes the Nubian Mountain goat, as well as Siberian and Pyrenean goats. In nature, the number of ibex is quite large, and when crossed with other species, they produce excellent offspring.

Below we will describe the ibex (capricorn), also known as the mountain goat and alpine goat (family of the genus

From the story of unique ibexes

In ancient times, ibex was the object of mystification, so all its body parts, consumed as food and not only (from blood and hair to excrement, etc.), were used in alternative medicine as a means to cure all kinds of diseases. All this led to the fact that Ibex goats practically became extinct in Europe. At the beginning of the 19th century, the number of these species in the entire Alpine region totaled just over 100 individuals, and they survived only in Gran Paradiso (Italy).

J. Zumstein (forester) and A. Girtanner (naturalist) in 1816 were able to convince the authorities to preserve the remaining ibex in this Italian region. And in 1854, even the king of Sardinia and Piedmont, Victor Emmanuel II, took these amazing phenomenal animals under his personal protection.

Thanks to all these implemented programs (the settlement of the Alpine mountains by ibexes), the mountain goat (see photo above) again lives in many areas of its original range. The individuals that exist today (ibexes) descended from those same 100 animals that lived in Italy.

V. Emmanuel II refused Switzerland's request to sell Ibexes, so the first such animals were smuggled into Switzerland only in 1906. The population of these goats is quite large today. And since 1977, their shooting has even been allowed (albeit in a controlled manner).

In total, the number of Ibexes in the Alps is approximately 30-40 thousand animals. Now they are common in Switzerland, Austria, France, Slovenia and Germany. The presence of such animals is quite beneficial for the prosperity of Alpine resorts, as they attract a large number of tourists from all over the world.

photo, description

Mountain goats are a genus (family of bovids). All their types, on the one hand, have common features, and on the other hand, they are quite changeable. In this regard, scientists still cannot determine the exact number of breeds of these animals that exist in nature. Their number, according to different opinions, varies from 2-3 s big amount subspecies and up to 9-10 species.

In addition, mountain goats are closely related to those who have many similar features to them. Their distant relatives are chamois and gorals, as well as snow goats.

The sizes of mountain goats are average: length - 120-180 cm; at the withers the height reaches 100 centimeters; weight - up to 60 kilograms for small species (females) and up to 155 kilograms for goats of the largest species.

Outwardly, they appear to be slender and graceful animals, despite the fact that their legs are not very long and their bodies are strongly built. The main ones distinguishing feature- horns, which in males resemble sabers (length up to 1 meter), and in females - short daggers (length about 18 cm). Young animals are distinguished by horns curved in a graceful arc. Old males have twisted horns in the form of a spiral.

Mountain goats also have transverse thickenings on their horns (on the front surface), they are pronounced in various types V varying degrees.


Capricorn is an animal that lives in the Alps on the border between forest and glaciers at high altitudes (3500 meters). IN winter time it usually lives in low areas, but in summer it can also go down to alpine meadows in search of food. The ibex spends the night high in the mountains.

In the rocky highlands, these artiodactyls are safe. They are able to quickly rush along rocky screes, easily jump over rocky crevices, and climb high on sheer and steep rocks and cliffs. Quite fast and constant movement is just a normal way of life for these unique animals.

Description of Ibex

Ibexes are the most unusual mountain view great climbers. It is very amazing how fearlessly and masterfully they climb rocks. They live in the most inaccessible mountain regions of the Alps, as noted above, at high altitudes.

The average length of the Ibex reaches 150 cm, and their height at the withers is approximately 90 cm. The female weighs 40 kg, and the male weighs up to 100 kg. The male Ibex, as well as other species, is a goat with large curved horns (up to 1 meter long). Females have short, slightly curved horns.

Both sexes have beards. The summer coat color of males is dark brown, while that of females is reddish with a golden tint. In winter, all Ibexes have gray fur.


Capricorn is an animal that eats a variety of plants. They give preference to alpine grasses - bluegrass and fescue, but if necessary they can also eat branches of bushes and trees, lichens and mosses.

In general, mountain goats are very unpretentious and can even feed on poisonous plants and dry grass. These animals have a strong need for salt, and therefore they go to salt licks whenever possible, covering distances of up to 15-20 kilometers.

About value

Since ancient times, people have hunted mountain goats because the horns of a large male were a very valuable trophy. Finding this dexterous and cautious animal is quite difficult. In addition to horns, people had other practical benefits from them: the skins were used to make clothes and shoes, and the meat of these animals is a very tasty and easily digestible product. Fat was used for cooking, and pellets of wool undigested in the stomach (bezoar) were used for medicinal purposes.

Such useful qualities animals led to their domestication. Thanks to them, there are now a huge variety of breeds of domestic goats (down, meat and dairy) in the world.

Now the mountain goat (ibex) is an animal that can be found in various zoos due to its easy tameability. Capricorns tolerate captivity well and reproduce quite easily.


Although a goat with large horns in the minds of many is a symbol of the unclean, often the devil (in comparison with the meek sheep), in fact these animals are very smart and can even be trained (and rams - on the contrary).

Like this important role Mountain goats play a role in the life of the peoples of the Mediterranean and Asia. And this circumstance is reflected in the name of one of the constellations of the Zodiac - Capricorn.

Siberian mountain goat (lat. Capra sibirica) lives in the Sayan, Tien Shan, Altai, Saura, Pamir-Alai and Tarbagatai mountains. It is also found in Mongolia, Afghanistan, northwest China and India. This powerful and beautiful animal prefers to live at an altitude of 2.5 to 5 thousand meters above sea level.

The body length of the Siberian mountain goat can reach 1.65 m, the height at the shoulders is 1.1 m, and the weight is 130 kg. Moreover, females are much more graceful and lighter than males. They can also be easily distinguished by their shorter horns, which only slightly curve back. Males do have horns - indeed powerful weapon. They are very strongly curved back, and their length easily exceeds 1 meter.

By the way, the size of the horns can be used to judge the age of the male: if you divide the number of transverse ridges located on them by two and add one, you can find out how old the animal is. Interestingly, hunters from all over the world flock to Asia precisely in order to get these very horns. And not because they represent any commercial value - for sport hunting you will have to pay about six thousand dollars, but the possession of such a trophy gives significant weight to the lucky person who managed to get them.

Although Siberian mountain goats are not considered a rare species, seeing them is great luck. These animals are extremely cautious and timid, and their well-developed vision and sense of smell help them avoid many dangers. Their natural enemies- wolves, lynxes, and - know perfectly well that you can only catch a mountain goat from an ambush, and only if you manage to sneak up on it unnoticed.

If a predator is discovered, then he has absolutely no chance of getting a bite from this nimble animal. The Siberian mountain goat easily jumps along the most dangerous and steep cliffs, jumping over huge gorges as if there were no obstacles in front of it at all. The pads of his paws are very soft, non-slip and constantly growing, which allows him to stay where another animal would have long ago fallen down a cliff.

The lifestyle of Siberian mountain goats is similar to the lifestyle of Alpine mountain goats, and due to their external similarity, these two species are often combined into one. However, recent genetic studies have proven that these are two completely different species.

Siberian mountain goats are active in daylight hours days. In spring, summer and autumn they feed fresh herbs, and in winter they try to stay close to the sunny southern slopes, where they can find some dry grass. If too much snow falls, the animals are forced to dig it out with their forelimbs so as not to remain hungry.

They live in small herds, while females with cubs usually unite together in groups of 10-20 individuals, and males form bachelor herds with a clear hierarchy, the number of which rarely exceeds a dozen animals. Sometimes some of the goats have such a bad character that they live alone so as not to obey anyone.

At the end of autumn, the most lively male finds a suitable harem for himself and diligently protects it from rivals. Kids are born in spring - early summer. Within a few hours they can stand on their feet and follow their mother. They try grass for the first time at the age of one month, but continue to feed on mother’s milk until next period rut

The average life expectancy of Siberian mountain goats is 15-20 years.

Mountain goats are artiodactyl mammals of the bovid family, numbering several species with characteristic distinctive features. They have some similarities with mountain sheep, and distant relatives animals are snow goats, gorals, chamois.


The mountain goat's body is of average size: length is about 120-180 cm, height at the withers is 80-100 cm, and weight is 40-155 kg, depending on the species and sex of the artiodactyl. Despite its strong torso and not very long legs, it gives the impression of a graceful animal. Males are decorated with large arched horns, some reaching 1 meter in length. The front surface of the horns has transverse thickenings, expressed to varying degrees in different types of goats.

As the name of the family suggests, mammals' horns are hollow inside. The hooves are very hard and narrow, thanks to which these animals easily and freely jump over rocky rocks, holding on to small ledges. The tail is quite short. They can be distinguished from rams by the presence of strong-smelling glands in the groin, around the eyes and on the legs, as well as by the presence of rough calluses on knee joints forelegs and beard in males.

Mountain goats are herd mammals that form large herds of 20-30 individuals per winter period. In summer, males and females are divided into separate groups of 3-5 individuals. They feel comfortable high in the mountains, deftly jumping along small ledges over wide, several meters, cliffs. You can watch how a herd of mountain animals moves with amazing ease along the vertical surfaces of rocks, balancing like real acrobats. Despite everything, they are very careful and warn each other of danger with subtle bleats.

Mountain goat habitats

The mountain wild goat lives in the Northern Hemisphere, namely in Europe, Asia and North Africa, preferring high altitudes- up to 4200 meters. Settles on steep walls, areas with rock faults and gorges. These animals lead sedentary image life, descending from the mountains only in search of food harsh winters, and are the predominant species of ungulates in the Caucasus, Alps, Altai, Pyrenees, Tibet, Tien Shan, and Sayan mountains.

Diet and lifestyle of mountain goats

All artiodactyls, like the mountain goat, whose photo is presented in the article, are herbivores. Their favorite delicacies are fresh alpine herbs; in addition, animals eat twigs of bushes and trees, as well as moss and lichens. During periods of hunger, the diet of goats may include poisonous plants and dry grass. These mammals have a need for salt, so they are frequent visitors to salt marshes, even if they are located 15-20 km away.

The rut occurs at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. Males join a group of females with young animals, and mating fights begin. However, they rarely end in dangerous injuries, since the goats hit each other top part horns and never butt heads like rams and do not strike in unprotected places. A harem of several females is formed around the winner.

Mountain goats give birth once a year - in the spring, carrying the baby for 150-180 days. Usually 1-3 kids are born, already two hours after birth they are able to stand on their legs. The female leaves the babies in a secluded place for a week so that they do not become prey to a predator, and comes only to feed them. And then the kids accompany their mother everywhere. They are very active and love to play. Become independent in one year old, and reach sexual maturity at two to three years (females earlier, and males later). IN natural conditions mountain goats live 5-10 years in the mountains, and 12-15 years in captivity.

Types of mountain goats

Most people know little about this genus of bovids, called mountain goats. The photo proves the diversity of species: marking horn, ibex, Siberian, Caucasian, Nubian, Pyrenean, etc. The horns of females are usually small, but those of males are powerful, and can be saber-shaped, tuberous or twisted in shape. The color of animals can be one color (white, brown or gray), or brown with white and black spots. Some subspecies, such as the Iberian goat, are listed in the Red Book International Union nature conservation. Hunting of endangered mountain goats is prohibited.

Horned goat

This is one of the most spectacular species of wild artiodactyls. The horned mountain goat, whose name was given for its uniquely shaped horns, also has another name - markhor. Translated from Urdu, it means "snake-eating".

A large mammal, depending on age, can weigh up to 90 kilograms and reach more than one and a half meters at the withers! Despite its impressive size, the marking goat maneuvers with extraordinary ease. steep cliffs in search of food.

The powerful horns of males, similar to the screw of a corkscrew, endow the animal with amazing dignity, stature and grace. Naturally, they are the main decoration of the markhor. If the length of the horns of old males is 1.5 meters, then the horns of females are small and neat, growing only up to 30 centimeters. The animal's hair is short throughout the body, except for a spectacular long beard and shaggy chest.

Young individuals are gray-red, and with age the color changes to off-white. Horned goats live high in the mountains, constantly traveling along the rocks in search of sparse but useful vegetation. Habitat: mountain ranges of the Himalayas, Tibet, Kashmir, Pakistan and Tajikistan. This species of mountain goat is considered endangered and is therefore protected by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The population persists in some large nature reserves peace.

Caucasian mountain tour

The Caucasian mountain goat has another common name - the Western Caucasian tur, and, judging by the name, natural environment The habitats of this artiodactyl animal are the Caucasus mountains. The aurochs is attractive, has a beautiful physique and is covered with short red-brown fur. The animal's large horns diverge slightly to the sides and bend inward. Characteristic are convex transverse grooves on the surface of the horns, making them look ribbed.

Adult Caucasian mountain goat - large mammal; its weight can reach 100 kilograms, and the height at the withers in adult males is 90-110 centimeters. Like many other artiodactyls, the female is smaller in size than the males. The tour is on the verge of extinction.

The Caucasian mountain goat within the subspecies is divided into three more varieties, which include: the East Caucasian, Severtsov's tur and the rare Kuban, noted in the IUCN Red Book. All of them are common in the eastern and western regions of the Caucasus. Appearance tours expresses the true nobility of wild animals.

East Caucasus tour

The Dagestan, or East Caucasian tur, lives in Russia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. Characteristic feature external appearance are horns twisted into a semi-spiral, thick light brown wool. An adult male weighs about 100 kilograms and is 90 centimeters tall at the withers. Female individuals are slightly smaller and weigh on average 55-60 kilograms.

Severtsov's tour

Severtsov's tur lives in the western regions of the Caucasus Mountains. It is distinguished by not such large horns as its eastern brother, thicker and coarser hair, a stocky, strong build and greater body weight. Mountain goats on the rocks are good prey for hunters, so states have introduced restrictions on their shooting, controlled by the presence of official permission.

Kuban tour

The rare Kuban furry tur lives on the border of Russia and Georgia, and its habitat occupies only 4000 square meters. km. It is distinguished by its attractive, almost uniform sand color and luxurious large horns turned back. The weight of an adult is about 100 kilograms, the height at the withers is slightly more than a meter. The female's head is decorated with miniature sharp horns.


Unique alpine mountain goats with fabulous saber-shaped horns somewhat resemble wild aurochs and are called ibex. Above all others, they include rare white variety Ibex, which lives on the mountain ranges between Italian Piedmont and French Savoy. These artiodactyls reproduce well in nature, so their numbers are quite large. In addition, they produce offspring by interbreeding with other species of mountain goats. Capricorns also include Siberian, Nubian and Pyrenean species of artiodactyls.

Siberian ibex

The Siberian mountain goat has long been considered a good catch by hunters, because the animal is so careful that it is not so easy to kill. Currently, this species is not in danger of extinction, so it is not listed in the Red Book. Habitats are: mountainous Afghanistan, Russia, India. Externally, it is distinguished by a thin beard and a small tail. Adult males tend to live solitary lives; Only sometimes do they form perennial pairs.

In addition to the fact that the beautiful horns of a large artiodactyl animal have a certain value, the skins, meat and fat of the Siberian mountain goat are also used with practical benefit. The skins are used to make clothes and shoes, and the tasty, easily digestible meat and fat are used in cooking. In addition, bezoar - pellets of undigested wool by the stomach - and nutritious goat's milk are considered healing. All these advantages gradually led to the fact that this species of mountain goat was domesticated and is the progenitor of many different breeds of domestic meat, down and dairy goats.

The Siberian mountain goat is a fairly intelligent animal that is highly trainable, unlike wild rams and sheep. Its significance in people's lives is emphasized by the name of one of the constellations of the Zodiac - Capricorn.

Nubian ibex

The Nubian wild goat is characterized by huge curled ribbed horns and a dark thick beard. In terms of physique, it is noticeably smaller than its bovid counterparts of other varieties. The normal color of the animal is light brown, with characteristic white spots on the knees and belly, and contrasting black markings.

Iberian ibex

The Pyrenean (Iberian) ibex is difficult to confuse with other subspecies of wild mountain goats, since they have a unique coloring. The thick, short hair on the bridge of the nose and forehead, belly and legs is colored black, and the neck, chest and back are light brown. The horns are spread out to the sides, but thinner than those of other ibex, and the weight does not exceed 80 kilograms. Habitat: mountain ranges on the Iberian Peninsula, located in southwestern Europe.

So mountain goats are prominent representatives artiodactyl family bovids with characteristic features and behavioral characteristics. Unfortunately, it is not only human hunting that poses a threat to them: these herbivores are the main prey for many predators - lynxes, snow leopards, wolves and even golden eagles. IN North Africa they are the basis of the leopards' diet.

Another problem with mountain goats is snow avalanches and periods of hunger when animals find it difficult to find food. Only thanks to the surprisingly high fertility of goats, the number of populations in nature is quickly restored. However, some rare species are listed in the Red Book and are protected by the International Community for Nature Conservation.

The Siberian ibex or Siberian mountain goat belongs to the bovid family, the genus mountain goats. Lives above the tree line in places with steep slopes and rocky screes. The habitat extends to the Chinese province of Xinjiang, southern Russia, western regions of Mongolia, Turkestan, northern India and Pakistan, Afghanistan. These animals are most often found at altitudes from 2 to 6 thousand meters above sea level. In winter, they move to the lowlands.

These are large and strong animals. The height at the shoulders of males is 89-110 cm. They weigh from 60 to 130 kg. The corresponding height of females reaches 65-92 cm with a weight of 34-57 kg. Body length varies from 130 to 165 cm. The neck is short, thick, and muscular. Both males and females have beards. But in the stronger sex they are much more pronounced. Females have small horns medium length 27 cm. In males, the length of the horns is on average 115 cm. Maximum length reaches up to 148 cm.

The coat color varies from dark brown to light brown. Muzzles are reddish. In winter, the coat darkens. Males have white spots on their back and neck. Molting occurs from April to July. The wool reaches its full winter state in December.

Reproduction and lifespan

The breeding season occurs at the end of October and beginning of January. Males compete with each other during the rut. They stand on their hind legs and clash their horns. Pregnancy lasts 170-180 days. As a rule, 1 cub is born. Twins account for 14% of the total number of births. Triplets also happen, but they are rare. Newborns weigh about 3 kg and grow rapidly during their 1st year of life.

Milk feeding lasts 6 months. At the same time, lambs begin to eat solid food 8 days after birth. Females become sexually mature at the 2nd year of life, and males at 1.5 years, but begin to participate in reproduction by the age of 6, since there is great competition from mature males. IN wildlife Siberian ibex lives 15-17 years. In captivity, it lives up to 22 years.

Behavior and nutrition

These animals are active in daytime. Females and young live in herds. They usually number from 5 to 30 individuals. During the rut, males join the females. Young males form bachelor herds. They have a strict hierarchy. It happens that males and females live together all year round. Such groups graze most of the day, spending an hour or more in one place, then moving on. The diet consists of alpine herbs. Siberian ibex often visit salt licks. The main enemies are
