Taurus is the sweet dragon. good family man

(from 02/13/1964, from 01/31/1976, from 02/17/1988, from 02/05/2000)

Few people know that under this image of a sweet and gentle guy hides a determined nature. He is used to achieving his goals, but he does it in a slightly different way. To do this, he uses the charm given to him by nature, as well as flexibility and a clear calculation of the next step. He is a very pleasant conversationalist who can easily charm any person, which is why he has a lot of acquaintances and friends.

Characteristics of a Taurus - Dragon man in LOVE

There are always a lot of women around him. This can easily be explained by his extraordinary charm, optimism and impulsiveness. However, in relationships he is careful and almost always keeps his head. In fact, love means quite a lot to him, so he is often in search of it. He is sensual, sentimental and any romantic gestures will be well received by him.

In relationships, he appears as an affectionate and gentle partner who will listen to his beloved. He is also greatly benefited by his flexible nature, which helps him adapt to the desired wave. But he has one drawback - he can often be in his own world, indulging in his fantasies. However, it will be very easy to return him to earth - the earth sign will not allow him to remain in his thoughts for long.

Taurus born in the year of the Dragon in BED

He is romantic, sensual and sentimental, which is fully manifested in intimate relationships. He does not concentrate only on himself and his desires, paying great attention to his partner. With her he is affectionate and gentle, allowing both himself and her to completely relax and enjoy such a relationship. It is very important for him to tune in to the right wave - a romantic atmosphere will be of great help in this.

It is impossible not to note his extraordinary imagination, with the help of which he was accustomed to express his feelings and emotions. Therefore, he is open to new experiences and various experiments, but he is not used to taking initiative. In bed, he completely relies on his partner, allowing her to lead the entire process. Special care is important to him, as well as constant attention, without which he will not be able to fully open up.

Horoscope of Taurus - Dragon man in MARRIAGE

He is in no hurry to get married, so he gets married in middle age. And most often he does this meaningfully and intelligently. In this case, the family becomes the main thing in life for him, and he can sacrifice everything for it. He is looking for a reliable life partner who could support him in any situation. Then he becomes a very affectionate and attentive husband who skillfully handles all household chores.

His main goal is to create a comfortable environment in the house that could reflect his inner peace and balance. He is reliable and honest. In view of these qualities, only in the rarest cases will he be able to decide to commit treason. He also makes a wonderful, kind father, ready to devote his all to his children. free time. He can teach them order and responsibility.

The most important! What kind of girl does he need?

Despite his outward calm, he is capable of rather eccentric actions. Also, you should not bring him to anger, since at this time he splashes out all his emotions. In general, establishing a relationship with him will not be difficult, since he is friendly, cheerful and sweet. However, moving to the next level of a relationship may take some time, which is worth keeping in mind.

Taurus is always passionate lovers who are not always lucky in love due to the fact that it is not easy for them to find a suitable partner. At the same time, representatives of this zodiac tandem show only their best qualities which these two signs promise them...

Despite the fact that Taurus-dragons are full of responsibility, the desire to realize themselves, to develop in any area, they are unlucky in love.

Women still strive to marry a Taurus man, and men admire the characteristics of Taurus-Dragon women. But those whose horoscope is Taurus-Dragon often make mistakes in their choices, since it is precisely due to the influence of the Dragon that they tend to perceive as gold what glitters seductively.

Sexual horoscope for Taurus - Dragon women

These women are full of natural charm. They look for protection in partners, although in fact they can perfectly stand up for themselves. Representatives of the fair sex, who are accompanied by the Taurus-Dragon sign, strive to show their chosen one all the fullness of the thrills that she can give him. And at the same time, a man does not always appreciate this. Of course, the passion for a man and the ability to make mistakes in them promises these women sexy horoscope.

The dragon, in search of beauty, encounters the opposite, and Taurus, trying to satisfy his desires, under the influence of the dragon, gives more pleasure than he receives.

Sexual horoscope for Taurus - Dragon men

This man comes across as cold and unapproachable. Every detail in his potential woman is important to him, and he will never waste his time on some dubious contacts, even if he really wants to. He is very convincing in his speeches and women tend to believe him... They themselves fall into his arms, fascinated by his charm and inner passion that his sexual horoscope gives him. Taurus always has a very stimulating effect on women. In bed with a Taurus-Dragon, women feel needed, important, sexy, attractive, and not every man is able to give such feelings.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Taurus the Dragon is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Both zodiac sign and eastern sign The year of birth of a person has individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the character of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people manifest certain methods behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth determines the conditions and laws for a person external environment, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth assigns a person one of twelve levels for self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Taurus is the third sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. By nature, people of this zodiac sign are excellent leaders among ordinary performers of public tasks.

The specialty of the Zodiac sign Taurus is “ boss" A person of this zodiac sign is able to effectively demand from interacting people to complete the task assigned to him. Taurus takes a practical approach to achieving goals. Taurus lives by the principle: “ Be collected, but not constrained" He delves into the details of working relationships, not yielding to the interacting people in the processes of detailed dialogues. Due to the scattering of attention to details, Taurus often experiences a constrained state, which he tries to overcome with arrogant behavior.

Eastern sign Year of the Dragon – 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048, 2060.

The Year of the Dragon forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the twelfth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Dragon are in relationships with people who are prudent due to their experience, business maximalists who strive for power. Regardless of the Zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Dragon has to participate in work processes in which interacting people predominantly occupy positions “ presidents and heads public associations " Interacting people show interest in a person born in the year of the Dragon in order to use his authority in their plans or take advantage of his resources. The people around you, regardless of their zodiac signs and Eastern years in relationships with a person born in the year of the Dragon, they show increased logic, pragmatism and perseverance. People interacting with this person conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Aquarius: “ Show people their face ».

Horoscope for Taurus born in the year Dragon.

This combination of signs is manifested by the arrogant behavior of a person who develops relationships with people who display dictatorship and “dry” logic. This person resists the moods of those interacting, he tries not to yield to the people around him in anything. Taurus is constrained, and in order to overcome his fear, he tries to influence the mood of the people around him. Taurus are prone to leadership in all relationships, regardless of their type of activity. The Year of the Dragon creates arrogant conditions with interacting people who have strategic views on life events and a cruel, sadistic, inhumane attitude towards people in work and interpersonal processes. The Zodiac sign Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon, is in circumstances in which interacting people rise sharply and also sharply fall in their position in society. This person, overcoming the dictatorial behavior of others, is able to quickly exhaust his potential. At the same time, he pushes those around him to decide their own common tasks. Interacting people tend to change their positions due to different benefits for them. Taurus tries to manipulate interacting people; he is seduced by everything that is available and possible to extract from relationships with interacting people. Interacting people are capable of dictatorially controlling Taurus with the help of his fear.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Taurus – Dragon: Characteristics

Taurus Dragon Man

Taurus men born in the year of the Dragon (especially the fiery one) are distinguished by their hard work, sociability and interest in life. He is a good diplomat and attracts attention not only natural charm, characteristic of all children of Venus, but also tenderness combined with strength and sociability. Of all Taurus, Taurus Dragon is distinguished by the greatest mobility and charm, which attracts fans to him like a magnet.

Taurus Dragon Woman

The Taurus woman is distinguished by her great hard work and discreet charm. She can attract the attention of men not only in a dress with a short skirt, but also in a simple outfit that will look simply charming and beautiful on her. That is why men are always drawn to her, although Taurus is not prone to intrigue and female pranks. Most often, she is constant in affection and faithful to her husband and children, and only betrayal or strong disappointment can push her to another man.

Taurus Dragon - Horoscope Combination: Chinese & Zodiac

Such people are more down-to-earth than typical Dragons, but they are just as extroverted and creative. They have a lot of energy, and they, as a rule, know how to complete things they start and easily achieve fame and recognition. Taurus-Dragons are sentimental and sensual. IN Chinese astrology The dragon is illustrated as a charismatic sign with a touch of originality and wonderful imagination. Western astrology describes Taurus as a practical, goal-oriented and deep-thinking person.

So people born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Taurus are well-balanced individuals. Taurus-Dragon is a calm, collected, sometimes excitable, but not impulsive person. The influence of the Dragon's creative abilities helps these Taurus to be contemplative in thoughts and ideas. Taurus-Dragon almost always thinks before they speak, and along with their friendliness is quite good for relationships. These are positive and forward-thinking people who tend to take life seriously. But they also love to have fun.

Taurus Dragon has a natural ability to use their energy and time wisely. This talent allows them to achieve goals and avoid stress. These people thrive in jobs where short time can perform multitasking work. Taurus-Dragon tends to have a slightly eccentric and creative character. This could be a love of art, unusual things, or bursts of spontaneity. These are homely people, their home fully reflects their tastes. It's organized and full of interesting, unique creativity.

Taurus dragons are not without patrons - both in life and in heaven. Higher power on their side. They know their capabilities and use them rationally. This helps them overcome obstacles while moving towards their goals. However, the slowness and detachment of the Taurus dragon sometimes irritates others. Despite the fact that they are generally positive, the impression of them remains only as contemplatives.

Dragon Combination

zodiac sign taurus dragon

TAURUS is the sweet Dragon. A good family man.

Zodiac horoscope: Taurus sign

Such people are more down-to-earth than typical Dragons, but they are just as extroverted and creative. They have a lot of energy, and they, as a rule, know how to complete things they start and easily achieve fame and recognition. Taurus-Dragons are sentimental and sensual.

In Chinese astrology, the Dragon is illustrated as a charismatic sign with a touch of originality and wonderful imagination. Western astrology describes Taurus as a practical, goal-oriented and deep-thinking person.

So people born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Taurus are well-balanced individuals. Taurus-Dragon is a calm, collected, sometimes excitable, but not impulsive person. The influence of the Dragon's creative abilities helps these Taurus to be contemplative in thoughts and ideas.

Taurus-Dragon almost always thinks before they speak, and along with their friendliness is quite good for relationships. These are positive and forward-thinking people who tend to take life seriously. But they also love to have fun.

Taurus Dragon has a natural ability to use their energy and time wisely. This talent allows them to achieve goals and avoid stress. These people thrive in jobs where they can multi-task in a short time frame.

Taurus-Dragon tends to have a slightly eccentric and creative character. This could be a love of art, unusual things, or bursts of spontaneity.

These are homely people, their home fully reflects their tastes. It's organized and full of interesting, unique creativity.

In personal relationships, Taurus-Dragon is usually very affectionate, with a flexible character. They are very romantic and dreamy, with colorful fantasies. They are attentive to their partners, strive to please them and are not particularly selfish. Taurus-Dragon is very sensitive and thoughtful, understanding the importance of taking time to build relationships.

Their way of thinking can sometimes lead to Taurus-Dragon taking a long time to make a decision. This is the only major drawback of these individuals. This is not to say that they are indecisive; they prefer to be confident over everything. This long overthinking may cause them to miss their opportunity.

Taurus the Dragon sometimes comes across as a “dear friend” and a family man. He always gets his way, while remaining calm, loyal and friendly. But these qualities are deceptive - the Taurus dragon, making concessions, will never allow itself to suffer a significant defeat.

The Dragon Taurus man is conscientious, responsible and reliable. He correctly distributes the time of power and time, guided solely by expediency. The Taurus Dragon woman is attractive and fair, there are always many admirers around her.

Taurus dragons are not without patrons - both in life and in heaven. Higher powers are on their side. They know their capabilities and use them rationally. This helps them overcome obstacles while moving towards their goals.

However, the slowness and detachment of the Taurus dragon sometimes irritates others. Despite the fact that they are generally positive, the impression of them remains only as contemplatives.

Taurus Dragon Man

It’s one thing to be friends with a man, and another thing to become his soul mate. People are all different. Not everyone is right for each other. Zodiac signs reveal the secrets of character and compatibility with love. It’s possible that a Taurus-Dragon man simply won’t suit you. Don't waste your time trying to please him.

Characteristics of a Taurus-Dragon man

The Taurus-Dragon man has a developed imagination. Usually they come from creative professions. If they decide to try their luck in another field, then their creativity they use it there too. Creativity and ideas will always help them achieve the desired result.

The Taurus-Dragon man is endowed with not one, but several talents by nature. They also have stubbornness attached to them. It helps you not to quit what you started, but to be sure to bring it to the end.

A representative of this sign has a tendency to become depressed. Therefore, they need to constantly do something. At the same time, the work should be interesting. If the profession is boring, then the Taurus-Dragon man should definitely have time left for hobbies. It will help take your mind off monotony and dullness. working week and express all your creativity in your hobby.

If a Taurus-Dragon man falls into a depressed state, then he usually hides at home at this time. He can just lie on the couch and do nothing. He is attacked by great laziness. It's all boring.

The character of representatives of this zodiac sign is capricious. They always solve their problems themselves. They never use connections with higher-ranking people for this. A strong character allows you to decide everything on your own and prove to everyone that they are capable of it. Unfortunately, they demand the same from other people. They do not understand weakness and laziness. Everyone should be like them. Because of this, they have very difficult relationships with people.

Sometimes Taurus-Dragon men take on impossible tasks. At the same time, they refuse help. When their business fails, they become depressed. Unfortunately, such situations teach them nothing. They miscalculate their strength again and again and often take on tasks that they cannot do on their own.

In a professional career, stubbornness, hard work and a strong character helps you quickly move up the career ladder. The main thing is that the representative of this sign does not become arrogant from his success, does not become arrogant and overly self-confident. This will prevent him from further improving professionally. Often no one in the team likes such employees. They are trying in every possible way to get rid of them.

Compatibility in love between Taurus and Dragon men

The Taurus-Dragon man is too absorbed in his personality to pay attention to the girl. His desires, needs, feelings are always more important than his chosen one. If a representative of this zodiac sign falls in love, then he will show attention to his girlfriend. But he always does it in his own way. It seems to him that all his actions deserve praise. What else can a representative expect from a man? fair half humanity? Taurus-Dragon men often give their lovers those gifts that they consider useful, and not those that the girl herself would like to receive. Often gifts are completely inappropriate for the situation.

The Taurus-Dragon man is the clear representative of the head of the family. He takes care of everything. At the same time, he is able to solve everything on his own. They do everything to make their family feel good. However, if something doesn’t work out for them, they are unlikely to ask for help; they will simply withdraw into themselves and plunge into a depressive state. At this moment, they need close and understanding people next to them.

According to the horoscope, a Taurus-Dragon man is best suited to a woman who was born in the year of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon. But it will not be possible to create a couple with a woman born in the year of the Dog, Horse and Tiger.

Dragon - Taurus

Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud. Emperor of the French and President of France Napoleon III. American physicist Robert Oppenheimer. Spanish artist, sculptor, graphic artist Salvador Dalí. French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier. Soviet and Russian singer Masha Rasputina. English actress Lily Cole. American theater and film actor Al Pacino. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema Yuri Yakovlev.

Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon, bestows a person with calmness and a desire for stability. Such people, as a rule, are always very logical and follow a clearly formed plan. This desire to act according to plan gives the character composure, discipline and organization, but at the same time, such people find it difficult to various kinds innovation and change. The Dragon-Taurus often displays a special “Taurus” stubbornness, and “dragon” power enhances this character trait several times.

Dragon-Taurus man

The Dragon-Taurus man is diplomatic, pleasant to talk to, and disciplined. This person will never be late for a meeting, he is always organized and collected. He can sometimes be a little slow when making decisions or in situations that require immediate reactions, which can irritate others. In personal relationships, he is very gentle, loves family affairs and is not burdened by everyday life: he prefers to relax with his loved ones. The Dragon-Taurus man is very touching towards children, respects and appreciates his wife, strives to make the house comfortable and cozy for everyone.

Dragon-Taurus woman

The Dragon-Taurus woman is sweet, charming, and hardworking. At work, such a woman is valued as an efficient and diligent employee who carries out any assignments efficiently. This woman is hardworking and attentive to her work. She doesn't like to be distracted by other things from completing her task. In relationships with the opposite sex, such women are compliant and loyal. The Dragon-Taurus woman, like a man of the same combination, values ​​her family very much, adores her children and her husband, and loves to pamper them with culinary delights.

Dragon-Taurus people are balanced, pleasant to talk to, and have high moral values. Family and loved ones will always come first for them.

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of Dragon women - Taurus: They have a unique charisma. They know how to charm others, easily enter into conversation with them and always leave a pleasant impression of themselves. They enjoy communication, searching for something new and numerous experiments. He never loses his taste for life and is used to enjoying every moment of it. He extends this quality to those around him, giving them inexhaustible optimism.

The character of these women has contradictory qualities. They are friendly, generous and good-natured. Therefore, you can easily find them mutual language. But at times they can become rude, too proud and unbearable. They often have attacks of anger and at this time it is better not to fall into their hands. Fortunately, their anger quickly dissipates and after a few minutes there may be no trace of it left.

Dragon Women - Taurus in Love and Relationships: These Aries are very loving and emotional. Their romances most often develop quickly, and under the pressure of feelings they can propose after just a week of dating. This impetuosity and hasty decisions often creates problems in relationships, since after a while they can just as quickly lose interest in their lovers. To prevent this from happening, their partners should constantly keep the fire burning within them.

Dragon Women - Taurus in Finance and Career: They have good analytical thinking, which helps them build logical schemes and achieve their goals. They can do well at work, do their job well, and build good relationships with coworkers and superiors. At the same time, the financial side may not particularly bother them. Therefore, they may remain at a low salary if the work involves gaining new knowledge and experience.

Dragon women - Taurus in family and marriage: To get along with these people under one roof, you will need to make some efforts. You may encounter incredible stubbornness when they do not want to accept someone else's point of view. They are also accustomed to judging a situation only by their feelings and experiences, and they are not used to putting themselves in someone else’s place. But all these qualities are compensated by unusual kindness, generosity and endless care.

Advice for Dragon-Taurus women: Establishing relationships with them is both difficult and simple at the same time. They just require a special approach. They love praise, through which you can achieve your goal. Undeniable arguments that they cannot resist will help reduce stubbornness. And always remember that these are born leaders, accustomed to being in control of everything. So give them the appearance of this, after which they will become soft and fluffy.

Taurus born in the year of the Dragon

Taurus-Dragon, unlike other Dragons, is more down-to-earth, although he is the same as his relatives, an extrovert and a dreamer. They have enormous energy, know how to bring what they start to its logical conclusion and easily achieve recognition and popularity. They are sentimental and sensual.

At its core, the Dragon is a charismatic sign, original, with a wonderful imagination. Taurus, in turn, is practical, purposeful and thoughtful.

Thanks to the combination of these signs, balanced personalities are born in everything. The Dragon, born under the sign of Taurus, is a calm, collected, balanced person, easily excitable, but not impulsive. The creative potential of the Dragon perfectly complements Taurus.

Such people always think twice before saying anything, plus they are very friendly, which together makes them pleasant partners. They take life seriously, are very far-sighted and reasonable. But, despite this, they will not refuse to have fun.

Taurus Dragon is great at using their time and energy wisely. This is what helps them achieve what they want, while avoiding stress and overwork. They often achieve success at work thanks to their ability to complete many tasks in a short time.

Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon, is eccentric and a creative person. He has a passion for art and also has a penchant for outbursts of spontaneity.

Their home is their fortress. In their house, everything is made for them, according to their taste. It is organized and holds a lot of ideas for creativity.

In personal relationships, Taurus-Dragon knows how to be flexible, affectionate and attentive. He is romantic and prone to daydreaming. His fantasies are painted in bright colors. They treat their chosen ones with care and strive to please them. Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon, is thoughtful, sensitive, and able to devote a large number of time.

True, such a person often needs a lot of time to make decisions. This is the most global and probably its only drawback. However, Taurus-Dragon cannot be called indecisive; he simply strives to be one hundred percent sure of everything. Often, such a long decision-making process leads to missed opportunities.

Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon, creates the impression of a pleasant friend and an exemplary family man. He knows how to achieve his goal without losing his face, remaining calm, balanced, and loyal. True, when making concessions, Taurus-Dragon will never allow you to get around him.

Men born under the combination of these signs have traits such as conscientiousness, responsibility and reliability. They know how to correctly and wisely distribute their own time, energy and resources. Women of this combination are sweet, fair, and, as a rule, crowds of admirers always trail behind them.

Taurus-Dragon knows how to adequately assess their own capabilities and skillfully use them. However, his excessive slowness and detachment often irritate people. But in general, these are pleasant and positive people who know how to win people over.

To the question about the characteristics of the Dragon Taurus asked by the author Sneakers the best answer is Is there a simple way to attract a man?
This is to think about how much you need it?
Here he is on your doorstep with a suitcase - hello - I've arrived!! ! And what? Ready to open, accept?
If the answer is yes, give him your Love and accept his love with the same gratitude!! !
Love and be Loved!!!

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: characteristics of the Dragon Taurus

Answer from Yamnyashka[guru]
Your acquaintance with Taurus will develop into mutual sympathy, only if you can attract his attention with calmness and poise.
He will never be interested in an extravagant woman with unpredictable reactions, prone to rash actions. As soon as he senses potential impulsiveness or hysteria in her, he will immediately end the acquaintance or reduce your relationship to a minimum. On the other hand, his chosen one should not be too calm. Since he himself is not very energetic and quick in action, together with a partner similar to himself, they can sleep all their lives! They won’t even notice how many interesting things have passed them by. Therefore, Taurus needs a woman who tactfully will not allow his life to turn into complete hibernation.
He will be interested in a woman with a heart of gold, kind and noble, nature loving and children. From the first minute, he can recognize whether she is capable of creating a warm home and whether she is suitable for the role of his life partner. Of course, he loves fleeting adventures, but he will feel complete happiness only in a permanent union - it is from these positions that he evaluates every woman.
Try to remember what worries him - this information can be useful, especially when you want to awaken his emotions. What Taurus values ​​most in a woman is sincerity. He likes it if she remains herself even when it would be more profitable to pretend. For this he will be forever grateful to her - with such a woman he will be able to be himself, he will not have to pretend to be Superman and play a role that is not typical for him. He will be disarmed by a woman who is strong but delicate, romantic and dreamy, capable of turning into a vampire in a second - innocent and fatal at the same time... If you are wondering what worries him about intimate life, remember: you can conquer him by remaining a woman in absolutely everything. Loyalty and devotion combined with courage in love games- the most important thing for awakening his sensuality. Any stimuli that affects him erotically makes him want to plunge into a whirlpool of passion. If you manage to awaken such a loving ardor in him, be sure that he will never want to part with you.
Try not to let anything in your behavior irritate him. If you really want to win the heart of a Taurus, beware of actions that cause him negative emotions.
Under no circumstances should you seem wasteful to him - he will immediately add you to the list of women who do not deserve his attention. Remember also: in your actions there should not be the slightest hint of material interest in your partner. From the first minutes of your acquaintance, give up any plans to live at his expense, regardless of his and your financial situation. In a restaurant, do not ostentatiously order the most expensive dishes, explaining, even jokingly, that you are one of the “ dear women" ; Don't take him to a fur store just to show him a gorgeous mink. Taurus prefers an economical lifestyle; he is not greedy by nature, although sometimes he gives such an impression. If you become necessary for him, he himself, for his own pleasure and to please you, will begin to give you gifts, but never force him to do this!
And most importantly, remember: by teasing and irritating Taurus, you will achieve only one thing - you will lose him. By wounding him, you will have a mortal enemy for whom revenge is sweet as honey... And you can wound him with any manifestation of aggressiveness that he cannot bear. Calm and balanced, he perceives everything that somehow disturbs him peace of mind, as actions directed against his person. You need to constantly monitor yourself so as not to provoke him: when he is close to a breakdown, do not show nervousness, try to talk to him calmly, convince him that you are right, using the necessary arguments. And if you feel that it is useless, leave everything as it is...

Answer from Echo[guru]
Here they are Taurus (04/21-05/20)
Taurus - Venus and Moon entered his mentality.
Sensitivity and taste, a little sentimentality.
Yes, he is stubborn, but he climbs into the gap. But amateurism - that’s not what it’s about.
Hardworking and patient, persistent, constant, fair.
However, he is also conservative and, unfortunately, jealous.
You don’t have to give him smart advice, he doesn’t listen to them,
and is unlikely to comply.
But take a closer look - here they are Taurus: Warriors, Leaders and Sages.
Shakespeare, Marie de Medici, and Robespierre, and Cromwell, Balzac, Brahms,
Freud, we remember about Lenin, Delacroix and Truman, and Catherine.
A rather strange picture has emerged. Everything got mixed up here, and through the centuries
Taurus walks with the stubbornness of a bull. No, no, he is, in general, peaceful.
He is not nonsense over trifles. Not angry. But be afraid if your Taurus friend is nearby,
When his patience comes to an end. He will try his teeth two hundred times,
Not at all because Taurus is dumb and stupid, but because before every step,
He needs to check himself a hundred times. And Taurus is damn lucky with memory,
He remembers for a long time both good and evil. Oh! Darling, I honestly admit,
I love you and I'm a little scared.
You have to be a little delicate with them...

Answer from Eurovision[guru]
Those born from April 21 to May 1 - under the influence of Mercury have great mental abilities and a penchant for commercial and agricultural enterprises. Melancholic.
Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57.
Those born from May 2 to May 11 - under the influence of the Moon - are dreamy, noble, indecisive, prone to politics and literature.

Those born from May 12 to May 20 - under the influence of Saturn - are unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and love loneliness.
Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.
Taurus is an Earth Sign. Under the patronage of Venus. Contradictory character, emotional nature.
TAURUS owes its strength and sober mind to the Earth sign. But Venus gives the solid and practical TAURUS softness, love of comfort, sensitivity, and laziness. These two contradictory influences complicate the nature of TAURUS.
He loves material goods and at the same time is wasteful. Strives for comfort but is often sloppy. He has a passion for luxury, for everything festive and bright. He knows how to find joy in everything, draws inexhaustible strength from the Earth, and has a healthy animal instinct.
Those born under this sign love art and architecture. They are excellent designers, directors, tailors and cooks.
The TAURUS man is capricious, stubborn about little things, but in general he has a pliable character, calm and patient, reasonable and careful. This is a romantic. His soul is characterized by sentimentality. Taurus a real man in everything.
He likes to make acquaintances with high-ranking and influential people. He brings a lot of elegance and charm into his relationships with people, but however, he often quarrels over trifles due to childish capriciousness and stubbornness.

Years: 1928; 1940; 1952; 1964; 1976; 1988; 2000; 2012; 2024.

In the combination of Taurus and Dragon, the personality acquires a very effective and striking combination of properties. A person combines strengths each of these signs. He receives efficiency and connection with reality from Taurus, and from the Dragon - dynamism and a positive perception of what is happening.

Taurus balances, calms and harmonizes the Dragon. In communication, classic Taurus manifests itself as closed and non-contact. However, the Dragon is sociable and bright, which gives a person such qualities as sociability and the ability to confidently present himself in any company. A representative of such a combination of signs is a very charming person.

The pronounced traits of Taurus-Dragon include the following:

  • originality;
  • energy;
  • patience;
  • communication skills.

This person is distinguished by self-control and openness. It is pleasant and comfortable to be in his company. Taurus, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is characterized by heightened sense beautiful. He easily establishes communication with others and knows how to defuse the atmosphere if it is tense.

For him, family values ​​are of decisive importance. In most cases, Taurus-Dragon manages to build a successful and happy union. In relationships, he shows himself to be affectionate, gentle and sympathetic.

Taurus-Dragon: general characteristics

Taurus-Dragon is often very frivolous about money

For Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon, charisma and originality are typical. He likes to impress others with his appearance, actions and words. Beauty plays a big role for him, since such a person tries to adhere to aesthetics in everything. This is what becomes the key to his popularity among others.

This person should fashion trends and gives preference to extraordinary design solutions. Taurus-Dragon likes to furnish his home with exquisite interior items. He wants everything around him to be beautiful.
He is a gourmet and makes a choice in favor of respectable restaurants. To a person's taste exotic dishes. He is a supporter of everything unusual. True, he does not always approach spending rationally Money and may make meaningless and unjustified acquisitions. Often, a representative of this combination of signs becomes a real shopaholic. In addition, he evaluates people based on their appearance, which is more important to him than their business and spiritual qualities.

He lives in absolute harmony with his own conscience. This is a fair and benevolent nature, whose character is harmonious. He is calm, responsible and romantic. It's easy to give in to him. True, this usually concerns unimportant little things. From time to time, the stubbornness inherited from Taurus awakens in a person. And the power of the Dragon only doubles this quality.

A person tries to achieve stability. His actions and statements are logical. In his life he follows certain plans. Taurus, born in the year of the Dragon, is characterized by organization, orderliness and discipline. However, he is sensitive to any changes and innovations.

He has a lot of ambitions. Man strives for power. He is capable of achieving some results in different areas, but needs to strengthen his willpower. Creative inclinations and imagination can help him become a successful designer. In addition, he is a person with sophisticated style and taste. An obstacle to building a career is his inability to quickly come to a decision. He won't rush. On the contrary, a person will think long and hard about what he should do in a given situation. You wouldn't call him indecisive. He only strives for absolute confidence in the correctness of his decisions.

Such slowness deprives Taurus-Dragon of many excellent opportunities. In addition, he tends to be lazy. He may be in the world of his own dreams, which gets on the nerves of other people. However, a representative of such a combination is able to realize his fantasies. It is important that he is able to borrow their best features from both signs. From the Dragon you should take activity and dynamism, and from Taurus you should take hard work and endurance.

In love, a person shows tenderness, caring, compassion, gentleness, romance and dreaminess. He pays great attention to the other half and strives to fulfill all wishes. He knows that relationships need to be worked on.

Taurus, who was born in the year of the Dragon, has a serious and thorough perception of marriage. But in his youth he is not distinguished by constancy, since he makes choices based on external beauty. He doesn’t care much about his partner’s internal experiences. Of course, to create a proven union, it is necessary to be guided by more than just appearance.

This person is capable of committing betrayal if he cannot resist beauty and attractiveness. However, if he is lucky enough to meet your soul mate, then he will certainly become an exemplary husband and father.

Taurus-Dragon Woman: Characteristics

The Taurus-Dragon woman knows how to enjoy every day

The Taurus Dragon woman can be described as charming and pretty. She has amazing charisma, which helps to seduce others. She can be attractive in the simplest clothes, because even in them a woman manages to look amazing. Representatives of the stronger sex pamper her with their attention. She does not allow intrigue and whims.

An important characteristic of a Taurus-Dragon woman is her positive attitude towards life. She manages to experience joy from every minute of her existence. She gifts people around with her optimism and energy. This is a unique and self-sufficient individual who strives to realize his own abilities and achieve success. It is not difficult for her to achieve good results in both business and personal relationships.

The fundamental characteristics of a Taurus-Dragon woman include:

  • pliability;
  • Charm;
  • good-heartedness.

She has large reserves of energy that fill a woman with vigor and self-confidence. The Taurus woman, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is characterized by efficiency and diligence. She takes a responsible approach to fulfilling the duties assigned to her.

Men surround the Taurus-Dragon woman with attention. She is sensitive and passionate. Usually the novel develops rapidly. True, such a rush provokes problems in relationships.

For this woman important role family plays. She loves her husband and children and regularly pleases them with delicious and gourmet dishes. Often, a Taurus woman born in the year of the Dragon tends to be constant and faithful. But if the lover betrays or disappoints his wife, she will be able to tolerate betrayal.

A woman’s stubbornness brings problems into relationships. She is uncompromising about other people's views on life. In addition, she forms her own judgments based only on her feelings and emotions. However negative traits The character of the Taurus-Dragon woman is neutralized by her excessive kindness, care and generosity.

Taurus-Dragon Man: Characteristics

The Taurus-Dragon man has natural charm and is easy to make new friends

Thoughtfulness, determination and determination are the fundamental qualities inherent in the Taurus-Dragon man. This is a born diplomat, with whom it is pleasant and comfortable to communicate.

The main characteristics of a Taurus-Dragon man also include:

  • performance;
  • discipline;
  • responsibility;
  • communication skills.

A man has flexible thinking, which helps to organize the actions he takes. This man loves life. He attracts others with his charm and positive outlook. One can only envy his patience. It is this quality that becomes the key to bringing what has been started to its logical conclusion. A Taurus man who was born in the year of the Dragon is valued and respected.

He is a person with developed creative abilities. Sometimes he presents himself in such a way that people cannot understand such behavior. A man makes rash actions. He reaches out with all his might to any manifestation of beauty. He absorbed originality, originality, eccentricity, rationality, thoughtfulness and purposefulness. All these traits are a significant component in the characteristics of a Taurus-Dragon man.

He becomes the owner of a rather specific character. Outwardly, he seems to be a peaceful and predictable person. However, in reality it is very difficult to predict his words and actions. It is difficult for a representative of this combination of signs to remain idle. He wants adventure and new experiences.

He is able to independently saturate his existence with various events. But the desire for diversity is not always adequate. A man is interested in stability. However, he sometimes breaks his own rules and regulations. After that, he tries to return everything to its original place.

This person has a powerful and strong-willed character. He has a wonderful imagination and uncompromising tenacity. Such traits contribute to achieving positive results in professional activity. Weak side A representative of this combination of signs is periodic susceptibility to apathy and depression.

In love, a man demonstrates activity and perseverance. He is self-confident and knows how to attract the attention of the opposite sex. His eccentricity and inner strength are highly appreciated by women. IN romantic relationships a person concentrates on personal needs. At the same time, he is gentle and caring with his chosen one. True, he will not take into account her wishes. This leads to the fact that the gifts of a Taurus man born in the year of the Dragon turn out to be unnecessary and unnecessary.

He takes marriage seriously, so he usually doesn't marry young. In everyday life, he proves himself to be an excellent owner, who is not burdened by everyday issues. The Taurus-Dragon man enjoys spending time with loved ones. He is a reverent father, who at the same time treats his wife with respect and tries to make the home as comfortable as possible.

In the family he strives to play a leading role. A man is able to bear responsibility for the well-being of his family. But in difficult circumstances, he can close down and fall into a depressed state. It is important that in such situations the Taurus man, who was born in the year of the Dragon, is supported by his wife. This will become an incentive for him to further develop and move forward. If a woman shows her wisdom and understanding, then the union will be filled with harmony and joy.

Are you earning enough?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that is obtained with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

Perhaps your money has been damaged. This amulet will help relieve lack of money
