Scientists have uncovered the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle. What is the Bermuda Triangle? Interesting Facts

Bermuda Triangle- an area in the Atlantic Ocean bounded by a triangle whose vertices are Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico. Those who are of the opinion that the mysterious disappearances of ships and aircraft in the Devil's Triangle really occur, put forward various hypotheses to explain them: from unusual weather phenomena to abductions by aliens or inhabitants of Atlantis.

15. Christopher Columbus was the first to talk about the anomalies of the Bermuda Triangle

In 1492, Christopher Columbus wanted to find a new route to Asia and discovered America. Columbus was the first known explorer to cross the area of ​​the Atlantic that we now call the Bermuda Triangle. His ship's log contains a description of the sea, completely filled with algae, a story about the unusual behavior of the compass needle, about the sudden appearance of a huge tongue of flame, about the strange glow of the sea.

14. Most of the missing ships and aircraft were never found

Since the 1600s, ships began to disappear in the ill-fated triangle. Many attribute the loss to the Gulf Stream. Due to the water speed, reaching 2.5 meters per second, in this current any debris, debris, and even an airplane will be carried over a distance of several kilometers in just a couple of minutes. In 1925, the Clinchfield Navigation freighter SS Cotopaxi disappeared without a trace. This year, the Cuban coast guard discovered a ship that had been missing for 90 years in the Caribbean. There were no traces of the crew on board.

13. In the Bermuda Triangle area, the compass points in the wrong direction.

Compasses in this area behave strangely and give incorrect readings. It is generally accepted that the Earth's electromagnetic field has holes. Exists a large number of areas on Earth where a compass will not point due north. So the Bermuda Triangle is not the only place on the planet where similar anomalies occur.

12. More ships have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle than we know.

Not all stories of disappearances of ships and aircraft are covered by the media. Moreover, some disasters are attributed to the human factor. According to skeptics, those ships that crashed and disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle simply fell victim to crew errors.

11. Disappearance of crews

In 1872, the Mary Celeste sailed from Staten Island, New York, to the port of Genoa, Italy. On the ship, in addition to the captain and a crew of 7 people, there was the captain’s wife and his two-year-old daughter. The ship was discovered 4 weeks later, without a crew. At the same time, provisions, personal belongings, money and jewelry remained untouched. And the arrangement of things indicated that the ship was not caught in a strong storm.

10. The size of the Bermuda Triangle is much larger

The area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle within its classical boundaries is just over 1 million sq. km. But some experts suggest that the anomalous area is much larger.

9. Not only ships, but also planes are disappearing

The most famous incident mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the base on December 5, 1945 naval forces The US in Fort Lauderdale never returned. Their wreckage, like the crew, was never found. After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them and one of them also disappeared without a trace.

8. Time Portal

In 1970, Bruce Gernon, along with his father and a friend, flew from the Bahamas and headed for Miami Beach, Florida, USA. Shortly after gaining altitude, the pilot noticed a strange semicircular cloud directly ahead. There were bright flashes inside the cloud, Gernon and the passengers felt a feeling similar to weightlessness. All navigation instruments were out of order, the compass needle was throwing in all directions. When the plane took off from that tunnel, Bruce saw that it was already approaching Miami Beach. Moreover, the flight took only 45 minutes, although it should have lasted at least 75!

7. Anomalies occur not only in the Bermuda Triangle

The Devil's Sea is how Japanese fishermen dubbed the Pacific waters around the island of Miyakejima (128 km south of Tokyo), located in the northern part of the Philippine Sea. Researchers of paranormal activity bring this zone closer to the Bermuda Triangle for the reason that ships and planes mysteriously disappear in it.

6. Bad reputation

Despite its bad reputation, many routes of both ships and aircraft pass through the Bermuda Triangle every day. At the same time, nothing has been heard about mysterious disappearances and disasters.

5. Atlantis at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle

Studies of the ocean floor off the coast of Cuba using a deep-sea robot have confirmed that at the very bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there is a city of gigantic proportions. Scientists suggest that this is Atlantis. “The US government obtained evidence of the existence of an underwater city during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s. The nuclear submarine was then moving along the Gulf Stream deep in the sea, where they discovered the structure of the pyramids. They immediately took control of the place to prevent it from falling into the hands of Soviet Union", say the journalists.

4. Alien territory

Although the existence of aliens has not yet been proven, some attribute everything that happens in the Bermuda Triangle area to them. In 2009, unknown lights appeared in the night sky above this zone, which even formed something similar to a whirlpool, and disappeared an hour later.

3. Unpredictable weather

Violent violence is common in the Bermuda Triangle area. tropical cyclones, storms and hurricanes. They happen most often unexpectedly.

2. Rogue waves

It has been suggested that some of the deaths of ships in the Bermuda Triangle may be caused by rogue waves, which are thought to reach heights of 30 metres.

1. Coincidence and the human factor

Skeptics claim that main reason the disappearance of more than 100 ships in the Bermuda Triangle is a human factor. To err is human, and even an experienced captain or pilot is not immune to mistakes.

Bermuda Triangle- the legendary area of ​​​​the Atlantic Ocean between Puerto Rico, Florida and Bermuda, in which, according to many researchers, many unexplained phenomena occur. Indeed, drifting ships with or without dead crews were quite often found here. The disappearances of aircraft and ships without a trace, failure of navigation instruments, radio transmitters, watches, etc. have also been recorded. English researcher Lawrence D. Cousche collected and analyzed chronological order more than 50 cases of disappearances of ships and aircraft in this area and came to the conclusion that the legend of the “triangle” is nothing more than an artificially fabricated hoax, which I developed as a result of carelessly conducted research, and then was modified by authors who are fond of sensationalism. The same point of view was shared by the Soviet academician L.M. Brekhovskikh and many other researchers. In favor of this “official” point of view, we can add that in reality there are not so many disasters in this “terrible” place; a huge amount of air and sea transportation passes through this area of ​​the Atlantic.

“Ordinary” mysterious disappearances were no longer enough for sensation lovers, so postscripts, omissions and simple deception were used (in some cases this was fully proven), as a result of which the victims of the triangle included ships that sank either for completely trivial reasons (a Japanese ship " Raifuku Maru, around which legends arose, in 1924 suffered a disaster in sight of another ship precisely because of a severe storm; the three-masted schooner Star of Peace was instantly sent to the bottom by an exploding diesel engine), or far from the Bermuda region (German the bark "Freya" in 1902 was "transferred" by the press from the Pacific Ocean due to a coincidence in the names of the area; the trimaran "Tinmouth Electron" in 1989 was actually abandoned by the crew, but not reaching 1800 miles from the "triangle"), or not even ships at all (an erroneous alarm, for example, was raised twice due to half-submerged buoys set by the Akademik Kurchatov in 1978).

Real, recorded cases of ship disappearances are unlikely to amount to more than 10-15% of what was reported in sensational newspaper publications. However, in the investigation of these particular cases from the “gold reserve” of Bermudologists, supporters of the “official point of view also did not show a truly scientific approach, and in the 13th book of the same L. Kushe one can find a number of frauds and omissions precisely in cases with the most mysterious incidents.

A number of researchers who disagree with this position point primarily to events that have not received an unambiguous clear explanation. Here is the sudden disappearance, and then the appearance 10 minutes later on the radar screen of an aircraft in the Miami area, and the glowing “white waters” in the Sargasso Sea, and the sudden failure of the most reliable equipment, and ships that were in good condition suddenly abandoned by the crews. Of course, among this part of scientists there is no unambiguous solution to all the questions posed by the “triangle”. For example, academician V.V. Shuleikin explains the fact that ship crews abandoned them by infrasonic vibrations generated in the water; under the influence of these infrasonic waves, crew members can fall into a state of panic and leave the ship. But there are at least two dozen more hypotheses that explain the same fact: from versions of kidnapping by aliens with UFOs to assumptions about the involvement of the mafia in this disappearance.

The most mysterious story so far is the disappearance of 6 planes that occurred on the evening of December 5, 1945.

At 14.10, five Avenger aircraft with 14 pilots took off, reached a training target in the ocean, and at about 15.30-15.40 set off on a return course to the southwest.

At 15.45 (already a few minutes after the last turn) on command post Fort Lauderdale air base received the first strange message: “We are in an emergency situation. Obviously, we have lost our course. We do not see the ground, I repeat, we do not see the ground.”

The dispatcher made a request for their coordinates. The answer greatly puzzled all the officers present: “We cannot determine our location. We do not know where we are now. We seem to be lost!” It was as if it was not an experienced pilot speaking into the microphone, but a confused beginner who had not the slightest idea about navigation over the sea! In this situation, the representatives of the airbase took the only correct solution: "Head west!"

There's no way planes can get past Florida's long coastline. But... “We don’t know where the west is. Nothing works... Strange... We can’t determine the direction. Even the ocean doesn’t look the same as usual!..” They are trying to give the squadron target designation from the ground, but... Due to the sharply increased atmospheric interference, these advice, apparently, were not heeded. The dispatchers themselves had difficulty catching snippets of radio communications between the pilots: “We don’t know where we are. It must be 225 miles northeast of the base... It looks like we...”

At 16.45 a strange message comes from Taylor: “We are over the Gulf of Mexico.” Ground controller Don Poole decided that the pilots were either confused or crazy; the indicated location was on the completely opposite side of the horizon!

At 17.00 it became clear that the pilots were on the verge of a nervous breakdown, one of them shouted into the air: “Damn it, if we had flown west, we would have gotten home!” Then Taylor’s voice: “Our home is in the northeast...” The first fear soon passed somewhat, some islands were spotted from the planes. “Below me there is land, the terrain is rough. I’m sure this is Kis...”

Ground services also took direction of the missing, and there was hope that Taylor would restore orientation... But everything was in vain. Darkness fell. The planes that took off to search for the flight returned with nothing (another plane disappeared during the search)...

Taylor's very last words are still debated. Radio amateurs were able to hear: “It seems that we are kind of... we are descending into white waters... we are completely lost...” According to the reporter and writer A. Ford, in 1974, 29 years later, one radio amateur shared this information : supposedly the last words of the commander were: “Don’t follow me... They look like people from the Universe...” [“Abroad”, 1975, No. 45, p. 18]. In my opinion, the last phrase was probably invented or interpreted later: before 1948, people almost certainly would have used the expression “people from Mars” in such a situation. Even at a meeting of the Commission to investigate this incident, they subsequently dropped the phrase: “They disappeared as irrevocably as if they had flown to Mars!” It is unlikely that Taylor would have used the little-used word “Universe,” especially since even science fiction writers did not think about aliens from there...

So, the first and indisputable conclusion that follows from listening to radio recordings is that the pilots encountered something unusual and strange in the air. This fateful meeting was the first not only for them, but also, probably, they had not heard about anything like this from their colleagues and friends. Only this can explain the strange disorientation and panic in ordinary normal situation. The ocean has a strange appearance, “white water” has appeared, instrument needles are dancing - you must agree that this list can frighten anyone, but not experienced naval pilots, who have probably already found the desired course over the sea in extreme conditions before. Moreover, they had an excellent opportunity to return to the shore: it was enough to turn to the west, and then the planes would never have flown past the huge peninsula.

This is where we come to the main reason for panic. The bomber flight, in full accordance with common sense and following recommendations from the ground, searched for land only in the west for about an hour and a half, then alternately in the west and east for about an hour. And it didn’t find her. The fact that an entire American state has disappeared without a trace can deprive even the most resilient of their sanity.

To be fair, it must be said that at the end of their flight they saw land, but did not dare to splash down nearby in shallow water. Visually, based on the outlines of the islands, Taylor determined that he was located above the Florida Keys (southwest of the southern tip of Florida) and at first even turned northeast towards Florida. But soon, under the influence of his colleagues, he doubted what he had seen and returned to his previous course, as if he were significantly east of Florida, i.e. where he should be and where he was located by ground-based radar installations.

But where were they really? On the ground, the crew's report about the sighting of Keys was perceived as the delirium of panicked pilots. Direction finders could be mistaken by exactly 180 degrees and this property was taken into account, but at that moment the operators knew that the planes were somewhere in the Atlantic (30 degrees N, 79 degrees W) north of the Bahamas and they were simply in It never occurred to me that in fact the missing link was already much further west, in the Gulf of Mexico. If this is true, then Taylor could actually be seeing the Florida Keys, not the "Florida Keys-like" ones.

It is possible that direction finder operators in Miami were unable to distinguish signals coming from the southwest from signals coming from the northeast. The mistake cost the pilots their lives: apparently, having searched in vain for land in the west and having used up all their fuel, they landed on the water and sank, while they themselves were searched in vain in the east... In 1987, it was there, on the shelf bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, and one of the "Avengers" built in the forties was found! ["Pravda", 1987, March 2]. It is possible that the other 4 are also somewhere nearby. The question remains: how could the planes move seven hundred kilometers to the west without anyone noticing?

Cases of, if not instantaneous, then ultra-fast movements of aircraft are already known to aviation historians. During the Second World War, a Soviet bomber, returning from a mission, overshot an airfield in the Moscow region by more than a thousand kilometers and landed in the Urals... In 1934, Victor GODDARD flew over Scotland to no one knows where, approached an unknown airfield, which in the blink of an eye " disappeared from sight "... These and many other similar cases are united by the fact that ultra-fast flights were always carried out in strange clouds (white fog, some kind of haze, sparkling haze). This is exactly the term used by eyewitnesses for another strange phenomenon in which rapid time travel occurs; for example, after walking for half an hour or an hour in the “strange white fog” on the island of Barsakelmes in the Aral Sea, travelers returned a day later.

And in the Bermuda Triangle itself, “white fog” is not such a rare guest. After meeting with him, one day an airliner approaching Miami disappeared from the locator screens... and when 10 minutes later it appeared again, all the clocks on board were behind by the same minutes. None of the passengers noticed anything unusual on that flight; It is possible that a sudden increase in speed will also be invisible to the eye due to “tricks” over time. At the same time, apart from the notorious fog and post-flight reconciliation of chronometers, pilots should notice the dancing of the hands on some instruments and even interruptions in radio communication (they have to communicate with the ground - a place where the normal passage of time does not coincide with the anomalous “heavenly”). Let us remember that it was after the Avengers pilots mentioned that a strange fog had appeared and that five compasses had failed all at once, and radio communication with them disappeared and was subsequently restored only occasionally.

Such anomalous places occasionally arise also because the course of physical time is somewhat influenced by all bodies moving in a circle. This effect, as follows from the experiments of Professor Nikolai Kozyrev, can be achieved on a very small scale even with the help of tiny flywheels. What can we say about the Bermuda region in the Atlantic, where the powerful Gulf Stream swirls water vortices hundreds of kilometers in diameter! (It is precisely such formations that sometimes become visible on the surface of the ocean in the form of white or even faintly luminous circles and “wheels”.) The vortices spin - time changes - gravity must also change. In the center of the vortex (where American satellites recorded the water level 25-30 meters lower than usual), gravity is increased, while at the periphery it is decreased. Isn't the reason for many ship disasters that the cargo in the hold suddenly increases in weight? If the load is non-uniform and the safety margin of the hull is exceeded, a disaster is almost inevitable! To complete the tragic picture, we must add to this the unreliability of radio communications in such places...

Of course, after the first reports about Bermuda “tricks”, over time, new chilling, but not always true, details began to appear in the press... Not so long ago, the American weekly News reported on an amazing incident with an American submarine sailing in the “triangle” " at a depth of 200 feet (70 m). One day the sailors heard a strange noise overboard and felt a vibration that lasted about a minute. Following this, it was noticed that people on the team allegedly aged very quickly. And after surfacing with the help of a satellite navigation system, it turned out that the submarine was located in... the Indian Ocean, 300 miles from the east coast of Africa and 10 thousand miles from Bermuda! Well, why not repeat it with the movement of technical devices, only not in the air, but in the water? True, it is too early to draw conclusions in this story: the US Navy, as before in such cases, neither confirms nor denies this information.

But some conclusions can be drawn in the case of the disappearance of the squadron back in 1945. Most likely, in the sky above the Bermuda Triangle, this link encountered a non-stationary nomadic anomalous zone, in which their instruments failed and radio communications went haywire. Then the planes, being in a “strange fog,” moved at very high speed to the Gulf of Mexico, where the pilots were surprised to recognize the local chain of islands...

Let's clarify what "at very high speed" means. So, an hour and a half after takeoff, the planes find themselves in a strange fog, where all their instruments fail, INCLUDING THE CLOCK. At 16.45 the planes emerge from the clouds and restore their orientation (from the reports it is heard that they already trust the compasses). According to the airfield ground clock, 2.5 hours of flight had passed, and there was still 3 hours of fuel left. It is difficult to say how much time has passed according to the airplane clock (out of order). It is unlikely that the pilots could answer this question correctly: in extreme situations time perception is sharply different from usual. Only one mechanism can give us the answer - these are aircraft engines, they are the only ones that continued to work normally in the anomalous zone! So, at 17.22 Taylor announced: “When someone has 10 gallons (38 liters of fuel) left, we will splash down!” Judging by the phrase, the fuel was indeed running low. Apparently, the planes soon splashed down because at 18.02 they heard the phrase on the ground: “... He could drown at any minute...” This means that the fuel in the torpedo bombers ran out between 17.22 and 18.02, while it should have been enough until 19.40, and taking into account the emergency reserve - until 19.50. Such a sharp discrepancy can be explained by only one thing: the engines burned fuel for 2 hours more than previously expected!

Here it is, the missing link in the chain of clues! While only one hour had passed on the ground, about three had passed in the white fog!!! The speed of the planes was normal all this time, but to a hypothetical outside observer it would have seemed 3 times faster! Probably, during these 3 hours of their own time, the torpedo bombers, alas, passed the Florida salient with their home base and ended up in the Gulf of Mexico. The pilots had not yet completely emerged from the tenacious clutches of the very thinning fog, when a chain of islands appeared under the wings...

You know the rest. Taylor, of course, was able to recognize the islands over which he had flown dozens of times. But... I didn’t believe their “miraculous” appearance and, at the insistence of the air base, again took a westerly course. (Now the “strange fog” had passed, and the flight took place at normal time.) He believed an hour later and turned back, but the inexperienced advice of the controllers, who repeated: “You are just approaching Florida,” completely confused him... Ultimately, the link was ruined by the lieutenant's uncertainty: he feverishly changed the direction of movement several times, following either to the northeast at a course of 30 degrees, then to the east (90), or at the request of the dispatchers - to the west (270). The shortage of fuel prompted us to make a final choice. Taylor played the toss and... Death won. The bombers, once again almost reaching the saving continent, made their last turn and left on a course of 270 degrees... Away from land...

Friends of the missing pilots still cannot understand why Lieutenant Taylor ordered, and his subordinates (among whom were more senior in rank), landed on a choppy sea, while they could have searched for land for two more hours!.. Splashdown the high waves left virtually no chance of escape, and yet Taylor’s subordinates carried out this order without a doubt, even though they had just loudly swore and argued with their commander about the course. The pilots could complete a suicidal landing only knowing that the fuel was really running low. Presumably, at about 19 o'clock the lieutenant's plane was already at the bottom, radio operators recorded snatches of conversations between other crews, someone tried to call Taylor through the obvious noise of the waves and did not receive an answer. Then the rest of the voices fell silent... On earth, hope for their return still remained, since no one could believe the fact of splashdown. Another hour passed, according to the calculations of the airfield personnel, the pilots were only now running out of emergency fuel, and everyone was waiting for a miracle... Finally, 20 o'clock came, it became clear that the wait was in vain... Bright lights on the landing strip, which were visible beyond tens of miles away, they burned for some time.

Finally, at 21:00, someone in the control room silently turned the switch... The pilots, of course, were still alive at that moment. Most likely, after the planes sank, they were in the water in their life jackets. But an overnight storm guaranteed demolition work. Extensive experience of maritime disasters suggests that most likely the pilots, who were not found by anyone, were able to withstand the cold waves until about midnight...

At midnight, 2,500 kilometers from this place in Mount Vernon (New York), as if from a sudden blow, Joan POWERS and her one and a half year old daughter woke up simultaneously. Joan immediately understood the reason for her nightmare and decided to do something she had never done before - call her husband at the air base. It took about 2 hours to find out the phone number and connect. At exactly 2:00 a.m. the phone rang in Fort Lauderdale. The officer on duty who answered the phone turned purple and, stuttering, replied: “Don’t worry, but we can’t call your husband, Captain Edward Powers, he’s on a flight now...” The man who turned off the lights on the runway 5 hours ago , did not dare to pronounce the verdict out loud. Joan learned the truth about her husband only in the morning from an emergency radio news broadcast...

Perhaps the same anomalous zone that confused Taylor, and Powers, and everyone else, did not miss the twin-engine flying boat Marine Mariner that disappeared without a trace, the same one that fearlessly went in search of the Avengers. The seaplane's radio operator's last words were about "strong winds at an altitude of 1800 meters" ... Although the reason may be more prosaic, someone in the flight area of ​​this boat saw a bright flash in the sky. Explosion?.. Together with the crew of the flying boat, the number of victims of the “triangle” that evening was 27 people...

When the hypothesis described above took on more or less harmonious outlines, it was decided to introduce one of the direct participants in those events to her. The already mentioned Don POOLE, at that time already an 82-year-old lieutenant colonel and retired, lived in Florida. Any answer was expected, but this... “Everything described may be interesting, but according to you, it turns out that the planes fell in the Gulf of Mexico, in fact, they were recently found in the Atlantic, just 10 miles from their home base of Fort Lauderdale! Relatives of the victims say that it would be better if they had not been found: it is bitter to know that the pilots died literally on the doorstep, one minute into the flight! So the topic is closed. First they found 4 planes, then a fifth one was discovered - with number 28. It was Taylor's number! Yes, that’s how they flew: “Twenty-eighth” Taylor in front, followed by four wingmen...” This is news! True, it is not at all clear why the 19th unit fell into the water in that area, why in this case they were hard to hear on the radio, 10 miles (18 km) away they should have been heard as if from the next room... Something What was missing was a new solution to the mystery, it was necessary to find out additional details...

In 1991, the Deep Sea search vessel of the Scientific Sector Project company was searching for a sunken Spanish galleon with gold northeast of Fort Lauderdale. The crew on deck joked about the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle, someone cackled, remembering various stories, including the missing torpedo bombers. Therefore, when the message “There are torpedo bombers below us” came, everyone took it as a joke. These were 4 "Avengers" lying in formation at a depth of 250 meters, the fifth with number 28 was located a mile from the rest. The four seemed to be slightly behind the leading “28th” aircraft (I can’t help but remember the version that Taylor’s last words were: “Don’t get closer, they look like ...”).

The archives were immediately brought up. It turned out that over the entire period of time in the Atlantic Ocean, 139 Avenger-type aircraft fell into the water, but a group of five aircraft went missing only once in December 1945. Skeptics also decided to check: could planes fall into the water from an aircraft carrier in this area? Similar records were also not found in the archives, but soon there was no need to search for them; more detailed photographing of the finds proved that the planes actually landed on water: their propeller blades were bent and the cockpit lights were open. No bodies were found in the cabins. No one had any doubts that this was the missing 19th flight, especially since on two sides there were also the letters “FT” - this is how the aircraft based at the Fort Lauderdale base were designated. The US government, navy and SSP immediately began a legal battle over ownership of the find, while relatives of the victims demanded that the planes be left alone. The discoverer of the Avengers, Hawks, said in one of his last interviews: “We will sail closer on a submersible to read the numbers. I’m sure it’s them! We figured it out.” greatest secret! But if it turns out that this is not the 19th link, then this means that we have created a new great mystery, because 5 planes cannot so easily gather at the bottom of the ocean!..”

But the mystery did not give in... A month later, in the summer of 1995, fresh material came in response to our request... A long multi-page article describing the misadventures of the Deep Sea ship, about how difficult it was for the researchers under water, how long it took them to get to numbers, and how... they were disappointed: two numbers were clearly visible - FT-241, FT-87 and two only partially - 120 and 28. The missing link had numbers: FT-3, FT-28 (Taylor), FT -36, FT-81, FT-117. Only one number matched, and that one without a letter designation. The numbers of the planes found at the bottom have not yet been identified, and they are not listed among the missing. In most archival records, only the serial number of the aircraft is listed, but since these numbers were written on the plywood fin of the Avenger, there is no hope that the number on the aircraft would be preserved for such a long time.

In short, the mysteries remain open. What planes lie on the ocean floor near Fort Lauderdale, and what or who caused them to come together? And where did “those” planes go? After the failure in the Atlantic, the captain of the Deep Sea categorically refused to go to the Gulf of Mexico in order to read the number of the Avenger previously found there: “I don’t care about planes,” he said, “it would be better if we found a Spanish galleon!”

Do you think that a submarine immediately went to the scene of the disaster on instructions from the government?! No, the government was “suddenly” speechless, probably because it turned out that it would not receive money for the 19th link, but would only receive a new painful problem. You have to explain with a smart expression what is almost impossible to explain, but you don’t want to spend money on an investigation! In 1996, however, an explanation was found, official commission found that: 1. At the bottom there are not planes at all, but mock-ups of planes. 2. They were specially placed there in order to practice aerial bombing.

Only the most gullible believed such official nonsense. The scuba divers probably laughed until they dropped. Did no one from the government agencies read their reports, where they described the numbers, open lights, and propeller blades bent during landing? None of this could have happened on the mock-targets. If these are models, then they are the ones that flew here in formation. And the pilots probably laughed because making bombing targets at a depth of 250 meters is the same as aiming a pistol at a target located behind the Great Wall of China!

This is how this strange incident ended (from which, in essence, the official history of the “triangle” begins), during which all the pilots of the Avengers and the seaplane that flew to the rescue disappeared and have not yet been found... However, the story itself will never end...

Let us present other attempts to explain the bloodthirsty actions of the “triangle”. Several dozen different explanations have been put forward:

A) The reason is in people's brains:

A-1) “Just a fantasy.” All cases are nothing more than newspaper ducks and fables of travel agency owners... (This version can explain up to 50-70% of all incidents.)

A-2) "Just coincidences." All cases are nothing more than coincidences and coincidences... (This version can explain up to 70-80% of all incidents.)

B) Reason - underground and at the bottom:

B-3) “Underwater earthquakes” (based on the work of the Polish engineer E. Korkhov). It is possible that, as a result of catastrophic displacements of the ocean floor, waves up to 60 m high can arise, capable of instantly, without leaving any traces, swallowing a ship of any size. As continents drifted over millions of years, colossal caverns formed in the earth's crust, and during an earthquake, the roof of such a cave could collapse. If the cave is located under the ocean floor, then water will inevitably pour into it, and a strong whirlpool will appear on the surface, which sucks in both water and air... (This version can explain up to 20-40% of all incidents.)

B-4) "Atlanta". Residual traces of the activity of the lost Atlantean civilization (whose mainland “was somewhere nearby”)... (This version can explain a number of incidents.)

B-5) "Underwater civilizations". It differs from the version with the Atlanteans only in that the hypothetical underwater inhabitants live and thrive to this day. However, to fantasize is to fantasize! Atlanteans in the past could become modern underwater inhabitants. In addition, this hypothesis may have a direct connection with the version about aliens... (This hypothesis can also explain a number of incidents.)

IN) The reason is in the water:

B-6) “The Voice of the Sea” (based on the 1932 discovery of the famous Soviet hydrologist V.A. Berezkin). This is one of the interesting and even a little romantic hypotheses. Its author, while sailing on the hydrographic vessel "Taimyr", noticed that if in the open sea, during an approaching storm, you hold a pilot balloon at a distance of 1-2 cm near your ear, then significant pain is felt in the ears. A study of this phenomenon was carried out by Academician V.V. Shuleikin, it was he who gave it the name - “Voice of the Sea”. The scientist spoke at the USSR Academy of Sciences with a theory of the occurrence of infrasonic oscillations in the ocean. During storms and strong winds above the sea surface, the flow is disrupted at the wave crests; When the wind speed is greater than the speed of wave propagation, the air at the crests is retained, forming compression, and above the wave bottoms - rarefaction. The condensations and rarefactions of air that arise in this way propagate in the form of sound vibrations with a frequency of up to 10 Hz. Not only transverse vibrations occur in the air, but also longitudinal ones; the strength of the resulting infrasound is proportional to the square of the wavelength. At a wind speed of 20 m/s, the power of the “voice” can reach 3 W per meter of the wave front. Under certain conditions, a storm generates infrasound with a power of tens of kW. Moreover, the main infrasound radiation occurs approximately in the range of about 6 Hz - the most dangerous for humans. It should be added that the “voice,” propagating at the speed of sound, is significantly ahead of the wind and sea waves, and infrasound dissipates very weakly with distance. In principle, it can propagate without significant attenuation over hundreds and thousands of kilometers, both in air and in water, and the speed of a water wave is several times higher than the speed of an air wave. So - somewhere a storm is raging, and a thousand kilometers from this place the crew of some schooner is going crazy from the 6-Hz radiation and rushes in horror into an absolutely calm sea. With oscillations of the order of 6 hertz, a person experiences a feeling of anxiety, often turning into unaccountable horror; at 7 hertz, paralysis of the heart and nervous system is possible; with vibrations an order of magnitude higher, destruction is possible technical devices. In the process of evolution, humans apparently developed a center sensitive to infrasonic vibrations, precursors of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A set of reactions that should manifest themselves when exposed to this center: avoid closed spaces in order not to get trapped; strive to move away from nearby objects that threaten to collapse; run "wherever you look" in order to get out of the area natural disaster. And now you can observe a similar reaction in many animals. At the same time, with direct impact on the body, non-specific reactions occur, such as lethargy, weakness and various disorders, just as, for example, when irradiated with X-rays and high-frequency radio waves. A person has lost his high sensitivity to infrasound vibrations, but at high intensity, the ancient protective reaction awakens, blocking the possibilities of conscious behavior. It should be emphasized that fear will not be caused by external images, but will seem to “come from within.” The person will have a sensation, a feeling of “something terrible.” Depending on the intensity of infrasound vibrations, people on the ship will experience varying degrees of panic and inappropriate actions (here it is appropriate to recall Homer’s “Odyssey”). This hypothesis, in principle, sheds light on the disappearance of sailors, putting forward as a reason, for example, mass suicide. (This version can explain up to 30-50% of all incidents.)

B-7) “Underwater ultrasound” (it differs from the previous version in that the source, or, more correctly, the concentrator of the terrible sound is not on the surface, but on the bottom). A storm occurring in the Atlantic Ocean, according to the elephants of the Ukrainian researcher V. Shulga, allegedly generates infrasonic waves, which, reflected from bottom holes (“reflectors”), are focused in certain areas. The colossal dimensions of the focusing structure suggest the presence of areas where infrasonic vibrations can reach significant values, which is the reason for the events occurring here. anomalous phenomena. Infrasound can cause resonant vibrations of ship masts, leading to their breakdown (the impact of infrasound on aircraft structural elements can lead to similar consequences). Infrasound can be the cause of the appearance of thick (“like milk”) fog over the ocean that quickly appears and just as quickly disappears. Atmospheric moisture condensed during the rarefaction phase may not have time to dissolve in the air during the subsequent compression phase, but at the same time it can “instantly” disappear during several periods of absence of infrasonic oscillations. (And this version can also explain up to 30-50% of all incidents.)

B-8) “Countercurrents” (put forward by N. Fomin). It is based on the assumption that under the influence of northerly winds and oncoming waves, waterfalls several kilometers high and powerful downward currents are born in the depths of the ocean. (This version can explain up to 20-30% of all incidents.)

B-9) “Hydrodynamic effect” (put forward by Candidate of Technical Sciences G. Zelkin). Having become saturated with gas released from the bottom soil (this is a product of tectonic activity), the bottom mass breaks away from the bottom and moves to the surface; in this case, an electromagnetic field is induced. Having reached the surface, the gas-liquid volume can rise to a height of several hundred meters. Any ship or plane that finds itself in the ejection zone will be thrown into the abyss; the crew, if caught in a gas cloud, will certainly die. (This version can explain up to 40-50% of all incidents.)

B-10) “Hydrate bottom” is an almost similar version, differing only in the process of release and accumulation of bottom gas. (This version can explain up to 50-60% of all incidents.)

B-11) “Methane emissions” (put forward by marine geologist from the University of Sunderland Alan JUD). Perhaps the methane leaking from the bottom is to blame for everything. This assumption, in his opinion, explains the mystery of the disappearance of ships and planes without a trace. During the explosion, a large amount of methane ends up in sea water and the density of the water decreases so much that not only ships sink to the bottom in a matter of seconds, but also people who jumped from the ship in life jackets sink like stones to the bottom. And when methane reaches the surface of the water, it rises into the air and poses a danger to aircraft flying in this place... (This version can explain up to 10-20% of all incidents.)

B-12) "Animal attack." Attacks by giant squids and underwater animals are a reality, but... not as obvious as horror films make it out... (This version can explain a number of incidents.)

B-13) "Attack of monsters." But so far nothing can be said reliably about the behavior of fantastic and legendary (such as extinct plesiosaurs) underwater animals... (But this version can also explain a number of incidents.)

D) The reason is in the air:

D-14) “Reduced adhesion” (put forward in 1950 by Canadian Wilbur B. Smith, who led government research on magnetism and gravity in the Bermuda Triangle area). It was announced that zones in the atmosphere with “reduced cohesion” had been discovered. These areas have a diameter of up to 300 m, according to Smith. They tend to rise to great heights and move slowly, disappearing and reappearing somewhere else. It is also possible that such a zone will influence nervous system person. An airplane caught in a “low-grip” zone can easily break up. (This version can explain up to 30-40% of all incidents.)

G-15) "Atmospheric explosion." It is believed that with a complex combination of gravitational, electromagnetic, seismic and acoustic anomalies, the usual picture of the existence of the air environment is distorted; under these conditions, a downdraft can suddenly form, with a speed of up to several hundred meters per second and capable of leading to the death of any ship or aircraft. (This version can explain up to 30-50% of all incidents.)

G-16) “Reverse tornado” (put forward by A. Pozdnyakov). It is based on reports of giant whirlpools observed in the Bermuda Triangle with a diameter of 150-200 km, a depth of 500 meters, and a rotation speed of up to 0.5 m per second. It is assumed that as a result of a specific distribution of flows in the atmosphere, a so-called “anti-tornado” may arise, in which the air flow rushes not from top to bottom, but from bottom to top. In this case, a whirlpool appears on the surface of the ocean. According to Pozdnyakov, strong electromagnetic fields, which distort the operation of instruments and compasses. (This version can explain up to 10-30% of all incidents.)

G-17) “Natural laser” (put forward by K. Anikin). The scientist believes that under certain conditions the Sun can be considered as a source of pumping, the smooth surface of the ocean and the upper layers of the atmosphere as reflectors of light waves, and moving air currents as an active medium. In this way, elements of a laser device are allegedly created. The action of such a laser could theoretically lead not only to damage, but also to the evaporation of ships and aircraft. (This version can explain up to 20-40% of all incidents.)

D) The reason is in physical fields:

D-18) “Magnetic anomalies” (put forward by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A. Elkin). It is assumed that the magnetic anomaly that periodically occurs here leads to disruption of the normal operation of instruments, primarily the compass, resulting in loss of orientation and a significant deviation from the course. Perhaps the remains of the missing ships and aircraft are not found because the search work is being carried out far away. Statistics show that ships and planes mostly disappear during full moons and periods highest value precessional forces; and the magnetic anomaly arises as a result of the movement of ionized magma in the bowels of the earth, caused in turn by lunar-solar tides... (This version can explain up to 30-50% of all incidents.)

D-19) “Ocean electric current” (put forward by Candidate of Technical Sciences E. Alftan). Increased electrical conductivity is proposed as the cause of the anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle. This version is supported by sharp changes in depth on the ocean floor, the structure of the bottom and the “thinned” earth’s crust in the Puerto Rican Trench. It is assumed that the magnetic anomaly "in combination with the natural electric field that permeates the oceans, gives rise to the movement of large masses of water. The death of people is explained by the impact on the human body of fluctuations in the electric and magnetic fields, which are caused by sharp shifts of rocks that block or narrow the conductive areas of the ocean floor.

D-20) “Electric discharge energy” (put forward by Alexander Petrovich NEVSKY, an employee of the TsNIIMash near Moscow). In his works, he examined the mechanism of formation of an electric charge on cosmic bodies moving in the Earth's atmosphere and carried out specific calculations of the potential value on such a body relative to the surface of the planet. He claims that at large cosmic speeds for large bodies, the potentials reach such enormous values ​​that there is a real possibility of breakdown of the multi-kilometer gap between the moving body and the earth's surface, and the main part of the meteorite energy (due to the physical features of the process) goes into the energy of an electric discharge explosion (EDE). In the Bermuda Triangle, in his opinion, “electromagnetic radiation (EMR) from such a discharge disabled all devices (moreover, it could even affect the electrical power networks of aircraft). After exposure to EMP, a shock wave reached the group of aircraft in a few tens of seconds from the electronic explosive device that destroyed them”... A. Nevsky did not explain why after the “destructive blow” the planes flew for several hours; According to his theory, the situation is even more complicated with ships (their structure is incomparably more durable). But, Nevsky argues, since the ship is a kind of “spike” on the surface of the sea, it is natural that in certain conditions “it is a voltage concentrator, leading to a predominant breakdown specifically at it. If a strong discharge strikes the ship, then practically the ship will destroyed"... (This version can explain up to 10-20% of all incidents.)

D-21) “Gravitational anomaly” (based on a 25 m drop in sea level in the central part of the Bermuda Triangle recorded by American astronauts relative to the general level of the World Ocean). It is assumed that gravitational disturbances are unstable, and under certain conditions can lead to instantaneous catastrophic drops in water levels followed by the same quick return to its original state. Thus, a giant whirlpool arises, capable of swallowing any ship, and a temporary distortion of the air environment above this area (“air pocket”), leading to the death of aircraft. (This version can explain up to 30-50% of all incidents.)

E) The reason is in space:

E-22) "Alien abductions." Direct intervention of aliens in all known cases of ship abductions is, of course, possible, but it is absolutely fantastic... (This version can explain a number of incidents.)

E-23) "Alien interference." But a number of ufologists believe that seabed, it is possible that signaling equipment is installed, powered by a powerful source of energy, which serves as a beacon for the UFO. It is this equipment that periodically disrupts the operation of navigation devices and has a direct or indirect detrimental effect on the human body. (This version can explain a number of incidents.)

E-24) "Temporary trap." It is assumed that a space-time trap has been created in the Bermuda Triangle, in which time flows at a different speed. A ship or plane, entering such an area, ceases to exist in our world and is transported to the Future, Past or Paraworld [more about this theory - Chernobrov V. “Secrets of Time”, M., AST-Olympus, 1999; Chernobrov V. "Secrets and paradoxes of Time", M., Armada, 2001]. So, they say that in 1993, a fishing boat allegedly disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle with 3 fishermen who were considered dead; The fishermen showed up a year later and said that during a storm, when their damaged ship began to sink, they were saved by a ship whose crew was dressed in ancient clothes and spoke Old English. For the fishermen themselves, the incident took place within a few days. There are many similar (fictional and non-fictional) stories in which sailing ships from the past appear, submarines and airplanes... (This version can explain up to 40-60% of all incidents.)

E-25) "Black hole". Such a local gravitational anomaly that sucks in ships (but where is it “based”? and why doesn’t it always “work”?)... (This version can explain up to 20-40% of all incidents.)

E-26) “Non-existent universe” (put forward in 2000 by contactee Leonid RUSAK). According to him, “due to emerging magnetic disturbances in this area, military aircraft moved into the time interval of the formation of the Non-Existent Universe, where continents, seas and islands have largely different outlines. The transition of the Avengers crews was complete: the pilots saw not water of the Arcturian world, but a fog-like Substance consisting of single atoms of silicon, always present in water and not disappearing in Otherness... But when the planes, falling through the whitish fog of silicon, landed on the firmament, it turned out to be earth existing in the interval of the Non-Existent Universe But later, as soon as they found themselves under a layer of silicon, they did not begin to be influenced by magnetic disturbances and began to move into the time interval of the Arcturian world of Real. It was then that the water of our Arcturian world filled the volume occupied by the “whitish fog” with a dense mass, accelerating the outcome of the tragedy. .." (This version can explain a number of incidents.)

But it is quite difficult to verify any of the hypotheses put forward (including the terrible “Voice”); Let us recall that real, recorded cases of ship disappearances are unlikely to amount to more than 10-15% of what was reported in sensational newspaper publications, and information about these truly inexplicable disappearances can be extremely scanty (by definition).

One thing is indisputable and irrefutable - the Bermuda Triangle remains the greatest fear, the greatest miracle, the greatest deception and the greatest hope for a solution in the history of the study of anomalous zones in the world. The fear of Bermuda was almost entirely invented by man himself, and this has not made past and (possibly) future victims feel any better...

Travel to the Bermuda Triangle:

getting here is both simple and difficult. Simply because the conventional borders of the triangle come close to the resorts of Florida and Cuba (just take a ticket and soak up the beaches with the warm water of the Bermuda Triangle “caressing your body”). It’s difficult because it is not known where exactly, to what point in this area of ​​the Atlantic , you have to get there to become a witness or participant in events that add to the terrible statistics.Perhaps, fortunately for the majority.

The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, ships and planes disappear, navigation instruments fail, and almost no one ever finds the crashed. This hostile, mystical, ominous country for humans instills such great horror in the hearts of people that they often simply refuse to talk about it.

Many pilots and sailors have no other alternative but to constantly plow the water/air spaces of this mysterious territory - a considerable stream of tourists and vacationers rushes to the area, surrounded on three sides by fashionable resorts. Therefore, it is simply impossible and will not work to isolate the Bermuda Triangle from the world around it. And, although most ships pass this zone without any problems, no one is immune from the fact that one day they may not return.

Few people knew about the existence of such a mysterious and amazing phenomenon called the Bermuda Triangle a hundred years ago. This mystery of the Bermuda Triangle began to actively occupy people's minds and force them to put forward various hypotheses and theories in the 70s. last century, when Charles Berlitz published a book in which he extremely interestingly and fascinatingly described the stories of the most mysterious and mystical disappearances in this region. After this, journalists picked up the story, developed the theme, and the history of the Bermuda Triangle began. Everyone began to worry about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle and the place where the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis is located.

This wonderful place or the lost Atlantis is located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of North America - between Puerto Rico, Miami and Bermuda. Posted in two climatic zones: top part, large - in the subtropics, lower - in the tropics. If these points are connected to each other by three lines, the map will show a large triangular figure, the total area of ​​which is about 4 million square kilometers.

This triangle is quite arbitrary, since ships also disappear outside its borders - and if you mark on the map all the coordinates of disappearances, flying and floating vehicles, you will most likely get a rhombus.

The term itself is unofficial; its author is considered to be Vincent Gaddis, who in the 60s. last century published an article entitled “The Bermuda Triangle is the lair of the devil (death).” The note did not cause any particular stir, but the phrase stuck and reliably entered into everyday life.

Terrain features and possible causes of crashes

U knowledgeable people The fact that ships often crash here is not particularly surprising: this region is not easy to navigate - there are many shallows, a huge number of fast water and air currents, cyclones often form and hurricanes rage.


What does the Bermuda Triangle hide underwater? The bottom topography in this area is interesting and varied, although there is nothing ordinary about it and has been studied quite well, since some time ago they spent time here various studies and drilling to find oil and other minerals.

Scientists have determined that the Bermuda Triangle or the lost Atlantis contains mainly sedimentary rocks on the ocean floor, the layer thickness of which is from 1 to 2 km, and it itself looks like this:

  1. Deep-sea plains of oceanic basins – 35%;
  2. Shelf with shoals – 25%;
  3. Slope and foot of the continent – ​​18%;
  4. Plateau – 15%;
  5. Deep ocean trenches - 5% (here are the deepest places of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as its maximum depth– 8742m, recorded in the Puerto Rican depression);
  6. Deep straits – 2%;
  7. Seamounts – 0.3% (six in total).

Water currents. Gulf Stream

Almost the entire western part of the Bermuda Triangle is crossed by the Gulf Stream, so the air temperature here is usually 10°C higher than in the rest of the territory of this mysterious anomaly. Because of this, in places where atmospheric fronts of different temperatures collide, you can often see fog, which often amazes the minds of overly impressionable travelers.

The Gulf Stream itself is a very fast current, the speed of which often reaches ten kilometers per hour (it should be noted that many modern transoceanic ships move not much faster - from 13 to 30 km/h). An extremely fast flow of water can easily slow down or increase the movement of a ship (here it all depends on which direction it is sailing). It is not surprising that ships of weaker power in earlier times easily went off course and were carried completely in the wrong direction, as a result of which they crashed and disappeared forever in the oceanic abyss.

Other movements

In addition to the Gulf Stream, strong but irregular currents constantly appear in the Bermuda Triangle area, the appearance or direction of which is almost never predictable. They are formed mainly under the influence of tidal waves in shallow water and their speed is as high as that of the Gulf Stream - about 10 km/h.

As a result of their occurrence, whirlpools often form, causing trouble for small ships with weak engines. It is not surprising that if in former times a sailing ship got here, it would not be easy for it to get out of the whirlwind, and under particularly unfavorable circumstances, one might even say impossible.

Water shafts

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, hurricanes often form with wind speeds of about 120 m/s, which also generate fast currents whose speed is equal to the speed of the Gulf Stream. They, creating huge waves, rush along the surface of the Atlantic Ocean until they hit the Coral reefs, while breaking the ship if it had the misfortune of being in the path of giant waves.

In the east of the Bermuda Triangle is the Sargasso Sea - a sea without shores, surrounded on all sides instead of land by strong currents of the Atlantic Ocean - the Gulf Stream, North Atlantic, North Passat and Canary.

Outwardly, it seems that its waters are motionless, the currents are weak and inconspicuous, while the water here is constantly moving, since water flows, pouring into it from all sides, rotate the sea water clockwise.

Another notable feature of the Sargasso Sea is the huge amount of algae in it (contrary to popular belief, areas with completely clean water are also available here). When in former times ships drifted here for some reason, they became entangled in dense sea plants and, falling into a whirlpool, albeit slowly, they were no longer able to get out.

Movement of air masses

Because this area lies in the trade winds, extremely strong winds constantly blow over the Bermuda Triangle. Stormy days are not uncommon here (according to various weather services, there are about eighty stormy days here a year - that is, once every four days the weather here is terrible and disgusting.

Here is another explanation for why missing ships and planes were discovered in the past. Nowadays, almost all captains are informed by meteorologists exactly when bad weather will happen. Previously, due to a lack of information, during terrible storms, many sea vessels found their final refuge in this area.

In addition to trade winds, cyclones feel comfortable here, air masses which, creating whirlwinds and tornadoes, rush at a speed of 30-50 km/h. They are extremely dangerous because when they lift up warm water, turn it into huge columns of water (often their height reaches 30 meters), with an unpredictable trajectory and crazy speed. A small ship in such a situation has practically no chance of surviving, a large one will most likely stay afloat, but is unlikely to come out of trouble undamaged.

Infrasound signals

Experts call another reason for the huge number of disasters the ability of the ocean to produce infrasound signals that cause panic among the crew, because of which people can even throw themselves overboard. The sound of this frequency affects not only waterfowl, but also aircraft.

Researchers assign an important role in this process to hurricanes, storm winds and high waves. When the wind begins to hit the crests of the waves, a low-frequency wave appears, which almost immediately rushes forward and signals the approach strong storm. While moving, she catches up with a sailing ship, hits the sides of the ship, then goes down into the cabins.

Once in a confined space, the infrasound wave begins to put psychological pressure on the people there, causing panic and nightmare visions, and having seen their worst nightmares, people lose control of themselves and jump overboard in despair. The ship completely leaves life, it is left without control and begins to drift until it is found (which may take more than a decade).

Infrasound waves act on aircraft somewhat differently. An infrasound wave hits an airplane flying over the Bermuda Triangle, which, as in the previous case, begins to put psychological pressure on the pilots, as a result of which they stop realizing what they are doing, especially since at this moment phantoms begin to appear in front of them. Then either the pilot will crash, or will be able to take the ship out of the zone that poses a danger to him, or the autopilot will save him.

Gas bubbles: methane

Researchers are constantly coming up with interesting facts about the Bermuda Triangle. For example, there are suggestions that in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, bubbles often form filled with gas - methane, which appears from cracks in the ocean floor that were formed after the eruptions of ancient volcanoes (oceanographers discovered huge accumulations of methane crystalline hydrate above them).

After some time, for one reason or another, certain processes begin to occur in methane (for example, their appearance can cause a weak earthquake) - and it forms a bubble, which, rising to the top, bursts at the surface of the water. When this happens, the gas escapes into the air, and a funnel forms in the place of the former bubble.

Sometimes the ship passes over the bubble without problems, sometimes it breaks through it and crashes. In reality, no one has ever seen the effects of methane bubbles on ships; some researchers claim that a huge number of ships go missing precisely for this reason.

When the ship hits the crest of one of the waves, the ship begins to descend - and then the water under the ship suddenly bursts, disappears - and it falls into empty space, after which the waters close - and water rushes into it. At this time, there was no one to save the ship - when the water disappeared, concentrated methane gas was released, instantly killing the entire crew, and the ship sank and ended up on the ocean floor forever.

The authors of this hypothesis are convinced that this theory also explains the reasons for the presence of ships in this area with dead sailors, on whose bodies no damage was found. Most likely, the ship, when the bubble burst, was far enough away that something threatened it, but the gas reached the people.

As for airplanes, methane can have a detrimental effect on them. Basically, this happens when methane that rises into the air gets into the fuel, explodes, and the plane falls down, after which, falling into a whirlpool, it disappears forever in the ocean depths.

Magnetic anomalies

In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, magnetic anomalies also often occur, confusing all navigational equipment of ships. They are unstable, and appear mainly when tectonic plates are at their maximum divergence.

As a result, unstable electric fields and magnetic disturbances that negatively affect a person’s psychological state, change instrument readings and neutralize radio communications.

Hypotheses for the disappearance of ships

The mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle never cease to interest the human mind. Why it is here that ships crash and disappear, journalists and lovers of everything unknown put forward many more theories and assumptions.

Some believe that interruptions in navigation instruments are caused by Atlantis, namely its crystals, which were previously located precisely on the territory of the Bermuda Triangle. Despite the fact that only pitiful crumbs of information have reached us from ancient civilization, these crystals still operate today and send signals from the depths of the ocean floor that cause interruptions in navigation instruments.

Another interesting theory is the hypothesis that the Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis contains portals leading to other dimensions (both in space and time). Some are even sure that it was through them that aliens entered Earth in order to kidnap people and ships.

Warfare or piracy - many believe (even if this is not proven) that the loss modern ships is directly related to these two reasons, especially since such cases have happened more than once before. Human error - ordinary disorientation in space and incorrect interpretation of instrument indicators - may also well be the cause of the death of the ship.

Is there a secret?

Have all the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle been revealed? Despite the hype around the Bermuda Triangle, scientists say that in reality this territory is no different, and a large number of accidents are associated mainly with difficult to navigate natural conditions(especially since the World Ocean contains many other places that are more dangerous for humans). And the fear that the Bermuda Triangle or the missing Atlantis causes are ordinary prejudices, constantly fueled by journalists and other sensationalists.

One of the mysterious and mystical secrets, which has haunted humanity on Earth for almost a hundred years, is the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

This concept was first used by Vincent Gaddis, an American writer, author of a book about sea mysteries. He determined the boundaries of this normal part of the ocean.

The Bermuda Triangle refers to the area in the Atlantic Ocean limited area a triangle whose vertices are located from Florida to Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

This place got its name after a series of mysterious disappearances that occurred in the 40s and 50s of the twentieth century in this region with ships and aircraft.

Of particular resonance was the case of the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger aircraft in 1945, which took off from a US Navy base and did not return. The wreckage of the aircraft was never found. It is important that the flight took place in normal weather over calm sea. After the plane disappeared, another plane was sent to search for them, which also disappeared.

Similar cases occurred in this area earlier and then periodically every year or once every two to three years.

In 1948, a British plane with a crew and 31 passengers on board, four hundred miles northeast of Bermuda, went missing after being reported to arrive at its scheduled destination.

  • 1949 An English airliner flying to the capital of Chile, Santiago, from London, via Bermuda and Jamaica. Radio contact with him was lost 380 miles southwest of Bermuda. The search for the missing aircraft yielded no results.
  • 1950 The USS Sandra sailed from Savannah to Venezuela. He passed St. Augustine, Florida and disappeared without a trace.
  • 1955 The yacht Connemara IV was found abandoned by crew and passengers 400 miles west of Bermuda. People have disappeared.
  • 1962 A U.S. Air Force cargo plane flying from Longley Field, Virginia, to the Azores never landed at its intended location.
  • 1963 A fishing boat with 40 crew on board set sail from Kinston, Jamaica and disappeared without a trace.
  • In June 1965, the plane and its crew disappeared without a trace in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of the disappearance are unknown.
  • 1967 A sports yacht crossing the Atlantic Ocean disappeared along with its crew near Bermuda.
  • 1970 A ship with cargo traveling from New Orleans to Cape Town never reached its destination port, disappearing without a trace in the vastness of the Atlantic.
  • 1973 The Anita cargo ship with a displacement of 20 thousand tons and its crew disappeared on the way to Hamburg.
  • 1984 The brig Marquez, a sailing ship taking part in the world famous sailing race, disappeared along with its crew in the northern part of the Bermuda Triangle, despite the fact that the ship was equipped with the most modern navigation system and technology.

And these are only the largest and most famous cases of victims of the Bermuda Triangle. In reality, their number is much higher.

Over the past hundred years, the area has suffered accidents, shipwrecks and complete disappearance hundreds of objects. There are cases when people left ships in an unknown direction for no apparent reason and without any traces.

Unable to scientifically explain the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle with the disappearance of objects, for many years conversations and rumors have been circulating around this topic, explaining what is happening with the influence of aliens.

During the time that passed since the discovery of mysterious incidents in the Bermuda Triangle area, more than a dozen various kinds scientific expeditions and research companies.

The number of hypotheses that at least somehow try to find an explanation for the mysterious phenomena of the famous triangle is quite large, but none of them resulted in scientific theory, capable of explaining the tragic phenomena occurring in the area.

Below are the current scientific explanations for this anomalous phenomenon.

Methane emissions

  1. As is known, at the bottom of the world's oceans, under the water column, there are hidden deposits of methane in the form of gas silicates. In the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, such gas storage facilities reach enormous volumes due to the fact that there were once clusters of active volcanoes here. Maybe. That some of them are still in effect. Under enormous pressure (at a given depth of several hundred atmospheres), sea water changes its structure and becomes a solid substance reminiscent of snow.
  2. Gas silicates, when the temperature-pressure relationship changes, also undergo changes: they turn into gas, gigantic volumes of which rush upward, causing the formation of huge bubbles that can capsize a ship. Then the gas rises into the atmosphere and, also changing its density, causes aircraft crashes.
  3. In addition, the bubbles, vibrating at the frequency of infrasound, have a detrimental effect on the human psyche, often causing him to panic. Hence those mysterious legends about mysterious ships abandoned by the crew.
  4. M ethane bubbles in billions, when they rub, cause electrification and local distortion magnetic field Earth. Airplanes lose course in such conditions.

Lava eruptions from the ocean floor

In this area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, the bottom has a very complex structure: it contains arrays of deep-sea depressions, shallow waters, and an intertwined system sea ​​currents and intricate atmospheric circulation.
The geological structure of the bottom is also very complex: shelves with shallow banks (only a few meters deep) intertwined with the continental slope, marginal and median plateaus, deep straits, abyssal plains, deep-sea trenches. A sharp contrast in diversity for such a relatively small area of ​​the world's oceans!
So at the bottom of the Bermuda Triangle there is a trench with a total area of ​​186 sq. km - the deepest part of the Atlantic with a depth of 8742 m. And this is all against the backdrop of shallows.
In this area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle, at the bottom of the oceanic trenches, where several continental plates and one oceanic plate come into contact, a sudden outpouring of hot lava occurs, reaching temperatures of more than 1000 degrees.
Bottom water, seeping along the fault of the mid-ocean ridge and there being heated by lava to a temperature of +500 - 600 o C, but not boiling, due to the high pressure of several hundred atmospheres, rises up to a depth of 700-900 meters, where it begins to boil and turn into steam. A column of water vapor, escaping into the atmosphere, creates that anomaly, forming a powerful funnel hundreds of meters deep, which sucks in ships with terrible force in a few tens of seconds.

The process of steam emission from the depths generates powerful electrical potentials, magnetic disturbances and anomalies, which may well influence the passage of time, strange glows, the latter so often witnessed by eyewitnesses.
All the phenomena that occurred at the crash site and described by people who managed to escape completely fit into the theory of vortices of very strong magnetic fields, leading to various consequences: from interference in the operation of on-board equipment to lighting effects. Air maps also warn about the danger of being exposed to magnetic fields in this area.

Penetrating into the atmosphere, powerful hot steam, coming into contact with its cold layers, also causes anomalous zones, air craters, into which unfortunate aircraft fall. Movements in such zones are very rapid; aircraft located even on the borders of these zones are thrown hundreds of kilometers to places where they could not possibly end up. At the same time, the usual flow of time slows down.

Infrasonic vibrations generated in water

During a storm above the surface, the flow is disrupted at the crest of the wave, which causes rarefaction and thickening of the air, modulated in the form of sound transverse and longitudinal vibrations and propagating at the speed of sound. The so-called “Voice of the Sea” arises, the propagation of which produces powerful infrasound radiation, reaching in the range of 6 Hz. Without encountering significant obstacles on its way, the “Voice of the Sea” can fill space for hundreds and thousands of kilometers.

Thus, the crew of the ship. Even being a thousand kilometers away from a raging storm can drive you crazy from this kind of 6 Hz vibration. A person begins to experience a feeling of anxiety, which develops into fear and panic, and causes the person to “flee” from the disaster area without hesitation.

Radioisotope processes in the atmosphere and ocean

The presence of many active volcanoes located near the Bermuda Triangle in southern Mexico, as well as on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, which emit into the atmosphere millions of tons of substances containing, in addition to ash, gases, various gas compounds, also isotopes. When such gas clouds enter the atmosphere, they disintegrate into powerful electromagnetic radiation, flows of charged particles, and vortex flows. Intranuclear energy is transformed into the corresponding types of powerful physical fields, affecting humans and mechanisms in the most negative way due to high level energy release.

Golfstim water vortices

The hypothesis was proposed by N.A. Kozyrev, a Soviet astronomer-astrophysicist who supported the theory of the Englishman A. Eddington. The essence of the theory is this: all existing laws of motion are just an approximate form of exact physical laws that humanity has not yet discovered. Eddington put forward a theory about the direct relationship between the direction of time and the expansion of the Universe. He called this phenomenon “the arrow of time.” When the absorption of matter by black holes ends, then perhaps the arrow of time will turn reverse side, and expansion will be replaced by compression.

Kozyrev, supporting Eddington, believed that time is a physical factor, and its course is determined by the linear speed of rotation of the cause in relation to the effect. Time - a physical factor - must obey the basic laws of physics, for example, the laws of absorption and reflection.

Kozyrev’s laboratory experiments cannot be compared with the powerful vortices that the Gulf Stream spins. Their diameter can be hundreds of kilometers. Supporters of Kozyrev’s hypothesis are confident that it is water vortices that are the cause of the luminous or white circles and white fog that eyewitnesses describe in the Bermuda Triangle area.

Space twists against the arrow of time - the course of time changes. As the passage of time changes, the weight of the aircraft or ship also changes. Maybe instantaneous weight changes are the cause of some disasters? Website

Black holes

Swiss scientists, having studied the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, have identified unusual funnels, which, both in their action and in mathematical and physical parameters, resemble cosmic “black holes”, and just like black holes suck in ocean water and light. Another important analogy is that everything that falls into this funnel disappears without a trace and forever.

The discovery will help solve many problems related to the World Ocean, in particular the disappearance of ships and aircraft.

So, there is no doubt about the presence of the anomalous zone of the Bermuda Triangle, but is this area alone characterized by such disastrous properties? Similar properties in the ocean were noticed in the area of ​​the so-called “ Devil's Sea"between Japan and the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands, which is located at the latitude of the Bermuda Triangle and is also considered a dangerous area of ​​the world's oceans. And also according to the theory of I. Sanderson, an American researcher of unusual phenomena, there are about 12 such zones in the world. Moreover, two such zones are designated on land in the central Sahara.

In all these regions, similar anomalies were observed: crashes and disappearances of vehicles, mysterious deaths of people, mass strandings of cetaceans, mysterious suicides of antelopes rushing into the sea, inexplicable migrations of birds.

Another important point: all zones are in the halo of habitat of previously ancient highly developed civilizations.

It is interesting that in the 21st century, fortunately, such catastrophes in the known region have not been observed for a long time.

Malaysian Boeing 777 crash in March 2014

Purely my personal opinion: it is possible that the Malaysian Boeing 777 plane, which disappeared quite recently, on March 8, 2014, was flying on the route Kuula Lumpur - Beijing with 227 passengers on board and seven crew members, and disappeared from the radar and not found so far, fell into just one of these centers of action of as yet unidentified anomalous forces. After all, all the versions with the hijacking of a plane, with the disaster, with drowning in the ocean do not stand up to criticism. If an answer could be found to the question: why the airliner abruptly changed course and flew almost in the opposite direction, what forced the crew to make such a decision, and what caused it. Yes, no anomalous phenomena have been registered in this area, but maybe they haven’t been registered yet?

A more mundane, but the only plausible version that resembles the truth: the plane was shot down by the air defense of one of the countries over which the plane was flying. So let's wait and see if anything sheds light on this latest tragic disaster.


All of the above hypotheses, due to the lack of a precisely constructed scientific basis, cannot be accepted as a theory explaining the Bermuda Triangle anomaly. However, this has happened more than once in science: today it is not perceived by our minds, but tomorrow everything is accepted as a new theory.

Reveal the essence mysterious disasters, taking place in the notorious region of the Atlantic Ocean, only further scientific research and observations in these regions, as well as the development of science in general, will help shed light on the mystery of what is happening there, which has been troubling the minds of people for so long. (1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Phenomena before abductions by aliens or Atlanteans. Skeptics, however, argue that ship disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle occur no more often than in other areas of the World Ocean and are explained by natural causes. The US Coast Guard and Lloyd's insurance market share the same opinion.

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    ✪ Vysotsky-About the Bermuda Triangle




    The Bermuda Triangle or Atlantis is a place where people disappear, navigation instruments fail, ships and planes disappear, and no one ever finds the crashed. This hostile, mystical, ominous territory for humans instills such great horror in the hearts of people that they often simply refuse to talk about it. In May 2015, the Cuban coast guard discovered an uncrewed ship in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. It turned out that this ship is the SS Cotopaxi, which disappeared without a trace in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle in December 1925. During the inspection of the ship, a diary of the captain, who at that time served on the SS Cotopaxi, was discovered. But the journal did not provide any information about what happened to the ship 90 years ago. Cuban experts are confident that the logbook is genuine. The document contains information about Everyday life crew. They contain many interesting details recorded before the date of the ship's disappearance, that is, before December 1, 1925. On November 29, 1925, the SS Cotopaxi left the port of Charleston, South Carolina, bound for Havana. Two days after leaving, the ship disappears, and nothing is heard from it for almost a century. Cuban authorities said they will conduct an investigation and try to solve the mystery that surrounds the disappearance and reappearance of the ship. However, it later turned out that all the information about the mysterious ship was an invention of journalists. Some publications still tried to get confirmation of the facts from official sources, but instead were only forced to print refutations. Ships disappear everywhere - anywhere in the ocean. This has always been the case - at least until the invention of effective means of navigation and communication. But in the middle of the 20th century, some clever journalist did not have enough material for another yellow newspaper, and he decided to come up with the “Devil's Triangle”. They say that in this ill-fated triangle, ships and planes disappeared too often. He even managed to give examples of such “disappearances.” Of course, the readers of the tabloid press, as always, did not give a damn about the fact that ships were also disappearing and sinking at any other point in the ocean. In general, many people liked the idea and took it up. We began to collect stories from pilots and crews of ships that had been there. Although the most famous story gained fame under slightly different circumstances. Five bombers took off from Florida in December '45 and never returned. A twin-engine seaplane with rescuers flew out to search for them, but it also disappeared. But before the bombers disappeared from the radar screens and communication with them was lost, interesting recordings were received. Separately, it is worth mentioning the panicked muttering of the pilot about “strange water” and “white waters”. This phenomenon owes its origin to the vast shallow waters of the Bahamas. The hot tropical sun heats their water to 35 degrees Celsius and white calcite crystals evaporate on its surface. They explain the appearance of “white water” in the Bermuda Triangle. It was after this disappearance that stories about the “triangle” began to appear. This was followed by the disappearance of several ships and one plane, which were inflated by the press to incredible proportions. For about half a century, the tabloid press was full of headlines like: “The mysterious disappearance of a plane in the Bermuda Triangle” or “The frank story of a miraculously surviving sailor from a missing ship.” Also, journalists did not hesitate to publish outright anti-scientific nonsense, such as Atlantean intervention or a black hole. In general, there are, as usual, many theories, and, as usual, they very rarely come from the lips of real scientists. Aliens, Atlantis, Double Bottom and Parallel Worlds. The only relatively sane hypothesis is that in the depths of the ocean, in the center of the Bermuda Triangle, Cthulhu is fast asleep. From time to time it creates inexplicable ripple effects. the gas rises to the surface, causing the density of the water to drop sharply and the ship to sink. This hypothesis also suddenly explains the disappearance of planes. Airplanes are made to fly in the air, and not in all kinds of methane, where the wing does not hold up and gasoline does not burn. By the way, the same missing bombers were recently found. All flaps were set for landing, that is, the pilots noted a sharp decrease in lift, and the altitude reserve was slightly more than none, which confirms the methane theory. There is a simpler explanation - the pilots got lost, they ran out of fuel and had to land on the water; of course, the pilots lowered their flaps. This is confirmed by the last radio transmission that somehow reached the control room. But in fact, judge for yourself: the water area of ​​this very triangle is one of the most “loaded” with transport in the world. In addition, a huge number of hurricanes and cyclones originate here, that is, the weather in the triangle, to put it mildly, is not the best in the world, as in any other weather education center. In addition, the Sargasso Sea is not particularly convenient for navigation. Therefore, the chances of disappearing here are much greater. So, the Bermuda Triangle is not at all unique phenomenon- just north of the Devil's Triangle there is a real cemetery of the Atlantic - the outer shallows, and a little further north - the wandering Sable Island. More ships sank in each of these areas than in the Bermuda Triangle. It is also worth adding that strangely coincidence Since the nineties, the number of missing people in this triangle can be counted on one hand. This is noteworthy because it is associated with the development of control and recording technology. The legend of the Bermuda Triangle is an artificially fabricated hoax. It arose from sloppy investigations and was then further developed and perpetuated by authors who, intentionally or unintentionally, used incorrect theories, faulty reasoning and all sorts of sensational revelations. This Legend was repeated so many times that it was eventually accepted as being true.


The Bermuda Triangle was first mentioned by writer Vincent Gaddis in 1946 when he wrote an article for Argosy magazine about the strange disappearance of Flight 19.

Associated Press correspondent Edward Van Winkle Jones mentioned the “mysterious disappearances” in the Bermuda Triangle; in 1950, he called the area “the devil’s sea.” The author of the phrase “Bermuda Triangle” is considered to be Vincent Gaddis, who published the article “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle” in one of the magazines dedicated to spiritualism in 1964.

In the late 60s and early 70s of the 20th century, numerous publications began to appear about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle.

In 1974, Charles Berlitz, a proponent of the existence of anomalous phenomena in the Bermuda Triangle, published the book “The Bermuda Triangle,” which collected descriptions of various mysterious disappearances in the area. The book became a bestseller, and it was after its publication that the theory about the unusual properties of the Bermuda Triangle became especially popular. Later, however, it was shown that some facts in Berlitz's book were presented incorrectly.

In 1975, the skeptical realist Lawrence David Kusche (English) published the book “The Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality” (Russian translation, M.: Progress, 1978), in which he argued that nothing supernatural or mysterious was happening in this area. This book is based on many years of document research and interviews with eyewitnesses, which revealed numerous factual errors and inaccuracies in the publications of supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery.


Proponents of the theory mention the disappearance of approximately 100 large ships and aircraft over the past hundred years. In addition to disappearances, there are reports of serviceable ships abandoned by the crew, and other unusual phenomena, such as instantaneous movements in space, anomalies over time, etc. Lawrence Cousche and other researchers have shown that some of these cases occurred outside the Bermuda Triangle. About some incidents it was not possible to find any information at all in official sources.

"Avenger" flight (flight No. 19)

The most famous incident mentioned in connection with the Bermuda Triangle is the disappearance of a flight of five Avenger-class torpedo bombers. These planes took off from the US Naval Base in Fort Lauderdale on December 5, 1945 and never returned. Their wreckage was not found.

According to Berlitz, the squadron, consisting of 14 experienced pilots, mysteriously disappeared during a routine flight in clear weather over calm seas. It is also reported that in radio communications with the base, the pilots allegedly talked about inexplicable failures of navigation equipment and unusual visual effects - “we can’t determine the direction, and the ocean looks different than usual,” “we are descending into white waters.” After the disappearance of the Avengers, other planes were sent to search for them, and one of them - the Martin Mariner seaplane - also disappeared without a trace.

According to Kushe, in fact the flight consisted of cadets performing a training flight. The only experienced pilot was their instructor, Lieutenant Taylor, but he had only recently been transferred to Fort Lauderdale and was new to the area.

The recorded radio communications do not say anything about any mysterious phenomena. Lieutenant Taylor reported that he became disoriented and both compasses failed. Trying to determine his location, he mistakenly decided that the link was over the Florida Keys, south of Florida, so he was asked to navigate by the sun and fly north. Subsequent analysis showed that perhaps the planes were actually much further east and, heading north, were moving parallel to the coast. Poor radio communication conditions (interference from other radio stations) made it difficult to determine the exact position of the squadron.

After some time, Taylor decided to fly west, but failed to reach the coast; the planes ran out of fuel. The Avenger crews were forced to attempt a water landing. By this time it had already gotten dark, and the sea, according to reports from ships then in that area, was very rough.

After it became known that Taylor's flight was lost, other aircraft were sent to search for them, including two Martin Mariners. According to Kushe, aircraft of this type had a certain disadvantage, which was that fuel vapors penetrated into the cabin and a spark was enough for an explosion to occur. The captain of the tanker Gaines Mills reported that he observed an explosion and falling debris and then discovered an oil slick on the sea surface.


A C-119 with 10 crew members disappeared on June 6, 1965 in the Bahamas. The exact time and place of his disappearance is unknown, and searches for him have yielded nothing. Although the disappearance of a plane while flying across the Atlantic can be explained by many natural causes, this case is often associated with alien abduction.


Supporters of the Bermuda Triangle mystery have put forward several dozen different theories to explain the mysterious phenomena that, in their opinion, occur there. These theories include speculation about the abduction of ships by aliens from outer space or inhabitants of Atlantis, movement through holes in time or rifts in space, and other paranormal reasons. None of them have yet been confirmed. Other authors try to give a scientific explanation for these phenomena.

Their opponents claim that reports of mysterious events in the Bermuda Triangle are greatly exaggerated. Ships and aircraft are also disappearing in other areas globe, sometimes without a trace. A radio malfunction or the suddenness of the disaster may prevent the crew from transmitting a distress signal. Finding debris at sea is not an easy task, especially during a storm or when the exact location of the disaster is unknown. If we take into account the very busy traffic in the Bermuda Triangle area, frequent cyclones and storms, and a large number of shoals, the number of disasters that have occurred here that have not been explained is not unusually large. In addition, the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle itself can lead to the attribution of disasters to it that actually happened far beyond its borders, which introduces artificial distortions into the statistics.

Methane emissions

Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the sudden death of ships and planes by gas emissions - for example, as a result of the breakdown of methane hydrate on the seabed. According to one of these hypotheses, large bubbles saturated with methane form in the water, in which the density is reduced so much that ships cannot stay afloat and instantly sink. Some suggest that methane rising into the air can also cause plane crashes - for example, due to a decrease in air density, which leads to a decrease in lift and distortion of altimeter readings. In addition, methane in the air can cause engines to stall.

Experimentally, the possibility of fairly quickly (within tens of seconds) flooding of a ship found on the border of a gas release was confirmed if the gas is released in one bubble, the size of which is greater than or equal to the length of the ship. However, it remains open question about such gas emissions. In addition, methane hydrate is found in other places in the world's oceans.

Rogue waves

It has been suggested that the cause of the death of some ships, including in the Bermuda Triangle, may be the so-called. rogue waves, which are believed to reach a height of 30 meters.


It is assumed that under certain conditions, infrasound can be generated at sea, which affects the crew members, causing panic and hallucinations, as a result of which they leave the ship.

In art

  • The Bermuda Triangle is mentioned in the film "Percy Jackson and the Sea of ​​Monsters" as the Sea of ​​Monsters, in which Charybdis lives, whose huge mouth sucks up ships.
  • In the series “Quantum Leap” (season 4, episode 16 - “Ghost Ship”) main character turns out to be the pilot of a plane heading for Bermuda.
  • In the second season of the Russian TV series “Ship”, he stumbles upon methane bubbles, as well as the “song” of the sea. A time loop.
  • The cartoon "Scooby-Doo: Pirates on Board" also mentions the legends of the Bermuda Triangle.
