Options for methods and rituals of how to make rain. Magic of water

Our ancestors did not have modern amenities. Therefore, they resorted to the help of higher powers, calling on them through rituals. Water is one of the four elements. How to make a rain spell at home? Let's find out below.

Previously, only shamans or leaders could cast spells. Now anyone who is pure in soul and does not consider themselves superior to others can learn this. Let's consider white magic, with the help of which we can only ask higher powers for help, but not order in any way.

To call rain with a thunderstorm, a ritual is performed. You will need: a hammer, metal, a bottle of water. Place metal on a stump in the forest and hit it with a hammer. The result is a sound similar to thunder. Then continue splashing the water from the bottle like rain. In a day, thunderstorms and rain will delight residents.

How to make it rain at home

How to make rain at home in 5 minutes? There are many ways to summon rain. But the caller will need a lot of strength, energy and magical experience to a short time call upon the elements. Let's look at the most effective and ancient rituals.

Ritual “Kurek biyche” (Princess-spade)

Take a shovel, wrap it in dry grass and cloth, give it the appearance of a scarecrow, and dress it in a woman’s old clothes. Two boys take the stuffed animal and carry it between houses, singing a song:

The ritual should be carried out strictly, without mockery or laughter, with confidence in its action. You need to treat a shovel like a real woman: reverently and tenderly. The ritual will definitely help in a day. The constructed princess should not be disassembled; place it in the garden to scare crows and call the weather.

Ritual of mourning for the drowned Makarka

Before Christianity, pagans believed that this natural phenomenon was caused by drowned people. Rain was caused by those who drowned in summer, autumn and spring, and snow and hail - by those who drowned in winter.

In Polesie, even in our time, they practice calling rain with the help of rituals.

Tools: a long stick, a well, poppy seeds. Poppy seeds are poured into the well, stirred with a stick. The conspiracy must be pronounced with the intonation of grief for the deceased:

Option two, shout a spell with all your might:

Then you need to bow to the well, go into the house and pray for the drowned people. The prayer depends on the religion followed by the person conducting the ceremony.

Charm the water

The Slavs like to carry out all kinds of water conspiracies because high strength the actions of these rituals. The person performing the ceremony must collect in two containers:

  • Dew in the morning.
  • Water from a source created by nature.

A spell to make rain is cast when two liquids are poured into one container:

The resulting mixture is poured through the window with the words:

The power of the spell is great when performed correctly. Expect the drought to end in a couple of hours. Otherwise, repeat the ritual until it starts to drizzle. Distinctive feature rain called by this spell: it will not be long and not strong.

Rite made on sheepskin

The ritual is common in Romania. You need to take yarn or a sheepskin item. The person performing the ritual is a piece of dried earth. The sheepskin is soaked in water, wrapped in an apron and, sitting on dry ground, raised to the sky, symbolizing a gift to heaven. Saying the words:

The sheepskin is then wrung out and the water is absorbed into the dry soil. The caster bows three times to the floor and goes home. Rain is expected a week after the ceremony.

River plowing with a plow

This ritual of calling rain is common in Belarus. Women and girls spend time near the river. The more fun and loud the ceremony is, the more productive and faster the rain will pass. The girls must plow the river with all kinds of wooden units, while chanting:

There is a second version of the song:

Prayers for rain

Besides paganism there is orthodox prayers, characterized by great strength. The text below is read at night on the moon at the moment of growth.

Afterwards the worshiper must cross himself. Then say facing the moon:

Prayers that have high power, therefore often begin to drip from the sky when reading. There is no need to stop, you need to read everything to the end.

Required Items

The objects for such rituals are things created by nature itself. Anyone can get them easily. There is a well in any village, and it is not difficult to find a long stick in the forest. Poppy seeds are sold for pennies in gardening stores. Dew and water from the pond. Sheep are not new to everyone Slavic peoples, not only for Romanians. Sometimes all that is needed for a ritual is a person, prayer and his faith in Nature.

Correct execution

All these rituals are united by one condition: correct execution: the need to believe in what the caster is doing. Always remember, you cannot demand from Nature, you can only ask and beg. There should be no grins or smirks when performing rituals. You need complete dedication with your soul to what you do and say, and then Mother Nature will have mercy and give the person what he asks for.

What to do if it doesn't work out?

The question needs to be asked: did I believe in what I was doing? With all your heart? The purpose of the ceremony should be exclusively bright, kind and pure. There must be an urgent need to resort to extreme measures, like a petition from Nature itself. When performing a ritual, one must not offend Nature and everything that relates to it. Will you help those who offended or hit you? The rules are the same for everyone.

How to drive away the rain and bring in the sun

It is possible for a person to drive away the rain and return the sun. There are situations when there is no time for drought, it rains for days without stopping. Then they resort to a ritual against the rain. You need to say the words:

Say it three times, take soil from the pot (a handful) where the flower grows, pour it outside, cross yourself three times. Soon the rain will stop.

Humanity has depended on rain for its entire existence. If there is precipitation, then there will be a good harvest, but if there is a drought, then there will be a time of famine. That is why every nation has one or more ways of causing rain.

Moreover, this does not necessarily have to be somehow connected with shamanism, pagan rituals and black magic - to combat drought you do not need to sacrifice an animal to a deity or jump with a tambourine, performing shamanic dances.

Is it possible for an ordinary person to make it rain?

Yes, there are several ways to make rain that each of us can do.

Rite 1 - on the street

Go outside with a hammer, a sheet of metal and a water bottle. Find a smooth stump, place a sheet on it and start hitting it with a hammer, thereby simulating the sound of thunder. Then start throwing water out of the bottle in different directions, which, in fact, will symbolize the falling rain. As a rule, after this ritual, precipitation appears no later than 24 hours later.

Rite 2 - rain using a natural reservoir

To make it rain after a long drought, go to any body of natural water after sunset (that is, a pool in the yard or a bathtub in the house will not suit you). Strip naked and go into the water up to your neck. Say it three times:

“Water, water, I miss you. Life without you is not sweet to me. Save me quickly, don’t let me die.”

Then wash your face and hair with water. Fill a vessel (a bottle of water), go ashore, get dressed and return to your home. Leave the bottle on your doorstep after uncorking the cap. Early in the morning (at sunrise), take a bottle of water and spray it on your personal plot(on beds with dry soil that desperately need rain). If this is happening in the city, then climb onto the roof of your house (if you have a balcony, then that will do) and pour the water out of the bottle. This will help make it rain after 48 hours.

Rite 3 - shamanic dances

To cause rain with the help of dance, purchase an item called “the sound of rain” in any esoteric store - it is a closed wooden tube with grains (usually buckwheat) poured inside it. When you turn the tube over, the grains spill out, making a sound very similar to the sound of rain.

If possible, connect the hose you usually use to water your garden to the water tap and extend it outside. Well water the path leading from your house to the gate so that puddles form. Dress in all white and take off your shoes. Start dancing barefoot through the puddles, holding the “sound of rain” in your hands and turning it over every now and then.

Rite 4 - per plant

Pick some plants and flowers from your garden that have become victims of drought, that is, completely and irrevocably dried out. Weave them into a wreath. Go to the river, throw the wreath into the water and say:

“My seven-flowered flower died, died without water, dried up without rain. “Swim, little wreath, to a distant land, to a land rich in water, and ask for the water to come and visit us.”

For even greater effectiveness, you can cry so that your tears also fall into the river.

Rite 5 - the ancient method

And finally, we still want to offer you another ancient ritual that the southern Slavs used in their time to make rain. Go to the forest, find a strong stick there. Now use this tool to rake the anthill. Watching the insects crawl in different directions, say:

“As many ants run on the ground, so many drops will fall from the sky.”

We can control the weather! From the experience of our reader, you will learn how to stop the rain in 10 minutes!

Amazing experience!

My experience confirms that human abilities are limitless. It all depends on your focus and ability to concentrate¹.

One weekend I was conducting a retreat (solitary practice) at the dacha.

It was morning, I was meditating in the house. When it was time to finish practice and go home, I noticed that it was raining heavily outside.

I couldn’t believe my eyes, because only recently the sky was completely clear. Not wanting to get wet, I sat in the lotus position and concentrated on the intention of stopping the rain.”

I managed to stop the rain!

“With the power of thought, I dispersed the clouds and imagined how the sun began to shine through the clouds. After 10 minutes of this work, the rain stopped and the sky brightened significantly.

While I was walking to the stop, the clouds completely dissolved and the sun began to shine.

On this occasion, the following lines suddenly came to my mind.

One day I was practicing morning sadhana at my dacha, and suddenly the clouds covered the sun. I had to leave soon; Moreover, Indra himself greeted me!

Instantly the sky became clouded and warm rain began to fall. I accepted this lila easily: here practice alone was able to help me. A minute or two later, the rain began to subside, and within five minutes it stopped altogether.

Inside myself, I worshiped God! And he began to calmly watch how the sun appeared from the sky, how the sleeping forest awoke at dawn, how the clouds immediately began to disperse...

I thought: “Perhaps I’m dreaming everything?”

Absolutely every person can learn to consciously influence the weather and control natural phenomena by your own will. Everyone has the power to develop superpowers. You will find one of these techniques

Today we'll talk how to make it rain. But be modest and humble - so that everything works out for you and the elements submit to you, do not feel like a god, feel like part of the elements. Only in this case ritual of making rain will go right.

One day I received a letter in my mail from a woman from a village in eastern region Ukraine. She wrote that they had not had a single rain for several years in a row. But they live on what they grow in their gardens and fields. There is a church in the village, but according to my subscriber, there are also a lot of witches. Of course she had no evidence and it was all more like superstition strange man. But just think about it: for several years in a row it rained in neighboring villages, it rained everywhere - within arm’s reach on the border between villages. But they didn't.

She even sent me a photo - on the ring road there is wet asphalt clearly along the “boundary”, and then it’s dry as if under a ruler.

According to her, God was punishing the village with drought because it was densely populated by witches. That the village has become a kind of funnel negative energy, over which the clouds were just swirling, but could not give birth to rain. Hence the question arose - how to make it rain, because it is necessary to save the crop.

What you will learn from the article:

How to make rain - rituals

Sometimes it’s not about witches or evil spirits at all, it’s just that the weather is not in the mood for rain.

The ritual of making rain has been known for centuries in almost all countries of the world engaged in agriculture.

  • In Belarus, girls plowed the water in the river with a real plow, uttering special ritual words and stripping naked.
  • In Rus', in villages they went to a witch (people always know the local leader) and doused her with water from a spring so that it would rain within 24 hours.
  • Water was poured into the different places a priest, a pregnant woman as a symbol of fertility, shepherds who knew how to handle “the flocks” (clouds included).
  • There is also a well-known ritual with ants - you need to open an anthill in the forest with a stick and, with the words “how many ants are scattering, how many drops are falling from the sky,” provoke the elements.
  • People also went to reservoirs, asked for rain, read prayers, and cleared springs, symbolically releasing water. In general, all rituals are in one way or another connected with certain actions over the element of water.

Ritual of making rain

Water is capable of receiving, storing and transmitting information. All water in the universe is united on the subtle plane and is capable of transmitting the necessary information through a chain to any point in the world.

Dress in white clothes, you can use silver or gold (it will look strange, so it’s better to wear white).

Find a quiet place close to nature water source(although in the absence of such it will be suitable artificial pond, the bottom of which is earth).

Sit comfortably, stop your mind, relax your body. Feel the wind blowing on you, feel it for a while. Note which side of the world it blows from. Imagine how clouds are gathering over you and your city or village, and from the direction the wind is blowing. The clouds are all drawn like a magnet to a point above you.

Transport yourself into the midst of this natural element - look around you with your inner gaze. The cloud consists of a vaporous substance, which before your eyes turns into heavy drops of water, full-bodied, juicy, very heavy. The clouds seem to be pregnant, deeply pregnant, literally pregnant and inevitably about to give birth to powerful torrential rain. Feel this life-giving moisture in every cell of your body. Stay in the cloud and in this state.

After some time, return to your body by slamming your entire palm hard onto the ground.

Now clouds are swirling right above you, above your city or village. They form a powerful funnel full of moisture, ready to burst into a shower at any second. Watch this phenomenon for a while. The feeling of the inevitability of rain should be firmly established in your head, the confidence that a downpour is approaching. Feel the smell of ozone and the heaviness humid air before the rain.

After a few minutes, take a dozen deep breaths and exhalations. Gradually return to yourself, to your usual state of consciousness.

Go home.

Within 24 hours after this powerful practice, if you have done everything correctly, are completely immersed in the process and have normal level energy, it will rain.

It's good if you have pumped up energy. Then rain is simply inevitable.

Tell us in the comments how they make rain in your homeland?

From the letter:

“Farmer Leonid Fomich is writing to you. Several years ago I bought land. I have many children, and I realized: in order to get them on their feet, feed them, clothe them, put them on shoes and give them a decent education, I need to do something. I took out a loan, got into unimaginable debt, but circumstances arose that could ruin all my plans.

It can be very difficult in Kazakhstan if there is no rain. Drought is my enemy. I heard from my grandmother that fellow villagers went to one healer and she read some prayers. Soon after this they went heavy rains. Do you know these?

You cannot talk to anyone while casting the spell. The master who makes it rain must abstain from eating meat until the rain comes. The spell is read like this:

Heavy rains, torrential downpours,

Come here, get together.

Clouds, cover the whole sky,

Wash the earth with a shower,

So that Elijah the Prophet gets wet too.

Come down from the sky, water,

For the glory of God here.

The thunder thunders, the wind rustles.

In the name of God the Father, in the name of the Creator.

My words, every word come true,

Streams of heaven, pour out.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

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