Duchess Kate is an ordinary girl who became a princess. Children of Prince William and Kate Middleton How many children do Prince William and Kate have?

Prince William is the eldest son of Prince Charles and his first wife Diana, and the grandson of Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain. He has many titles and awards, but despite his position in society, according to eyewitnesses, he remains a sincere and easy-to-communicate person. In this article, we will try to highlight Interesting Facts from the life of the second in line heir to the throne of Great Britain.


Prince William was born on June 21, 1982 at St. Mary's Hospital, located in one of the districts of London. The baby weighed three kilograms and two hundred grams and showed majestic calm. To this day, William is a symbol of health for his compatriots.

From the age of three the boy began to go to kindergarten Mrs. Minor, located in the western area of ​​London, where he took part in theatrical productions and also learned the basics of vocals.

In junior school, Prince William discovered his aptitude for grammar and English language. In those years, he was seriously interested in sports and at the age of 7 won a special cup for significant success in swimming.

In 1990, when the boy signed the audience log for a London choir concert, his compatriots noted with delight that he was left-handed. As a child, the heir to the throne was a restless, cheerful and inquisitive child.


In 1995, after completing his schooling, the heir to the British throne entered Eton College. The prince studied well and was a diligent student. He made many friends.

Prince William lived alone in a room that did not have a TV or radio. Therefore, he learned about the death of his mother (Princess Diana died in a car accident) with some delay. This terrible news shocked the heir English throne. He for a long time I was depressed, stopped communicating with friends and started skipping classes.

To cope with prolonged depression, William began visiting a psychoanalyst. During this time, his hostility towards members of the media intensified.

In 2000, after completing his college studies, Prince William traveled extensively around the world, taking part (like his mother) in charity events in Chile and African countries. According to some reports, he even managed to work on an English dairy farm.

The pause in his studies helped the heir to the throne make the right choice of the institution in which he decided to continue his studies.

Years of university study

Prince William chose the University of St. Andrews, located in Scotland. The young man submitted his documents along with other applicants. In September 2001, he became a student at this educational institution.

At first, William studied at the Faculty of Art History, but in the middle of his studies he changed his specialization to geography. In 2005, the young man graduated with honors from a prestigious university and received a master's degree.

William calls his years at university a happy period in his life. He made a lot of friends and most importantly met the love of his life.

Prince William and Kate Middleton (dating story)

The history of Kate and William's relationship confirms that if lovers are destined to be together, this will certainly happen.

William and Kate studied at the same faculty at the University of St. Andrews. The young people met, an arose between them mutual sympathy. The girl easily joined the prince's company. Mutual friends teased them about their feelings for each other, but they did not take them seriously.

The young people went jogging and swimming together, Kate wrote notes for William when he had to go on business trips, but at that time she hardly thought that her betrothed would be Britain’s most eligible bachelor, Prince William. Middleton Michael (Kate's father), although he was a respectable wealthy businessman, did not belong to the upper strata of society. The girl’s mother grew up in a simple miner’s family. Kate understood that princes usually married girls from a different bloodline. She even started dating a guy from another faculty.

Development of the novel

Everything changed dramatically in March 2002. William attended a charity fashion show where Kate Middleton showed off a transparent short dress that revealed all the charms of her figure. The prince was so impressed that after the show he kissed the girl, despite the fact that her boyfriend was nearby. There was no continuation then, however.

After some time, Prince William and Kate were already living together in the same house. At the beginning of their romance, they carefully hid their relationship from the media, so they moved in with a couple of friends, as if to save money. In reality, few people believed in this version; many guessed that they were a couple in love.

The romance of the young people became known to the press only in April 2004, when paparazzi tracked down a couple in love at a ski resort in Switzerland. Photos of the prince kissing Kate appeared on the pages of the Sun tabloid.

The vicissitudes of relationships

In the summer of 2004, the prince invited Kate to test her feelings for strength. The lovers decided to go to different rooms, but continue to live under one roof. William was the first to decide to renew the relationship and moved the girl’s things back to his room.

For the next three years, they were never separated; society was convinced that Prince William and his beloved were an ideal couple. When they decided to separate in April 2007, the news shocked society.

The prince became a frequent guest in nightclubs, and Kate abruptly changed her classic wardrobe to a youth one. But two loving hearts were destined to be together, so minor grievances could not destroy their union. The lovers were reunited, and in 2010 the news of their long-awaited engagement spread around the world.


On April 29, 2011, William and Kate became... legal spouses. The wedding ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey; after its completion, the wedding cortege proceeded to Buckingham Palace.

Prince William (the photo below indicates this) and his wife went out onto the balcony and kissed there in front of a large audience, already in the status of newly-made spouses.

The ceremony was beautiful and solemn. About two thousand guests were invited to the wedding of the heir to the British throne and Kate Middleton, thousands of people took to the streets of London to pay their respects to the newlyweds. A huge number of people all over the world watched the wedding from television screens.

The wedding of the heir to the British throne was striking in its majesty and wide scope. The eyes of the newlyweds, glowing with happiness, the smiles on their lips were evidence true love, before which position and origin have no power.

Children of Prince William and Kate

At Christmas 2012, William and Kate made it public that they were expecting a new addition to their family. Their son George made his parents happy with his birth on July 22, 2013. The birth of the heir caused universal rejoicing and was celebrated with a grandiose fireworks display in the colors of the national flag of Great Britain.

On May 2, 2015, Duchess Catherine gave her husband another child - a charming daughter, Charlotte.

Currently, the couple, using the example of their family, continue to strengthen the prestige of Great Britain. They lead a busy social life, raise two children, participate in various events and enjoy family happiness.

What girl doesn't dream of a prince? And although in reality there are not so many princes, someone marries them?! The story of a girl who did not belong to an aristocratic family, Kate Middleton, is a vivid example of this.

Since childhood, the girl was determined to have a successful marriage, but could she count on a palace and a titled husband?! What attracted you to Kate? Maybe beauty, modesty, education, poise, tenderness or fidelity. Whatever it is, today it is a strong family, loving and happy parents, giving a piece of fairy tale to the whole world.

Country childhood of a princess

On January 9, 1982, the future wife of Prince William, Duchess Kate, was born in the English county of Berkshire. The girl's mother, Carol Goldsmith, working family, before marriage she worked as a flight attendant. His father, Michael Francis Middleton, worked first as an air traffic controller and then as a pilot. Work and love for the sky brought the young people together and became acquainted. They got married two years before the birth of their first child.

The future Kate Middleton is the eldest of three children. Catherine's ancestors never belonged to the British nobility. The girl's relatives are from the middle and working class on both her maternal and paternal sides. When Catherine was five years old, the Middletons became significantly wealthy and were able to buy a house in Berkshire. Their own company brought them such profit (gifts and various little things for the holidays).

Little Kate went to an ordinary English kindergarten, and then to school in the village of Panborn, where their new house. The girl graduated from school at the age of 13 and immediately entered a private college in Marlborough. There she was interested in tennis, hockey, and athletics. Her favorite subjects were chemistry, biology and art.

A few years before the palace

Having successfully graduated from college, Katherine decides to take time out and go to university in a year. Free time the girl devotes herself to travel; she visited Italy and Chile. The future Duchess Kate has participated in various charity programs from a young age.

Parents never spared money on their children’s education; they studied in the best educational institutions. The children were brought up in strictness, and little Catherine always behaved like a real duchess. Kate devoted a lot of time to her education, because she believed that a girl should be well-mannered, educated and an interesting conversationalist. Kate is the first of the Middletons to enter higher education - the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

It was within the walls of this university that Kate and William met. But, according to the media, it was not, at least mutual.

In addition, in the life of the pretty student Middleton there was a young man - Rupert Finch. The guy was in his last year of study, so he graduated from the university earlier. Kate and Rupert's relationship did not stand the test of time and distance, and soon the couple finally broke up.

Where is the dress, or how to choose an outfit to conquer the prince

Future Duchess Cambridge Kate, V student years just Kate Middleton, took part in a charity show with her friends. Photo of a girl in transparent dress began to appear in the media due to increased interest in her person. And although the photographs show that Kate herself was not delighted with the fashion show and her own outfit, she had no idea what role it would play in her life.

On the one hand, it was on this day that the modest student by nature was noticed by Prince William. Who, as befits a royal person and an active, handsome student, sat in the very first row. On the other hand, with the acquisition official status“Duchess of Cambridge” Kate blushed more than once for her appearance and such an “elegant and modest” outfit.

By the way, the dress that Middleton wore that evening recently went under the hammer for $104,000.

Looking ahead a little, I would like to note that today Duchess Kate Middleton is considered a modern style icon in Great Britain.

Love or friendship

It took young Prince William and Kate Middleton a long time to admit their feelings to themselves, each other and the whole world.

At first they were just acquaintances, students attending the same lectures and living in the same dormitory. Fortunately, the prince’s mother at one time insisted that her son get used to the company of people from different backgrounds. Therefore, he was not ashamed to live in a shared student dormitory (although the windows in his room were armored), attend various non-secular events, or serve with ordinary guys.

About the fact that he had any serious relationship with girls during his studies, it is unknown, he was busy with his studies, journalists and plans for the future (he had thoughts of quitting his studies). And Kate was dating a senior student.

But soon the young people began to spend more time together, go on vacation together, appear in public, and gradually the friendship grew into a real romantic feeling. Kate and several other friends were invited to the palace to celebrate William's birthday.

And although the press was waiting for news of the engagement and claimed that the future duchess had been identified, Kate had not yet thought about marriage, since the heir to the throne was in no hurry to propose. Soon they began to live together, first in a rented house in Five with other children, and later in a country cottage.

But the romance with the prince is not as fabulous as it may seem...

An attempt to break up ended in a wedding

The relationship between the young people developed, they lived together and Kate became known to everyone as Prince William's girlfriend. Girls from different countries were jealous of sweet Kate, but what changed in her life?

Photographers were constantly “hunting” her, dreaming of posting exclusive or revealing photos. She had to constantly control her appearance, speech, gestures, absolutely everything. Bodyguards were assigned to the girl and followed her everywhere. At the same time, William not only did not propose, but was in no hurry to give up his bachelor habits. The girl had to wait for him at home while he spent time with friends at parties or on vacation. After graduating from university, his lover decided to go to a military camp. New life, distance and annoying photographers exhausted the lovers, and they decided to leave.

The prince's family really liked the modest Kate and believed that she had a positive influence on William. Their breakup was short-lived; in the same year, 2007, they resumed their relationship.

Three years later, the world learned about the engagement of one of the most beautiful couples and the wedding date of the heir to the British crown and Kate Middleton.

The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and her husband received their high title thanks to the Queen of Britain. They were granted the title on their wedding day.

The wedding of Catherine and William became one of the most anticipated events of 2011. For any bride, almost the most important thing in the celebration is the dress. Duchess Kate chose two irresistible dresses from famous designers. Photos of the bride in the dress for the official part spread all over the world and amazed designers and fashionistas with their beauty.

On April 29, an event took place that the residents were looking forward to. The ceremony took place in The most famous and influential guests were invited to the wedding. Few were given the honor of attending in person, but the ceremony was broadcast by television channels all over the world.

Women's happiness is simple, even for a princess

In 2012, Duchess Kate Middleton gave birth to Prince William's heir, George Alexander Louis. In May 2015, a little princess was born - the daughter of the Duchess and Duke of Charlotte, Elizabeth Diana.

Her subjects love Kate very much for her kindness, sincerity and modesty. Katherine is involved in charity work, family, and accompanies her husband at social events and business meetings. The young Duchess's style is considered impeccable: elegant, modest and modern. Very often the media emphasizes how much Duchess Kate resembles Princess Diana.

Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge (nee Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, English Catherine Elizabeth, Duchess of Cambridge, née Catherine Elizabeth Middleton). Born 9 January 1982 in Reading. Duke's Consort Cambridge William. In Scotland - Countess of Strathearn.

Mother - Carole Elizabeth, née Goldsmith (Carole Elizabeth Middleton née Goldsmith; born January 31, 1955).

Kate Middleton's family:

Kate's parents got married on June 21, 1980 at the parish church in Dorney, Buckinghamshire. They met while working at civil aviation: Carol was a flight attendant, Michael was an air traffic controller and later a British Airways pilot.

Mother Kate, née Goldsmith, was born on January 31, 1955. Her ancestors - the Harrison family - are representatives of the working class. They were miners in County Durham.

Kate's father was born on June 23, 1949. His family comes from Leeds, West Yorkshire. Kate's paternal grandmother, Olivia, belonged to the Lupton family, whose members were famous for their commercial activities and work in city services. On her grandmother's side, Kate is a relative of Thomas Davis, the famous hymn writer of the Church of England.

In 1987, the Middletons founded the parcel trading company Party Pieces, which successfully developed in the British market and made them millionaires.

The family settled in own home in the village of Bucklebury in Berkshire.

The Middleton family has three children: Kate and James William. Kate is the oldest of them.

In May 1984, when Kate was two years old, she and her family moved to the capital of Jordan, where her father had been transferred to work. The Middletons lived there until September 1986.

When Kate was three years old, she began attending an English kindergarten in Amman.

Upon returning to Berkshire, she entered St. Andrew's School in the village of Pangbourne in Berkshire, where she studied until 1995.

After this, the future princess moved to Marlborough College, a private educational institution in Wiltshire, where education is co-ed. After graduating from college to receive a certificate of general education of the second level of difficulty she passed exams in chemistry, biology and art courses.

At college, Kate played tennis, hockey and netball, and was involved in athletics - in particular, high jumping.

While studying at Marlborough College, Kate also completed the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.

After graduating from college in 2000, Kate did not go to university, taking a year off from studying. During this year, she visited two countries - Italy, where she studied at the Florence British Institute, and Chile, where she participated in a program for the charity Raleigh International. In addition, Kate managed to take a short cruise along the Solent.

In 2001, Kate entered the prestigious University of St. Andrews in the Scottish region of Fife. There she met Prince William, the eldest son of Charles, Prince of Wales.

While studying, she continued to play sports, in particular playing hockey for the university team, and participating in charity events.

In 2002, for example, she walked at a charity show at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland in a transparent dress, which was recently sold at a London auction for $104,000 (£65,000).

Kate graduated from the university without failing grades, receiving a second-class honors degree in art history in 2005.

After that, she began working at Party Pieces, which was founded by her parents in 1987. The Middleton company delivers goods by mail for various holidays. In 2008, as part of her work at the company, Kate launched the First Birthdays project. IN family business Kate was involved in catalog design, product photography and marketing campaigns.

In November 2006, she began working part-time in the purchasing department of the Jigsaw chain of stores in London. A year later, the press wrote that Kate intended to leave her job at Jigsaw and begin a career as a professional photographer. A few months later, it was even announced that she planned to take private lessons from Mario Testino, a photographer who has taken several famous photographs of her sons. However, the photographer himself denied this information. The media noted that Prince William introduced Kate to Testino.

Prince and Cinderella. William and Kate

Kate Middleton's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Kate Middleton:

The world media began writing about Kate as a new friend in 2005. Their joint photo, which was made during one of the excursions, graced the front pages of the world's leading publications.

Subsequently, Middleton turned to a lawyer due to the constant interference in her personal life and harassment of journalists. At the University of St. Andrews, the couple studied art history together, but Prince William later changed his specialization to geography. According to some reports, Kate convinced Prince William to continue his studies when he wanted to drop out of his first year. According to another version, William remained at the university thanks to the persuasion of his father, Prince Charles.

Having received the unofficial status of the prince's girlfriend, Middleton began to often appear at events involving the royal family. So, on December 15, 2006, she and her parents were invited to the graduation ceremony of the Royal Military Academy, from which Prince William graduated. Queen Elizabeth II attended the ceremony.

Since 2002, Kate and William, already friends, rented a house in Fife, and since 2003 - country cottage. The beginning of their romantic relationship also dates back to this time. During their student holidays, Prince William and Kate traveled together several times, and in 2003, the girl was among a small number of close friends invited to the prince's twenty-first birthday.

In 2005, Kate graduated from the University of St. Andrews with a bachelor's degree and increasingly appeared in public with the prince. Then rumors appeared about their imminent engagement. But William began his studies at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and Kate was invited to work in the purchasing department of the Jigsaw clothing chain. From that time on, she lived in the London area of ​​Chelsea.

On December 15, 2006, Kate and her parents were invited to a graduation ceremony at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, which was also attended by Queen Elizabeth II and members of the royal family.

In 2007, Prince William went to a military training camp in Dorset, and Kate remained to live in London. These circumstances, as well as the growing pressure on Kate from journalists, were named among the possible reasons for the separation of Kate and William, which was announced in April 2007.

In the summer of 2007, the media reported on the likely resumption of the romance between Kate and Prince William, since in June they attended a party together, organized in the military unit where the prince served. In July, Kate and William attended a gala concert in memory of Princess Diana, although official sources did not confirm rumors about the couple’s reunion. It was subsequently indicated that Prince William and Kate decided to resume their relationship in August 2007.

On April 29, 2011, Kate Middleton married Prince William of Wales. The wedding took place at Westminster Abbey in London. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain granted the young couple the title of Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The official title of the Duchess of Cambridge is Her Royal Highness Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus.

Kate Middleton ordered two for her wedding wedding dresses(one for the wedding ceremony, the second for the wedding dinner). The first, which became the main intrigue of the celebration, amazed all fashion experts. The bride chose a dress from a British brand Alexander McQueen. The second dress was created by the famous British fashion designer and stylist Bruce Oldfield, who previously took part in the design of Princess Diana's wardrobe.

Only the most famous, rich and influential people were given the honor of attending the most important ceremony of the year. The list of honor includes musician Elton John, director Guy Ritchie, football player David Beckham with his wife, actor Rowan Atkinson, who became famous not only for his role as Mr. Bean, but also for his friendship with the groom’s father.

The British capital made good money from the wedding of the heir to the British crown, Prince William and Kate Middleton. Expenses of guests of the British capital reached 107 million pounds sterling (about $176.5 million), analysts from PricewaterhouseCoopers calculated.

Wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince William

In 2011, a film was also made called William & Kate, dedicated to the relationship and then the wedding of Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton.

On December 3, 2012, an official representative of the British Royal Household announced that Prince William's wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, was pregnant and was in the King Edward VII Hospital in central London with symptoms of toxicosis and would remain there for a few more days.

On July 22, 2013 at 16:24 local time (19:24 Moscow time) her son was born - George Alexander Louis, Prince of Cambridge.

On September 8, 2014, an official representative of the royal court confirmed information about the second pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge. On October 20, 2014, it was announced on the official website of the ducal couple that the second child of Catherine and William would be born in April 2015.

2 May 2015 at 8:34 am London time, Duchess of Cambridge. The baby weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces (3.71 kg). The girl's name was Charlotte Elizabeth Diana(Charlotte Elizabeth Diana). She received the title Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge.

September 4, 2017. "The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that they are expecting their third child," the statement said. It was clarified that Kate, as in her previous pregnancies, suffers from toxicosis, so she will no longer participate in official events.

April 23, 2018. "The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her son at 11:01 (at 15:01 Moscow time). The child weighs 8 pounds 7 ounces (about 3.9 kg). Prince William was present at the birth," Kensington Palace reported.

Interview with Prince William and Kate Middleton 2011:

CNN: Of course, the whole world is incredibly curious, let's start with the obvious. William, where, when and how did you propose to Kate? Kate, what did you say?

William: It all happened about three weeks ago in Kenya, where we were on vacation with friends. I just decided it was the right time. We'd been talking about marriage for a while now, so it wasn't a big surprise. In Kenya, we went out for dinner that evening and I proposed to her.

Kate: It was very romantic, we have romance in us!

William: Exactly.

CNN: And of course you said yes?

Kate: Yes.

CNN: Did you absolutely know that you would propose?

William: I've been planning this for some time. As anyone who has been through this knows, you need to be in the mood to decide to do something like this. I planned it, and then in Africa I just felt that the right moment had come, very good. But to show off my romantic side, I needed preparation.

CNN: By that time you had already been on vacation for some time. Did you suspect, Kate, that this would happen - was he nervous, jumping up and down with impatience?

Kate: No, absolutely not. We were in Kenya with friends and everything, so I didn't really expect him to propose to me. I knew that he was thinking about it, but at that very moment I felt surprise and joy, of course.

CNN: Gave me a ring? There and then?

William: Yes exactly. For three weeks I constantly carried it with me in my backpack - I was afraid of losing it. I knew that if the ring disappeared, I would be in serious trouble. Because I planned everything, everything went well. I've heard a lot scary stories about how someone proposed to someone and everything went terribly, but everything went well for us, and I’m very glad that Kate agreed to marry me.

CNN: This is a family ring...

William: This is my mother's wedding ring. She is not with us, and she cannot share our joy, so I kind of want to bring her closer to what is happening with us now.

CNN: Let's get a look. What kind of ring is this, do you understand this?

William: No, I don’t understand anything at all. I was told it was sapphire and diamonds, but I think everyone will recognize this ring anyway.

Kate: It's very beautiful.

CNN: Now everyone will envy you!

Kate: I hope to keep it carefully.

William: She will have a hard time if she loses him. (laughs)

Kate: It's very, very special.

CNN: I must say that you both look incredibly happy and relaxed.

CNN: So you kept it a secret. When you asked Kate's father for permission, what did he say?

William: I had a dilemma: ask Kate's father, but I thought - what if he says no! And if I tell Kate first, he won't be able to refuse me. So I talked to Mike after I proposed to Kate.

CNN: What did your mother say?

Kate: Well, I think any mother would be just happy. We had a very awkward situation because I knew that William had already talked to my father, but I didn’t know if my mother knew. Mom behaved in a way that was incomprehensible. We looked at each other and it was awkward. But it was amazing to tell her, and of course she's very happy for us.

CNN: It’s obvious that you have a very close family, and what family generally means to you great importance.

Kate: Yes, I attach great importance to family. I hope that we ourselves can build a happy family. My family and I have had a great relationship over the years and they have been very supportive of me. hard times. We see each other often, this is of great importance to me.

CNN: Everyone is very interested in this. The question, of course, is obvious – children. Do you want a lot of children, or how will it work out? What is your position?

William: I think we'll need time to move on from the wedding first. And then we’ll think about the children. But of course, we want to start a family, we need to start with this.

CNN: Speaking of the beginning. The public is interested in all the details of your relationship. When did you first notice each other and what were your first impressions?

William: It was so long ago that I need to dig into my memory. We met at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland. We were friends for a year and that's where it all started. We started spending more and more time with each other, we laughed a lot, it was a lot of fun. We realized that we had many common interests, it was great and interesting to spend time together. Kate has a great sense of humor.

CNN: What did you think when you met William? Obviously, this is not just meeting someone average. Or just like that, I don’t know. What was your first impression?

Kate: I was very embarrassed when I first met William. You know, when school began, he was not at the university for the first weeks. We didn’t meet right away, but once we did, we quickly became good friends.

CNN: You know, they say that in your room there was a poster of William!

William: And not just one, in fact, there were about twenty of them! (laugh)

Kate: I'm daydreaming! On the wall in my room there was an advertising photo of Levi's jeans, not a photo of William. Sorry, I'm sorry.

William: It was a photo of me in Levi's, obviously.

CNN: You lived in the same house together, was that before you started dating or after?

William: We lived together as friends, several people lived there, all our friends. This is where it all started, we often saw each other, went to have fun together and all that.

Kate: Did you like the way I cook?

William: You cooked normally. It's better now.

CNN: Tell me, does William cook? And in general, does it do anything useful?

William: Define what “useful” is! (laugh)

Kate: Yes. When we were at university, he cooked for me. I was always there to help him.

CNN: Is the ability to cook worse or better over the years?

William: I would say that I cook better now, Kate will say that I cook a little worse.

Kate: I just didn't give you the opportunity to practice!

William: This is true. I'm lazy to cook food. When I come home from work, one thing I definitely don't want to do is cook. However, back then, at university, when I was trying to charm and impress Kate, I tried to cook luxurious dinners, but in the end something always burned, ran away, or spilled. Kate was next to me and tried to control the situation.

CNN: Many people are interested in how the first meeting with the families went? What are your impressions?

Kate: I was very worried before meeting William’s father, but he turned out to be very friendly, everything went just fine.

CNN: And a meeting with my grandmother, the queen, is also not just a meeting with some average grandmother. Were you worried?

Kate: Of course, before meeting the queen, I was also worried. But she was very friendly. We have a great relationship.

William: Yes, grandma received Kate very well. She knew that this was an important day, she had long wanted to meet her. She came up and said hello and we talked a little.

Kate has a very close family and I am lucky that they have been so supportive. They were always very warm to me, I felt like I was part of the family, and I hope Kate feels the same.

CNN: Everyone knows that after graduating from university you broke up. It was big news, all the newspapers wrote about it. What was the reason for the separation?

William: To be honest, I wouldn’t believe everything they write in the newspapers, but that news was true, yes. We were both young, trying to find our way in life. Our characters were developing, we were growing up. We wanted some space. In the end, it was a very rewarding experience.

Kate: At that moment I won’t say that I was happy, but that story made me stronger. In moments like these, you learn things about yourself that you never knew before. I appreciate that period of my life.

CNN: Did you always know you wanted to start a family with each other? Did the realization come gradually? Or just like this within two weeks? The public has been waiting for your decision to get married for a long time.

William: Immediately after meeting Kate, I realized that this was a special relationship for me. I immediately wanted to get to know her better. We ended up being friends for a while. I believe that friendship is a great advantage. This is a kind of foundation, everything is built on this. I knew that over the years everything would only get better and better. We had difficulties, as in any relationship. But we recovered from this and continued to live. And, you know, when you first start dating and getting to know each other, little strange problems arise - so we've got all that behind us, and now it's very easy and very cool to be with each other, and, as you can see, I'm extremely funny, and she likes it, which is good.

Kate: As you say, dear.

CNN: Kate, all your friends, both yours and William's, say that you have a very great love, which developed for a very long time, and which partly consists of friendship, but, of course, your relationship is more than friendship...

Kate: Well, I think that when you date someone for a long time, you get to know each other very, very well. There are Good times, there are bad ones - both for you personally and in relationships. I think you become stronger as a result and, as I said, you learn a lot about yourself. And these, of course, were good ones - how many years have they been there?

William: I lost count.

CNN: You, of course, were in no hurry, yes. Have you ever talked about this?

Kate: Well, we had conversations...

William: We talk about this a lot today, don't we? We talked about it a lot, so it's not like Kate was in the dark, we've been planning this for at least a year or more. It was all about finding the right time, and most people say that's what it's all about with couples: timing. I was pursuing a military career, really wanted to focus all my attention on flying, and I would not have been able to get married if I was still in training. So I dealt with that, and Kate is doing well now in terms of work and who she wants to be - and so we just decided that now is the right time.

CNN: You are about to enter this family, the most famous royal family in the world. William's mother was cult figure, the most famous woman our time. Does this worry you, scare you? Do you think about this a lot, both of you? Although, of course, Kate, this question is primarily for you.

Kate: Well, obviously it would be... I would dream of meeting her, and she certainly inspires me, she is a woman that I want to look up to... and you know, that great family, those family members that I know, they have achieved a lot, they are very inspiring, so... yes, I think a lot.

CNN: Do you feel any pressure?

William: There's no pressure, like Kate said, it's about building your own future. No one is trying to take my mother's place. What she did was wonderful, but now this is about your own future and your own destiny. And Kate will do very well.

CNN: Your life is, to a certain extent, a public domain and there is no escaping that, you both understand that, right? William, you obviously understand this better than Kate, everyone can see that you are trying in every possible way to protect her.

William: Yes, extremely. Of course, she and her family - I really want to make sure that they don't have any problems. And for Kate, I wanted her to have the opportunity to see what life is like in a family [in front of the cameras], and that's probably why I waited so long, because I wanted to give her the opportunity to see it all and get out of the game if will see fit (Kate laughs) before things get too much. Because you know I try to learn from the mistakes of the past and I just wanted to give her best opportunity settle in and see what happens on the other side.

Kate: Yes, I'm also very glad that I had this time to grow up and understand myself better, so I hope...

William: So, does that mean I did everything right?

Kate: Yes, and I hope that everything will work out for me.

CNN: So what you're saying is that it was deliberate, that the fact that you weren't in a rush was at least partly due to the fact that you spent a lot of time thinking about the future, quiet thinking, right?

William: Yes, yes. Well, we talked a lot about the future. It was always a topic for good conversation - and, as we said, we both came to this decision almost together. So I just chose when and how to do it, and being a true romantic, I did it extremely well.

CNN: Concluding the interview, I would like to ask you, Kate. People periodically criticize you and the way you work and relax. Does it hurt you? How do you react when people say such things?

Kate: Well, you know, I work a lot in the family business, and sometimes there are very long working days. And I think if I know that I'm working hard and doing my fair share of the work, and everyone I work with can see that, that's the most important thing to me.

CNN: You said that you are very close to your family. Are they hurt by what other people say or do you just let it not bother you, it's just something you have to live with?

Kate: Well, as I said... You know, the people at home are very supportive of us, and these are the people who really mean something to us - our close friends and close relatives. And it seems to me that if they think that you are doing everything right, you can only remain true to yourself and ignore most of what is said and written, take it into account, of course, but remain yourself. And that's exactly what I try to do.

CNN: What you are going to do is huge, and of course marriage is important for everyone, but such a public one... Are you excited? A little terrified?

William: Extremely excited. We are very happy that this interview is almost over (laughs). But no, of course, we are very, very excited and can't wait to spend a lot of time and our entire lives together and see what the future brings.

CNN: Kate, you've had a lot of time to think about this moment...

William: Okay, not that long actually. (laughs)

Kate: Of course, this is a big hassle, because I don’t know what’s what, but I’m ready to quickly learn everything and work tirelessly.

William: You'll do great.

CNN: Obviously, in the family you will have many opportunities, a huge opportunity to change people’s lives for the better, you probably thought about this too.

Kate: Yes, of course... I really hope that I can make the world a better place, even if it is just some small changes, and yes, I look forward to helping as much as I can.

CNN: Well, thank you very much for agreeing to talk with us. You look very relaxed and happy. Good luck to you.

Kate Middleton's embarrassment

Kate Middleton, aka Catherine Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor, Duchess of Cambridge, Countess of Strathearn and Baroness Carrickfergus. To put it simply, the wife of the Crown Prince of Great Britain.

For millions of people on earth, a woman is the living embodiment of the fairy tale, an icon of style, an example of restraint and, to some extent, self-sacrifice. In the latter case, this refers to the desire of Kate, who did not know so many restrictions and responsibilities before marriage, to comply with the rules for which the royal court cares so much.

Childhood and youth

Kate Middleton was born on January 9, 1982 in Reading. Father Michael Francis Middleton was a pilot for the world famous British Airways. Kate's mother, Carol Elizabeth, also worked there as a flight attendant. The parents got married in June 1980. Kate's younger sister, Philippa Charlotte, and brother James William also grew up in the family.

2 years after Kate’s birth, her father was transferred to work in the capital of Jordan, where the Middletons lived until 1986. Here the girl attended the only kindergarten for children of foreigners, and after returning to England she continued her studies at St. Andrew School, from which she successfully graduated in 1995.

Kate Middleton in childhood

Despite the fact that Kate's ancestors are from the working class, her parents earned enough that the girl did not need anything as a child. She could travel, study at the best colleges and institutes, and devote time to charity. Kate Middleton was not much inferior in her education and upbringing to a real aristocrat.

Then she studied at Marlborough College, where the future Duchess of Cambridge paid a lot of attention to sports. Kate enjoyed hockey, netball, tennis and athletics. At college, Middleton completed the Duke of Edinburgh's program, and of the highest level.

Then the girl took a year off from studying, traveled a lot, participated in an exchange program in Italy and a charity program in Chile. Even in her youth, Kate began to participate in charity work, which was further developed when Middleton entered high society.

In 2001, Kate entered the University of St. Andrews. In this prestigious educational institution she met Prince William, not suspecting how the meeting of fellow students would affect her entire biography. Middleton received a bachelor's degree in art history. At the beginning of her studies she attended this subject with the prince; later William changed his specialty to geography. The young man wanted to drop out after the 1st year, and, according to rumors, it was Kate who dissuaded him from this.


After finishing her studies, Kate Middleton began working for the family company Party Pieces, which was engaged in delivery holiday decorations and party items. Kate was involved in marketing: she developed catalogs and arranged filming. In 2006, she began working in parallel at the Jigsaw chain store, in the purchasing department.

The girl also dreamed of becoming a professional photographer and even planned to take lessons from famous British photography masters. Kate has earned several thousand pounds from her photographs.

Personal life

Kate Middleton's personal life quickly attracted the attention of the press. At some point, the girl even had to ask for the help of lawyers in order to avoid pressure from others.

Kate met the heir to the throne at university and there she faced strong competition for the prince’s heart. At that time, William was attracted to two girls at once who were studying at the Faculty of English Literature, but quickly forgot about his former girlfriends when, according to rumors, he saw a gray-eyed brunette at a charity show in a transparent dress, under which there was only a miniature swimsuit. Since 2002, young people began to live together, renting a country house.

Kate Middleton is called Cinderella

The novel developed according to its own unknown laws, although the students tried their best to hide it. Even then, Kate and William could not live without each other; they even often spent holidays together. The connection became stronger, which is not surprising, because they lived under the same roof and studied at the same university. At the end of 2004, it became impossible to conceal the relationship, and the press service of the royal family was forced to admit that the prince was actually dating Kate, a girl from a simple family.

The news shocked the public, and many began to compare Kate Middleton to the fairy-tale Cinderella. They began to take an especially active interest in the girl’s life; her peers were curious about what parameters she should have in order to attract the attention of the prince. By the way, the duchess’s height and weight are quite average – 175 cm and 60 kg.

After graduating from university in 2005, Kate was invited to work at a chain of clothing stores, and William, according to royal tradition, entered the Sandhurst Military Academy. At the end of 2006, graduation took place at the academy where the prince studied. Everyone was present at the ceremony royal family, including the Queen, as well as Kate and her relatives.

Kate began to appear more and more often in public with the prince, not only in everyday life, but also at official events. Despite the fact that Middleton was never trained in how a princess should look, her appearance was not satisfactory, and the girl soon received the title of style icon. “Cinderella” managed to look sophisticated and perfect in a dress, a coat, jeans, and even a Russian dress. fur hat. For this, Kate received another nickname - the English Rose.

A distinctive touch to Middleton's image at court were hats, spectacular and bright, in retro style or created by the imagination of modern designers. The British Headdress Association included the wife of the heir to the throne in a kind of hall of fame for fans of these hats.

Duchess, as noted fashion observers, selects brands John Boyd, Lock&Co, Philip Treacy and Jane Taylor. Photos of Kate's outfits appear after every event with her participation and set the tone for the stylish life of not only England, but the whole world. The hairstyle is copied by visitors to beauty salons and beauty bloggers.

In 2007, they began to say that Kate and William had broken off their relationship. The reason for the separation was the beautiful Isabella Calthorpe. The prince allegedly proposed to her, but the girl refused, citing the fact that she did not tolerate royal ceremonies.

However, as American journalist Christopher Andersen wrote in his book “The Crown’s Game,” the prince’s wife drove a wedge between the lovers.

Camilla Parker Bowles and Kate Middleton

Allegedly, the Duchess of Cornwall disliked Kate because there was such a fuss around the affair with William, while Camilla had been trying to win the sympathy of the British for many years.

Andersen also argued that Middleton’s acquaintance with the prince was not an accident, but a calculation orchestrated by the girl’s mother. Kate allegedly did not intend to study at the University of St. Andrews and gave in to Carol's arguments that only people of royal blood can be found there.

Be that as it may, at the end of 2007, the relationship between Kate and William was restored, and on November 16, 2010, their engagement was announced. Young people in Kenya got engaged.

The prince presented his beloved with a famous ring with a sapphire and 14 diamonds, which previously belonged to the princess. Wedding ring– no frills, made of yellow gold, but the metal deposit is located in Wales and belongs to the Windsors. Shortly before the wedding, William also gave earrings that matched the main decoration in style. The jewelry set has firmly taken its place in Kate's jewelry box, becoming one of her favorites.

The wedding was celebrated on April 29, 2011 in London. The Queen, a couple of hours before the ceremony, gave William the titles Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn and Baron of Carrickfergus. Following their marriage, Kate became Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge. The girl not only broke the stereotype that a king, even a future one, cannot marry for love. Middleton set a kind of record - she became the “oldest” prince’s bride ever British history: at the time of marriage she was 29 years old.

The celebration turned out to be profitable for London. Those who wanted to see the newlyweds in person spent about £100 million on accommodation, food and souvenirs. In the wake of the excitement, a film was made dedicated to the relationship and wedding of the crowned heads.

Prince William and Kate Middleton

On July 22, 2013, the new heir to the English throne is George Alexander Louis. True, Kate and William began to call him George for simplicity. On October 23 of the same year, the christening of the first-born took place. Immediately 7 people became godfathers future monarch.

In 2014, particularly observant fans of the duchess suggested that Kate was pregnant for the second time. A palace official confirmed this rumor, and in May 2015, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana was born.

The two children did not make their royal parents stay-at-home moms. In 2016, the whole family went on an official visit to Canada. The prince, his wife and children had to attend more than 30 meetings and events. In Canada, the famous couple spent time not only with politicians or stars, but also visited universities and small sporting events and holidays.

In 2017, the royal family surprised their subjects. In January, Kate turned 35 years old, and the whole country was waiting for news about a beautiful and solemn event. But the celebration did not take place; her husband forbade her to organize a noisy party. Prince William himself was on air ambulance duty that day.

This behavior of the husband can be explained by the fact that some of the British recognized the Duke, Duchess and Prince Harry as the laziest residents of the state. Crown Prince upset by this title and is now trying his best to correct the unflattering image.

Due to Kate's special government status, she is prohibited from creating a personal account on Instagram. Photos about the life of the royal court are published on the Kensingtonroyal page.

Kate Middleton now

In the spring of 2018, there was another addition to the royal family. April 23 Kate Middleton at St. Mary's Hospital in England. Doctors, according to the media, vacated an entire wing for the arrival of the Duchess of Cambridge. At first the heir lived in Kensington Palace along with his brother and mother. The royal couple's third child was named Louis Arthur Charles, and the boy was given the title His Royal Highness Louis of Cambridge.

On May 19, 2018, Kate appeared with her husband for the first time after giving birth to Prince and. William acted as best man, and Kate was again recognized as the most elegant at the celebration. The wives of the princes are on friendly terms.

The war is not being waged by Middleton and Markle, but by their supporters. After the announcement of Megan and Harry's engagement, a kind of competition began on the Internet to see which of the women was more stylish, elegant and confident. The joint appearance of the duchesses in public provides food for publications by fashion experts and behavioral psychologists. The latter noticed that Megan's acting background affects her gestures and manner of presenting herself. And Kate demonstrates that royalty doesn't need to attract attention - they will always be heard.

According to insider information cited by the media, the “popularity contest” is causing a lot of friction in the palace. The next reason for the clashes was the place of residence provided by Elizabeth II to her grandson Harry. It’s as if the apartment has one more room than Prince William’s, and this outrages Middleton. It is still unknown how the duchesses perceived the rules of etiquette, according to which Meghan is obliged to curtsey to Kate.

In the autumn of the same year, another commoner appeared in the Windsor dynasty, albeit of count blood: the granddaughter of Elizabeth II, Princess Eugenie, married the manager of a nightclub.

The flawless Duchess of Cambridge almost outshone the bride due to a slight embarrassment when the wind lifted the hem of her dress. Prince George and Princess Charlotte traditionally worked as a page and flower girl.

By appearing at the event, the Duchess made it clear that maternity leave ended, and she begins to perform the duties provided for by the status. Middleton attended the opening of a photo exhibition at the Queen and Prince Museum and Sayers Croft Forest School, and attended a summit on mental health and in the garden wildlife Paddington Recreation Ground. After the last appearance, the press again drew attention to how naturally the royal lady looks in simple clothes. In addition, Kate changed her hair again.

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle in the summer of 2018

According to reports from online retailer eBay, Kate has consistently exerted a greater influence on consumer demand than Meghan Markle. Shops are waiting for customers who want to buy things “like Middleton,” and fashion magazines are trying to predict what will become popular next season.

Every girl dreams of becoming a princess as a child. Exquisite outfits, status, servants ready to help at a moment's notice, and many, many other things that lure you into a fairy tale. Many believe in it, and one day, remembering the well-known truth “believe, and it will certainly come true,” they receive their dream and find it in reality. This happened to one girl who, having been born into a completely ordinary family, was able to become a full member of the English royal elite and win the hearts of the people of Britain. Perhaps she captivated society with her sincerity, simplicity and charming radiant smile, and some with her ability to dress elegantly and carry herself perfectly in public. Be that as it may, Princess Diana's son William, Kate Middleton and the children born to this couple are currently the most talked about people not only in England, but throughout the world.

Queen of England, Princess Diana and other relatives

Today on the agenda are the children of the English royal couple. It is not possible to talk about them without mentioning them famous parents, a grandmother who was considered a style icon and a fighter for justice and peace, and a great-grandmother, the only living queen on the planet. In England, members of the royal family have been revered since time immemorial, and events directly related to high-ranking persons are given close attention. Without exaggeration, it will be said that the whole world watched the embodiment of Disney's fairy-tale story into reality - the marriage of a British prince to the daughter of an ordinary baker (albeit a very wealthy one). This story didn't end on a grand note wedding ceremony, but continues to unfold before the eyes of millions of people, exciting them with a happy earthly continuation: the birth of children.

The firstborn, who became famous even before he was born

The Duchess of Cambridge, aka Catherine and the chosen one of Diana's son, was the first to give birth to a boy, or rather, the future king. Prince George, which is the name his parents gave to their first-born, is next in line after his father to the British throne. And although Elizabeth II already had two great-grandsons before him, it was this baby who took first place in the tabloids, becoming the most famous child even before he was born. Like Diana, Catherine gave birth at St. Mary's Hospital. British prince The birth was attended by royal obstetricians and gynecologists, and the father himself was present at the birth, who tries to support his young wife in everything. On the afternoon of July 22, 2013, the baby was born.

A few words about the heir

The baptism ceremony of the little heir slightly confused the public because it was a slight departure from tradition. The ceremony took place not in the royal residence, but in St. James's Chapel. It is worth noting the fact that Prince George is growing up just like an ordinary kid: he does not want to go to school, he is capricious, misbehaves, and even sometimes sulks in public for some unknown reason. According to custom, he does not yet wear trousers - only shorts. Due to his status and position, he is photographed for official portraits; he loves his little sister very much.

A gift for father, a helper for mother and just a beauty

Charlotte of Cambridge was born two years after her brother and immediately took fourth place in the British throne, but first in the hearts of the British. Little Charlotte, despite her very little young age, ranks first in the ranking of British royals. A girl, as is commonly believed, is a gift for her father, which is no exception even in the royal family. loves Charlotte. By the way, the second child of Kate and William pleased her parents and subjects with her birth, although, according to doctors’ forecasts, this should have happened in April. The baby was also born at St. Mary's Hospital and weighed almost the same as her brother George - almost 4 kilograms. The christening took place at Sandringham Estate in Norfolk behind closed doors, only in the presence of relatives and friends.

Common secrets of children and their great-grandmothers

Kate Middleton's children are incredibly popular, but most importantly, they are loved. Grandmother, and she, as mentioned above, is the only current queen in the world, was very happy when Princess Charlotte was born. The great-grandmother, as a sign of her respect and, of course, love, was one of the first to visit the baby. Over time, their family connection only strengthened, and a sweet tradition emerged - the royal grandchildren have secret places for the gifts that their grandmother leaves them. This is their common secret, which even their parents are not privy to. Another proof of love was that Queen Elizabeth lifted the ban on joint flights - previously they flew separately, which was provided for by the protocol. Now the family can travel together.

Educational issues

The famous Charlotte of Cambridge made her first official visit to Canada, where she captivated everyone with her charming appearance, good behavior and lovely outfits. Since then, she often goes abroad with her parents and even sometimes behaves like an ordinary capricious child. Duchess Catherine always manages to calm the girl down. To do this, the mother just needs to whisper something in the baby’s ear, and she again becomes an angel. Kate Middleton's children are unusually well brought up, perhaps because she and her husband decided to abandon some traditions and are trying to give the kids a normal childhood. For example, a sister and brother have a pet- a hamster they adore. By the way, a nanny helps the duchess in raising her children, but Kate still devotes a lot of time to her offspring. A beautiful couple, wonderful children, amazing attitude towards each other - all this inspires not only the residents of Great Britain, but also people all over the world.

Unexpected continuation

Kate and William put off the idea of ​​having another child for several years, but in 2017 the Duchess became pregnant, which came as a bit of a surprise to the public. The first months were so difficult for her that she had to give up not only attending official events, but also other more important matters relating to the mother’s time with her children. Unfortunately, due to terrible toxicosis, the children of the royal couple did not see their mother as often as they would like. However, after three months her condition improved enough that she was able to accompany her husband again. It also became known when Kate Middleton will give birth to her third child. This should happen in April. Will the second princess, and it is already known that there will be a girl, make herself wait, just like her? elder sister, time will tell. In the meantime, the British are happy for their monarchs and place bets.
