How to draw the sign of Venus. An effective female Venus amulet for true love

We have already talked more than once about talismans that attract love. However, today I would like to present to you a selection of talismans and amulets created in ancient times in different parts light and “working” for more than one millennium.

The bulk of these talismans can be bought at any esoteric store. But with proper skill, you can make it yourself.

How to charge the talisman

However, what you should definitely do yourself is “charge” the talisman. After all, only you know what kind of man you want to see next to you, what he should look like, what qualities he should have. And you also know whether you want to obey or rule, earn or use your husband’s money. You never know the desires and preferences. And they are all worth taking into account.

Therefore, before you start wearing a talisman, draw up on thin paper detailed list qualities of a future husband acceptable to you. Don't forget about the shortcomings that you are guaranteed to be willing to put up with. The longer and more voluminous the list, the better, so you will have more chances to meet your soulmate and not be disappointed in your beloved man during the course of communication.

Now roll the list into a tube and tie it with a cord to wear the talisman. The talisman itself, naturally, should already be suspended on this cord.

By the way, metal chains are not suitable for the talismans that will be listed below. That is, the amulet can be made of any material except plastic and paper, but it is recommended to wear it exclusively on a leather cord, so nothing will interfere with your energy interacting with the power of the talisman.

The list with the talisman attached to it must be placed under the pillow and slept on it for three nights. Ideally, all these manipulations are carried out on the new moon, and until the 4th lunar day The talisman should be under the pillow. Then they put it on themselves and do not take it off until the full moon, even when taking a shower. After this, you can “part” with the talisman for a while, although this is undesirable.

With the list, you need to do the following: on the 12th lunar day, light two red candles exactly at midnight, put the list under them (the talisman, of course, should be on you) and mentally focus on what is written. Go over in your mind the qualities that your chosen one should have, but in no case try to imagine what he will look like. Otherwise, there is a risk that your desire to find your future husband will be interfered with by your old love, the image of your favorite actor, or an unusual face accidentally seen in the crowd. And as a result, you can actually reject the person given to you by fate, subconsciously “imprinting” on a specific image.

After the candles have almost burned out, burn the list on a double flame, visualizing the image of your wedding. Let me remind you - imagine yourself in all your glory, and the groom with fog instead of a face. The only fact that must be clearly present is that the husband has been found.

Do not throw away the candle stubs, but hide them in a secluded place.

Well, now let’s move directly to the talismans, from which you can choose your “assistant”.

Talismans for those who want to get married

Do not be surprised that some “helpers” are called talismans, some are called amulets, and some are simply signs. It depends on what culture a particular talisman belongs to, and on whether it changes you specifically so that you meet your betrothed, or creates favorable circumstances for such a meeting to take place. Let us clarify: talismans change a person, amulets “responsible” for circumstances, and signs accumulate positive energy, and it is used depending on the circumstances.

Venus talisman

This ancient Roman talisman is considered astrological, and is dedicated, naturally, to the goddess of love, Venus, as well as to the planet of the same name, which, in fact, is “responsible” for love. The talisman can be one-sided - only the pentagram and signs, or two-sided - the goddess Venus herself is depicted on the other side. Which side to wear is up to you.

The Venus talisman helps you find a happy and mutual love, makes a lady more feminine, ready to perceive new feelings at the subconscious level, without reflection, fears and doubts. He will change you in such a way that you will open up to new love, and your enemies and rivals will be put to shame.

Qi Sign

This sign came to us from China and denotes the positive cosmic energy Qi, which enters a person and gives him the strength to confront his own weaknesses, eliminates doubts and makes his inner vision clearer.

Strictly speaking, it cannot be called a talisman for attracting love, but it will not let you pass by your soulmate, will give you the courage to start a new relationship, and will make you more relaxed. It will also help you find spiritual harmony. But there is no more attractive woman than the one in whom peace reigns in her soul.

Magic love anagrams

This European sign is considered a powerful love spell talisman. It promotes the search for a soul mate, and also, on an energetic level, informs the person you have chosen that you are ready to connect with him, to merge together in a rush true love.

By the way, you can purchase or make two of these talismans yourself. And give one to someone who already lives in your heart. There is a belief that then a person’s eyes will open, and he will see in you the one with whom he would like to live his whole life. Just for now married men this talisman does not work. Or rather, it works, but not in the way that the person who gave it might have wanted. A man falls in love, but not with the giver, but again with his wife.

Pentacle of the Queen of Supreme Destiny

This Kabbalistic sign is a harbinger of finding a groom and subsequent wedding. He does not leave already created couples without protection. That is, the pentacle will attract love into your life both before the wedding, helping you find your soulmate, and after the wedding, supporting mutual love. Moreover, it will make you even more attractive in a physiological, carnal sense, which will allow you for a long, long time remain desirable for your man.

This sign helps to connect two forms of love - spiritual and physical, so with its help you can choose a person with whom all aspects of the relationship will be harmonious.

Talisman "Korean Coin of Happiness"

The ancient Korean coin will open you up to perceive the flow of happiness that comes from all directions. It will help you learn to see love, kindness and goodness in every person. You will be able to spot your soulmate both in the crowd and in that person whom you have known for a long time, but do not perceive as a potential lover.

This is not only a love talisman, it also promotes health, longevity and wealth. So you have every chance with the help of this talisman to arrange your life quickly and very safely.

Amulet "Flower of Arabia"

This is the most sensual amulet of the Oceania islands. A man and a woman in each other's arms symbolize the complete fusion of bodies and souls. This amulet helps to find a person to create such a harmonious union, and then supports the spiritual and physical side of the marital relationship.

Until you find your soulmate, this amulet is worth wearing on yourself. But when you get married, place it next to the marital bed. And then your spouse will again and again discover new sides in you, he will not get bored of being close to you, and you will feel the same towards him.

Amulet “Heart Knots”

This amulet is the creation of the ancient Celts. The lines on the heart have neither beginning nor end, they are intertwined in the same way that two destinies are intertwined - yours and your chosen one. The amulet will point you to someone with whom you can find family happiness and live together long years in love and harmony. And he will also help you by creating bizarre circumstances, like the lines in a drawing, in which you and your significant other will be drawn to each other and will not be able to separate.

Amulet "Flower of Aphrodite"

The goddess Aphrodite is the very embodiment of love, her gifts are always priceless. One such gift is a talisman depicting a flower with six petals. This amulet came to us from ancient Greece, it encodes not only love, but also the harmony that people find when they find their soulmate. Such an amulet will attract a person into your life who will be committed to an equal partnership.

Aphrodite is also the goddess of beauty, so her gifts make a woman incredibly attractive and attractive in the eyes of others. Men constantly pay attention to the “daughter of Aphrodite,” and she herself can choose the one who, in her opinion, is worthy to unite with her in the eternal dance of love.

Shakti Amulet

Goddess Shakti in Hindu tradition is the wife of Shiva. But she is also his creative force, with the help of which he maintains balance in the world. Shakti is the mother goddess, this is the manifestation visible world, this is the cosmic feminine principle and divine creative energy.

The Shakti amulet, like herself, teaches us to love and makes it possible to regain a positive and stable life flow that penetrates through the crown and exits through the feet.

Shakti not only helps you find the one with whom you can live your whole life and go into eternity together, but also gives you the opportunity to have healthy offspring. This amulet creates inner harmony and favorable circumstances for the realization of feminine nature in all its needs and manifestations.

Talisman Yin-Yang

Yin-Yang is the most popular symbol oriental culture. It is a stylized expression of man and woman, as well as day and night, light and dark, heat and cold, bitter and sweet. It is the attraction of opposites that form a harmonious whole.

Such a talisman can do a lot. It not only attracts love and family happiness to you, it also gradually changes you, adjusts you to beauty and balance. You begin to see the world as it really is – beautiful. As you become purer in soul, you open yourself up to love all living things, and people begin to reach out to you with the most sincere intentions.

Which talisman to choose, which tradition to prefer is up to you. Just remember that it doesn’t matter in which country this or that talisman was born, because love has no nationality or religion, and therefore, if you truly believe that the power inherent in these talismans will help you find love and family happiness, then so be it. Just don’t close yourself off from love, let it find you and amaze you. Hopefully forever.

Venus talisman for love

The talisman of Love is the talisman of Venus. In astrology, Venus is considered a symbol of love, sensitivity, romanticism and eroticism. It is associated with dreaminess, gentleness and emotionality. Not much in life is subject to the whims of fate or chance. But finding love and someone special - there is always an element of luck in it. To be in the right place and in right time and then say Right words... Is there any way to gain some advantage in this game of random elements? Yes, I have. There is nothing new in this method; on the contrary, it is something old, very old. The power of talismans. Talismans are symbolic objects that are imbued with spiritual power to achieve a specific goal. What is our goal? Do you want to win the love of a specific person? Or do you want the Universe to help you find love? Everything is possible.

Material for the Venus talisman

First of all, choose the material for your talisman. Stones and metals of Venus, the goddess of Love, are well suited. The metal of Venus is copper. The stones of Venus are turquoise, emerald, jadeite, garnet, lapis lazuli, malachite, chrysolite, emerald, green jasper, carnelian, coral. And besides this, you can choose other beautiful green or white stones for your talisman. You can buy a stone or jewelry with a Venus stone specifically for this occasion, or you can use the ones you already have.

Choosing the time to create a love talisman

To create a love talisman, timing is important. In order for the talisman to really work for you and fulfill its purpose, you need to determine right time when to make a talisman. One of the most commonly used methods for timing the creation of talismans is to follow a system. According to this practice, the Venus talisman is best done on Venus day, which is Friday. It will be good if you choose the hour of Venus. You can use the planetary clock table to determine the time. Remember that you can make a talisman at any time. However, the more important elements you take into account, the more energy your talisman will contain.

Purification of materials

Another important step in creating a love talisman is purifying the materials. Even with those metals or stones that you recently bought, you need to carry out a cleaning procedure. If you want to make your talisman from metal or stones, you can purify them using the four elements - water, fire, earth and air. These four elements are very important when working with talismans. If you are not familiar with the four elements, there is no reason to be confused. You just need to follow the rules described below. The cleansing effect will be achieved in any case, and it does not matter whether you are familiar with the action of the four elements or you do not know them at all.

First, place the stone or metal in a dish with sand, earth or salt for one day. Imagine that any unwanted energies will be absorbed by the earth element in the dish. Discard the soil after you have removed your stone or metal.

Next, hold the stone or metal over the candle fire, imagining that all unwanted energies are being destroyed by the fire.

And finally, put your future talisman for a day where there is an inflow fresh air. While you do this, imagine that air, as an element, cleanses the stone or metal of everything unwanted.

If all this seems complicated, just place the future talisman in salt water for a day. Salt is a universal cleanser that absorbs energetic impurities.

The cleansing, of course, must be done before the time you have determined for creating the talisman.

Creation of a talisman

Clean the table and cover it with a green cloth or paper. Green color necessary because it is the color of Venus. Place symbols of the four elements on the sides of the table: a candle (symbol of the fire element), incense or a bird feather (symbol of the air element), a bowl of water (symbol of the water element) and a dish of earth, sand or salt (symbol of the earth element). The symbols of the elements should be located on the sides of the table according to the parts of the world - fire on the eastern side, air on the western side, earth on the southern side and water on the northern side. Next, place your future talisman in the center, among the symbols of the four elements.

Do a meditation . If you are not even familiar with the effects of meditation or cosmic consciousness, bring yourself into this state by contemplating the symbols of the four elements. You can imagine how the green light is projected into the talisman, and the influence of the four elements enhances this energy. This state of your being is more high level consciousness. Perform the meditation until you feel that the result has been achieved or until the end of the Venus hour.

So, at the end of the meditation process you received your talisman Venus, which will help love come into your life. The process of charging the talisman, which is described here, is very effective, but it is only one of many methods. Now you can carry your talisman with you, and when you are not using it, put it in a locked place. You can use the Venus talisman selectively, depending on when you need it

Making amulets in magic is one of the main areas of all magical art in general. After all, why does a person strive to master magic? To comprehend the secrets and laws that would help him influence the world. And since people want, first of all, security from the world, the first thing they apply magical knowledge to is the subjugation of forces that may pose a danger or that will provide stability, and keeping them under control with the help of such effective tools as amulets .

Amulets in magic represent a kind of seal or key to various energies and can be the most different types- protective, to attract good luck and wealth, to improve health, and the like. For this article, magical amulets have been selected that will help a witch or sorcerer attract the necessary energies from space, reveal in themselves many qualities that lie dormant in a state of unmanifested potency, and acquire abilities without which the path of witchcraft may turn out to be too thorny. At the same time, magical amulets can be included in the working toolkit; with their help, it is quite acceptable to solve problems with which those who seek magical help turn to a witch.

Amulet of Venus

The Venus amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Venus. The amulet bestows such qualities as femininity, charm, sexual attractiveness and strength, tenderness, fertility, talent in all areas of creativity, harmony, elegance, tact, artistry, emotionality, sensitivity, beauty, diplomacy.

Favorable period for making a Venus amulet: April 20 - May 20. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: October 23 - November 21. Production day: Friday. Hour of production: evening twilight.

The image is printed in green ink. After the amulet is made, you need to take it in your palm and say: “Spirits of earth and fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bring me beauty and joy, youth and luck and protect me from all evil. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the Venus amulet with chamomile, and in order for the amulet to be saturated magical power, leave it for one hour between six burning candles.

Moon Amulet

The Moon amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Moon. The amulet endows a person with such qualities as fertility, emotionality, beauty, sensitivity, daydreaming, religiosity, spirituality, the ability for mystical practices, poetry, tenderness, sexuality, openness to the other world, intuitiveness, charm.

Favorable period for manufacturing: June 22 - July 22. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: December 22 - January 20. Day to make the Moon amulet: Monday. Production hour: midnight.

The image is applied with silver ink. After the Moon amulet is made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of water, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will endow me with intuition and the ability of foresight, luck and peace and protect me from everything wicked. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet with St. John's wort, and in order for the Moon amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between three burning candles.

Amulet of Mars

The Mars amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Mars. The amulet helps to attract and enhance such qualities as masculinity, courage, risk-taking, assertiveness, activity, swiftness, belligerence, activity, openness to everything new, resilience, sociability, endurance, independence, impulsiveness, sexuality, resourcefulness.

Favorable period for manufacturing: March 21 - April 19. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: September 23 - October 22. Production day: Tuesday. Production time: noon.

The image is printed in red ink. After the amulet is made, you need to take it in your palm and say: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it brings me strength and endurance, luck and courage, so that it protects me from every enemy and envious person. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet of Mars with thistle, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between five burning candles.

Amulet of Mercury

The Mercury amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Mercury. A magical amulet brings such qualities as mobility, agility, dexterity, cunning, eloquence and sociability, responsiveness, spirituality, intelligence, quick wit, irony, diplomacy, the ability to achieve high magical practices, charm.

Favorable period for manufacturing: May 21 - June 21. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: November 22 - December 21. Day of production: Wednesday. Hour of production: morning twilight.

The image is printed in dark blue ink. After the amulet is made, you need to take it in your palm and say: “Spirits of the air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bestow me with eloquence and dexterity, luck and prosperity, so that it will protect me from the evil eye and damage. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the Mercury amulet with sage, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between seven burning candles.

Amulet of Saturn

The Saturn amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Saturn. The amulet bestows such qualities as thoroughness, asceticism, the ability for long meditative practices, consistency, power and authoritarianism, prudence, prudence, organization, perseverance, perseverance, calm and leisurely business.

Favorable period for making this magical amulet: January 21 - February 19. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: July 23 - August 22. Day of production: Saturday. Production hour: midnight.

The image is printed in black ink. After the amulet is made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of the earth and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bring me self-confidence and perseverance, luck and power, and also protect me from everything dark and unclean. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet of Saturn with wormwood, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between eight burning candles.

Amulet of the Sun

The Sun Amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the Sun star. The amulet brings fertility, courage, royalty, openness to everything new, generosity, kindness, responsiveness, sexuality, attractiveness, charm, creative problem solving, sincerity, honesty, authority, spirituality, artistry, originality and sociability.

Favorable period for making a Sun amulet: July 23 - August 22. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: January 21 - February 19. Day of production: Sunday. Production hour: dawn.

The image is applied with golden ink. After the amulet of the Sun is made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will give me the power of light and the magic of charm, so that it will bestow good luck and success in any business, and also protected from any black magic. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the amulet of the Sun with chamomile, St. John's wort and sage, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour next to a burning candle.

Amulet of Jupiter

The Jupiter amulet is recommended for use by all those whose horoscope is dominated by the planet Jupiter. The amulet bestows such qualities as royalty, generosity, tolerance for other people's shortcomings, majesty, authority, nobility, aristocracy, justice, wisdom, self-confidence, selflessness, religiosity and spirituality, and the ability to lead people.

Favorable period for manufacturing: November 22 - December 21. Unfavorable period for manufacturing: May 21 - June 21. Production day: Thursday. Production time: evening.

The image is printed in red ink. After magic amulet will be made, it must be taken in the palm of your hand and said: “Spirits of water and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it will bring me the favor of people of power and success in my career, so that it will bestow good luck and wisdom, and also protect me from any evil and evil spirits. Let it be so!"

Now fumigate the Jupiter amulet with thyme, and in order for the amulet to be imbued with magical power, leave it for one hour between nine burning candles.

Astrology is the science of the influence of celestial bodies on the fate and character of a person. Horoscope (from the Greek ώρα, term, time period, hour, and Greek σκοπός, guard, spy) literally “guard of his hour (deadline)”, also radix (Latin radix - root) - in astrology, a schematic display of the position of the planets , Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies on the ecliptic at the moment of time of interest to the astrologer (definition from Wikipedia).

Each person can choose the most favorable planetary sign for him, in addition, planetary signs are often used to achieve certain goals, for example, to achieve power, they wear the amulet of Jupiter, and to achieve reciprocity in love, they wear the amulet of Venus.

Let's start with the main thing - the Sun. This generous luminary gives life energy to all living things on earth, but it can also be brutal killer, if you make him angry. In astrology, the Sun patronizes people born under the sign of the constellation Leo (July 23 - August 23). The solar amulet gives protection powerful of the world this, people's sympathy, charm, artistry, helps develop talents, saturates with life-giving energy. Those whom the Sun loves are marked from birth with good health and many talents, but, most often, they turn out to be artists, singers, and dancers. Almost everyone can wear this beautiful amulet (if goodness reigns in your heart) - it will not cause any harm, will help improve health, develop talents, move up the career ladder, strengthen family relationships, and restore weakened strength after a serious illness. It is especially beneficial for children to wear a solar amulet - they will grow, strengthen and develop like fairy-tale heroes - by leaps and bounds. It is not recommended to wear a sun amulet for everyone who is associated with the dark side of existence: black magic, witchcraft, deception and lies - the Sun will mercilessly highlight all vices and prevent them from doing dark deeds. The amulet requires respect - wear it on a yellow silk cord or chain, and store it in a special case. There is nothing difficult to initiate such an amulet. Simply stand in an open area in an X pose - arms up, legs apart. Lift your face up, expose it to the sun's rays, smile and extend the amulet upward. As soon as Sun rays heat the amulet - it will be initiated.

The Moon is the planet of poets, magicians and romantics. It is changeable, but has a stable cycle. It is always in the shadows, but glows with the reflected light of the Sun. In astrology, the Moon patronizes those born under the sign of the constellation Cancer (June 22 - July 22). The lunar amulet allows you to adapt to the most different conditions life, develop intuition, sensitivity and sensuality, study occult sciences, develop the gift of poetry. But the lunar amulet also has a downside. It makes a person very vulnerable and sensitive. Sometimes a lunar amulet can evoke melancholy. For women, a lunar amulet will help develop their feminine charms, but this will most likely lead only to a beautiful romance, and not to the creation of a family. The lunar amulet should be worn on a silver or silver-plated chain and stored in a silver or silver casket. To initiate the amulet, place it in water, preferably in a silver vessel, but if there is none, a transparent glass vessel and place it on the windowsill so as to catch the reflection of the moon. The moon must be full at the moment of initiation. Having done this, go to bed. In the morning the amulet will be initiated.

Venus is the planet of love and passion, the sign of a woman. She is passionate, capricious, unpredictable, but at the same time charming, gentle and beautiful. In astrology, Venus patronizes two zodiac signs at once: the sign of the constellation Taurus (April 21 - May 20) and the sign of the constellation Libra (September 24 - October 23). The Venus amulet is worn by those who want to find love, achieve reciprocity or maintain love ties. On the other hand, the Venus amulet can lead to wastefulness and an overly impractical attitude towards life. Venus punishes those who are undesirable with addictions to the most vile types of perversions and punishes them with venereal diseases. Be afraid to offend this proud Goddess - do not mock lovers, do not insult women, do not mock Love itself. This amulet is worn on beautiful chains. The more refined and subtle the work of the chain, the more impact the amulet will have on your life. The symbol of Venus is a mirror. Therefore, it is advisable to store the amulet in a mirror box or hung on a mirror. To initiate the amulet, simply place it in front of the mirror overnight. so that it is completely reflected in the mirror.

Mars is the planet of war, the sign of a man. He is impetuous, passionate, assertive, goes straight to his goal and almost always achieves success. In astrology, Mars patronizes the zodiac sign of the constellation Aries (March 21 - April 20). The amulet of Mars not only helps to conquer, but also protects from dangers. His symbols are a spear and a shield. Recommended for all those whose line of work involves risk to life, as well as for quickly achieving their goals, winning disputes, wars, quarrels, development physical strength and formation masculine character. Negative sides- lack of flexibility, inability to find compromises, rudeness, callousness towards others. The amulet is completely indifferent to any conventions, such as what to wear and where to store it, but it will feel best near any type of weapon. It does not require initiation, but it will work better if you spend the night alone with a weapon, preferably a combat weapon.

Mercury is the planet of trade and wisdom, communication and diplomacy. He is energetic, has a sparkling sense of humor, ebullient temperament, inexpressible charm and a sober, calculating mind. Everything around him immediately begins to move, next to a person under the auspices of Mercury it is simply impossible to sit back - he infects everyone with his thirst for activity and forces them to move, he turns everything to his own benefit. The largest number of politicians and businessmen were born under the sign of Mercury. In astrology, Mercury patronizes the zodiac sign of the constellation Gemini (May 21 - June 21). Recommended to all those who want to improve their material well-being, climb the career ladder (when this requires resourcefulness, intrigue and patience), all students, especially medical students, all those who study the occult sciences, all those who lack energy and cheerfulness and those whose work involves constant communication with other people, as well as politicians, journalists, diplomats, scientists and doctors. Negative aspects - too strong a desire for profit, to the point of complete denial of all spiritual values ​​(in advanced cases). The amulet should be worn on chains that are as expensive as possible. To initiate, wear the amulet in your wallet for 5 days.

Saturn is the sign of law, justice, balance. He is wise, hardworking, honest, patient and purposeful. Saturn rules time, therefore, people under the auspices of Saturn are always on time everywhere, are never late, and know how to plan their time wisely. These are the most talented teachers, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers, incorruptible judges, people with developed sense justice, a rich spiritual world. All Great Teachers and Leaders were born under the sign of Saturn. In astrology, Saturn patronizes the zodiac signs of the constellations Capricorn (December 22 - January 20) and Aquarius (January 21 to February 20). Negative properties- Saturn makes the character gloomy, sometimes leads to loneliness. Recommended for all teachers, judges, people whose work requires great patience, perseverance, perseverance and precision. If I were an employer, I would oblige all financially responsible employees to wear Saturn amulets, because the amulet makes any theft almost impossible and can punish very cruelly for it. Saturn does not care what his amulet is worn on or where it is stored, however, the lace or chain must be very neat and not have any excesses, and the storage place must be kept in exemplary order. For initiation, the amulet must lie for exactly 24 hours next to a watch, preferably a mechanical one. The clock must run very accurately, without lagging behind or rushing.

Jupiter is the sign of power, order, strength and justice. The personification of earthly power. Jupiter is respectable, powerful, proud, noble. People under the auspices of Saturn are easily obeyed and their authority is recognized. These are the most talented and wise leaders, politicians, and businessmen. In astrology, Jupiter patronizes the zodiac signs of the constellations Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) and Pisces (February 21 - March 20). Negative properties - in its negative aspect, Jupiter gives a thirst for profit and power, cruelty and selfishness. Recommended for everyone who bears the burden of power. It is better to wear the Jupiter amulet on expensive, prestigious chains, but without frills and jewelry. Store in an expensive but strict box. Initiation of the Jupiter amulet - fumigate the amulet with Incense smoke. The amulet will work best if it is given as a gift by subordinates or people who are in a position dependent on the wearer.

Love rules our world. We come to this earth to experience love in all its subtleties and manifestations - from love for our mother to love for our Motherland.

But, of course, most of all emotions, experiences and strength lie in love for opposite sex. This love is basic driving force on the ground. Thanks to her, children are born, feats are accomplished, wars and truces happen.

Since ancient times, we have known the name of the goddess Venus. She personified beauty, youth and, of course, love. She patronized all lovers and those thirsting for love. It must be said that in modern world nothing changed. Young girls and boys also ask the beautiful and gentle Venus for help. And even though in our time there is no cult of this ancient goddess, people still remember and revere her.

Purpose of the artifact

Have been used since ancient times various ways attracting the attention of the goddess Venus. Someone read prayers, someone made sacrifices, and someone created a talisman in her name. Today the simplest and in an effective way To achieve the favor of this goddess is an amulet.

Who is the Venus talisman intended for?

  • For lonely hearts who want to attract their love.
  • For those couples in whose relationship the “fire has gone out” and they need a new spark.
  • For those who break up for a while and want the feelings not to fade away.
  • For those who want to get married.

The Venus amulet will help you, provided that your desires are sincere and related to love and relationships. The only thing this talisman cannot help with is unrequited love. As they say, you can’t be nice by force, and even an amulet is powerless in the face of this dogma.

Creation Rules

It is best to create this amulet with your own hands. Why? Because only in this case the Venus talisman will “know” your energy and your needs, you will not need to recode or clean it, it will be as it should be from the very beginning.

If you decide to make an amulet with your own hands, then you should follow certain rules. They will help you not make mistakes and fill the Venus talisman with the necessary energy. So, special meaning when creating this amulet have materials. Here you need to choose exactly those that are protected by the planet Venus.

  • The metal is copper.
  • Stones are any natural rocks of light pink and soft green colors.

Next, it is important to determine the production time. If you need a love amulet, it is important to do it on Friday, because this is the day ruled by the planet Venus. It is advisable to start and complete the production of the talisman on the same day. But if you were unable to do this, then you need to complete what you started in a week – also on Friday.

If you have highly developed intuition, then you can safely start work at the time of day when you feel it is most optimal. But it is still advisable to work on the talisman of love during those hours when the influence of Venus is strongest.

Making a Venus talisman, like any other amulets, is important in complete solitude. Moreover, no one should know that you are making or made the talisman. As soon as you tell anyone about him, he will immediately lose some of his power.

If you do not feel confident in the “purity” of the materials, then they need to be cleaned. It is recommended to clean using any of the suggested methods.

  • Hold materials over open fire. At this point, it is important to think about how the metal or stone is cleaned.
  • You can hold the item under running water, in a stream or river. The ideal option is to cleanse under the streams of a holy spring.
  • Wind cleaning is possible, but may not be sufficient for such heavy materials. To clean with air, you need to climb to a height and, raising the material high above your head, turn alternately to each of the cardinal directions.
  • Another cleaning option is soil. You can bury the item in the ground overnight.

It is important to start working on creating a love talisman with pure thoughts. You must clearly understand why you need this amulet and what it should help you with. If you experience anxiety or internal resistance, it is better to postpone the creation of the talisman to another week.

The work surface on which you will create your symbol should correspond to the main colors of Venus - light pink and soft green. You can use either a tablecloth or paper for this. It will be ideal if you also wear clothes of these colors.

It is very important that there are representatives of all four elements on the work surface.

  • Glass of water.
  • Bird feather or dream catcher.
  • Container with sand.

The amulet itself should ultimately look like a pentacle inscribed in a circle. In each corner a certain sign or letter is depicted, corresponding to the names of the angels of Venus. Such an amulet is not so easy to make, and in order not to make mistakes in the outline of the symbols, it is advisable to turn to Kabbalistic literature.

If you don't have suitable materials, such as copper or natural stones, then you can create a simplified version of this amulet. To do this, take thick paper or green cardboard. Just like the metal, you need to clean the cardboard before you start creating the talisman.

Then draw an even heptagon on paper. In the center of this figure, using a scarlet pen or paint, draw the well-known Venus icon. On back side mascot should write your own full name and what you expect from the amulet.

It is important that the inscription be made in another language or contain some kind of code. You can use an ancient dead language for this or come up with your own encryption. The main thing is that no one except you can read what is written.

After you collect your amulet, you need to charge it through meditation. To do this, you must concentrate your attention on each element in turn - fire, water, earth and air. When you feel that the amulet is filled with energy, the entire procedure can be considered complete.

It must be said separately that if you do not trust talismans or amulets, then they are unlikely to be able to help you. Only sincere faith in the strength and power of the love talisman can solve your relationship problems.

If you decide to create an amulet yourself, remember that after it helps you, you need to thank it, lower it down the river or bury it. It is no longer possible to keep such an amulet with you, since it has fulfilled its most main task- he helped you.

Love is all around you, pay attention to it, feel it, experience it. The main thing is to be open to feelings, and then life will sparkle with new colors. Author: Daria Potykan
