What is the meaning of the name Daria? Darina (Daria) - the meaning of a kind and peace-loving name, origin, fate and character

It is believed that each person is responsible for his own destiny and is able to create it with his own hands, but a lot here also depends on the name. That is why, at baptism, adults try to name their child with a name that promises a good future and will certainly play important role V family life and career. What benefits should the baby, whose parents named Daria, expect from the future, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls?

The meaning of the name Daria for a girl is brief

Dasha – beautiful name, which parents often choose for their daughter. Many adults don’t even know what it means, but they are sure that the baby will be fine. They are not mistaken, because the meaning of the name Daria for a girl is briefly “victorious” or “strong.” This is most often true, because the baby shows her character and stubbornness almost from the cradle.

It is believed that Daria was first mentioned in the chronicles preserved from Ancient Greece. The wife of one of the outstanding commanders bore this name. History has preserved information about her because after the death of her husband, she could not remain alone and jumped off a high cliff. Legend has it that a beautiful tree grew in this place, which bloomed only once every few years and the aromas from it spread for many miles around. Unfortunately, there is no information about what kind of plant it was.

The ancient Greeks knew about what future awaited the girl who was christened Daria, the meaning of the name, character and fate. Of course, I didn’t expect everyone tragic fate, most often, women with this name lived happily ever after, preserved the family hearth and achieved considerable benefits from life.

What does the name Daria mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Are there any mentions of Daria in the church calendar? Of course, here too there were saints bearing this wonderful name. The girl, so named by her parents, will be able to celebrate her name day several times a year. The patron saint will certainly help the baby not only grow and develop quickly, but will also help adults in raising their daughter.

What does the name Daria mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and is there anything unusual here? Church calendar does not disagree with the ancient Greek interpretation of this popular and widespread name - it states that it means “victor”.

One of the holy great martyrs, about whom there are many mentions in church books, is Daria, the bride of one of the martyrs who endured incredible torture for the sake of their Teacher. The woman failed to survive after the death of her fiancé - she also had to endure incredible torment for the sake of the Lord. Daria, the meaning of the name, character and fate - in church books, unfortunately, there are no pleasant moments promising a happy future for the girl. Despite this, parents should not be upset - it has been noted that it is the owners of this name who are carefully guarded by their patron saints and protected from all adversity.

The secret of the name Daria - what is hidden in it?

Could the secret of the name Daria influence the girl’s future in any way? You should not refuse to baptize your baby with this name - many parents are already convinced that the child succeeds in everything from birth, and he is capable of manipulating even the strictest and most unforgiving adults.

An interesting fact is that many healers and seers bear this name. Most likely, a lot here depends on the meaning of the name - “winner” is quite suitable for clairvoyants. Many adults become convinced that their child really does have some inexplicable talents. Sometimes these are just hunches or well-developed intuition. It happens that a girl can foresee the near future, but you shouldn’t trust her words too much - Daria also has an excellent imagination, and much of what the girl says may simply be fiction in order to attract attention.

Origin of the name Daria and its meaning for children

Despite the fact that it is accepted by the country where the name Daria came from, it is considered Ancient Greece, scientists have their own opinion on this matter. More recently, they found confirmation of one of their hypotheses that girls were often called this name in Ancient Persia. This did not in any way affect the meaning of the name - the Persians also believed that it meant “leader” or “strong.” In some ancient books there is another interpretation of the name Daria - “strong flame”, “great fire”.

The origin of the name Daria and its meaning for children - this information is often primarily of interest to parents who are planning to name their baby that way. Adults don’t have to worry about what difficulties they will have to endure when raising a girl - from an early age she will be attentive and diligent. Daria has the following features:

  1. perseverance;
  2. obedience;
  3. respect for adults;
  4. curiosity;
  5. the desire to constantly learn something new.

The girl simply loves reading, and adults don’t have to make a lot of effort for this or look for a free minute to read to their beloved child. Dasha will quickly learn letters and independently learn about the world around her from books. She will be happy to read to her younger brothers and sisters, grandparents. The main thing here is not to forget about praise, otherwise the girl will refuse to do it in the future and will become withdrawn.

Character of a girl named Daria

Will the character of a girl named Daria bring trouble to adults? If you raise your baby correctly, then no problems will arise with this. The girl has the following traits:

  1. intelligence;
  2. hot, even a little hot-tempered character;
  3. ability to adapt to any conditions;
  4. talent to win people over;
  5. caring for loved ones and relatives;
  6. love for children;
  7. great sense of humor;
  8. enthusiasm;
  9. cleverness.

Another remarkable character trait of Dasha is reckless courage. She climbs trees fearlessly as a child. One more thing worth mentioning excellent quality woman named Daria - in mature age For the sake of her family she is capable of incredible things. She may even sacrifice her health or life so that her loved ones feel good.

The fate of a girl named Daria

If adults are concerned about the fate of a girl named Daria, they can be calm about the future of their beloved child - she will certainly receive incredible gifts from life. Parents also play a significant role here—much depends on their upbringing. From an early age, their daughter gets used to the fact that she has her own responsibilities in the house, putting away toys, sweeping the floor, wiping dust, and cooking. These habits of keeping the house tidy are maintained throughout life - Daria's house will always look cozy, comfortable, and clean. The girl will choose a life partner almost the same as herself - neat, attentive, keeping order in the house.

The meaning of the name Daria You can consider several options for the origin of the name Daria. The origin and meaning of the name Daria has not yet been precisely established. As a female analogue of the name of the Persian king Darius - translated as “Great Fire”. From Greek Daria means ruler, mistress. Or perhaps it has Slavic roots - “Gift of Nature”. Daria - enough popular name, only a little forgotten about it for the previous few decades, but now it is again one of the most common.

Stone: bloodstone. The planet Mars. Element: Fire.


As a child, Daria is sociable, loves to be the center of attention, but at the same time does not like strangers. She is a leader in her circle and loves to command. She is lazy by nature, so mom shouldn’t count on her to help around the house.

All Darias are very artistic, they have a richly developed imagination. Because of this, they are prone to deception, but not for selfish reasons, but simply for the sake of interest.

Daria is always very self-confident, does not admit her mistakes, if she fails at something, then others are to blame anyway.

Usually Daria is very affectionate and does not hide the manifestations of her feelings. She is touchy, even over small things, but at the same time she is easy-going. Loves gifts and attention.

Winter Daria is very trusting. She is easy to manipulate. Straightforward and impulsive.

The character of spring Daria has softer features. She is amorous, charming and sensual, this is the meaning of the name Daria.

Summer Daria is eccentric, smart, very active - true fire. According to the secret of the name, Daryas born in autumn are very creative individuals, they are actively involved in all kinds of art, and love to travel.

IN married life Daria always leads the family, she does everything as she needs. Of all people, she loves herself most and wants those around her to love her in the same way.


As a child, Dasha is very sickly and catches any infection. The bronchi and lungs are especially affected. The disease is not easy, often with complications. But as you grow older, your immune system becomes stronger. One more weak point are legs - possibly flat feet or club feet. In old age, you should beware of varicose veins.

Study, career and hobbies

Daria does not like to study; she lacks perseverance and perseverance. But ambition does not allow her to lag behind her classmates, which is the only reason she studies well. The secret of the name Daria suggests that she has an analytical mind and is very good memory, she is erudite and the concept of logic is not alien to her.

The development of fantasy allows Daria to actively engage in creativity. He loves to dance very much. But her vocal abilities are weak.

Daria has a lively mind and a sharp tongue - this will help her make a career in journalism. Girls named Daria are very beautiful, which means they have the opportunity to embody themselves in acting profession or become a model.

Daria's parents should help develop leadership qualities in their daughter - she is good at them. Dasha is a big dreamer, play imaginary characters with her, read books more often. Try to develop a little diligence in the girl, keep her busy with interesting tasks. Don't spoil Daria too much - she will stop appreciating your attention.

Dasha really does not like silence and loneliness; she constantly needs company. Don’t forget what the name Daria means – fire. Therefore, keep a close eye on little Daria - she is not very obedient and loves acute situations. CelebritiesDaria Tikhonova, Daria Mikhailova, Daria Zerkalova, Daria Melnikova - actresses, Daria Leonova - singer, Daria Shmeleva - athlete, Daria Dontsova - writer.

It's no secret that a name determines not only a person's character, but also predetermines his fate. In this article, we invite you to find out everything connected with the name Daria: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the person named by it. Name Daria in Lately is coming back into fashion, and all because it not only sounds beautiful, but also gives its owner strong character along with women's vulnerability.

Dasha, Daria - origin, the meaning of the name, the character and fate of the girl with this wonderful name.

Owners of the name Daria often think about the origin and meaning of their name.

The meaning of the Name Daria: it has two versions of origin: according to one of them, this name comes from Persian male name Darius means “winner,” according to the second version, the name Daria is of original Slavic origin and means “given by God.”

That is why the name Daria has become popular again, the origin and meaning of which is so attractive to many. Another reason is the character traits that the name imparts to its owner from early childhood.

What kind of character might Dasha have?

The characteristics of the name Daria are based on the influence of the planet Mars.

A woman named Daria is distinguished by her kind and flexible character. In appearance, Daria seems a little frivolous and childishly spontaneous, but this is not so. She is very smart, but does not show off her intelligence. She is very charming, but does not waste her femininity left and right. From D. it will turn out trusted friend who will never betray and will keep the secrets entrusted to her all her life. That's why people are so drawn to her.

Daria values ​​her family and is ready to make great sacrifices for her.

IN love relationships Dasha is a little constrained and insecure. Her femininity is revealed gradually, the closer her relationship with a man becomes. Often Daria experiences some kind of maternal feelings for her chosen one, takes care of him, protects him. Therefore, as a partner, D. chooses men much younger than himself, weak-willed and carefree. She won't try to rehabilitate him. As a rule, if a man wants to stay with Daria, he himself will decide to change some of his character traits and become more responsible, especially after the birth of children.

Daria will make a good mother, moderately caring, moderately demanding.

More than anything else, D. loves to dance, and it is likely that his childhood hobby will develop into professional dancing. Daria loves to take care of animals, especially prefers cats. He is not averse to traveling to other countries, if finances allow, but if not, he will not refuse to relax at his grandmother’s dacha.

Daria is not a careerist: she often does not finish the job she starts. He doesn’t value work he doesn’t like, so he changes it quite often. She herself doesn’t know what she wants to do. In order for Daria to achieve at least some success in the professional sphere, she needs a patron. Pedagogy, medicine and law are most suitable for her. Daria is especially good at communicating with people.

Daria is prone to respiratory diseases, so smoking is strictly contraindicated for her.

The basic character of a child named Daria will depend primarily on the time of year of his birth:

  • Spring is a charming and cheerful girl; as a rule, nature has endowed her with beautiful features, so Dasha has loved being photographed and performing on camera since childhood.
  • summer - a little arrogant and proud, she is attracted to beautiful life from glossy magazines.
  • Autumn is a purposeful and active girl who can achieve great success in sports.
  • winter - serious, a little reserved and cautious, can find her calling in pedagogy and upbringing.

What fate awaits Daria?

What fate this girl will have depends on the characteristics of the name Daria and it.

Now we will consider what impact the name Daria can have on a person’s life; the meaning of the name and the fate of a person are inextricably linked with each other. The name Daria energizes its owner positive features characters that are so attractive to the people around them.

D. is in no hurry to leave his father’s house. Only a really serious need can rush her to pack her things and move. And then, after some time necessary to settle into life in a new place, she will definitely invite her family and friends with her. In general, in Dasha’s life there should be one most important move to Big city, which will change her whole life.

Daria quickly finds a companion. As a rule, this is a man younger than her. D. very quickly understands whether she wants to live with this person all her life or not. It takes a man much longer to do this. And since Daria has already made conclusions, but the man has not yet, she will definitely push him into marriage, for example, with an unexpected pregnancy.

Daria is jealous and is not prone to cheating herself. The home firmly protects from the difficulties and adversities of family life.

D. rarely finds a job he likes. After the birth of a child, her worries about him come first, so she doesn’t care about anything career growth out of the question.

In old age, D. usually devotes himself to his grandchildren. She helps her children with all her might, just as her mother once did. Daria makes a funny and mischievous grandmother, whom both children and grandchildren will be delighted with.

What will the child named Daria be like?

What kind of girl will Dasha grow up to be? Character of a child with this name

Let's consider the characteristics and character traits of a child named Daria; the meaning of the name for a girl will be reflected in her main character traits.

Daria will practically not cause any trouble to her parents. Little Dasha will grasp information on the fly and quickly learn to read and walk. True, from childhood Dasha will need to be taught order, and this will be very difficult for her. Dad will always be the authority for Dasha.

D.'s attitude towards studies will be diligent and responsible. There is every chance that she will become an excellent student. Daria behaves very modestly at school, thereby attracting a large number of boyfriends-bullies. Daria can show courage and stand up for the weak and offended, even by showing physical strength. She will not tolerate injustice.

IN adolescence Dasha can become a flirt. During this period, she is sufficiently aware of her attractiveness, and she herself will begin to be interested in the opposite sex. D's mother need not worry about her daughter's morality. She is not prone to making irreparable mistakes, and even when falling deeply in love, she does not lose her head.

Famous people named Daria

  1. D. Domracheva (born 1986) is a Belarusian biathlete. Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus (2010), biathlon world champion in pursuit (2012), three-time silver medalist of the Biathlon World Championships (2008, 2011, 2012), bronze medalist Olympic Games 2010.
  2. D. Leonova (1829/34–1896) - singer, soloist of the Mariinsky and Bolshoi theaters.
  3. D. Nauer (born 1966) is a Swiss track and field athlete.
  4. D. Polotnyuk (1907 – 1982) Ukrainian writer.

Video “The Secret of the Name Daria”

Comments from site visitors

    Daria - what a beautiful name. Many female representatives bearing this name are extremely attractive and flirtatious. They have been very smart since childhood, my daughter was already reading at 4.5 years old. Now she has grown up, studied, is a beautiful woman, and works as a model. As it is written here, very purposeful. And on account Great love This is absolutely true for cats. We now live in the same apartment, Yaska lives with her grandmother, and Boni lives with her daughter. Now she wants to give me a cat, because she loves that no matter where she spends the night, she has a brazen, fluffy face nearby.

    I have a sister Dashenka, I really love this name, she is very gentle, cheerful child, not capricious (does not like hysterics). She is very rarely offended, always on a positive wave and smiles a lot) Sometimes she is naive, a very sweet girl and open. I wish there were more girls with that name, she’s really cool.

    I have an employee, Dasha, so the team loves her, but they are afraid of her. Can lead a group, brigade, small community, being a unifying and rallying principle. Her subordinates respect her, and her superiors (even if she occupies the smallest, most ordinary position) are afraid and try to behave more or less restrained in front of her. Her excellent trait is to bring any started task to completion. I relate to her very well, so I like the name too.

    My name is Daria and it’s true about cats, I have two cats at home, and it’s true about the fact that dad is the authority.

    In my life there were only two people named Dasha. And both of these girls left a big mark on my life. These dashas were radically different from each other. One Dasha was calm, the second was the complete opposite of the first. One was a good student, the other was the opposite) Therefore, I can’t agree with the description) Dashas are very different, but in any light they are very attractive))

    In my opinion, naming names has pitfalls. A baptized person is usually given a second name and it also carries its own burden on the person’s fate. Therefore, it seems to me that in drawing up an idea of ​​​​a person by name, it is worth considering two names. In general, according to Dasha, yes, 80% true. The article turned out to be useful, I’m bookmarking it.

    I'm Dasha and it looks like me. Of course, I would like to embellish some of my character traits, but to be honest, it seems similar) I have a friend Daria, although she is already adult woman. The description doesn’t really fit her, but most likely she’s just successfully masquerading)
    Thanks for the interpretation.

    When choosing a name for our daughter, we considered many options. Dasha was a priority. They wanted to name her in memory of her great-grandmother. After reading the decoding of the name, our intentions became stronger. They are like that! Now my daughter is studying at school, she is doing well, she is a modest and obedient girl. I periodically look at the page and re-read it. We chose the right name after all!

    Beautiful Russian name. And no less beautiful are its owners. My wife is Daria. Excellent hostess, kind and welcoming. The description of the name suits her perfectly! And how the spoken name caresses the ear! Dashenka, Daryushka, Daryusha. Gives us love and warmth, tenderness and affection. Do not hesitate, call your children with this wonderful name, may the earth be more beautiful and people kinder.

    It doesn’t seem like a common name, but in my circle there are three Dash! They are all different in appearance, but they are definitely all beauties. It is interesting to see how their lives change depending on their age. I’ve known them for a long time, so I can talk about it. In general, the description of the name on this site is accurate. It was interesting to compare it with my observations.

    My husband's sister's name is Dasha. Groovy girl) She has great family and three boys! I haven’t known her for very long, but what I managed to recognize in her fits the description in this article. This is especially to the point: “he rarely finds a job he likes. After the birth of a child, her worries about him come first, so there can be no talk of any career growth.” Our Dasha is a creative person, she is an artist. But after the birth of her third son, she works as a landscaper)))) I doubt that she likes such work.

    I am the happy owner of the name Daria. Moreover, they baptized me as Daria (Siushinskaya) I was born in August. I liked the description of my name. Almost everything is true, there are of course exceptions. Such topics should probably still be treated simply as educational. You shouldn't take them on full faith. Thanks for the article, it was interesting to read about myself.

    I'm skeptical about spelling out names. Still, I think that the name contains some information, but both the date of birth and the year influence life and destiny. Moreover, it influences to no less extent. For example, Daria of fire will be completely different from Daria of water. In general, the article was useful as supporting information in solving the name.

    "What's in a name?" The meaning of names plays a large role in a person’s destiny. Dasha in Orthodoxy is translated as “possessing kindness” Actually in this interpretation there is no contradiction to this.
    Indeed in general Dasha nice man, good mom and a hospitable hostess. External differences again subject to what was laid down by parents and birth under a certain zodiac.

    I believe that a lot in fate depends on the name. As Baron Vrungel said, whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float. So a person will live the same way, whatever name he receives. Of course there are exceptions, but that’s just that – exceptions. The name description is similar to the real Dash. I have about seven of these people. I work with children, that’s why there are so many of them. It’s still difficult to judge how big they will grow, but children's description 99% accurate.

The secret of the name Daria (Daria) is in its etymology. The most common Persian version of the origin, according to which it was formed from the name Dareios (from the word “daraya”) and means “owner of good,” “possessor, possessor of good.” IN Greek given name is a transcription of the ancient Persian Darayavaush.

There is also an opinion that this is just an adapted version of the Slavic names Daren and Darina. In this case, it means “gift”, “gift”, “bestowed”, “bestower”. In some sources there is a version according to which this short form from Dorotheus.

There is an explanation for the name Darina of Irish origin. It is considered one of the forms of the feminine Darren, the meaning of which is translated as “rocky mountain”, “low”.

The name Daria is quite popular among young parents in Russia.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Patron Planet: Mars
  • Talisman stone: bloodstone
  • Color: bright red
  • Tree: rowan
  • Plant: anemone
  • Animal: mosquito
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

A charming, sweet and sociable girl named Daria pleases her parents with her ability to grasp everything on the fly. She is non-conflict and easily adapts to any conditions. He loves to help his mother around the house, but avoids community service. Always organized and smart, if these qualities were instilled in her, the girl tries to study diligently, but Dasha really lacks patience and perseverance.

Straightforward and hot-tempered, she can easily get into a fight with the boys for the truth or against injustice. If there is a gap in upbringing, then expecting help around the house in childhood or housekeeping in adolescence and later is useless. Daria is not even able to cook food for herself, let alone study family matters. She disappears for a long time at work to avoid household chores, entrusting them to her children and husband.

Young Daria has good taste and imagination, knows how to make an impression and is remembered as a girl with a sparkle. She has a keen, inquisitive mind, but her actions are often impulsive and subject to mood swings. She calmly accepts fair criticism, if it is not public ridicule, and corrects her behavior.

Interests and hobbies

Daria's are excellent Creative skills who are aggravated by restlessness and impulsive nature. She is able to study only when everything works out for her and she likes the chosen activity. However, a missed loop in knitting or uneven stitches in embroidery can discourage you for a long time or even lead to a loss of interest in this type of needlework. At school and as a student he takes an active part in amateur performances.

Profession and business

Adult Daria can change more than one type of activity in search of herself. She likes the profession of a journalist and psychologist associated with travel. The woman feels confident in the role of a media worker and is not afraid of television cameras, fame and popularity. He commands respect in the team and can lead. She tries to complete the work she has started, even if she has already changed her profession.

Daria has a complicated relationship with business. Having spent a lot of effort, money and time on creating a stable and reliable organization, it may occur to her to abandon it, and she will sell the business without a shadow of regret. Sometimes ambition and the desire to dominate turns the owner of this name into a calculating intriguer who easily manipulates people in pursuit of her mercantile interests.


Weak points are the bronchi and lungs. These bodies require special attention Daria to her health. A girl especially needs to avoid smoking.

Sex and love

Daria knows how to hide her emotions, so it is difficult to force her to do anything. This girl is capable of committing frank, even shameless acts in a fit of passion, and the greater her attraction to a man, the more liberated she feels. In sex, she is unpredictable and has a rich imagination that impresses her partner.

Family and marriage

Daria usually dominates the family, but at the same time her marriage is quite successful and strong. She may be a slightly lazy housewife, but with the appropriate upbringing she is a neat and attentive spouse to everyday details. He gets along well with his husband's relatives and tries not to wash dirty linen in public.

Names: origin and forms

Daria- (from Persian) great fire.

Old: Daria.
Derivatives: Daryushka, Darya, Daryukha, Daryusha, Darena, Darina, Darunya, Daryokha, Daryosha, Dasha, Dashulya, Dashunya, Dashura, Dashuta, Dashukha, Danya.

Directory of Russian names

Great fire(from Persian).

With a choleric temperament, with strong, quickly arising feelings, but not rash. They can go far in work and creativity. Arouse interest. Artistic. Burning, it’s a pleasure to burn in their “flame”. And yet, homebodies are sometimes quiet.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Daria, Darina- strong, victorious (Old Persian), female version named after the Persian king Darius.
In the 19th - early 20th centuries the name was common, after some lull, now the name is popular again.
Zodiac name: Aries.
Planet: Mars.
Name color: bright red.
Talisman stone: bloody
Auspicious plant: rowan, anemone.
Patron name: mosquito
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: spring.
Diminutive forms: Daryushka, Daryukha, Darena, Darinka, Daresha, Dasha, Dashunya, Dashuta, Danya.
Main features: calmness, accuracy.


Daria of Rome, martyr, April 1 (March 19). The beautiful Daria was a pagan, a priestess of the temple of Pallas Athena. Having married the Christian Chrysanthos, she turned to the true God. Following a denunciation, the young couple were captured and given over to be tortured. Daria was sent to a brothel, but there she was guarded by a lion sent by God. He threw everyone who tried to desecrate the saint to the ground, but left him alive. Chrysanthus was thrown into a stinking pit where the city's sewage flowed. But the Heavenly Light shone upon him - and the pit was filled with a fragrance. Then, after torture, they were buried in the ground in 283.


April 1 - Daria-mud hole, dirty ice holes. Near the ice holes it begins to melt, the water turns yellow. Early spring is a big flood.


Dasha is, as they say, a prosperous child. Pretty, moderately capable, calm, always friendly, she good friend, towards which rarely anyone experiences envy or any bad feelings at all. Studying at school or college is not very difficult for her, because she is diligent, responsible, hardworking, very careful, although somewhat slow.

Dasha is obedient, stubborn, unsure of herself and uncommunicative. She loves noisy children's games, but she herself will not approach a flock of children. She can manage children she has known for a long time and will confidently put the offender in his place. Respects adults, obeys older friends.

Dasha is quick-witted and can express herself accurately and wittily. The teachers see her as their assistant, but Dasha doesn’t really like her. community work, tries to evade her.

Dasha is not much of a helper for her mother at home, but she knits, studies music, and studies foreign languages.

Daria has an analytical mind and an excellent memory. She chooses a profession, soberly assessing her abilities and capabilities. Sometimes he makes mistakes, but then he is not afraid to suddenly change his specialty. In her heart she thinks highly of herself. If there was a failure, it is because Daria believes that she was provided unfavourable conditions. Daria most often works as an engineer, translator, teacher, investigator, secretary, and assistant. She calmly and accurately carries out her duties, you can rely on her, but her work does not excite her much, she acts out of a sense of duty, out of nature’s ability to complete any task she begins.

Daria is a homebody, a little lazy, which is why she has few young people in her youth. Daria doesn't get married for a long time. She is unsure of herself, her feminine power. She needs greater affection for a man, complete trust in him, then her sexual behavior will be more open.

Daria does not cheat on her husband, she trusts him, it doesn’t even occur to her that he might be insincere. She heads the family. Her place is always clean, she is a jack of all trades - she sews, knits, cooks, loves to make jam, canning, baking pies, and makes repairs herself. Her husband does auxiliary work. It happens to him and to children. But the family is friendly and hospitable. Daria is happily married to Alexander, Anton, Ivan, Evgeny, Sergey, Yuri.


Daria Alekseevna Derzhavina (1767-1842) - Russian woman, wife famous poet XVIII century Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin.

Daria Alekseevna was one of the five daughters of the Chief Prosecutor of the Senate Alexei Afanasyevich Dyakov, received a secular education and upbringing at home, loved music and played the harp herself. Derzhavin proposed to her in 1794, having been widowed six months before. The wedding took place, and the groom was 58 and the bride was 28 years old. They were not in love with each other, and this marriage, as Derzhavin himself admitted, was based more on a feeling of long-standing friendship and on prudence than on passion.

According to the biographer, Daria Alekseevna “was a beauty tall and large forms, majestic, but cold; her regular features lacked animation and liveliness." In her character, she was strikingly different from the poet's first wife, how cheerful, sociable, and loving Ekaterina Yakovlevna was social life, so Daria Alekseevna “was focused on herself, restrained and dry in her behavior, even with close people, and was often not kind to her husband’s friends.” It seemed to her that their presence could have a detrimental effect on his health, about which she was very concerned, but she was “kind, charitable, fair, generous and therefore ... was loved and respected by those who lived with her, she did not tolerate slander and never "she allowed herself to speak ill of those who were absent. There were inexplicable contradictions in her: despite her apparent coldness, sometimes in the middle of a conversation she would suddenly become moved and step aside so that no one would see her tears."

Daria Alekseevna tried to free her husband, a poet, from household chores, without having children of her own, she transferred all her worries to him and the household, which she managed herself. She managed to significantly improve it, although she took care of her peasants and did not burden them with quitrents.

The death of her husband was a very heavy blow for Daria Alekseevna; she recovered from it with difficulty, and lived alone and modestly in the Zvanka estate, bequeathed to her by her husband. There she died, buried next to her husband in the Novgorod Khutyn Monastery. In her spiritual will, she left 30 thousand rubles for the establishment of an orphanage. Wanting to perpetuate the existence of “Zvanka” and the memory of G.R. Derzhavin, she bequeathed 50 thousand rubles for the establishment of Znamensky on this estate convent, for the maintenance of which she ordered to contribute 100 thousand rubles to the Board of Trustees. This monastery with a women's school attached to it was opened in 1869.

The poet husband dedicated several poems to his “Milena” - “Dream”, “To the Muse”, “Desire”, “To the Portrait”, “Dasha’s Offering”:

Get closer to the gods of the earth
I'm not looking for anything
And rise more
I don't want to.
Peace to my soul
I only wish:
Just be always with me
You, my Dashenka!

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.
