What is the Ministry of Education? The education system in the Russian Federation and educational authorities

Educational management is one of the relevant and important issues public administration, especially in such a difficult socio-economic period as the beginning of the new century. Currently, the policy of the Russian Federation regarding the management of state organizations operating in the field of education is determined by the following principles:

  • – ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to education:
  • – integration higher education and science;
  • – involvement of all state educational organizations in solving assigned tasks;
  • – ensuring the development of education as a socially significant benefit with pronounced positive external effects, taking into account the need to maintain the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation;
  • – focus on ensuring progress in the economy;
  • – promoting the harmonization of the interests of the state, population, business, management, teaching staff of educational organizations, as well as civil society institutions.

In Russian federation education management is carried out at three levels: federal, regional and local (municipal).

Federal level of government includes two types of governing bodies: a) federal (central) state educational governing bodies (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation); b) federal departmental educational authorities (many ministries and departments have their own education system and a network of educational institutions that train specialists for a specific field of activity).

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia), in accordance with the relevant decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, scientific, scientific-technical and innovation activity, development federal centers science and high technologies, state research centers and science cities, intellectual property, as well as in the field of youth policy, education, guardianship and trusteeship, social support and social protection students and pupils of educational institutions.

→ On regional level of management state education management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation function. Various education management bodies have been created here, for example, the Moscow Department of Education, the Department of Education and Science Tambov region, Ministry of General and vocational education Chechen Republic, etc. The activities of educational authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are aimed at ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of education, creating a system of continuous education for the population, implementing a program of universal secondary education for youth, providing practical help district (district) authorities and educational institutions in systematically updating the content of education, improving education, training, and development of students; financing programs and projects for the development of education, licensing, accreditation, certification and examination of subordinate institutions, etc.

→ On local (municipal) level District and city education authorities function (education departments under local administrations). The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” includes the following within their competence: important functions, as the realization of the right of citizens to receive general education, implementation of state policy in the field of education, creation, reorganization and liquidation of educational institutions, etc.

Main directions of development of management of educational systems at various levels. There has been a division of competence between local (municipal) governing bodies and the administration of a general education institution, which manages the educational system of the educational institution. In various models of self-government implemented in educational institutions, the following are noted: positive phenomena, How:

  • – increasing the level of autonomy;
  • – the emergence of the opportunity to formulate one’s mission and strategy, moving from the position of a user of existing management systems to the position of a designer and creator of new systems;
  • – release of creative energy and innovative potential of educators;
  • – development of pluralism of opinions;
  • – attracting qualified specialists from universities;
  • – obtaining additional sources of financing;
  • – change in staffing.

Along with the traditional bodies of general school management (pedagogical council, parent committee, student council), school councils, boards of trustees, admissions committees, scientific and methodological councils, councils of lyceum students, councils of gymnasium students, school parliaments, etc. have now appeared.

Row educational institutions, implementing plans for its own development, is restructuring the management structure based on the search for a “golden mean” between centralization and decentralization of management. Centralized approaches are characterized in the development of school plans, and decentralized ones in their implementation. In schools operating in development mode, groups of innovations have been introduced, project teams, development groups, expert groups. The introduction of management elements in schools contributes to the process of democratization and humanization of school life, effective management of the school, teaching and student teams.

  • Since March 1, 2008, there have been 83 such entities.

The development of the education system is determined by a qualitative improvement in management, since it is education management that predicts ways to improve the educational system, the directions of its activities and the quality of education. Legal basis education management are the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 72), the constitutions and charters of the subjects of the Federation, the Federal Treaty, international instruments(“Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, “European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms”, “Convention on the Rights of the Child”, etc.), federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulations on educational authorities, standard provisions and charters of educational institutions.

Article 72 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation places education issues under the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, which means both joint actions of federal and regional bodies and distributed responsibility. The scope and limits of these powers and responsibilities are established in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. The fundamentals of the system of public administration of education in the Russian Federation are determined by the decree of the Russian Federation of January 9, 1992. In accordance with this decree, the following system of public administration of education has currently been formed in the Russian Federation:

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

ministries of education of the republics within the Russian Federation;

departments (main departments, committees, departments) of education of territories, regions and autonomous entities;

committees (departments) of education of the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Educational management bodies of districts, cities (districts) in the city can be created by decision of local government bodies.

The aforementioned decentralization of education management in the Russian Federation led to changes in control subsystems, in objects of influence, in the content management decisions.

If in the previous education management system the manager was only the federal level, at which goals were set, tasks were set and their implementation was monitored, now, in accordance with the procedure defined by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the competence of federal bodies is delineated state power, federal education management bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there is a gradual redistribution of management functions between different levels of education management.

The results of the analysis of the relationships between different levels of education management indicate changes in their nature: with an increase in the level of management, the share of direct impacts of the management system on the managed one decreases and the share of indirect ones increases.

This is the main change in the nature of relations between levels of education management as a result of the reform of decentralization of management. The center of gravity in education management is increasingly moving to the regional and municipal levels.

This is explained by the fact that territorial education systems are formed under the influence of processes, the result of which is the emergence of population communities that have and are aware of their interests. The similarity of living conditions, a fairly common place of residence, and a variety of forms of social connections objectively determine independent and specific educational interests for each such community.

Success in realizing these interests depends on many reasons, but first of all on the correctly created structure of education management, the selection of management personnel, and the distribution of relevant functions among them.

There can be many options for creating structures for educational authorities. It depends on regional and national characteristics, socio-economic conditions of the region, networks of educational institutions, multi-structure™ and variability of education.

What is common is that the structure staffing table regional education authorities are approved by a resolution of the head of the administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. It also determines the range of issues resolved by the management body, its tasks and functions, and approves the Regulations on the education management body.

The list of tasks facing regional education authorities is determined by the Law “On Education”. Among them, the most important is the task of providing conditions that allow students to receive an education not lower than that provided for by educational standards; providing students with opportunities to realize their natural inclinations and abilities in accordance with their cognitive needs and capabilities. The latter is directly related to special education, the relevance of which in modern conditions extremely high.

This is explained by a significant increase in the number of children with developmental problems and disabled children in particular (currently in the Russian Federation there are about 2 million such children, which is almost 5% of their total number), the emergence of children with complex, complex types of disabilities development, with various forms mental retardation, children with autism, musculoskeletal disorders, etc. and the need to create for them a special correctional and developmental educational environment that provides adequate conditions and equal opportunities with ordinary children to receive education within the limits of special educational standards, as well as treatment, rehabilitation, correction of developmental disorders, and social adaptation.

The complex of these problems must find their solution primarily at the regional level in the form of:

Creation of a regional legislative and regulatory framework for the functioning of special (correctional) educational institutions, a system of correctional and developmental education for children with mental retardation and learning difficulties, creation of conditions for the development of this category of children, support for families with a child with disabilities and children -disabled people;

Targeted work on training specialists to work with children with certain developmental disabilities, improving their skills;

Development of methodological and organizational foundations for identifying children with developmental problems and, based on analysis of data, designing the development of a network of special (correctional) educational institutions;

Creating prerequisites for the development of a system of psychodiagnostics and prevention of developmental disorders in children starting from infancy (early intervention);

Management decisions that contribute to the movement of correctional psychological and pedagogical work into the system before school education;

Organizing conditions for the systematic development of a system of professional training for adolescents with disabilities and adolescents with developmental disorders, creating conditions for their employment, integration into society;

Monitoring the quality of special education, promoting the development of innovative forms of activity in the special education system, supporting new types of rehabilitation institutions, introducing scientific achievements and best practices into practice;

Searching for and developing models of integrated education for children with special needs in a public school setting;

Involvement in work to solve the problems of children with disabilities in physical and mental health, intellectual development, regional health authorities, social protection of the population, employment and public employment, public organizations.

The role of the regional level in the management of special education is extremely large for a number of other reasons.

Firstly, like no other field of education, special education is acutely experiencing a shortage of qualified personnel (on average in the Russian Federation, the number of defectologists is only 9% of the required number). Therefore, the organization of targeted recruitment for defectology faculties pedagogical universities and universities, organizing course retraining of personnel on the basis of regional institutes for advanced training of educators (IPK) in accordance with the needs of the region, creating and coordinating the activities of regional methodological associations of teachers-defectologists, providing them with assistance in preparing and passing certification constitutes a significant part of the activities of the regional body for management of special education.

The second feature is the following. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation are largely characterized by instability and large qualitative differences in the development and functioning of the network of special (correctional) educational institutions (by type, location, etc.). Over the years, the traditions that have developed have led to the fact that in a significant number of municipalities there are no educational institutions for educating children with problems even in intellectual development. And educational institutions for the deaf and hard of hearing, for blind and visually impaired children, for children with severe speech impairments, and musculoskeletal disorders in the regions are presented, at best, in single copies. The problem is aggravated by the fact that all these educational institutions have lost their federal status in recent years, and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not resolve issues of staffing them. In these conditions, the regional education authority must in practice ensure that every child with developmental problems has his right to receive an accessible education and timely correction of psychophysiological and cognitive processes. This is achieved by improving and developing a network of special (correctional) educational institutions, staffing them with children only in accordance with the conclusion of psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions and the consent of parents, resolving issues of educating children with developmental problems outside the region, etc.

The variety of types of special (correctional) educational institutions (eight types) creates the third feature of the management of special education at the regional level. It consists in the fact that regional educational authorities, institutes for advanced training of education workers become the main organizers and coordinators of methodological work in the field of special education in the regions, centers for generalizing and disseminating best practices, implementing advanced pedagogical technologies for special education, innovative activities, including and the formation of a new type of rehabilitation institutions (permanent psychological-medical-pedagogical commissions, centers of psychological-pedagogical and medical-social assistance, early intervention centers, etc.).

In the same regard, due to the lack of necessary qualified personnel (especially scientific ones) in municipal educational systems, expert assessment of experimental activities and the implementation of regional educational programs and standards, etc. Therefore, such work - at the regional level - can be made purposeful, scientifically sound and, no less important, quite effective.

And one last thing. Despite all the specifics, the special education system is not isolated. It is directly related to preschool, general, additional, and primary vocational education. And if in the first three cases it is possible to improve contacts and relationships in work at different levels of management, then the establishment of permanent partnerships between special (correctional) educational institutions and institutions of primary vocational education, involving the latter in providing assistance to special (correctional) schools in matters of pre- professional training, creating conditions for students in the special education system to receive accessible primary vocational education is the prerogative of the regional education authority.

To implement these tasks, special departments (administrations) are created within regional education authorities in accordance with their structure: special education, rehabilitation institutions, special education and social and legal protection of childhood, etc. The provisions on them and the functional responsibilities of specialists are approved by order of the head of the regional education authority. Being a structural subdivision of the regional education management body, the named departments (administrations) in their work are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of education, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation and the regional administration, regulatory legal documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, regulations on regional education authority. Specialists involved in the management of the special education system must know and be able to apply in practice:

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" (UN);

Constitution of the Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” as amended by Federal Law dated January 13, 1996 No. 12-FZ;

Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens;

Law of the Russian Federation “On Psychiatric Care to the Population”;

Family Code of the Russian Federation;

Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation: “On measures to create an accessible living environment for people with disabilities” dated October 2, 1992 No. 1156; “On measures for professional rehabilitation and employment of disabled people” dated August 25, 1993, No. 394; “On scientific and information support for problems of disability and people with disabilities” dated December 27, 1992, No. 802; “On the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, the protection of their rights” dated 09/06/93 No. 1338;

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated May 24, 1991 No. 278 “On measures to improve the work of special educational institutions for children and adolescents with physical or physical disabilities mental development»;

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated June 20, 1992 No. 409 “On urgent measures for the social protection of orphans and children without parental care”;

Model regulations on educational institutions, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

Regulatory legal documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on special education issues.

Generally speaking, it is the specialists of the regional education management body who oversee the issues of special education who, in practice, implement the four main functions of education management in general and special education in particular. These include:

management- constant work to maintain the internal conditions for the functioning of the existing special education system in the region;

organization- ensuring constant compliance of the region’s special education system with the changing external and internal conditions of its functioning;

administration- designing new elements (functioning standards) of the region’s special education system;

control- forecasting new frameworks for the special education system, changing its current state in accordance with the trends in the development of special education in the Russian Federation, the needs of society, and the demand for certain special (correctional) educational services.

Departments (administrations) of special education of regional educational authorities are called upon to implement state policy in the field of special education of children with developmental disabilities and children with disabilities; ensure the implementation of federal and regional target programs aimed at social support and rehabilitation of children and adolescents in need of state help and protection; carry out development regional systems social, psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation of children in need.

In practice, this is achieved by:

development of legislative acts (introduced to the legislative body by the regional administration), decrees and orders of the administration of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, normative legal documents of the regional education department, defining the main approaches to achieving the goals of special education in the region and eliminating gaps in federal legislation in this area;

implementation of constant monitoring of the implementation of legislation in the field of special education by objects of the educational process, the implementation of normative legal associate professors, curricula, state educational standards, which is implemented with a comprehensive (frontal) “study of the management activities of municipal bodies of education, certification of special (correctional) educational institutions, conducting thematic inspections and other inspection activities;

constant work to analyze the situation related to meeting the needs of the region’s population for special (corrective) educational services based on data from psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions, requests and proposals from public organizations (especially those related to the life of disabled people), parental associations, appeals from individual citizens, the results of the work of special (correctional) educational institutions and other institutions (rehabilitation of the education system, and also on the preparation of proposals for consideration at the boards of the regional education department, meetings with the head of the regional education department (industrial, administrative), meetings with the heads of municipal education authorities, meetings of the councils of heads of special education institutions, scientific and methodological councils on special education, etc. .;

providing assistance to municipal education authorities in matters of timely identification, diagnosis, psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities in physical and mental development, by increasing the competence of specialists of municipal management structures in matters of special education, holding scientific and practical conferences, meetings , seminars on current issues of correctional pedagogy, the introduction of new forms and methods of teaching and raising children with developmental problems that give positive results;

licensing, certification (is the competence of the regional education department), accreditation of special (correctional) educational institutions;

carrying out work on staffing state special (correctional) educational institutions;

determining the need for staff of defectologists, speech therapists and speech therapists and on this basis coordinating the work of pedagogical institutes and universities in the region, the institute for advanced training of education workers for training, retraining, and advanced training of teachers of narrow specialties;

organization of work (together with the IPK) on certification of heads of special (correctional) educational institutions, teachers-defectologists, speech therapists to higher qualification category, and in the presence of state institutions of special education, the absence of specialists of the required level of qualifications in municipalities, and for the first qualification category;

implementation of activities aimed at developing the service practical psychology education, psychological, medical, pedagogical and diagnostic services, creation rehabilitation centers for disabled children.

Special place in the activities of regional educational authorities, control is one of the four main management actions (along with planning, organization, leadership). Whatever interpretation these or those articles of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” are subject to, it is necessary to understand that only control makes the management of the development of special education in the region tangible, only control allows for the correction, coordination, and regulation necessary in the work. This follows from the theory and scientifically grounded practice of management: management actions represent closed loop, an interconnected closed system. When any part is removed from this cycle, from the system, the latter is destroyed and ceases to exist, since management (due to lack of control) becomes blind, and the development process becomes uncontrollable.

In practice, control is carried out during inspection and certification of educational institutions.

Under inspection refers to the conduct by the regional education department of inspections, observations, surveys carried out in the manner of supervision and control within its competence over the compliance by the municipal education department, subordinate educational institutions and their officials with legislation and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

The objectives of the inspection are:

implementation of the principles of state policy in the field of education;

ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens living on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation to education;

compliance with state educational and minimum social standards, standards in the education system of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

execution of normative legal acts regulating the activities of educational authorities and educational institutions;

protection of the rights and freedoms of participants in the educational process;

improvement of the education quality management system (formation of learning conditions and results);

carrying out analysis and forecasting trends in the development of the education system of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and its components.

When inspecting in the form of supervision, the activities of the heads of municipal education authorities and subordinate educational institutions are checked in order to establish the legality of their actual actions in the implementation of direct legislative norms or the compliance of issued regulatory legal acts with the current legislation in the field of education in general and special education in particular.

When inspecting in the form of control, the results of the activities of municipal education authorities and special (correctional) educational institutions, their officials are traced in order to establish the implementation of legislation and other regulatory legal acts, and study the consequences of making management decisions in the field of special education. Methods of inspection control are: documentary control, examination, examination, questioning, survey of participants in the educational process, control sections for mastering educational programs, etc.

Inspections can be carried out in the form of scheduled, operational checks, and monitoring.

Inspection in the form of a scheduled audit is carried out in accordance with the work plan of the special education department, correlated with the work plans of other departments of the regional education department, which ensures frequency and eliminates irrational duplication in the organization of inspections.

Operational inspection is carried out in order to establish and verify information about violations specified in appeals from citizens and organizations when conflict situations etc.

Of particular relevance for specialists of the regional education department is inspection in the form of monitoring, which involves constant monitoring of the regulated activities of special (correctional) educational institutions, collection, systematization, analysis, accumulation and updating of information about the activities of the special education system, without which it is impossible to adopt timely, legal and effective management decisions.

As a rule, inspection is carried out by specialists from the regional education department, who must have appropriate qualifications in the field of correctional pedagogy and management, and their job responsibilities must provide for inspection functions. However, third-party (competent) organizations and specialists may be involved as experts.

Inspections can be comprehensive (two or more areas of activity are studied), thematic (one area of ​​activity is studied), frontal (all regulated activities are checked). The duration of thematic and comprehensive inspections should not exceed 5-10 days, and frontal inspections should not exceed two weeks.

The competence of the education department of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation when carrying out inspections in the field of special education includes:

1. Monitoring the implementation of normative provisions:

Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of education;

decrees of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education and the creation of conditions and living environment for children in need of special support from the state and children with disabilities;

decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the head of the regional administration in the field of education of children with special needs and their social and legal protection;

regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on issues of special education.

2. Monitoring compliance with federal legislation and the legislation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation:

regulatory legal acts of heads of municipalities and their education authorities;

constituent documents of special (correctional) educational institutions and other institutions for the rehabilitation of children and adolescents in the educational system;

local acts of municipal educational authorities and subordinate educational institutions on issues of special education.

3. Monitoring the results of the activities of municipal education authorities on the following issues:

respecting the rights of citizens to education and creating the necessary correctional and developmental environment for children and adolescents in accordance with their needs;

implementation of the provisions of the regional program for the development of education and targeted programs (“Disabled Children”, “Orphans”, etc.), of which the regional education authority is a participant;

compliance by subordinate special (correctional) educational institutions with control standards and indicators specified in the annex to the license;

compliance with regulatory requirements on the protection of student health, sanitary rules for the maintenance of educational institutions;

provision social rights and guarantees for children in need of state assistance.

The Education Department of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as the founder of state institutions of special education, has the right to inspect the activities of educational institutions established by it on the following issues:

the use of financial resources allocated by the education department of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the maintenance of an educational institution, as well as financial resources received by the educational institution from other sources;

safety and efficient use of property under the operational management of an educational institution, including under the terms of lease of buildings, premises, structures and other property;

performance results of the head of the educational institution;

compliance with other requirements established by the charter and other constituent documents of the educational institution.

Based on the results of the inspection, formalized in the form analytical report, memo, report, depending on its form, goals and objectives, taking into account the real state of affairs, meetings of boards, pedagogical councils, production and work meetings with teaching staff, meetings of heads of special (correctional) (educational institutions) can be held, orders can be issued, letters and other inspection materials to the competent authorities, make decisions on re-inspection or (bringing disciplinary action to officials, etc.

A form of state-public control over the quality of education is certification of educational institutions. Without revealing the procedure and content of certification in this chapter, we note once again that in accordance with Art. 33 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” as amended by Federal Law No. 12-FZ dated 13.01.96, taking into account the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 12.03.97 No. 288 “On approval of the Model Regulations on a Special (Correctional) Educational Institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities”, it is carried out by the state (regional) education department once every five years. In accordance with this, issues of organizing certification of special (correctional) educational institutions require constant attention on the part of the regional education department and its specialists in the form of planning these activities, developing special test tasks, control and qualification works, summarizing certification materials, identifying emerging trends and problems in the field of special education, making adequate management decisions, encouraging and disseminating identified teaching experience and progressive pedagogical technologies. Of no small importance in this regard is the problem of selecting and training the appropriate range of experts (depending on the type of correctional educational institutions), since when certifying special (correctional) educational institutions, along with general questions certification (completeness of implementation of basic educational programs, maximum volume of students' academic workload, compliance of the content, level and quality of training of graduates with state educational standards, etc.) very specific issues should also be studied: organization of correctional and treatment-and-prophylactic work, labor and social training , compliance of implemented educational programs with psychosocial capabilities physical development and the health status of pupils.

One of characteristic features The current state of education in the Russian Federation is that many educational institutions are moving into development mode, organizing experimental sites, filling gaps in pedagogical theory with scientifically grounded practice, and looking for new effective ways to organize the educational process. These trends are also characteristic of special education. On the one hand, existing approaches to the development of children with special needs are analyzed from new positions, on the other hand, there is a search for more advanced ones. this moment system solutions.

Educational institutions of a non-traditional type are emerging, in which educational organizers are trying to solve the problem of guaranteeing rights and coordinating measures to improve the social, organizational and cultural environment of children and adolescents with disabilities. The functions of specialists in these non-traditional correctional and educational institutions include: diagnostics, development of teaching aids for teachers, monitoring, consulting, psychological training, work with parents of disabled children, etc. The end result of their activities is the creation of conditions for the development of the personality of children and adolescents with disabilities of various types and degrees.

From the point of view of revising the subject-centric orientation of special education, changes are being made to the curricula and programs of special (correctional) educational institutions. The subject of study is not only basic concepts, but also moral concepts, moral relations as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon.

Becoming market relations strengthens the importance of the system of preparing graduates of special (correctional) educational institutions for work. Therefore, the process of identifying new ways of pre-vocational and labor training presupposes not only a high level of professional competence, but also a certain degree of adaptation of a disabled teenager in a new socio-economic situation.

All this deserves in-depth analysis, the formation of new areas of activity, and on the part of regional education authorities, that regional education authorities have great opportunities to attract scientists involved in the problems of special pedagogy and psychology, methodologists and practitioners, uniting them in creative groups and laboratories to solve certain problems, including in the examination of innovations, development of ways to develop and improve the special education system.

In recent years, one of the forms of public participation in managing the development of special education in the regions has become scientific and methodological (methodological) councils on correctional and pedagogical problems of special education, created under regional education authorities.

They may include scientists, heads of educational institutions, experienced practicing teachers, representatives of health and social protection authorities, specialists in the main areas of special (correctional) pedagogy and special psychology. The composition of this council and its regulations are approved by the head of the education department of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Proper organization of the council’s work can provide the regional education department with significant assistance in the following matters:

Forecasting ways of development and improvement of the special education system in the region;

Planning and coordinating the development of scientific and program-methodological support for correctional pedagogical activities in the region in the field of preschool and school education; development and testing of programs for comprehensive differentiated psychological, medical and pedagogical examination of children and adolescents, content and organizational components of the programs;

Expertise and support for experimental sites and proprietary programs, authors of innovative technologies in the field of special (correctional) pedagogy;

Scientific and methodological consulting to heads of special (correctional) educational institutions on the problems of special (correctional) pedagogy and special psychology;

Promoting the continuity of preschool and school education for children with developmental problems.



List of sources used


The strategic task of the public administration system at present is to build a society based on the intellectual, spiritual and moral potential of the nation. Its foundations are laid in educational institutions. The educational sector is one of the most important resources of our country and has a national security function. Trends in modern social life are placing new demands on the education system. Its dynamic development contributes to the economic and spiritual prosperity of Russia, but at the same time requires competent management work.

The object of the abstract was the education system.

The subject is the structure of education management.

The purpose of the essay is to study the structure of educational management.

  1. Define the concept and structure of the education system.
  2. Consider the general principles of educational management and pedagogical management.
  3. Analyze the structure of education management.

1. Concept and structure of the education system

Today, every developed country has an established and stably functioning education system aimed at meeting the needs of the state, society and the individual. The functioning of this system is regulated by legislative documents. The education system is a set of educational institutions at various levels that provide continuous education for the individual.

The education system in the Russian Federation is a set of interacting:

  • continuous educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and directions;
  • networks of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types;
  • education authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them.

The functioning of the education system in the Russian Federation is determined by the following principles:

  1. The humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual. Education of citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for surrounding nature, Motherland, family.
  2. Unity of the federal cultural and educational space. Protection and development of the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state.
  3. Public accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils.
  4. The secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions.
  5. Freedom and pluralism in education.
  6. Democratic, state-public nature of education management, autonomy of educational institutions.

Content Russian education is determined by educational programs of two types: general education (basic and additional) and professional (basic and additional). General education programs are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting the individual to life in society, creating the basis for informed choice and mastering professional educational programs. These include programs of preschool education, primary general education, basic general education, and secondary (complete) general education. Professional educational programs are aimed at solving the problems of consistent improvement of professional and general educational levels, training specialists with appropriate qualifications. Professional programs include programs of initial vocational education, secondary vocational education, higher and postgraduate education. The educational minimum content of each program is established by the corresponding state standard. They are implemented through the following network of educational institutions:

  • preschool: nurseries, kindergartens, children's centers;
  • general education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education): schools, gymnasiums, lyceums;
  • vocational education (primary, secondary, higher): schools, colleges, technical schools, universities;
  • special (correctional) for children with developmental disabilities: schools for the visually impaired, the deaf, etc.;
  • institutions of additional education: music, sports, art schools, youth creativity centers, etc.;
  • institutions for orphans and children left without parental care: orphanages, boarding schools;
  • other institutions carrying out the educational process.

Preschool educational institutions are created to educate children from one to six years old, protect and strengthen their physical and mental health, develop individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental deficiencies. They are opened to help the family, since the first and main teachers of the child are his parents. The main types of preschool educational institutions are kindergartens, kindergarten, pro-gymnasium, children's development center. For families with children preschool age raised at home, should be provided with methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance organized by local government bodies.

The tasks of preschool educational institutions include protecting the life and health of children, their intellectual and physical development, familiarization with universal human values ​​and interaction with families in the interests of full development child. In the conditions of a modern open educational space, preschool educational institutions are free to choose a certain direction of the educational process, educational programs and methods. Based on this, in Russian practice there are different types of kindergartens. For example, a compensatory kindergarten with priority direction correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of a child or a developmental kindergarten with a priority focus on the child’s intellectual, artistic or physical development.

General educational institutions are represented mainly by state comprehensive schools. Secondary school has three levels:

Stage I - primary school (4 years of study),

II stage - basic school (5 years),

III stage - secondary school (2 years).

For children with developmental disabilities, special educational institutions (classes, groups) of a correctional nature are created, aimed at their treatment, upbringing and training, and social adaptation. Children are sent to such specific educational institutions by educational authorities only with the consent of parents or guardians upon conclusion of a psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation.

For teenagers with socially dangerous, deviant behavior who need special conditions education and training and requiring a special pedagogical approach, there are special educational institutions aimed at their medical and social rehabilitation, education and vocational training. Such educational institutions accept children over the age of eleven. Sending a teenager there for education is possible only by court decision.

Based on the state-guaranteed right to education, conditions are created for citizens in educational-labor and correctional-labor institutions to receive basic general and primary vocational education.

Professional educational institutions are opened to implement professional educational programs of primary, secondary and higher vocational education.

Primary vocational education is aimed at training skilled workers in all main areas of socially useful activities on the basis of basic general education. The main type of educational institution that implements the initial vocational program is vocational schools.

Higher professional education has the goal of training and retraining specialists at the appropriate level, meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education on the basis of secondary (complete) general and secondary vocational education. It can be obtained in educational institutions of higher professional education (institutes, universities, academies). Persons with primary vocational or secondary vocational education in the relevant profile can receive higher vocational education in shortened accelerated programs.

One of the important features of the modern education system is variability, manifested in the legalized organizational and legal forms of educational institutions (state, municipal, non-state), forms of education (full-time, part-time, part-time, family, external, distance learning), content of education and organization pedagogical process in an educational institution. The modern education system is moving away from the previous unification and standardization. And most importantly, today the sphere of education is beginning to acquire the features of one of the few social areas where the interests of the state, society and the individual really collide. In addition, taking into account the federal nature of the state structure, in the approach to solving problems educational sphere interests of a regional order are also revealed, determined by the specifics of the educational complex and its intellectual potential.

2. General principles of education management and pedagogical management

Management of the education system is a special activity within which its subjects, through solving management problems, ensure the organization of joint activities of the management and managed subsystems (government bodies and educational institutions) to achieve the effective goals of the system and educational institutions. The central object of education management is the formation and development of all life support systems of the educational process in all types of educational institutions. Like any management activity, it is built on certain principles that contribute to its effectiveness. Research teams dealing with educational management issues identify various groups of fundamental principles. Among them, the most common ones can be noted.

Principles of democratization and humanization education management is a response to ongoing changes in society. In addition, it is on these principles that state policy in the field of education is built. Democratization presupposes the development of activity and initiative of the subjects of the educational process: teachers, students and educational leaders. One of the forms of participation in management is participation in the process of collegial management decision-making. This is only possible if management information is open and accessible. The development of democratic principles in management is facilitated by the introduction of competitive election and a contract system in the selection of teaching staff. The dominance of humanistic values ​​in the culture of post-industrial society is reflected in education. It affected not only the pedagogical process, but also the process of education management, manifesting itself in an orientation towards cooperation, tolerance, intellectual and creative independence.

The principle of the optimal combination of state and social principles organically combined with the principle of democratization. It is focused on a balanced consideration of the interests of the individual, society and the state in the implementation and management of the educational process. In essence, this principle is implemented in the processes of centralization and decentralization of education management, aimed at finding the optimal distribution of powers when making management decisions. It assumes unity of command and collegiality in education management. Unity of command consists in the right of a manager at a particular level to individually resolve issues within his competence. It ensures discipline and order and is appropriate in the case of prompt decision-making for which the manager bears personal responsibility. Collegiality presupposes the development of a collective decision based on the opinions of leaders different levels and executors of specific decisions. Collegiality is appropriate when determining strategic actions. The effectiveness of the educational process depends on the optimal combination of unity of command and collegiality in education management.

Scientific principle involves taking into account in the construction of a management system the latest data from management science, laws and patterns that, regardless of the subject, manifest themselves and operate in management objects. In implementing this principle, it is necessary to rely on the achievements of pedagogical science and management. The implementation of the principle of scientific validity of management is determined by the availability of reliable and complete information about the state of the managed pedagogical system and the environment.

The principle of consistency and integrity in management presupposes the interaction and interrelation of all management functions and excludes one-sidedness in management. Attitude to pedagogical process as a holistic and systemic phenomenon, creates real conditions for its effective management.

From the classification of P.I. Tretyakov can be added to these principles principles of objectivity and specificity, optimality and efficiency.

It should be noted that in Lately The concept of “pedagogical management” is becoming widespread among the management community. This is a scientifically organized hierarchical management - the head, the teaching staff, the team of students - carried out according to various models. In the studies of V.P. Simonov identifies the following principles of pedagogical management: goal-setting, purposeful management, cooperation and division of managerial labor, functionality, complexity and systematic self-improvement.

From the point of view of V.P. Simonov, the functions of pedagogical management “are special types actions of a management subject with information.” The functions include: decision making; organization of execution decisions taken; preliminary, current and final control. Methods of pedagogical management are considered as ways to achieve set goals and implement its main functions.

There are 4 groups of methods:

1) methods of economic stimulation of the teaching staff,

2) organizational, administrative or administrative methods,

3) methods of psychological and pedagogical influence,

4) methods of social influence.

Decisions made by managers must meet the following requirements: have a target orientation, be justified and have a specific address, agreed with common system management decisions, correspond to the optimal expenditure of effort, money and time, be relevant, modern, concise and clear.

Thus, educational management is a specific scientific direction that has important applied significance. The effective development of education depends on the competence and professionalism of managers in this field, their reliance on scientific achievements, the implementation of scientific principles and recommendations in practice.

3. Educational management structure

The structure of education management in the Russian Federation is formed according to a linear-functional scheme, combining the vertical organization of management (distribution of administrative authority among management levels) with the distribution of functions among management levels. It is characterized by the following provisions.

Federal level of government is represented by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is both the central governing body of education in Russia and the governing body of the education system organizations subordinate to it. At this level, management of subordinate educational institutions is also carried out by other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

Some federal educational institutions have a two-tier management structure, when the educational institution is directly under the administrative jurisdiction of the relevant ministry (department). Such educational institutions are mainly vocational education institutions.

Preschool education institutions, secondary schools, and some vocational education institutions are characterized by a four-tier management structure: Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation -> education management body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation -> municipal authority -> educational institution.

(regional) is represented by education management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - ministries, committees, main departments, etc. Their main difference from federal bodies is that they do not have educational institutions under their direct jurisdiction and carry out functional management of the education system within the subject of the federation.

At the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 18 management functions are legally established. They largely repeat the functions of the federal level, but the scope of their implementation is limited to a certain territory of the subject of the federation. These functions can also be grouped into similar groups.

  1. Formation and implementation of state (regional) policy in the field of education that does not contradict the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of education. The main instrument for its formation is regional programs for the development of education. They are developed in accordance with the Federal Program for the Development of Education, but have a pronounced regional focus, uniting regional educational potential to solve primarily regional tasks and problems.
  2. Determination of specific conditions for the functioning of the education system and educational institutions in the region, including legal regulation within its competence. First of all, this is the establishment of regional components of state educational standards.
  3. Establishment of additional regional benefits, economic standards, various norms and rules: benefits for paying taxes to the regional budget, regional standards and financing procedures, additional social benefits for students and employees in relation to federal ones, construction, operational, medical and other norms, rules, etc. .d.
  4. Creation of educational institutions of regional jurisdiction and direct management of them: implementation of the functions of a higher body, founder, direct financing of educational activities.
  5. Ensuring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, monitoring the implementation of state educational standards.
  6. Implementation of specific functions - licensing of educational institutions (with the exception of licensing for higher and postgraduate professional education programs), organization of training and retraining of teaching staff.

At the municipal level, local government bodies are responsible for realizing the right of citizens to receive compulsory basic general education established by law; annual publication of average statistical indicators on compliance with federal and local requirements for the conditions of the educational process in educational institutions located in the territories under their jurisdiction. This is the requirement of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, and one can once again be convinced that the state, already at the level of distribution of managerial powers, has shifted responsibility for the implementation of the most important constitutional guarantee to formally non-state bodies of power and administration, i.e. practically transferred the implementation of state guarantees almost to the level of public self-government.

The following functions fall within the exclusive competence of municipal authorities.

  1. Planning, organization, regulation and control of the activities of local (municipal) education authorities, educational institutions in order to implement state policy in the field of education.
  2. Formation of local budgets in terms of expenditures on education and corresponding funds for the development of education, development and adoption of local standards for financing the education system.
  3. Providing citizens living in the relevant territories with the opportunity to choose a general education institution.
  4. Regulation, within its competence, of property relations in the education system.
  5. Creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal educational institutions.
  6. Creation and liquidation of local (municipal) education authorities and (or) self-governing school districts, determination of their structure and powers, appointment and dismissal, in agreement with state education authorities, of heads of local education authorities.
  7. Appointment of heads of municipal educational institutions, unless otherwise provided model provisions on educational institutions of relevant types and types or by decision of a local government body;
  8. Construction of buildings and structures of municipal educational institutions, development of adjacent territories.
  9. Monitoring the terms of lease of buildings, premises and other property by educational institutions.


During the research, it was found that the structure of education management in the Russian Federation is formed according to a linear-functional scheme. The federal level of government is represented by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which is both the central governing body of education in Russia and the governing body of the education system organizations subordinate to it.

Preschool education institutions, secondary schools, and some vocational education institutions are characterized by a four-tier management structure: the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - the education management body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - the municipal government authority - the educational institution.

Level of education management in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation(regional) is represented by education management bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - ministries, committees, main departments, etc. Their main difference from federal bodies is that they do not have educational institutions under their direct jurisdiction and carry out functional management of the education system within the subject of the federation.

Municipal level of education management represented by education departments (education departments or other structural units of municipal authorities). In relation to educational institutions at the municipal level, educational authorities at this level also act as higher authorities and founders, managing them according to a two-tier scheme.

Non-state educational institutions stand apart in the management structure, since they are not included in the administrative jurisdiction of state and municipal government bodies. In relation to these educational institutions, state and (or) municipal bodies carry out so-called functional management, i.e. implement individual control functions.

Thus, the education management system has a clear structure, divided into federal, regional and municipal management.

List of sources used

  1. Vashurina E.V., Drantusova N.V., Evdokimov Ya.Sh., Klyuev A.K., Mayburov I.A. Analysis of global trends in the development of scientific and educational activities: Analytical review // University management: practice and analysis. - Ekaterinburg: Publishing house Ural University, 2016. - 228 p.
  2. Volgin N.A. Social politics: Textbook. - M., 2014. - 547 p.
  3. Kvanina V.V., Civil regulation of relations in the field of higher professional education. - M., 2015. - 309 p.
  4. Kozyrin A.N., Korf D.V., Yalbulganov A.A. Education Management: comparative analysis Russian and foreign legislation // Reforms and law. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 43 - 62.

Educational management - this is the purposeful activity of central and local executive authorities to ensure the organization, functioning and development of the education system. Educational management, as a holistic process, includes: organizing and creating conditions for the functioning of educational institutions, inspecting their activities and monitoring the results of education.

The right to education is one of the fundamental and inalienable constitutional rights of citizens of the Russian Federation. The concept of education for each individual is deeply personal, and sometimes many disagreements arise - what for one is sufficient level education, for others - a minimum bordering on illiteracy.

The legal definition of education is given in the Federal Law “On Education”: Education - a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of the individual, society, and state, accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

The receipt of education by a citizen (student) is understood as the achievement and confirmation of a certain educational qualification, which is certified by the appropriate document.

Education in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international law and is based on the following principles:

1) the humanistic nature of education, the priority of universal human values, human life and health, and the free development of the individual. Fostering citizenship, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

2) the unity of the federal cultural and educational space. Protection and development by the education system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state;

3) universal accessibility of education, adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students and pupils;

4) the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions;

5) freedom and pluralism in education;

6) democratic, state-public nature of education management. Autonomy of educational institutions.

The process of obtaining an education, like any other, is manageable. At the lowest level (i.e., closest to the learning process), it is controlled by the teacher. At the state level, this process is under the control of national education authorities.

Management is understood as the purposeful activity of management subjects at various levels, ensuring the optimal functioning and development of the managed system, transferring it to a new, qualitatively higher level of actually achieving goals with the help of the necessary optimal pedagogical conditions, methods, means and influences.

In accordance with Article 37 of the Law “On Education”, the following state education management bodies are created and operate in the Russian Federation:

Federal (central) state educational authorities;

Federal departmental educational authorities;

State educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the system of public administration of education in the Russian Federation" establishes the following hierarchy in the system of public administration bodies:

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;

Ministry of Education of the republics within the Russian Federation;

Directorates (main directorates, committees, departments) of education of territories, regions and autonomous entities;

City education committees (departments).

Educational management bodies of districts, cities, districts, districts (in the city) can be created by decision of local governments.

All of the above levels of education management bodies implement unified management of the system of state institutions of preschool, school, vocational, secondary special, pedagogical and out-of-school education at the federal, republican, regional and territorial levels.

Federal laws in the field of education management, in accordance with Art. 3 of the Law “On Education”:

1) differentiate competence and responsibility in the field of education Federal authorities state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

2) regulate, within the established federal competence, issues of relations in the field of education, which must be resolved equally by all subjects of the Russian Federation. In this part, federal laws in the field of education are laws of direct effect and are applied throughout the Russian Federation;

3) introduce general regulatory norms on issues that fall within the competence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in accordance with which the latter carry out their own legal regulation in the field of education.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not directly set goals for the education system. We can assume, of course, that accessibility and free education within certain limits is the goal. But this will not be entirely accurate, because low-quality education that students will not need may also be available and free. Ultimately, what matters to people is, first of all, the quality of education, and then access to it and the costs of receiving it. And precisely in this order, since people are willing to pay for quality education (not everyone, of course). Although, at some stage one can, apparently, put up with a not very high-quality, but generally accessible education.

Determining the quality of education is a complex and independent task. For the purposes of the lecture, we will assume that quality is the recognition of the education received in those areas where a trained or trained person is going to work or continue studying. Sometimes they say that the better a person is trained, the easier it is for him to adapt in various fields of activity, but this refers, rather, to the content of education.

From this we can assume that the main goal of the functioning of the education system is to bring it to a state in which quality education is available to everyone who wants to receive it. It is unlikely that such a state is achievable, but the goal may not be achieved; the system will gradually approach it, moving in the desired direction and, we add, achieving some important (or not so important) intermediate results during this movement. Of course, a movement of this kind should be understood as a process of gradual change in the system, quantitative and (or) qualitative.

It is possible to define as a goal some specific parameters of the new state of the education system:

The ability to train at least 500 students per 10 thousand people (in the Law “On Education” - at least 170);

Ensure high-quality education at the level of modern requirements for all children in school for at least 12 years;

Make sure that math training in urban schools is the best in the world, etc.

Examples of this kind should not be taken literally. It is clear that the new state can be described in different ways. The main thing is that this goal is set for that part of the system or the entire system that it directly concerns. For example, the goal of the entire education system should not be to include universal coverage of children in preschool education, since this goal concerns only part of the system.

The goal, therefore, must be formulated, quantitatively and (or) qualitatively determined, designated, and presented at the level of understanding. Management must ensure a change in the state of the system, i.e. coordinated activity of all its elements, ensuring movement towards a given goal and its achievement.

An important characteristic of management is that it is a separate type of activity, implemented separately from the educational process. This means that to manage the education system, special organizations are created with their own system of relationships, tasks to be solved and types of actions to be carried out - a management structure with a certain subordination, distribution of management functions between departments.

The structure of education management in the Russian Federation is formed according to the so-called linear-functional scheme, which is characterized by the following main features:

The presence of several levels, in which each lower level is under the administrative jurisdiction of a higher one; decisions of higher authorities are binding on lower ones;

Limitation of the administrative subordination of lower levels of management to higher ones by individual functions or some set of them - a higher authority can make decisions that are binding on lower levels on a limited range of issues;

The ability for a governing body to manage only those organizations that are under its direct administrative control.

The generalized structure of education management is shown in Fig. 3.2.

Rice. 3.2. Generalized structure of education management

The specific implementation of the management structure at different times was determined by different conditions, often hidden behind standard formulations “for the purpose of improvement.” To characterize the structural changes that took place, the concept of “subjective factor” is most suitable, since the scale of the education system was constantly growing, and the tasks, judging by the wording in official documents, were constantly becoming more complex. From my point of view, there was no particular complication of management tasks; they simply changed, and not even very much.

The process of changing the management structure was more like oscillations. Changes in educational authorities have occurred and are occurring quite regularly, and these changes all the time reproduce the same linear-functional structure. As an example, let's look at relatively recent history (Table 3.1).

As can be seen from the information provided, changes in the structure of education management were carried out with enviable regularity. It is necessary to pay attention to one more important feature: with a formal requirement for the separate existence of management separately from the managed object, educational authorities are formally included in the education system (in accordance with the definition given in the Law “On Education”). From this seemingly unimportant circumstance, a very important conclusion follows: when the structure of educational authorities changes, the state of the education system must (!) change. However, when designing changes of this kind, this circumstance is usually not taken into account, and systemic changes are not only not predicted, but are not even discussed. We are talking about anything: cutting bureaucrats, eliminating unnecessary functions, duplication, etc., but not about the fact that a change in management can have a very serious impact on the education system. The only consolation is that in other industries the situation is no better; at the design stage no one knows what these transformations will lead to.

Until April 2004, the federal level of government was represented by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, which by that time was in charge of 658 institutions of secondary and 326 higher professional education at the federal level. At the same level, management of subordinate educational institutions was also carried out by other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. In particular, 2,576 secondary specialized educational institutions were under the jurisdiction of 26 ministries and departments, 590 universities were under the authority of 20 ministries and departments.

This distribution at the federal level has developed largely historically. Educational institutions were created by ministries and departments as a necessary element in the implementation of priority areas of the country's socio-economic development - protecting public health, universal literacy, industrialization, agricultural development, and strengthening defense capabilities. Accordingly, medical, pedagogical, agricultural educational establishments(universities, technical schools, colleges), colleges, polytechnics. Developing scientific and educational schools were separated from the universities. From such a powerful university center as, for example, Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N.E. Bauman at one time “spun off” MISI, MPEI, MAI, the Academy of Chemical Defense, the Izhevsk Mechanical Institute, the faculties of MIHM, MHTI, MEPhI, and from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute - the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, the Agricultural Institute, the technical college at LMZ, etc. And such processes occurred not only in Moscow and Leningrad. In addition, the presence of “own” industry educational institutions testified to the high potential of the industry and the ministry leading it. Regarding the territorial location of educational institutions, the usual principles of location of productive forces applied:

Closer to energy sources, which were educational and scientific centers;

Closer to the place of consumption - in each region there should be educational institutions that train teachers, health workers, and agricultural specialists;

In the newly developed areas - Novosibirsk and Far Eastern scientific centers, for example.

In other words, educational institutions were created where, according to the conditions of that time, this was considered necessary. Actually, the same thing is happening now, adjusted for changed socio-economic conditions.

At the same time, there were practically no educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (formerly territories, regions, autonomous regions and districts). And the vast majority of educational institutions of preschool and general education - nurseries, kindergartens, schools - were (and are currently) under the jurisdiction of municipal education authorities.

After changes in the structure of government bodies and management of Russia in April 2004, the federal level of education management is represented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which is the central governing body of education in Russia, and the government bodies under its jurisdiction:

Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks;

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science;

Federal Agency for Science;

Federal Agency for Education.

The structure of education management is shown in Fig. 3.3.

Rice. 3.3. Current education management structure

For educational institutions of federal jurisdiction, a three-tier management structure has been built: from the ministry through the agency to the educational institution. Essentially, the agency is an intermediate link that transmits orders of the ministry to educational institutions through the implementation of individual management functions. Similar transformations in the structure of economic management were carried out before, when main departments (headquarters) were allocated from ministries to manage sub-sectors of the economy.

Then this was regarded as the creation of unnecessary management links, and the central offices were liquidated.

For educational institutions of regional and municipal jurisdiction, a combined two- and three-tier management structure has been created, when there are no intermediate links between the educational institution and the education management body (two-tier) or such a link is represented by the municipal education management body (three-tier). In this case, the question of which structure is “better” is not discussed. As will be shown later, both of them have the right to exist in the established conditions for the functioning of educational institutions and the distribution of responsibilities in the field of education between the levels of government and management.

Taking into account the federal component of education management, a four-tier management structure has been built for educational institutions at the municipal level:

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation → education management body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation → municipal government body → educational institution.

The structure of education management looked somewhat more complex before 1996, when there were two ministries of education at the federal level:

The State Committee for Higher Education of Russia and other ministries and departments managed educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education according to a “two-tier” scheme. At the same time, the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia was the body for the functional management of higher and secondary specialized education;

The Ministry of Education of Russia, according to the “four-tier” scheme, exercised functional management of the remaining educational institutions, being at the same time the governing body of institutions of higher, secondary and primary vocational education (teaching universities, pedagogical schools, vocational schools).

As a result of the merger of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia in 1996, one ministry was created with a large network of subordinate educational institutions, and about 2 thousand organizations were under direct administrative control. At the same time, the Ministry also became a functional management body for the entire education system.

The regional level of education management is represented by departments (ministries, committees, main departments, etc.) of education of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Their main difference from federal bodies is that they, for the most part, do not have educational institutions under their direct jurisdiction, thus exercising primarily functional management of the education system within the region.

It should be noted that the role of regional education authorities is consistently strengthening:

Educational institutions of secondary and primary vocational education located on their territory, previously under the jurisdiction of the federal level, are transferred to the jurisdiction of the subjects of the Federation - in the 2005/06 academic year, 1,199 institutions of secondary vocational education were under the jurisdiction of the subjects of the Federation and municipalities (44.6% of the total number of institutions at this level of education);

There were 48 higher educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the subjects of the federation.

In relation to these educational institutions, regional educational authorities act as higher authorities.

The municipal level of education management is represented by departments of public education (or simply departments of education, the name does not have much meaning), created by the corresponding municipal authorities. These bodies are entrusted with the main burden of managing educational institutions of general education, the bulk of which are concentrated at the municipal level.

In this regard, I would like to note one very important feature of education management. If you look at the management structure, it is easy to see that the bulk of educational institutions belong to the municipal level of management. It is also known that the municipal level in general and municipal government bodies in particular are not public administration. It follows that municipal educational institutions are also not formally state-owned. State guarantees proclaimed by the Constitution are thus implemented through a network of formally non-state educational institutions.

In this structure of education management one can see a discrepancy with the constitutional norm, which must be implemented through a network of state educational institutions.

The presented management structure places very high demands on the interaction between levels and subjects of management, and the distribution of management functions between them.
