Polish language lessons from scratch. How quickly I learned Polish

It is quite possible to master a language like Polish on your own, without turning to teachers for help or attending courses. However, the “do it yourself” option is not for everyone. Why? Because studying Polish language starting from scratch at home will require very high abilities for self-organization - the student himself will need to “work hard” every day, constantly searching for the necessary data, memorizing the material found. If this scares you, it is better to contact a Polish tutor. Those who have such a quality as perseverance, and who really want to achieve the required results as quickly as possible, will definitely succeed.

At the same time, one should not exaggerate, considering that the process of independent learning requires supernatural abilities, and this is just unnecessary “ headache" It also has many advantages - the student is his own “master” - he creates the most convenient schedule for himself, and works as much as he can. The Polish language teacher does not dictate his terms and program to him. You can teach only what, in the student’s opinion, is interesting and necessary for him, he has the opportunity to devote maximum amount time to weak points.

Is it possible to quickly learn Polish at home?

If the previous paragraph “annoys” a beginning polyglot, he should enter the phrase “I’m looking for a Polish language tutor” into a search engine (searching for a teacher via the Internet is convenient because you can find reviews about the person and get acquainted with the opinions of those who have already applied to him for services).

If not, that's just great! After all, another advantage of self-study is significant money savings. You will have to spend money, perhaps, on textbooks. But they can also be found on the Internet.

At the same time, do not forget about the “correct” learning system. If the student is not an outstanding teacher, it is still better to use the expertise of specialists. Without a competent methodology, neither books, nor video lessons, nor audio materials will save a polyglot beginner, and the answer to the question “how to quickly learn Polish at home” in this case will be obvious - no way.

Where can I get the technique? On the same Internet. Exists a large number of thematic sites with courses created using modern techniques, textbooks that can be downloaded for free.

Video tips on how to start learning Polish on your own

Also, at any time, a beginner who has the Internet can communicate with experienced teachers, since learning Polish at home without outside help- it's still very difficult. They will be happy to help him construct sentences, tell him how to correctly pronounce this or that word, etc. All that is required for this is a program such as Skype and a microphone.

Are you asking yourself how to learn Polish at home as quickly as possible? short time? It's very simple - be patient and devote most of your free time to lessons.

What features does this language have:

  • there are a lot of hissing sounds in it. A beginner mastering the speaking part will have to work hard on correct pronunciation.
  • it is characterized by dynamic stress, which, however, in most cases “falls” on the penultimate syllable;
  • Polish pronouns have short as well as full forms;
  • A large number of German and French words “migrated” into this language at one time; it is also “rich” in words from Latin.

Hi all! You are on the Kiev Poland channel. Today I will make a very important and useful video. Today I will tell you how to quickly learn Polish. The principles that I have noted for myself apply not only to the Polish language. I think this can be applied to every language you learn. So everyone, enjoy watching. I hope you take away a lot of useful information from it. Go!

The very first and most important principle with which to start learning any language is a list of frequently used words. Every language has words that provide its basis. If you learn this list, you will be able to easily navigate any area, any topic, etc. Naturally, if you are not a doctor, then you don’t need any specific words, if you are not an accountant, then you don’t need words like “ assets and liabilities". You need words that you will actually use when speaking. My very first piece of advice is to find this list of frequently used words and learn them.

The second thing I want to point out, and what I myself have used, is free courses Polish language. There are foundations in Poland that help foreigners; they offer Polish language courses. You can sign up there and you will learn the language from scratch. If you know nothing at all, then you will start with the alphabet, etc. If you are at the first level, then you will study a little further. In such courses you take a test to determine your level, and, provided they have space, you can attend absolutely free this course. In addition, you may be given a document stating that you completed such and such a course at such and such a level with such and such a fund. You can also take a document stating that you are attending such courses, for example, when receiving a residence card, for study, for a police school, that you are studying here and are staying here for study. I will make a separate video about foundations on how to find them and what they are like. But you should know that there are foundations where you can learn Polish for free. This is the second point that I used when learning Polish.

The third point, which I consider very effective, and which I myself have used, is watching movies or TV. I watched films via the Internet. I found the series Desperate Housewives, which I also watched in Russian. I love this series, I liked it, I found it in Polish. And in order to get used to Polish pronunciation, the Polish language, and learn new words, I started watching the series in Polish. Naturally, in the first episode I didn’t understand a lot of things and just guessed the meaning. And this left a lot in my head, I learned a lot of new words from this series. As you can see, I tried to surround myself with as much Polish as possible. I also found the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession” in Polish in good quality that both Russian and Polish speech could be heard. I probably watched it six times. I tried to catch every word, every sentence, to understand how it was translated, and this also left a lot in my head.

The fourth point, which I think is very important, is reading. As soon as I arrived, I bought myself various books at discounts. It didn’t matter to me what the book was about, I took it different topics, just to learn the language, and I didn’t mind writing in this book. Because I read them like this: I open the book, see a word I don’t understand, open the dictionary, look for the translation and write the translation into Russian above this word. This is the method I used to learn Polish from books. I think reading is very important, because reading is our grammar. Now I write and read even better than I speak.

Next important point, especially for music lovers, this is music. I started listening to Polish music. The thing is, you don't have to strain your brain, it's in the background. You are on the bus, turned on Polish music and listen to the genre that you love. Some people like pop, others rock, and everyone can download music to their liking with Polish words. I listened to disco polo a lot, I got so used to it and still listen to it, because there simple words repeated a million times, cheerful melody.

And finally, I want to tell you the principle with which I had the most big problems, this is speaking Polish. Speak up, don't be afraid! Naturally, you will speak with errors, I also speak with errors. Don't be afraid to do them, talk, talk, talk! The faster you speak the language you are learning, the faster you will learn it. Until you use the language, it lives somewhere in your brain, in the passive, so to speak, then you cannot say that you know the language, because you cannot speak it. This was my problem, I could read and write, but I was afraid to speak. I realized that I was speaking with an accent somewhere and closed my mouth. It took me longer to speak out. Use simple expressions simple sentences. Instead of, for example, “How do I get to the metro?”, “Where is the nearest metro?”, shorten it and say: “Where is the metro?” Just shorten your sentences. Simplify what you want to say with words you already know but say anyway. Because the more you speak, the faster you will remember and adapt to the language. If you have no one to talk to, for example, at work you have little contact with Poles. In my case, there was a little conversation practice. I read, listened to music, watched films, but I had no one to talk to. I took a book or magazine and read it out loud. I tried to put my tongue, let's say, subtracted. At least that or sing songs.

These are the basic principles, let’s say the skeleton of learning any foreign language, which will help you learn a foreign language as quickly as possible. I also think that you need to embrace this idea, try to surround yourself as much as possible with the language you are learning, immerse yourself in the environment of the language. You don't have to be in Poland to immerse yourself in the language. There is some free time– learn a new Polish word. I wish everyone good luck in learning Polish. If you liked the video, subscribe to the channel. See you again!

Poland is a wonderful country to live. This is one of the EU countries where it is easiest to emigrate.

Programmers, designers, photographers and other creative professions who work for themselves have unique opportunity get Residence permit in Poland for 3 years and pay minimal taxes.

Adults can get a new specialty (cook, hairdresser, makeup artist, massage therapist, etc.) at free police schools. Which will give me the opportunity to work in Poland in the future.

People with an entrepreneurial spirit can move to Poland through business immigration.

If you have Polish roots (say thank you to your grandparents), then the Pole's Card is waiting for you. In addition to financial assistance in the amount of 1,400 euros, you will be able to receive a Polish passport in a year.

In addition to providing emigration services, we will help you rent an apartment in Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, etc. One of the investment options is buying real estate in Poland for subsequent delivery through a management company.

Subscribe to our social media networks to find out more:

Translation of an article from the site www.thepolyglotdream.com.

I am often asked the question “Why did you decide to learn such and such a language?” I admit that I do not have a universal answer to this question. I learned each of the languages ​​I speak various reasons and under different circumstances.

How I started learning Polish

If everyone has their own reason for learning a foreign language - subjective and personal, then the question“how to teach”will be of interest to many. Especially for those who plan to study independently and from the basics.

The first thing I did after visiting Poland was buyPolish course from the famous company ASSIMIL, which publishes a series of courses on the study of European and other languages.

I chose this course because it suits my learning method best. foreign languages.

Here are the main advantages of ASSIMIL books:

  • Funny dialogues from life
  • Texts in two languages
  • Phonetics explained
  • Grammar on your fingers
  • Effective exercises
  • Lots of pictures
  • Audio recordings in the target language only

Polish pronunciation - first difficulties

When you just start immersing yourself in another language, everything seems new and unfamiliar.

Regarding Polish pronunciation, two things (both aurally and visually) struck me:nasal sounds and consonant combinations. The nasal sounds were familiar to me since I already spoke French and Portuguese. The nasal “en” in Polish is written like “ę” in the word “węch” (smell).

But I was much more surprised by the combinations of consonants:

Cz, dz, dż, dzi, dż, drz, sz, ść, szc

It won't take you long to learn how to pronounce these sounds individually. But imagine them in a sentence:

“Skąd moge wiedzieć dlaczego przestal pisać do ciebe?”

At first it seems that learning to pronounce all this is almost impossible, but with a certain approach there will not be much difficulty. But more on that in future articles.

Is Polish grammar difficult or easy?

Like any Slavic language, Polish has cases and declensions. But those who know Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian can perceive the meanings of many words even by ear. Learning grammar will also be much easier for them.

Advice: don’t pay too much attention to grammar; it will come latently with the gradual mastery of the language.

Be positive

Although at first glance Polish may seem difficult to master, remember how many people have learned to communicate in it before you. The main thing is the attitude towards the language. I won't say anything new, but regular classes for 20-30 minutes in a few months they will bring such results that you will even be surprised. There is another way - to immerse yourself in a language environment for several months in Poland. If there is such an opportunity, I recommend going.


You can learn to speak Polish in 2-3 months if your native language is included in Slavic group. Watch a video lesson of Polish for beginners.

Hi all! Welcome to my channel!

When we were planning to go to Poland, we did not specifically study Polish. At first I had a small attempt to do something, “Polish for Russians,” I think that’s what it was called. I opened it, as it should be, on the alphabet and when I saw all these letters that were strangely pronounced, which had no analogues in the Russian language, I was horrified, closed it and decided that I’d better leave it, and, having arrived in Poland, I’ll start learning Polish language.

There were a couple of attempts to listen to some Polish speech or some lessons in the Polish language, and for some reason it seemed to me that it was very similar to Ukrainian, and if we came to Poland, we would be able to speak Ukrainian without any problems. But don't be mistaken, please, because the Poles don't understand at all Ukrainian language. We also encountered such a moment, it was like this for us, maybe for someone it was different, but when we were talking with the Poles and literally made a mistake in one letter or made a slightly incorrect emphasis, they absolutely could not understand what you were talking about at all we're talking about.

People of an earlier generation learned Russian in schools. This certainly helped us when we arrived, because older people could at least understand us, not talk, but understand. We were lucky that when we arrived, we met a lot of people from Ukraine and Belarus who speak Ukrainian and Russian. For the first few months, they went with us everywhere and translated everything. We are very, very grateful to them for this.

What helped me learn Polish. Of course, this is communication. We communicated with the Poles several times a week. We didn't finish special courses didn’t go to special schools, just live communication with friends, listened to Polish speech, tried to repeat something. This allowed me, within three weeks, to at least understand what was being said. 70%-80% I have already begun to understand what we are talking about. For two months we listened and tried to say something. My advice to you: don’t be afraid to speak Polish! Ask your friends to correct you if you say something wrong, even if you don't know.

Although everyone has their own capabilities, it is very difficult when learning Polish to immediately start speaking correctly. Practice, practice and more practice! Two months later, we asked our friends to study Polish grammar with us. We took several lessons, but in this course we were recommended a wonderful book called “Zaczynam mówić po polsku”. This book has a wonderful overview of all the grammar. This book is only in Polish. The first two months when we arrived, Polish was already heard a little. We saw Polish signs, there was some communication in Polish in shops and with friends. I resorted to such a wonderful course as Polish in 7 lessons: http://speakasap.com/ru/polish-lesson1.html. I think it will be useful to you.

Of course, when you come to Poland and encounter the language, people, and culture here, it was much easier for me to accept this language and start learning it. I do not have the ability to study foreign languages; for me it is something very difficult. Math is easier for me exact sciences, web design, but in no case languages. This is something very difficult, very difficult for me. As far as I have read different books about learning languages, each person has his own abilities. For some it is easier to perceive by ear, for some it is easier to perceive certain images, for others it is easier to perceive associative thinking. You can read Polish books, watch films in Polish, talk, listen to some dialogues. Find a method that is more optimal and convenient for you. Another very wonderful book on Polish grammar is called “Ten ta to”. Another great course that was recently recommended to us is called “Polish in 4 weeks”. A wonderful book that can be downloaded on the Internet along with audio lessons. The book is based on dialogues on various topics. Dialogues are written that are very easy to understand. Then the grammar is written, and at the end of the word. You listen to the pronunciation, and before your eyes you have it all in written form. You can listen to dialogues on the road by repeating different words, or read on convenient devices.

If you found this video useful, please leave a like and comment! See you again! Bye!

Poland is a wonderful country to live. This is one of the EU countries where it is easiest to emigrate.

Programmers, designers, photographers and other creative professions who work for themselves have a unique opportunity to receive Residence permit in Poland for 3 years and pay minimal taxes.

Of course, the site site is as good as it gets a prominent representative teaching Polish za darmo. But it’s not the only one on the Internet dedicated to the Polish language, and I’m always all for “more is better.” And therefore I suggest you familiarize yourself with good options How to learn Polish online for free.

Polish language: sites for free learning

1) Most best resource For systematic study of level A1, I consider the site Popolskupopolsce. Looking through all his lessons, I learned something that I had someday dreamed of creating myself. May God and Anya grant that I succeed even better.

The site is wonderful! There are all the sounds, clean and well recorded, all the important and necessary topics for the first level. The site provides the opportunity to do exercises and test yourself without sending any tests to anyone, but observing the results immediately. The resource explains the grammar of the Polish language very well, using interactive activities, pictures, buttons, puzzles and much more. Oh, these are probably the best Polish lessons you will ever find online! The site and, accordingly, all the material is divided into 16 blocks, in which a variety of topics are interestingly intertwined, which you do not necessarily study in one lesson in a course or with a tutor. But you can always miss something or come back to something, the entire site is available at any time, because, remember? - it's free online study Polish language, from scratch and basics.

In the first lecture, this cute alphabet immediately catches your eye, as if created specifically for visual learners. And also for auditory learners, because all the pictures, each letter are clickable, you can hear how the letter is read correctly, and what is called in Polish what is pictured next to it.

Convenient and correct tests are a huge plus of the site. You can listen, choose your answer, test yourself, give yourself hints, and clear your answers and try again without reloading the page to do so. And there are a lot of such tests, such and similar ones, where you don’t need to write anything, just choose the correct answers - hello to kinesthetic learners!

And at the end of each lesson there is a section where you must honestly answer the questions posed, and if you have all “yes”, then you remember the lecture perfectly.

The disadvantage of the site is that it is designed only for level A1.

NEW!!! Finally there is a book! Which I'm sure is just great! You can buy it, the price is also good!

2) The second site (not for convenience here, but simply the second one that came to mind) site Polskijazyk.pl.

In my opinion, it is much less convenient than the previous one. First, to access the lessons, you need to register. If you don’t want to do this, then you won’t be able to learn. The lessons themselves look like a PowerPoint presentation that only takes up one-third of the screen, meaning two-thirds are just white fields. And in test tasks I often need to write something for lessons. Also, all explanations and tasks are written in Russian, the Ukrainian button does not work for me, there is no Polish option at all. For some, this is more convenient, but for me, it’s better to immediately immerse yourself in the language, rather than keep bumping into Russian, which only gets in the way. But the material itself is worthy, this site can be another addition to your studies. If someone thought that I was somehow too cool in describing this resource, I’ll say this: the site is generally on this moment does not have any clickable and voiced material, so the PolskiJazyk site is already better in this regard. But I still like the first one better :) Try both and decide for yourself.

3) The next nice resource is Mówić po polsku. For Russian speakers, the disadvantage may be that the explanations there are in English (or German), but if you are already a more or less “advanced user”, you can only pay attention to Polish.

I love that everything here is in video or podcast format. I dream of starting to make videos myself, so I quietly envy those who are already doing it. It also seems to me that the navigation here is very convenient - sites are not always suitable for free study the Polish language can boast of this (why go far - the site cannot boast of this either).
